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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 183 KB, 292x605, [HorribleSubs] Love Lab - 13 [720p].mkv_snapshot_22.21_[2013.09.27_19.55.18].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11580307 No.11580307[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I heard /foolz/ is better than /ota/, is this true?

>> No.11580311

It's better because that Saya faggot doesn't post on /foolz/

>> No.11580313

>better than anything

I don't know who told you that, but that person must be pretty fucking retarded.

>> No.11580319

Yeah, ota is the worst. foolz is the best. Everyone should definitely crossboard there and not to /ota/.

>> No.11580320

>implying that foolz is not the superior archive

Go back to warosushit with the rest of the shitposters, shitposter

>> No.11580322

I always thought Foolz was so slow because of all the web 2.0 stuff they try to push.

>> No.11580323

>shitposter calling me shitposter

The irony.

>> No.11580326

Everyone knows that robotmetal is best.

>> No.11580327



>> No.11580329

<Kuroko_spammer> stop playing with your butt
<indecksu> LOL
<indecksu> sniff it
<indecksu> its clean now thanks to my finger
<Kuroko_spammer> *SNIFF*
<Kuroko_spammer> now I'm hard
<indecksu> *farts*
<Kuroko_spammer> *unzips pants*
<indecksu> *gets KY jely ready*
<indecksu> its on
* Kuroko_spammer sticks baton inside Nagi's gaping hole
<indecksu> stop raping me

>> No.11580332

Dear lord, it's even worse than I'd thought.

>> No.11580333

Kuroko_spammer is from /ota/

>> No.11580334

Anything is better than /ota/.

>> No.11580336

Even /b/?

>> No.11580337
File: 55 KB, 1280x720, 1383335865015 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ota would be better if the old admin was still around.

>> No.11580339

you realise /jp/ is just as big of a shithole as all those other sites.

you fucks are literally the worst spawn of autistic manchildren to ever grace this world.

>> No.11580338

What irony? We're all shitposters here, why would you be here on this thread if you're not one?

>> No.11580341

ok jabrony

>> No.11580342

/jp/ is way less cute than ota.

>> No.11580343
File: 161 KB, 500x707, 37305337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tako tako~

/ota/ is better xD

>> No.11580346

stfu sayafag

nobody likes you

>> No.11580348

I don't undestand why people dislike reddit. People post stuff like this all the time:

"My daughter doesn't produce enough estrogen, so her vagina periodically tries to close up.

Her doctor prescribed a progesterone cream. Every once and a while someone needs to put a q-tip of this cream and rub it along the lower part of vagina.

I'm functionally a single father.

It just takes a second. However, she always laughs and says it tickles.

On more then one occasion, she has informed someone. "After my shower, daddy will get cream and tickle my vagina." She's finally old and capable enough to do it herself now, thankfully, but Oh god that's awkward on so many levels."

I wonder how old his daughter is.

>> No.11580350

That... was pretty hot. Got my dick hard for sure.

>> No.11580354
File: 121 KB, 234x340, [HorribleSubs] Love Lab - 12 [720p].mkv_snapshot_18.23_[2013.09.20_19.27.08].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

* Kuroko_spammer gently sucks the tip of Nagi's girlpenis
* Kuroko_spammer swirls tongue a bit
<Kuroko_spammer> ohaiyo
<Kuroko_spammer> You don't want to ERP anymore? ;-;

>> No.11580357

thought about getting elevator shoes so you are not short & confident & don't have to be otaku now anymore jp?

>> No.11580361

what channel is this happening in

>> No.11580360

both boards are full of subhumans fags

>> No.11580364 [DELETED] 

<Kuroko_spammer> you can send me a message on MAL if you think our relationship is worth saving.


<Kuroko_spammer> bye

<Kuroko_spammer> I'll miss you ;-;

<Kuroko_spammer> Anyone who kills friendships to gain new ones is a retard. Enjoy your new cockmaster Nagi. Can't say I won't miss the good times we had though.

<indecksu> Drill was always my friend though LMAO

<Kuroko_spammer> dumping any one friend for another is still retarded

<indecksu> uhhhhhh

<indecksu> he helps me fight smochi

<indecksu> i gotta back him up

<indecksu> LOL you understand

<Kuroko_spammer> I'm not following why I can't be your friend anymore

<Kuroko_spammer> did he tell you we can't be friends

<Kuroko_spammer> ?

<indecksu> wow going full currybutt on me now?

<Kuroko_spammer> don't worry, I have a new toy now

<indecksu> okay have fun with your toy

<Kuroko_spammer> so I won't miss you THAT much

<indecksu> Drill said

<indecksu> fuck off

<indecksu> justnow

<indecksu> to you

<indecksu> LOL

<Kuroko_spammer> *tips fedora*

<Kuroko_spammer> you're welcome to come back

<Kuroko_spammer> when you're done with him btw

<Kuroko_spammer> I don't hold grudges

<Kuroko_spammer> *goes POOF*

<indecksu> kk currybutt

<Kuroko_spammer> did you watch the banh mi link i sent you

<indecksu> yea

<Kuroko_spammer> it's fucking hillarious

<Kuroko_spammer> tell Drill that I'm going to his old dorm next year

<Kuroko_spammer> and I'm taking a big fat SHIT there lol

<indecksu> drill said for me to stop talking to you

<indecksu> im on skype with him rightnow

<Kuroko_spammer> how good is his cock nagi

<Kuroko_spammer> do you like sucking it slut

<indecksu> he hasn't showed me his cock yet

<Kuroko_spammer> time to get drunk

<Kuroko_spammer> bye

>> No.11580374

I wonder if she ever got aroused when her father tickled her. I wonder if her father was able to see her little clit stiffening and sticking out.

>> No.11580374,1 [INTERNAL] 

kuroko_spammer is a faggot.

>> No.11580374,2 [INTERNAL] 

I don't believe a word of these logs, but I already knew kuroko spammer was a faggot.

>> No.11580374,3 [INTERNAL] 


<Kuroko_spammer> why you do this Nagi

<indecksu> drill is my nigga LOL

<Kuroko_spammer> you lost me

<Kuroko_spammer> he's your bastard's daddy

<indecksu> he's my homie dawg

<Kuroko_spammer> he was my mortal enemy before he was anything yours nig

<Kuroko_spammer> I was so close to getting him to sudoku

<Kuroko_spammer> if you want to be a faggot that's your choice

<Kuroko_spammer> we're officially finished.

<indecksu> LOL

<Kuroko_spammer> I gave you enough chances

<Kuroko_spammer> if you want to be a shitposter I won't stop you

<Kuroko_spammer> Now fuck off

<indecksu> why you mad?

<indecksu> LOL

>> No.11580394

It's still shit, there's only moe anime threads or elitist circlejerk threads hostile to newcomers.
I hope you ogres there read this, especially you, Siztra, go suck your own dick.
Hahaha, was just kidding, you already do that.

>> No.11580394,1 [INTERNAL] 

What a retard.

>> No.11580394,2 [INTERNAL] 

Is kuroko spammer assuka spammer? ask him plz

>> No.11580394,3 [INTERNAL] 


kill yourself?

>> No.11580394,4 [INTERNAL] 

no, they have different posting styles.

>> No.11580394,5 [INTERNAL] 

Fuck off trevshit.

>> No.11580410
File: 754 KB, 317x423, 1383343115756.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rejected from /foolz/

you must be pretty pathetic for that to happen, huh?

>> No.11580410,1 [INTERNAL] 

I don't think you realize what you're dealing with.

I'm not one of your gay buttfriends, son.

>> No.11580426

jpers are the lowest form of life in the universe.

>> No.11580410,2 [INTERNAL] 

I don't know, I can't post on /foolz/.

>> No.11580423
File: 498 KB, 405x228, 1379567093093.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must be pretty pathetic to be so hostile to newcomers over there, Siztra.
I just don't get your elitist otafag circlejerk attitude.
Were you bullied as a kid/teen?

>> No.11580431

I really think it's hard to do worse than this thread.

>> No.11580434
File: 21 KB, 254x351, [HorribleSubs] Non Non Biyori - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_04.04_[2013.10.08_18.26.49].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even know who you are?

Please leave.

>> No.11580434,1 [INTERNAL] 

why not

>> No.11580434,2 [INTERNAL] 

You probably haven't reached the necessary levels of subhumanism yet.

>> No.11580434,3 [INTERNAL] 

Thank goodness warosu is back to it's normal shitty self.

>> No.11580434,4 [INTERNAL] 

This. I can't take it easy with unironic content.

>> No.11580434,5 [INTERNAL] 

Whenever I try to post it says "We were unable to process your comment."

We've already been over this before, Sizzle.

>> No.11580434,6 [INTERNAL] 

woxxy doesn't know how to fix it either sorry.


>> No.11580434,7 [INTERNAL] 

Hey Siztra can I ask you a question?

>> No.11580434,8 [INTERNAL] 

If for whatever reason I feel like posting I can just use Tor, so it's not really a problem anyway.

>> No.11580434,9 [INTERNAL] 

It wouldn't be hard to be better than Ota-ch, it's pretty much the worst part of /jp/(?) but times ten

never been to foolz btw

>> No.11580434,10 [INTERNAL] 

what the HELLLLL
janny deletes all the good threads in seconds but lets this fucking -1000000000000000/10 turbo shitter thread with such quality posters as
-sizgay (self owned agin lmaooo)
-ot/a/ nerds
-some shitty no name 2013 /a/ trip
stay up for this long? ???????? wtf jenny???????????????

>> No.11580434,11 [INTERNAL] 

>impllying this wasn't a good thread

>> No.11580434,12 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11580434,13 [INTERNAL] 

someone from foolz makes a thread on the jay hoping that just maybe this time anyone will give a shit, then some more foolzfags post in the thread to make it look active, maybe some ot/a/ trash will post because they love that 15 yo anime forum poster style, janny finally dels..... yeah quality thread not literally the shittest thread i've ever seen today

>> No.11580434,14 [INTERNAL] 

show me on the doll where anime touched you. we'll get him thrown in prison where belongs

>> No.11580434,15 [INTERNAL]  [DELETED] 

pls sign on steam.... ;_;

>> No.11580434,16 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11580434,17 [INTERNAL] 

It's ironic because you write like you're 15

>> No.11580434,18 [INTERNAL]  [DELETED] 

Please punish me, warosu!

*bends over*

>> No.11580434,19 [INTERNAL] 

How many dicks can you fit inside your mouth?

>> No.11580434,20 [INTERNAL] 

Didn't the old admin ban Siztra immediately or am I missing something?

>> No.11580434,21 [INTERNAL] 

He did.
Siztra even made threads complaining about it that always got deleted almost instantly.

>> No.11580434,22 [INTERNAL] 

sizgay will say anything just trying to fit in with /jp/ as usual

>> No.11580434,23 [INTERNAL] 


What the fuck is wrong with those gaymen? Or it was the admin?

>> No.11580434,24 [INTERNAL] 

Should we post with names siztra? Will it make my E-Penis bigger?

>> No.11580434,25 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11580434,26 [INTERNAL] 

>coming to T's blog to talk about /ota/ and /foolz/


Why don't you kids fuck off to your own circlejerk shitholes and leave us alone? Or do you still come to warosu to advertise?

>> No.11580434,27 [INTERNAL] 

holy fuck

>> No.11580434,28 [INTERNAL] 

Are you lost, dude? foolz is this way http://archive.foolz.us/
