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11552274 No.11552274[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

does god exist

>> No.11552274,1 [INTERNAL] 

*tips fedora*

>> No.11552291

Does 4chan exist?

>> No.11552292

ur mum exists xD

>> No.11552295


>> No.11552299


>> No.11552302

Not if you're euphoric enough.

>> No.11552305

Yes, and her name is Cirno!

>> No.11552306

Yeah, I exist. What about it, nerd?

>> No.11552324

It's logical to believe that God doesn't exist due to the fact that no one has ever provided sufficient evidence for the claim.

However, how people use God and what they mean by God is truly a phenomenon. Because the way they use the word, they (mostly) do not mean a literal God. It's basically a placeholder word for The Ideal Existence. Using God and Biblical verses as symbolism for things they are not consciously aware of helps people.

>> No.11552325

god does exist

>> No.11552375

How does it help people? It just confuses them. Fucking hipster symbolic scums trying to look smart... *tips fedora*

>> No.11552376
File: 103 KB, 1280x688, [vlcsnap] Is Kami-sama Dead - 02 (DVD 1280x720 H.264 DUAL AUDIO AAC)v2.mp4_snapshot_01.40.47_[2012.07.16_02.30.18].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11552382


It's usually out of the grasp of some people to comprehend it without the symbolism.

>> No.11552386

If god exists he would turn me into a little girl. IM WAITING.

>> No.11552389

Comprehend what?

>> No.11552404

im going to heaven when i die
ill pray that you may cross into the light and do the same

>> No.11552407

All NEETs go to hell

>> No.11552430

God, heaven, and hell all sound really scary. I honestly hope nothing happens after death. I'd rather the end be the end than the beginning to something new and confusing, which will probably include no electronics. What's the purpose to continuing to exist if I can't do the things I enjoy anymore?

>> No.11552453

If the transhumanists win and we end up as immortal brains in jars hooked up to a virtual reality, what does God have to say about that? Do we just never go to Hell if we live forever? Not to mention that something like a Holodeck sounds way cooler than Heaven.

>> No.11552450

I hope I become a ghost after I die so I can haunt some normies.

>> No.11552472

I am euphoric.

(only old fags will get this one ;-))

>> No.11552505

Well the world ends and people supposedly become literally immortal according to Christianity, so you'll be mortal brains in jars on life support forever while everyone else enjoys immortality.

>> No.11552519

Yes. The odds of a planet like earth forming under its condition, of life evolving on that planet, and humanity evolving from that, all before the end of the universe, are so low it simply requires a miracle. I find it more plausible that an entity that exists outside of our reality controlled or set up this situation than that it all happened by unimaginable chance.

>What's the purpose to continuing to exist if I can't do the things I enjoy anymore?
Because 'what you enjoy' will change to make you eternally happy in heaven.

>> No.11552522

>Do we just never go to Hell if we live forever?
We will never live forever. At some point, the universe will end and there will be nowhere to run anymore.
