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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 1.75 MB, 712x1000, betelgeuse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11540857 No.11540857 [Reply] [Original]

Piss-tan General

FAQ: http://www.tcgapp.com/viewtopic.php?f=206&t=3169

/jp/ comrades/alliance/AW killer/sender

Last thread: >>11529224

>> No.11540891

I heard Betelgeuse has a different picture if you favorite it? is that true?

>> No.11540893

Any point in trying to get the 15k+ score prizes in the guild battles? Seems like an impossible goal.

>> No.11540896


I mean after getting all the runners, is it even worth the time and is it even possible to get the top prizes?

>> No.11540914

Well I mean, only reason I do the Alliance battle is for the Emblems to help out.

I also just realized I hold 1/3rd of the alliances total points and Emblems.

>> No.11540912
File: 101 KB, 960x720, gabriel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny that even though this is Halloween event, the new SR are new angels

>> No.11540917
File: 110 KB, 960x720, penemue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11540922

I hope she has single target damage skill

>> No.11540926

Is that a wing sword?

>> No.11540934

It's a quill pen.
You use it to write things.

>> No.11540936

That is one giant pen.

>> No.11540939

I see the word "Death" and 10%.

She looks like our new Light element 15% critical attacker (which is also called "instant death")! Shame she's not cuter looking

Lily White holding Bakuya Overedge!

>> No.11540942

10% single target crit. Calling it now.

Battle start skill.

>> No.11541001

How did the previous Guild Battle work? I heard that Pub Girl was also a prize from the last one which means that people who played in the first one were able to finish her HR. Does that mean the Cosmos, which are basically impossible to get the final two cards to make the HR, has a chance of being a prize in the third Alliance Battle when it comes around next time?

>> No.11541009

Aw shiet I received my first SR beside the event SR: the Dragon Princess. Feels good to get it. Thanks Messoh.

>> No.11541025

Pub girl was given out as a ranking prize, and not enough were given out to finish her.
Cosmo girl is different since she can be finished, albeit with alot of effort.

>> No.11541040

Fucking astroths are procing every enemy turn now, fuck.

>> No.11541047

see astaroth, always procs, instant loss

and then there were 5 of them ...

>> No.11541065

Im running a debuff team, i can get them down to 2k attack, but they always proc. I regret not making more for myself.

>> No.11541070

I couldn't get 5 Astaroths ;_;
So now I have 3 of them and 2 HSR Candy

>> No.11541080

I had 5 but medaled 2 to make slots for Candy and my maxed out Alien.

>> No.11541083
File: 255 KB, 1136x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2nd Candy from lvl 122 AW
Aw yea. Thank you based Runner for upping my damage output.

>> No.11541107

Is 18 the cap of comrades? Or the cap increases later? (Castle lvl or something)
Also, sorry about those level 20-40 witches guys, most of my comrades are level 5-12 and I can't still take them down.
I got Candy yesterday, maybe if I level her a bit I can finally kill those witches.

>> No.11541112

They increase as you level.

>> No.11541119

Cleaning out your presents list is the most mind numbing experience ever.

>> No.11541123

Any time. I also got an SR or two from helping you.

>> No.11541139

I saw your Candy. I was jelly.

>> No.11541143

So jealous of the level 80+ people with 80 friends. Can you imagine how long it takes to poke everyone's town? And then the N card drawfest that follows.

>> No.11541153

I've 82 friends. It takes... Quite a while, especially for those faggots who put their production on the 2nd town.

>> No.11541151

Level 80 player here, I haven't greeted my comrades in over half a year. All my N's come from killing people's AW's.

>> No.11541158


With the number of friends at the higher levels, is it even worth poking and helping out the other towns?

>> No.11541157

I ignore those people. Luckily I only have 2 comrades that does that.

I do have 1 comrade who put 3 production on the main kingdom so you click on, leaving the rest on 2nd kingdom.

>> No.11541161

Not for you at least. I pretty much always have 9999 fp.
But having your production helped does feel good. Not good enough to make me want to do it for other people though.

>> No.11541160

Honestly? No. The only reason I can see myself doing it now is if I spent all my friendship pts I get from just being online and assisting my comrades so I can contribute the 2k daily points.

>> No.11541162

Yeah, I might start ignoring those, but OCD. I managed to make my stuff fit in my town, why can't they? (though I did cheat by putting the storage buildings in the 2nd town)
I only do it when I need it for Goddess Worship or have a mass of slimes to level, which unfortunately, the Alliance battle gives

>> No.11541178
File: 583 KB, 1280x800, ValkyrieCrusade7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I do have 1 comrade who put 3 production on the main kingdom so you click on, leaving the rest on 2nd kingdom.

Did it look like this? I did the same thing when I realized my comrades would have to go to my extra kingdom.

Because it looks like ass when you have literally 10 farms/blacksmiths/magic on the main kingdom.

>> No.11541189
File: 1.18 MB, 1136x640, IMG_0070[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted this card so bad ever since I first saw her posted here.
Goodness gracious, these panties.
I feel like I've beaten this game.

>> No.11541190

No. He only put 3 production in main kingdom, 1 of each. That image has more than 3 production.

>> No.11541194
File: 369 KB, 799x1118, 20130703180738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is fantastic. I'm waiting for another to replace QoP.

It was close enough compared to 10 each.

>> No.11541197

High Vampire is a weaker version of Queen of Pirate. Cost more, less soldier count, less ATK + DEF. Only good part is she's cute.

>> No.11541198

Why not use both of them?

>> No.11541201

Yeah I realize that. I just want her for the cute factor. I couldn't care less about the stats since she'll just sit there.

Because my other slots are filled with cards that fill a different purpose.

>> No.11541203
File: 523 KB, 1136x640, IMG_0071[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god what is happening i don't need this much attack boost

>> No.11541204


I wish I was around to get this card ;_;

>> No.11541207
File: 374 KB, 800x1118, 20130703205248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally I like Chaos more.

>> No.11541212
File: 383 KB, 799x1118, Hardestcardinthegametoget.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All these new cards is making YO seem less and less special. I hate it. The only thing she has over them is the soldier count.

>> No.11541216


It's just so mecha like...

>> No.11541259 [DELETED] 

Nah, need to level up more (and upgrade my storage as well) to get that last row though so I can fix up the Blacksmith side a bit.

>> No.11541266
File: 938 KB, 970x713, 2013-10-18 23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, need to level up more (and upgrade my storage as well) to get that last row though so I can fix up the Blacksmith side a bit.

>> No.11541282

Why is your screen shot so weird

>> No.11541285

Because it's not possible to fit the entire thing in 1 zoom

>> No.11541286

He had to be able to fit his entire kingdom in the screenshot.

>> No.11541297

Looks like Dark Sakura, and she's created with Angra Mainyu...


>> No.11541302

What are you talking about? Sekhmet is the only girl with her skill and she takes a ton of work to earn.

And she isn't close to the hardest card in the game to get at all. Just compare getting her to HSR ultimate summon 4* girls that are not the most recent one. It's not even close.

>> No.11541308

I have not done that since level 30 or so

>> No.11541323
File: 366 KB, 644x425, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally, I prefer it when all my buildings stick together like some unholy combination of New York and Tetris.

>> No.11541318

But she's Dark so she's still superior to most endgame players, though hopefully that can be subject to change if other elements get good cards. I guess Hervor teams could use Pirate Queen.

>> No.11541319
File: 263 KB, 720x581, LewdAvenger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It isn't the first time the artist has made references.

I still find it funny he had to point out that Angra wasn't naked, it's just that her cunt is barely covered.

You need to get two very hard to get SR's and then EA them with a 40% chance of achieving it at best. I guess the 4* thing is harder considering the over all time it takes though.

Also that ton of work is literally like 10 minutes per day at worst.

>> No.11541334

Yeah a lot of my friends just tetris it up. Personally, that would drive me insane to look at.

>> No.11541343

Well, normal 4* HSR are already bad enough, but these and T.O. SR don't come close to being the hardest cards to HSR because Witchhunters can only be obtained from Ultimate Summon, and in turn you only get one Ultimate Summon for every 12 premium summon packs you buy or you have to slowly save up maiden points from events to even have a shot, and you only start with 10% chance of getting a SR at all. You can't farm AW for them, you have to actually buy tons of packs or store maiden points for years and even then there's far from any guarantee. If someone dunked thousands of dollars into the game to try to HSR, say, Kikurihime right now, they'd probably have tons of Yuki Onnas before they succeed in completing Kikurihime, so the snowwoman is far from Hardestcardinthegametoget.jpg.

>> No.11541345
File: 135 KB, 800x640, 風呂場のG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the idea of making it look like an actual city. I just use my second kingdom as a dumping ground however, or maybe like a camp that's building up to be a city.

I still wish there was an extension to the heart event system, like random daily events for each card that take place in your kingdom.

I know I'm wishing for too much.

>> No.11541388

I have been playing for 3 weeks now and I have 415 archwitch victories. I've gotten 1 SR (ishtar) and like 8-9 R's

Am I unlucky or is this normal? 1 SR in 400+ AW

>> No.11541393

It depends on the type of AW, the level of it, and if you aced or not as well.

>> No.11541400

182 were aces. I have about even amount of victories over the SR and R type aw's

>> No.11541402

That's a bit below average then if they were mostly level 200.

>> No.11541409

Acing definitely ups the chances, I got 3 SRs from 80 AWs this event by acing them.
Compared to the last event where I only got 1 SR from 140 AWs, never aced a single one.

>> No.11541426

We can only hope.

>> No.11541423

Throwing in that some killers care if you aced your own AW or not since they see it as fair if they got the ace and you got two draws.

It's up to you if you want to ace though. I personally don't care if someone sends me an AW I can't possibly ace.

>> No.11541432

Why.. It's a bad card if it's battle start. That mean only one activation.

>> No.11541436

>Battle start skill

>> No.11541437

Yeah, Amazon Queen is trash compared to Runner for this reason.

>> No.11541440

I mean for the 10% crit skill.

>> No.11541464

Eh, just got on the JP version and compared the runes to the cards skills I know and those. Unless for some reason the runes match yet mean something else completely, I can almost confirm Gabriel is a crit skill and Penemue is a 25% attack increase skill.

>> No.11541469
File: 706 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2013-10-19-14-29-12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have their Mithras? I just evolve my Mithras and the cost 41. I think Mithras' cost before evolve was 44. Could someone check?

Never seen a card's cost lower before.

>> No.11541472

I meant to say decrease.

>> No.11541474

Yeah the original cost is 44, I just checked mine

>> No.11541508

I've gotten 3 Candy's in about 100 fights, where are my useful SR's?

>> No.11541530

Why am I still getting alliance invites when I am already in one?

>> No.11541537

Huh what's wrong with candies? Ushering in the new era, unless you already have tons of Astaroths or Yuki Onnas!

>> No.11541543

What is the defense unit used for?

>> No.11541547

For duels. Duels just aren't happening right now until the Alliance Battles are over.

Really they're useless once you have all the treasures.

>> No.11541760

>Get SR Belphegor
>Excited as hell
>Check her skill
>10% on battle star-
Into the Medal trash she goes~

>> No.11541770

I'm using her for the Battle Alliance.
Max skill 20% skip 4 turns.

>> No.11542241

YO has the highest activation probability among all of the girls as of now you know. Even Astaroth is short of 10%, which is huge. That said, the latter has 1k more soldier.

>> No.11542368

Watch out /jp/ here I come!

>> No.11542453

I wish I could get some of these Archwitches.. I keep getting level 20-30 ones tops -.- I've faught like 50 of them now

>> No.11542479

try 500

>> No.11542480

Can I evolve a 3* Runner with a 1* Runner to make it a 5* HR?
Or do I have to do it the long way and evolve the 3* with a 0*, then evolve the resulting 4* with the last 0*?

>> No.11542512
File: 1.19 MB, 640x896, Parvati_HSR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugh, my phone is still not back from repair after over a week. I'm extremely sorry for being an awful leader.

Soon I'll be able to play this game again...

>> No.11542595

What kind of shit luck do you have?
And you can always play on Bluestacks unless you have a toaster.
I transferred my data around my laptop and tablet multiple times when I was testing it out.

>> No.11542598
File: 319 KB, 1024x600, Screenshot_2013-10-19-09-25-41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why no play love live instead?

>> No.11542606

Wait, is the jp version that much different from the us one? I've been playing on the us one for a while.

>> No.11542615

It's all the same shit. They release everything at once for all languages. That's why you see JP players so much.

Of course the JP patch notes go into a lot more depth, and a lot of stuff caters to JP players like the code entering in the presents tab, and the vit refill caters to JP time.

>> No.11542621

I thought the vitality recovery thing was adjusted to local time?
I checked it 2 hours ago (when it was between 22:00-23:00 JST) and didn't see any button to recover my vit.

>> No.11542625

I'm not sure, I'm going off of their patch notes.

>> No.11542626

It's 10-11 for me and I'm GMT -5

>> No.11542632

you got me thinking:
where are the loli cards?

>> No.11542637

Auxo, HImiko and Candy are the recent ones

>> No.11542640

New to the game, is summons based on level?

>> No.11542642

no. And High Vampire is best loli

>> No.11542646

I want her HSR

>> No.11542648

Vampire has the best style.


>> No.11542651 [DELETED] 


>> No.11542658

Pretty shit luck. I've seen about transferring my account but I've always pussied out of it because I'm worried things will fuck up and I won't be able to access it at all... I'm sorry...

>> No.11542748

I posted in the other thread about the game forcing me to create a new account. It's been four days and I've emailed support twice and they still have not gotten back to me. The weird thing is, I'm still getting notifications from my main account, such as archwitch requests, but when I click on them it takes me to that shitty level 2 DWARF account. Anybody have any suggestions? I've basically missed the entire alliance battle event by now but I'd really like to get some Candy.

>> No.11542856

> Always short on gold because slimes
> Always touch farms, thinking everyone else is short on gold too.

am i doing this right?

>> No.11542868

I did that too, until my inventory filled up with Gold Girls.
The minute I sell one, another rises to take her place.

>> No.11542869

you can always sell N cards for 100 gold each. gold girls go for 20k

>> No.11542874

When I started and duels were still around, I was getting metal slimes often enough that I was amalgamating all of them into medal girls. Stupid alliance battles has made my box fill up with like 5 gold girls.

I usually end the day with enough gold to eat all the N cards I get though, so that's not bad.

>> No.11542879

work on your ether and metal production then

>> No.11542890

Currently I have lots of N cards and around 10 R.
I need to balance my team a bit for campaign, I need a passion one but I don't have a single R one. Whoever I have like 20 N passion girls.
Are N worth keeping/leveling up? Or should I just wait for Rs instead?

>> No.11542952

I don't really know where you are in the campaign, but I don't think you need a passion one.
I think what you need is a team of 5 AOE spammers.
Ns suck and Rs will come soon enough (even though I have a Military Band in my AW team).

>> No.11542959

Just started Campaign 8 here, cleared from 4 to 8 using an HR Android and some 1 soldier Rs.

>> No.11542978
File: 1000 KB, 722x1011, doppelganger_4★.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have some symmetrical docking (literally).

>> No.11542998

>HSR has more clothing than the versions before
Yeah I fucking mad.

>> No.11543001

Oops, I mean HR

>> No.11543004

TBH, I like the HR better than the other ones. Less clothes doesn't always mean it's better!

>> No.11543064

who green

>> No.11543074

What, but she's pretty cool looking! Collecting SR is all about getting cool avatar options, anyways.

>> No.11543083
File: 277 KB, 796x1122, 20130612063525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. What else is MA good for other than cute avatar material?

>> No.11543091
File: 83 KB, 584x467, e59b9ee5bea9e5bdb9e381afefbc9f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11543101

Well it's obvious what that design ripped off of.

>> No.11543103
File: 225 KB, 720x598, UselessMA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truly suffering incarnate.

>> No.11543109
File: 145 KB, 581x800, 捨てアルケミスト.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11543117

I hope these cookies are useful... I miss being able to kill archwitches.

>> No.11543130

Aren't they going to be used to get the next event SR's that are supposed to be pretty great?

>> No.11543135
File: 602 KB, 478x668, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know how some hentai artists choose to censor vital body parts by simply refusing to draw them?
Makes me wonder whether or not this was intentional.

>> No.11543148
File: 283 KB, 799x1117, 20131019164514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see it.

>> No.11543165
File: 309 KB, 480x270, Untitled.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need some help?
I can't believe invisible dicks is actually a tag.

>> No.11543197

It's a fucking vial, look at the SR image. In the HSR version the vial (your imaginary dick) explodes after she messes up.

>> No.11543206

I dunno man, all I can see is a blushing, sweaty girl gripping an appropriately-sized shaft as liquid drips off of it.

>> No.11543240

I can't find it, where is player ID/Code located at in game?

>> No.11543244

menu->battle log

>> No.11543246


>> No.11543373

Should I bother evolving N cards? I noticed that so far none are useful, but I'm afraid of making a mistake by using all of them to upgrade

>> No.11543387

Of course. Don't you want to catch them all? You even have a pokedex-like gallery where you can look up any card and any form you've ever owned, and their love event if you unlocked it.

>> No.11543391

What love event? I think I unlocked none.

>> No.11543392

>The event cards that will forever stay blacked out
My OCD. goddamn

>> No.11543393

>old cards with new artwork
>old art ones still there

>> No.11543394

Man don't even go there.

>> No.11543395

Some may be useful, but you would not be making a mistake in losing them because they'll all be back eventually, and more frequently than you would like.
Wizard+Sage and Android+Mechanic amalgate into easy Rs, which are always welcome.
I mentioned earlier that I've been using Military Band, and she's just as good as an Artist for her purpose.

>> No.11543396

30 friendship = additional love slave

>> No.11543401

Half the designs are ripped off from something of another.

>> No.11543409
File: 1.37 MB, 1280x1600, 20130609051816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just gotta get them to level 30 on the heart to get it.

>> No.11543412

I don't think I'll ever get a slime or gold girl to 30

>> No.11543527
File: 180 KB, 275x385, 275px-Musician-R.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hooray! An R card with attack boost!

> 25% boost, 5% chance
This... this'll never proc. Back to HR Shaman.

>> No.11543599

>privity or whatever her name is
>max skill level
>procs once every twenty battles

I really need a polaris.

>> No.11543654

Parvati? She's a troll like Uriel and never procs unless you're starting a fight where the AW is close to death anyway.

>> No.11543736

Just got Aries and Titania , do they worth shit?

>> No.11543743

Enjoy your easy 4k medals.

>> No.11543794
File: 407 KB, 1136x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To think that all this fun I'm having ends with the month...

>> No.11543799

Don't worry, there is always next month.

>> No.11543809

I love you smallboss!!

>> No.11543855
File: 931 KB, 722x1011, aries.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aries should give like, 4k medals on her own, considering ... well, you know what I mean.

I think she's cute, even though I hate inflated chests like that

>> No.11543859

*tears of joy*

>> No.11543909

I dislike how the game is so RNG based. I wish you could choose who you want to heal, who you want to target for your spells and more importantly, who Coronis should revive.

>> No.11543927

Got ikamusume (Kraken)
1 target 200% skills are crap, right?

>> No.11543928
File: 323 KB, 671x942, R Urthr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two things not making sense to me, hopefully someone can enlighten me.

My Astaroth has 10k and a bit soldiers, I used Arcana succession and all that, maxed both Aphrodites. Why am I seeing so many Astaroths with 11k and a bit soldiers? And how can I get that extra 1k?

Also, I wrote down the stats before maxing my friendship level with one girl. Checked the stats after maxing friendship and they didn't go up. Everybody here is saying that you get an extra 5% 'stats', so how come mine aren't going up?

>> No.11543933

There is only one conclusion to draw.


I'm sorry.

>> No.11543936

How I know which card is going to randomly help my friends in battle?

>> No.11543939

Your set 'favorite' is the card that helps.

>> No.11543948

I see that the twitter post says that this is a card battle and "mini-garden" game? what does that mean?

>> No.11543950

The city building aspect

>> No.11543978

You somehow fucked up your Astaroth unknowingly. It can't be helped.
Friendship bonus shows up as blue numbers next to the base value. This is also where bonuses due to card combinations and passive skills show up.

>> No.11544009


>> No.11544072

You did something wrong. If you indeed max both Aphrodite level, it should be 11k Soldiers.

Friendship don't need to be max for the evolution. All that matter is the level.

>> No.11544079

It's decent if you don't have the 300% skill or Critical damage. But Kraken is bad because it's 10% chance.

Go get Runner if you haven't. It's 20%. Max skill 30% chance.

>> No.11544099

Is Aphrodite's skill multiple proc? Not sure if I should use her instead of my old Millionaire

>> No.11544100

Only up to 2 times.

>> No.11544124
File: 157 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2013-10-20-01-24-38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought doing 250k points per day was going to be enough to make it to the top 150. I was wrong...

>> No.11544128

Should have gotten 5x Yuuki Onna

>> No.11544134

More like should have spent money to buy Rods

>> No.11544141


>> No.11544143

How many hits can Runner (what a boring name) take from a maxed Archwitch? Just two like every other damager I've tried to use?

>> No.11544160

She can take 3 hits if you HR her. >>11532681

I don't know your team set up but you can get healer + damage debuffer to allow her to live longer.

>> No.11544184

I have a Hacker that's waiting to be HRed, but you're saying damage debuff might be the better option?
There's also Aphrodite for healing.

>> No.11544192

Damage debuffer is definitely better than Raising Def because the AW skill that cancel skills doesn't cancel debuffs.

>> No.11544222

I got my HR Runner up to 8.6 HP.

>> No.11544246

O wow. I must have forgot succession or something. I remember maxing all their levels.

>> No.11544272

Yeah, you musta forgot that, I used a 5% succession on each evolution except the one to 2* because I was sleepy and forgot to use it there.

>> No.11544277

No you probably didnt forget succession, just like my Astaroth having 10k soldiers only. Theres a hidden criteria in this game that hasn't been discovered or revealed publicly - that affects your max stats.

>> No.11544290

No.. I did forgot and you probably forgot something. I made 8 Astaroth with Succession and Max level they all come out with 11k soldiers.

>> No.11544383

>the AW skill that cancel skills doesn't cancel debuffs
I'm pretty sure that it cancels any debuffs on the AW itself as well.

>> No.11544417

Yeah you are right. AW won't activates her Archwitch Field if you use your debuff on her. She only use her Archwitch Field if you use buff on yourself.

>> No.11544428
File: 584 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2013-10-20-02-22-27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Half of my dream has come true.

>> No.11544432

How do I get Piss-tan?

All I wanna know.

>> No.11544433

I've been trying for ages to get a second Candy.
I do seem to get arcana's and cookies most of the time.

>> No.11544435
File: 280 KB, 796x1121, 20131020032646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great. Now get another for the candy loli and send me AW's. I just got back on.

You get it from drops.

>> No.11544449

Piss-tan best tan.
Also she can get into an "accident".
Ho ho ho.

>> No.11544571

Is it just me or are arcanas dropping a lot more often compared to usual?

>> No.11544675

Anyone know what super soldier's skill is?

>> No.11544813

I hope we can trade these damn cookies in for something good.

>> No.11544828

3 unkown can be exchanged with 25cookies a piece,
Slime and gold girl for 50
Chocolat (healer like angel) for 100
1000 friendship points for 150
skeleton (single target dark damage for 250%) for 200
Candy for 750

Copy and paste from tcg site
I'm not 100% sure if those are the prizes.

>> No.11544833


>> No.11544835 [DELETED] 
File: 38 KB, 450x432, にゃんぱすー!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11545173
File: 2.25 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_2013-10-20-16-27-03[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love YO for these moments

>> No.11545192

Oh god this Orc, 1000% dmg and only 5% proc chance!
Now I regret using my Shapeshifter for this amalgamation...

>> No.11545238

Out of curiosity, are you the level 115 Remilia on my comrade list?
I had always wondered how many of the 2hu named people on my list were from here

>> No.11545245

yup it's me with Snow White as avatar

>> No.11545263

I started some days ago and am now level 20, still without alliance. Shoud I just join a random one for now, or will there be room in /jp/ or /jp/ 2.0 soon? (or is there coming a /jp/ 30?)

>> No.11545304

If I am planning to level N type Beastmaster for AW hunting, should I even bother with leveling each and every one for when I commit to evolving them or should I just leave them at level 1 and mash then together?

>> No.11545308

Is Pub Girl any good?
I'm about to get my 2nd one and I don't have cards with ATK buffs.

>> No.11545314

It's better to join a random one for now. I don't think either of the /jp/ alliance have high Alliance Hall level. If you don't care for that, then wait for someone to make /jp/ 3.0.

Yes. Max their Level, Evolve with Succession because it increase their soldier count so they can survive more AW hit.

>> No.11545315

That's a lot of resources into a N...

>> No.11545341

Use Shaman or Brave over Pub Girl if you are considering using Pub Girl.

You wanted for AW hunting. Soldier count is crucial.

>> No.11545387

Gee, I'm trying alliance battles is fun but there's people that have like 5 of the same card and they just decimate me.
I managed just to win once because Candy used her skill twice, I feel like I used the entire luck of a month.

>> No.11545397


On the topic of AW hunting, I have R Cinderella. Will this card be enough to be my attack card once it reaches level 40 or is it only good when it has reached HR status?

>> No.11545443

Non-evolved Rs are pretty worthless IMO especially against higher level AWs.

>> No.11545451

It's probably your best shot for now.

>> No.11545491

Actually, Archangel has the highest activation rate of any card at 40% but it only activates against Dark cards and her soldier count is pitifully low at 8288.

>> No.11545503


My only other option is HR Coronis which I think is decent, but from what I've read it is better to have cards with attack buff procs.

>> No.11545528
File: 912 KB, 800x1120, 20131020132031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish Hathor was still relevant. I was actually planning on maxing her attack at a time because YO seemed impossible to get with how much RNG it took.

>> No.11546198
File: 219 KB, 800x480, SC20131020-235329.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks Lycene for this one.

>> No.11546511

Finally I got Ariel. Worth it? That heal sounds nice.
Unfortunately, my alliance barely duels at all so collecting points takes a lot of time.

>> No.11546563

2 spots in /jp/ 2.0 just opened up - anyone want in?

>> No.11546569

Ugh! Finally gave up and joined a random one earlier today.

>> No.11546582

I'm only a low level but I'd like to join if there is space please.

>> No.11546585

Same as this guy. >>11546582

>> No.11546590

Forgot my code


>> No.11546699

This desert is so unfair.
Enemy's 5% skill always activate and my 15-25% skill won't.

>> No.11546712

Yes. Huehuehue. I want to be pisstanned.

Could you be more specific? Where does she drop?

>> No.11546716

Why is there still no online/offline/away status changer?

Changing my name every time I plan on going to bed, or to go do something is tedious. And if I forget to then comrades send me their AW's and they don't get touched at all.

>> No.11546746

Probably AW drops is what he means seeing as how that's not a card you can get from campaigning.

It's ok. After a long enough time away people will stop inviting you because of the indicated last logged in time. I used to change my name all the time when I first started playing but now I just cant be bothered to, especially when most people on my comrades list are lv80+ and they should have plenty of other AW killers on their lists to invite.

>> No.11546809
File: 293 KB, 480x320, IMG_0052[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

exchanged my maiden tickets and got this.

>> No.11546819

Are cards with 3 or 4 evolutions better than cards with only one evolution? I am thinking of whether to keep Sirius or Martial Artist, though I am not too sure which one will be better in the long run.

>> No.11546891

Generally it's equal since 4* evolution cards have lower stats per card compared to 1* cards and almost nothing carries over to the next evolution unless it's the first one.

That's why people generally max a 1* Scylla as well when considering the drop rate since everything after is a minor increase.

>> No.11546943

Will my +ATK arcana carry over when I evolve my card?

>> No.11546948


>> No.11546949

only a small percentage of it.

>> No.11546974

Finally the shitty alliance battles are over.

>> No.11546976

Gabe and Pene are premium summon, go figure.

>> No.11546981

>A new archwitch skill, Archwitch Wave, has been added
Oh good, maybe Archwitch battles will actually be difficult now.

>> No.11546991

Whoa, so many new cards.

>> No.11546997
File: 832 KB, 800x1115, 20131020231518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A new bloomer loli has appeared.

>> No.11546999

Where do you exchange cookies?

>> No.11547001

Consider it mine.

>> No.11547004

Just go to your items tab in the menu. Once you're there it's under tickets/medals.

>> No.11547007
File: 606 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2013-10-21-12-18-11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amal Pumpkin Ghost, Magical Cat and Vampire Bat to get this.

Rewards are underwhelming.

>> No.11547011

Neat, the treasure rare is a crit hitter. Is it single proc? ;_;

>> No.11547012
File: 879 KB, 800x1120, 20131020232251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's something to do for a few hours or less. Mostly collect stuff though.

>> No.11547015

Does anyone have the "Magical Ghost seem to be lurking in your kingdom"? On their main screen

>> No.11547016

Yeah. Once you find him (he's purple) it gives you one cookie.

>> No.11547017

It's like the phantom thief event.
You just have to press on one of the people in your town. Not really worth the trouble.

>> No.11547018

Yeah. I collected my resources and it gave me a cookie.

>> No.11547029

Got 5 R's consecutively and an SR after that. This is a great start.

>> No.11547032

God dammit

>> No.11547040

Hi new to the game. How do restart? I made a bunch of mistakes and i would like to start over but when i delete and redownload it loads my old game.

>> No.11547044
File: 679 KB, 1280x800, 20131020233730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tiramisu? Souffl
Sasuga same second releases as Japan.

You need a different device or bluestacks and then you need to recover your account on that device before it starts over. It's an annoying "feature".

>> No.11547048

They still haven't fixed aither.

>> No.11547049

Oh boy another 10% chance 30% HP all-recover

>> No.11547052

Anyone else ever lose their entire AW team by forgetting to switch out for duels?

>> No.11547055

Can't you just restart?

>> No.11547058

If you saw that happen, should turn off phone. The duel would become Draw.That way you don't lose those soldiers.

>> No.11547056
File: 317 KB, 207x199, 1370749956983.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This just happened to me.
RIP resources.

>> No.11547060

I lost my entire AW team during the Alice event on the last boss when I was hoping for one of my damage cards to proc since I didn't have vit to restart.

I also didn't have any resources either so I couldn't bring my team back instantly.

I just sent off AW's instead of killing them while I was waiting.

>> No.11547064

Witch Wave must have been buffed alot.
It's going off once or twice per battle now.

>> No.11547067

Ultimate Summon % got raise to DOUBLE. I'm so tempted to use my 260 Maiden Ticket to get Ultimate Summon.

Should I?

>> No.11547068

I thought it was a new skill. I haven't had any new skills proc on me, and the old one doesn't seem to have an increased chance to me.

>> No.11547070

i got an raphael from it.

>> No.11547077

What happened to all the 1 soldier duel targest?!

>> No.11547083

Do you want Raphael or Belial? Now is your chance. A new Ultimate Summon should be arriving soon and when they do it'll become much harder to get Raphael, because there's always a much higher (25-50%) chance of getting the current Witchhunter when you get a SR in Ultimate Summon.

>> No.11547087

I know, right? All scary people right now.

>> No.11547095

She's a 4 Star evolution. I'll probably never be able to HSR her. I don't like using cards that aren't perfect. I will probably medal Auxo soon.

>> No.11547097

I just got Skeleton, awesome.
Don't forget to write trick or treat on the alliance's notice board for 10 cookies!

>> No.11547099
File: 224 KB, 960x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so close..

>> No.11547100

Are you replacing your entire team with slimes/gold girls? If not, then that's probably the main reason.

>> No.11547103

>I will probably medal Auxo soon.

You bastard

>> No.11547105

in the defense team or what do you mean exactly?

needs to be all lowercase

>> No.11547107
File: 315 KB, 480x360, 1365658021504.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand how you guys can play a game with other people that involves half-naked anime girls in erotic poses.

I would just get embarrassed when I met another person in the game and immediately quit.

>> No.11547121
File: 888 KB, 1280x800, 20130607070745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You empty every offense team except one, which is composed of nothing but slimes/gold girls. Last time I did it stuff like this wasn't uncommon.

Last time I talked to someone that played this game that was also on my comrade list, I had Vampire as my avatar and he casually asked if lolis was my thing. You don't feel embarrassed because they're just as bad.

>> No.11547125

Anyone figure out if the treasure card's skill can have Multiple Activation?

>> No.11547126

But that's where Belial comes in. She has turnover accident which will then only require 2 cards.

>> No.11547127

I find them in other people kingdom as well.

Pretty neat for incentive when clicking your comrade's resources

>> No.11547132

Stealing other people's cookies.

>> No.11547134
File: 505 KB, 1000x1200, 1373329833979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>with other people
those other people are playing the same game? I don't get you

>> No.11547136

That actually worked! Thanks!

>> No.11547137

It's like seeing another person in a porn shop or two guys somehow catching each other jacking off. You're both guilty and it's also awkward as fuck for both parties.

>> No.11547139

when will this card join the arch-witch reward pool? can I get an email notification? (lol)

>> No.11547142
File: 936 KB, 640x896, Moon_Rabbit_R1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot my image, of course

>> No.11547146

I want this cookie stuff to be over. I can't help but think everytime I get cookies, I could have a Snow White or Lilim or any other SR.

>> No.11547147

but this is online... and without cameras even

can't trust them if they are really jerkin it

>> No.11547149

I can add more comrades now if someone wants lvl. 120 witches just add me (4wux2)

>> No.11547151

The cookies aren't even that bad since they don't show up much. It was much worse during the MA event where literally 50% of the time it was a stupid crystal thing. At least with the cookies you can get an SR and trade it for medals.

>> No.11547160

Is everyone else getting good drops now? Just got 4 SR's in less than an hour.

>> No.11547167

Which god you sold your soul to because all I get are sweet cookies.

>> No.11547165

Did you offer your soul to the RNG Goddess?

>> No.11547172
File: 994 KB, 1280x800, 20131021004721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I just aced every battle.

I wish I got more duplicates though. Got two or three pages or 0* SR's just waiting to be evolved.

>> No.11547174

>you will never max Atropos after so much hard work

>> No.11547175

Atro is spiting me for quitting halfway.

>> No.11547180

Alright, so how much do I have to pay to get good at this game?

>> No.11547182

I paid exactly $3 for a tree. The other shit I got (magic school, and another tree) is from events.

All of my cards I use to kill AW's with one bp are from AW's themselves.

>> No.11547187


>> No.11547189

You don't have to pay anything if you put the time into it and/or get lucky early on. If you want to get good fast, that's a matter of how lucky you are pulling out cards from the premium summon, the price can vary from $10~$300+

>> No.11547203

The fun is the way to get to the ending. If you use money to get there faster, it's not as satisfying.

>> No.11547208

The fun is collecting them all.

>> No.11547238
File: 297 KB, 1433x807, MaxBaphometHR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the stats for a maxed Baphomet for anyone that's interested.

>> No.11547241

how do you get 100 cards? i can only have 75 max

>> No.11547248

Clear the campaign

>> No.11547252

Got +15 from clearing the campaign. Another +10 from buying it with gems.

>> No.11547260


>> No.11547266

What do you guys do with your Mithra?

Medal them?

>> No.11547273

I turned mine into medals since I already have an army of Astaroths. If you don't have anything better you should probably keep it for a while/throw it on your defense team but if you already have better things no point in keeping it. Also if it's only a 0* and not even a 1* even less of a reason to keep it.

>> No.11547280

Whats everyones cookie count at? Is 750 even possible for a lower level? I'm at 250 now.

>> No.11547283

700 here and I only killed 169 AW so far

>> No.11547508
File: 315 KB, 768x1077, R Verthandi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does the defense unit permanently lose soldiers when you get attacked in a duel?

Also anyone else notice that pre-halloween event HSR candy now looks aesthetically like halloween event SR candy

>> No.11547521
File: 369 KB, 800x1117, 20130630173344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not permanently since you can refill them, but you do lose soldiers.

>> No.11547539

You might want to go around the event map, cookies sometimes drop from the map itself rather than aw alone

>> No.11547622
File: 774 KB, 1280x800, 20131021035849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Came back after taking a break and got another SR after two kills. Shit's going smooth tonight.

I'll stop blogging about my luck now.

>> No.11547710
File: 278 KB, 640x896, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If nobody blogs, who else is going to keep the thread alive?
We're going to be reduced to asking remedial questions and pretending not to have read the FAQs just to make it seem like there's actual discussion going on.
Or, I suppose there's always the age old standby of "Which maiden would you fug?"

>> No.11547784
File: 914 KB, 721x1010, succubus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well then, I shall blog about the agony that is having to sell cute cards because there's just not enough inventory space. I'm 100/100 most of the time, got all collections unlocked and am really close to spending 800 gems on that +20 extension.
Nubee pls, give me more collections (at an affordable price).

Thanks for reading, have a Succubus for your effort.

>> No.11547799

I got a Chronos and a Belphegor yesterday, are turn skip cards even viable in a end game lineup?

>> No.11547836

where do I trade all these cookies in at ?

>> No.11547841

Menu > items > tickets/medal

>> No.11547848

Thanks, I thought it'd be an actual shop.

I just pulled 5 SRs in a row from AWs, should I expect shit luck for the next 400 battles?

>> No.11547849

Chronos can be because it's six turns when she procs which is kind of silly, but you should be able to get just about anything you need set up and or done during that.

>> No.11547891

The fuck is up with these faggots and their hardcore defense teams? Many peoples chance to get a crit damage dealer made unnecessarily hard.

>> No.11547918

I can't get a fucking red hat ;_;

>> No.11547952

I have three of those. People keep attacking me because apparently, I'm the only one with them. I'm going to run out of traps at this rate.

>> No.11547980

Is Baphomet single or multiproc?
If it's multiproc, hoo baby. Welfare AW killer go time

>> No.11547981

Too bad even with a maxed attack crit card the highest you'll hit is like 300k on something that's weak to your type.

>> No.11547990

That's not too shabby.

>> No.11547994

The key is to remove everything from your other attacking units and have a "shitty" team so it isn't really an issue when you do that.
I had 12 red hats and 20 traps, now I have nothing..

>> No.11547995

When I wrote that I was comparing it to my average but I forgot I have a shit ton of passive bonus. So a lot less than that actually.

It sounds real nice and probably is for someone starting out though. Totally not worth maxing though. That's before considering the fact that 90% of the time the skill won't proc before she dies.

>> No.11547997

>I had 12 red hats and 20 traps, now I have nothing.
Damn, son

>> No.11548009

>SR drops
Oh boy
>2nd Belphegor
Maximum WHY

>> No.11548019
File: 690 KB, 1280x800, 20131021071007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least you can evolve her now. It's still a better card than Vampire.

>> No.11548024

What a shitty skill

>> No.11548038

So much how money do the very top AW ranking guys have to spend to get their top rank?

>> No.11548051

It just takes a lot of time. Time to make a team that can over kill every AW by a noticeable amount each battle and time to sit down and kill.

I know a few people who got top 1-3 that didn't spend money on the event to get there.

It's even possible to break the top 100 from sending off AW's alone.

>> No.11548068

Whats the best thing to spend cookies on?
Candies for medals is what I am thinking.

>> No.11548082

>It's even possible to break the top 100 from sending off AW's alone.

God damn that's alot of AWs

I already feel like a douche spam sending all day and I'm only in the top 5k, even though I know people like being sent AWs (I certainly do)

>> No.11548085
File: 89 KB, 571x800, Candy-chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I have an emotional attachment to a card. I just want to protect this smile forever.

>> No.11548104

I think it might be single proc, I could just be having some really awful luck though which I hope I am.

>> No.11548107

magic ghost? whats that?

>> No.11548108

It's a villager that shows up in your castle, you click it and you get a cookie. You can do it five times a day it's a repeatable daily quest during the event.

>> No.11548121


>> No.11548130

Trying out my HR Baphomet. Did 70k damage with a Shaman Buff on. Nggh.
Only managed to proc once so far tho.
It's bretty okay considering it's a welfare Crit dealer.

>> No.11548188

nah. get a metal slime and golden girl and almagate them for 1,500 medals. They're not hard to get

>> No.11548191

How do you get metal slimes besides Daily rewards and treasures?

>> No.11548222

AW drops, although I've only ever had one drop for me.

>> No.11548234

I've never had a metal slime drop from AW but I have gotten a Medal Girl.
I really can't see myself spending the cookies on any other reward except for the 2k medals.

>> No.11548238

This game will eventually kill me with all its hhhnnnggggg-inducing cards.

>> No.11548257

4th SR drop this event. My 3rd Candy.
It's okay, I guess. Dumped 7 BP into my own AW and there it goeees

>> No.11548279

Wow 7 BP. Do you need someone to kill your AW? I have a lot of slots open.

>> No.11548323


>> No.11548347

You have max comrades. If they are all important, no need to remove them. And fix one of your Iron Works position. It's not align with the others. It's bothering me. Sorry

>> No.11548381

Oh my god, they updated the nubee account platform. Account connections and transfers fucking work now.

>> No.11548416

Oops, I deleted 2 pendings. Try again.
I also fixed the positioning, thanks.

>> No.11548521

Has anyone else gotten the Red Witch Hat event artifact? The duel menu shows that "nobody has one" yet. I noticed I was only getting two of them as drops in the event campaign and assumed the Red Hat was the third color I was in the pool for, so I stole the other two in duels.

After I make it to zone 3, they start dropping, and I get all 3 artifacts made immediately, as well as a few attempts on them. Has anyone else experienced this calamity?

>> No.11548541

I currently have 16 hats and nobody's tried to duel me yet.

>> No.11548546

16 Red Hats? Maybe because you have high soldier defense.

>> No.11548558

Yeah, red. I haven't even bothered getting any of the defense upgrades.

>> No.11548588

No, I mean like what card and how many soldier you have on those card as defense.
People tend not to fight people who have some sort of real defense. I only go for those who have 1-100 soldiers.

>> No.11548972
File: 850 KB, 960x1800, 20130628175640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't feel like taking new screenshots. This has been happening for half a year now.

Only difference is now it just takes a bit longer to kill instead of instant defeat.

>> No.11548980

What you need to do is, you need to stop using a girl who wouldn't even do you the courtesy of letting you turn your back before she betrays you.

>> No.11548984
File: 83 KB, 320x448, Nyx_SR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her sister is going to replace her soon.

>> No.11549028

Does the new R card which is created from those 3 event card proc more than once per battle? I'm thinking of putting one on my AW hunting team as an alternative to a 25% attack debuffer.

>> No.11549031

My bet is that it is the same as Hacker, which procs up to 3 times.

>> No.11549041

Defense increase is hardly noticeable. 25% attack reduce from an AW is huge and noticeable.

>> No.11549050

How long does the goddess thing last?
Is a no-star Nyx still useful?

>> No.11549084

What use are the fusion cards from the halloween event?
Also does the arcana you use to level up with the slime effect the stats?

>> No.11549100

The last one lasted 2 months or so?
Higher evolution level give her better survival chances and damage, aside from that she works just fine even as 0 star.

>> No.11549222

>Zenobia get

Second non-event SR get. Thanks again Messoh.

>> No.11549243

/jp/ alliance leader is dead, 13 days offline

>> No.11549248

Any idea how long I got to get an SR Nyx? I joined an active alliance, but don't wanna put towards it if I can't get five of her.

I'm contributing towards the other two as a courtesy .

>> No.11549273

I'm stalking this thread, asked Nubee for a transfer over to my ipod touch as my phone is still not back.

>> No.11549303

he posted in the previous(?) thread saying his cell phone is still in for repairs

>> No.11549320

I want this card so bad but my alliance is so bad.

>> No.11549356

No drops today and I don't give a shit. The author of Log Horizon made today great.

>> No.11549411
File: 350 KB, 1024x600, Screenshot_2013-10-21-16-58-59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Superior card game.

Y arent you playing love live instead?

>> No.11549416

I'll give it a shot if there's a pastebin or something that has directions.

>> No.11549589

>Smack a lvl 88 AW around
>SR drops
Shit tier but I guess I can medal her.

>> No.11549619

Man fuck this event, Last event I killed over 600 AWs and got maybe 6 SRs, This build I have gotten

12 Candy
1 Polaris
1 Queen of Amazon
and 1 Dragon Princess

I've only killed 194

>> No.11549627

why everyone so lucky?

i haven't gotten a SRs since i started playing the game during the aphrodite event, also rarely get any Rs ...

>> No.11549639

I started playing right before that. I've gotten quite a few Rs and one SR. I just attack every AW that's sent to me, even if I can't do shit to it.

>> No.11549652

New player here, and resource starved. What am I doing wrong, or is it supposed to be that way?

>> No.11549659

Buy more JEWels

>> No.11549667

Build city first, then build your party up.

>> No.11549670

I got all the treasures (Hats) for a Metal Slime.
Whoever I didn't get the card, am I missing something?
Because now Baphomet is back again as reward and I'm still missing my slime card.
I can get the two or three rewards, right?
Is there a limit per day or something?
Maybe I should contact support.

>> No.11549675

Did you bother looking at the presents tab?

If you didn't go to receive the reward then try collections > treasures from the main menu.

Chill the fuck out.

>> No.11549694

Don't max soldier on every unit. Only use resource on your attacking unit. Leave everyone else as 1 soldier.

>> No.11549700

It's not that hard to find the .apk file.... if you're looking for a guide, then i dont know.

>> No.11549710

Mainly for the menus. I don't mind guess work but i don't want to sell my first few cards on accident.

>> No.11549727

Pretty sure Bapho is only single proc. Fucking wiki dude lied to me.

>> No.11549742

Mad Jelly.
I need an atk buffer in my life~

>> No.11549784

RNG seems to love you. I've killed almost 100 and gotten a Candy. I hope my next 100 gets me 14 SRs.

>> No.11549785

Not enough skin

>> No.11549789

Has anyone gotten this to work on genymotion? VC closes for me when I try to open it. I've tried 3 different devices

I want to try something besides bluestacks, I've already tried windroy

>> No.11549825
File: 794 KB, 1388x1007, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Barrill....if you're out there.....Arigatou

That makes my 3rd HSR

>> No.11549840


I tried Genymotion and Windroy and every other emulator out there. Couldnt get any apps to run on them. So here I am stuck using Bluestacks

>> No.11549880

I wouldn't trust what Milk said at all. He lied before and deny lying by playing dumb. Not sure why he felt the need to lie.

>> No.11549919

Problem is that's 10 minutes of how many days? Though I've seen some of the higher levels already having it. They must be buying, upgrading then selling those amusement centers to restart the counter. I'm kinda glad they did that so that the new people (or those with just bad luck) have a fighting chance now against those lucky enough to get 3-5 YOs or Strategists, or those who started early, when the SR drop selection was fewer.

Upgrade Resources, also make sure to risk manage. Don't jump into areas that you still can't tackle yet or you'll be taking major damage and delay your progress.

>> No.11549961
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>> No.11549965
File: 870 KB, 800x1119, 20131022013045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Send me shit. Got 14 BP and 39 swords to burn through.

ID is 2smjm. Just cleared out 10 spots on my list so I can add people as well.

>> No.11549967

What a horrible hairstyle.

>> No.11550021
File: 1.08 MB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2013-10-22-15-20-26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that a tear?

>> No.11550035
File: 796 KB, 800x1122, 20131022022606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also got this when I was evolving all my R's I don't have collected. It was a nice surprise.

>> No.11550041
File: 730 KB, 800x1118, 20131022022456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cinderella has the best feet.

>> No.11550042
File: 84 KB, 320x448, HSR Lich.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No its my cum

>> No.11550045
File: 1.05 MB, 682x956, HSR Titan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For all those who use two healers in your AW unit...assuming Aphrodite is one of them - who do you use for your secondary?

>> No.11550055
File: 343 KB, 800x1119, 20130718052810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only use Aphro but if I were to add one I currently have sitting on my dick to my team it'd be Kushinadahime, or a Millionaire, or an Angel.

>> No.11550059
File: 804 KB, 800x1100, 20131022023455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean sitting in my deck.

>> No.11550061

Letter E and I are so far apart. How did you make that mistake.

>> No.11550064

You did that on purpose. Shame on you....

>> No.11550063

>3rd SR today
Another fucking "battle start" proccer

>> No.11550069
File: 859 KB, 800x1121, 20131022024518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Freudian slip.

>> No.11550070

You can click/tap the book icon next to the name on the info screen for all the possible evolution/amalgamation and accidents.

>> No.11550111
File: 325 KB, 766x1078, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So if I want to accident Piss-tan into a Black Hole, is it able to accident at any fusion of the stars or only the last one (do I only use one Arcana strong T.O.?)
And do the Arcana Strong T.O. (40%) and the Arcana turn over (20%) stack with eachother?

>> No.11550113

I think you only get to TO on the first fusion.

>> No.11550122

>If a card has five stages, it's chance of having an evolution accident is only on stage one.
From za wiki

>> No.11550130

Chocolat, Angel, Ent, they're all basically the same card, right?
There's no real reason to choose one over the other?

>> No.11550139

Do they all have the same attack, defense, and soldier count?

>> No.11550141

Ent takes the least work to max, and the easiest to obtain (assuming you did the event).
Angel probably has higher stats than Ent.
Chocolat needs the most (and the art is fugly imo) work to max, but probably would have marginally higher stats due to all the evos, so there you go.
And yes, all their skills are the same.

>> No.11550146
File: 31 KB, 275x385, 275px-Kesalan_Patharan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, Kesalan Patharan is so hnnnnnnnnnnnnnng. Her flavor text is also very hnng-inducing.

>> No.11550157

Oh yeah. Forgot to thank Messoh for bashing that AW up. Thanks!

>> No.11550172

It's no problem. Just doing my thing.

>> No.11550189


Seems to still work if you select a 0* first and add a 1* to it too unless the game's text not showing up telling you that there's no effect of the arcanas is wrong. Selecting a 1* first and going to add a 0* says the arcanas have no effect but didn't actually try a bunch and find out for myself. If it fails it still ends up 2* with that example though so not like you lose anything if it is possible and fails.

>> No.11550242
File: 330 KB, 960x540, tmp_Screenshot_2013-10-22-01-10-57-1836542229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like there's a shortage of red hats.

>> No.11550257

There is, actually.
And you're practically pooping them out.
How does it feel to have your poop be such a sought-after item?

>> No.11550263

Also got cursed with having red hats.
Managed to complete 1 treasure before the rest of my red hats got stolen.

>> No.11550276

Please respond

>> No.11550279

The halloween eveny cards amalagate to a rare card.

Not sure what you mean by arcana only if you use training and great sucess you get more exp.

>> No.11550283
File: 738 KB, 1280x800, 20131022043659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They make a shitty R.

>> No.11550303
File: 2.51 MB, 1920x1200, Screenshot_2013-10-22-02-53-41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have too many slimes.

>> No.11550346
File: 80 KB, 320x448, HSR Thetis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same here, and just as many damned gold girls. Whoever said that Metal Slimes were easy to obtain is a fucking liar

>> No.11550424
File: 649 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2013-10-22-12-16-00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I..? I don't want to lead though since I'm pretty new and don't even have good cards myself (just one shitty SR). I can't even offer 5 R's everyday (neither in the near future)
And thoughts on the emblem? How do the emblems of the other two look like? (can't find them when searching for alliances)

>> No.11550493

Can't you just repeat the treasure collection to get metal slimes?

>> No.11550536

you can only get the collection three times, two for the card and one metal slime.

or is there some secret work around?

>> No.11550554

Well if you do, don't name it 3.0.... /jp/ Extended or /jp/ Radiate /jp/ Generation.

>> No.11550595

I created a poll.
My vote for Romansu

If you are willing to wait, I should be able to get my NyX from my current alliance in 3 days. I can make then.

If not, you can make and I'll join after I get NyX.

>> No.11550604

"/jp/ Cube"


>> No.11550612

Oh I can definately wait, but it seemed like there was no progress going on on making a new alliance since the other two are full. And I couldn't wait for something that didn't seem to have any progress, so if nobody was going to make it soon I thought about giving it a shot myself.

>> No.11550669

I voted "other" but Romansu or Extended are fine for me too.

>> No.11550751
File: 135 KB, 346x346, 1297792292023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buffs proc, activate
>Next turn. Archwitch Field

>> No.11550785

Who should I use as a critical hitter, Baphomet, Time Patrol or Scientist? Do any of those multiproc?

>> No.11550793

Sadly all of those are single proc. I wasted medals getting Bapho's skill to lvl 10.

>> No.11550832

I've got 1870 free gems that I was saving for Castle level 10 (mostly for the second set of fire ruins, temple etc). Should I say screw it and spend half of it on the discount trees and magic school?

I just don't know what to do.

>> No.11550839

Yeah, spend it on the discounted trees and magic school. Don't know if they're gonna hold a sale like this again.

>> No.11550850

what, castle level ten requires jews?

>> No.11550861

Yep 2000.

>> No.11550906
File: 524 KB, 484x885, 20hoursmspaint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I plan on making an all candy team for next AB and medling the rest

>> No.11550987
File: 915 KB, 800x1121, 20131022112704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has been happening since the update if it doesn't proc on my instant kill card. It's like it's fucking pre-nerf all over again.

Yup. Don't even have it myself after 80 levels. The damage boost just isn't worth the money.

And how fucking lucky is /jp/? Half the comrades from here have some type of event card.

>> No.11551056

Was using Anahita but swapped her out for Himiko. So it's just Aphrodite for healing now.

>> No.11551065

Anyone knows how many times Angel and Millionaire heal procs?

>> No.11551067

Should be infinite.

>> No.11551114

Just picked up my 12th straight Candy.
Has she stopped dropping any other SR cards?

>> No.11551176

I don't think so, I had a Thetis drop for me yesterday.

>> No.11551216

Got a Belphegor, Empress, Venus and 4 Candy so far.

>> No.11551242
File: 557 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2013-10-22-19-59-23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got this today. My first ever SR card, but it is pretty useless right?

>> No.11551245

First HSR is Candy. I'm currently processing the feels.

Do I max her just for the sole point of having a better card, or do I just level them and merge with 5% arcana?

>> No.11551246

Seems pretty good for alliance battles, that's about it.

>> No.11551248

Not bad, use it in your main team and then dump it in defence when you get a better one.

>> No.11551255

Max level both then fuse together with 5% arcana.

>> No.11551259

Yeah, I've been doing that with my duplicate Rs. When I say max, I mean the effort in getting attack and defense to their max values.

>> No.11551264

nope, do that when they are HSR.

Not sure though

>> No.11551266

Oh, eh I'd hold out on it for now. She's the definition of average when it comes to HSR's.

>> No.11551333

Doesn't anyone else feel like these names feel a little too... shoujo-ish?
Why not a name with a little more grit to it, like "Elsior" or "Eolia" or "Kourindou" or "Shimakaze 萌え"?
And does it really need to have /jp/ in it? Are we trying to advertise ourselves or something?

>> No.11551354

I agree. I think it should be named


>> No.11551370
File: 352 KB, 550x700, shimakaze.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shimakaze would be nice. I don't care if "/jp/" is in it or not.
But not this.

>> No.11551375

I've been killing shit for you all day, be a real nigga.

>> No.11551436

name it something touhou related
CHEEEEEN or Beloved9s

>> No.11551446

Man the card minigame is ridicules. Why even have the death card, just make the field bigger. At this rate It'll take me 25 weeks to have one sekhmet

>> No.11551449

Getting over 100 per game is pretty easy for the shooting game.

>> No.11551466
File: 211 KB, 492x362, 1364941695881.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck that ghost. So many times I start a game and don't even have a chance to even get a single pair.
Thanks for that (plus all the others who killed for me) Realniggas is still pretty unoriginal though. If you're going for such a name, try to be a bit more original. Then you won't hear me.
It feels like that game doesn't always capture all my clicks or something. It's still better than the card game, yeah.

>> No.11551498
File: 80 KB, 320x448, HSR Decarabia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no problem with naming it /jp/ 3.0 - I would join if it has that name or another good name. But if you called it something fucking stupid like real niggas...i wouldn't join.

>> No.11551503

Real niggas is a shit name.

>> No.11551509

Maybe you'd prefer "Bitch Niggas" then? How about "Ho ass niggas"?

>> No.11551510



Also have any of the /jp/ clans gotten more than one nyx other wise no reason for me to quit my clan.

>> No.11551513

Black Face is a better name than either of those.

No but I was in an alliance called Strike Witches. The name went pretty well with the game and all. I think it disbanded a bit after I quit though, so you guys can probably use that if you like it.

>> No.11551514
File: 69 KB, 640x768, lolSRs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha... 2 SRs in a row. Thanks, other people who kill my AWs for me!

Now... Is Hypnos or Snow White any good?

>> No.11551517

Snow white is top tier

Hypnos, not so much

>> No.11551518

I hate you.

Also snow white is pretty good.

while hypnos is god tier profile picture.

>> No.11551519

>How is Snow White
Hypnos is good for avatars.

She's currently the best card in the game.

>> No.11551520

HSR Snow White is one of the best cards.

>> No.11551522

>She's currently the best card in the game.

I was referring to Snow White.

>> No.11551527

I think HSR Scylla is, because of higher Soldier count and not being a Dark Type or dealing Dark Damage.

Although only like 4 Rich Jap players have HSR Scylla so whatever

>> No.11551540

Good luck ever getting HSR Scylla.

If you're thinking of what's realistically available when it comes to RNG, SW is the only logical outcome.

Also Dark Type is generally better considering you get a 5% attack boost when paired with other dark cards, which generally, is what an AW team is made up of.

>> No.11551579

Goddamn it, stop taking all the Snow Whites. ;_;

>> No.11551576
File: 276 KB, 1136x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this what it feels like to be a Parsee?

>> No.11551582

Great! Now I might actually have a chance against AWs above level 75. Probably not though, since the only other SRs I have are Cinderella and Candy.

>> No.11551585

Xhomas, Join my Allince, It is "Little Whispers" Faggy name, I know, it is Rank 4 with a level 9 alliance Hall, we are about to drop the middle goddess and are working on the other 2

>> No.11551589

Cinderella isn't an SR but she's a really good R with only a couple others on par.

>> No.11551590

Now you need 40K medals, an attack booster like Polaris or Himoko and a Lilith What I am saying is that you need Jewels

>> No.11551593

Oops, meant High Elf. Feels like she has a worthless skill, since it's only 15%.

Cinderella was the only way I could kill AWs up to 75, and only if she proc'd early and didn't get Wave'd.

>> No.11551598

Isn't it a waste to max SR instead of waiting the century or so to get a second one to HSR?

>> No.11551602

it is, Medal her, Millionaire is a better Healer, you can also get an Ent from collecting treasures. Bot heal for max 45% with 15% chance

>> No.11551606

Do you have 5 god tier SRs o HSRs?

No? Then you max them and keep them.

>this game is about collecting anyway.

>> No.11551607

High Elf is pretty shit.

If you can try to get Chocolat. I think she has a + heal skill that's pretty decent. Or try to get one of the cards I listed here.

It's a huge waste. Only time you max an SR is when it's 4* and you already have more than one. Scylla is probably the only card I see people max before HSR.

>> No.11551608

This Max attack FAQ has all the info you'll need.


From what I've read, yes, you should max it because it may be a long time before you get another.

>> No.11551623

Got it. Looks like if I manage to stock up 40k medals and still haven't gotten an HSR, go ahead and max Snow White.

>> No.11551650

Applied. I might want to switch in the future to the new /jp/ alliance though, if that is fine.

>> No.11551656 [DELETED] 

broke my charger so probably won't play for a day or two.

>as if anyone cares.
>these threads are kind of dead anyway.

I'm bored now.

>> No.11551664

I'd vote for this.

>> No.11551670

Milk pls.

>> No.11551671

You forgot your trip, milk.

>> No.11551673

these threads were fun while the lasted

>> No.11551682

The fact I used a name?

fair enough just so people don't send requests for archwitch help.

>> No.11551727

After two weeks since my first Snow White I got my second one, and now to get enough medals to max her.

>> No.11551799

Is this open to newer players? I just started at night on the 20th. Currently level 21.

>> No.11551810

I'm not the leader, just send in an App, We need bodies to contribute towards the goddesses anyway. Just got Dike alway on Nyx

>> No.11551830

You're right, sorry for using the namefield. I just thought it could be useful to identify who I am, but then again it still sucks. I never used it before, just like this is the first time I play such a game with other anons.
Let's just keep these threads fun though instead of contributing on making the thread bad with this post of yours.

>> No.11551899

Anyone else got a buggy keyboard in game or is my phone just retarded?

>> No.11552018

Why is Snow White such a good card anyway? I don't see anything extraordinarily amazing about her, stats or skill...

>> No.11552035

Did you misread her skill?

>> No.11552046

Crit Damage is 10-15x damage

That plues max attack plus attack buffer=insta kill

>> No.11552123

Oh hey, I found a tier list on that forum. Should be somewhat helpful.


>> No.11552412

Is there a way to get the bat without paying cookies? I haven't come across any yet.

>> No.11552463
File: 146 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2013-10-22-22-17-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have only found them on 4-3, but I haven't completed all the was trophies in the previous areas, so they may appear earlier.

>> No.11552467

I thought we should keep the tradition and keep /jp/ in it.

>> No.11552638

Also 5-2

>> No.11552761

Thanks. Pushed on to 4-3 and got one there

>> No.11552834

Does "battle start" mean it can only activate when the fight actually begins, or can it activate at the start of each turn?

>> No.11552839

when the battle begins...

>> No.11552943

The other major point is that she is one of the few cards that start with 10% proc, maxed to 15% whereas most cards are shit counterparts with 5%, maxed to 10%.

Also, she has decent soldiers count compared to other critical cards.

>> No.11553049

New thread: >>11552136
