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11552136 No.11552136 [Reply] [Original]


FAQ: http://www.tcgapp.com/viewtopic.php?f=206&t=3169

/jp/ comrades/alliance/AW killer/sender

Last thread: >>11540857

>> No.11552142

Flight of the Bumblebee > Flight of the Valkyries

>> No.11553099


>> No.11553260
File: 1012 KB, 721x1010, belphegor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it normal to get just as many SRs as Rs from sending witches? I'm feeling quite lucky I guess.

Also, I need a way to get easy R cards for the 5 per day goddess worship, any suggestions? (I don't get enough from AW sending) Like, is farming mechanics and enchanters to fuse them worth it it or are there better, more useful ways?

>> No.11553266

Androids and Sages are easily fusable. You don't need to go out of your way to farm them though, I come across a load of trash Rares to Medal/Donate every day.

>> No.11553269

Halloween event maiden locations

>> No.11553291
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I don't know what to feel

>> No.11553293

Thanks, this is very useful. Too bad I'm still too weak to be able to get past 4-2.

>> No.11553296

If it's not good then I don't know. Haven't gotten shit for two days now after a great start.

>> No.11553301

I know what I feel - jealous.

>> No.11553309

Candy can suck a dick.
What bullshit, proccing her shit skill on my healer first turn just to focus fire on my buffer and then my damage cards one by one.

>> No.11553405

I'd feel pretty lucky that it wasn't card 76 that would be discarded due to full deck.

>> No.11553406

Excess cards go to your presents.

>> No.11553425

>he never got present

>> No.11553644

trick or treat

>> No.11553694

Whoa, so I can just continuously farm without having to clear my deck? Will save so much time...

>> No.11553722

It only applies to archwitches box

>> No.11553725

Well shit.

Back to slime feeding. I always have like 5 unopened AW boxes anyway.

>> No.11553735

To the people that send AWs to other persons that can't kill it (like me) but don't send it to an online (perhaps a high level) killer aswell: Please do send it to 1, or preferably 2 killers aswell.

Just add some killers as comrades from the docs.google spreadsheet. You and me are both wasting battlepoints on those witches that won't get killed (and you have to wait 2 hours before you can find a new witch aswell, or you have to use another battlepoint to be able to send it to others again)

>> No.11553748

I like to send it to my alliance, 2 killers, and 3 around my own level.

The killers in my list usually get to it in less than a minute though.

>> No.11553770

I do exactly the same, and most of the times the killers are indeed pretty fast. I do poke others' (same level as me who can't kill either) AWs sometimes aswell when they send it to me, but sometimes that is just a wasted battlepoint. And it it's not really useful for the sender either, so that's why I posted some advice. (all of my comrades are from the /jp/ list, so it must be some of you guys).

>> No.11553825

>4 crap SRs yesterday
>Nothing today
Such is the fickle RNG

>> No.11553848

At least you got 8k medals.

>> No.11553862

Yeah, I guess.

>> No.11554399

trick or treat

>> No.11554419

trick or treat

>> No.11554578

Did you get the cookies and exp?

>> No.11554614


ha, that's funny.

You will never get 750 cookies.

>> No.11554636

350 already, guess I won't go further 750, but that's okay.

>> No.11554665
File: 1.19 MB, 640x896, HSR Amefurashi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an AW sender, and I average one R per day and one SR per week. Can't say I sympathize with you.

On a friendlier note - love the name of your kingdom, Xhomas :D

>> No.11554709
File: 803 KB, 1366x768, yatta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grats Lycene

>> No.11554739

whats the max size of the deck? I still havent completed the main campaign

>> No.11554831

Th-thanks. I didn't use alot of imagination to come up with Loliland though.

>> No.11554901


>> No.11554959
File: 247 KB, 800x480, SC20131024-002014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i kinda laughed right now - so is she good or not?

>> No.11554980

Pretty much a harder to get Fire Candy.

>> No.11554997

Lucky me i guess - aint able to get candy anyways.

>> No.11555014
File: 389 KB, 640x896, SR Atropos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard that you get an extra 15 slots when you beat campaign. Then you can buy 25-ish slots from the Building menu. Then you can buy more collection slots from the Edit Unit menu.

To sum up, i dunno for sure but i've seen a player with 120 cards (youtube i think)

>> No.11555168
File: 953 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2013-10-24-09-14-09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The name is Murder

>> No.11555170

Is it true that one does not simply walk into you?

>> No.11555177

I want to have s** with her so bad

so so bad

>> No.11555217
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>> No.11555221

Eh, how do you actually trade your cookies in for treats? Maybe I'm just blind but I can't figure out hoooow ;_;

>> No.11555225

Menu>Item>Tickets/Medals>Select the cookie and>Use

I've bought five choclets and am working on dat spooky skeleton.

>> No.11555248

If only the R rank archwitch gave as many Rs or SRs as the SR archwitch. The skeles are the only thing that I can actually kill with my ghetto AW hunting team.

>> No.11555251

add me, I got BP to spend


I can usually kill in 1-2 BP

>> No.11555253


Your list is full

>> No.11555256

just cleared off 4 guys who have not loffed on in 7 days

>> No.11555257

What just happened to the /jp/ player spreadsheet? Or is it just me?

>> No.11555263

Is the skeleton also a cookie reward exclusive?

>> No.11555266

Some men just want to watch the world burn.
Looks like someone fix it.

>> No.11555270

>>11555257Sorry I wasn't trying to be malicious, but i deleted it by accident.

So to make up for it I told my friend to post cool things there in place of the nerd stuff. So he posted "Xbox 360" and "Monster Energy Drink".

>> No.11555273

As far as I can tell yes. I have 600 right now and need 1000 total to HR her.

AW just one shotted me striker three times in a row. There went three bp

>> No.11555277

I just need one more Martial Artist and Knight until I can actually make them HR. Dunno if either are any good, but it feels like an accomplishment to get 4/5 of the R's.

>> No.11555281

Will the probability of getting good stuff from AW hunting increase based on the damage dealt even if an ace is not gotten?

>> No.11555385

Already have HSR Candy, so it's not a terrible tragedy. I'm just buying however many slimes 400 cookies can get me.

>> No.11555387

I've gotten 2 Candy from cookies.
Yay medals~

>> No.11555404

If a card has the skill "[Autoskill] Battle exp +40%", does it boost exp earned by the entire group, or just itself?

>> No.11555409

Entire group

>> No.11555411

Whoah, awesome.

>> No.11555516

Since the game doesn't seem to communicate at all with the server in the middle of a battle, there's gotta be a way to avoid losing soldiers, or make skills proc every turn, or at least get rid of the proc limits, right?

>> No.11555533
File: 257 KB, 640x896, HSR Diana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ironically i got both of those cards today from AW drops, almost one after the other. Got my knight to 2* but honestly if it doesn't proc its useless. And martial artists go straight to the medal converter.

>> No.11555605
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My reasoning for putting /jp/ was like an origin, an identity, a sense of belonging. Not advertising.

You can vote for more than one so vote for the ones you are comfortable with.
Do you have suggestion for Alliance Symbol?

If anyone want to, they can make the alliance now. Just save a slot for me please, since I left my alliance for this. I'm the ideal member. High level, donate resources, do all my offerings and kill AW.

>> No.11555612


>> No.11555616

Name it "Pantsu Defender". Because we all love pantsu, and girls without them.

>> No.11555657

I'm not sure why we'd be defending the pantsu if we'd prefer the girls be without them.
I'll go for "Pantsu Atttacker", though.

>> No.11555661

Got my 5th freakin Candy. Pls RNG, give me an OP SR.

>> No.11555667

Well, it is possible, but I guess I'd rather not take my chances seeing if they've put any effort into catching this.

>> No.11555681

From the last thread:
Not sure if it's a good emblem though, I'm just showing it.

How can they check if you really disconnected or ran out of battery or not? The worst thing that can happen is that you lose the battlepoint right? (or do lose the soldiers you have already lost anyways)

>> No.11555684

Anyone know what skill Assistant LOID has? They only say it's a "Skill that increases ATK" not if it's a self-attack buff or a party attack buff and what percentage.

>> No.11555688

Alright 154 candies and not a single SR to show, I got 30 swords and I'm stocked with bp. Anyone want to send things that need killing?


>> No.11555697

Whats this whole invitation code thing?

>> No.11555705

You convince a friend to play game. They enter your player ID as an invitation code, because you invited them to the game. Both players get invitation reward.

You can technically use Bluestacks as your "friend" if you don't have any.

>> No.11555706

Only for Droids. You get an Acolyte

>> No.11555717

I mean something like just checking a log of the battle for consistency.
Supposing the game reported a play-by-play of an entire battle every time the battle finished, they would be able to see that your soldier count never decreased no matter how many times you were attacked, right?
They probably don't have the bandwidth or processing power to do that, but they could easily have some simple checks to catch any willy-nilly fiddling in memory.
When I have time, I might try using Bluestacks and Wireshark to see exactly what happens at the end of a battle.

>> No.11555736

I just got this cutie. She's a keeper and avatar material.

>> No.11555738
File: 1.14 MB, 768x1079, thrones.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11555760

I prefer Piss-tan though.

>> No.11555765

Piss-tan a shit

>> No.11555774

Just managed to get 3 Witch waves after each other.
Managed to get SR Cyborg a while ago and I have no idea what to do with it. Her effect is: Own ATK 300% up / near defeat 20% chance.

>> No.11555777


>> No.11555784

>Piss-tan a pisser

>> No.11555795
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>> No.11555814

What about Snow White makes her better than any other crit card?

Can I make a team of healers and crit cards?

>> No.11555825

Her base proc chance is 10% which is only available on 2 other cards - one of which just came out.
I'd also say that her being dark element helps get the 5x dark card +15% atk bonus.

>> No.11555874

You're wrong. She's great too. in fact, I had her as my first real avatar.

>> No.11555897

every element can get the same bonus, it is not a dark exclusive thing.

Also, snow white is not the best Scylla is.

>> No.11555906

>every element can get the same bonus, it is not a dark exclusive thing.
I know, but Lilim is dark and she is a very desirable card for a AW team.
Unless you can get one of those 3 card +15% atk bonuses - I would think you'd go for the 5x element ones.

>> No.11555939

Just managed to get my third SR candy. I have poked more Candies then Aphrodites but I managed to get more Aphrodites.

>> No.11556099 [DELETED] 
File: 329 KB, 1024x600, 2013-10-24 14.58.29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SR droprate somewhat very high during Aphrodite event though, I managed to get 6 of apro and 2 snow white (and few SR for medal).

.... and now 1 SR after 136 kill (not including sent AW).

90 from completing the campaign, and 120 if you buy the extra 10 & 20 from shop.

>> No.11556104
File: 610 KB, 1024x600, 2013-10-24 14.58.21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>11555939 #
SR droprate somewhat very high during Aphrodite event though, I managed to get 6 of apro and 2 snow white (and few SR for medal).

.... and now 1 SR after 136 kill (not including sent AW).

>>11554739 #
90 from completing the campaign, and 120 if you buy the extra 10 & 20 from shop.

>> No.11556115

Eh, it's the reverse for me. Got only 1 SR during Aphro event, got like 8 SRs this event so far. Mostly Candy and crap SRs that I medalled though.

>> No.11556126

I've been grinding about 500k pts (2-4k a kill/poke) a day from AW's for the past 4 days.
I get around 4 SR's a day. Yesterday I got a Lilim, its all luck.

>> No.11556132
File: 936 KB, 800x1119, 20131024094845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was expecting lewder.
800 candy wasted.

>> No.11556251
File: 572 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2013-10-24-16-47-07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So... what exactly does this skill do? I don't know.

>> No.11556266

that box after each battle

>> No.11556273

If it procs it give you 100% chance of a chest after the fight in campaign.
The only real use I can see out of it is to farm N cards to make sages/androids with, but that may not be worth the vitality.

>> No.11556324

I got one from an AW.

>> No.11556327

Is there a way to get unlimited invites using bluestacks? Like, can I farm the invite code thing to get the HR version?

>> No.11556388

You would need to use VMware workstation (only VM which can run bluestacks as far as I know) and install bluestacks on a fresh virtual machine for each invite

>> No.11556445

Thanks for the reply. Sounds like a bit too much work for a not that great card. Oh well

>> No.11556489

Does it activate slots every time you activate the skill? I've been wondering this for a while, and sort of regretting selling my Verdandi.

>> No.11556541

Can someone tell me why'd I go and use Slimes on Runner get her to HR as fast as possible?

>> No.11557180

Scylla is best only if you manage to get 4*+ which is hard to come by. SW is "easier" to HSR than Scylla.

And bonus point: SW is dark (aside of Light, you have more high end dark cards than fire) and she is prettier anyway.

>> No.11557314

Bored at work!

>> No.11557353

In hindsight, probably a lot easier to just say keep/medal based on ability.

Crit - Keep
Delay Turn - Medal


>> No.11557364

Does no one here collect? I keep seeing everyone talk about medaling cards instantly if they're not worth using.

>> No.11557375

I like to fill my card album, but I usually medal after that, since I don't have a strong team. Medals lead to upgrades, which leads to kills, which leads to more cards. Hopefully.

Also... running out of space!

>> No.11557484

I like collecting the cute and the new ones, but the deck size is so limited.
If only the collection page was much larger

>> No.11557489

But you can visit ones that you've held in the past anytime you want in your Card Collection book!

>> No.11557503

But some recent Delay Turn girls like Chronos are also very good

>> No.11557507

I collect all SR girls, and for R I HR and max affection before medaling.

>> No.11557555
File: 109 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2013-10-24-19-17-15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


First I max their friendship to unlock the event. When I have the H version of the card, I medal it if it isn't better than my current cards.

(I also maxed Lightning, but for some reason, it doesn't show a heart in the picture)

>> No.11557571

Pandora is also kinda useful.
Some people were using her in Alliance Battle and it surprised me that she could proc twice, giving my rivals enough time for their team to proc their AoE.

>> No.11557572

does anyone have her name or something?

so I can wiki it

>> No.11557574

sometimes its not easy finding some of them.
If only it was sorted by name instead of rarity or stats

>> No.11557575


>> No.11557578

Fuck you nigga, She is Amazing

Dat spread
Dat Skeleton
Dat loyalty

>> No.11557776

Oh God. It keeps track of hearts?!

I've messed up. Time to start over.

>> No.11557892

Godammit. Finally get an SR after a losing streak of 150 kills and it's my 13th consecutive Candy

>> No.11557915

All I've got so far in an Anahita.

>> No.11557939

Anahita is a great healer, but she gets killed so easily.

>> No.11557954

I'm on number fucking fifteen now.

>> No.11558001

How am I supposed to get the 5th evolution of Carmilla? You get 2 for the campaign, and 2 for completing the stamp sheet. Where's the last one coming from?

>> No.11558006

Millionaire or Poor?
Millionaire, right? It seems like a zero-star Nyx is still better and cuter than The Poor.

>> No.11558030
File: 245 KB, 640x896, SR Venus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What good is spread when she's fully clothed? No good at all.

<--Here is something worthy of praise

>> No.11558032

Sexier, but not more kawaii imo. I have a long way to go before I get my 0* Nyx

>> No.11558035

You don't find The Poor to be cute? T_T

>> No.11558048

Be sure to decline the invite if you don't plan to join so I don't wait forever.

>> No.11558050


Look like 3 are from the campaign

>> No.11558060

I've completed the campaign. 5-4 gives you one card, but not for clearing the area, you get it because it's the last one required for the Halloween Party. This leaves me one short, though everything's done.

>> No.11558062 [DELETED] 

You have to do Halloween party twice though.

>> No.11558065

I got two cards from the stamp thing, one from 2-4, another from 4-4, and the final one from 5-4. Did you check your presents?

>> No.11558066 [DELETED] 

> You get 2 for the campaign, and 2 for completing the stamp sheet.

Am I Missing something terribly obvious here?

1st: Clear 1-4
2nd: Clear 3-4
3rd: Halloween Party
4th: Halloween Party

The wiki is incorrect, 5-4 does not award Carmilla, the Halloween Party event does(which is completed by clearing 5-4).

>> No.11558073

Disregard. I am in fact an idiot.

It's in my collection, along with my extra Candy. Fuck me.

>> No.11558091

My current alliance is about 50% towards getting Nyx, so after I get her, ill join /jp/ Horizon. Don't know how long that will take, but there you are.

>> No.11558093

xLol, what the hell is your team like? How can you do 1072249 damage in one battle point?

>> No.11558096

Is that your first NyX? if it is, I could be looking at waiting for a 3-4 weeks.

>> No.11558105

Prob Lilim+a critter

>> No.11558110

You can do that much even without a Lilim.
Not much difference though, Buffer(s)+Critter

>> No.11558111

Hi guys! I'd like an invite please? having a hard time finding the alliance.
my ID is 4vb7j

>> No.11558116

Crap, I'm in some period where I can't join an alliance as I left my old one. How long does it last anyway?

>> No.11558121

24 hours iirc

>> No.11558122

How much does a 19999 critter crit for? Assuming no buffs

>> No.11558150

Yeah. Don't worry. I will wait 2 days before inviting more people after the initial 15. Give them time to decide if they want to leave their current one or not.

>> No.11558161


Oh, awesome. Thanks!

>> No.11558163

To the cool dudes in the /jp/ 2.0 clan: If everyone donates 5 rares a day, we can get Nyx every 10 days (750 rares total, so 50 x 15).

Let's donating! ( ◕ ω◕)♪♫

>> No.11558165

Usually around 10000 considering no additional bonus stats on a lvl 200 archwitch.

>> No.11558168

I think you're missing a zero. 100k, not 10k

>> No.11558172 [DELETED] 

My regular R Snow White crits for around 30k with full soldiers. No other buffs.

>> No.11558180

Whoops, didn't read the crit part there.

>> No.11558206
File: 169 KB, 270x347, 1382148038930.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guys, I'm in super need of jewels. What's the best way to get more, other than buying them with money?

>> No.11558216

You can get some from quest rewards and login bonuses, other than that you just have to wait for an event that gives jewels like the world of the gods slots.

>> No.11558220

just do quests and the login bonus.

>> No.11558224

Make a Facebook account.
I wonder how many people in this thread have become recent members of the Facebook/Twitter social network.

>> No.11558230

isn't that a one time reward of jewels?

>> No.11558242


>> No.11558288

Don't know about Facebook, but you will be SERIOUSLY missing out if you do not have Twitter. It is used to get lots of FP for just about everything every day.

>> No.11558296

Also 50 vitality and bp.

>> No.11558300

Sure, but right now, having a Facebook account is like BAM! Instant Yggdrasil, y'know?

>> No.11558310
File: 250 KB, 320x480, IMG_0487 - Copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Done (´・ω・`)

>> No.11558312

My biggest regret was not keeping a 0star or HR copy of this card to set as my fav.

God. Damn. It.

>> No.11558331

If only ZUN!bar was here...

>> No.11558339

I made a fake Twatter account just for this. Free daily BP refill? Yespls

>> No.11558373

These two never work for me. I can get the FP just fine, but every time I try for one of those when it pops up, it only tells me unable to post message.

>> No.11558385

I can't seem to find the alliance, would it be possible to get an invite please? My code is 2fw36

>> No.11558387

the English version of the text goes over the character limit for a twitter post, so nothing actually gets posted/

>> No.11558429

How does it refill BP? It only gives FP right? If it gives BP or Vitality, I'm going to make one right now.

>> No.11558437

Change the message to whatever you want

>> No.11558441

Who the hell's ever heard of a black-haired vampire loli?
This HSR is a humongous mistake.
What the fuck.

>> No.11558522

When you get to 0bp you can post to refill it to full.
Only works once per day, but totally worth it.

If you get the "Unable to send message" error just change the message to anything.

>> No.11558539

I stiffly poke AWs


>> No.11558578

1 Lilim and 4 crit, all with 19999 atk.

Also, VC is refusing to run on android 4.3 ;_;

>> No.11558581

Awesome, can you do the same with Facebook every day? (so refill it twice)? I'll make an acount for that too then.

>> No.11558594

Is there any need to reroll in this game like PAD?

>> No.11558599

If it's easy for you to reroll (chances are it isn't), you might find it helpful to keep trying until you get a good SR from your first free summon ticket.

>> No.11558646

I'm pretty sure you get no reward for posting things to facebook, only twitter gives fp/bp/vit.

>> No.11558663

I found that only using VC makes it run better on 4.3 as soon as I launch another app it crashes

>> No.11558672
File: 981 KB, 640x896, Vampire_HSR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This ?

>> No.11558764
File: 192 KB, 275x385, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, she's part of the problem.

>> No.11558787

FB is a one-time 300 gem reward for linking your account

>> No.11558831
File: 223 KB, 275x385, 275px-Colonel_R_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My new waifu. Want to 3-star her so bad.

>> No.11558932

I put the alliance unsearchable. Give it 2 days, if there is still slot which is highly likely, I'll send you a invite.

There's not a lot of incentive for them to leave their current alliance.

>> No.11558949
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But yeah, blonde loli vamps are better.

>> No.11559243

Nothing but crap rares today.
Vendor and medal fodder~

>> No.11559294

Question on stats. I notice the blue stat modifiers next to the stats that normally increase when I max friendship a card are increasing on their own as I upgrade, without max friendship. I know my arcanas have been going directly into the stat, as the maximums are available, I've put 5x ATK in the card, and the base stat is 250 higher than the listed max. The number has also increased since evolving at max level/5% arcana.

Where are these numbers coming from? Do stat bonuses increase if you put certain cards into it?

>> No.11559300

Do you have any stat increasing buildings?

>> No.11559316

Is this that card game where that figure that has sold out everywhere and everyone on /a/ wants came from?

>> No.11559326

Not yet. The card in question is HSR Candy, max lvl, max base stats +250 ATK, and a +454 bonus.

>> No.11559350

Didn't you answer your own question?
Your stat different from default because you put Arcana ATK + max friendship.

Ways you can get Bonus. Combo Cards(On your Attack Unit, there's a yellow "Bonus" square). Certain buildings will increase % attack. Max friendship and Arcanas.

>> No.11559352

VC has no physical merchandise yet and I wish it did

>> No.11559359
File: 1.09 MB, 1920x1200, Screenshot_2013-10-02-14-07-28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The blue numbers come from ATK/DEF modifiers you get from:

- max affection (5%)
- buildings (by element, max. 20% per building)
- set bonus (see >>11555897 )

I don't know if the boost item you can buy at the shop adds to those numbers as well or if it boosts directly.

Since the blue numbers are percentage based off the base stats, they increase if you use arcana. (see image)

Some of the cards would make awesome figures.

>> No.11559362

I would snap up a HSR Orihime figure in an instant, to try and make up for the fact I can't get one in the game anymore

>> No.11559412

>set bonus
I didn't think that would be displayed on the card, rather than just be implicitly referenced somewhere. I don't have the friendship bonus yet, though. It's the set bonus.

Come to think of it, the increase I noticed happened when I added a +50 ATK and the set bonus updated the bonus value.

>> No.11559553

why does everyone have a SR
fml no SR

>> No.11559565
File: 159 KB, 459x451, aya pat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep killing/poking AW,stack the chest and SR will come to you eventually, or just buy jewel and do premium & ultimate summon.

>> No.11559591
File: 409 KB, 1024x600, 2013-10-26 01.13.13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally get my 2nd Candy...
Now i need slimes to max her ;_;

>> No.11559615

I hate you so much.

>> No.11559623

Kaz here. Grats on Candy! :P

>> No.11559627

Hate me more, I just medelled 2 candys I got in the past hour.

>> No.11559691

Unable to do more than 100k on level 200s, so I'm dependant on killers to get my AWs done. That said, I've been averaging an SR every 2-3 days.

>> No.11559702

>or just buy jewel and do premium & ultimate summon
That feel when you've done two 10+1 summons and the resulting two Ultimates and have never summoned an SR before. I'd be sadder if I didn't enjoy the game. Spent about as much as a AAA title costs and have more playtime than I give the AAA games.

I get a bunch of SRs from AWs though.

>> No.11559715

I feel good about not spending any real money and having 1000+ jewels at one point from the quests and such.
Then the half price event happened...

>> No.11559773

I got a candy on a random reward for helping out on a witch hunt, whats a good way to gain another one? Keep on witch hunting?

>> No.11559781

There is a guaranteed Candy if you can save up 750 cookies--no easy feat, but you can get 10 at a time from AW drops. Still leads you to the "fight more AWs" route. Only other way is summoning, which requires astronomical luck to not only get an SR draw, but also the one you want.

>> No.11560028

I did the same.

Got a Penemue from the premium summon, meanwhile I got 2 Rs from the ultimate summons.

The first time I did the 10+1 / ultimate summon and got only Rs, that was depressing

>> No.11560424

Why? You said it's your first time, so you should expect to get crap since it's 10% chance and it goes up by 11% each time you don't get SR, and resets when you do.

>> No.11560444

I had already done an ultimate summon before so I had +11%, but yeah I went in with high expectations. Probably wouldn't have spent money otherwise

>> No.11560479
File: 857 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2013-10-25-20-42-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know if there's a limit to stacking buffs?

When my 300% ATK Buff + 2x 200% ATK Buff all activate, I do 77k Damage. Recently I added another 200% ATK Buff to the team. When they all activate, I still only do 77k Damage.

>> No.11560492

77k is the max you can do with a normal attack considering you aren't hitting weaknesses.
If you do hit weakness, you can hit 999999 with a normal attack.

>> No.11560539

Aw hell yeah. Got a Yuki Onna.

>> No.11560542
File: 80 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2013-10-25-20-43-33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Magical cat has a friendship event.

>> No.11560562

what the fuck

>> No.11560575

What about the other two?

>> No.11560594

6th Candy.... wish I had this luck during the Aphro event.

>> No.11560609

10/10 would touch body

>> No.11560611

flap flap
honk honk

>> No.11560612
File: 321 KB, 799x1115, 20130612062219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5 kills for 3 SR's, 1 R, and 1 Arcana.

Not playing all day has paid off.

>> No.11560626

I won't know whether to be mad or not unless you tell me which cards these are.

>> No.11560628

Lilim, SW, Scylla.

>> No.11560640

It's a lie right? right???

>> No.11560644

Would be super mad, but no one on earth has that much luck.

>> No.11560641

Platinum Mad

>> No.11560647
File: 98 KB, 734x399, 201306072023391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't feel like taking a screenshot of the other two. Is this good enough?

>> No.11560650

Oh, well.

Fuck you.

>> No.11560657

Are you hiding something? Why you crop the screenshot??

>> No.11560666
File: 110 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2013-10-26-00-34-35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished the pumpkin.
Pretty sure the bat also has one, but I have just started befriending it.

>> No.11560668
File: 114 KB, 576x1024, Assistant Loid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11560672
File: 715 KB, 800x1120, 20131025233424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kid, it was just 2 Candies and this.

Stop that please.

>> No.11560674

I was about to start worshiping you as the RNGod.

>> No.11560678
File: 785 KB, 1280x800, 20130607202331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Lilim one is just an old screenshot.

>> No.11560697

Just got 300 jewels, should i use it for premium summon or should i save them?

>> No.11560702


>> No.11560718

buy something for 250 jewels for as long as it is 50% off

>> No.11560731

Hope the half price thing comes around again during Christmas.

>> No.11560767

need 4 people to use my invite code for lewd loid


>> No.11560772

What's a good map to find magical cats to beat up for the quest?

>> No.11560828

They're rare on every stage, but stage 1-2 isn't half bad for farming cats.

Opened at least 100 chests today and not even a single R card.....fml

I'm gonna be the first to say this: The next SR archwitch should be a kawaii futanari with a bulge in her skirt

>> No.11560848

Do you even fight Magical Cat on 1-2? I used 1-2 to farm AW and have used over a lot VIT on here. Quest still haven't complete.

According to the google doc. The best stage for Cats is 3-2.

>> No.11560935


Just started playing. Do the thing?

>> No.11560960

AHHHH geez.
If I spend 6 hours straight of dueling, I'll just barely manage to purchase my final Yggdrasil. This game is killing me.
Or is it that I'm killing myself for this game?
I've even got $40 in Christmas presents on my iTunes account, but if I blow cash on this game, I'll feel like I've completely list control of myself and my life.

>> No.11560990

>I'll feel like I've completely list control of myself and my life.
For spending some money on this game? I'm guessing you never took crack cocaine.

>> No.11560999

It's all the same shit, isn't it?
Gotta get that dopamine fix.

>> No.11561028

R Angel keeps getting one shot. HR Ent can at least take a couple hits. Should I make an HR Chocolat instead? I have plenty of cookies

>> No.11561116

What does the Verdant Fortress decoration do? It shows up as a wooden fence, but its description alludes to more than just that.

"A fortress of trees. Once built, it grows automatically."

>> No.11561251

You get gems from dueling?

>> No.11561260

Magic school or Yggdrasil?

>> No.11561266

Yeah, at the 50 and 100 mark, and probably more after too.

>> No.11561267

Are you a sender or killer?

>> No.11561270


>> No.11561274

Then you'll probably get more out of the school. Mine's rank 3(16% encounter rate) and I generally get AW's every two or three steps unless I'm unlucky.

>> No.11561316 [DELETED] 


Someone use my code so I can have moe robot girl.

Or just invite me to an alliance that isnt a POS, because mine is like 6 people that are all lower level than me and I started less than a month ago

>> No.11561317


Someone use my code so I can have moe robot girl.

Or just invite me to an alliance that isnt a POS, because mine is like 6 people that are all lower level than me and I started less than a month ago

>> No.11561582

>because mine is like 6 people that are all lower level than me
I kindof hate when this happens. I joined an alliance when I first started playing and was the highest level player after 2 weeks. Second alliance is looking to be the same, I only have 1 more person to surpass. None of them send or plink/kill AWs either.

If the /jp/ alliances weren't perpetually full, I'd leave right now.

>> No.11561610

A new one was made, /jp/ Horizon. Doesn't that one have some slots now?
I did get an invite but I'm going to wait just a little more because of Nyx is almost completed here. A few more days I think.

>> No.11561628


If anyone is online inviting to alliances. I'll be a while though, I have to leave my current, then I'll be getting on an 18-hour flight tomorrow before the 24-hour wait expires.

Just opened 30 AWs, got another Candy for medal fodder. Give me better SRs. ;_;

>> No.11561800
File: 1.00 MB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2013-10-26-00-59-14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ Horizon have 6 slots left. Looks like 6 person decided to stay with their alliance. We have a level 88, 49, 40, rest below 40.
I donate around 600k resource a day and will do all the offering. I do not expect them to donate or offer because when I was their level, to maximize my efficiency, I didn't have many resources left to donate. But because /jp/ are so generous, they still donated and offered.
Plus, it's hard for low levels to get 5 R's a day.

So that's the state of Horizon. I'll send more invite tomorrow. Don't accept the invite if you are expecting some NyX. You'll get maybe one.

>> No.11561884

I have a bunch of spare Rs, but not so much that I can maintain 5/day for more than a week. You can go ahead and send an invite, I'll quit my current alliance.


>> No.11561899
File: 1.07 MB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2013-10-26-18-56-25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just when I called for more SRs, this hulking beauty shows up.

>> No.11561908

Will also join. UserID 4qqvx. Will leave current Alliance when I get invite.
They made me burn 30 rares just to tell me they won't be going for Nyx afterall.

>> No.11561983

>For lvl40 cards: 1 LVL27 Slime + 1 Arcana, or 2 LVL27 Slimes.
>For lvl50 cards: 2 LVL27 Slimes + 1 Arcana, or 1 LVL27 Slime + 2 Arcana.

Anyone able to tell me if this is referring to great success or x2 exp arcana? Or Either one?

>> No.11561991

Either one, but use the great success as it's cheaper in terms of medals.
For 2 arcana you need a great success and a 2x.

>> No.11561999


>> No.11562012 [DELETED] 
File: 85 KB, 455x276, american-psycho-zelda-link-403306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11562394

Isn't the Arcana training cheaper? I've been buying the training cards for less, since I seem to get a bunch of great success cards from other things.

>> No.11562688
File: 266 KB, 1280x720, Almost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a Polaris and my AW team is almost perfect.
I just need to H them (I hope they release Auxo again)

>> No.11562691

1000 cookies.

Make Chocolat or Skeleton?
Still haven't gotten a Skeleton from AWs.

>> No.11562694

I would like to join, ID 4wux2
In the alliance I joined people barely play, took me a couple of days to surpass everybody.
Something more active would be great.

>> No.11562700

You can get skeleton from AW drops, I don't know about Chocolat.

>I just need to H them

>> No.11562703
File: 859 KB, 768x1077, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I just need to H them
I know how that feels, man. I really want to H all my cards, too.

>> No.11562706
File: 859 KB, 768x1077, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the flip-fuck

>> No.11562713


>> No.11563129

What is the drop rate of Candy given that an SR drops?
This is getting ridiculous. I can't even get excited over seeing the SR background anymore. I just feel like "Oh, it's just going to be another Candy."

>> No.11563132

i've had 6 drop already. shit sucks

>> No.11563144

It's "free medal" event instead of "GET SR", from the looks of it.

>> No.11563186

That's how I felt last event

Last event I got 13 Aphrodites, this event so far I've gotten 4 Candys, Scylla, Belphegor and Queen Succubus

>> No.11563205
File: 1.18 MB, 640x896, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aphrodite is fucking great though, since she can turn into a nice 10k medals.
My streak of 20 Candies just broke about an hour ago.

>> No.11563241

please stop bragging, its hurting me j/king

>> No.11563246

She was one of my first SR's (I still don't have many) and she's my best critter atm in my AW team. At lvl 50 with max friendship, no buffs, no arcana attacks, she hits lvl 200 candy for 37k. And if you're lucky enough to get a 2nd one, the HSR version is pretty kawaii

>> No.11563307

One thing about having /jp/ comrades. All of sudden you see a level 77 Candy.

>> No.11563449

Need 3 more for lewd loid. pls halp


>> No.11563455

>/jp/ Horizon
>Atmosphere: Loves Young Maidens
For some reason I wasn't expecting this and completely lost it.

>> No.11563457

fuck off
Go beg on the forum or something.

>> No.11563461

But I am doing that

>> No.11563470

I mean THE forum for Valkyrie Crusade, not this one you dipshit.

>> No.11563473

Use the Android SDK to create multiple different virtual Android devices, then use those.

>> No.11563476

I am doing that nerd.

>> No.11563486

I think having 3 HR Candy would be enough for the next alliance battle. Already have 2 other gurls to fill the roster. I'm medalling the rest.

>> No.11563498

Then why do you feel the need to keep making your beggar posts over here?
You're such a fucking faggot holy shit.

>> No.11563501

take your butthurt somewhere else faggot

>> No.11563505

no u

>> No.11563516
File: 80 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2013-10-27-01-09-43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have finally befriended the three of them.
I know it is useless and they don't even appear in the Card Collection, but I really wanted to know if they had a Friendship Event.

>> No.11563522

You're doing God's work, son. Great job!

>> No.11563548

I take it you weren't aware that all three of them were already on the wiki?

>> No.11563590

Oh, surprise surprise, the stealth jewel price revision happened.

>> No.11563612


What do you mean?

They don't have their friendship event (even if they say the same thing as their quote)

>> No.11563631

Oh, they made it better now. Last time it was retarded, something like:
$0.99 for 100 jewels and $4.99 for 450 jewels

>> No.11563633

Okay, so I saw an excerpt that matched and thought it was the friendship even.

>> No.11563641

I can't even justify spending $1 on this game now. All I do is log on, spend 14 BP from people sending me shit then refill with Twitter/swords until people stop sending and get off.

>> No.11563642

Better, but not good.
You have to go all the way to $20 before it's advantageous to buy wholesale.
Do they even math?

>> No.11563645

All I spent was $10 to get the discounted ygg trees. Spending money on cards is silly, like this poor sap >>11559702

>> No.11563713

>like this poor sap >>11559702 (You)
4chan making sure I know it ;_;

>> No.11563730

I'd like to know more about Smallboss. Please tell me a little bit about yourself.

>> No.11563739

Go away, Smallboss.

>> No.11563963
File: 169 KB, 417x485, 1361922160881.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guys, I was wondering if there is a method in obtaining lots of cookies.

>> No.11563983

Pay $5000
Upgrade you school to max
Get three yga trees
Pray to the RNG goddess
Spend rest on summons
Get 20 Snow whites
Max them all in lvl and skill
Kill AW all day.

>> No.11564013
File: 1.15 MB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2013-10-27-09-42-21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do want to join though. I'm very active (level 33 and started about 10 days ago), and I can also offer (max everyday day) for all three maidens. I'm just waiting for this Nyx (pic related), after that I'll leave immediately and join you guys. I'm Xhomas by the way.

>> No.11564044
File: 500 KB, 550x385, Valkyrie Butts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm torn on whose butt I like the most. What other good butt cards are there?

>> No.11564097
File: 274 KB, 767x1077, Vepar_R0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11564172
File: 187 KB, 467x288, 1379907187376.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus, that's a lot of shit to do just to farm cookies

>> No.11564451

He was exaggerating.
The truth is, you shouldn't really need more than 10 Snow Whites.

>> No.11564568
File: 814 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2013-10-27-17-11-41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The alliance might be max before you get NyX. Sorry. So check to see if there's still spot open before you leave your alliance.

>> No.11564641

4qqvx Dracorax here.
Just left my alliance can you send me invite for /jp/ horizon. For some kind of reason when I use the alliance search it won't show up.

>> No.11564664
File: 821 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2013-10-27-17-11-32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you leave your alliance without having any confirmation! Now I'm going to feel guilty if there's no spot left.
I specifically invite just enough to fill the spots. So you better hope one of them don't accept it. I'll send you a invite if there's a spot left.

>> No.11564670

I was going to leave them today anyway.
Don't feel guilty though, if there is no room then it is my own fault and I will live with that.

>> No.11564708
File: 359 KB, 792x540, 1363469760688.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the point in collecting as many cards as possible, if you can't keep them all? Why should you bother maxing their affection and stats, if you'll eventually discard them for better cards.

>> No.11564744

There's no point. I collect cards I think that are cute and maxing their affection for their lewd thoughts.

>> No.11564922
File: 100 KB, 339x339, 1372450097734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to play like this and only collect cute cards, but my OCD compels me to keep collecting every card and max them out

>> No.11564936


If you max their affection, you can see their Friendship Event in the Card Collection, even if you sell/medal them.
Also, when you select the book icon in the card profile, it shows a little heart icon for cards that you have maxed.

>> No.11564948
File: 68 KB, 812x718, 1364292753384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always get super sad when I am forced to sell/discard one of my precious Valkyries

>> No.11565134

If you use them to upgrade Slimes, then use the Slimes to upgrade your most favorite cards, it's kinda like reincarnation!
No it isn't. It's more like Ishval's gigantic Philosopher's Stone.

>> No.11565245

tfw no AW drop when I've been dealing damage to every Candy I see. Only AW I've been able to get is one Gaap.

>> No.11565260

Just got Himiko a short while ago, is she a keeper?

>> No.11565267

Garbage. Doubling your attack output isn't that useful in a game like this.

>> No.11565298

Well, I guess it does cause AW to do that stupid ability that removes all my ATK debuffs on her so then Candy oneshots half my girls

>> No.11565432

Please refrain from believing anything I say.

>> No.11565444

Is it possible to start over? If so I'd really to

>> No.11565604
File: 1.29 MB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2013-06-18-11-50-11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder of when Nubee kept making this typo.

>> No.11565612

Any guild close to getting Nyx that can invite me? It might take me a day to join but I really want that card. ;_;

>> No.11565648
File: 60 KB, 421x248, 1357723520797.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11565672

It's not like I wont donate my R cards as wellm, I've been saving them just for this

>> No.11565800

There's always a damn typo every event patch. Even the patch notes remain obscure as fuck compared to the CN/JP ones.

>> No.11565867

Is there a difference in SR drop rate if you kill your own AW or assist with someone else's? I can't tell if I'm having really bad luck or what.

>> No.11565874
File: 1.18 MB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2013-10-27-23-57-10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Little Whispers is at [see pic]. 19/20 members and I think you can just apply/join there freely. I'm leaving this alliance after I got Nyx for /jp/ Horizon. You shouldn't really be alliance hopping though, I wouldn't have said this if I cared for the alliance.

>> No.11565875

Only matters if you get ace or not. That being said it's obvious you get better chances with your own AW since double the chests.

>> No.11565883


Huh...Guess I'm just really unlucky. Thanks for the info

>> No.11566161

/jp/ Horizon is full.

>> No.11566182
File: 143 KB, 800x600, stealth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd keep her in my bedroom tied to the bed. So, yes

>> No.11566203

I'd assume if you uninstalled/reinstalled it should give you a new account, no? If it doesn't and you get your old account back, what have you got to lose?

>> No.11566204

It doesn't work if you uninstall/reinstall. You need another device. Transfer your account to that device then you can start over. Account is tied to device.

>> No.11566253

Psyche, any good?
I'm not a big fan of near defeat skill

>> No.11566267

>near defeat
In the trash it goes

>> No.11566271
File: 291 KB, 640x894, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's top-tier avatar material.

>> No.11566274

I've pulled 3 of the, today. She is very cute

Need to more invites to get my lewd loid

4pr2h is my code

>> No.11566296

Why don't you panhandle somewhere else and only have one begging post in this thread?

>> No.11566301

why don;t you just filter me?

>> No.11566338

Two new SRs added, they are actually good

>> No.11566340
File: 68 KB, 965x145, 124214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking hell

This is a pretty ridiculous deal if you pay for summons

>> No.11566362

That's like saying if I see someone taking a shit right next to me I ought to hold my breath and pretend it isn't happening instead of ramming that turd back up his colon.

>> No.11566378

Damn it, I used 2 of my tickets hours before this happened.

I used my remaining 2 after this turned on and got a SR Hestia!

>> No.11566395

Fairy tales was the best theme. What excellent girls! Alice is so moe, Cinderella was amazing feet (please step on me!), and Snow White is gloomy waifu tier with amazing skill.

>> No.11566584

Who's the cutest /jp/?

>> No.11566665


>> No.11566830

Can't be helped.
At least having no alliance is better then being in my old alliance.

>> No.11566835

Damnit, tempted to pay for a few.

>> No.11566976

Just did 2 ultimate summons with +33% increase chance.

Now I'm at +55%

>> No.11567023


>> No.11567144

Same for me, I'm still leaving this current alliance after Nyx. But holy shit, the third /jp/ alliance is full too already.. How many people are there left for (yet) another one?
We will have to come up with a name for it too if there are enough people.
Or does /jp/ alliance or /jp/ 2.0 have extra slots soon?

>> No.11567442

Any news on whats the next event? I hope they don't add too many cards. Im still working on maxing the friendship on the N cards from the Maidens in Love event

>> No.11567451
File: 78 KB, 320x448, HSR Omoikane.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow they actually added 2 GOOD new SR's. One is attack up for allies 200% the other is 5% crit to single. Both kawaii. Nubee says you can only get them from summons, for some reason the wikia seems to think you can get them from AW drops. O.o

>> No.11567460

Omoikane is a Witch Hunt card, which are Ultimate Summon exclusives. Forneus seems to be a regular SR, so the will most likely drop off AWs.

>> No.11567778

So when you complete the event treasure 3 times (the witch hat one) can you not turn in the hats a 4th time?

>> No.11567800

Ya, you can only complete it 3 times I think.

>> No.11567827

Hold on I'm kind of new here, how does this work? I can't seem to buy maiden tickets anywhere

>> No.11567855

Each time you use the premium summon you get maiden tickets, so this event is good for playera who pay for cards.

>> No.11567872

So basically If i bought some jewels and did the premium summon right now, it would give me double the maiden tickets it normally gives?

>> No.11567884

I think that's how it works.

I'd do a few if I had money.

>> No.11568202

I haven't managed to get any Atk Down R/SR cards. Should I go ahead and build up an HN with it to make a defensive team?

>> No.11568208

You get maiden tickets whenever you use a summon ticket, even those that you get as rewards.
It's really tempting, but if I remember back to my most recent (ultimate) summon attempts ... nah, not gonna spend money on it anymore.

It fucking hurts when you get a Cinderella from Ultimate Summonm

>> No.11568235

I got a Io.

>> No.11568264
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>finally able to accept /jp/ Horizon invite

>> No.11568425


But then this >>11566976 happens

>> No.11568449

Just pulled that new Witch Hunt 200% attack up card and another wisp. Time to OK AWs for the next two days.

So now I have 2 200% attack ups and one has witch hunt..

>> No.11568452

Am I wasting my time/resources by leveling all the Chocolat I get to 40 before evolving them? I need a healer that doesn't get oneshot all the time.

I'm still not sure how all this works yet.

>> No.11568453

No, also use succession cards

>> No.11568467

Resources you spend early in the evolution timeline matter very little later on.
The FAQ outlines a six-card "Bang for Buck" evolution scheme.

>> No.11568475
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Current team, feels bad cause i just spent all my medal max attacking astroth

>> No.11568489

Looks like the only thing not to max level/arcana is the very bottom step of the 6 card evo. You save two slimes'ish?

>> No.11568491

>Ent instead of Aphro

build up them barracks nigga.

>> No.11568497

Working on it right now.

So max damage I can do with is 999999

Gives me 6k+ points and a lot more Rs.

>> No.11568509
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I send only enough invite to fill the spots. There was one guy who didn't log on for 2 days. I thought he won't be accepting it. Then all of sudden, he accept the invite. Sorry.

>> No.11568519

>Multiple AW killers
How much did that cost?

>> No.11568527

He's a free player.

>> No.11568531

I just shelled out 100 bucks last Wednesday. Was saving my maiden tickets and pulled the new wisp and orokonia loli thing just an hour ago

>> No.11568535

That's pretty lucky then compared to what I have seen people spend.

>> No.11568541

Well, you have a 50/50 chance to pull the special 10x SR from what I've read, so 3 10+1 Summons pretty much guarantees one, though my Ultimate Summons being Wisp and ora loli is lucky. I'm proably not going to spen any more money now that I have a Max attack Astroth and 2 200% attack boosters. Going to max attack ore loli and see how it goes.

>> No.11568558

>Max attack Astroth

How hard does she hit? Regular and skill

>> No.11568566

9-14k for normal attack and 32-45k for Skill

>> No.11568805

Glad you're my comrade :)

>> No.11568810

I use the same healer, Ent has good HP for an HR. But if u use aphrodite instead, you'll get a +15% increase to everyone's attack.

>> No.11568926

is Carmilla even good? should i bother leveling and evoing her?

>> No.11568947

You have three days to squeeze everything you can out of her.
I doubt it.

>> No.11568956

Don't bother, all of these "2x dmg to AW" are shit. Medal or donate

>> No.11569060

I want to turn all of my Halloween cookies into Slimes.
Is there a limit to how many presents I can fit into my present box?

>> No.11569075

I think it's 100 not sure.


>710 cookies
>40 more for candy

>> No.11569089

More than 100. I have more than 100 before and it was fine. I think it's like 10,000 then your game crash if you receive more presents.
I remember reading it somewhere and it's a pretty large number.

>> No.11569120

Does anyone know if Hoax415 still plays the game? He's in one of the jp alliances i think. Hasnt logged on in days and days and days.

>> No.11569168

Do I just keep sending AWs that I can't kill to my alliance/comrades? Will people get annoyed that they aren't level 200?

>> No.11569173

Do it anyway.

keep in mind they won't always be able to help.

>> No.11569220

Well, I took a pull and got the 5x damage Rare. Gonna just blow all my swords and Ace me some AWs before she bites it.

>> No.11569280
File: 1.56 MB, 712x998, SR Hecate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep keep sending them. We won't get annoyed because it gives us a chance to get Event SR's and non-Event SR's. Also if the HP of the AW is really low, it helps us gain alot of EXP if we get the last hit on it. But if you want to ace the AWs then its better not to send to your alliance, because theres bound to be at least a few killers.

>> No.11569302

I'm not sure about others but for me, I prefer the AW to be near full health when you send it to me since I don't have Lilim for overkill Bonus.
If the AW is low health then I won't get as much points since I might kill it before my Buff Activates. So I usually wait 10 min before killing a AW that has less than half health.

>> No.11569308

Do skills that are "Recover x% of all allied soldiers" recover soldiers past the point you started the battle with? Say if you start with all cards with 1 soldier, can that skill make cards end the battle with more than 1 soldier?

>> No.11569313

That would be great but no.

>> No.11569367

Is anybody else having really bad connection issues?

>> No.11569406

Some days are good, some not so good. Make a sacrifice to the old gods to improve connectivity.

>> No.11569412

Got a question for the people who have thoroughly tested the 'near defeat' skills. Do they activate when your HP bar goes red? If so, if it fails to activate at that time, and then you heal your team and it goes red a second time, could it have a second chance at activation then? And third chance etc....

>> No.11569415

If your bar is red at start of your turn, the percentage activates.
