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File: 80 KB, 852x480, maid_costumes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11587148 No.11587148 [Reply] [Original]

Why does Japan like maids so much?

>> No.11587152

They're obsessed with romantic depictions of the west.

>> No.11587163
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easy/fun to abuse and take advantage of.

>> No.11587161

They cannot handle the thought of women not being in servitude.

>> No.11587167

As women become more and more feminist the maid represents old fashioned values which are dying in all parts of the world, the idea of the subservient woman.

>> No.11587178

Asian men are only able to have sex via coercion; a maid is a class-based form of servitude that allows them to force them to do things without it seem like coercion.

No one would willingly touch a rice goblin's cock. That's why they have to keep their women in line: otherwise, they will flock to the other races the moment they get the chance.

>> No.11587192

Thank you for reminding me of this book.

>> No.11587202


>Birthplace of soubrettes

Die you rosbeef. Stop stealing from France.

>> No.11587213
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Rice goblin seems to have at least a few ork warbosses amon their ranks.

>> No.11587216

Meido fuku is from Furance newbs

>> No.11587224
File: 448 KB, 525x375, kakuya is french.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

le france

>> No.11587232


As a french speaking surhomme I must say our doujin translation scene is huge nigger shit.

>> No.11587241

do most frenchies speak english, or is not very important over there?

>> No.11587304

I've had people refuse to speak English to me at hotels and restaurants, even though it was obvious they could understand what I was saying just fine.

>> No.11587305

They all translate the English translations so it's better to just read it in English directly.

>> No.11587330


I'm Belgian. Fuck france. We may also be surrounded by countless niggers but at least we agree it isn't cultural enrichment.

>> No.11587344

English knowledge in France is really, really limited.

>> No.11587347


>> No.11587359

When I went to Paris it seemed everyone there spoke English, both people running services and just French people on the street. Maybe I got lucky.

A lot of my classmates kept trying to speak awkward French and the French people struggled to understand. Nearly every conversation ended with people just asking for what they wanted in English and the problem was solved.

I feel sorry for workers in tourist spots. People coming up to you and trying to talk to you in your native language (so they can feel "cultured") must get pretty annoying, especially when you speak their language anyway.

>> No.11587370

Somehow h-doujins sound really awkward in French.
And also >>11587305

>> No.11587384

I wonder what textbooks for language-to-language learning/translation don't exist. There's obviously Japanese-English, French-Spanish, etc., but what about other common languages? Is there a Hindi-Filipino textbook? What about a Bengali-Italian course?

>> No.11587487

I believe the subhumans you are referring to speak Tagalog

>> No.11587566

>I feel sorry for workers in tourist spots. People coming up to you and trying to talk to you in your native language (so they can feel "cultured") must get pretty annoying, especially when you speak their language anyway.

It's proper etiquette (French for behaviour) to attempt to communicate in the native language and then switch to a common language such as English upon the other person's suggestion.


Why do you always have to do that? Why can't /jp/ just be nice.

>> No.11587574

>It's proper etiquette (French for behaviour) to attempt to communicate in the native language and then switch to a common language such as English upon the other person's suggestion.
Since when?

>> No.11587580

It's rude to go to countries speaking English at people and expecting them to understand. At least learn how to ask if they speak English in the native language.

>> No.11587581

What? If I work in a bar and I see American tourists approaching, I'll say, "Hello, what can I get you?" not some gobbledygook they don't understand.

>> No.11587587

>It's rude to go to countries speaking English at people and expecting them to understand.
Everybody knows English though, I'm not going to go be a tourist in fucking rural Africa or something.

>> No.11587585

It's fine if you invite them to speak English but otherwise those American tourists should be attempting to speak your gobbledygook.

>> No.11587593

Everybody that matters.

>> No.11587590

>Everybody knows English
How naive.

>> No.11587598

They shouldn't be doing shit. I work in a bar at a tourist destination. I know how to speak perfect English. If they come up to me holding a phrasebook and slowly stammering their greetings and an order, that's irritating, pointless, and possibly even offensive.

Just speak the language we all understand. Nobody is impressed that you can speak a few words of their language. If they appear to be, it's because they want a tip.

>> No.11587601

Japan is right though. Women are much better in servitude.

>> No.11587606

I don't think they it's expecting them to be able to speak English as much as it is hoping.

>> No.11587609

Women are fine at whatever and they should be given the freedom to do whatever they want. However, that includes the freedom to serve, be a housewife, whatever, and that's something feminists don't understand. Check this shit out:

So basically:
Western leftism/feminism = GNU's "be 'free' or else" General Public License
Japanese notgivingafuckism = BSD's "actually free" License

>> No.11587613

When women are given tons of freedom we get those shit feminist types.

>> No.11587611

>I work
what the HELL

>> No.11587615

Hey /jp/, want to be my subservient maid?

>> No.11587617

Your choices of destinations are limited to Northwest Europe then, nevermind travelling to Japan.

>> No.11587623

Why would I want to visit fucking Japan dude, I'm not a weeaboo.

>> No.11587633

no fuck off faggot

>> No.11587645

If it isnt about france or anything pertaining to french in general, they dont give two shits about anything but themselves.

>> No.11587650

It started as "If I work" in >>11587581, I'm just keeping it going.

Don't worry I'm a NEET just like everyone else here.

>> No.11587666


france even go out of their way to make french words for foreign words. how pretentious is that?

>> No.11587673

Stop being so judgmental.

>> No.11587674

would love to visit japan and see their wonderful people and culture but i am riddled with severe acne so it would be humiliating to even think about going.

>> No.11587695

I saw NEET and decided to report in, get in here NEETbros.

>> No.11587707

lmao fucking nerd

>> No.11587727

Asians are all plagued with disgusting skin, so having acne wouldn't be too bad.

>> No.11587748


>> No.11587773
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>> No.11587809
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How does it feel to embrace a maid, /jp/?

>> No.11587814


I'm not sure what it feels like to embrace anyone.

>> No.11587820

All the japanese I see all have nice looking skin though

>> No.11587821

What about your previous lovers, Anon?

>> No.11587829
File: 1.63 MB, 2432x3648, raw candid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's because all the Japanese you see have been photoshopped to HELL and back.

>> No.11587843

Do you understand how much money countries make from tourism from anglophone countries? Tourist traps in foreign countries hire people who can speak English.

>> No.11587869

I wish I could see some natural unedited japanese skin I can fap to

>> No.11588885

A butt ton of arcades over there got purikura (photo booths) that do some fantastic digital masking of your flaws.

>> No.11589481
File: 238 KB, 1258x1208, rape the maids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this girl REALLY likes her maid

>> No.11590518

should i be proud of TRUNEETCUBE lifestyle

>> No.11590537


>> No.11590579

/jp/, I've come to the conclusion that I'm a sexist. I literally hate women. I can't stand looking at them, much less talking to them. I don't want to get close to a woman, or have sex. I want absolutely nothing to do with them.

Is it possibly that all of my interests involve subconsciously degrading and devaluing women? I'm honestly scared. The more I think about it, the more my interests in loli and touhou may stem from deeply disturbed sexist ideals. I don't intend to make any effort to change this about myself, but It's making me uncomfortable... like I've been in love for the wrong reasons.

Maids are the ultimate embodiment of servitude and obedience.

>> No.11590585
File: 480 KB, 800x1112, 1367775079628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be a cute jaypees subservient maid!

>> No.11590589

Women are gross dude.

>> No.11590595
File: 108 KB, 640x480, 21745def616889b4084544eb7fc241ac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look, a person who can't take it easy!

>> No.11590601

It's not that I don't want to take it easy, but when my depression acts up, I start thinking really hard about myself...

I try very hard not to think about things most of the time. Thinking about things only makes them worse. The best way to live it to live for the sake of it.

>> No.11590604

There's nothing wrong with being sexist, a sadist, or anything like that. Stop thinking too much into it and just take it easy.
