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11601037 No.11601037 [Reply] [Original]

What is the suggested difficulty for Danganronpa? Does the difficulty affect the storyline at all or which ending you can get?

>> No.11601044

The suggested difficulty is to play a different game.

>> No.11601048

no. and turning up the difficulty doesn't make the cases harder to solve, so there's not much point.

>> No.11601055

I've heard so many mixed opinions about this game.
Is it good or bad? I've heard both.

>> No.11601058

It's good.

>> No.11601061

It's bad.

>> No.11601060

Mystery for babies. It gets mildly interesting at the end.

>> No.11601063

Is there anything that doesn't have mixed opinions?

>> No.11601064

Bad - Great scale? Good
0/10? 6-7/10
Play it on Malicious, it doesn't make the case any harder plot-wise but playing it any lower makes it ridiculously easy.

>> No.11601065

For babies? It's too easy/simple? I've played the Ace Attorney games, how are they compared to those?

>> No.11601071

I guess not. Just I have heard people call it both "terrible" and "amazing", and that I don't hear too often. I'm not sure why I am asking anyway, I don't have a vita so I cant play it. I guess I just wanted to hear more detailed opinions, because I find that interesting.

>> No.11601069
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The only reason anyone even cares about the game

>> No.11601070

I'd wager the statement that Ace Attorney is harder than most cases in DR. The only case in DR I had problems with was surprisingly Celes.

>> No.11601074

Utawarerumono is universally liked, don't you remember?

>> No.11601083

>universally liked

>> No.11601130

What's a snigger?
A candy bar for black people?

>> No.11601164

it's on the original PSP, you can emulate it.

>> No.11601175


>> No.11601186

It's good and a lot of people agreed with that sentiment.Much more hatred now since the translation/anime has birthed quite a horrible fanbase.You know what /jp/'s like, if something develops an awful fanbase this makes the game in question shit too.

>> No.11601204

I can see why someone would like it. But calling it amazing just shows that you have nothing actually good to compare it to.

>> No.11601216

Have you actually played it?

>> No.11601223


>> No.11601417

It's a popular hate target because it has a huge internet and specifically Tumblr fandom.

I haven't played it but it looks cool and I'll get around to it eventually.

>> No.11601419

Far from true. Touhou has one of the worst western fanbases of anything and it is quite notorious for it, and yet /jp/ still loves it.

There is some type moon stuff that is liked here as well

>> No.11601421

Lets face it, Tumblr and it's army of teenagers ruins everything it touches. Just pretend it doesn't exist until it burns itself out.

>> No.11601539

It's actually good at the core (things happen -> you solve them). But the story is shit and the controls are dumb. I guess it depends on what you care about.

>> No.11601964

It's good, but it has a lot of shortcomings, as the cast is surprisingly generic and the story just barely manages to get you to keep playing.

The sequel, on the other hand, is considerably better. Legit 10/10 material in fact.

>> No.11603288

And what a good two reasons it is.

>> No.11603331
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Play it for the characters and story, the cases are too easy to solve, maybe one is hard but just because it breaks some basic mystery novels rules. Don't read this spoiler if you are playing it.
Suicide shouldn't be an option for the reader trying to solve a mystery
That was probably the easiest to me, not counting first because that's just stupidly easy with the numbers.
I'd say difficulty goes like this, from hard to easy:
4th>5th(If you count it, pretty hard to be honest, but most people get this shit spoiled, sadly)>2nd>3rd>1st

>> No.11603380

I loved the game honestly. It had a great sense of mystery and adventure. Wondering who would be the next one to crack kept me interested and the overall question of why you were imprisoned payed off well enough. Characters were good across the board though most of them receive less attention then the main few. Some of the murders were a bit over elaborate.

While it isn't all that hard, the difficultly isn't out of line from other games of this type.

>> No.11603387

Well OP the differences between versions is Junko is the mastermind

>> No.11603392

3/5 - It's alright.

It's a nice enough game but the story is silly, characters are nothing special and some of the actual game sections of it are really poorly done, or at least poorly translated. It's worth playing once but absolutely does not deserve the huge fanbase it has. Sequel might be better but I wouldn't know.

>> No.11603394
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Nope, only the complication of debate. When it comes to Ronpa, Celestia is best of the best.

>> No.11603407

She's cute. I would make royal milk tea for her. However, I prefer Ikusaba Mukuro.

>> No.11603437

It has no effect on the storyline, but I suggest going for the highest difficulty for both. It makes things more intense and fun, and you can just try again if you lose anyways without having to reload anything.
