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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1159422 No.1159422 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /jp/ Have any of you played Ragnarok Battle Offline? I'm having trouble with the expansion installer. It's posting gobbledygook that looks like Japanese but isn't. This is all very frustrating since if I can't get passed this part I can't patch it for English.

>> No.1159433

Is this some doujin RO game?

>> No.1159441

Yes it is.

>> No.1159445

Considering it's a Japanese doujin game though

>> No.1159443

/jp/ - Korea.

>> No.1159447

I've got RBO and all 3 expansions. Do you already have the original RBO installed? Can't install the expansions without the original.

>> No.1159458

Ragnarok is KOREAN.

>> No.1159462

Used to on a 5/5/5 server.

>> No.1159460

Does anyone here play RO? I don't anymore, but I'm curious.

>> No.1159464

This game is proof that Japs can't do anything except steal from Korea.

>> No.1159475


>> No.1159470

What games does /jp/ play? Real games I mean, not touhou or VNs; I'm not trolling.

>> No.1159492


Persona 3

>> No.1159482

Final Fantasy XI.

>> No.1159493
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>Real games
>not touhou
>not trolling

>> No.1159504

None, but I would take something up if I found something I like.

>> No.1159512

Yeah, it's hard.

Supreme Commander, Company of Heroes: OF, Mass Effect (waiting for mods now), Competitive CoD4. And I obligatorily pirated Crysis for when I feel like making myself proud of my thousand-dollar computer.

>> No.1159524

SWR, melty blood, disgaea (2)

>> No.1159521

>Persona 4

>> No.1159534

Metal Gear Online and Battlefield: Bad Company.

>> No.1159546

touhou and VN are real games...if halo and whatnot is your thing then I won't knock it, but I don't play that headset team formation war-sim bullshit

>> No.1159547

Are there any good MMOs /jp/? I want to play an MMO but it seems like everything is bad.

>> No.1159566

>good MMOs

>> No.1159567

>good MMOs

No. That should be an oxymoron by now.

>> No.1159583

Honestly if you like MMOS (unless you are a weeaboo) then you want to stay away from asian shit. The closest you can probably get is playing FFXI with nips but if you want a decent MMO stick with western ones.

>> No.1159577


How about decent MMOs?

>> No.1159578

[ ] Good
[ ] Free

You can only choose one.

>> No.1159585

Never said it had to be free.

>> No.1159588

Yes, I have it installed. What's difficult is it keeps asking the location of the files when I install it ... again ... and again ... and again. Without the ability to read what it's asking I don't know what I'm doing wrong.

>> No.1159590

>[ ] Good
>[ ] MMO


>> No.1159593

/r/ that Cirno wallpaper

>> No.1159597

Lemme see, last games I played were Mass Effect, The Witcher, World in Conflict, R6 Vegas 2. Currently downloading the expansion of Mark of Chaos.

Awaiting DoW2, Fallout 3 and Crysis Warhead.

>> No.1159596


>> No.1159604

If you want a good MMORPG just go with WoW if you haven't already tried it. Of course there are 100 people who say it sucks for everyone who plays but it is pretty addictive and there are never a shortage of players.

>> No.1159606

Or Diablo III, the second one had me hooked for 3 years.

>> No.1159608

i died
this is fun

>> No.1159618

Crysis Warhead? My computer still can't run Crysis and it's 4 months old!

Benchmark game is benchmark

>> No.1159621

If you think dying is fun then you should try Granado espada

I died
I died
I died
I died
I died
I died

Dying isn't as common in WoW as most MMOs i've played though and the death penalties are rather slim.

>> No.1159638


Found an answer there (I simply needed a more refined google search). Apparently it's SUPPOSED to ask you where the file is repeatedly.

Damn Japanese doujin game makers.

When I get it fully patched I'll see if I can't upload it to Media Fire.

Can't find the Cirno Wallpaper on my computer, I'll just pull it off the system folder, gimme a sec.

>> No.1159640

Hell, I'd still take MUDs over most mmo's, atleast they have more quests than 'kill X amount of Y monsters', 'return to me X Y's from Z monster', and my favorite 'return to me X Y's scattered around the area.'
If I want to just kill monsters, I'd rather play something like PSO.

>> No.1159666
File: 53.00 MB, 1280x960, 1219192645430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cirno wall here. I'm 90% certain the original was a .jpg but can't find where I saved it. Saved it in .png so it would be lossless.

I'm pretty sure Anon of Croatia has it as his background too but he probably knows where the original is stored on his harddrive.

Sorry for being a failure.

>> No.1159692

Don't worry, I run it on the lowest quality possible and it still looks great (excluding the grass that is rendered only if you're withing 3 meters).

>> No.1159727


Persona 2, Ace Attorney, Persona 3, Persona 4, Star Ocean, Pokemon (All), etc.

Those are the ones I'm playing currently, anyway.

>> No.1159742


I tried it, and WoW is one of the most generic MMOs I've ever played. I was expecting so much more than what I got. Fuck you.

>> No.1159773

Oh god don't remind me... I left at around lvl 90 since it was taking me ages to gain a level afterwards especially when im afk grinding... Though I had to admit, the music was damn good.

>> No.1159784


>> No.1159826
File: 35 KB, 200x200, 1219194401209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's still and always has been about UO, guys.

>> No.1159829

Dawn of War: Dark Crusade
Subterranean Animism
Imouto Petto ~Repure~
Scarlet Weather Rhapsody

Waiting for: SWR 1.03, Dawn of War 2 (TYRANIDS, FUCK YEAH!)

>> No.1159830
File: 419 KB, 927x1500, 1219194486829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, lol wapanese.

>> No.1159839

UO could be rewritten to be the new Elona!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.1159858


>> No.1160335

Tyranids FINALLY in DoW2? Can you confirm this?

>> No.1160354


And once DoW2 comes with it's shiny buggies, everybody will bitch because it wasn't what they wanted. Seriously, they're either going to be overused by some annoying group of people, or they're underpowered or something.

>> No.1160367

Why they are so bald?

>> No.1160372
File: 43 KB, 579x540, 1219201524197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trickster Online

>> No.1160414


Shin Megami Tensei Online Imagine.

Hope you can read & speak Japanese.

>> No.1160424

I wanted to play that too since I love SMT (Except for the Persona games) but the Japanese language requirement is extremely high...

>> No.1160430


>> No.1160444

Underageb& detected.
