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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 209 KB, 1000x1000, 1367554066062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11577725 No.11577725 [Reply] [Original]

Previous Thread:

Finished Projects:

- Album projects: /jp/ music projects 1 & 2 are complete! You can download them in the following links:

Project 1:
the public dropbox:

Project 2:
the public dropbox:

The public dropboxes contain some additional songs form the artists, so be sure to check them out!

Existing Projects:

- Marisa Platformer: An anon started working on a 2D sidescrolling platformer in Unity. You can check out the latest version here:

-Mahjong: Another anon has mentioned work of an single player/online mahjong game.

Discussion of any potential other projects is, of course, also welcome.

>> No.11577742

Stop using that shitty fucking picture.

>> No.11577750
File: 868 KB, 1000x3344, 1383221890811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saved these off /vg/, maybe they will be useful to someone here.


>> No.11577757
File: 567 KB, 1000x2957, 1383222052656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11578002

Fuck, I just literally finished tweaking my mix. I take it it's too late for a track update?

>> No.11579336

Comp.2 never actually got 'officially' released, since we still seem to be in the (apparently false) hope that someone would make an album art one day (other than R0ddy, goddamnit). So go ahead.

>> No.11579345

Thanks, will keep this in mind.

>> No.11579577

I like to contribute with this song, but I still don't understand how to use the public drop box...


>> No.11579651
File: 212 KB, 800x600, jpmc2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I just listened to the JPMC2 and I don't like it at all. I think it's too rushed and people either don't make good music to begin with or they didn't have enough time to make something worthwhile. Pic related, every song with a line through it is terrible.

The unmarked songs were pretty good though. I may hold on to those when I trash the rest.

also holy shit who the HELL is singing on "Yandeiru Seishun" please kill yourself fucking helllllllll my ears why did you ruin a perfectly good vocaloid song FUCK

>> No.11579669

The Marisa Platformer links are outdated, use these instead:



>> No.11579794
File: 57 KB, 816x638, JPplatformer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

terrain collision doesn't work?

>> No.11579827

There are a few minor bugs with collision that can happen very rarely, but overall it should work fine. From the screenshot it seems like you ran it with the lowest quality settings, which for some reason seems to completely break the physics. I have no idea why it happens, but for now just run it with graphics quality set to Good.

>> No.11579844

I'll give the second compilation a listen. The first one pops up in my shuffles every now and then and surprises me.

>> No.11580233

project 2 complete ? Really ? fug you.

It's not finished, you just ziped all the stuff and called it a finished release.
What about having a cover art ? What about mastering ? The files aren't even properly taged, they don't even have the same format there's two wav out there. It's shit.

Don't download the album and let the thread die, please.

Why did you even do this ? Don't you think we have enough shit to put up with with all these troll saying we're not from jp and all ? Fuck.

>> No.11580385

I partly agree with this person. We have not discussed the details of the release just yet. There was talk of mastering, last I noted Will it be pushing through, or do we forget it? And the album art - do we wait, actively find one, or do we forget it? I'll tag the songs myself, if need be, once we're actually ready to release - that is, after answering these questions.

>> No.11580414


The songs are left almost as the artists tagged them, only adding the song titles and composers to files that lacked them.

As for the mastering, there was only 1 post mentioning it (half a month ago) and only 1 artist who upload the requested format, so it wasn't going to happen.

As for art, no artist came forward to work on it. There was a single person who mentioned they were interested, but never followed up about it. In the long-term, we're going to have projects that don't always have art because this is ad-hoc and artists aren't always available. This is one of those cases.

>> No.11580521

Having only one post mentioning the mastering and not finding someone to make a cover art is not an excuse to release a half finished work.
I'd prefer to abandon the project completely than to release something in this conditions.
Just using my artist name so people can understand why I care.

>> No.11580529


And, similarly, waiting an undefined amount of time to find someone who will make the art and master the tracks isn't an excuse to delay a project.

If you would like to be the Debian of music projects you are more than free to start that.

>> No.11580547

We only need to agree to a sort of compromise. It seems that the project has become infamous in /jp/, and the drawfags may be avoiding it for that reason. In any case, if we wait, >>11580529 is right that we might never finish waiting. However, we can close the case immediately by taking a (risky) pro-active approach by finding drawfags ourselves. I had the OC-thread in mind. It's risky because we risk infuriating more trolls by indirectly advertising the project in this way. If, after that, still no drawfags would come and make the album art, I hope >>11580521 will be satisfied, or should I say, he won't have any choice but to accept, that really, no one wants to make it, and we can move on from that topic.

About the mastering, that's a similar problem with the album art - who to do it? And will they do it. The difference is, we probably have a good number of /jp/'s soundfags in this project with us. And if no one here wants to do it, I don't think anyone will. And if that's the case, we can move on from that point as well.

If nothing else, as I said, I'll do the tagging and stuff myself after these issues have been resolved, so we have at least 1 issue solved.

>> No.11580569

just abandon this shit. you have far too many idea guys and nobody actually doing anything useful. it was a total rush job, far too soon after the original release and contains some pretty terrible music.

>> No.11580576

Mastering is an art, not a science. What sounds "mastered" to one person will not always sound so to another. Also, everyone's sound equipment is different. If this were a commercial CD that would be sold in Wal Mart, every track should be "properly" mastered, but it's not.

>> No.11582248

>waiting an undefined amount of time to find someone who will make the art and master the tracks isn't an excuse to delay a project.
Yes it is.
Where not under any time limit, we didn't decide to release it for any date, we have plenty of time to do a quality release and no reason to urge things.

It's not only the cover, just look at the release, just look at it, there's two wavs in there, files aren't properly tagged, how can you accept this ? We never agreed to release the album, it's just one persone who decided to release it alone.

Please OP delete the download link and modify your post so everyone understands it was a mistake.

>> No.11582296
File: 34 KB, 849x534, replaygain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll do the mastering.

We need to even the volume of the tracks, pic related. You can increase the volume with the mastering without losing quality but if you decrease the volume then you lose dynamics so everyone whose track is too loud (-10 to -7) shoud decrease the gain while decreasing the compression simultaneously so you don't lose dynamics and peak signal is still 0dBa. People who attein such high volume use compressors and should understand what I mean.

People whose track is too quiet should increase the gain but this can be done in the mastering.

Also you need to add/delete silence between the tracks, I didn't listen to the release to check this but normally you want to have some silence between the tracks in the release but not too much.
For exemple Wandering East of the Horizon there's too much silence at the end of the track. Please make sure there's +- 1 sec of silence at the beggining and the end of your tracks, also add some more between the different parts, when it goes from electronic music to instrumental for exemple.

Finally everyone should upload lossless files so we can do a flac release.

>> No.11582538
File: 1.58 MB, 3000x3000, jpproject.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a drawfag but I'm gonna try and draw some generic loli. Please don't bully.

>> No.11582548


please sage when posting in this terrible thread. I realise that on your home board sage isn't required but /jp/ is not that busy.

>> No.11582568

While I appreciate your pro-active style, there's no need to take it all on yourself. We could still try asking in the OC thread for the album art, and it would be best if you focus on one thing.

I'll try to find someone who can do the album art. As for the tracks, the organizer, Jual, should message everyone in the project to send in updated versions of their files.

>> No.11582590


>> No.11582593
File: 1.02 MB, 3000x3000, jpprojectt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All suggestions welcome.

>> No.11582605 [DELETED] 
File: 65 KB, 422x335, 1382190902241[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this, feel free to use it.

>> No.11582610 [DELETED] 

Hold on to that. For now, I contacted the two art contributors of the last project, to see if they're interested to make art this time around. I'll also be posting a request on the OC thread. Trolls be damned.

>> No.11582613 [DELETED] 

Where's /b/?

>> No.11582619 [DELETED] 


I forgot to add /b/ and /ota/ when I made it but I've since deleted the original so someone will have to add them. I'm sure there other boards missing too but everyone is pretending to be a tru-/jp/sie

>> No.11582667 [DELETED] 

>implying /ota/jp isn't the one true real/jp/
>implying all tru-/jp/sie hasn't moved on to ota/jp/ or somewhere else
4/jp/ u so CRAZY

>> No.11583062
File: 210 KB, 400x684, bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I'll jump into this.

>> No.11583642 [DELETED] 
File: 24 KB, 519x596, 1345214260535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to make music guys, why won't you make music with me.

>> No.11583764 [DELETED] 


Nice filename. Not.

>> No.11583794 [DELETED] 


>> No.11584068

This is wonderful. It seems the feedback it way larger than even I expected - it seems we have one art contributor doing something in the OC thread. Last project's J artist also replied that we may be seeing something from him. And, well, I'm not sure if >>11583062 is an application for album art, but if it is, that makes three. I didn't expect suc a positive response, but I guess there's nothing wrong with 3 artists, eh? If you want, I can even delegate tasks for them, like 1 for the cover, one for the back tracklist, and something else if we actually get more.

>> No.11584111

Oh, my mistake - he was the artist for CD-P.

>> No.11584454


Sugoi composition, aniki.

>> No.11586129

Could the gain be influenced by having one unique part in the song that becomes much louder than the rest? Because Visitor and Skywriter is actually quite quiet (for me), except for the part near the end where I slide the master volume up a new notches.

>> No.11586330
File: 247 KB, 900x900, jpalbum4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe it would make more sense to post this here then. You said you might make a back sheet and stuff if there's a lot so I guess you could use mine for a track list considering it has a lot of negative space if you want.

>> No.11586347

Yes it is. It takes the average volume and the peak volume in account.

Let's do a double release

>> No.11586348

The t project was a failure.

>> No.11586394

10 tracks per CD? Sounds fine. But let's not get ahead of ourselves - aside from >>11586330 all I can confirm is that a few other artists are 'interested'.

But if a double release is the case, I guess it'd follow the CD J/ CD P format of the first. How the tracks will be split would be another point to discuss then.

>> No.11586398

By the way, have you been granted permission to the dropbox yet? (Assuming you've already emailed the organizer)

>> No.11586400


I emailed them but nothing yet.

>> No.11586940
File: 350 KB, 1000x1000, cover - CitronSec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you like her, jp.

>> No.11586964

Are we going to have a dozen album covers again?
jaypee pls.

>> No.11588759

Not him, but is it fine if I lower the rest of my song to under 6 db or so with the end remaining really loud?

>> No.11589804
File: 342 KB, 1000x1000, back - CitronSec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What we need to do is to even the track's volume compared to the rest of the release, so if you find it fine that way then ok, but maybe you don't want the end to be "that" really loud.

>> No.11589893

Not good. I'd feared that this round's organizer would be a no-show, and I think he now is.

>> No.11589928

It may be inconvenient, but I guess just keep posting any updates for the album art in this thread, or whatever will be the new thread if this gets deleted.

Looks like it. Nothing wrong with it.

>> No.11590129
File: 918 KB, 2358x2358, jpalbum3_full.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Okay here is the full sized one without the text if you want to use it for whatever you want.

>> No.11590836

With my tracks maybe just reducing the gain should be fine because the compression and limiter on master kind of tie all the sounds together but I can fix some EQ if there are any problems with it.

>> No.11592388

How is platformer dude coming?

>> No.11592429


This thread won't get deleted (barring Janny being temperamental, like the last one).

However, you guys can always do a re-release, getting all the artists permissions again. Call it 2.5 or something to even make it feel Touhou.

>> No.11592434

Is it too late if I made an album artwork this coming weekend? Still haven't received an invitation for the dropbox yet.

>> No.11592470

Not too late at all. The current organizer's nowhere to be found, so you can post your updates in this thread.

Otherwise, it's troublesome, but we can transfer all of the files into the /jp/ Music Project 1 repository (making a new folder there), so I can handle the admin duties.

>> No.11592508

Yes, it is too late for Album 2.


Oh, no, he's here, but the second album release is final, which is where the need for a release under the name of 2.5 or similar arises.

All the dates and times for project were posted publicly for a month and a half. The release date was also public.

It is rather curious that suddenly, the day -after- the release, one of the artists decides to complain, even though he knew of it for well over a month. He even added his songs on 10/5/2013. And, to top it off, he was able to apparently generate an album cover within 3 days, yet this was nowhere to be found /before/ the release date, even though the need for art was also public knowledge, and he was quite able to see the lack of any cover in the dropbox, where he perused several folders.

Same for mastering, the time between the 14th and the end of the month was -explicitly- stated as a time for remastering and any other changes that we wished to make, yet this was somehow ignored until after the release date.

So, there is nothing more to say. Album 2 is and closed. The albums are only as 'finished' as the contributors will make them, and releases like this are a good reminder of why those with ability should not idle with it.

>> No.11592522

I cannot say I agree with your priority of deadline over quality, but in your manner of speaking, you must be the organizer. Fine, then - we will simply do a re-release, as you said.

>> No.11592542

Except for two, everyone in project 2 should already be included in project 1, including the CD-P artist. I've already made a folder named jp Music Project 2.5, for those who are already part of the dropbox.

Again, the public link for that dropbox is https://www.dropbox.com/sh/7vymrf03krqs545/xMtFnbHOQo, and invitation requests need to be sent to jpmusicproject1@gmail.com

That goes for the couple of new music contributors in project 2 and for >>11590129

>> No.11592577 [DELETED] 


You appear to be new here based on your post, so a word of advice:

/jp/ is the collection of this shittiest posters from /a/, /v/, and a few other random boards. And not the 'ironically shitty', but an actual collection of people who willfully or unknowingly make things as terrible and miserable as possible. (The idol threads are effectively their own forum and the posters there generally don't wander much). These are -not- to be confused with trolls, who attempt to be witty or rise above melodrama. The main draw of /jp/, other than attracting the described folks (which is why it's Moot's favorite board), is VNTS.

If you are here expecting anything other than this, after all some people do quite enjoy these exchanges, you should re-evaluate why you come here. The board won't change. It's been this way since it existed, and the culture has survived multiple attempts to 'clean it up'. There will be, on occasion, someone with talent or ability who passes by. But, that is all. They will eventually realize that this isn't a great place, and that there are no 'hidden geniuses' here. It is, strictly, shit. And they will move on.

So, just be wary, and watch it play out if you'd like. To be honest, nothing we say or do here will change the result, just as it has not all the previous times.

>> No.11592746 [DELETED] 

I don't know what the fuck's going on anymore or what I should do regarding the ``project''. Someone pls send help

>> No.11593471 [DELETED] 

Oh so you're the second project organizer.

I hope you understand that you made the project fail because you 'released' the project on an apparently -explicitly- stated date that you've yourself decided without the approuval of any other participants, while the project was obviously not finished.

I guess you just threw a deadline in one of those thread and thought that everyone agreed with you, while we simply ignored it, since it was obvious that the project wouldn't be complete in time.
Yet you decided to still release the project like you're the only one to participate, or like you're some sort of leader who takes the decisions whether the other participants agree or not.

>> No.11593476 [DELETED] 
File: 2.25 MB, 3000x3000, 18b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It is rather curious that suddenly, the day -after- the release, one of the artists decides to complain, even though he knew of it for well over a month. He even added his songs on 10/5/2013.
Yes, and I have this thread open all day long. That's why I can't belive that a release date or deadline was stated at any point... oh wait, maybe you "explecitly stated" a date to yourself, but WE never agreed on a date.

>/jp/ is the collection of this shittiest posters from /a/, /v/, and a few other random boards.
>an actual collection of people who willfully or unknowingly make things as terrible and miserable as possible.
>there are no 'hidden geniuses' here. It is, strictly, shit.
Ohhh, so that's your excuse : you justify your attitude by saying that everyone is doing shit here and you're just part of this, is that it ?
Well you're wrong, /jp/MCONE, which was a quality release proves it.

>> No.11595184 [DELETED] 


A refresher for you, considering you seem to have forgotten these points:

1) The Music Projects have never been concerned with 'album art' or likewise. From the very first proposal of the idea, the intent was music:
We were lucky enough to find artists for the first release, but again, that will not always be the case, as happened now. Apparently we had someone who was capable of making a cover, but chose not to speak up for reasons that only you know.

2) The first project was also, arbitrarily, released at the discretion of the first 'organizer':
You can see several points in the surrounding threads where other anons asked to join, and were refused. It was not 'the artists' who made this decision, it was solely the organizer.

3) There was no 'consensus' on the songs added to the album either. The first complete list was taken almost as is. It is, posted here:
And, to that end, not even a majority of artists agreed to it, although their opinions were expressly asked in the project thread.
As for the actual songs included, that was chosen by a single artist:


4) The original project was open for even less time than the second, starting on May 7th and ending on May 20th, a total of 13 days (using the posts referenced earlier. However, even at the absolute latest, it was only 20 days, when the subsequent was posted on the 27th).
And somehow the track selection and such was done quite promptly. Yet, when a section of time spanning the -entire- length of the first project is allocated for this, nothing happens.

There was ample opportunity and time to do all of the things from the first album again.

When you look at how the first project was executed....

>> No.11595186 [DELETED] 

.. the second project follows a nearly identical format. The notable change is sticking to a specificed number of tracks, and giving a concrete date from the start, rather than having it arbitrarily determined later down the road.

>That's why I can't belive that a release date or deadline was stated at any poin
Then you should have read more carefully, both were explicitly stated in the -same- post:
>and release it by the end of the month at the latest.

This was, even, the very -first- post starting the second project, and remained on /jp/ for almost a month.

As a side note, if this:
is to believed, you are -also- the person who went around, spamming the other boards with the first album, -flatly ignoring- the wishes of several other artists.

Finally, -you- are the only artists who appears to have 'ignored' the release or called it a 'failure', although you were apparently quite able and ready to submit on time and refused to bring up any of your greviances earlier.

I welcome an additional album, and also your attemt to challenge /jp/'s culture, should it be in earnest. Use that anger. Find motivation, and produce.

>> No.11595186,1 [INTERNAL] 

Why is thread allowed to continue? Janny is babysitting a thread full of shit while a pair of crossboarding dweebs argue about an album nobody is going to listen to

>> No.11595186,2 [INTERNAL] 

I listened and enjoyed both compilations.

>> No.11595186,3 [INTERNAL] 

The first wasn't bad. The second is fucking garbage. How can you have such bad taste?

>> No.11595186,4 [INTERNAL] 

Is the music just a bunch of shitty weeb garbage?

>> No.11595186,5 [INTERNAL] 

I like how some shitty textboard can spit out pretty good music compilations on a regular basis without any fuss, but /jp/ can't go 10 posts without some sort of drama that risks destroying the whole project.

>> No.11595186,6 [INTERNAL] 

Listen to it and judge yourself.

>> No.11595186,7 [INTERNAL] 

It would be great if it was just shitty weeb garbage. Instead it's a collection of shitty electronic music and touhou remixes with some occasional wubbing because hey, why not? There's even a youtube poop song in there because this is only "/jp/" in name. Everyone knows, according to >>11592577 anyway, that /jp/ is made up mainly of /a/ and /v/ posters.

>> No.11595186,8 [INTERNAL] 

I'm already planning on listening to it, but if its just a bunch of shit only weeaboos would listen to I'd like to know ahead of time.

>> No.11595229 [DELETED] 
File: 17 KB, 134x180, n-no thank you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11595229,1 [INTERNAL] 

It's weeaboo shit made by crossweebs

>> No.11595229,2 [INTERNAL] 

because project-tan is cute :^)

>> No.11595229,3 [INTERNAL] 

Just did a really quick skim through, wow this is fucking terrible. It's almost as if some retard like Sparky was put in charge of the entire thing.

>> No.11595229,4 [INTERNAL] 

>shit only weeaboos would listen to
I don't even know what you mean by that, to be honest. Anime OPs? Denpa? It's nothing like that, it's mostly electronic and some jazz.

Either way I could lie to you and you could either miss out on something good or listen to garbage. What's the point?

>> No.11595229,5 [INTERNAL] 

Anime OPs can actually be decent, shit weeaboos listen to is crap they've convinced themselves is good just because it's Japanese; a perfect example is half the garbage produced with vocaloid.

>> No.11595238 [DELETED] 

Art isn't a science but aesthetics is.

>> No.11595238,1 [INTERNAL] 

How do you define something to be good? Are there objective ways to misure how good a song is or is it based on your feelings when you listen to it? This is a honest question.

>> No.11595238,2 [INTERNAL] 

Weeaboos are people just like you and me.

>> No.11595238,3 [INTERNAL] 

I'd be the first person to admit that theres no such thing as bad music, just different taste. However, you can almost immediately tell when something is going to suck, just check out half the talentless music made using vocaloid. Theres obviously no point in discussing this though, still I think its fair to say a lot of the shit weeaboos are willing to listen to is trash.

>> No.11595238,4 [INTERNAL] 

Become music otaku

>> No.11595238,5 [INTERNAL] 

Well, some would say that one man's shit is another man's culture.

>> No.11595238,6 [INTERNAL] 

Thanks for your valuable input.

>> No.11595238,7 [INTERNAL] 

Basically, there are three types of music:

Art music -- this is good music. You have to be properly trained for years before you can produce it, and you have to consume it like a fine wine, appreciating all its subtleties and complex characters.

Traditional music -- this is bad music. However, it has cultural and historic value, so it's worthwhile despite being bad as music.

Popular music -- this is rock, pop, jazz, hip hop, country, electronic ... basically, all the stuff you're supposed to have outgrown by the time you're an adult. It's all terrible except as background noise to idiots.

>> No.11595238,8 [INTERNAL] 

Music can be objectively measured as a combination of the skill demonstrated with the instrument/medium used and the ability of the artist to convey emotion. If the artist wants to pinpoint an aesthetic that is extremely niche and makes some painstakingly recorded metal machine noise then hey that's great. But you can make compositional choices that don't bring the track in your intended direction. You can mix and EQ things poorly with lots of competing frequencies. You can give an unintentionally sloppy performance. All of that is objectively bad. Whether or not you like something is subjective, whether or not it is good is less so.

>> No.11595238,9 [INTERNAL] 

Vocaloid isn't culture, it is entertainment.

>> No.11595238,10 [INTERNAL] 

>ability of the artist to convey emotion.

You can't objectively measure emotions.

>> No.11595238,11 [INTERNAL] 

Entertainment is part of culture.

>> No.11595238,12 [INTERNAL] 

That's bullshit. You could measure serotonin levels in the audience or ask them to complete a survey.

>> No.11595238,13 [INTERNAL] 

You can be entertained by people shitting. People shitting is not culture.

Checkmate kike.

>> No.11595238,14 [INTERNAL] 

Not really. Different cultures have their own ways of shitting, for example.

>> No.11595238,15 [INTERNAL] 

He's right:

>> No.11595238,16 [INTERNAL] 

That's the point. The serotonin levels would be different for every listener, making it not valid for objective judgement.

>> No.11595238,17 [INTERNAL] 

You should think a bit more before you post next time.

>> No.11595238,18 [INTERNAL] 

Did I make an error? Is it because I said that there's no way to objectively measure emotions while the poster I quoted was talking about objectively measuring the ability to convey emotions?

Because if that was my error there's little difference. Just like you can't objectively measure emotions you can't objectively measure the ability to convey emotions

>> No.11595238,19 [INTERNAL] 

And if you want to make a danceable track and it produces less of a response in the same people as another dance track that displays similar technical proficiency then it is inferior music. This isn't a hard concept.

>> No.11595238,20 [INTERNAL] 

Who let in the anti-science tard? Are you religious or something? Music is not some mysterious magic, it is completely a biological response and science is made by averages.

>> No.11595238,21 [INTERNAL] 

The same two tracks could be played to a different group that could display different reactions.

>> No.11595238,22 [INTERNAL] 

Take it easy faggots, holy shit.

>> No.11595238,23 [INTERNAL] 

What do you think "objective" means?

This is how we do science. We measure these things and work out a statistical basis for objective results.

>> No.11595238,24 [INTERNAL] 

Do you think I typed the word "same" for no reason? If you wanted to make a dance hit and folk crowd picks up on it you're not a good musician, you're a fluke success.

>> No.11595238,25 [INTERNAL] 

There are characteristics in music that affect humans similarly across cultures. It's the reason pop music is big while hardly anybody listens to classical.

Music can be measured by success but an artist's intent doesn't always require success.

>> No.11595238,26 [INTERNAL] 

Objectivity is a fact that can be proven.
Like "this figure is a square". If the figure has 4 equal sides then it is objectively a square.

You can't do the same thing with music. You can't say that a certain song produces a certain level of serotonine, everytime and with all subjects. There's no science in it because the experiment can't be repeated with the same effects as before.

>> No.11595238,27 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11595238,28 [INTERNAL] 

This. It's how chord progressions work, and chord progressions are why pop music is "catchy".

>> No.11595238,29 [INTERNAL] 

You could absolutely measure the average level of serotonin across subjects. That's a poor argument anyway though, increased serotonin does not make something good or bad.

>> No.11595238,30 [INTERNAL] 

Eating chocolate makes humans fat. This is an objective fact. Of course, not everyone who eats chocolate will get fat. This is why we have this:

>> No.11595238,31 [INTERNAL] 

Take a good luck around you. Do you seriously believe that what you see could have been achieved without something that goes beyond human comprehension and science?

>> No.11595238,32 [INTERNAL] 

To be honest I just gave serotonin as an example. I'm sure there are other neurotransmitters and other important factors, it's not something I know much about. But I see no reason why emotion can't be measured.

>> No.11595238,33 [INTERNAL] 

A good look, I mean

>> No.11595238,34 [INTERNAL] 

So because no one on Warosu has the means to execute an publish an experiment you are just going to pretend that it's not scientifically measurable? Okay, Flatworld-kun.

Did you even read the proceeding posts?

>> No.11595238,35 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11595238,36 [INTERNAL] 

Beyond current human comprehension and science? Of course.

But we'll get there, you'll see.

>> No.11595238,37 [INTERNAL] 

jpop denpa anime songs are shit

>> No.11595238,38 [INTERNAL] 

I think that poster is confusing quantification with definition.

Emotions haven't been defined, it's still an active research area in psychology. You could definitely measure the neurotransmitters tho they might be different per subject. If we define them a certain way we can measure them.

>> No.11595238,39 [INTERNAL] 

Don't kid yourself. If it is true that the universe is infinite in both time and space, then there's no way we'll ever get to explain or even understand everything.

>> No.11595238,40 [INTERNAL] 


Does your body's behavior cause emotions, do your emotions cause your body's behavior, or is it a two-way street? Vote now!

>> No.11595238,41 [INTERNAL] 

That doesn't make anything impossible only unknown. Where did all these kids come from?

>> No.11595238,42 [INTERNAL] 

They could probably whittle emotions down to a few "core" emotions like they did with personality:
Basically they took a huge list of personality traits, grouped similar ones, then used FACTOR ANALYSIS to narrow them down to these five.

>> No.11595238,43 [INTERNAL] 

It's not even that - it doesn't matter what causes what, a visible emotional response can still be measured and averaged then optimized. If that weren't the case we wouldn't have directed advertisements and or market economies. Behavioral studies would be impossible.

>> No.11595238,44 [INTERNAL] 

But the unknown is infinite. How can you possibly explain everything that exists in the infinite?

>> No.11595238,45 [INTERNAL] 

How come?

Are you one of those people who says, ``There is such a huge number of stars that at least one of them has to have a planet inhabited entirely by loli catgirls''?

>> No.11595238,46 [INTERNAL] 

y = x2 goes on forever but I could tell you all about it.

>> No.11595238,47 [INTERNAL] 

Is it really? I believe otherwise - we have to know of something in order for it to be unknown.

>> No.11595238,48 [INTERNAL] 

If something is physically possible, then it is bound to happen, eventually.

>> No.11595238,49 [INTERNAL] 

That's not how it works ):<

>> No.11595238,50 [INTERNAL] 

ur mom is shti
what u even doin in jp

>> No.11595238,51 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11595238,52 [INTERNAL] 

Well, it is. In an ifinite universe, anyway. I don't see why not.

Knowing of the existence of something is different than being able to explain it.

>> No.11595238,53 [INTERNAL] 

How is this even /jp/-related besides the fact that it's ON /jp/?

The Marisa platformer fair enough, but making electronic music isn't exactly in the rules.

Is it because it has a Touhou picture?

Can I make a thread about my LEGO or electronics projects if it's for all of /jp/ to join in with and I use a picture of Nitori?

>> No.11595238,54 [INTERNAL] 

This thread was made by janny you mongoloid.

>> No.11595238,55 [INTERNAL] 

If you made touhous out of legos it wouldn't be deleted. That might even be fun!

I wish I still had my legos...

>> No.11595238,56 [INTERNAL] 

This guy has done lots of Touhous, both flat pixel art and 3D sculptures:

>> No.11595530


It is important to note that this project was open for over ***three times*** the length of the previous project, with the entire schedule for ht first project fitting into the 'mastering' section alone.

There was ample time for those with ability to come forward, yet they chose to remain silent.

>> No.11595530,1 [INTERNAL] 

fukn ur mum

>> No.11596559

Any NEET want to translate manga with me? I can translate to English, just need someone to edit it all together.

>> No.11596650 [DELETED] 

Goodness, what the hell happened here? The thread looks awful in the archive.

I don't know if you're still the right guy, but assuming you're the second project organizer:

It's like you weren't even watching the project 1 threads. True, at the start of the project, I had noted, clearly, that the project will be open to all submissions, with very little limit on quality or genre. I was also ready to release the album if only one or two persons were interested to join - for a reason: I had never seen a /jp/ project, exclusively discussed in /jp/ threads, see completion. It was a matter of contingent. However, as the project gained steam, It became apparent that we would be able to release something 'complete', and I worked to make it so. It was soon apparent that people wanted album art, so I posted a request on the thread, which, thankfully, was received by a couple of talented artists. However, had that not happened, I would not have rested until we've exhausted our options - as had happened now.

>> No.11596653 [DELETED] 

And no, I didn't do much work. Other people had to pitch in their effort, of which I was very grateful for - and still am. I only had to see to it that it happened - that's why I risked infamy by posting (irregular) status updates about the project. It may not be apparent, because this part does not appear in the /jp/ threads, but I also coordinated with our two artists through mail. I do not wish to dismiss your part in project 2, but why did you not do any of these things? I am aware that I was lucky at the time to have been approached by artists within the thread itself, but what did I show just a few days past? That a single post in the OC thread was able to attract an artist to help out. You were the organizer, for goodness' sake - why weren't you doing any of this? Why did I have to be the one to do that? Why did I have to ask for status updates for project two a couple of times, because I felt that people might be forgetting? You're supposed to be the organizer this round, so you should have stepped up to the responsibility.

>> No.11596727

Janitor, please delete these posts. It's my mistake - I shouldn't be pouring more oil into the flame. What's done is done, and we should move forward from here.

I will be mailing all members of Project 2, whose contacts I have. This means, region0 and R0ddy would not receive it, and Hinslyce might not receive it if I got the email wrong.

We'll discuss from this point whether or not to continue making a re-release of compilation 2. That is, same tracks, just let the mastering be finished, but we will need to re-upload them in the 2.5 folder I made in the project 1 repository. Also, 2.5 will feature the cover art(s), and we may also be able to do another split-release.

>> No.11596762
File: 122 KB, 957x542, ss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read your posts in the archive and I get your point while I still disagree, but whatever, I'm not going to continue this argument since the posts are going to be deleted.

I'm with you.
I'm for a double release since we have two cover arts. I suggest we do a instrumental/electro split like the first album. Also it would be nice if we could do a flac release.

>> No.11597963
File: 386 KB, 1064x420, no fwighting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember to take it easy /jp/.

Also I still suggest we split it as arranges and originals. A 2:3 split isn't too bad, I think, and it's thematically cooler.

>> No.11598087

Hey, platformer dude! Are you alive?

>> No.11598105

I'm very much alive. If you're asking about the game itself, further progress is on hold at the moment, waiting for ideas and art.

>> No.11598332


What type of ideas and art?

>> No.11598427

I've explained it several times before, let me just copypaste my post from the last thread:

"the game needs more stuff in general. Check this post >>11391908 for an example of a perfect "content" contribution (four out of five enemies/obstacles currently in the game are from that post. If several other people made contributions like that, the game would quickly grow several times larger).

In addition, there's also some polish required before it can really be considered finished. Specifically:
- character animations (jumping, getting hurt, shooting, maybe crouching)
- sound effects (jumping, landing, shooting, bullet impact, picking up mushrooms, activating checkpoint)
- music (no specific requirements here)"

I know it's very vague and general, and people have pointed out that the biggest problem of this project is a lack of clear direction, but unfortunately I'm not much of an idea guy or a very good project leader. I pretty much just wanted to code other people's ideas, but I guess everyone expects me to lead the project now...

>> No.11599283

I uploaded my tracks, (hopefully) already volume balanced and void of unnecessarily long pauses before and after.

Also, so far, 1 contributor is withdrawing from joining the 2.5 release. The idea of >>11597963 is interesting, but you must slash 2 original songs from the count. In terms of naming, I suppose no one objects to the old CD-J, CD-P format?

And, I took a notice of >>11598427, and I thought, why don't we let these tracks be used as BGM? Just a suggestion, of course, and something to think about. But to me, these tracks are here - nice and shiny. They're nice to listen to, but they aren't really going anywhere. Maybe we could let him use some? In particular, Touhou arranges are pretty popular in the /jp/ Music Compi, and he _is_ making a Touhou platformer. It'd be nice to widen the reach of this collab a bit further, don't you think?

>> No.11599308

I thought up the idea for CD J and P and I refuse to let you use my idea for this release. Please think up your own name for this unapproved project.

>> No.11599339

I'd be interested in contributing to the next /jp/ album but, does it have to be /jp/ related?
Like a 2hu arrange or something?

>> No.11599340

>They're nice to listen to, but they aren't really going anywhere. Maybe we could let him use some?
Not him but while monitoring this thread once in a while I expected that people would think of such an idea faster than this.

It just shows how much people don't really care about the "project" aspect of this thread. Not to mention that even though this guy has an incomplete but somehow working platformer, people still didn't help the guy a fucking bit. Meanwhile the guys in the OC threads are wondering why "/jp/ don't have any games??".

This is ridiculous. Seriously.

>> No.11599352

Not really. It's no holds barred in terms of genre with very little limit in quality as well.

Baby steps, anon. Before, no one knew if the album would even be finished. But now there's a bit of solid ground and we can work our way up, step at a time.

>> No.11600167

I-I'm not quite sure how /jp/ project threads work, but I'm interested in starting a writing project; however, I'd like to have an anon or two bounce ideas off of while I'm outlining it.
Would anyone be willing to participate?

>> No.11600625
File: 634 KB, 1000x1000, 1383858870059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only good music from /jp/, this new comp sucks in comparison

>> No.11600649


That's because the first release had quality control and actual jaypees taking part.

The second release is a rushed mess involving people who's only interest is saying they were part of it. I deleted it after 1 listen, knowing that I would never be interested in hearing it again.

>> No.11601123


>actual jaypees taking part
>Almost all the artists in album 2 participated in album 1.

>quality control
>Consisting of a single guy choosing which tracks were on the list.

The critical thinking is strong with this one.

>> No.11601126

>Consisting of a single guy choosing which tracks were on the list.
That is, in fact, a form of quality control.

>> No.11601149


He also did it this time around too, and that was even the track list used.

>> No.11601325

>but you must slash 2 original songs from the count
That would make the split more balanced for an original vs arrange split. Even better, I suppose.

Is it the organizer dude being all butthurt?

>> No.11601329

Oh and if we're doing 2.5, if >>11579577 is still interested could we include him? His stuff's amazing.

>> No.11601710

Since the tracklist is already different and all, I don't see why not. If he already has something he wants to submit, I don't see a problem with it.

>> No.11601716

If you already have some tracks you want to submit, you can email me at jpmusicproject1@gmail.com. I'll then invite you to the dropbox repository. To actually submit your songs, you need to download the software of the same name. It's easy to setup.

>> No.11601729

Please add /jp/ ainu project from now on.
Red, if you are out there know I am still at it.


>> No.11602215

Except I didn't choose anything since there wasn't enough tracks to choose from. This time we just included all the tracks that were submitted.
I'd like to enforce a quality check but most people don't want it.

I suggest we do a genre split instrumental vs electronic, but this is ok too. I would like the two albums to be even in number of tracks, I hope those without OCD understand this.

Agreed, let's accept all new submissions.

>The second release is a rushed mess involving people who's only interest is saying they were part of it.
The dropbox is still empty except fo two artists, now we'll see who's really interested in the projet, maybe.

>> No.11602331

Well my OCD demands the arranges be separated from the originals, with everything properly classified and tagged, buddy.

>> No.11602377

Is it the same dropbox from the first compilation? Because I'll upload something for this one if you guys don't mind.

>> No.11602451

Yes. Go on ahead, if you're already in it.

>> No.11602641

>with everything properly classified and tagged, buddy.
Don't say that to me, dude.

>> No.11602658


why does the second release sound so terrible? why is it so lifeless, dull, boring? why was it released only 5 months after the first? why were so many absolutely, objectively bad songs allowed to be included?

>> No.11602665

Please wait for project 2.5 warmly.

>> No.11602690

I'll say what I want, pal.

>> No.11603519

It's cause I wasn't on it, lol.

For real, though, it's because it was rushed.

>> No.11603622


>open 3x longer than the last project

No, it's because the person who did the /mastering/ last time didn't do it this time.

>> No.11603877

>>open 3x longer than the last project
It sure felt more rushed. Perhaps it was an issue of poor preparation and organization and a lot of people not really feeling up to another compi at this particular time. At any rate, some of the tracks just sound like shit. Mastering won't cure bad composition, bad sounds, and bad mixing. Not like all of them are bad, some are great, but some of them are downright lazy, and the trend I noticed is that the artists that already had some tracks ready at the get-go or started early had better tracks.

>> No.11603878

Mastering wouldn't make shit magically good (most of the case, anyway). If the composition is shit in the first place, no amount of post-production magic can make it better.

That being the case, I feel the music this time around is more fun and enjoyable than the first release. I guess the overall genre is more to my liking than yours, but man, that shit's very subjective, you know.

>> No.11603892

>I feel the music this time around is more fun and enjoyable than the first release
Most of it sounds the same. My favorites this time around are the jazz arranges.

Maybe I'm just not in the mood for this stuff, because I'm not really feeling it at all. The first compilation had a nostalgic quality to a lot of the songs that I liked. So even if they were simple and underproduced they resonated. This time, I don't know. At least /jp/'s trying, I guess.

>> No.11603967

>The first compilation had a nostalgic quality to a lot of the songs that I liked.
With this, do you mean how some of the contributions were throwbacks to doujin/otaku-related stuff, like how that guy did Umineko-inspired music and some people were doing 2hu classics?

>> No.11604019


> people not really feeling up to another compi at this particular time

The whole reason this started was because someone was bitching that it wasn't happening, and how they wanted another one.

A whole lot of people joined in for something that they 'didn't feel up to'.

>> No.11604693

Please, tell us which tracks do you feel are not good enough so we can encourage the artists to do better for the 2.5 release. (Well in fact I know which they are but just so we can see that it's not just my subjective opinion.)

True that, so far only two artists reuploaded their track for a 2.5 release.

>> No.11604731

I'd rather not implement such form of 'quality check'. What you're suggesting is far too based on subjective qualities and will only insinuate worthless arguments.

>> No.11604732

how will it insinuate arguments

>> No.11604749

I already know you don't want a quality check ! I'm not trying to enforce a quality check here, I want to give artists the oportunity to benefit from critisism so they can have a better view of their work and eventually consider changing or modifying their submitted songs.

>> No.11604771

My tastes > your tastes
/pop/ is >>###########
And whatever such petty things. Just off the top of my head. Don't want any of that.

However, if it's in the sake of learning and improving the songs and oneself, criticism is fine. In fact, I wanted them to come since project 1. They're few and far apart, but I have personally learned a small amount in mastering off of them. - However - what I will definitely not have is barring someone from submitting their songs. Criticizing someone is one thing, but actively deleting someone else's songs, for any reason, without their consent, whether right, or wrong, simply will not fly. In short, take it easy.

>> No.11604877

>do you mean how some of the contributions were throwbacks to doujin/otaku-related stuff
Yep. Some tracks also sound very "gamey" in the sense of underproduction and simplicity, like it would serve as BGM.

>The whole reason this started was because someone was bitching that it wasn't happening, and how they wanted another one.
Yeah. One guy. And it was met with resistance.

>A whole lot of people joined in for something that they 'didn't feel up to'.
And a handful didn't. This second compilation had significantly less involvement from the whole community with regards to music, artwork, organization, and presentation.

Look at the shit the first compilation produced: Two "sides" with complete artwork and tracklisting, mastering, a planned crossfade, a survey to determine the name of the album, and even a website.

As I said before: it feels rushed. Even the file formats aren't consistent.

>tell us which tracks do you feel are not good enough
I'm not going to complain about genres or anything. Problems I've noticed:

-Jual's tracks sound flat (listen to something by region0 or Crinkles for comparison)

-fumo's track needs the low end boosted and some compression. I can hardly tell the instruments apart from each other and the kick is thoroughly buried.

-Ganjameister's tracks are inconsistent in mixing. The last track of the album (which should usually be a good one) sounds really muddy and distorted. I don't know if this is a stylistic choice or production oversight.

-The Strange Visitor, while interesting, is overcompressed, making it tiring to listen to it all the way through (and it's a shorter one!).

-Levels are uneven across tracks. I'm not sure if they're all maximized so that might help.

-Inconsistent bitrate and filetype

-A good half of the tracks are too long. A lot of tracks 4+ minutes long can be shortened.

Sorry if it sounds critical, but that's that.

>> No.11604895

Made this because other arranges didn't do it for me. Enjoy~

>> No.11604901

DQN, VIP, /mu/ - quality music made by real artists, generally has a theme of sorts, great to listen to

/a/, /v/ - anime and videogame music collections, not bad but just taking existing quality music and slapping it together

/jp/ - terrible songs thrown together in the space of 2 weeks and a new collection planned for release every month. 0 quality control because "muh feelings"

>> No.11604916

haha i like le tanasinn too :)

>> No.11604928

haha i like le sakuslut is a girl! too :)

>> No.11604942


I don't like any of those communities but the music they put out is infinitely better than jp music collab 2

>> No.11604947

>-Levels are uneven across tracks. I'm not sure if they're all maximized so that might help.

>-Inconsistent bitrate and filetype
blame the lack of mastering
the organizing was pretty shit this time. the organizer was absent most of the time, even if he was here took fucking forever to respond to anything. i'm pretty sure he has a schedule outside /jp/ or fuck, even a job. not saying it's all the organizer's fault. but the organizer was pretty damn shitty. really shit. sorry

>> No.11604957

Please don't bully the organizer anymore.

>> No.11604968

okay. im' sorry admin

>> No.11605502


>Yeah. One guy. And it was met with resistance.
Resistance from, you guessed it, one guy. The same guy complaining about it now.

>This second compilation had significantly less involvement
1 Guy decided the first album's track list.
1 Guy decided when the first album was released.
1 Guy did the mastering for the first album, at his own volition.
1 Guy chose the first album's name by himself.
1 Guy spammed the other forums about the first album, against the wishes of -several- artists.
The first album was largely a 1-man show, however that time the 1 Guy doing the mastering and 'quality control' chose to help instead of wait and complain.

>> No.11605575

>1 Guy chose the first album's name by himself.

Wrong. I suggested the name that was used and I remember there being a discussion on the name. Please stop spreading lies because you tried to make a second album and it failed horribly.

>> No.11605578


If you followed the thread, you should be familiar with the post where the organizer said 'I'm sorry, but I'm picking the name'.

But that would be inconvenient for the counterargument of 'community driven'.

>> No.11605596


Nah I picked it. Prove me wrong.

>> No.11605613


>jpmusic projectone <jpmusicproject1@gmail.com>

>Just to keep you all updated, I posted this in /jp/
>I hope you can understand my decision - it was really getting out of hand and nothing was getting done::


>Woah, woah, woah. This naming business has devolved into endless bickering. This must end now.

>I'm very sorry to have to do this, but I must assert the decision and end this debate because this is going nowhere.

Unless, of course, you're implying that the previous organizer is -also- CitronSec.

>> No.11605702

the organizer has a lot of owning up to do before he can shift the blame of failure, for example
1. why there was almost a 2 weeks period without a thread up? what were you doing as organizer?
2. why weren't you more proactive? isn't the organizer's job to ORGANIZE? if noone volunteer for cover it's your job to find someone to draw. if noone's mixing you get someone to do it, or diy.
3. why you take long time to respond? guess you can't keep the thread open 24/7 if you're always out partying with your ``le epic awesome friends :DDD'' huh?

>> No.11605712



>> No.11605764

we'll just replace it with the usual open source bullshit, or find new shit to bicker about. nothing (worthwhile) is ever gonna get done, this is trolls trolling trolls general afterall.

>> No.11606266

>Resistance from, you guessed it, one guy. The same guy complaining about it now.
Nope, at least two. Most likely more considering how the first compilation seemed to catalyze latent negative attitudes toward a music project from the very beginning.

>1 Guy decided the first album's track list.
Yes, because he took the job of organizing the project. He created the dropbox and took care of emails. This doesn't mean he had all say. We had discussions about how many album sides and what kind of tracks should be on each CD. We discussed possible thematic arrangements.

>1 Guy decided when the first album was released.
As did this one guy this time around. The date is simply an arbitrary ending point to begin putting everything together. Some people need a goal in front of them to finish things.

>1 Guy did the mastering for the first album, at his own volition.
Though I don't necessarily agree with this, it gave the album a more uniform levels. Transparent mastering (i.e. just raising levels and adding light compression) would only benefit most of the tracks.

>1 Guy chose the first album's name by himself.
We had a poll to determine the name, but it was open to everyone so we had people casting multiple votes. Eventually, we agreed on what we agreed on. The possible names were generated by /jp/.

>1 Guy spammed the other forums about the first album, against the wishes of -several- artists.
I don't remember this.

You also forgot: crossfade, website, art (all done by different people), as well as feedback on some tracks before release.

Face it. Your compilation is shit. No art, inconsistent everything, poor track arrangement, less involvement, etc. What's especially frustrating is that instead of simply owning up to your shortcomings, you're shifting blame to what was otherwise regarded as a more successful project. Assume it was not a more successful project; that does not make your project any better.

>> No.11606291

>But that would be inconvenient for the counterargument of 'community driven'.
Doesn't make any sense when the titles to choose from were community generated and there were efforts to involve the community in selecting the name. In the end he picked one of the more popular ones. If anyone had serious problems with the selection, they would have spoken up to it, but it's just an album title, it doesn't really matter.

See, what matters is that he tried to involve the whole of /jp/. His selection of the title does not in any way invalidate the efforts to do so because the majority agreement with the title is implicit, at least by the artists and likely by those who care on /jp/.

>> No.11606491

So far, only 2 contributors have re-uploaded their tracks. And please do note - you only need to re-upload the tracks you had from Project 2 (though, if you wish to change tracks, that's fine too). Once we receive enough tracks, we can restart the mastering and art production.

In the case of an under-participation, I suppose we can just release those who contributed under 2.5. Like a 1 CD thing. With at least half the number of tracks from Project 2, it'd be a good enough mini-release.

>> No.11607665


>Yes, because he took the job of organizing the project.

Now, that's an interesting tidbit. the guy who created the dropbox (being the guy who posted the 'milestone' updates and otherwise organized the project). and CitronSec have never actually been linked.

So, you're saying they're the same person?

>> No.11607773

Not likely unless you're referring to the second project. The first project and second project were headed by different organizers (due to separate dropbox folders). CitronSec was on both albums. If he was in charge of the first, why would he open another dropbox for number 2?

I'm pretty sure the second project was headed by one of the artists. I'm not sure if the first organizer was one of the artists, if he is then he's absent from the second.

>> No.11607820

Interesting how the 'organizer' is turning into some sort of urban myth.

>> No.11607835

The first project, and this 2.5 debacle, was created and organized by Vapor Hands, I believe. His uploader name in the dropbox shows up as Jpmusic.

What's interesting, however, is in the second comp, Vapor Hands' .wav files were uploaded by Jpmusic, while the .mp3 files were uploaded by a certain Kevin. Now CitronSec's uploads are shown to have been uploaded by a Kevin character as well. Rad as HELL.

What's going on here? Did he fucked up? Pure coincidence? Samefag? Schizophrenia? The plot thickens!

>> No.11608507

i noticed that a while ago. my songs were showing as being uploaded by someone else for some reason. i thought they might have edited the tags and re-uploaded but the file was the exact same, so i don't know what's up with that.

>> No.11608567


That appears to be CitronSec. If you look at the tags on Instrument of Death|Grace Incarnate in the upload folder, you'll see it is tagged as composed by "Kevin Crouzet" which, when you google it, leads to Dailynotion and soundcloud profiles of CitronSec.

>> No.11608573

At least the open source bullshit had some meaning to it.

So again, can we learn from our mistakes and stop this music shit?

>> No.11608608

Please don't stalk me.

>> No.11608641

Please don't impersonate me.

>> No.11609756

What is he doing uploading other people's music?

What the fuck is going on here?

>At least the open source bullshit had some meaning to it.
It really doesn't. /jp/ will complain about anything and everything.

Of course, don't let that stop you from selectively using this fact to denigrate projects you don't like. Projects that, mind you, actually yielded something meaningful as opposed to your "meaningful" open source arguments.

>> No.11610028

It might be because he was doing the mastering. Obviously, it'd produce a different file from the original, and once he uploaded that, that's what you get.

>> No.11610043

>It might be because he was doing the mastering
I thought we were talking about the second compilation?

Fuck I'm confused.

>> No.11610065

I don't know if he was able to master at least a few tracks before Project 2 went black, since most already put up lossless versions ready for mastering.

>> No.11610788 [DELETED] 

>feelio when no good song in /jp/ compi

if only gigs!bar was here... he'll show you nerds what good music is like

>> No.11613297


The first project is almost entirely lossy .mp3's....

>> No.11614179

Catch the context, anon.

>> No.11615788

Wait, bumps are suppose to be on-topic?

>> No.11616399

You see, all he has to do is upvert them and bam! lossless.

>> No.11617848

Anyone want to collaborate on an online manga? I need someone who can draw, as my drawings suck. I would basically send you rough sketches of full pages with info and once a page is finished it goes up on a website.

>> No.11618955


Do you already have a story drafted, or are you looking to create one with the artist?

>> No.11621238

its been months since these project threads started

did /jp/sies finally overcome the drama and make something besides music compilation 1?

>> No.11621242

No, they had even more drama and shat out a 2nd compilation.

Now we're dead again.

>> No.11621245

Why are artists such douchebags?

"Hey guys, I'm making a game! Anyone want to help?"

"Sure, I can write the story!"
"I can make music!"
"I'll do the programming!"

"What about you, Artist-san? Think you could help out with a few sprites or CGs?"
"*yawn* Sorry mere mortal, I only draw what *I* want to draw, unless you pay me. Now excuse me while I dump more futa sketches in the OC thread."

>> No.11621256

Truly these artists are worse than hitler.

I'm quoting a modified version of anon's post so don't get your piss bottles in a bunch

>> No.11621259 [DELETED] 

Modify THIS.

*whips out dick*

>> No.11621262 [DELETED] 
File: 265 KB, 909x684, 1382485529491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't do that, there are little girls browsing this board

>> No.11621266 [DELETED] 


*deletes post*

>> No.11621266,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11621287


Are you the loli-rape simulator guy?

>> No.11621291

It's been a couple of weeks and though it's pretty obvious, for the sake of closure, the project 2.5 won't be continuing because of the lack of interest. Shame, since it's not a lot of work left, but oh well. The 2nd album's out there anyway. For the artists who volunteered for it, thanks anyway for your time. For the guy who volunteered for the mastering, thanks all the same.

>> No.11621299
File: 14 KB, 317x367, bawww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11621421

Already have 4 chapters written out and am working on the rough sketches/dialogue along with some more long term arc ideas

>> No.11621921

Doing art for video games is much more difficult and tedious than the other things. Programming is a fun, engaging technical challenge, writing the story and music for a video game is no different than just doing it normally for fun, but with art, it's completely different. You have to redraw the same shit over and over again in slightly different poses, and draw boring shit like background clutter, etc. Also there's far more art to do compared to all other tasks. Art assets are always the biggest bottleneck in game production unless you're going for maximum minimalism style.

I think it's pretty insulting that you expect artists to do boring as fuck busywork for free, while you get to do all the fun stuff, and don't even have to put half the time and effort into it compared to the artist.

>> No.11621938

That's too bad. I was on board, too.

>> No.11622008
File: 2.25 MB, 615x423, jp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't know who that post is is but they certainly are not me.

>> No.11622010

That loli is tank as fuck

>> No.11622025


You seemed a lot better tempered in the emails is why I asked. I was just curious. Did yuo make much progress recently?

>> No.11622041


I'm a bit confused right now. I don't think you're even the person you're comparing me to. (The only post I've made in this thread is >>11622008 )

I haven't made a whole lot of progress lately due to being ridiculously busy with school.

In the past 2 weeks I've mostly only got pathfinding working multithreaded and did a little bit of work on city generation (particularly to buildings. They don't generate yet, but there is more framework there for them when I do decide to generate them.)

I guess I fixed up a bunch of issues on loliscript (used for some scripting stuff in the game, particularly dialogue).

Are you the artist that offered help a while ago without realizing the amount of free time you had?

>> No.11622043

I-I was waiting for the other guys to upload their tracks first, I swear!

>> No.11622297

It's unfortunate, but thanks for your participation. If in the future, there would be a Project 3, your contributions will be very welcome.

>> No.11622333

>If in the future, there would be a Project 3

Please no. If you really, absolutely must, at least wait longer than 5 months

>> No.11622348

JP makes OC?

How long has these been going on? I thought you guys just took it easy and played galgames.

>> No.11622378



>> No.11622476

It wasn't my decision in the first place to do Project 2 either. What this means is what will happen, will happen; whether anyone likes it or not.

>> No.11626695


Man, it's like there's this, OC thread or something that shows up on /jp/

>> No.11628060

>JP makes OC?
No, /jp/ only bickers, no content comes out of these threads

>> No.11628172

>Doing art for video games is much more difficult and tedious than the other things
Are you fucking serious? ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?

We're not talking about making the next FFXXVIII or something here, just to eventually make some loli with basic walk/run/cute actions.

An artist drawing is the same shit as a coder programming : They do their stuff and supposedly have fun with it. Now if you only know artists who find their jobs "tedious and boring" like you say then something is definitely wrong with your friends.

>> No.11628203


simple run cycles don't seem that bad. Maybe the person you tried to get to do it doesn't do pixel art. Trying to translate mediums is a lot like trying a new language there's a grace period where trying to translate what you know becomes a fickle process.

>> No.11628917

> just to eventually make some loli with basic walk/run/cute actions.

Good luck lol

>> No.11629771

Could the male vocals from Yandeiru Seishun please be removed. I'm really sorry to say this but they aren't very good and I think the song would be better without them.

>> No.11631161


You can't remove vocals post-production, that's not how audio works.

>> No.11633665


You could say that /jp/ is content with what it has?

>> No.11636730



>> No.11636783

I think he's asking the artist to take them out.

>> No.11639606


why not?

>> No.11639714

K-on! Doujin Music project- Wakaba Girls


Posted this on another /jp/ project thread but didn't get much response..

Planned future projects- OnNaGumi, Love Crysis

>> No.11639930

Unfortunately, the /jp/ Music Compilation is currently on recess, but if you want to join in the future, you're welcome.

>> No.11642485


Just think of it as preparing so far in advance that you won't even have to do anything when it crops up again.

>> No.11642526

Are you looking for a vocalist here, of all places? You won't find any grill here, let alone one that sounds like Azunyan.

>> No.11645164


Can he at least find angus?

>> No.11645234

[X] Project thread #12
[X] 1 half-completed music compilation
[X] 1 not-completed anytime soon compilation
[X] No games

Just drop the project already. It won't work. It was never meant to work.

>> No.11646343

Programming is far more tedious. Actually game programming is probably one of the least enviable and most underrated of all in terms of contribution. There really is no technical challenge unless you're doing something entirely new which most games aren't. It is just a balancing act between making everything generic and concise at the highest level of abstraction while able to handle all cases on the one hand and hard coding everything repetitively and extremely verbose.

Sometimes if there are bugs the whole thing becomes useless even if the essential idea you implemented was good and bug free. Then you can be stuck for hours or even days trying to track down what is going wrong and hope you can fix it or find an alternative work around. Maybe only to find out that the last OS or frimware update broke something and you just needed a hotfix, or some other dumb reason like that.

Art really doesn't have those kind of tedious problems. If anything you can reuse a lot of your assets so you don't have to start from scratch each time making a variation. You're almost guaranteed perfect files whether images or models that work with everything that can parse it. The only concern is making something look right.

>> No.11646512 [DELETED] 

Making fun-posting in project-threads is the hardest and most underrated task of project-threads. All others only have to contribute something that is fun to do and useful to the other anons.

Fun-posting on the other hand takes hard work and isn't fun at all while still being the most important part of project-threads. Without quality fun-post the threads would die much faster!

>> No.11647509

>[X] No games


>> No.11647509,1 [INTERNAL] 

First time a comment from me got deleted. I though it was a valid way demonstrating how retarded the argumentation between

>> No.11652094


Don't forget platformer dude.

>> No.11652098

So why can't you guys take this to the OC threads? What makes these threads so special?

>> No.11652101


>> No.11652123

Its the OC thread for people who like to pretend they're actually going to do something, but wont.

In short, its the almost-OC thread.

>> No.11652240

>take this to the OC threads
Amusingly OC people don't want to get involved with this. It's always the same with artists though so there's nothing to be surprised here.

I'm pretty sure most of the /jp/sies talked about using various 2hu mockups available to build a game and they only needed 1~2 artists willing to draw just 2~3 little girls with some animations. Artists didn't happen.

In the end we're stuck with something like >>11622008 or the incomplete Marisa platformer one.

>> No.11652240,1 [INTERNAL] 

>It's always the same
Ugh, it's THAT guy again.

>> No.11653468


I don't know what project you're talking about? I could help.

>> No.11655208


The platformer I believe. He/they're looking for help.

>> No.11655277


The Marisa one? I thought they had an artist working on it though.

>> No.11655351

It's for collaborative efforts. Though almost all of them fall through.

>> No.11661731


You mean almost all of them have succeeded. Unless you can name all the efforts started in these threads that have actually 'fallen through'?

There are currently 3 projects that have delivered things, with one of those still being under development and a 4th project going on the side.

>> No.11661779

I've been to all of the /jp/ project threads, and I have seen a lot of 'proposals' for games being discussed, and perhaps that's what he means when he says 'projects that have fallen through'. In a way, it's probably correct to say that projects that have been forgotten before they began have 'fallen through'.

Let's take a random thread and count the number of posts that fit this bill, say /jp/ project thread # 9:
> I want to make a sandbox game where you go around and do things in a world of cute fairies.
> So the progress on my VN isn't going as well as I anticipated. I scrapped two of the routes I wrote because some the writing was pretty cringe-worthy and I didn't like the characters (not to mention the routes didn't tie in with the overall arching plot at all). Oh well...
> How about making an artbook with references for touhou characters? The picture is from http://danbooru.donmai.us/pools/2550 .
> Would any of you be interested in collab visual novel or game?

And holy hell, this is less than 1/4 into the thread.

>> No.11662720


>> No.11666871


In other words, the ideas proposed by people who weren't actually willing to put in some hard work never got started.

Of those where people -actually- started doing something, the success rate is quite high.

>> No.11670548

Wrong. There are two "projects" that completed which can really be summed up as just a collection of tracks by random people including offboarders.

The loli GTA anon was already doing his thing before these threads started, posts in other threads too, and is doing it all pretty much solo.

The Marisa platformer dev asked for help and got like one person doing sprites for them and sometimes posts here too.

There are a couple of actual game collaborations that started but they didn't go anywhere. And a few proposals like this anon said >>11661779

There really isn't a reason to have these threads if the only people trying to organize collaborations act like a bunch of pimple faced 13 year old kids with literally no experience what so ever. The other side of it is people that hang around and support these threads saying stuff like "somebody should step up and organize stuff" which is the dumbest kind of reason ever.

The only way these threads would have worked out is if someone with a plan knew what they were doing and pushed to get things rolling. Instead the people that fancied themselves as leaders and supporters just pushed almost everyone with any talent away by contradicting them and arguing over stupid and uneducated opinions.

There really is no reason to have this thread instead of the regular OC thread.

>> No.11672781
File: 6 KB, 32x128, jumping-for-jaypee.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Graphics for the Platformerdude:

-Jumping animation
7 frames, frame 03 and 06 should repeat for longer/higher jumps. In image attached I've added an eighth frame (marisa just standing) if that should be relevant.

-bullet stuff
I'm worried about how they translate into the game.

-marisa being hit
Just 1 frame. I've made an alternate. Just use which one looks better to you.

I've also added 2 items (mini-hakkero and star-orb) each normal and shiny (my idea was one for collectable item other for HUD or shiny as an upgrate or whatever).

I think the other stuff is straight forward.

In progress (not included yet):
-Small bullets for enemies
-enemy animations (will be very simple)
-animated portal as level completion object

Hope I haven't forgotten to mention something important and that these graphics doesn't look off in the game.
If there is anything unclear or doesn't make sense, ask.

>> No.11672849

> I want to make a sandbox game where you go around and do things in a world of cute fairies.

That didn't fall through. I just haven't decided what sort of game it's going to be yet. It's teetering between "Capture and fuse them like Monster Rancher or Jade Cocoon", some sort of alchemy based game where the alchemy is powered by fairies and/or flowers, and a game where you run around grabbing fairies out of the sky and fucking them with your human dick. I really need better ideas.

Either way, it's just on hold until I complete another game idea I had before.

>> No.11673197

This. The only notable projects, if we could actually call them "projects", are the 2 music compilation mainly done by offboarders.

We had some programmers willing to do some work for an actual game but the problem was exactly the same as any game project started on the internet : a lack of artists.
So far the only guy who made something that "might" be usable for a game is >>11672781
, 1~2 months after the actual request to boot.

Also, I remember someone suggesting that we should get some artists from the OC threads when they simply answered : "Fuck off".

>> No.11673235

Fuck off you drama queen.
Would not project with/10

>> No.11673253

Thanks for reminding me that I forgot to mention people like you.

>> No.11673280

Nice, great stuff as always.

Unfortunately it might be a while before I can add this stuff in because I'm in the middle of some other very important project, and on top of this my PC is broken right now. Hopefully I'll be able to release an update within this week, but no promises.

>> No.11679204


Wit, things actually happening without drama? No, this can't be /jp/

>> No.11679221

What happened to /jp/ milk tea?

>> No.11679231



>> No.11679234


What happened to Touhou Moon?

>> No.11679263

Probably dead too.

>> No.11682637


Everything is dead, nothing ever happens!!

>> No.11682788


I don't know which artists said that to you. As one of the people who frequently posts in and uses the OC thread I've seen heard this scenario you explain.

>> No.11684754

I'm all for merging these threads with OC threads, because they are pretty much the same thing, and game projects used to be posted there before they were monopolized by artists.

Even if people say that there is music compilation drama going on, it's not like OC threads don't have their share of drama too.

And there's also this thread >>11668378 which shows people are interested in making games.

>> No.11684803

This thread is for the people who want to make OC but never well.

The OC thread is for people that actually pass that hurdle.

OC thread doesn't need 200 posts bitching about source codes, album drama, contentless coding, and other garbage.

>> No.11684811

I dunno, I just think it's boring that no one but artists post there anymore, except for the occasional musician. I enjoyed seeing all the projects sprout, even if they all died...

>> No.11684816

Its not really about whether they die or not.
Its about -anything- being shown done. Marisa platformer guy maybe since he actually posts images and stuff he's done, and lolisim guy.

The rest of this thread? No thanks.

>> No.11684900
File: 336 KB, 819x791, 1380386447701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Neither of you are required to stay here. And, if you're 'concerned' about having things 'get done' (although several already have been), then why would you want to merge a thread that 'doesn't get things done' with one that 'does'? Things won't magically 'get done' by being in a different thread.

In other words, at least one of you just being a shit, go be bored with someone who cares. If people come over to the OC threads that you don't want, be hostile and drive them out. This is how /jp/ works.

>> No.11685011
File: 10 KB, 352x238, ddfjkldsjfdlkf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /jp/ how do you think house management should work in Sim Loli?

Like you'd probably bring your kidnappinged lolis home.. would they stay in specific loli rooms in your basement? Would you be able to expand and upgrade your rape dungeon?

If so, how much freedom would you expect from that? Would it be like place every single wall? Or would you just be able to say like "extend this wall out and create a room here" and it would just create a room of like 3x3 blocks or something so everything would be uniform? Or would it let you place everything and then force me to write something to detect if something is a valid room? (eg has ___ space + exactly one door)

Would you need to buy construction materials? Or would upgrading it just magically make money disappear and the room appear?

Would lolis be able to wander your house, or would they be confined to their room?

>> No.11685014 [DELETED] 

>The OC thread is for people that actually pass that hurdle.
If that were really the case, this thread would be five posts long.

>> No.11685017

> If people come over to the OC threads that you don't want, be hostile and drive them out. This is how /jp/ works.
Why do you think this thread exists in the first place?

>> No.11685029

It's okay bros, I was the one who brought up condensing the threads but it's clear no one wants to do it. Sorry for mentioning it.

>> No.11685032


How does it feel to become a celebrity on /agdg/?

>> No.11685045
File: 9 KB, 317x265, rape dungeon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Feels indifferent man.

Also, here's a pic of what the dungeons could look like. As you can see the left loli is treated better than the ones in the right cell.

I'm not sure about how I'd handle walls in if I let the player hollow out his dungeon tile at a time though, since walls are a hell of a lot thinner than a tile thick. I guess I could just have hollowing out = rock wall, then you'd have to construct walls separately to act as separators.

>> No.11685069

See that kind of attitude? This is an artist. And you wonder why people hate them? Also

>OC thread getting things done
That was a nice joke here. The OC thread is as bad as the /jp/ project thread. The only difference being that the /jp/ project threads aren't old enough to have the same level of circle-jerking.

>> No.11685074

If you're intentionally ignoring the music project, then yes.

Without them, these threads are significantly more civil untill someone mentions open source

>> No.11685078

He was replying to an artist too. I just don't try to make it obvious when it's not relevant.

I'm sorry for bringing it up, I won't do it anymore.

>> No.11685083


Well, how much freedom do I have with my lolis? For example, in the yukkuri games, the most frustrating part is generally the inability to 'get creative' with what I do. How 'open-ended' will my interaction with a loli be? Can I try to train them to do things, have them interact with other lolis, etc?

If it's fairly limited, then having a basic room with minimal customizations should be fine. But, if one can get more creative, then the rooms will need to follow suit.

>> No.11685113


To espouse some ideas:

1) Can I break a loli? Do they have will in some regard, and can I influence that will? Can I make them completely obedient?
2) Do lolis have personality? Will they resist what I do? Will they try to organize and fight back? Are they capable of planning and subverting me (laying traps)?
3) Could I make them perform actions, like act as a prison guard? Could I make a loli rape other lolis? Go hunting? Cannibalism?
4) Are lolis mentally stable?
5) Will a loli be able to interact with it's environment? Will I have NPCs trying to track me down? Will the lolis interact with them? A legion of lolis to fight off the army?

>> No.11685132


6) prostitution/scams? Could I set up a scheme to have lolis generate wealth for me? Rival loli hunters? Extort parents?
7) Do lolis have a past? Can I learn about what their life was like before they were captured? Can I use that against them?
8) Can I be humane to lolis? Could I capture them and give them an objectively better life?
9) Could lolis come seeking me out? Running away from their previous life?
10) Can I torture? Make them wander through mazes for food, fight to the death for something (if they all will even fight, some might be too broken, depending of the will aspect)?
11) Can I study lolis? Try to determine characteristics of lolis and apply them in some way?
12) Cross the line from 'realism' into mysticism? (I image not, but it opens a lot of doors if possible)?
13) Could I use lolis to control other things, like schools, police, etc? Capture politically important lolis and use them as drones to do my bidding?

>> No.11685142


>1) Can I break a loli? Do they have will in some regard, and can I influence that will? Can I make them completely obedient?

I plan on it. It will probably be a simple implementation though. Like the loli will have a hope variable and the more she's locked up and how you treat her badly her hope will decrease (also based on her willpower. higher willpower = able to resist longer).

>2) Do lolis have personality? Will they resist what I do? Will they try to organize and fight back? Are they capable of planning and subverting me (laying traps)?

Personality? Yes. Organize? Probably not. You have to think about how hard it is to implement all this stuff. The personality is mostly how they will talk back to you. Like for example at each thing you do/say to them I will scan all possible outcomes and make the one that best matches the lolis personality(just 5 stats based on the Big Five Personality things, wiki it) and her other stats and choose that one.

>3) Could I make them perform actions, like act as a prison guard? Could I make a loli rape other lolis? Go hunting? Cannibalism?

Probably not. Someone suggested being able to make a loli go out and lure in other lolis which seemed kind of cool, but I don't think I could get around to implementing it.

>4) Are lolis mentally stable?

Not sure what you mean.

>5) Will a loli be able to interact with it's environment? Will I have NPCs trying to track me down? Will the lolis interact with them? A legion of lolis to fight off the army?

Probably not. FBI will investigate you if they find any evidence when you kidnap people, or if the overall town suspicion gets too high they'll just search every house.

<comment too long>

>> No.11685147


14) Do lolis have likes and dislikes? What do those mean in context of the game? Can I jar them by doing something to a thing they like?
15) Do lolis have health, and do they age? If so, do I have to kill lolis if they pass a certain age?

>> No.11685148


>6) prostitution/scams? Could I set up a scheme to have lolis generate wealth for me? Rival loli hunters? Extort parents?


>7) Do lolis have a past? Can I learn about what their life was like before they were captured? Can I use that against them?

Minimally. There won't be blackmail.

>8) Can I be humane to lolis? Could I capture them and give them an objectively better life?

Yes. You don't have to be a sadistic master. Depending on how you raise her she might grow to like you. If you don't feed her, she won't grow properly, will get sick, etc.

>9) Could lolis come seeking me out? Running away from their previous life?

I don't think so.

>10) Can I torture? Make them wander through mazes for food, fight to the death for something (if they all will even fight, some might be too broken, depending of the will aspect)?

Any torture will probably be basic.

>11) Can I study lolis? Try to determine characteristics of lolis and apply them in some way?

Likely. The more you learn about them the more could be shown to you in their stats window or something, otherwise you might get vague approximations or something. And maybe I could let you buy a DNA tester to test your loli's DNA.

>12) Cross the line from 'realism' into mysticism? (I image not, but it opens a lot of doors if possible)?

Be more specific (but probably not)

>13) Could I use lolis to control other things, like schools, police, etc? Capture politically important lolis and use them as drones to do my bidding?


>> No.11685152 [DELETED] 


>14) Do lolis have likes and dislikes? What do those mean in context of the game? Can I jar them by doing something to a thing they like?

Nothing is planned.

>15) Do lolis have health, and do they age? If so, do I have to kill lolis if they pass a certain age?

Yes they have health. Yes they age. No you don't have to kill them. I'm unsure of what to do once they reach 18 though. Maybe keep them as baby factories.
As much as all this sounds awesome, you really have to think about what is feasible to program. Especially for 1 person doing it in his free time. Even if you wanted to and had more people with more time it would still be difficult to code a lot of that shit. Look at how the average AI in a AAA game is, and those studios have many people and big budgets and talent.

It's not just me being lazy. I just want to eventually have a playable version of the game. The scope's too big already.

These suggestions make it seem like you have no idea what is feasibly implementable, sorry.

>> No.11685155


>14) Do lolis have likes and dislikes? What do those mean in context of the game? Can I jar them by doing something to a thing they like?

Nothing is planned.

>15) Do lolis have health, and do they age? If so, do I have to kill lolis if they pass a certain age?

Yes they have health. Yes they age. No you don't have to kill them. I'm unsure of what to do once they reach 18 though. Maybe keep them as baby factories.

As much as all this sounds awesome, you really have to think about what is feasible to program. Especially for 1 person doing it in his free time. Even if you wanted to and had more people with more time it would still be difficult to code a lot of that shit. Look at how the average AI in a AAA game is, and those studios have many people and big budgets and talent.
It's not just me being lazy. I just want to eventually have a playable version of the game. The scope's too big already.

These suggestions make it seem like you have no idea what is feasibly implementable, sorry.

>> No.11685160


There's weren't implementation ideas per se, but questions to get a feel for how much freedom the player has with regards to the loli.

It sounds like having a 'set' room expansion style would work fine (like being able to buy an 'expansion' which is a 3x3 room that gets added to a hall). Having it as either a set style of room or being able to add small things to it (like buy a 'barren' room and add torture devices/bookshelves). Maybe being able to chain multiple room blocks together at most, but definitely not a 'draw everything from scratch' deal.

As for construction, DIY is the more feasible option (AKA getting the construction materials first). Can probably tie it to the number of lolis you have or something.

Basically, get a pile of resources, which can be converted into items/rooms.

>> No.11685161

Would you mind making the trees better looking? They really stick out and look inconsistent with everything else. I think simply making them symmetrical would suffice.

>> No.11685180


>There's weren't implementation ideas per se, but questions to get a feel for how much freedom the player has with regards to the loli.

Alright, but they all seemed unreasonable things and like ideas you would get from an ideaguy who has no idea how to make a game and wants to make some infinte random gen MMORPG with neural networks!1!.

>It sounds like having a 'set' room expansion style would work fine (like being able to buy an 'expansion' which is a 3x3 room that gets added to a hall). Having it as either a set style of room or being able to add small things to it (like buy a 'barren' room and add torture devices/bookshelves). Maybe being able to chain multiple room blocks together at most, but definitely not a 'draw everything from scratch' deal.

I'm not sure if carving it out tile by tile and placing walls would even be that difficult to implement though. Definitely 1000x eaiser than those 15 questions you asked. The only thing I can think of is how you'd go about having en edit mode for when there are lolis currently in rooms, since your construction might modify their room. With the set expansion you could then say you could only modify rooms that are unoccupied.

>As for construction, DIY is the more feasible option (AKA getting the construction materials first). Can probably tie it to the number of lolis you have or something.

>Basically, get a pile of resources, which can be converted into items/rooms.

Wouldn't the easiest solution involve just having stuff cost money? Just have it cost like $200 to carve out 1 tile of space and $400 for a bed or something. Where would you get the resources? Hardware store? (I was planning on having a hardware store to buy rope for tieing lolis up / acetone/bleach for chloroform / knife to intimidate/etc. Having you get materials based on the number of lolis seems weird, since housing more lolis should place financial strain on the player.

>> No.11685200
File: 15 KB, 1393x559, dungeon expansion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also, would the set expansion work similar to this? Where you start with like a long hallway and you can then buy each room expansion as a whole (like $5000 per cell or something)?

>> No.11685224

> ideaguy who has no idea how to make a game
An embedded programmer actually, knowing how to deal with fairly complex real-time systems. Many of the things I listed could fall under 'loli states' that trigger lolis to interact differently with objects in their vicinity depending on the state they're in. At the absolute worse you could run them through a giant set of IF statements, but there are generally better ways to implement that. If you're making your own system instead of using something like RPGmaker you have the freedom to implement things like this, assuming there is time available.

Loli pathfinding would also require modifications to the methods used to control loli movement (assuming lolis do actually move around) for things like torture mazes. Not egregious ones (for example, having them avoid certain tiles as 'dangerous'), depending on how you've written that part.

Others could fall under a 'random events' system that gets set off after a certain period, if your program has/can implement an event system.

But I digress.

Editing rooms depends on how you store lolis and how they interact with the world. Are objects saved as an absolute position? Do you -have- a concept of objects? How is collision detection handled? There may be ways to make editing straightforward, depending on how you've implemented that.

How does a player get money? Is it a set amount? etc. The DIY aspect is for realism in the game; you'd have to hire someone to do these expansions, which -would- get your activities noticed. But, if you could go to Home Depot and buy a bunch of stuff to use in construction, that would make it more realistic (assuming MC is competent at building).
The simplest solution is a direct money conversion, yes (assuming money is readily available). As a player, I would expect either that or resource creation given the scope of my interactability with other aspects of the game.

>> No.11685231


Basically. And then you could add different things to those rooms, or buy them pre-customized (like a 'rape room' that comes equipped with 3 beds or something).

>> No.11685240 [DELETED] 

Rate my /jp/ project:

>> No.11685243


The Lolis have an NPCState which is already pretty much a FSM with side effects. (Using the State pattern though, not some fuck-huge switch-case) The point is that to make it believable it would be difficult. There would be a lot of states thought to implement those kinds of things and even then they would probably be awkward. When you look at a single thing it's not that bad, but when everything is considered its a very large scope.

I already have pathfinding. The maze pathfinding wouldn't be hard, but that seems like a low payoff for the amount of work it would be.

Objects are stored as derivations of my Entity class which represent physical objects in the world. It contains position, bounding boxes for collision itself. Obviously there are other data structures (quadtrees, grids, etc) here to make object querying more efficient. Collision detection is handled by asking the world what objects (type can be specified for efficiency purposes so only the ones of that type are considered) exist at a certain position (or area, ray, etc).

The player will get a fixed amount of money from this job if he has one. If he has a job it'll probably just make Mon-Fri 9-5 disappear (so when you wake up on weekdays you appear at 5pm instead of earlier). There will be no gameplay for the job, just it taking a set amount of time and giving you X amount of money per 2 weeks. I plan on having other ways to get money though, such as producing your own porn with your lolis and selling it online (at the risk of getting v&).

>> No.11685258


So, if you wanted to go into a 'room edit' mode, you could freeze all entities in place, make notes of what parts are blocked off, and then disallow the player from modifying those parts. Possibly move the marked items around if the want. Having things continue to move in the background while you're editing would make it unnecessarily complex; pausing the game to edit only jars the asinine players.
You could set a flag in whatever timer's setting off the 'move' event for all your entities, and have it disable movement (skip the movement 'update positions' function call or something) until edit mode is released.
But, if you -really- wanted to keep things moving (and you don't mind race conditions, because you -will- get them), you can have a player mark what tiles they're going to edit before editing them, and count that as a 'general editing entity' or something. That way your entities see the potential edits as a 'thing' and wont' try to interact with them.

That sounds fine. 'going to the store' could be as simple as getting a car which opens a menu to buy things. Or getting on a computer and having them 'shipped' to the house, which appear after a certain amount of time.

>> No.11685277
File: 600 KB, 621x395, 1386399694030.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What is the player allowed to edit though? Placing certain things in rooms could block stuff off. Would you be restricted to placing in certain areas? Like mark certain areas as walkable areas where you can't place stuff?

>That sounds fine. 'going to the store' could be as simple as getting a car which opens a menu to buy things. Or getting on a computer and having them 'shipped' to the house, which appear after a certain amount of time.

You can drive around. Pic related.

>> No.11685286
File: 2.83 MB, 596x400, driving.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oops. I meant this one.

>> No.11685293

You should probably make the grass clean your tires of blood splat faster. I dunno why I just thought of that. Is that a good idea or just a waste of time?

>> No.11685300


Everything's lines, eh? (as opposed to tiles or such).

They should only be restricted from placing objects in collision with other objects (like a bed inside a wall or a loli or themselves). If they want to box themselves (or a loli) in, they can. Use the collision detection you mentioned earlier to check that they object they're placing is allowed to be there, but beyond that let them do whatever. (I am assuming there's a way to delete things in case they place stuff incorrectly).
If you have a tile/grid system it may make 'restricted areas' easier to do, but it doesn't look like that. You -could- extend the boxes around certain objects if you wanted to prevent those from being edited (might affect animations though, depending on how animations are played), such as making the door large enough to cover the entry way in front of it, but keeping the actual picture of the door the same size (and adding floor tile pixels to the new empty space in the sprite).

As for the things to edit, can you tell what type of entity is in a particular place when you do collision checking? If so, then allow them to edit anything but the lolis themselves (chopping off half a loli via edit mode probably won't end well). That would allow them to break down walls between rooms if they wanted, although it would probably need to update the 'wall' entities around that.
If you can't, then.... how do you delete things?

As a side note, are walls cohesive? If you place two pre-built rooms next to each other, are they two separate entities, or do they merge into a contiguous wall? That would affect how they spaces between them get deleted (and part of is why it's easier to work with pre-builts).

>> No.11685302

what the fuck is this and where can I get it?

>> No.11685304


I'd imagine that would be a waste of time since the player usually wouldn't run over people (would probably trigger cops getting called?) unless they were already running away from cops (like if they got noticed in the middle of trying to kidnap a loli).

>> No.11685314


It's mostly tile-based. Although objects can be placed not aligend to tiles if you want. Tiles just make things more efficient. As you can see NPCs/cars/etc are free-moving. Trees are in a grid lookup thing for O(1) detection (pretty much tile based). Same with other static geometry. Moving cars, people, etc are stored in an auto-correcting quad-tree for dat O(logn) lookup (while maintaining the ability to move).

Having a non-tiled system wouldn't make having 'restricted areas' any more difficult really. You could just create some kind of WalkArea entity with some kind of AABB that specifies its area, and since you can do collision detection against arbitrary entities, just make sure the placement wouldn't collide with any of them.

>As for the things to edit, can you tell what type of entity is in a particular place when you do collision checking?

Yes. You can. You can either check if there is any collision (just returns a pointer to the first one it finds) or get all collisions (fills up a linked list of entity pointers).

I was going to use a grid-based system for indoor pthfinding though, because otherwise doing a collision query each time you check a tile would be totally prohibitive. It's better to build it all and store it as a 2D array for O(1) lookups (which there are a LOT of for pathfinding). When you place/destroy it would just recalculate the grid in the affected area (the tiles it intersects + the ones around it.) Calculating that would involve collision detection, but that's a one-off thing.


Sim Loli. It's a Loli Kidnapping/Rape/Raising Simulator. There's no relesed demo yet though, sorry.

>> No.11685322


Ok, so, I think you got the parts worked out that you were asking about? Any lingering questions/other things you want input on?

>> No.11685333

I'd say for the sake of your sanity that you add 1-3 (or more later) pre-defined rooms of different sizes that cost some kind of currency to purchase.

Maybe have pre-defined locations for torture devices as well if you want to have customization.

>> No.11685341
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>> No.11690305


It'll happen eventually anon, don't worry.

>> No.11690645

you're weird

>> No.11693627


Why wouldn't you want a game like this one?

>> No.11694787

woah shit man, that looks interestingly gory

>> No.11696843
File: 2.94 MB, 377x294, loli zombie apocalypse.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11699829


IDK, it might just be me, but... that seems like, maybe, just a -few- too many lolis...

>> No.11699880

I love you. Keep working on the game.

>> No.11699885




>> No.11703203

I don't mean to shit up your thread but I'm looking for a song that may be from /jp/

It was on animenfo radio about 15 hours ago, the album was white with a pink wire frame of an anime girl and pink vertical text saying "NSFW" the song was heavy techno with calm parts inbetween and the artist was someting ".muster"

>> No.11703360

Nevermind I found it, it was Arrowrain by Techno.muster

>> No.11703589

/jp/ let's make a magazine for doujin-related stuff.
none of that pansy nocturne bull or that other crap. what i'm envisioning is doujin music review, doujin highlights, pixiv fanart selection, etc. we can have a recommendation corner for ero based on how pleasurable it is to fap to, you know shit like that. i guess we can include vns too in here.

come on /jp/, you know you wanna do this!

>> No.11703592

Is this trolling? Don't you remember when this was tried?

>> No.11703609

The /jp/ project threads should just die once and for all. They're useless.

>> No.11703627

the ln and vn magazines? those failde because they attracted shitty liberal arts 2deep4u hacks and people thinking their above criticism and community feedback.

if we keep it as a review and observation outlet, in other words keeping us in the pov of consumers, such problem will not be encountered.

>> No.11704632


I'd be up for it. What would the release format be like: would we basically post a giant PDF every so often to the site?
Also, do we have someone with the ability to make the magazine? You know, something with layout and such.
Release schedule? quarterly, monthly, yearly, weekly, HOURLY?!
Editor and staff?

>> No.11704651

i like the idea, but trying to make it a "magazine" is dumb in my opinion. rather than making it a long PDF, it should be more PC-viewing friendly.

then again, i don't really have any better suggestions for readability than making it a long PDF or bunch of images like typical doujinshi scans. maybe keep it online with a convenient format for browsers (of course it could still be downloadable).

you've probably gone back to your home board by now but it's electro.muster and that's Taishi's Cosmic Record alias.

>> No.11704670

Better than making it a long pdf would be making it a website that is updated with articles like other review websites are done nowadays.

>> No.11705109

What an odd way to spell ``not enough''.

>> No.11705359
File: 1.55 MB, 400x350, 1386971347872.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11705381

So unoptimized!

>> No.11705458

Does The Color Blue have a soundcloud or something? I really dig his stuff.

>> No.11705467

So, make a website for it?

>> No.11705474

Why do those lolis look like Puru, are those all Puru clones?

>> No.11705512

He hasn't updated his stuff in a while though. Still looking forward to them nonetheless.

>> No.11705665


It's actually quite optimized. As I stated earlier lolis are partitioned into a quadtree to minimize the amount of lolis that have to be considered for collisions in a given collision query.

There was just a LOT of lolis. It would be a standstill if it wasn't optimized. The gif is also only 10fps, but the game was running at 15fps or so.



>> No.11705816

> lolis are partitioned into a quadtree to minimize the amount of lolis that have to be considered for collisions in a given collision query.
Have you ever considered that maybe you're focusing too much on the technical stuff and not enough on the actual gameplay and design?

>> No.11705830

I'm just joking with you, looks great.

>> No.11707272


Space partitioning data structures are common in pretty much any game that has a non-trivial amount of game objects in it.

It's not even that complicated of a data structure either.

I haven't even done any optimization/technical stuff in months anyway. All that stuff was done at the start *mostly*.

>> No.11710369

release schedule is twice a year at minimum, 1 for each comiket. maybe release within 1 month of the event.
but i am a lazy person with almost no drive, so even monthly release is no good. commitment and pressure isn't fun... but I believe in /jp/, and if we do it together we can do anything!

i only know how to make pdf, sorry!
website sounds good, but what i envision is a big review of stuffs from a single event, not small daily/weekly updates like a modern review site.

>> No.11711331
File: 4 KB, 176x139, fancy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, how's this for a pimped out prison?

>> No.11711426

It looks great.

>> No.11711478

Is Link coming from the left to punch the knight for the key to rescue the princess?

>> No.11711486


No. Just the rapist coming to violate them all again. And again. And again. Then probably impregnate them to produce more lolis.

>> No.11711673

Those sprites need some serious polishing.

>> No.11711704

It would still be easier to reference particular reviews if it's on a big website, you could look at a review of a particular's circles works across multiple events, for example. But then someone would either have to host the server or pay for the bandwidth, so a pdf would probably be the way to go.

>> No.11711750


That's what happen when you have a programmer trying to do sprites. The game's still in its early stages anyway.

>> No.11714362 [DELETED] 

I want to make a play about an imageboard that was happy and full of fun until one day an impotent and overzealous janitor goes on a complete powertrip.

>> No.11714365

I think it looks pretty good for that size. Sure, there's room for improvement, but it's not something I'd think about playing the game.

>> No.11715287


So, it'd be a good idea to outline what types of roles we'd need, and how many people in each role. And we'll need to determine how we're to collect submissions, process them, tools, shared areas, and stuff.

Naturally these things wont' be 'set in stone' (especially the responsibilities of each role), but once we have some structure we can start to build on it.

>> No.11715403

Speaking of music and games, what's da name of the song playing throughout the first level in this:


It's relevant.

>> No.11715600


>> No.11715618

Still, that guy is fucking lazy, considering that he has been making that game for maybe 1 year or so. He could at least try to use some of the factories and such with that kind of sprites.

>> No.11715700
File: 34 KB, 208x252, 1384769366690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the music in these complations made by /jp/ browsers, or is the complations just smashed with songs you guys like?

>> No.11715734

Of course its the latter.

>> No.11716025

Fuck off.

>> No.11717845

>He could at least try to use some of the factories and such with that kind of sprites.

I do not understand what you mean by this. Can you please explain?

>> No.11720408


Also, it'd be good to determine the submission policy for the magazine up front, so we don't run into problems later. For example, do we allow -absolutely- anything? Do we stick to the 4chan guidelines? What about loli?
If we define those publicly and upfront it'll make things smoother when they need to be invoked (and they will, because /jp/).

We could guide the types of submissions we get by having devoted sections, such as music reviews, editorials, idol news, TL news, etc. It's not definitive, of course.

This is also why the Editor's important, being the one who has final say on what gets in the paper. Unless we want to structure it in some other way, hence why defining roles is also a good idea.

>> No.11720767

Okay, I'm tired of typing like a retard. Pardon the earlier charade.

>do we allow -absolutely- anything?
Yes, I don't see a reason to artificially filter ``objectionable'' contents, whatever that means.
>What about loli?
That's like one of the main reason for comiket.

>devoted sections
This is what I had in mind. I've only thought up of the most popular sections, though. Basically, music and book review, which can be further divided into originals and parodies.
Some other potential contents:
*Miscellaneous goods
*News and announcements
*Travel journal (accounts from people who went to the events, might be too normie?)
Other things not pertaining to an event, everything from fanart to onaholes, can be included as a "Best of" column.
One of the goal is to allow people to reach the more worthwhile parts from the mountain of uploads, since not everyone is autistic enough to go through every single uploads. This is subjective, of course, but that's the point: if you think you've found a good, obscure release, then this will give you a chance to write up a review and get the word out there. Anyone should be able to contribute.

The only roles I can think of are reviewers for each section, and someone to handle the graphics. I can take up the role of editor if no one else wants to do it, however, I'm not a native speake. By no means is my English perfect. Furthermore, there wouldn't be any point in it if nobody is willing to contribute reviews...

>> No.11723411
File: 360 KB, 725x1024, 1387501273693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not to berate it, but to rehash the 'anything' part: what if someone submits a review of shit? As in, they take a picture of their own feces, and write a 'review' of it? Do we say 'yes' to things like that? Bronies? POI? Advertising? Articles in foreign languages? Plagiarism? Blatant lies? etc. If no, were're we drawing the line? We want to be sure we've thought this part through before we say 'yes, absolutely anything's fine'.

There's also potential legal implications, depending on where the paper's actually created. It's not likely to be a major thing, but it's still something that needs to be dealt with if the paper persists.

I'm not quite following on the 'uploads' part. Are you thinking in terms of articles that will be published in a paper, or posts on a website?
Or maybe that a staff member goes through the uncategorized submissions and picks which ones get included in the paper?
Or maybe something where we have a front page highlighting certain articles as 'Best of' so the readers can easily navigate to the article and read it?

As for org, something where submissions are sent to a general 'submission' inbox where the staff (reviewers) take the articles, proofread/edit, and send on to layout staff, who puts the mag together? Then have the staff do a once-over to ensure things look correct, and publish? Basically, we'd announce that the paper's accepting submissions, when the deadline is (at least a few weeks before the paper's published to allow for layout and editing), and a point of contact (like an email)?

The point of the Editor isn't so much proofreading as it is to have final authority on the paper, content, and schedule. The section editors would be the ones dealing with proofreading/grammar correction.

>> No.11727447

I only come to these threads for Sim Loli. The rest of it is worthless.

>> No.11735127


But what do you do with yourself in the meantime?

>> No.11735133

I love the shitstorms he causes on /vg/.
