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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 54 KB, 512x512, uf765670f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11537750 No.11537750[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


Please follow me and click my ads.

>> No.11537752
File: 34 KB, 591x639, [Zurako]_Mawaru_Penguindrum_07_The_Eggchanting_Girl_(BD_1080p_AAC)_[14AEA801].mkv_snapshot_04.06_[2013.07.14_20.14.14].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't talk to me, though.

>> No.11537756
File: 33 KB, 312x323, 13817219108020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When is brigs coming back?

>> No.11537756,1 [INTERNAL] 

Have you sunk that low, replying to your own threads to make it look like people care?

>> No.11537756,2 [INTERNAL] 

I need more followers and ad clickers. I'll do what I have to.

>> No.11537756,3 [INTERNAL]  [DELETED] 

Wait a minute.......

>> No.11537756,4 [INTERNAL] 

Wait a minute.......

>> No.11537756,5 [INTERNAL] 

People are impersonating me and making me look like a liar. What do you expect me to do about it, exactly?

>> No.11537756,6 [INTERNAL] 

Trevgay attention whoring on tumblr, I didn't think this gayboy could get any worse.

>> No.11537756,7 [INTERNAL] 

Nobody is even talking to me anymore.

My ads aren't being clicked, either.

>> No.11537756,8 [INTERNAL] 

You are so gay dude, what the fuck.

>> No.11537756,9 [INTERNAL] 

>feel when I have adblock plus

You aren't getting a cent out of me, T-Pup.

>> No.11537756,10 [INTERNAL] 

There's nothing gay about clicking my ads.

>> No.11537756,11 [INTERNAL] 

You are literally the gay, one may even go so far as to say: "the gaylord."

>> No.11537756,12 [INTERNAL] 

Am I supposed to give a shit about your dubs or something....?

>> No.11537756,13 [INTERNAL] 

Stop trying to chat me up queer.

>> No.11537756,14 [INTERNAL] 

Everyone that browses ghost uses adblock. Welcome to the 21st century pal.

>> No.11537756,15 [INTERNAL] 

Tumblr has no ads, turn off adblock and you still won't see any.

>> No.11537756,16 [INTERNAL] 

Trevor's persona is fcuingk done.

You can thank me for hooking him up on attention and having his last chances of looking into life outside of the internet destroyed.

Imagine being a shut-in for a decade and then suddenly getting recognized for your 50 000 shitposts...

>> No.11537756,17 [INTERNAL] 

Please stop spewing jelly on me and click my ads. <( ̄︶ ̄)>

>> No.11537756,18 [INTERNAL] 

You can link JS to your page.

>> No.11537756,19 [INTERNAL] 

You're super disgusting.

Please take a break. If you don't post for a couple of months people will be interested again... and you'll have time to think about what you've done.

Fkinucg freak.

>> No.11537756,20 [INTERNAL] 

<( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)>

>> No.11537756,21 [INTERNAL] 

Fucking smug motherfucker....

>> No.11537756,22 [INTERNAL] 

Where the fug are the ads

>> No.11537756,23 [INTERNAL] 

I wish everyone on warosu would make tumblrs so I could ask all of you silly anon questions.

>> No.11537756,24 [INTERNAL] 

How the *FUCK* did you answer my question 4 hours ago if I only asked you an hour ago?

>> No.11537756,25 [INTERNAL] 

He answers questions and then manually edits the time stamps to push them down.

Yes, he's literally that autistic.

>> No.11537756,26 [INTERNAL] 

he just wanted to bring a smile to your face

>> No.11537756,27 [INTERNAL] 

Hey guys!!!!!! Let's make steam account too, so we can be more sociable an friendly!!!!!!1 (`・ω・´)” (`・ω・´)”

>> No.11537756,28 [INTERNAL] 

I'm too scared.... (´;ω;`)

>> No.11537756,29 [INTERNAL] 

im going to make one so I can talk to briggy

I could care less talking to you dweebs lol

>> No.11537756,30 [INTERNAL] 

I am very much ironically enjoying the tumblr process.

>> No.11537756,31 [INTERNAL] 

You don't have a Steam account? How do you play PC games?

>> No.11537756,32 [INTERNAL] 

i'm going to make a cute tumblr account and pretend to be a girl

>> No.11537756,33 [INTERNAL] 

I'm going to make one too so I can pretend to be your fan.

>> No.11537756,34 [INTERNAL] 

That's hilariously pathetic. Why would he even do that?

>> No.11537756,35 [INTERNAL] 

you'll never find the url!

>> No.11537756,36 [INTERNAL] 

Fucking trolled. You can't edit time stamps on tumblr.

>> No.11537756,37 [INTERNAL] 

So am I, I can't wait to get my first follower!

>> No.11537756,38 [INTERNAL] 

What are some good blogs to follow?
I like these two:

>> No.11537756,39 [INTERNAL] 

I ironically wish I knew some cool tumblr blogs.

>> No.11537756,40 [INTERNAL] 

T has a 25-year old post on his site.

>> No.11537756,41 [INTERNAL] 

Here is Uncle Mugen's tumblr.

>> No.11537756,42 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah I just noticed. Did T hack Tumblr?

>> No.11537756,43 [INTERNAL] 

Trevor is actually David Karp the creator of tumblr. The more you know...


>> No.11537756,44 [INTERNAL] 

Holy shit, that really looks like our T.

>> No.11537756,45 [INTERNAL] 

You can set the date for your post. We can all pretend to be oldfags!

>> No.11537756,46 [INTERNAL] 


You all just sunk to a new low. This is even worse than the FormSpring faggots from 2010.

>> No.11537756,47 [INTERNAL] 

woW I really really hate myself al I do is get super super high school level drunk snf bitcha n d compalin like i cna baryely walk right now brcause i’m s of u kign sdrunk and i’ll never e as cute and ryuko or my darling rise or anyone i want to cosplay because i’m a fat ass ugly chic who noon ewoon their right m inds would ev3r want to fu ck because i’m uly and ohorrilbe and i’m going t be an alcoholic one baday because the only fucking realson i’m stilly alive is taht i’m a fucknig drukn who depends onvalidaetioan form the interntb ecasue i suck

>> No.11537756,48 [INTERNAL] 

You know we're doing it ironically, right?

That and brigs closed anonymous questions so we need tumblr accounts.

>> No.11537756,49 [INTERNAL] 

Oh wow, she can be T's new mom.

>> No.11537756,50 [INTERNAL] 

Everything on /jp/ always starts out ironically.

Soon enough there will be a whole group of /jp/ autists blogging there seriously.

>> No.11537756,51 [INTERNAL] 

That would be excellent.

>> No.11537756,52 [INTERNAL] 

>Soon enough there will be a whole group of /jp/ autists blogging there seriously.

I thought there already was one.

Still beats irc/steam kids.

>> No.11537756,53 [INTERNAL] 

that was a really funny post

upvoted +1

>> No.11537756,54 [INTERNAL] 

Yes good goiym use tumblr to speak to that girl. That would be quite excellent.

*rubs hands jewishly*

>> No.11537756,55 [INTERNAL] 

Have you clicked my ads yet?

>> No.11537756,56 [INTERNAL] 

i made a tumblr pretending to be a girl months ago and i only have 2 followers
i thought being a girl was easy

>> No.11537756,57 [INTERNAL] 

You have to post pics of your milkshakes then you'll bring all the Ts and sperglords to your yard.

>> No.11537756,58 [INTERNAL] 

A good way to get followers is by making anime gifs of whatever popular anime is currently airing.

>> No.11537756,59 [INTERNAL] 

Are screenshots enough?

>> No.11537756,60 [INTERNAL] 

if you like make them into a collage

>> No.11537756,61 [INTERNAL] 

that takes too much effort

>> No.11537756,62 [INTERNAL] 

Sometimes screenshots work if you're the first one to take shots of some new anime episode. That might give you a lot of notes, but most people won't be interested enough to follow you just for that, since anyone can take a screenshot.
Not everyone can make anime gifs though, especially since a lot of people don't even know how to open .mkv files in video editing programs.

>> No.11537756,63 [INTERNAL] 

nevermind i don't want to be a girl anymore

>> No.11537756,64 [INTERNAL] 

You can also repost stuff from pixiv like this >>11537756,38

Just make sure to link to source so people don't get angry at you for unsourced art.

>> No.11537756,65 [INTERNAL] 

god dammit are all tumblr girls skilled at CSS? how the hell do i even get a nice theme

>> No.11537756,66 [INTERNAL] 

Well they do teach HTML/CSS in some high schools these day.

>> No.11537756,67 [INTERNAL] 

people make custom themes and other people use them. just look at the links in a tumblr girl profile and one of them will have source and lead you to whoever made it.

you can be a badass like me and edit the code to get rid of that. no gods no masters

>> No.11537756,68 [INTERNAL] 

what happens if i post a picture that a popular bully already posted?

>> No.11537756,69 [INTERNAL] 

No one will bully you for that, you will just get less notes than the original poster. Or even better, just post the most recent art from pixiv.

Also, look through Tumblr tags. For example, search for "kill la kill" before posting kill la kill art, to make sure no one else posted it yet.

>> No.11537756,70 [INTERNAL] 

i dont get why they like reblogging anime pictures all the time. its super odd.

like briggy is just posting shit from other people which is just screen caps / gifs from tv shows / anime

like posting pixiv stuff I can understand, but not this

>> No.11537756,71 [INTERNAL] 

i dont get it either
i still have 0 followers

>> No.11537756,72 [INTERNAL] 

i have 10 followers now
just needed to reblog a feminist quote

>> No.11537756,73 [INTERNAL] 

are you talking bout the one briggy reblogged?

was laughing at that and then she posted some gif from kill la kill. high quality irony posting there brigg

>> No.11537756,74 [INTERNAL] 

also lol didnt even know that #social justice was a thing

>> No.11537756,75 [INTERNAL] 

0 people follow you ..................

>> No.11537756,76 [INTERNAL] 

It's all about f4f dude, you gotta follow someone first.

>> No.11537756,77 [INTERNAL] 

i have 25 people followed
i can't find cute girls with anime blogs like brigs

>> No.11537756,78 [INTERNAL] 

You can't just find them.

You have to feel them.

>> No.11537756,79 [INTERNAL] 

link your tumblrs warosubros

how can we follow you when we don't know you exist

>> No.11537756,80 [INTERNAL] 

ok here is mine i dont really get it but follow me if you want to ^o^

>> No.11537756,81 [INTERNAL] 

fuck all of you faggots unironically making tumblrs. there is no irony here so don't even try to use that argument.

>> No.11537756,82 [INTERNAL] 

Could you stop using ``irony,, as an excuse to be a terrible human?

>> No.11537756,83 [INTERNAL] 

should i give you guys my tumblr
im trying hard to be a girl

>> No.11537756,84 [INTERNAL] 

Get the fuck out Sparky.

>> No.11537756,85 [INTERNAL] 

im not sparky
im just pretending to be a girl
im not even crossdrssing

>> No.11537756,86 [INTERNAL] 

Yes, autistic followers will improve your authenticity and you can choose to ignore questions.

>> No.11537756,87 [INTERNAL] 

nice autism quotes faglord

>> No.11537756,88 [INTERNAL] 

Sure, I'll follow you.

>> No.11537756,89 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11537756,90 [INTERNAL] 

ill follow you =]

>> No.11537756,91 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11537756,92 [INTERNAL] 

Please share the good feeling with your warosubros.

>> No.11537756,93 [INTERNAL] 

Quit bragging, shitface.

>> No.11537756,94 [INTERNAL] 

So does the Brigitte route end with warosu becoming the new SA, with 10x ironic normalcy?

>> No.11537756,95 [INTERNAL] 

/jp/ has always operated under many layers of irony and autism

>> No.11537756,96 [INTERNAL] 

all drug users act and think like that you have to be careful

>> No.11537756,97 [INTERNAL] 

what the fuck? what do people do on tumblr anyway? like each other's anime pictures and gifs? what

>> No.11537756,98 [INTERNAL] 

Well, from this point of view, turdblr isn't that much different from places like, say, /a/ or /c/. They post their animu pictures there as well, and occasionally even post a few text messages here and there. The only thing that separates them from us is that we usually don't have names or avatars. And that most of us don't post like retarded manchildren. By the way, with "usually" and "most of us" I'm referring to everyone but Trevshit and his buttbuddy followers, who can't even claim that they do it "ironically", because no one sticks to the same shit for years "ironically".

>> No.11537756,99 [INTERNAL] 

I almost get it because if you share interests with someone then maybe you'll enjoy the same content they enjoy, but it still seems strange. Nobody likes that one guy who says, "OMG YOU HAVE TO SEE THIS VIDEO! AND THESE PICTURES!" but Tumblr feels like the online equivalent of that.

>> No.11537756,100 [INTERNAL] 

I got my first non-warosu follower! The future is bright!

>> No.11537756,101 [INTERNAL] 

that's what you think, lyresoft

>> No.11537756,102 [INTERNAL] 

Nope, you were obvious. I'm not going to call you out though, because you said you don't want yours posted!

>> No.11537756,103 [INTERNAL] 

So we're now ''ironically'' making tumblrs and adding each other?

>> No.11537756,104 [INTERNAL] 

tumblr is fun i already made 6 friends ^.^

and you can look through tags for different anime like this

>> No.11537756,105 [INTERNAL] 

I hope you're ironically complaining about irony, because if you are serious then Warosu isn't the place for you (neither is 4chan for that matter, if you're a 4channer).

>> No.11537756,106 [INTERNAL] 

what do i do on tumblr?

>> No.11537756,107 [INTERNAL] 

There's a serious lack of irony in this tumblr shit. My irony detector isn't even recognizing one layer in most of these posts.

>> No.11537756,108 [INTERNAL] 

i just reblogged a suicide note I htink thats a t least a 3!!!

>> No.11537756,109 [INTERNAL] 

This post better have at least three layers, because I'll be seriously disappointed if it's seriously unironic.

>> No.11537756,110 [INTERNAL] 

I'm ironically removing layers of irony. My irony has entered another plane.

>> No.11537756,111 [INTERNAL] 

Be careful, once you lose your last irony lifeline, there's no going back.

>> No.11537756,112 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah, I've been considering deleting my tumblr since I made it. The lack of a proper reply structure doesn't make it a very conducive environment for irony. I also have to "approve" of everything someone says to me. It's like a glorified, unironic ego stroker / spam feed.

Messing with the HTML/CSS/JS is mildly interesting, though.

>> No.11537756,113 [INTERNAL] 

so was the drunk fake brigs ironic or what
is that really a girl
(im being ironic by not using question marks and apostrophes)

>> No.11537756,114 [INTERNAL] 

I can't wait to get home from work so I can work on my own tumblr.

>> No.11537756,115 [INTERNAL] 

She was and is legit.

>> No.11537756,116 [INTERNAL] 

>people have stopped talking to me im going to quit life ;_;

Go ask Trevor stupid shit and cheer him up.

>> No.11537756,117 [INTERNAL] 

Why are your tumblr's so nice? I just made mine but I'm really bad at making my theme look nice

>> No.11537756,118 [INTERNAL] 

I just Googled a theme maker list and browsed a few of them until I found one I liked. People post the HTML for themes they make, then you copy and paste it into your Theme Customization area.

>> No.11537756,119 [INTERNAL] 

Just like with everything else, anything T pioneers is soon mimicked by the unwashed warosu bro masses except without any of the high quality irony and finesse employed by T.

>> No.11537756,120 [INTERNAL] 

well that was a major fuck up

I ended up just getting sick and then I slept it off

sorry for worrying anyone

I read all the message you guys sent me, but I don’t feel comfortable publishing them so I’ll keep the anon in my ask box if you don’t mind !

if you want to send me something off anon I’ll answer privately

I really do not wish to talk about this publicly

I can't believe she said she was going to kill herself and then didn't do it.

Does this happen often?

>> No.11537756,121 [INTERNAL] 

"Attempted suicide." (in my tumblr it's more likely than you think etc)

>> No.11537756,122 [INTERNAL] 

okay T if you say so

>> No.11537756,123 [INTERNAL] 

i'm not a fan of tumblr
anyone want to start a whatsapp group though?

>> No.11537756,124 [INTERNAL] 

His tumblr is actually using extremely unrefined randumb irony. It never matters who does something first, just who does it best.

>> No.11537756,125 [INTERNAL] 

Is some nerd talking to me?

>> No.11537756,126 [INTERNAL] 

>i'm not a fan of tumblr

>> No.11537756,127 [INTERNAL] 

i'm unironically enjoying tumblr

>> No.11537756,128 [INTERNAL] 

Why don't we take this to the next level of irony and create a w-bro FB and Steam group!!!!

>> No.11537756,129 [INTERNAL] 

Why don't take turns cumming in your mouth, faggot?

>> No.11537756,130 [INTERNAL] 

see tumblr was easy to set up and now im talking to girls who said they tried to kill themselves and eluaghing while posting pics of 2hu so whos the idiot here not me fucking retard

>> No.11537756,131 [INTERNAL] 

Steam is good but make sure it's extra ironic by throwing in an "xD" or a "LMAO" on the group profile. That seems to be what all of the tumblrfags have done.

>> No.11537756,132 [INTERNAL] 

>eluaghing while posting pics of 2hu

I think you need to head on back to the Jay.

>> No.11537756,133 [INTERNAL] 

I can't even tell whose ironic anymore
holy shit

>> No.11537756,134 [INTERNAL] 

hmmm.. im just being ironic dude

>> No.11537756,135 [INTERNAL] 

You mean this guy?

>> No.11537756,136 [INTERNAL] 


get in here /b/r/a/hs!

>> No.11537756,137 [INTERNAL] 

Why are you guys ironically following this girl? She's actually disgusting.

>> No.11537756,138 [INTERNAL] 

that's the ironic part

>> No.11537756,139 [INTERNAL] 

ive been telling her to drink more and explained the importance of buying quality liquor

also still laughing at briggs getting mad for people liking her suicide wish post

>> No.11537756,140 [INTERNAL] 

is this kozukii chick hot or what

>> No.11537756,141 [INTERNAL] 

Wait, is that kozukii?

I thought kozukii was brigs.

>> No.11537756,142 [INTERNAL] 


Did I miss anyone?

>> No.11537756,143 [INTERNAL] 

its just brigg but holy shit these endless posts about feminism and kill la kill (there is a fucking infochart looking at feminist theory in kill la kill fuck) is getting to be 2 much for me

link to the image http://geassgreen.tumblr.com/post/64406254378/skaboyjfk-in-the-right-order-this-time-oops since apparently its 7 of them instead of one

>> No.11537756,144 [INTERNAL] 

Your le face when you le realize that all of those le tumblers are made by le Trevorus Maximus.

>> No.11537756,145 [INTERNAL] 

I was literally chuckling while reading that shit. It's literally just otaku fanservice and nothing more, but people delude themselves into thinking it has a "so deep such meaning" message. Oh god this is going to be a second NGE.

>> No.11537756,146 [INTERNAL] 

Poor Trevor. Looks like he's having a rough time.

>> No.11537756,147 [INTERNAL] 

oh my god I can't take this social justice shit anymore, fuck brigs' new tumblr

>> No.11537756,148 [INTERNAL] 

It's not brigs.

>> No.11537756,149 [INTERNAL] 

Why tumblr people hate so much punctuation and capitalization?

>> No.11537756,150 [INTERNAL] 

They're literal subhumans.

>> No.11537756,151 [INTERNAL] 

No, it's one of her friends though. I didn't know Chai had a twitter.

>> No.11537756,152 [INTERNAL] 

keep telling yourself that

>> No.11537756,153 [INTERNAL] 

she was drunk posting about rape and how fat/ugly she was last night

i think it is her man

>> No.11537756,154 [INTERNAL] 

It's definitely her.

>> No.11537756,155 [INTERNAL] 

So is he really going to kill himself or is this some ironic tumblr thing?

>> No.11537756,156 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah dude, he's going to do it.

>> No.11537756,157 [INTERNAL] 

So did he do it?

>> No.11537756,158 [INTERNAL] 

He's dead, Jim.

I hope milk is happy,

>> No.11537756,159 [INTERNAL] 

Ted is dead, baby. Ted is ded.

>> No.11537756,160 [INTERNAL] 

Looks like Trevgay killed himself again.

>> No.11537756,161 [INTERNAL] 

So this is how it finally ends...

>> No.11537756,162 [INTERNAL] 

See you space cowboy...

>> No.11537756,163 [INTERNAL] 

Asta la vista, baby.

>> No.11537756,164 [INTERNAL] 

T-t-t-that's all folks!

>> No.11537756,165 [INTERNAL] 

Now he's absen-T

>> No.11537756,166 [INTERNAL] 

Hi. I guess I'll just leave this here. It's not like I even care, but I feel it in my heart every time someone follows me.


>> No.11537756,167 [INTERNAL] 

Remember to share the feeling with your warosubros >>11537756,142

>> No.11537756,168 [INTERNAL] 

Feel when default theme. I promise I will post source as much as I can!

>> No.11537756,169 [INTERNAL] 

Does this mean that tumblr is otaku related related? Should I make a thread on the jay?

>> No.11537756,170 [INTERNAL] 

I think you have questions and replies disabled, dude.

Yes. Yes, you should.

>> No.11537756,171 [INTERNAL] 

paint it in a good light we need more friends

>> No.11537756,172 [INTERNAL] 

how would i paint it in a good light?

>> No.11537756,173 [INTERNAL] 

i'm not sure i've been thinking about it but wouldn't it be nice if we had dozens of happy jupper bloggers!

>> No.11537756,174 [INTERNAL] 


Step up, Trevshit. There were already people making 3 accounts and talking to themselves more than a year ago.

>> No.11537756,175 [INTERNAL] 

We're bringing back the good old days. The good old days were only possible because of formspring, and we need everyone's help to make it happen again! This isn't painting it, it's true!

>> No.11537756,176 [INTERNAL] 

Here's an easy win for someone with a cuter page. Make sure to tag it!


>> No.11537756,177 [INTERNAL] 

Why doesn't tumblr work properly on firefox?

>> No.11537756,178 [INTERNAL] 

Works fine here, dude.

>> No.11537756,179 [INTERNAL] 

Jenny, you should enable questions and replies!

>> No.11537756,180 [INTERNAL] 

I'm still making my theme

>> No.11537756,181 [INTERNAL] 

just use one of those themes that all the cool tumblr kids use and then fuck with the code to remove dumb shit like links to some dudes blog

>> No.11537756,182 [INTERNAL] 

It's fun to make your own!

I learned all about how CSS works and now feel much more comfortable with it.

>> No.11537756,183 [INTERNAL] 

Who is jenny?

>> No.11537756,184 [INTERNAL] 

the janitor

>> No.11537756,185 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11537756,186 [INTERNAL] 

where did everyone go...

>> No.11537756,187 [INTERNAL] 

its 5 am! time for bed. I'll post more later when I wake up.

>> No.11537756,188 [INTERNAL] 


The good old days were good because of high quality shitposters rather than a circlejerk based around copying anything Trevor does.

The good old days have never felt more distant.

>> No.11537756,189 [INTERNAL] 

can someone post an updated list of the tumblrs

>> No.11537756,190 [INTERNAL] 

Ye good old days.......

>> No.11537756,191 [INTERNAL] 

If they were really copying him they would've committed a mass tumblr suicide to ironically mock the real tumblr users.

>> No.11537756,192 [INTERNAL] 

we could arrange that and pretend that we actually killed ourselves, it'd be fun

>> No.11537756,193 [INTERNAL] 

Has anyone actually donated to his hunger fund button?

I'm tempted to throw a penny his way just to see if he takes it or if it's just another ironic ploy. He rejected $100 not too long ago.

>> No.11537756,194 [INTERNAL] 

It would be even more ironic if you actually[/u] killed yourselves.

>> No.11537756,195 [INTERNAL] 

I really hope that was some experimental, high level, 10th layer irony and you didn't just fuck up.

>> No.11537756,196 [INTERNAL] 

What is the tumblr of that one guy who was making all those homuha images? We should follow him.

>> No.11537756,197 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11537756,198 [INTERNAL] 

myfriendsarehere we can't reply or ask you questions!

>> No.11537756,199 [INTERNAL] 




>> No.11537756,200 [INTERNAL] 

Trevor isn't nearly as cool as that dude.

>> No.11537756,201 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.11537756,202 [INTERNAL] 

Thanks dude, just trying to keep the Trev-Trev ownage going.

>> No.11537756,203 [INTERNAL] 


I was being ironic, retard.

>> No.11537756,204 [INTERNAL] 

Stay owned queer.

>> No.11537756,205 [INTERNAL] 

>Unironically using tumblr

Literally autistic.

>> No.11537756,206 [INTERNAL] 

Heh, I seriously can't believe how easy it was to trick you all into using Tumblr.

>> No.11537756,207 [INTERNAL] 

Joke's on you, I was only clicking your ads ironically.

>> No.11537756,208 [INTERNAL] 

I know, right? milk is pretty clever. She got us good.

>> No.11537756,209 [INTERNAL] 

I know who you really are, buddy.....

>> No.11537756,210 [INTERNAL] 

I have a 15 year old girl that followed me, complained about her boyfriend, and now she's asking people to add her on Skype. Is the FBI after me?

>> No.11537756,211 [INTERNAL] 

Don't worry go- I mean guy... She just wants to fuck ;)

>> No.11537756,212 [INTERNAL] 

I don't think so, check your privilege.

>> No.11537756,213 [INTERNAL] 

...Who am I?

>> No.11537756,214 [INTERNAL] 

>Excuse me, I have noticed that you have been tagging everything with feminism when they have NOTHING to do with feminism at all. Please refrain from doing so as others will end up looking at your posts when searching for real feminism posts. Thank you.

>> No.11537756,215 [INTERNAL] 

T you better not give up on tumblr....

>> No.11537756,216 [INTERNAL] 

why don't some tags of your own psot show up when you search for them

>> No.11537756,217 [INTERNAL] 

I figured out the ``ghost'' notifications, if you guys are following ``briggs'' and she updates her tumblr you'll get a notification but it just doesn't show up.

>> No.11537756,218 [INTERNAL] 

yeah she's been coming to warosu I think and adding any of the tumblrs that got posted here to her ignore list (can she do that?) or maybe just mass ignoring anyone who was asking her nonanime related questions.

I dunno in any case more evidence that it is briggs!!!!

>> No.11537756,219 [INTERNAL] 

god i hate tumblr so much
firefox works sometimes then it doesn't
disabling noscript doesn't help either
and all you of as well!

>> No.11537756,220 [INTERNAL] 

i wondered what that was!
mine wasnt posted and dont think i asked anything
i only followed

>> No.11537756,221 [INTERNAL] 

try deleting cookies cache
that fixed iT for me

>> No.11537756,222 [INTERNAL] 

Why is brigs blocking everyone?

Sids never blocked anyone and always liked the attention she got from us on Formspring back in the good old days.

>> No.11537756,223 [INTERNAL] 

Because that's not Brigs? She probably isn't even on Turdblr anymore, and you're just deluding yourself with that femnazi kid.

>> No.11537756,224 [INTERNAL] 

are you talkinga bout the dyke roommate?

I mean we think we did find her kozukii.tumblr.com/. she had a breakdown the next day that seemed to play in with her info getting posted in the thread. blogs about the same shit briggs did. she has most of us on ignore though and hasnt posted any pictures of herself yet.

>> No.11537756,225 [INTERNAL] 

oh man, i can't even tell if the kill la kill feminist are being ironic or not

>> No.11537756,226 [INTERNAL] 

The tag you're searching for doesn't show in the tag list of posts in your results.

>> No.11537756,227 [INTERNAL] 

found a cute page so i followed
then few minutes later i had like 30 notifications

I want to see cute pictures, but not as if the world is going to end tomorrow
people need to calm down

>> No.11537756,228 [INTERNAL] 

am i being trolld or are u Trev??? ((lmao)

>> No.11537756,229 [INTERNAL] 

You should keep in mind that only the first 5 tags appear in the search. So make sure your first 5 tags are the most relevant ones to your post.

>> No.11537756,230 [INTERNAL] 

Was gonna follow u dudes until I realized the only people making tumblirs are the same 5~10 unfunny regulars whom ruined ironic shitposting on /jp/ forever by racemixing it with /pol/ and /tv/ memes

At least only on this shit ghost board anyway *POOF* (goes back to work on the next big /jp/ OC)

>> No.11537756,231 [INTERNAL] 

They're not. It's not just feminists though. Normals in general want to be hip and nerdy by watching anime and playing video games with a manga art style, but the only way they can cope with the aspects of it that are made to please actual nerds is by pretending it actually has a deep meaning or is only done as a joke or parody.

>> No.11537756,232 [INTERNAL] 

but tumblr is fun pls join us ;.;

>> No.11537756,233 [INTERNAL] 

whoa relax guy I can feel how angry you are through the text

>> No.11537756,234 [INTERNAL] 

Which tumblrs are doing this exactly?

It looks pretty ironic to me.

>> No.11537756,235 [INTERNAL] 

Looks like someone needs to go out for a Drive to chill out.

>> No.11537756,236 [INTERNAL] 

I can't wait to have like 2,000 followers and then start linking them to threads on /jp/.

>> No.11537756,237 [INTERNAL] 

I can't believe you retards actually, seriously, unironically made tumblr accounts and started using them legitimately.

It was clearly supposed to be a short-lived gag to mock brigs and tumblr, not a fucking all-out warosu tumblr group.

>> No.11537756,238 [INTERNAL] 

shut the fuck up and f4f me faggot

>> No.11537756,239 [INTERNAL] 

we're waiting for you in the warosu tumblr group

>> No.11537756,240 [INTERNAL] 

You morons have no idea who you're fucking talking to, do you?

>> No.11537756,241 [INTERNAL] 

my emotions when someone made a tumblr joke and I liked it

>> No.11537756,242 [INTERNAL] 

http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=22764589 (these one will guarantee you many likes!)

>> No.11537756,243 [INTERNAL] 

I wish that was true but it seems like unless it's attached to something trendy people don't care.

>> No.11537756,244 [INTERNAL] 

will we make it till christmas...

>> No.11537756,245 [INTERNAL] 

Does anyone hate christmas? I usually stay up all day on the eve so i can fall asleep and not have to deal with the neighbours partying

>> No.11537756,246 [INTERNAL] 

How long before people start unironically make vlogs about browsing /jp/?

>> No.11537756,247 [INTERNAL] 

Is that a request?

>> No.11537756,248 [INTERNAL] 

I just lurk 4chan or play an MMO, makes me feel like I'm being social

>> No.11537756,249 [INTERNAL] 

Someone once streamed himself making shitty posts on /jp/ and got fifteen viewers.

>> No.11537756,250 [INTERNAL] 

link to an archived video please?

>> No.11537756,251 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11537756,252 [INTERNAL] 

Is this a thing?

>> No.11537756,253 [INTERNAL] 

did you guys quit

>> No.11537756,254 [INTERNAL] 


I don't think ustream does vods

>> No.11537756,255 [INTERNAL] 

They do, but he hasn't recorded anything.


>> No.11537756,256 [INTERNAL] 

i remember that guy i told him to hot glue and he wouldnt

he seemed to ponder it for a sec like tho

>> No.11537756,257 [INTERNAL] 

are you guys quitting

>> No.11537756,258 [INTERNAL] 

Their leader killed himself. What do you think?

>> No.11537756,259 [INTERNAL] 

I've been getting followers steadily enough to keep me interested but not fast enough to make it feel too easy. I'm still trying to figure out how many I want and what I'm going to do with them. I'm not sure how accurate this chart is since it seems to think my account started with 28 followers but I'm interested if others have seen a similar activity:follows ratio.


>> No.11537756,260 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11537756,261 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11537756,262 [INTERNAL] 

i have 12 non warosu followers

i dont like them

i just want to post with my buds

we dont talk enough tho

>> No.11537756,263 [INTERNAL] 

we can always talk here!
warosu's been really slow lately...

>> No.11537756,264 [INTERNAL] 

I'm sorry I haven't been discussing much, I don't want to get targeted.

>> No.11537756,265 [INTERNAL] 

targeted by who??

>> No.11537756,266 [INTERNAL] 

The T.

>> No.11537756,267 [INTERNAL] 

T's dead dude........

>> No.11537756,268 [INTERNAL] 

I don't want to get ignored.

>> No.11537756,269 [INTERNAL] 

Only metaphorically. T may be dead but a new T has arisen from the ashes, hungry for vengeance and the quench of milk's impure, fetid blood.

>> No.11537756,270 [INTERNAL] 

Dude......... T's literally dead.

>> No.11537756,271 [INTERNAL] 

I really wish he was so you guys would stop talking about him.

>> No.11537756,272 [INTERNAL] 

Was he ever really alive?

>> No.11537756,273 [INTERNAL] 

Correction: I wish he was dead so he would stop talking about himself.

>> No.11537756,274 [INTERNAL] 

Uhhh............ what are you implying....?

>> No.11537756,275 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11537756,276 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11537756,277 [INTERNAL] 


Drop it.


>> No.11537756,278 [INTERNAL] 

Shit reply for a shit reply. You nerds bring it on yourselves.

>> No.11537756,279 [INTERNAL] 

Oh yeah? How about you just kill yourself, tee-bro?

>> No.11537756,280 [INTERNAL] 

I already did that more than 5 times.

Retards these days......

>> No.11537756,281 [INTERNAL] 

Once more.

It's over.

>> No.11537756,282 [INTERNAL] 

Once more you fall for an impersonator ;)

>> No.11537756,283 [INTERNAL] 

What a shitty stalker. This must be the second or third time he falls for me.

>> No.11537756,284 [INTERNAL] 

How does that affect my point?


>> No.11537756,285 [INTERNAL] 

Nobody cares about your opinion if you can't even spot a fake ;P

>> No.11537756,286 [INTERNAL] 

Even I don't care about my opinion. Opinions are useless because they are incomplete views by definition.

The day the teenbros of Warosu thought I actually have an EGO..... Fucking braindead plebiyeans...

>> No.11537756,287 [INTERNAL] 


why warosu canot spell?

>> No.11537756,288 [INTERNAL] 

warosugirl is a chink

>> No.11537756,289 [INTERNAL] 

Keep making fun of me, plebean.

You won't be laughing when you're the next Trevor.

>> No.11537756,290 [INTERNAL] 

Right, the homosexual who constantly claims he created Trevor doesn't have an ego.....

>> No.11537756,291 [INTERNAL] 

Oh gosh...

Imagine making a post this unfigurative while being Trevor...

>> No.11537756,292 [INTERNAL] 

Can you please go away? You're scaring off brigs.


>> No.11537756,293 [INTERNAL] 




I can't even picture the time I thought I was you anymore.

Go surf off a ledge.

>> No.11537756,294 [INTERNAL] 

Someone is hella jealous...

>> No.11537756,295 [INTERNAL] 

You really shouldn't toss jelly all over the place like that; it's expensive.

>> No.11537756,296 [INTERNAL] 

Can somebody PLEASE tell me if Trevor is dead or not?

I'm tired of coming to warosu to check only to get even more confused.

>> No.11537756,297 [INTERNAL] 


I've never been trolled this hard.

>> No.11537756,298 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11537756,299 [INTERNAL] 

The phoenix revives.

>> No.11537756,300 [INTERNAL] 

Oh wow. Are you implying that I'm a better troll than Big T?

[i]*blushes uncontrollably*

>> No.11537756,301 [INTERNAL] 

I mean... I could tolerate Trevor...

If he wasn't so insufferable...

>> No.11537756,302 [INTERNAL] 

you guys are quitting?

>> No.11537756,303 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11537756,304 [INTERNAL] 

People sleep.

>> No.11537756,305 [INTERNAL] 

but why is everything so slow
you guys update slower now
warosu has slowed down considerably too

>> No.11537756,306 [INTERNAL] 


why don't YOU make some OC or post something interesting or start a discussion instead of crying about how everything is slow?

>> No.11537756,307 [INTERNAL] 

Don't blame him for Trevor killing himself and crippling warosu.

>> No.11537756,308 [INTERNAL] 

someone asked me a lewd question but i don't want to reply because it's not appropriate for my blog!! i don't mean to ignore you!!

>> No.11537756,309 [INTERNAL] 

Brigs wouldn't even acknowledge your existence. You're nothing to her and that makes you buttfrustrated so you vent your seething rage by making subpar ironyposts on a board you begged her to come to but she stood you up and now you can't deal with it. Step down, no one is here to protect you now that T is gone. This is the new order of /ghost/ and it won't tolerate any shitposters trying to defile Brig's pure maiden reputation.

>> No.11537756,310 [INTERNAL] 

is it too late to join you guys?

>> No.11537756,311 [INTERNAL] 

its never too late. just post your tumblr in the thread and you can take it easy with the rest of us

>> No.11537756,312 [INTERNAL] 

but T's dead...

>> No.11537756,313 [INTERNAL] 

are you guys quitting?

>> No.11537756,314 [INTERNAL] 

Kill yourself.

>> No.11537756,315 [INTERNAL] 

are you guys quitting??

>> No.11537756,316 [INTERNAL] 

why do my posts on /ota/ always get deleted and I get banned.

it tells me to read the rules but I did and I didnt see anything wrong about posting like I do .

I dont get it. why do people get so fucking autistic about posts on anonymous image boards. like who the fuck cares

>> No.11537756,317 [INTERNAL] 

do you guys have stalkers
i have someone who always likes my pictures and reblogs them a while after i post them and it isn't even following me

>> No.11537756,318 [INTERNAL] 

Post the post exactly here and i'll tell you why you're shit.

That has to be a pretty amazingly bad post, to get deleted on a splinter board made because "/jp/ doesn't allow my funposting!"

>> No.11537756,319 [INTERNAL] 

i called someone a nerd in this thread


and then it got deleted and I got banned for a day

maybei called the admin a nerd


>> No.11537756,320 [INTERNAL] 

With an attitude like this I'm sure you didn't deserve it.

>> No.11537756,321 [INTERNAL] 

guys brigs hasn't updated her tumblr in a day
im worried

>> No.11537756,322 [INTERNAL] 

Stop trying to piss me off with your bullshit.

>> No.11537756,323 [INTERNAL] 

did you guys quit?

>> No.11537756,324 [INTERNAL] 

yeah, i thought it would be pretty funny at first but its kinda sad and boring

>> No.11537756,325 [INTERNAL] 

No, and I'm not going to. I'm about 8% to my goal, and I'm going to re-evaluate things from there.

>> No.11537756,326 [INTERNAL] 

dude you are like those evil anime antagonists

>> No.11537756,327 [INTERNAL] 

lyre is taking this tumblr business pretty seriously. If I didn't know any better I would mistake him for one of the regular tumblrers.

>> No.11537756,328 [INTERNAL] 

I'm getting bored...

>> No.11537756,329 [INTERNAL] 

There's only 6 of us left...

>> No.11537756,330 [INTERNAL] 

Isn't that the plan?

>> No.11537756,331 [INTERNAL] 

If you don't have a goal it's inevitable that you're going to get bored and quit. I would recommend thinking about something specific to do with your tumblr, or saving yourself some time and stress and just checking it once a day or something. It could be a great platform for shitposting or trolling if that's what you're into, but it's really not that great for sustaining communication. Really, unless you're willing to actively reblog things it's an extremely shitty way to communicate.

>> No.11537756,332 [INTERNAL] 

That's because you're using tumblr unironically like a literal autist. At least T had the sense to kill himself after two days; you should've followed suit. Instead you've become what you hated and it's pathetic to look at. Please unkill yourself out of /ghost/.

>> No.11537756,333 [INTERNAL] 

fucking kill yourself you tumblrshits

this isn't the warosu army I grew up with...

>> No.11537756,334 [INTERNAL] 

Warosu will be integrated in tumblr shortly.

Please hand over your privilege and nobody will get hurt.

>> No.11537756,335 [INTERNAL] 

/Jp/ was made cause somebody sent moot a message on his tumblr saying we should have an otaku culture board. that person was the now janitor-sama too

>> No.11537756,336 [INTERNAL] 

Warosuchan please add a ``Share on Tumblr'' button to each post.

>> No.11537756,337 [INTERNAL] 

You may be autistic, but you're not this autistic.


>> No.11537756,338 [INTERNAL] 

I can't decide which is worse, the janitors or the person that would track their activity.

>> No.11537756,339 [INTERNAL] 

I track /jp/'s janitor 24/7 and I'm not even remotely as autismologic as he is.

>> No.11537756,340 [INTERNAL] 

>thinks there's 1 /jp/ janitor

Certified Grade-A pure 100% ground Autism.

>> No.11537756,341 [INTERNAL] 

It's mostly because /jp/'s normal state is slow and boring, and every now and then people throw a shitposting party or just have a very active, blatantly off-topic thread and the post rate increases by 1000%.

If you stuck a real DotA general in /jp/ it would be the fastest thread.

>> No.11537756,342 [INTERNAL] 

24% is still a lot any way you spin it, dude.

Unrelated, I wonder if any of us show up in Brigs' recommendations. Also, iluvop is on tumblr.


>> No.11537756,343 [INTERNAL] 

1 dedicated ( ≖‿≖)

Others are ``crossies''.

The one from /a/ is a top tier though and I would let him fuck my mouthpussy if he accepted to take the current spergmæstro's place.

But then I'll probably have to let the current Janice fuck my throat as well...

>> No.11537756,344 [INTERNAL] 

The janitor or the guy on /ota/?

>> No.11537756,345 [INTERNAL] 

>The one from /a/ is a top tier

How do you know he's even from /a/ and why do you consider him top tier?

>> No.11537756,346 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11537756,347 [INTERNAL] 

Are you upset because /a/'s janitor is better than you? ;)

LMAO rekt that shitter

>> No.11537756,348 [INTERNAL] 

I thought janitors were board specific.

>> No.11537756,349 [INTERNAL] 

I'm not the jan you dumbfucks, I just want to know how that guy got hold of all that info.

>> No.11537756,350 [INTERNAL] 

They can be assigned to more than one board. We've known this for years. Please keep up with the meta.

>> No.11537756,351 [INTERNAL] 

Disregard that information. It is totally not really true and janitor isn't a huge homoerectus at all.

>> No.11537756,352 [INTERNAL] 

The one from /mlp/ is best Janny.

>> No.11537756,353 [INTERNAL] 

Because everyone ITT is a /jp/ Jani, you shitlord.

>> No.11537756,354 [INTERNAL] 

I'm not a janitor of /jp/.

>> No.11537756,355 [INTERNAL] 

Don't be absurd. You are the original and best janitor of /jp/.

>> No.11537756,356 [INTERNAL] 

I used to dislike the horsefucker. But in reality, he's much less of a subhuman cunt than the dedicated subhuman cunt one.

>> No.11537756,357 [INTERNAL] 

>oh god shes so cute!
>Creative!Plus, beautiful eyes.
wow fucking misogynist pigs stop objectifying women you fucking shitheads

>I’d like to know too.
>Out of curiosity, does anyone know who this cosplayer is?
>I must find this person and marry them…
wow you guys just want to rape her you fucking sick cunts


>> No.11537756,358 [INTERNAL] 


How could she do this to us? Were we not but a stepping ladder to her fame?

>> No.11537756,359 [INTERNAL] 

why is it ok for tumblr to make rape ``jokes'', objectify and stalk her?
they're the reason she deleted her account in the first place
fuck you !!

>> No.11537756,360 [INTERNAL] 

Because they're not disgusting virgins.

>> No.11537756,361 [INTERNAL] 

are you guys quittng??
is it too late to join??

>> No.11537756,362 [INTERNAL] 

hes,n fei girxdsc yi-t wu sulhp

>> No.11537756,363 [INTERNAL] 

Vte ntu girx he fei ntdsx D ow fei /dnnu/u mdnrt+

>> No.11537756,364 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11537756,365 [INTERNAL] 

D hes,n xsev vte fei ntdsx fei olu min fei -tei/h morx egg ldctn sev xdhp Fei hes,n vosn ne cun dsze/zuh vdnt ntu mdc xdh-ppppp q

>> No.11537756,366 [INTERNAL] 

This is my meme btw

>> No.11537756,367 [INTERNAL] 

Vton,- cedsc es ds ntd- ntluoh+ Fei cif- -uuw ne mu tozdsc gisp

>> No.11537756,368 [INTERNAL] 


Fei,zu suzul uzus rluonuh o wuwu /e-ulp

>> No.11537756,369 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11537756,370 [INTERNAL] 

ぇせーいぅとそsづーいぉ+ えうぇーtdぇうふーいぅへ。 Ossusえぅーおっよldヴぉぉぉsp

>> No.11537756,371 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11537756,372 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11537756,373 [INTERNAL] 

Vton he fei wuos vng+ He fei sen xsev tev ne luoh usc/d-t+

>> No.11537756,374 [INTERNAL] 

i had a dream that lyre hit his goal of 5k followers and sent them all to /jp/ to shitpost so hard that janny quit

>> No.11537756,375 [INTERNAL] 

did you guys quit?

>> No.11537756,376 [INTERNAL] 

Get on steam..

>> No.11537756,377 [INTERNAL] 

Get on my dick.

>> No.11537756,378 [INTERNAL] 

Were you born in '96 or '97?

>> No.11537756,379 [INTERNAL]  [DELETED] 


>> No.11537756,380 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11537756,381 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11537756,382 [INTERNAL] 

ill be 18 in like 2 months.

>> No.11537756,383 [INTERNAL] 


Please follow your leader (T).

>> No.11537756,384 [INTERNAL] 

If you were born in '96 you can't be 18 until 2014 bro.

>> No.11537756,385 [INTERNAL] 

brb tumblr ;_;

>> No.11537756,386 [INTERNAL] 

i deleted my tumblr already......

close to two months is what I meant

>> No.11537756,387 [INTERNAL] 


So close, Siztra-kun! ;_;

>> No.11537756,388 [INTERNAL] 

>i deleted my tumblr already......

Oh man, this shitkid is trying to get rhetorical.

>captcha: dyingey centre

Yeah... Watch your back...

>> No.11537756,389 [INTERNAL] 


>Last Online: 11 days ago

I guess he really did off himself. Now if only the rest of you unfunny autists would follow him warosu would be saved.

>> No.11537756,390 [INTERNAL] 

Shut up T.

>> No.11537756,391 [INTERNAL] 

Why would he call himself an unfunny autist?

>> No.11537756,392 [INTERNAL] 

I could remake it but I just don't see the point because the one person I was following doesn't use it as much.

>> No.11537756,393 [INTERNAL] 

You don't think T knows how to properly samefag?

You'd be surprised by how much he knows.

>> No.11537756,394 [INTERNAL] 

Every white man knows what the phrase "Follow your leader" means on the internet.


>> No.11537756,395 [INTERNAL] 

I see what you did there.

>> No.11537756,396 [INTERNAL] 

Why are you referring to me in the third person while speaking directly to me you unbelievably autistic dingledork?

Jesus christ......

>> No.11537756,397 [INTERNAL] 

Ummm...... Wow..............

I was trying to illustrate that T - myself - is not dead, unlike you retarded impersonators want to believe.

>> No.11537756,398 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah, nah.

Fucking off yourself.

>> No.11537756,399 [INTERNAL] 

You think I won't?

Man, I didn't think you'd take your shitty ERP problems this seriously.

>> No.11537756,400 [INTERNAL] 


I'm not actually T you dumbass. Don't get so chummy with me.

Kimochi warui..................................

>> No.11537756,401 [INTERNAL] 

I didn't call you Trevor, you humongous... fucking...


>> No.11537756,402 [INTERNAL] 

Please just shut the fuck up. This is embarrassing for both of us.....

>> No.11537756,403 [INTERNAL] 

I guess that's why we're Trevor........

>> No.11537756,404 [INTERNAL] 

I first read this as ``chuuni''

Any other chuunis here?

>> No.11537756,405 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.11537756,406 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11537756,407 [INTERNAL] 

And this - ladies (lol) and gentlemen - is what autism looks like.

>> No.11537756,408 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11537756,409 [INTERNAL] 

Optimize you're quotes.

>> No.11537756,410 [INTERNAL] 

I'm pretty chuuni.

I'm almost 24 and I live like a retarded teenbro with delusions of grandeur.

>> No.11537756,411 [INTERNAL] 

>le pedophile optimization

>> No.11537756,412 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11537756,413 [INTERNAL] 

Anyone else find it kind of awkward that 14-16 year old girls are posting cartoon porn on Tumblr?

>> No.11537756,414 [INTERNAL] 

You should really come out of the closet you f*cking pedofile.

>> No.11537756,415 [INTERNAL] 

But that's illegal. I mean them posting porn. Although so is that.

>> No.11537756,416 [INTERNAL] 

did you guys quit

>> No.11537756,417 [INTERNAL] 

The non-retards did. You should be safe to continue :)

>> No.11537756,418 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11537756,419 [INTERNAL] 

follow my tumblr too!


>> No.11537756,420 [INTERNAL] 

stfu nagi

>> No.11537756,421 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11537756,422 [INTERNAL] 

please unignore me brigs

>> No.11537756,423 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11537756,424 [INTERNAL] 

are you guys quitting?

>> No.11537756,425 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11537756,426 [INTERNAL] 

brigs please unignore me

>> No.11537756,427 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11537756,428 [INTERNAL] 

please unignore me brigs...

>> No.11537756,429 [INTERNAL] 

Don't talk to brigs like you know her.

>> No.11537756,430 [INTERNAL] 

please brigs.. unignoire please...

>> No.11537756,431 [INTERNAL] 

I know not of what "unignoring" you speak. I am merely a vessel of judgement sent to redeem the Great Kingdom of Warosu from its fallen state.

You may refer to me as Jesus T. Christ, The Reawakened Apparition of Judgement. Please watch over my former denizens warmly, for they are but lost sheep in a wolves den.

God bless.

>> No.11537756,432 [INTERNAL] 

You is thing of be ebin bud i is real ebin. Go fug urself :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

>> No.11537756,433 [INTERNAL] 

everyone is leaving
i don't have to motivation to update anymore
sorry friends...

>> No.11537756,434 [INTERNAL] 

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little heathen? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my cloister in the College of Cardinals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret missionary trips to Israel, and I have over 300 confirmed conversions.

I am trained in the Breaking of the Bread and I’m the top pedophile in the entire Catholic Holy Order. You are nothing to me but just another layman. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker.

As we speak I am contacting my secret network of assassins across the Vatican and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the Judgement, non-believer. The Judgement that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your faith. You’re fucking converted, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can baptize you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed crucification, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Holy Roman Empire and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the mortal plane of existence, you little shit.

If only you could have known what holy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking Tongues. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit grace all over you and you will drown in it.

You’re fucking excommunicated, kiddo.

>> No.11537756,435 [INTERNAL] 

brigs please unignore

>> No.11537756,436 [INTERNAL] 

。・゜゜・。。・゜゜・。。 (屮 `Д´)屮 Y U DO DIS?
(屮゜Д゜)屮 WHY U DO DIS???!!! ( ¯‿¯) (ノゝ∀・)~キラ KIRABOSHI!
\( *¯∇¯)ノ FABULOUS~ ABRA KADABRA! ヽ( ゚ヮ・)ノ.・゚*。・+ the pleasure of being cummed insideTHE PLEASURE OF

doingG A I J I N D E M O N ahaha ahaha ahahahaha

>> No.11537756,437 [INTERNAL] 

thank you for the memories we have created, friends
but i must go now
it was nice meeting you guys

>> No.11537756,438 [INTERNAL] 

i'm getting bored of tumblr but i don't want to quit because i'll lose contact with you guys

>> No.11537756,439 [INTERNAL] 

are you guys quitting?

>> No.11537756,440 [INTERNAL] 

yes but ill always be here taking it easy

>> No.11537756,441 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11537756,442 [INTERNAL] 

ahh... the good ol days...

>> No.11537756,443 [INTERNAL] 

If you guys are quitting, I guess I'm out too.

>> No.11537756,444 [INTERNAL] 

the end of an era

>> No.11537756,445 [INTERNAL] 

Well shit, I don't want to be alone. I'm done.

>> No.11537756,446 [INTERNAL] 

are you guys quitting??

>> No.11537756,447 [INTERNAL] 

are you guys quitting?

>> No.11537756,448 [INTERNAL] 

[i]are [b]you [u]guys quitting?

>> No.11537756,449 [INTERNAL] 

Not quitting, still doing pretty well.

I'm getting slightly more followers per post than I was at first, it will be interesting to see when the trend will reverse due to exhausting the ready supply of potential followers. Also, that is missing thousands of notes because tumblr keeps doing the thing shown at the bottom where it tracks 0 activity for a time period.

>> No.11537756,450 [INTERNAL] 

i bet you add tags specifically made to attract clueless plebs.. Wheres your tumblr pride

>> No.11537756,451 [INTERNAL] 

I only tag the series, character and source. I could use more tags to grab for more activity but I don't.

>> No.11537756,452 [INTERNAL] 

i still don't get what normies do on tumblr?
some people just spend all day reblogging things?

>> No.11537756,453 [INTERNAL] 

are you guys quitting?

>> No.11537756,454 [INTERNAL] 

No, my tumblr death ray is still in the works.. I called it a death ray, but it's more like a cute ray because its ammunition is girls! It's going to make /jp/ so cute! ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ

>> No.11537756,455 [INTERNAL] 

Is this the new T-dawg? Are we going to roleplay as this queer from now on?

>> No.11537756,456 [INTERNAL] 

Aren't they the same person?

>> No.11537756,457 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11537756,458 [INTERNAL] 

what's the point of continuing if you're all just going to leave........

>> No.11537756,459 [INTERNAL] 

are you guys quitting?

>> No.11537756,460 [INTERNAL] 

We never seriously joined. I left right after T killed himself 2 days in.

>> No.11537756,461 [INTERNAL] 

I guess I quit. I said on my tumblr I couldn't contribute because of stupid EET issues, but really I couldn't contribute because I don't give a shoot about tumblr.

>> No.11537756,462 [INTERNAL] 

you lied....

>> No.11537756,463 [INTERNAL] 

goodbye friends

>> No.11537756,464 [INTERNAL] 

Are you killing yourself?

>> No.11537756,465 [INTERNAL] 

i don't think so

>> No.11537756,466 [INTERNAL] 

he did it /jp/...

>> No.11537756,467 [INTERNAL] 

Is this unironically the guy from Power Rangers?

>> No.11537756,468 [INTERNAL] 

[b]are you guys quitting?

>> No.11537756,469 [INTERNAL] 

Are you [i]gays quitting?

>> No.11537756,470 [INTERNAL] 

One small click for her... one giant leap for warosu...

>> No.11537756,471 [INTERNAL] 

I see the blogging normienet hasn't improved much since myscape

>> No.11537756,472 [INTERNAL] 

She apparently reblogged it twice. Once, and then once again from a person that reblogged it from her. Nandeyanen.. (; ̄Д ̄)

>> No.11537756,473 [INTERNAL] 

are you guys quitting

>> No.11537756,474 [INTERNAL] 

are you guys [b]quitting[i]?

>> No.11537756,475 [INTERNAL] 

Too legit to quit!

>> No.11537756,476 [INTERNAL] 

are you girls quitting?

>> No.11537756,477 [INTERNAL] 

i'm done

>> No.11537756,478 [INTERNAL] 

When is the T coming back?

>> No.11537756,479 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11537756,480 [INTERNAL] 

are you [b]girls [i]quitting?

>> No.11537756,481 [INTERNAL] 

have you girls quit?

>> No.11537756,482 [INTERNAL] 

Here's my tumblr progress. If the current trend continues I might be ready to start putting the plan into action in another 3-4 months.


I'm sorry for spamming your dashes with anime, if any of you guys are still interested in using tumblr you don't have to follow me.

>> No.11537756,483 [INTERNAL] 

Oh, and that timeline actually goes back to the beginning with 0 followers. Tumblr's tracking is really broken.

>> No.11537756,484 [INTERNAL] 

doesn't matter if you're the only one i'm following that updates...

>> No.11537756,485 [INTERNAL] 

Just hit the big 250 aka quarter of a thousand followers.

>> No.11537756,486 [INTERNAL] 

is your plan what i dreamt about
you sending your followers to raid /jp/

>> No.11537756,487 [INTERNAL] 

Are you me?

I'm afraid to explain it for fear that someone will ruin it.

>> No.11537756,488 [INTERNAL] 

fan mail me

>> No.11537756,489 [INTERNAL] 

are you girls quitting?

>> No.11537756,490 [INTERNAL] 

This guy isn't! (。・ω・。)


>> No.11537756,491 [INTERNAL] 

That tumblr is pretty epic.

>> No.11537756,492 [INTERNAL] 

So whenever he gets to 1000 followers and raids /jp/. It will finally truly die right?

>> No.11537756,493 [INTERNAL] 

After observing some other blogs that have follower trackers or have mentioned their follower count, I think that 1k is too low to settle for and I am researching and brainstorming ways to increase my popularity. Now that the warosu club has mostly failed and I don't need to worry about putting embarrassing things on peoples' dashes, I may even try my luck interacting with the locals even though the risk of failure is high due to crippling autism. I am estimating that a successful approach could put me at 2k-5k followers in 3 months. I'm not sure that's possible without being a high school female posting pictures of myself, though.

>> No.11537756,494 [INTERNAL] 

It's really lonely when your warosubros aren't there to unconditionally like your posts anymore.

>> No.11537756,495 [INTERNAL] 

are you girls quitting?

>> No.11537756,496 [INTERNAL] 

are you girls quitting?

>> No.11537756,497 [INTERNAL] 

did you guys f*cking quit? a*sholes

>> No.11537756,498 [INTERNAL] 

tubmlr was honestly really weird. no one really talked to each other or if they did it was in pms and everything was about reblogging shit for the normies.

like people were too lazy to go to pixiv to post shit instead just searching for whatever they wanted to post on tumblr and then reblogging it

also besides us I never saw anyone use that chat thing

weird fucking site

>> No.11537756,499 [INTERNAL] 

Tumblr is so October. We're all on #jaypee now.

>> No.11537756,500 [INTERNAL] 

I think the reblogging thing is the point of Tumblr for most people, and I didn't see it happening too often with the warosu people. Tumblr doesn't make it very easy to talk with people, which is why I don't think it really happened.

/jp/ IRC was passé in 2011.

>> No.11537756,501 [INTERNAL] 

Jenny please respond

>> No.11537756,502 [INTERNAL] 

are you guys quitting?

>> No.11537756,503 [INTERNAL] 

Jenny please

>> No.11537756,504 [INTERNAL] 

That was VIP quality!
     ,r'{   ー、ヽ
    \\  V\
      `'く` ー,ゝ⌒ヽ   f゙i
        `Y_ _,.r'⌒ヽ _l.」
      .__ └--t_: : : : :辷v′
      ヾ`ニ._ーr' :r'´〕{ `f- 、   r
              ̄`¨`¬' {´:.:.:.:Yjー'}
             ,  Ytj、:.:.:ノf‐'′

Click here to be forwarded manually

Fuuka | All characters © Darkpa's party

>> No.11537756,505 [INTERNAL] 

That was VIP quality!
. /  | /  / /  /  / // / ハ.    ヽ    ヽ. \
/' 丁|'  i l /   /// 〃/  \ ̄ \!     |\|
\/ j|  ,レ' _ / /.///./  _ \  |\. | |/
. /__」ヒ.´_彡'_>=,ニドノ'  //  'ァ,.'ニ=<} '  | | 
/  {{ ̄ { \ P⌒!i  //    P⌒!i ノ ,'   /! /
,/  {ハ..  \__, ゞ冖^  /' !     ̄^` ブ ///
   ハ. \   く             __  ∠ イ ,ノ'
  ,/ ,ハ 7`ト _,>       __,. イ !   /〃/ < I've got something to put in you
f´ ̄ヽ ヾ、'.{}ヘ.     `'マ二..__ /   /{}ヽ》 \ I've got something to put in you
_) >┴=く¨ヽ ヽ.、       --     , イ   }} \ At the gay bar
/  '´   \レ-、V__. 、      _,. イ/{{ヽ{}/《
  .'      `て{ ヽ\ `  -- /  / {{-- -}}
 '    '    __j| ,ヘ \.  ∧_/  {{ /{}ヽ }}
,'    ,'   (_ |ヽ{i,ハ   ヽ、」.  \ {{.    }}
    ,'     〕|__ __ |/.,二f丑:‐ 、\{ ヽ {} /}}
         ( }}/{}ヽ|/  /ハ 「 \ヽ|{ ー i ‐.}}

Click here to be forwarded manually

Fuuka | All characters © Darkpa's party

>> No.11537756,506 [INTERNAL] 

That was VIP quality!
/     ヽ
!  ! 人|,.iノl_ノ)
i  乂-‐ -! i  
\ヽ .ゞ - ノノ  Security kitten, get these pedantic, overly
  ``フ i´ verbose freaks out of here!
    / \ノゝ
  /__i |丱!|
==   THE REI'S DINER    ==

Click here to be forwarded manually

Fuuka | All characters © Darkpa's party

>> No.11537756,507 [INTERNAL] 

That was VIP quality!
Golly, have a look at the time!
              /ヽ       /ヽ
            /  ヽ      /  ヽ
  ______ /     ヽミミ/     ヽ
 | ____ /           :::::::::::::::\
 | |       ミ 〇 ___   〇    :::::::::::::::彡
 | |      ミ   |   |         ::::::::::::::彡
 | |      .ミ:  |   |        :::::::::::::::彡
 | |       ミ: ├―-┤    .....:::::::::::::::::::彡
 | |____ ヽ      .....:::::::::::::::::::::::<
 └___/ ̄ ̄       :::::::::::::::::::::::::彡
  |\    |            :::::::::::::::::::::::彡
  \ \  \___       :::::::::::::::::::::::彡

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Fuuka | All characters © Darkpa's party

>> No.11537756,508 [INTERNAL] 

That was VIP quality!
         ∵  ∴  ∴∵∴    ∴
      ∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵/ ⌒ヽ∴∵∴∵∴
    ∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵| |   |∴∵∴∵
  ∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∪ / ノ∴∵∴∵∴∵
..  ∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵| ||∵∴∵∴∵
∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴/ ○\∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴
..∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵/三 | 三ヽ∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵
. ∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵ | __|__ │∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵     tanasinn
.∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵|  ===  │∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴
..∴∴∵/ ̄.. \∴∵∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴
∴∵∴/    ,. i ∵∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵
∴∵∴|    /.| |.∵∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵
  ∵∴|   | :| |.∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴
    ∴| |  |::| |.∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵
    ∴| | |∵U∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴
      | | |∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵
     / / / ∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵ ∵
    / / /       ∴∵∴∵∴ ∴
   .しし’          ∵

Click here to be forwarded manually

Fuuka | All characters © Darkpa's party

>> No.11537756,509 [INTERNAL] 

     ,r'{   ー、ヽ
    \\  V\
      `'く` ー,ゝ⌒ヽ   f゙i
        `Y_ _,.r'⌒ヽ _l.」
      .__ └--t_: : : : :辷v′
      ヾ`ニ._ーr' :r'´〕{ `f- 、   r
              ̄`¨`¬' {´:.:.:.:Yjー'}
             ,  Ytj、:.:.:ノf‐'′

>> No.11537756,510 [INTERNAL] 

. /  | /  / /  /  / // / ハ.    ヽ    ヽ. \
/' 丁|'  i l /   /// 〃/  \ ̄ \!     |\|
\/ j|  ,レ' _ / /.///./  _ \  |\. | |/
. /__」ヒ.´_彡'_>=,ニドノ'  //  'ァ,.'ニ=<} '  | | 
/  {{ ̄ { \ P⌒!i  //    P⌒!i ノ ,'   /! /
,/  {ハ..  \__, ゞ冖^  /' !     ̄^` ブ ///
   ハ. \   く             __  ∠ イ ,ノ'
  ,/ ,ハ 7`ト _,>       __,. イ !   /〃/ < I've got something to put in you
f´ ̄ヽ ヾ、'.{}ヘ.     `'マ二..__ /   /{}ヽ》 \ I've got something to put in you
_) >┴=く¨ヽ ヽ.、       --     , イ   }} \ At the gay bar
/  '´   \レ-、V__. 、      _,. イ/{{ヽ{}/《
  .'      `て{ ヽ\ `  -- /  / {{-- -}}
 '    '    __j| ,ヘ \.  ∧_/  {{ /{}ヽ }}
,'    ,'   (_ |ヽ{i,ハ   ヽ、」.  \ {{.    }}
    ,'     〕|__ __ |/.,二f丑:‐ 、\{ ヽ {} /}}
         ( }}/{}ヽ|/  /ハ 「 \ヽ|{ ー i ‐.}}

>> No.11537756,511 [INTERNAL] 

/     ヽ
!  ! 人|,.iノl_ノ)
i  乂-‐ -! i  
\ヽ .ゞ - ノノ  Security kitten, get these pedantic, overly
  ``フ i´ verbose freaks out of here!
    / \ノゝ
  /__i |丱!|
==   THE REI'S DINER    ==

>> No.11537756,512 [INTERNAL] 

              /ヽ       /ヽ
            /  ヽ      /  ヽ
  ______ /     ヽミミ/     ヽ
 | ____ /           :::::::::::::::\
 | |       ミ 〇 ___   〇    :::::::::::::::彡
 | |      ミ   |   |         ::::::::::::::彡
 | |      .ミ:  |   |        :::::::::::::::彡
 | |       ミ: ├―-┤    .....:::::::::::::::::::彡
 | |____ ヽ      .....:::::::::::::::::::::::<
 └___/ ̄ ̄       :::::::::::::::::::::::::彡
  |\    |            :::::::::::::::::::::::彡
  \ \  \___       :::::::::::::::::::::::彡

>> No.11537756,513 [INTERNAL] 

         ∵  ∴  ∴∵∴    ∴
      ∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵/ ⌒ヽ∴∵∴∵∴
    ∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵| |   |∴∵∴∵
  ∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∪ / ノ∴∵∴∵∴∵
..  ∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵| ||∵∴∵∴∵
∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴/ ○\∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴
..∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵/三 | 三ヽ∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵
. ∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵ | __|__ │∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵     tanasinn
.∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵|  ===  │∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴
..∴∴∵/ ̄.. \∴∵∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴
∴∵∴/    ,. i ∵∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵
∴∵∴|    /.| |.∵∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵
  ∵∴|   | :| |.∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴
    ∴| |  |::| |.∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵
    ∴| | |∵U∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴
      | | |∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵
     / / / ∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵ ∵
    / / /       ∴∵∴∵∴ ∴
   .しし’          ∵

>> No.11537756,514 [INTERNAL] 

are you girls quitting?

>> No.11537756,515 [INTERNAL] 

That was VIP quality!
Nice Boat. wwwww

oat.          Nice Boat.wwwww wwww w Boat
  nice boat
wwwwwwwwwwwwww Nice Boat

Nice boat! Nice Boat.

ice Boat. wwwwww

Nice Boat Nice

            _ Nice boat
        ノ |_   ll__l---||_       Nice boat !!!
      rj「l__`ー'  ヽlーj  L---┐
      |―┴┴―`ーrュ-‐< ̄.ィj .__jl
 Nice Boat[][][][] i """ _..,,rr=''´ l
      l ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/7-‐'´     /
   f  jL-、 _-‐'      -‐´~~
   ヽ |  ̄  _j_ -‐'~´~~NICE BOAT

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Fuuka | All characters © Darkpa's party

>> No.11537756,516 [INTERNAL] 

Sumimasen, /ghost/. Do you like my playlist?

>> No.11537756,517 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11537756,518 [INTERNAL] 

Stop bumping this dumb thread, idiot.

>> No.11537756,519 [INTERNAL] 

my friends are DEAD

>> No.11537756,520 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11537756,521 [INTERNAL] 

i am afraid

>> No.11537756,522 [INTERNAL] 

Rate my progress, /fit/.


>> No.11537756,523 [INTERNAL] 

whats your tumblr?

>> No.11537756,524 [INTERNAL] 

I don't want to give myself up, sorry. I don't blog anything of interest to warosu.

>> No.11537756,525 [INTERNAL] 

just pm me dude! I love following anime tumblrs.

>> No.11537756,526 [INTERNAL] 

I'd need to know what your tumblr is, and if you're one of the crew you're probably already following me.

>> No.11537756,527 [INTERNAL] 

did you guys quit?

>> No.11537756,528 [INTERNAL] 

did you gals quit?

>> No.11537756,529 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11537756,530 [INTERNAL] 


does the word reardick make you laugh

i cannot stop laughing at it

>> No.11537756,531 [INTERNAL] 

Is it even a real word?

>> No.11537756,532 [INTERNAL] 

no but i cant stop laughing when i try to imagine what a reardick would look like

>> No.11537756,533 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11537756,534 [INTERNAL] 

Is this guy one of us, I wonder? (。ヘ°)


>> No.11537756,535 [INTERNAL] 

Did I just get turned down? Wow, that hurts. We would have been ironic for each other.

>> No.11537756,536 [INTERNAL] 

Treat girls with respect (◡‿◡✿)

>> No.11537756,537 [INTERNAL] 

kill yourself freak

>> No.11537756,538 [INTERNAL] 

Are you girls quitting?

>> No.11537756,539 [INTERNAL] 

is jenny a girl??

>> No.11537756,540 [INTERNAL] 

are you girls quitting

>> No.11537756,541 [INTERNAL] 

are you gals quitting?

>> No.11537756,542 [INTERNAL] 

The most ironic part is that I'm the reason that I hate warosu now.

I tried posting anonymously but everyone just accused everyone else of being me or people used my name to post. I even left for 2 months and you faggots were still talking about me daily when I came back.

I'm a literal, unironic cancer. The only choice is to follow the path of Lt. Ripley and Arnold by killing myself, but there's no melting metal furnaces around here.

Le sigh...........

>> No.11537756,543 [INTERNAL] 

where did everyone go...?

>> No.11537756,544 [INTERNAL] 

It's the holiday season, they're spending time with their families! Or maybe they got hurt in a shopping mob.. (ノ ̄д ̄)ノ

>> No.11537756,545 [INTERNAL] 

Found this on StumbleUpon:

Is there another T out there ripe to take our old and busted T's place?

>> No.11537756,546 [INTERNAL] 

Nevermind, the site was changed.

>> No.11537756,547 [INTERNAL] 

Looks like you got your answer...

What was on it originally though?

>> No.11537756,548 [INTERNAL] 

A board with rude messages everywhere.

>> No.11537756,549 [INTERNAL] 

do any of you miss me?

>> No.11537756,550 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11537756,551 [INTERNAL] 

Wow, Tumblr sure is scary! ( ・ω・)


>> No.11537756,552 [INTERNAL] 

How do you find these people?

>> No.11537756,553 [INTERNAL] 

I check the people that have reblogged or liked things, check their blog and then repeat the process if necessary. It's like digital people-watching, or a trip through a really fascinating zoo! ヽ(・ω・ゞ)

>> No.11537756,554 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11537756,555 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11537756,556 [INTERNAL] 

naizz as HELL trips there, dood

>> No.11537756,557 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11537756,558 [INTERNAL] 

Why are you doing this

>> No.11537756,559 [INTERNAL] 

retard discovering bbcode for the first time

>> No.11537756,560 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11537756,561 [INTERNAL] 

heh i remember when you could blankpost on 4chan it really fucked up threads

the good old days.

>> No.11537756,562 [INTERNAL] 

did you girls quit?

>> No.11537756,563 [INTERNAL] 

I was just unfollowed by someone named Brigitte who's studying animation. Coincidence?

>> No.11537756,564 [INTERNAL] 

So is that actually his site or just some random nerd?

I remember raiding one of his older sites back in the good old days. He ended up taking it down along with a wordpress and some portfolio thing.

>> No.11537756,565 [INTERNAL] 

I feel like I've been on a bit of a losing streak the past few days, though my overall follower gain this week wasn't bad. Here's my progress. Thanks for still liking my posts, it's strange but it's reassuring when I see your names pop up. I kind of wish the crew had stuck with it, we could probably have been at like 4k overall followers at this point and started mutually benefiting from it.


>> No.11537756,566 [INTERNAL] 

You have so many followers I quit because I'll never have half of that.

>> No.11537756,567 [INTERNAL] 

>and started mutually benefiting from it.

What benefit? Tumblr is nothing but a time sink for teenage girls and retards. Please unkill yourself out of /ghost/.

>> No.11537756,568 [INTERNAL] 

I've already been pretty clear about my goals. If you can't think of any benefit you could gain from a large audience you're not very creative.

>> No.11537756,569 [INTERNAL] 

It's not really been that hard, it's just about persistence, being willing to observe what's popular and post some of it. I'm sure that anyone from warosu that made a tumblr could do at least that much.

>> No.11537756,570 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11537756,571 [INTERNAL] 

>a large audience


>> No.11537756,572 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11537756,573 [INTERNAL] 

I made a tumblr and I made a total of 3 or 4 posts. It's just so pointless and boring.

>> No.11537756,574 [INTERNAL] 

500 people is about 100x larger than the amount you're reaching while complaining about the janitor here.

>> No.11537756,575 [INTERNAL] 

>implying you're "reaching" anyone

They're just reblogging the images you steal from pixiv, dumbass. They don't care about what you have to say.

I could get a much larger audience instantly just by making a thread on /a/.

>> No.11537756,576 [INTERNAL] 

You know, advertisers don't pay for screen time assuming everyone whose eyes their advertisements flash before care about "what they have to say". I can already think of at least two ways to use a Tumblr audience, shitposter-san! (๑>ᴗ<๑)

>> No.11537756,577 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11537756,578 [INTERNAL] 

You highly overestimate how much revenue online advertising pulls in, especially on some shitty tumblr reposting anime images. He'd be working for pennies and be much better off with some crappy MTurk job.

>> No.11537756,579 [INTERNAL] 

I never said that monetization was one of the uses I had thought of! If I was into that kind of thing, don't you think there would be ads on /ota/? ヽ(・ω・ゞ)

>> No.11537756,580 [INTERNAL] 

>don't you think there would be ads on /ota/?

Ironic since you advertise /ota/ on warosu every day.

>> No.11537756,581 [INTERNAL] 

You know shitposter-san, it's not ironic at all because we were talking about monetization.. I think you should take a break! (⌒▽⌒)

>> No.11537756,582 [INTERNAL] 

You are my greatest ally /ota/min.

>> No.11537756,583 [INTERNAL] 

Nakama for life! (=゜ω゜)人(゜ω゜=)

>> No.11537756,584 [INTERNAL] 

No, it is ironic. I wouldn't expect a subhuman from /ota/ to understand, though.

/ota/ makes tumblr look tolerable.

>> No.11537756,585 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah, well you make Alanis Morissette look like a genius! Isn't that ironic? (。・ω・。)

>> No.11537756,586 [INTERNAL] 

Are you girls quitting?

>> No.11537756,587 [INTERNAL] 

have you quit??

>> No.11537756,588 [INTERNAL] 

One manchild's hugbox is another manchild's coffin. Your beloved "/ghost/" bears strong resemblance to the very communities you see yourself as being better than. It is a known fact that the REAL /jp/ers left the www to irc long ago.

jp ircs --

- #/jp/ (ran by Sudo and some circlejerkers)
- #NapClub
- #tokiko (Actually, halfway decent, or more)
- #jbcs
- #BunBunMaru
- #jaypee
- #truneet (ran by /ota/dmin)
- #tohno-chan
- #hotglue

- #jp (Here be dragons)

>> No.11537756,589 [INTERNAL] 

>the REAL /jp/ers left the www to irc long ago
You mean the retarded tripfags? They didn't really belong to begin with.

>> No.11537756,590 [INTERNAL] 


True story: I lurked in rizon's #4chan channel for a few days, only commenting to call the janitor a faggot, and someone invited me to mush (milk's boyfriend)'s IRC channel. It was really gay there and I asked if he said milk was a virgin and he said 'technically' which means she's fucked him in some capacity.

#jp #milk #brad

>> No.11537756,591 [INTERNAL] 

In my headcanon he only said that because he was embarrassed about not fugging her, and he wanted to give everyone the impression they'd done ``other stuff'' together.

Though it's official that they share a bed and bathroom, so they've probably been naked together. In which case I guess milk is ruined for marriage unless Brad dies--any assassination otaku on /ghost/?

>> No.11537756,592 [INTERNAL] 

Could you imagine Brad walking into the bathroom because he has to piss but he runs into Milk while she's taking a shit? She would open her mouth wide and say "it's OK, you can do it in my mouth. Go ahead ♥"

>> No.11537756,593 [INTERNAL] 

I don't think she would say that at all.

>> No.11537756,594 [INTERNAL] 


She would do anything for some more anime figurines to put on her shelf so everyone knows how OTAKU_GIRL she is.

>> No.11537756,595 [INTERNAL] 

Why not? Milk is a huge urine fetishist. She intentionally pisses the bed every night and never cleans or changes her sheets. She also asked Brad to do it on her bed whenever he has to piss at night, but he's a little too shy to do that haha.

>> No.11537756,596 [INTERNAL] 

Milk likes to keep cool during the summer by wearing piss-soaked clothes.

>> No.11537756,597 [INTERNAL] 

Milk's dream is to collect the piss bottles of /jp/sies and pour them all over herself.

>> No.11537756,598 [INTERNAL] 

did you girls quit?

>> No.11537756,599 [INTERNAL] 

are you girls quitting?

>> No.11537756,600 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.11537756,601 [INTERNAL] 

>bragging about tumblr stats

PLEASE kill yourself.

Or at the very least get the fuck off of warosu. Scum like you isn't welcome here.

>> No.11537756,602 [INTERNAL] 

should i delete my tumblr?

>> No.11537756,603 [INTERNAL] 

Yes. Honestly, I don't know how you could even enjoy doing it ironically beyond the first couple of days. I don't have it in me to surround myself with people I hate.

>> No.11537756,604 [INTERNAL] 

I'm actually enjoying my Tumblr feed because it's just a stream of pictures. They don't say enough for me to tell if I hate them.

>> No.11537756,605 [INTERNAL] 

Why would anyone even use tumblr? It's like a retarded cousin of pixiv or 4chan or facebook. They also make it nearly impossible to even communicate.

>> No.11537756,606 [INTERNAL] 

Plus >>10733472,23
It's mostly for people who don't know any better. It's hip and trendy, that fact alone is enough to make a million people flock to it.

>> No.11537756,607 [INTERNAL] 

Then why are these faggots using it unironically like >>11537756,600 ?

I don't get it.

>> No.11537756,608 [INTERNAL] 

I'm too dumb to find the option / script that makes my Pixiv feed look nicer.

>They also make it nearly impossible to even communicate.
No discussion is preferable to retarded discussion. It's overrated.

>> No.11537756,609 [INTERNAL] 

It at least started off as being a joke. Then some intentionally kept doing it after it stopped being funny, the joke being that the joke has stopped being a joke. I think the one guy who is still doing it said he wanted to guide all of his followers here once he reached 5000.

>> No.11537756,610 [INTERNAL] 

Autistic Disorder
Characteristic symptoms:
1. Impaired social interaction (lack of bond with parents or others), impaired communication ability (fail to develop language or conversation skills), and restricted activities and interests (specific routine, interests)
2. Intellectual properties are normal, sometimes better

>> No.11537756,611 [INTERNAL] 

I'm just keeping you up to date on the beginning of the end.

>> No.11537756,612 [INTERNAL] 

are you girls quitting?

>> No.11537756,613 [INTERNAL] 

you just post things from pixiv
its not very fun

>> No.11537756,614 [INTERNAL] 

I really didn't expect you guys to continue following me if you still wanted to use Tumblr for whatever reason and said as much a while ago. I'm not doing it for fun.

>> No.11537756,615 [INTERNAL] 

You realize all it will take is one piece of CP and your epic invasion will be through, right?

>> No.11537756,616 [INTERNAL] 

I'm not sure what you're implying, but if it's that there's a raid on warosu being planned just think about it this way. What's the chance that someone in otaku related circles on Tumblr would be interested in staying here? 1/5000? Measure that against a theoretical raid starter with 5000 reblogs and 5 additional views for every reblog. That's 5 more people on warosu, which would basically make the population 50% Tumblr.

>> No.11537756,617 [INTERNAL] 

Where did everybody go?!

>> No.11537756,618 [INTERNAL] 

did you ladies quit?

>> No.11537756,619 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11537756,620 [INTERNAL] 

are you girls quitting?

>> No.11537756,621 [INTERNAL] 

have you girls quit?

>> No.11537756,622 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11537756,623 [INTERNAL] 

f*ck you guys

>> No.11537756,624 [INTERNAL] 

No, fuck you. You keep asking if we've quit but I've been all alone in this strange world for weeks. I feel like I'm going insane.

>> No.11537756,625 [INTERNAL] 

you never like my brigs post anyway

>> No.11537756,626 [INTERNAL] 

I told you guys in the beginning I wouldn't because I can't give myself away.

>> No.11537756,627 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11537756,628 [INTERNAL] 

A long time ago.

>> No.11537756,629 [INTERNAL] 

Have you girls noticed that warosu became very slow since this tumblr meme started?

>> No.11537756,630 [INTERNAL] 

Not really, faggot.

>> No.11537756,631 [INTERNAL] 

are you girls quitting?

>> No.11537756,632 [INTERNAL] 

Did you gals quit?

>> No.11537756,633 [INTERNAL] 

hello wizard yukkuri spammer

>> No.11537756,634 [INTERNAL] 

did you quit, girls?

>> No.11537756,635 [INTERNAL] 

i quit and i kinda feel bad for leaving the 3 or 4 girls alone, they're not the kind that got along though, just two of them

>> No.11537756,636 [INTERNAL] 

its okay to stop now

we get it

>> No.11537756,637 [INTERNAL] 

it's not just me...

>> No.11537756,638 [INTERNAL] 

have you girls quit?

>> No.11537756,639 [INTERNAL] 

it's too cold today...

>> No.11537756,640 [INTERNAL] 

LMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMAoooo my account got terminated.

literal nazi site.

>> No.11537756,641 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11537756,642 [INTERNAL] 

Why was it terminated? What did you do?

>> No.11537756,643 [INTERNAL] 

I flooded tumblr's support email with a bunch of crap about terrorism, conspiracies, and hate speech about his tumblr

holy shit they actually took it down

>> No.11537756,644 [INTERNAL] 

Do me next.

>> No.11537756,645 [INTERNAL] 

Link your tumblr, i've still got like 10 unused g-mail accounts.

>> No.11537756,646 [INTERNAL] 

they dont give you the reason (you have to contact them to get the reason why they terminated your account, lmao). probably because I reblogged an image of a 2d loli in a swimsuit.

you can follow my new blog here http://isuckdogscocks.tumblr.com/

>> No.11537756,647 [INTERNAL] 

wtf I wasn't actually expecting dog cocks

>> No.11537756,648 [INTERNAL] 

How are there so many NSFW loli and shota blogs on tumblr then?

>> No.11537756,649 [INTERNAL] 

are you girls quitting?

>> No.11537756,650 [INTERNAL] 

I don't know, I've seen actual CP on tumblr once. I think things only get removed if they're reported. If nobody reports it, it gets to stay. The people working for tumblr just don't want to see news articles saying "TUMBLR DEFENDS EVIL CHILD RAPIST CANNIBALS FROM PROGRESSIVE FEMINIST HEROES"

>> No.11537756,651 [INTERNAL] 

i guess mine got flagged and checked by some fat social justice dyke instead of a reasonable human being.

>> No.11537756,652 [INTERNAL] 

You should contact them. I'm really curious to see what they say.

>> No.11537756,653 [INTERNAL] 

When will Lyre quit?

>> No.11537756,654 [INTERNAL] 

Or maybe the copyright holder

>> No.11537756,655 [INTERNAL] 

The second coming of Brigitte.

>> No.11537756,656 [INTERNAL] 


Let's raid these fags

>> No.11537756,657 [INTERNAL] 

Nice try otamin.

>> No.11537756,658 [INTERNAL] 

Go there and post shit

>> No.11537756,659 [INTERNAL] 

i googled searched an image on trev-chan and i found this tumblr as the first result

it's his birthday so you guys should like and follow him

>> No.11537756,660 [INTERNAL] 

No. Everyone on tumblr is a bully who wants to take the things I like away from me.

>> No.11537756,661 [INTERNAL] 

let's raid these fags

>> No.11537756,662 [INTERNAL] 

Don't quit, girls!

>> No.11537756,663 [INTERNAL] 

Let's raid these faggots.

>> No.11537756,664 [INTERNAL] 

Let's raid these faggots. Go there and post shit.

>> No.11537756,665 [INTERNAL] 

Holy shit, nice quads, next-guy-who-posts-san!

>> No.11537756,666 [INTERNAL] 

I'd like to dedicate these quads to T's mom

>> No.11537756,667 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11537756,668 [INTERNAL] 

are you girls quitting

>> No.11537756,669 [INTERNAL] 

How do I reject this person without breaking their young Tumblr heart?


>> No.11537756,670 [INTERNAL] 

Seriously, please help.

>> No.11537756,671 [INTERNAL] 

Holy shit is that cat thing your cursor?

That is fuggen kawaii.

>> No.11537756,672 [INTERNAL] 

Why not get to know each other? This could grow into a great friendship! (≧∇≦)

>> No.11537756,673 [INTERNAL] 

Ewww, a frenchie.

>> No.11537756,674 [INTERNAL] 

Be her friend! I'm sure once she gets to know how boring you are, she'll lose interest!

>> No.11537756,675 [INTERNAL] 

Girls, are you quitting?

>> No.11537756,676 [INTERNAL] 


Who's French?

I don't really feel like lying about myself or somehow getting tagged as a predator for befriending a girl that's a decade younger than me.

>> No.11537756,677 [INTERNAL] 

I did something stupid.

>> No.11537756,678 [INTERNAL] 

I said to be yourself. I was implying you are a boring piece of shit and that, by acting like you usually do, she will drift away real fast.

>> No.11537756,679 [INTERNAL] 

It was an or statement, not an and statement.

>> No.11537756,680 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11537756,681 [INTERNAL] 

What happened?

>> No.11537756,682 [INTERNAL] 

Are you still serious about sending your army of followers to /jp/ once you reach 3000?

>> No.11537756,683 [INTERNAL] 

overthrow jannys tyranny!!

>> No.11537756,684 [INTERNAL] 

ay you bitches' quit yet?

>> No.11537756,685 [INTERNAL] 

Get in on this, w-bros.


>> No.11537756,686 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11537756,687 [INTERNAL] 

tl;dr free money, go reblog it

>> No.11537756,688 [INTERNAL] 

Please, I want to give to you

>> No.11537756,689 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11537756,690 [INTERNAL] 

are you really willing to pay for followers

thats cheating man

>> No.11537756,691 [INTERNAL] 

how does this work

>> No.11537756,692 [INTERNAL] 

No, I specifically designed the giveaway so people don't have to follow me. I'm just trying to increase my karma.

You reblog it. This Sunday I'm going to use a RNG to choose winners.

>> No.11537756,693 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11537756,694 [INTERNAL] 

Let me give to you.

>> No.11537756,695 [INTERNAL] 

I feel pity.

>> No.11537756,696 [INTERNAL] 

I'm not pitying you guys, I just want to do something nice.

>> No.11537756,697 [INTERNAL] 

tumblr is not fun when you're friends aren't around...

>> No.11537756,698 [INTERNAL] 

No, I feel pity for you. This is pretty cheap and it's not working.

One of the things I like about Foolz is that it sorts the archive by new posts and not new threads by default. So you can see that very few people on /jp/ post outside generals anymore. You won't have much success advertising this on shitposting threads dude.

>> No.11537756,699 [INTERNAL] 

I'm not doing anything novel, Tumblr giveaways are very common. The only reason I'm posting it here is because it would honestly feel weird for me to give something away to a Tumblr person. Also thanks Woxxy, but the catalog already does that.

>> No.11537756,700 [INTERNAL] 

someone is posting brigg on SA

i dont like this

>> No.11537756,701 [INTERNAL] 

And the reason I posted it in a shitposting thread is because it reduces my chances of being banned. Why would you be so negative towards someone that's trying to give you something?

>> No.11537756,702 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11537756,703 [INTERNAL] 

So all you need to do is reblog enough stuff to not look like a giveaway blog and then reblog a bunch of giveaways to get free stuff on Tumblr?


>> No.11537756,704 [INTERNAL] 

You need to pay money for that, friend. This is not your low quality image board and not everyone can access it.

>> No.11537756,705 [INTERNAL] 

Why do you even want to become more popular on tumblr anyway? Your blog is just whatever shit you found on pixiv, at least put some OC in there.

Why are you people so boring?

>> No.11537756,706 [INTERNAL] 

Why are you so new here?

>> No.11537756,707 [INTERNAL] 

just give me the link you lying homolord

>> No.11537756,708 [INTERNAL] 


At the beginning of the page, gayboy.

>> No.11537756,709 [INTERNAL] 

lol it wasnt from that thread.

also reading that shitty anime forum

also where are the new brigg pictures?

>> No.11537756,710 [INTERNAL] 

why the fuck do u have SA account?

>> No.11537756,711 [INTERNAL] 

>allowing lewd .gifs of teenage girls


yeah right.

>> No.11537756,712 [INTERNAL] 

Any Nelly otaku on?


>> No.11537756,713 [INTERNAL] 

It's not the gif, dude, it's the all the shots from before the con.

>> No.11537756,714 [INTERNAL] 

well theres literally nothing about briggs-chan on the page you linked to 'dude'

>> No.11537756,715 [INTERNAL] 

lmao dude did u jus give 10$ for that shit LOL fukin troled hard :DDD

>> No.11537756,716 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11537756,717 [INTERNAL] 

jokes on you ive had a SA account from way before registration cost money.

>> No.11537756,718 [INTERNAL] 

Please don't link to my blog thanks.

>> No.11537756,719 [INTERNAL] 

fuukaleaiactaest is a qt

>> No.11537756,720 [INTERNAL] 

Is this the [i]Shit-list?

>> No.11537756,721 [INTERNAL] 

S-Same here. I d-didn't actually pay money for it, b-baka!

>> No.11537756,722 [INTERNAL] 

I don't really want to explain why. If you're trying to get from point A to point B the intelligent thing to do is take the path of least resistance. Just because someone starts with one approach doesn't mean they'll finish in the same manner. You sound small minded, what are your selling points as an interesting person?

>> No.11537756,723 [INTERNAL] 

I don't really care about selling myself as an interesting person, that's why I don't have a tumblr. But since you care enough to spend actual money on it, at least try not to be so boring.

>> No.11537756,724 [INTERNAL] 

You're just projecting. $100 is nothing to me, especially compared to how much effort some of us put into their own /jp/ projects or crusades - time is money. I also just assumed that it would also be a good opportunity to do something nice for one of the crew, but if you guys aren't interested it's not really a problem for me.

>> No.11537756,725 [INTERNAL] 

I appreciate the thought. Ignore the haters.

>> No.11537756,726 [INTERNAL] 

i dont get it..

>> No.11537756,727 [INTERNAL] 

>You're just projecting.

This really became a fancy way of saying NO U. Whatever, the point still stands. You're willing to pay for popularity because you can't get people to like you naturally. And no, saying you just want to do something nice for the bros doesn't cut it.

Keep on reposting those pixiv finds anyway, I'm sure no other tumblr thought of doing that.

>> No.11537756,728 [INTERNAL] 

This is how people get popular. There is no natural way of gaining it, you gain popularity by bribing people and doing favors.

>> No.11537756,729 [INTERNAL] 

I don't like being mean, but are you stupid? My tumblr is doing well. And no, your point doesn't stand. Your obsession with money just makes you sound poor.

>> No.11537756,730 [INTERNAL] 


And you sound like that fat kid paying people to be their "friends". I'm sorry if I sound stupid to you, maybe if you have me a gift I could pretend to think this isn't a pitiful idea too.

>> No.11537756,731 [INTERNAL] 

This is why you're projecting, you're seeing things that don't exist. I'm not looking for companionship. I've purposely kept personal content off my blog, going as far as intentionally not interacting with posts from the others back when they were active. It's all by design. Stay poor, lonely and bitter dude.

>> No.11537756,732 [INTERNAL] 

I will. Enjoy your "popularity" you too.

>> No.11537756,733 [INTERNAL] 

Being "popular" is the means, not the end. Do you have any other misconceptions I can clear up?

>> No.11537756,734 [INTERNAL] 

some people have used the internet for longer than 7 years, babyboy.

>> No.11537756,735 [INTERNAL] 

The funniest thing is that I've gotten five new followers since posting that and only one of them has entered the giveaway.

>> No.11537756,736 [INTERNAL] 

Nah, don't really care about your grand plans after you pay your way into internet celebrity. Good luck.

>> No.11537756,737 [INTERNAL] 

Are you bitter about people that pay their way into being rich, too?

>> No.11537756,738 [INTERNAL] 

Is this tumblr retard still attention-whoring? Literally nothing will happen, just shut up already.

>> No.11537756,739 [INTERNAL] 

No one's attention whoring, Finnfriend.

>> No.11537756,740 [INTERNAL] 

how are you going to get an artist to commission a drawing?

>> No.11537756,741 [INTERNAL] 

You're wrong. This faggot never shuts up about his epic plan for domination using an EPIC army of tubmlrbros. He's attention-whoring. Literally everything he does is for attention. It's the whole reason he is doing this and pretending it will actually have any impact at all. The biggest attention whore on all of warosu, which is really saying something. He's one of those retards who just want to shitpost 24/7 and stick it to the "weebs", which is why it's really damn funny for you to call me Finnish when you're defending him of all people. You people are a blight on /ghost/, fuck off already.

>> No.11537756,742 [INTERNAL] 

Artists commonly have commissions open. On pixiv if you see an email in the artist's description they're often telling you that they're open to work. There are also tons of artists on Tumblr that accept commissions.

>> No.11537756,743 [INTERNAL] 

Why are you so angry? I never talk about it, people bring it up and even then I avoid discussing it. Let's assume I'm trying to send people from Tumblr to /jp/, it sounds like you don't think it's a secret club in the first place so why would you care? People on Tumblr shitpost even less than Redditors.

>> No.11537756,744 [INTERNAL] 

I just assumed you were just paying for attention but if this is true it's on a whole new level of pathetic, so I'll just keep believing you're just some nerd with a few bucks to spend on attetion.

I don't really like pitying like this.

>> No.11537756,745 [INTERNAL] 

What are you even talking about?

>> No.11537756,746 [INTERNAL] 

>type "war" into my address bar
>warosu usually comes up
>wikipedia "war" article comes out

>> No.11537756,747 [INTERNAL] 

i shitpost constantly

>> No.11537756,748 [INTERNAL] 

are you princesses quitting yet?

>> No.11537756,749 [INTERNAL] 

21 people joined that guy's giveaway, I guess most did quit already.

>> No.11537756,750 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11537756,751 [INTERNAL] 

Please don't say "that guy" like I'm not here. Unless you're one of the tumblr people it's kind of creepy that you've been keeping track.

>> No.11537756,752 [INTERNAL] 

anyone want to be my boyfriend for new year

>> No.11537756,753 [INTERNAL] 

are you a grill

>> No.11537756,754 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11537756,755 [INTERNAL] 

so ur gay huh...........

>> No.11537756,756 [INTERNAL] 

i don't know anymore

>> No.11537756,757 [INTERNAL] 

i can't take it anymore
i don't want to be alone anymore
please help me...

>> No.11537756,758 [INTERNAL] 

Try meetup.com
maybe there is some otaku meetup group near you.

>> No.11537756,759 [INTERNAL] 

Please check your inbox.

>> No.11537756,760 [INTERNAL] 

what inbox?

>> No.11537756,761 [INTERNAL] 

this inbox
*grabs anus*

>> No.11537756,762 [INTERNAL] 

how the fuck do you grab someones anus

im sorry /w/ but that doesnt make any sense its as hole do you also grab holes?

>> No.11537756,763 [INTERNAL] 

You know how bowling balls work?


>> No.11537756,764 [INTERNAL] 

what inbox...

>> No.11537756,765 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11537756,766 [INTERNAL] 

Are you girlies quitting?

>> No.11537756,767 [INTERNAL] 

Please check your inbox soon.

>> No.11537756,768 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11537756,769 [INTERNAL] 

I'm still in the market for a Tumblr girlfriend, by the way. Any of you guys are welcome to apply at any time.

>> No.11537756,770 [INTERNAL] 

>-coughs up blood tied up in prison- so my last mistress set me up here because I wanted to much sex -rolls eyes- well then -gets up- let's see if I can't get a new mistress I am free after all -smiles more- and I can turn into anything and anyone

>> No.11537756,771 [INTERNAL] 

I don't get it.

>> No.11537756,772 [INTERNAL] 

what inbox....

>> No.11537756,773 [INTERNAL] 

Lambdude if you don't check your inbox by the end of the day I'm going to have to choose someone else.

>> No.11537756,774 [INTERNAL] 

Can you gaylords get out of my Warosu?

Thank you.

>> No.11537756,775 [INTERNAL] 

Afraid of competition?

>> No.11537756,776 [INTERNAL] 

I'm sorry.

>> No.11537756,777 [INTERNAL] 

I replied.

>> No.11537756,778 [INTERNAL] 

are you girls quitting yet?

>> No.11537756,779 [INTERNAL] 

are you goyim quitting yet?

>> No.11537756,780 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11537756,781 [INTERNAL] 

I got banned for some reason...
logging in gives me ___ban.tumblr.com
>One quick thing: We need you to verify your email address by clicking the link we sent.
it doesn't send me anything even after i click it, i'm sorry

>> No.11537756,782 [INTERNAL] 

nevermind, resetting the password worked for some reason.

>> No.11537756,783 [INTERNAL] 

So does anyone want to revive the wbros social network movement? We could use tumblr or twitter or something.

>> No.11537756,784 [INTERNAL] 

I vote twitter.

>> No.11537756,785 [INTERNAL] 

I think twitter is the better networking option but it doesn't quite have the irony appeal that tumblr had.

>> No.11537756,786 [INTERNAL] 

are you damsels quitting?

>> No.11537756,787 [INTERNAL] 

So I created an account called HentaiSamurai on twitter and it got banned the next day. Wtf is this bullshite.

>> No.11537756,788 [INTERNAL] 

So did any of you guys create twitters? I'm trying to resolve my account's suspended status.

>> No.11537756,789 [INTERNAL] 

No, of course, not.

>> No.11537756,790 [INTERNAL] 

Fuck you.... I just wanted some people to coordinate raids with.

>> No.11537756,791 [INTERNAL] 

are you girls quitting?

>> No.11537756,792 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11537756,793 [INTERNAL] 

Please stick it in meeh

>> No.11537756,794 [INTERNAL] 

This is really sickening for someone to be so daft that you advertise yourself to /jp/. What are you? A camwhore? Get out Trevor.

>> No.11537756,795 [INTERNAL] 

You new? Trevor has been in full pretend-retard mode for at least half a year.

>> No.11537756,796 [INTERNAL] 

No. I was fine with him having his own board to act dumb on, but this is out of hand. A new low.

>> No.11537756,797 [INTERNAL] 

T vs. Sean WHO WINS!?

>> No.11537756,798 [INTERNAL] 

T throws the match due to a no-show

>> No.11537756,799 [INTERNAL] 

What a cowardly piece of shit.

>> No.11537756,800 [INTERNAL] 


It's strange. He could def knock Sean out in a single blow. Perhaps Sean is so below him he doesn't even acknowledge him as an opponent.

>> No.11537756,801 [INTERNAL] 

What's the weeb speak for?

>> No.11537756,802 [INTERNAL] 

Trevor doesn't even post his trip because hes afraid of both Janny, Meido, and the bullies. I came out of the shadows and I'll metaphoricly take Trev with me
lol. Naw. I have no problem with the dude if he just kept it to his board.

>> No.11537756,803 [INTERNAL] 

Trevor isn't defined by a tripcode. There's some T in all of us. You're alone Sean. You'll understand that eventually.

>> No.11537756,804 [INTERNAL] 

>There's some T in all of us

Speak for yourself, homofag.

>> No.11537756,805 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11537756,806 [INTERNAL] 

Holy fucking SHIT, did Sean just practically called T a [i]pussy?

>> No.11537756,807 [INTERNAL] 

So did you gals quit tumblring?

>> No.11537756,808 [INTERNAL] 

Nah... I tumblred ur mum last nite, m80.

>> No.11537756,809 [INTERNAL] 

>>tfeeliow i was the first to quit

>> No.11537756,810 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11537756,811 [INTERNAL] 

Fuck off tripfag, this is an anonymous ghost board.
We are Anonymous
We do not forgive
We do not forget
Expect us

>> No.11537756,812 [INTERNAL] 

I brought the monkey here. I hope you guys don't mind.

>> No.11537756,813 [INTERNAL] 

How does Nagi's penis taste?

>> No.11537756,814 [INTERNAL] 

Did you bring planes too? Then we can play Nagi Kong.

>> No.11537756,815 [INTERNAL] 

bananas lmaooooo

>> No.11537756,816 [INTERNAL] 

I'm actually a girl, fags

>> No.11537756,817 [INTERNAL] 

don't be like that, nagi-kun...

>> No.11537756,818 [INTERNAL] 

Prove it

>> No.11537756,819 [INTERNAL] 

Do you all quit Tumblr?

>> No.11537756,820 [INTERNAL] 

Girls, why you quit?

>> No.11537756,821 [INTERNAL] 

Glimpsing through this thread makes me poop a little.

>> No.11537756,822 [INTERNAL] 

Why is warosu and everything so shit?

>> No.11537756,823 [INTERNAL] 

Is the internet dead? Where has everybody gone off to?

>> No.11537756,824 [INTERNAL] 

The battle is over, jannie won. Time to move on...

>> No.11537756,825 [INTERNAL] 

Are you girls quitting? ;_;

>> No.11537756,826 [INTERNAL] 

Are you goyim quitting?

>> No.11537756,827 [INTERNAL] 

no hes stil at it nerd

>> No.11537756,828 [INTERNAL] 

is this what the good old days were like??

>> No.11537756,829 [INTERNAL] 

This was half a year ago, 10% of /jp/'s lifespan.

>> No.11537756,830 [INTERNAL] 

>791 points : 6 months ago

It looks like W/a/rosu got in there.

>> No.11537756,831 [INTERNAL] 

lol if you dont have a le leddit back up army at your call

>> No.11537756,832 [INTERNAL] 

Are you girls quitting?

>> No.11537756,833 [INTERNAL] 

Did you quit, girls?

>> No.11537756,834 [INTERNAL] 

Are you goyim quitting?

>> No.11537756,835 [INTERNAL] 

Did you quit, goyim?

>> No.11537756,836 [INTERNAL] 

Girls, did you quit?

>> No.11537756,837 [INTERNAL] 

Trevor, You... That thread... How...

>> No.11537756,838 [INTERNAL] 

Toppest of keks

>> No.11537756,839 [INTERNAL] 

God Damn that site literally takes minutes to load. What's the problem? Is this just another case of people being accustomed to shit so they don't know any better?

>> No.11537756,840 [INTERNAL] 

Foolz is the only /a/ archive.

>> No.11537756,841 [INTERNAL] 

How is you tumblr army doing?

>> No.11537756,842 [INTERNAL] 

>838 replies

>> No.11537756,843 [INTERNAL] 

/casper/ is a fickle beast

>> No.11537756,844 [INTERNAL] 

Someone wanted to get a hold of me?

What's up?

>> No.11537756,845 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11537756,846 [INTERNAL] 

you spent all that time on /tf/ to say that? you are fucking retarded...

>> No.11537756,847 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11537756,848 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11537756,849 [INTERNAL] 

not ready

>> No.11537756,850 [INTERNAL] 

Go be autistic somewhere else.

>> No.11537756,851 [INTERNAL] 

Suck my cock, retard.

>> No.11537756,852 [INTERNAL] 

I'd have to be at a microscopic level in order to do that.

>> No.11537756,853 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah, you should probably kill yourself instead.

ayy lmao

>> No.11537756,854 [INTERNAL] 

Siz got BTFO

>> No.11537756,855 [INTERNAL] 

>you have a small dick
Lol he admits it

>> No.11537756,856 [INTERNAL] 

what happened to that guy who was building the tumblr army of hundreds of followers to unleash on /jp/? I cant even find his original site in my bookmarks, whatever happened with that anyways?

>> No.11537756,857 [INTERNAL] 

what the fuck

>> No.11537756,858 [INTERNAL] 

looks like he already won or something

>> No.11537756,859 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11537756,860 [INTERNAL] 

warmly waiting for lyre sent me spams

>> No.11537756,861 [INTERNAL] 

I think his irony levels were so high that it tipped over the irony scales and went into unironic levels. I think it's what undercover police call "attachment".

>> No.11537756,862 [INTERNAL] 

It's complicated.

>> No.11537756,863 [INTERNAL] 

so whatever happened to the tumblr army follower guy? did he just slowly fizzle put after time? Its been ayear about and I imagine that with this kind of thing, your popularity will hit an apex and slowly decline. Especially if its a forced project

>> No.11537756,864 [INTERNAL] 



i was going to literally be u if i didn't becoem a i neet!!!

how sad shoudl i be rn????LOL

>> No.11537756,865 [INTERNAL] 


looks like he stopped a month ago

>> No.11537756,866 [INTERNAL] 

It's more of a gradual snowball effect. As long as your posts are consistent, the more popular your posts are the more people will follow you. You're thinking of viral popularity, which is relevant for more personal blogs. I've avoided talking about the blog but I would like to at least point out that I've never referred to having any kind of army, I haven't posted anything that attracts tumblr's aggressive side, the ones that would rally over something.

I'm just taking a break, as an experiment and as an actual break. I already have some posts queued for when I want to come back. Even without posting, I gained about 200 followers and am over 4k now.

>> No.11537756,867 [INTERNAL] 

do you still have the same goals in your head from before you started the project?

>> No.11537756,868 [INTERNAL] 

Um, where's your tumblr trev?

>> No.11537756,869 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11537756,870 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11537756,871 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11537756,872 [INTERNAL] 

Please click the link, retards.

>> No.11537756,873 [INTERNAL] 

blast from the past

>> No.11537756,874 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11537756,875 [INTERNAL] 

Please kill yourself Trevor, thank you.

>> No.11537756,876 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11537756,877 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11537756,878 [INTERNAL] 

Did Lyre quit that tumblr, or did he kill himself?

>> No.11537756,879 [INTERNAL] 

I've been doxxing Warosus one by one then murdering them.

>> No.11537756,880 [INTERNAL] 

I doxxed that fag Siz and 1gooey, interested?

>> No.11537756,881 [INTERNAL] 

Siz isn't a Warosu. I'm already on gooey1's case but he lives a distance from me.

>> No.11537756,882 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11537756,883 [INTERNAL] 

dox me next bro

>> No.11537756,884 [INTERNAL] 

Are you going to hunt big game and get moot?

>> No.11537756,885 [INTERNAL] 

Post their dox pls. preferably with pictures.

>> No.11537756,886 [INTERNAL] 

Tell me about this "gooey" character

>> No.11537756,887 [INTERNAL] 

You never doxxed me, though.

It's been posted already.

>> No.11537756,888 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11537756,889 [INTERNAL] 

Siztra is Trevor though you retard

>> No.11537756,890 [INTERNAL] 

ur wrong

>> No.11537756,891 [INTERNAL] 

gay detected

>> No.11537756,892 [INTERNAL] 

Waaaaayy back in 2013 i used to think trevor was siztra

>> No.11537756,893 [INTERNAL] 

Uh, no one cares.....
