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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11541921 No.11541921[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

who fake NEET?

I keep waiting to get fired from my job, I don't think it's ever going to happen.

>> No.11541924

I go to school and I really enjoy it. Does /jp/ hate me for this reason?

>> No.11541936

fuq off normie

>> No.11541937

Any military NEETs awake? What's it like? I'm running out of time and don't seem to have any other options other than joining the us army/marines/navy/air force which ever the fuck it is

>> No.11541941

I'm a Marine. It's okay. You're going to have to talk to people and shit, but once you're off work, you have free reign to be a NEET. I wouldn't even call this a job, really.

>> No.11541944

I'm really happy for you and hope you enjoyee you're lifetime.

>> No.11541946

you're gona dieeeee

>> No.11541951

I go to school and hate it. I feel like I'm not actually being prepared for anything and am too much of an anxious, neurotic fuckup to ever hold down an actual job and contemplate suicide on the regular.

>> No.11541952

what the hell is a fake NEET

>> No.11541957

I hate life. I'm locked into a constant cycle of disinterest and ambivalence. I don't care about anything, even things that make me happy, and I don't have the drive to do anything new, or the commitment to better myself at things I'm bad at.

I just want to curl into the fetal position and turn into stone, or die.

>> No.11541958
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I would like to leave my job as well and take it easy, but I couldn't cope with the crushing disappointment that would come from my parents if I did.

I've already moved out, now they're pushing me to get a mortgage. I'm really not looking forward to a half-century of working and living as a normal person.

>> No.11541962

Someone who was NEET for a long period of time, and it still convinced that they're NEET, even though they have a job or are going to school.

I really hate hearing about people who go to school. I also hate people telling me how much potential I have, and that I should go to school.

>> No.11541965

Any other investment banker /jp/ers here?

>> No.11541963

I've been thinking of joining the army next year

>> No.11541964

Now now, I for one, think you have absolutely zero potential.

>> No.11541967
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That's what I've been waiting to hear!

>> No.11541968

I've been applying but they're not hiring.

>> No.11541970


I'd like to not be a hikki anymore but the outside is so awful I can't do it. I suppose it's not so bad considering my hobbies are solitary.

>> No.11541974

I'll play outside with you. Do you like trampolines?

>> No.11541977


I have a job, but it's awesome. I just have to show up, do 3-4 hours of work in almost total solitude, and occasionally work longer during busy days and sometimes answer my pager when my boss pages me

It doesn't pay much, but I suppose it can't be helped. As long as people leave me alone, I am quite content!

>> No.11541982


I don't go outside if other people are around.

>> No.11541983

> people telling me how much potential I have

I hate this. I hear it so often from so many different people. My teachers told me this all the time growing up. After I dropped out of school I heard this from my bosses in jobs my parents made me get. Nowadays I just hear it from my childhood friend and my parents.

>> No.11541987

Then is a truNEET merely a NEET?
I thought a truNEET was a NEET who is also hikkikomori.

>> No.11541988

Saying you're full of potential really just means that that's all you have.

>> No.11541991

My job consists of getting approval from management all day. Everyone in management hates seeing me because I always need something from them; so no one ever actively seeks me out. As a result, I do the bare minimum required of my job, and no one wants to come up to me to ask to do anything else, as I will instantly bother them about approvals and unlocks for 80 things.

I haven't gotten any active instruction in about 8 months.

>> No.11541998
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>> No.11541996

They're always hiring.

>> No.11542004


I though saying you have potential was just a nice way of saying "work harder!"

>> No.11542005

I don't think there any established criteria, but I've always imagined truNEETs as NEETs who are so indebted to their way of life that they have no other means of survival, and who also willingly embrace their lifestyle, and make no attempts to change themselves.

A truNEET takes advantage of his situation and makes the most of it, by accomplishing as much as he can with all the time on his hands.

>> No.11542026

I'm going back to school on Monday, but I haven't paid yet so I'm hoping they dis-enroll me so I can have another 3 months off.

>> No.11542031

just drop out, you won't regret it later

>> No.11542268

i have a job. i work in a factory 48 hours a week. i get 3 days off a week so i NEET it up as much as i can. sometimes i wish i had just enough money to live modestly in a shitty apartment the rest of my life so i would never have to leave.

>> No.11542273

I mop floors at a grocery store to help my dad out. I also made my first friend in a long time last year. Sometimes he comes over. I'm hoping I can quit my job once dad and I knock some debt out of the way. Maybe look into Uni.

People need to remember that NEET is simply a status and not a mindset. A person can be not in employment, education or training and still be a complete normie. Vice versa applies as well.

>> No.11542277

A truNEET is a NEET with an ego problem a spends more time bragging about his or her positions than actually NEETing it up.

>> No.11542283

What does "NEETing it up" entail?

>> No.11542284

Seven day weekend and actually performing hobbies instead of discussing them.

>> No.11542322

The time of the respectable truNEETs are over, they all moved on from /jp/, got fed up with shitposting or killed themself

>> No.11542325

>I go to school
Kid please leave

>> No.11542325,1 [INTERNAL] 

normie check

>> No.11542325,2 [INTERNAL] 

selection bias; warosubros are going to be neets

>> No.11542325,3 [INTERNAL] 


What's your job warosu?

>> No.11542325,4 [INTERNAL] 

Full time gay slayer.

>> No.11542325,5 [INTERNAL] 

Professional Janitorial Services, the pay isn't great so me and 8 other warosubros have to room up.

>> No.11542325,6 [INTERNAL] 

The janishit isn't allowed to use the term warosubros.

>> No.11542325,7 [INTERNAL] 

Professional shitposter. Jewt pays me to shit this place and the jay up so that he can destroy it.

>> No.11542325,8 [INTERNAL] 

Should you have said "Professional Trevor clone" instead?

>> No.11542325,9 [INTERNAL] 

Funny because all five of us are from Warosu.

>> No.11542325,10 [INTERNAL] 

Are you sure I can't, warosubro? (:

>> No.11542325,11 [INTERNAL] 

Nah bro Trev is the janitor yo.

>> No.11542325,12 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11542325,13 [INTERNAL] 

Any non-ironic answers?

I am a mechanic and I hate working.

>> No.11542325,14 [INTERNAL] 

I work as a secretary.

>> No.11542325,15 [INTERNAL] 

College normies are worse than working normies

>> No.11542325,16 [INTERNAL] 

I'm enrolled in college but I don't actually go to classes

>> No.11542325,17 [INTERNAL] 

Please do not speak to me normie I do not wish to join your frat

>> No.11542325,18 [INTERNAL] 

holy FUCK you owned that fuckin' norm

>> No.11542325,19 [INTERNAL] 

will you join my anime club tho? ;_;

>> No.11542325,20 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11542325,21 [INTERNAL] 

its sucks. you have to work up to 14 hours a day and its filled with normals.

>> No.11542325,22 [INTERNAL] 

i work as a night shift security
i browse /jp/ during my shift

>> No.11542325,23 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11542325,24 [INTERNAL] 

Jesus helps those who help themselves.

>> No.11542325,25 [INTERNAL] 

you will never be accepted with just a resume, you're going to have to go to an interview

you're probably so autistic you don't even need to think about throwing the interview, you'll fail it even if you try your best
