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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 332 KB, 480x241, E-5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11589042 No.11589042 [Reply] [Original]

EVENT DURATION: 20 DAYS Starting Nov.1

Previous Thread: >>11580871

English Wiki

Must reads
FAQ: http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Tutorial:_FAQ
Tutorial: http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Tutorial:_How_to_Play
Guides: http://pastebin.com/jvTQfLqb

Japanese Wikis

Detailed Battle Mechanics (wikiwiki): http://goo dot gl/FUMcz
Kancolle Vita: http://www.kancolle-vita.com/
Voice Clips, Room Deco Pv, Game Sprites: http://www51.atpages.jp/kancollev/

Also, please be considerate with those screencaps. At least delete them when they're not relevant anymore.

To non-/jp/-regulars: /jp/ has its own standards for posting. It would be greatly appreciated if you could follow them. These include, but are not limited to discouraging the use of most emoticons and proper use of the quoting function (don't use it for bullet points: greentexting).

>> No.11589054

Anyone know if October ranking will lead to awards given out at all? There's been no word about that at all/

>> No.11589066

Is the one armor difference between Iku and Goya really that much? Goya doesn't give a shit when she gets hit in 2-3 but Iku loses like half her health.

>> No.11589078

It usually takes a week or two.
August one took 14 days because of the event.

>> No.11589104

My Iku gets moderately damaged as well for some odd reason. Or maybe I should just blame the RNG.

>> No.11589118

The strange thing for me is that Lvl50 -60 is this period where the subs are constantly critted. My Imuya had a hard time through this phase, and my Iku is running through it.

>> No.11589198

Same here, Imuya and goya can last a while but Iku tends to lose a half of her HP when hit

>> No.11589266
File: 144 KB, 292x313, truk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pvp reset. Admirals on Truk are fucking cunts.

>> No.11589275

Is it just me, or is Kongou being crit magnet in E-4? Everytime I retreat, it's because she gets orange or even red in one hit.

>> No.11589277

He's probably doing some sort of sub-run bullshit, not deliberately fucking you over. Check again in a half hour and see if the levels have gone up.

>> No.11589310

So what's the ideal support fleet for E5? I'm guessing CVs + Kongous?

>> No.11589316

How does emergency repair kit differ with full repair kit from E3?

>> No.11589320 [DELETED] 

This game is garbage. The characters (the only reason to play the game - you certainly wouldn't for the 'gameplay') are shitty little sprites with no personality whatsoever.

This game and its popularity is another example of the 'social gaming' trend. Take a budget, spend 40% making a game, 60% marketing it, and you'll have a community so big that people will play it simply because it's the 'in' thing to do, despite it being shit.

Same deal with Touhou and plenty of Western games like League of Legends, WoW, etc.

>> No.11589329
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It's everywhere.

>> No.11589330

I don't even know why you fish for responses when you just ignore them afterwards.

>> No.11589331
File: 402 KB, 543x600, 38376163_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep missing out on registration hours. I haven't seen anything in the past few days.

Does anyone know the next time they're letting people in?

>> No.11589340

Well, everyone's been disdaining you for weeks now, so I expect it to start working anytime.

>> No.11589333 [DELETED] 


The best remedy for dumbshits is disdain.

>> No.11589337


>> No.11589339

Looks like a nice game, is there a translation going on for it?

>> No.11589341

I would do the same if I could beat the nightmare that is E4, running 4 subs has to be the best thing ever.

>> No.11589348
File: 56 KB, 596x319, based tawitawi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am sorry to see that you guys are put on the same server with cunts.
There is 2guy putting up ktkm and akagi only for free xp. The second last guy has kongou and 4lvl1 DDs and the last dude has a E4 fleet.

>> No.11589351

I still don't know which 雷電 is which

>> No.11589357
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Thanks, but I've been following the Twitter and I guess I haven't been vigilant enough.

Also, I don't into moon very well and they've been posting about server issues a lot the past few days and the times posted keep throwing me off. I wasn't sure if I'd missed something.

So there is no posted signup period as of now?

I appreciate the exclusivity but this shit is ridiculous.

>> No.11589358

Mine isn't so bad, I'm on Tawi Tawi server.

>> No.11589360

I'm on the same server too, and just sparkle my fleets from three pvp match with single or two ship main. Based Tawi Tawi indeed.

>> No.11589361

雷 = happy and cheerful
電 = shy and always go wawawawawawa/nanodesu

>> No.11589362

Please my fleet, shoot the one that's same order to you, not the one that's late or the one that has attacked.

It's very annoying when my fleet ignores the CAs in front only to shoot them later at 5th or 6th turn.

>> No.11589364

November 6th.

>> No.11589367

Inazuma doesn't wear pantyhose, which is a shame.

>> No.11589371

Next lottery is in three days, the event is causing things to be slow.

>> No.11589393

So will 3 CA, 2 BB, and 1 KTKM at about level 30-40 be enough for E2? Or do I need to raise my Shimakaze as well?

>> No.11589406

Not sure the BB's are a good idea. I would try with two DD's instead, with everyone except KTKM having the double-attack.

>> No.11589414


Kaminari has the hairclip.

>> No.11589416

Just burned 5k ammo and only 1 sanshikidan to show for it. Used 10/90/60/30 and 10/90/90/30 with kongou kai 2 hq 68. Am I just unlucky or do I need a different recipe?

>> No.11589421

Hmm ok, I guess I need to start leveling them for 3-2 anyway.

>> No.11589422

Will having about 20k of resources in each be enough for E4? As the boss regenerates, I am worried if I am able to finish him off. My E4 fleet averages around lvl 70.

>> No.11589423

Anything will be good enough for E2. It's an exercise in luck, fleet composition matters little beyond "no CV/CVL, double attack on everyone". Also, it will be much, much easier if you put repair kits on your most frequently targeted ships and keep pushing on with moderate damage. You probably won't use them up, which is great because the same strategy works on E4 but with a much greater potential of sinking.

I found a BB on the fourth slot to be a good idea, since they sometimes take cut-ins with only minor damage.

>> No.11589426

Some people have reported a loss of 30k or 40k, some even completed E-4 under 8k. It's all about luck and unit composition.

>> No.11589427

It depends too much on your luck, it can take anywhere from 10k or 50k.

>> No.11589431
File: 311 KB, 425x600, 37347764_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you. You don't happen to have the time, do you?

I swear to God I'm not usually such a babby but I just want in already.

>> No.11589440

Seriously, how do you pass that hell called E-4?

>> No.11589445

If you have a sub there is no need to worry about repair hammer since everyone besides the boss will target your sub.

>> No.11589446

Put damage control on everyone (or 4 ships if you only have the starting/E3 ones) and ram into the boss constantly regardless of damage. Every hit counts.

When the bar is depleted, you go in with a full CA/BB team and Type-3 on everyone.

>> No.11589451

"No CV/CVL" is bad advice. People are way too caught up in the night battle aspect of the map.

Having a CV in the sixth slot works wonders in forcing a day battle which is what most people who are failing to damage the boss need to do. Whether or not you're stopped before you reach the boss is always decided before you reach the sixth slot anyway. The only downside is it's marginally more expensive.

>> No.11589455

I miss starting the boss at night battle. Now I have to make sure my CAs survive the day before going red.

I wonder if cheesing it with subs is easier

>> No.11589456

I only managed to get into boss nodes three times, and during the last 2 times I spend two emergency repair already.

How do you even beat the boss when I have to retreat from the first node everytime?

>> No.11589459

The practice rosters update levels in real time? It hasn't gone up at all.

>> No.11589460

I think E-4 may be the worst thing I've faced so far.
Besides getting randomly crit'd to red on the way by random CAs and CLTs hence forcing me to retreat; I feel I just can't take down that bloody boss.
With the 7 boss battles I've done so far, only 3 (lucky strikes on the boss during night battle) actually produced results, every single time. Girls focusing on creeps and ignoring boss while not leaving enough to force day battle...
I feel I'm at the end of my wits, seeing my resources depleting faster than the boss health bar is driving me in a mental corner.

I'm still fighting against myself to not inconsiderately expose my girls to danger but I fear my will is vanishing even faster than my fuel reserves.

I've seen what this event has done to many of us and I don't want to join these crestfallen admirals (I mean no offense to them) ranks, yet I still feel myself drifting towards becoming a monster.

btw fleet composition:
- Kitakami 81 (20.3cm / 15.5cm / midget sub)
- Haruna 90 (46cm / 46cm / san-shiki / damage control)
- Kongou 91 (46cm / 46cm / san-shiki / damage control)
- Yukikaze 62 (56cm torp. / 10cm / damage control)
- Shimakaze 62 (61cm 5x torp / 10cm / damage control)
- Atago 60 (20.3cm / 15.5cm / san-shiki / damage control)
I might just replace one of the DD with Nagato (46cm / 46cm / san-shiki / whatever) for the decisive battle but it feels so far...

On a brighter note I've dropped 5 Kirishima and 4 Yamashiro, couples of CVLs... not that that would actually help me of whatsoever...

> getting trolled on the way to the boss
> facing boss in pristine condition yet fail to deal it damage and fail to force day battle
> wasting resources into support expedition
> brb leveling up Naka-chan to 99 and kan-kan'ing everybody else (or do anything as just stupid to appeal to the fickle RNG goddess)
> on my way to mental suicide and joining the enemy fleet ranks

>> No.11589465

I don't know, I had no problems sinking the boss within a few tries. There are the unlucky folk who had to attempt a dozen to finally pull it off, but they're at the far end of the bell curve.

Besides, a CV might prevent a night battle boss kill in the same way that it may enable a day battle. There's no guarantee your ships won't take out the elites right off the bat. Maybe bring two if you really swing that way.

>> No.11589483

Destroyers can't hit the boss with their torpedoes, so equip double attack on them or switch for CAs with sanshiki/15.5 (a lot better). Other than that it's pretty much 100% luck if you can sink her or not.

>> No.11589480

CV is a waste of resources and also subjected to luck.
Your DD/CLT can just decide to blast the two elite escorts and you will fail. Drop the BB and go with 2CA + 4torpedos.
CA is guarantee to 1shot the boss with their combo attack.

>> No.11589544 [SPOILER] 
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E-5 tips from Futaba.

>> No.11589556
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>oil/fuel: 8000~40000

>> No.11589570

From what I've seen in the threads, most people take around 20k.

>> No.11589592
File: 665 KB, 794x480, raperoom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still need the windows with bars on them yet.

>> No.11589600

Did you guys always sparkle everyone for E4?

>> No.11589603

Finally depleted the health gauge by half. Current bill: 12k/7k/12k/0.

>> No.11589605

So /jp/. What have you gotten with your E3 furniture fairy? Teaset for my kongou feels good.

>> No.11589611

Saving it for any new items added down the line.

>> No.11589615

Did they check to see if there's any special equipment that could do bonus damage the same way sanshiki does to E-4? Right now Kongo rarely does higher than 50 damage during day battle the off chance she hits the boss.

>> No.11589624

Do you guys prefer to go all in horizontal at the boss or diamond hoping for day battle for E4?

>> No.11589647

Vertical all day every day.

>> No.11589653

Compared to E-2 suffering,E-3 is a piece of cake.

>> No.11589662

Don't think they did.

>> No.11589675

I see screenshot of people using sanshiki at E5

>> No.11589679

Do you use vertical as well for pre boss nodes? Double bars doesnt look like its helping.

>> No.11589688

Seems worth it. I'm sparkling everyone for my E-3 farm runs now and no one eats crits anymore, so I'm not wasting buckets and fuel. Instead I'm drowning in Jintsu, Tama, Junyo, and Mochizuki. Okay, I can't be too negative. I did get Sazanami on one of the event maps. Anybody get any good drops at all during this stupid thing?

>> No.11589695


>> No.11589712

Any formation to reach the boss node in E-3?
I tried 「CLx1 BBx1 CVx2 CAx2」 but i got send to node H...

>> No.11589722

Guy looks like his having fun. That's a shame, this event is just plain frustrating for me.

I run a CV, CV, CVL, BB, CLT, CLT team and only got diverted once out of 7 tries. I think having the 2 CV is the key so you're fine.

>> No.11589733

I just sent a fleet for 110 Support expedition.

Now this will activate when I reached a boss node in Ex,right?

>> No.11589728

I should start rubbing my girls' cheeks too.

>> No.11589745

How does CV CV CVL BB CLT CLT compare to CV CV CA BB CLT CLT?
I dont mind burning bauxite but I see most people just run 2CV instead of 2CV+1CVL

>> No.11589753

Not much difference, you should be going to the boss node 9/10 times, don't worry about it. I only use a CVL so I can clear those pre-boss nodes with planes. I'm too cheapskate to use support expeditions, you know?

By the way, I've seen people using 6 CV as well.

>> No.11589761

Yeah. Basically I just want to make it through to the boss nodes with less amount of damage.
Having more blue planes is always good.

>> No.11589767
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>> No.11589776

just unlucky. I got two in about 20 attempts.

Or maybe I'm just lucky.

>> No.11589783

What a pitiful fleet. Delete the picture please you shitty admiral.

>> No.11589803

Why are they so sad?

>> No.11589810

Trying to do E4 and it makes me go SW half the time, this fucking game.

>> No.11589811

Whoever suggested outfitting for double attacks on E-2, thanks. That was hilariously effective.

>> No.11589816

At least you could pass through F node.

>> No.11589822

Because it was their first time

>> No.11589825

Damage control equipped on all but flagship, so I try to go to the boss node anyway if one or two of my girls are in red/orange.

>> No.11589837

I only have three left, and still those assholes shoot the one who doesn't have any.

>> No.11589896

This is me.

In E2, I got no air help.
Do support expedition and sortie itself has to be simultaneous?

>> No.11589924 [SPOILER] 
File: 104 KB, 788x343, kancollebot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone posted a bot/macro for Kancolle on Futaba.

>> No.11589931
File: 61 KB, 519x853, ss (2013-11-04 at 12.59.43).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any smart admiral would not do anything that could prevent them from seeing their ship daughters forever.

>> No.11589941

Using a public macro is pretty much the fastest way to get banned. If you really want to set up a bot, make it yourself.

>> No.11589946

How did they write a bot for 3-2-1?
What if the sub sink?

>> No.11589948

For God's sake, attack to the top first, not the bottom, damnit.

>> No.11589949

Did you get to the day battle? The support team will only cut in for day battle, and yeah, you have to sortie at the same time.

>> No.11589961

Thank you.

One of my kanmusu critted the boss, suddenly I got into the day battle.

In E3, support fleet will be the first to fire upon the enemy I take it.

Not that I needed any help from 2CV+2CVL full sparkled.

>> No.11589986 [DELETED] 

>me musumes crit boss
>day battleeeeeeeeeeeeee
>support not needed
>blog on 4chan

>> No.11590005

I know fatigue affects performance a lot, but damn, didn't expect my tired E-4 fleet lost with C score against sub-20 fleet full of DDs.

>> No.11590010

Alright, finally got an Ooi after grinding on 2-4 for abit, now I can level up my girls for the E-4 attempt. 2 CLT, 2CA, and 2 Kongou should be good for E-4 right?

>> No.11590011 [DELETED] 

>/jp/ is not your blog, shitposting dump, travel advisor or personal translation service.

Considering this entire thread consists of crossboarders, I'm not surprised, though.

>> No.11590031

People are gonna call you an elitist scumbag shoehorning your jackassery everywhere as their defence.

I've long gotten tired of their shit and somewhat had autofiltered those posts.

>> No.11590033
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E-4 suicide fleet spotted.

>> No.11590038

Yeah, it's gotten pretty bad, Nothing that can be done about it, so I'm taking it easy.

>> No.11590039

Lets get to the more important matters then.

wich kanmusu wud u fck?

>> No.11590036

How does that even work? Won't they get obliterated by the second node?

>> No.11590037 [DELETED] 

Not my fault you're wrong.

>> No.11590041

I wonder if I should do the same for E5.

>> No.11590044
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Claw towards that dream.

>> No.11590047

Welp /jp/, I was this close to beating E-4 and I got fucked over by a series of bad RNG spins. I'm nearly out of resources and I can do nothing but despair as the HP regenerates. I guess it's time for me to pack up and go home.

>> No.11590048

One emergency repair for that Kirishima is enough.

>> No.11590052

How much did that fun cost you?

>> No.11590054

How does it work? pray and hope that the Kongous will target the boss?

>> No.11590056 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11590060 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11590062 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11590063

All 20k each of my fuel and ammunition. It was really close, I got her health below 20%, and suddenly, bad crits forcing retreats and compass shenanigans. I'm kind of at a loss now and getting tired., and out 80 buckets.

>> No.11590065 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11590066

Oh, one down.

>> No.11590067

What composition were you using for your fleet?

>> No.11590069

Well you could save up I guess. There's still about two weeks which should allow you to stockpile enough for another go.

>> No.11590070 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11590072 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11590073

inb4 image limit in an hour

>> No.11590075 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11590078 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11590080 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11590082 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11590087 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11590089 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11590090

If I send a submarine on a support epedition, will the expedition count her torpedo as an attack or will she be deadweight?

>> No.11590094 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11590093
File: 352 KB, 707x1000, 8a1c02317320726f0a5dd151abda8cad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather this instead of seeing people blog about how RNG hates them.

>> No.11590099 [DELETED] 
File: 443 KB, 1000x1000, 15b7a00383869f3642e68fd1dd88189e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11590100

Alright, go on then. Please continue for around 120 posts. Not that I hate it, anyway.

>> No.11590102

So, how many runs of E-3 did it take you guys until you got an Agano?

>> No.11590103 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11590108 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11590111

I like this artist's Ushio, such an endearing little autist.

>> No.11590112 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11590114 [DELETED] 
File: 2.34 MB, 1240x1754, 7f3de247beba438c1d877abce39ca46d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11590115

Ushio has always been my favourite destroyer. She's cute as fuck.

>> No.11590117 [DELETED] 
File: 43 KB, 769x472, 8fc131741eb1bd7f0bc2f55fa508245c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11590119

Now that you mention it, I never thought of Ushio as a very smart girl.

Also what's with the danbooru kancolle dump? Did we unanimously decide that we had enough of posting images in the thread, so someone is getting rid of all of it at once? Or am I actually on /c/?

>> No.11590120 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11590123 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11590124

Nah, just leave the autist as he is now. I also need to compile my Kancolle folder.

>> No.11590125

Some guy trying to save the thread.
I don't dislike it, if only he would sage too.

>> No.11590126

I'm only in for the oppai loli, didn't use her outside of expeditions though.

I'll just take it easy and wait for everything to blow over like I always do.

>> No.11590130 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 472x472, cd7516ab8dca8021320d8ce384fd645f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11590135

Just one person sick of how bad the threads have recently become.

Though I'd much rather see this than one person's E-2 fleet setup for the hundredth time.

>> No.11590136 [DELETED] 
File: 1.64 MB, 1680x2240, d756f3c8dce65b20ef6fab46d41b7ebb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11590139

You can go to pixiv or a booru then.

>> No.11590140

I thought everyone here has already passed that stage.

>> No.11590141 [DELETED] 
File: 707 KB, 1100x1287, 14a6bd3ab8261d0acffdc65ae41540e2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11590142

I thought its a response to this >>11590011

>> No.11590143 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11590144

Those posts are samefag.

>> No.11590145
File: 503 KB, 1400x840, 38316563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What makes you think I don't have both open in another tab?

>> No.11590150 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11590152

With a fleet average level of 55, I still wonder why I can't even reach the E2 stage boss even once.

The RNG goddess surely havent bless me for like a week.

>> No.11590154 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11590162

Probably is, but I still did question Ushio's mental capacity. She did give that clutzy big-breasted impression on me.

>> No.11590158

You have a proper fleet combo? Or are you just talking about the random crits and such? That can't be helped if that's your problem.

>> No.11590159

Worst sisters. Fusou-class is much better.

>> No.11590161 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11590163

/r/ing Kancolle-Pacific War pls

>> No.11590164 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11590165 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11590167

Meh, could you at least dump raws. At least they would be of some use.

>> No.11590168 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11590170 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11590175

That Touhou butthurt spammer won't have any.

>> No.11590174 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11590178 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11590184

That random crits and such.

1 BB 1 CA 2 CL and 2 DD, I am sure that is a proper fleet.

>> No.11590181 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11590188

Just keep trying then. It's just a matter of tenacity.

>> No.11590186 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11590191 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11590194

Anyone from server 11 (Tawi Tawi) experiencing really bad lag/connection errors?

>> No.11590195 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11590196

Put a sub in there to solve your problem.
55 is way overleved for it.

>> No.11590197 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11590200 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11590198

Occasional disconnects, and by that I meant I only DCed once today, but I assumed it to be due to running torrents and perfect dark at the same time.

>> No.11590204 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11590207 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11590217

Currently grinding my Goya at 4-4 while at the same time hope to clear the 25% left of the boss.

Anyway since there are no pre emptive torpedo strike I guess I can cut on the number of the CL by 1, right?

Thank you for the supports!

>> No.11590215 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11590221 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11590226

Grinding sub in 4-4? We have a fucking genius here.

>> No.11590224 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11590229

>grinding sub
So you have higher repair time?
Just cycle through all your sub. You will make it through to the boss node 50% of the time.

>> No.11590227 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11590234


>> No.11590235 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11590243 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11590252 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11590257 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11590260 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11590270 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11590273 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11590274

I see no problem doing this. Why not?

Care to enlighten me?

>> No.11590277 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11590279

I want to remodel so I can equip two turbines.

>> No.11590280 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11590282 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11590285 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11590284


>> No.11590286 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11590289 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11590295 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11590300 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11590306 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11590312 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11590317 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11590324 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11590325 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11590331 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11590334 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11590339 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11590336

Anyone from server 8 here?

>> No.11590337

p.s. what you're doing here is pointless, I'll just create a new thread once you'll hit the image limit.

>> No.11590345 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11590341

For those guys dumping images, do you happen to have one where it's about this Wo-class slapping one of the kanmusus (chibi forms)? I remember seeing it once before in the past threads, but can't for my life remember where exactly.

>> No.11590346


>> No.11590349 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11590354

Ssshhh. Don't disturb the autist.

>> No.11590352 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11590355 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11590362 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11590364 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11590366 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11590370 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11590373 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11590377 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11590382 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11590386 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11590389
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>> No.11590392
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>> No.11590397
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>> No.11590394
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Reminder that Akatsuki died right in front of Ikazuchi and Inazuma seconds after turning on her searchlights in night battle in Ironbottom Sound. I wonder if having a 100% historical fleet will lead you to the boss every time? They already have that thing with two Kongos.

>Only a few seconds passed after the Akatsuki's searchlight pierced the night before every ship on both sides opened fire at nearly the same time. Akatsuki drew much of the attention of the US ships due to her lit searchlight, and no more than three minutes after her light was first flipped on, Akatsuki was decimated by fire from the Destroyers USS Laffey and USS O'Bannon, and Cruiser fire from USS Atlanta, USS San Francisco, USS Portland, and USS Helena. Torn to shreds by the 5, 6 & 8-inch shells raining down on her from nearly point-blank range, the Akatsuki suffered a massive explosion which blew the ship apart at roughly this location at approximately 0145hrs on November 13th, 1942.

>The explosion onboard killed all but eight of her crew of 197.

>> No.11590412
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While I still have roughly 25k, I'm now demotivated to continue doing that E-4. All my effort is just becomes useless.

>> No.11590422

Don't drop it midway you idiot. Finish it even if it costs you all of your resources.

>> No.11590423

What formation are you using?

>> No.11590434

What's an easy map to finish the "kill-carrier" weekly? I tried 3-2, the node after the steel node almost wrecked havoc on my fleet.

>> No.11590438

Between diagonal and horizontal, though I don't see any difference. Tried vertical also, which surprisingly as effective as those two.
I just lost my hope, I've spent almost 10 hours playing it, and the furthest I could do is half of the gauge. Plus, almost 25 tries without stepping into the boss node is damn demoralizing.

>> No.11590442

2-1, you get groups of 2-3 carriers at each end node and they're piss easy.

>> No.11590443

2-3 sub run

>> No.11590447

Will give it a try later, thank you.

>> No.11590450

I'm nearly out of everything, and the boss is nearly dead. Do it, you faggot. True despair is when you're in my situation.

>> No.11590453
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>> No.11590456
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>> No.11590459
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>> No.11590462
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>> No.11590461

1-4. Less compass troll. Lots of weaker CVLs.
But with three subs, 2-3 is much easier these days.

>> No.11590466

Was considering 2-3, but I remembered how they won't really kill off the Carriers unless I get lucky; so I just sort of dismissed the idea.

>> No.11590467
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>> No.11590468
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>> No.11590469

What. They kill the CVLs all the time. 2-3 sub runs are something you just spam over and over again so it's not that hard to complete the quest using sub runs.

>> No.11590471

I'm hated badly by RNG in this map. Even I sometimes could predict 'this ship will attack this, not this' or 'oh, this will give cut-in attack to this', so I'm just helpless.

I'm still doing it for a few hours until I go to bed, though not as enthusiast as before and I really doubt I will make any damage to boss. I'm tempted to put suicide boat but no, that would be cruel.

>> No.11590472
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>> No.11590473

I always find vertical the way to go in night battle maps.

>> No.11590475
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>> No.11590476

Mine either does chip damage or misses them completely all the time. They aren't underleveled either, all averaging around 60 with 8 and 19 being 50-ish.

>> No.11590482

Look at this guy and be motivated.

>> No.11590478

When all you can do is praying that enemy won't give cut-in attack, I doubt it makes any difference

>> No.11590480
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>> No.11590483

It does when you miss less.

>> No.11590484

They 1shot light carrier, transport ship and cruisers like nothing.
Maybe you should bring all 3subs into the sortie.

>> No.11590485
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>> No.11590486
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>> No.11590488

I equip mine with torps so maybe that's the deciding factor.

>> No.11590491
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>> No.11590495
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>> No.11590493

Of course, when the attack is directed to those CAs or BBs, not the ship at the bottom of the order.

>> No.11590496

Ah, good point. Mine has both slots occupied with turbines. Will try again afterwards with 2 torpedoes on them instead.

>> No.11590498
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>> No.11590499

Less than 10k resources with not even Kongou-Kai2? No, that only worsening my part, the RNG just hates me.

>> No.11590504

It's your fleet and item setup I guess.

>> No.11590501
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>> No.11590505
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>> No.11590510
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>> No.11590512
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>> No.11590513

I agree, 25 consecutive runs of nothing means something is probably wrong. He also stops at the first node very often when there's only one fleet composition that is somewhat scary in the first node.

>> No.11590516
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>> No.11590517

BB: 2 46cm, one Type 3, one turbine
CA: 2 20.3cm, one Type 3, one turbine
DD: 10cm green, torpedo, turbine
CL: 2 20.3cm, one radar/turbine
SS: 2 torpedo

Usually I put 2 BBs, 1/2 CA, 1 CL or 1 DD. In past 10 tries I put Goya as flagship, but that barely changed anything.
The one with elite CA? Sure, I got that 5 times in a row.

>> No.11590522

Isnt the trick just red gun/yellow gun/sanshiki/repair item?
I think the problem with you guys is fear and retreating whenever there is a ship at orange.

>> No.11590520
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>> No.11590526
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>> No.11590527

If you retreat when one of your ship is orange, yes, it will take you forever to clear E-4

>> No.11590523

Forgot my CLT setup. Same like my SS plus one turbine (even KTKM-sama has that 53cm torpedo)

>> No.11590525

Have you thought about using throwaway fleets? No, it's not a joke. When you don't care about ships sinking things might go your way. You save on fuel/ammo too, what's to lose?

>> No.11590529
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>> No.11590534
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>> No.11590532

I have 'no casualties' policy in my admiralty. Sure, I might be able to finish E-5, but I'd rather goes back and keep my fleet intacted.

>> No.11590536
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>> No.11590540
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>> No.11590541

People use damage control for a reason.
Turbine does not stop enemy ships from doing cut-ins.

Retreat if any ship is red before 3rd node, will keep your usage of damage control to below 2.

>> No.11590546
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>> No.11590547
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>> No.11590550

Damage controls are the Repair Crew/Goddess right?

>> No.11590551
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>> No.11590552
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>> No.11590557

Spent 3 already, now I have 2 emergency and 1 full. The problem is, my enemy knows who holds it and who doesn't.

>> No.11590558
File: 111 KB, 800x480, despair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The gauge have been empty for the last 5 hours, I've sunk about 20k fuel over this time and RNG fucked me every bloody boss battles.
I lost the count of how many times I downed it under 20 hp for the last BB (46x2 + sanshiki) hit for even less than that be it day or night...

Of course RNG trolling doesn't only include boss battles, (even non elite) creeps randomly bringing my 9x BBs into red with a bloody cut-in also made me want to send the guy who designed this map into the bottom of the ocean.

At least I've been consistently going to the boss.

>> No.11590559
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>> No.11590563
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>> No.11590565

Have you tried using 15.5cm's instead?

>> No.11590564
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>> No.11590568 [DELETED] 

Well, since you don't want to resort to drastic measures and prefer to do it normally, you ought to try again after a week, give up or resort to pic related.

>> No.11590567
File: 106 KB, 715x1400, 09d4a94beb06d1e71bb980ccb5eb74bd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11590570
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>> No.11590571
File: 948 KB, 1600x1200, credit-cards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, since you don't want to resort to drastic measures and prefer to do it normally, you ought to try again after a week, give up or resort to pic related.

>> No.11590572
File: 729 KB, 920x1200, 8264dc6fbf39369320f544db9378358b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11590575
File: 579 KB, 737x983, 039e63ea8a8ccf7e45e3a6457d94afa6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11590576
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>> No.11590577
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>> No.11590580
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>> No.11590578

the CAs already one shot everything there is to kill with that setup so it'll only hurt my BB if they decide to take a shot at the boss but I appreciate the suggestion

>> No.11590582
File: 62 KB, 605x1029, a1f23b52168aeeaf28f5c93491bde38c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11590586

That's one alternative I really consider. I still have remaining 200 free points for 1 fairy, and I could afford to buy some. Could VPN fuck my account during my purchase? I heard stuff related to that.

>> No.11590584
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>> No.11590587
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>> No.11590590
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>> No.11590592
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>> No.11590594
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>> No.11590597

Finally image limit! Yay!

>> No.11590596
File: 92 KB, 350x539, 38791369_p6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11590606

Any bets on who will illustrate this week's end-card illustration for Arpeggio? It was Shibafu for Ep1 and Konishi for Ep3, for reference.

>> No.11590612

Shizuma, most probably. Could also be Ark Performance themselves drawing Kancolle girls.

>> No.11590622

Anyone know whats the difference between Emergency repair personnel and Emergency repair goddess from E3? Or they do the same thing?

I cant make sense from wiki wiki.

>> No.11590625

Something about Kancolle artists being underpaid.

>> No.11590628

Read the description for the Goddess again. I bet you didn't even try and just wanted to be spoonfed. Dirty pleb.

>> No.11590627

The former will resurrect the ship to their latest health, the latter to full health.

>> No.11590631

This is my translation:
Top version of Damekon (damage control) group.
With a minimum of damage fatal by combat ship daughter, as well as protect from the (lost) Gochin an important ship daughter,
when activated, and all recover of supplies such as fuel, ammunition and durability of Dokan daughter You give me that,
Damekon supreme over-technologies like goddess exactly!
(It will disappear with exercise)

I guess its implying that but some confirmation is nice.

>> No.11590633

Finally after 35 failed attempt, I passed the third node...only then directed to southwest. Alright, I'm done with this map.

>> No.11590637


I laughed.

>> No.11590662

I don't think they'll achieve any improvements in the future.
This franchise already has plenty of great fanart, so they could just hire so more fan-artists to do the work.

>> No.11590673

He's now a part of a franchise with a million players. I bet he'll be very well off in the long run.

>> No.11590675

They can go the way of Mikoto Akemi and design characters for VNs.

>> No.11590722

If you were going to lose your mind over how too many people are discussing KanColle in the KanColle thread you could at least have posted fanart all of us haven't seen a hundred times before. I hope you're looking forward to another 16 days of 'blogging' as much as I am, because it's kind of hard to discuss your experience with the game without mentioning your experiences with the game. It's not like you've even accomplished anything when people can just use off-site image hosting.

>> No.11590726

Fuck E-2. Fuck the devs.

>> No.11590766

Should i remodel Iku?

>> No.11590797


Calm down, read the wiki even page (the tips there are surprisingly accurate), sparkle your ships and try again.

>> No.11590805


Do you want to use her for training rotations? Do you think increased evasion, torpedo stat and second item slot compensates for 2x+ (because of larger HP pool if brought to 1hp) repair time increase?

>> No.11590809



Because honestly, if we take away "blogging" "fanwanking" "roleplaying" as the shitposters like to call them, what do we have left to discuss? I know 100th E2 fleet comp might be a bit stale but not everyone watches and posts in this thread 24/7.I'd rather have posts like that than an empty thread... or shitposting.

>> No.11590812

Yep, anything else just felt like a waste of time

>> No.11590813

Their art was commissioned for a mediocre webgame with an expected fifty thousand players. I doubt there's any sort of royalty cut involved.

>> No.11590821

Not worth it teitoku!

>> No.11590825

I haven't seen anyone complain about "fanwanking" so far except when people get mad about Shimakaze vagina obsession, and the only one who cares about "roleplaying" has been a few throwaway posts by the super autist.

>> No.11590840

Do it.
You get tons of throwaway imuya to use as training fodder. Fucking E3 drops imuya everywhere while agano is nowhere to be found.
Imuya is the nakachan of e3.

>> No.11590848


Holy fuck I hope so.

Not because they are useful as a training enablers, but because you can't have enough of lovely Imuyas. There's truly no other ship out there that contributed as much as Imuya to the Teitokus of the world.

>> No.11590854


>> No.11590855

dont do it, you cannot complete the sub only expeditions if you remodel her, and good fucking luck getting another one in a few months when she becomes a drop/craftable.

>> No.11590866

Ironically I just got Naka at E-3.

>> No.11590888

Not that anon, but I now have Hachi, Iku, Imuya...

and a remodeled Goya. Looks like no 4 sub expedition for me

>> No.11590892

yep your fucked, at least you can spam the sub construction and get another Goya though, and you can still do the ones that need 3 subs.

>> No.11590938

Does anyone know how much E-4 health bar regenerates in a hour?
is it 2.1% per hour?

>> No.11590949

About 1 small bar an hour.

>> No.11590991

Just heard Atago's damaged line for the first time, despite having had her as my main CA for about 2 months. Instant boner.

>> No.11591052

Had no problems beating all the event maps up to E3, currently struggling with E4.

Can I beat 3-4 and 4-4 with the same team I used for the event?

>> No.11591057

Add a lvl 89 KTKM to the pile >>>/a/96251535

>> No.11591074

How is the attack priority for E4 like?
Is it like E2 where they shoot the weakest one first and only shoot the boss last?

>> No.11591113

Gotta learn this tactic.

>> No.11591127

RNG busy at work.jpg

>> No.11591129

so throwaway with 2kongou is the trick

>> No.11591134

No fuel cost with disposable ships, you can try it over and over again until boss is bite size. This guy got bored and did it until he cleared E-4.

>> No.11591137

The sacrificial method. Unfortunately, I don't have the heart to do that.

>> No.11591143

are the kongous also throwaways? wouldn't make a lot of sense since sanshiki isn't exactly common.

>> No.11591145

I really want that sub so if the final day approaches and im not done with E4, I might just send all my spares on a suicidal mission and hope for the best.

>> No.11591154

My guess is that he's not using green ammo, just sending girls to their deaths with their stock equipment

>> No.11591250


New thread because this one already hit the image limit.

>> No.11591250,1 [INTERNAL] 


Kancolle, killing /jp/ one thread at a time

>> No.11591255

Who cares

This thread is fine

>> No.11591270

And what happens when some autist immediately dumps 150 images in there? Are you going to make another one?

>> No.11591274

Yes I will, that same autist has been shitting up the threads for weeks, will you just give into him like that?

>> No.11591278

But then you would clog up the board and invite more autists.

>> No.11591292

No you gave into him when you made a new thread. That is exactly what he wanted you to do.

Just ignore it

>> No.11591295

Thread hit both post and image limit, nothing wrong with making a new one.
If you want to blame someone then blame the autist for spamming and the janitor for not deleting the spam.

>> No.11591299


>> No.11591308

but how will we know every time someone gets a new nakachandayo without image verification?

>> No.11591322

Well, your brilliant plan failed, cause the image spam has begun on the other thread now.

>> No.11591324

Aren't you glad he gave up spamming pictures?

Oh wait he didn't because you are retarded.

>> No.11591327

And then a new thread will be made, if some autist wants to spam then let him spam, he's going to get tired eventually

>> No.11591360

I want Kongo to go.

>> No.11591411

we should keep using this thread for real discussion while they tire themselves out in the new one.

>> No.11591413

But this is Kongou's event

Her time to shine

>> No.11591416

Considering we were using this as a discussion for 7 hours already there wasn't much of a reason to make a new thread

>> No.11591423

I've been watching E-4 clears to get an inspiration on how to clear it and this run with 4 throwaway DDs and 2 Kongous proves just how ridicolous RNG really is.

>> No.11591444

Yeah I don't know how to feel about that whole throw away tactic

>> No.11591453

yeah, that's my point.

i wonder if you can do this with E-3. probably not because of the day battles/carriers.

>> No.11591457

I was thinking of this too! I don't like the idea of sacrificing daughters to the briney deep, at least with modernization and scrapping I can pretend they go off to town and get married.

I think this is our best option right now. We won't have to deal with image spam if the limit is met and if he comes in and starts spamming Ascii Atago he'll be more likely to get banned.

>> No.11591464

None of them even died, though I think I'm more comfortable with watching common fodder sink for good than seeing my ships I've been training all this time have a brush with death and use up a revive. As someone who's prepping for E-4 this seems like a good way to chip her health down but I'm amazed that he almost killed her too.

>> No.11591466

>ASCII atago
At least that would be hilarious, his "I cant play the game so im going to kill the threads" is just annoying

>> No.11591474

While I've cleared E-4 myself, I feel like if you can't chip down the bar a little with your main fleet, you will probably struggle like hell against E-5. Unless people are planning to have throw away for that also

>> No.11591482

Yeah I'm going to focus on expeditions and grinding a little so I have a better chance at E-4 and if I can manage E-5 cool, but if not I don't feel so bad given my T-level and overall fleet level.

>> No.11591483

I honestly don't care about E5, all I want is the sub reward.
If that throwaway strategy works then I have no problems with sacrificing hundreds of ships to the iron bottom sound

>> No.11591494

need to finish getting KTKM to 50 so i can clear E-3 first.

>> No.11591497

I don't think it will be as effective since the battle starts off in daytime

>> No.11591508

KTKM does need to be 50 imo to pull off E3. You need her torp power, and she needs to be armored sufficiently. Without it, your KTKM is very suspect to go to red, especially if you run into BB in the preboss nodes.

>> No.11591574

Just tried the sacrificial method, ended up sinking a destroyer and was sent to a dead end instead of the boss. Maybe getting to the boss in this map is impossible after all.

>> No.11591637

i thought her biggest strength was minisub AND cut-in/double attack - being able to take out 2-3 enemies during a day phase and still obliterate something at night.

obviously she can't use a minisub and a strong night-time attack with only 2 slots. do i only need her to be able to cut-in the fuck out of the boss and not worry about minisubbing?

>> No.11591643

Maybe you haven't thrown enough sacrifices at it yet

>> No.11591644

minisub won't effect your cut-in. As long as the first two slots are torps, you can preemptive and cut-in at night.

>> No.11591667

Gave it another try, another destroyer sunk, another battleship in for repairs and another dead end.

I really hate this map

>> No.11591672

Go for it one more time, what's the worst that can happen anyway.

>> No.11591678

Im starting to think it might actually be cheaper to just wait for I-8 to become craftable instead of losing my mind and ships in E4.

Do we have drop tables for the event maps in the english/japanese wikis or nothing yet? Might dedicate myself to trying to get Kumano/Agano instead of that.

>> No.11591681

Farm E-3 if you want Agano

As far as I know it is a boss drop

>> No.11591685

oh cool, i thought the preemptive attack was from the minisub. now i don't know what they're supposed to be used for.

>> No.11591697

What about E2 and E1?
I only have 8k bauxite remaining, spent 6k trying to clear the map and got nothing good out of it.

>> No.11591700

you can farm the boss for a special ship re-drop ?

>> No.11591702

No confirmed drops on E-1 and E-2 yet

Confirmed so far is E-3/4/5 bosses

Feel free to try out E-1/E-2 and post your results

>> No.11591713

You are thinking of Noshiro. Agano is a boss drop exclusive

>> No.11591809

Is 37k steel enough for E4? All the horror stories has made me concerned about my stockpile. I'm assuming 55k oil/ammo is enough no matter how disastrous my runs are (慢心), but it won't help me if I can't repair my ships.

>> No.11591825

The only thing you need is emergency repair. If you have enough of them for 5 except the flagship, even 5k resource is enough.

>> No.11591832

It only took me around 9k steel to clear E-4 but I had good luck

>> No.11591859

Oh, the janitor took down those images.

>> No.11591862

Now we have two threads up and it just looks silly

I wish people weren't so hasty.

>> No.11591873

Which thread would you prefer stay up?
