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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1153612 No.1153612 [Reply] [Original]

Can we ever have anything nice?

>> No.1153616

Why i faped to all shit SaHa translated form that artist.

>> No.1153623

This is probably going to sound some, "hentai club snob meeting" but I found that the later half of Cannon Sensei to be a fucking stupid emo shit.

>> No.1153628

I miss Stuffed Animal Birth in the later half, but you are right later it was just emo...

>> No.1153636

I found that disgusting. But then again, I never liked anal anyway.

There's gonna be more soon, I'm commissioning other Gorgeous Takarada works through him.

>> No.1153641


Meh. I kind of liked that the guy tried develop the relationship, but yeah, it was weird.

>> No.1153651

It's nice that you're offering to do it but the latest one where it's a teacher trapped in a building after an earthquake? It was seriously the first time that I actually thought, "shit sux" for a loli hentai manga

>> No.1153653

Nice to hear that, i wish he'd continue doing Type 90 stuff specifically Blood Lunch... really want to see the story of it.

>> No.1153661

You see the latest Hindenburg hentai he put out?


I feel sorry for SaHa. He has to work on the stuff people pay him to do and he's probably thinking, "LOL WHUT"

>> No.1153670

FUCK man, i love /d/ stuff BUT HELL THAT WAS DISGUSTING.

>> No.1153674

I think hes thinking more then lol wut... a bucket full of vomit wut.

>> No.1153678


But was it a gangbang on a blimp that was on fire? Because that would be pretty cool.

>> No.1153683

You guys are weak. I fapped to that scene.

>> No.1153695

You are on /jp/. Weakness is strength. Or something. Someone post that chart again.

>> No.1153701

I never said it was disgusting.

"THIS IS DISGUSTING... HOW DO I SLEEP AT NIGHT? On a pile of money surrounded by many hentai manga"

Some people are charging $1.50 for a page to translate which means that for the work of a 20 page oneshot you just paid more than an actual manga. Which is awesome.

>> No.1153705

War is Peace.
Your references are doubleplusungood.

>> No.1153706

I fapped till that scene... then i kind of gave up... also he need to do some more FUTA! USED PRINCES IS AWESOME.

>> No.1153704

Yeah, that one isn't doing much for me either

>> No.1153710
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The... chart?

>> No.1153719

He chose to translate a bunch of Kodomo no Jikan doujins without pay. I'd say it's a safe assumption that if he wants to share stories about having sex with 10-year-olds with the world that the /d/ stuff doesn't bother him TOO much.

>> No.1153721

I like the Shiawase Kyouwakoku shit SaHa is doing. The pig fuck page at the end of chapter 1 was rather fucked up though.

>> No.1153743

Plenty of /d/ stuff is incredibly cute.

>> No.1153739

That doesn't make any sense. Loli is good because they are cute, adorable and pleasant on the eyes. /d/ stuff is the exact opposite. Ugly and vomit-inducing.

>> No.1153749

I'm all for bondage and watersports, but scat and guro is a bit much for me - everyone has their limit.

>> No.1153752

Not from my experience, no.

>> No.1153754

I wanted to say, "NUH UH" then I remembered Horihone Saizou and I d'aaaaawed.

Motherfuck convinced me that despite lolis turning into chickens who lay eggs, it's still diabetes inducing cute.

>> No.1153755

SaHa is just one guy? I was under the impression SaHa was a group of people.

>> No.1153768

Isn't guro shit not allowed on /d/?

I remember he used to work for Doujin-World and I always thought they were the same group but then I realised that it was Doujin-World paying him to do the work.

>> No.1153769

Those monster girl comics with the identical octuplet brothers are very sweet, but I recently read something (forgot the name) about shit solidifying to the point of it penetrating people's chest cavities and killing them, which had a quadriplegic girl eating crumbly shit out of her sister's ass three pages in - I couldn't manage that, and decided to find something else.

>> No.1153775

It isn't allowed, and I browse /d/ regularly - I was just talking about in general.

>> No.1153777


Who is reading the Melancholy Princess doujins? Shit is so cash (because Haruhi gets turned into a cumdump)

>> No.1153778
File: 66 KB, 600x450, 1219103386145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute /d/

>> No.1153780

That and MazoShino.

>> No.1153784

I love loli but most /d/ material turns me off.

I remember that one. It was pretty nasty.

>> No.1153785
File: 82 KB, 560x560, 1219103464764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More cute /d/

>> No.1153789

Wise Ass 3 is out? Fuck yeah

>> No.1153791
File: 97 KB, 500x600, 1219103518498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even more cute /d/

>> No.1153794

Hey. Is that the chick from Lucky Star? Oh fuck. No it isn't. MY BAD.

>> No.1153808

So do I, but being someone who loves loli I don't find /d/ stuff surprising in the least.

Shitting out stuffed giraffes is adorable.

>> No.1153816

Exactly what I was thiking. high-five, anon.

>> No.1153818

Exactly what I was thinking. high-five, anon.

>> No.1153825

Ah, fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck. Complete mindblank. I as about to say, "That's kind of cute in the same was as ____" but I forgot who ____ was. Hentai artist, draws cute idyllic things that turn out horribly, horribly wrong. A snowman raping a little girl, some woman getting raped by kappas. X something.

>> No.1153830

oh god this

I think the worst part is that it took like 15 pages before it got to the actual H, so I read like 3 total pages of H before saying "jesus christ this is terrible."

>> No.1153844


>> No.1153850


>> No.1153853

Shit the name.. it's... Ah, It's Hoshino Fuuta. Shit is so cash.

>> No.1153848


>> No.1153857

Yeah, her.

>> No.1153870
File: 229 KB, 769x1098, 1219104095310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1153881

I shouldn't have laughed.

I just shouldn't have.

>> No.1153906
File: 173 KB, 858x1258, 1219104374781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1153913

Oh hey I remember that doujin

>> No.1153911
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>> No.1153915
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>> No.1153917
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>> No.1153919
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>> No.1153926
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>> No.1153920

Hoshino Fuuta isn't so bad. Sure it's rape, but it still manages to be cute somehow.

>> No.1153932
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>> No.1153936

dawwwwwww :3

>> No.1153940
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>> No.1153943
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>> No.1153944

I remember when this snowman became a meme in old /b/. I doubt anyone there would remember it now...

>> No.1153948
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>> No.1153953
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>> No.1153959


>> No.1153961
File: 147 KB, 852x1260, 1219104841504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ is full of circa 2005 /b/tards. I bet at least a couple of people were expecting this. <---

>> No.1153964
File: 112 KB, 852x1260, 1219104867454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1153967

I remember when this used to be posted every fucking day.

>> No.1153969
File: 124 KB, 852x1260, 1219104897374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1153973

Oh, there, not here.

Yeah, no chance.

>> No.1154053

Oh god. This; I remember this.

By the way, source would be appreciated after all these years. Haven't bothered to look.

>> No.1154067

Not sure the actual name, but /rs/'ing Xration ought to get you it.

Speaking of her, is she releasing anything at C74?

>> No.1154094


lol, me too.

>> No.1154121
File: 210 KB, 1113x1600, 1219106727477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't more H-mangas be like "All Day and Night I Feel You"?

Seriously, I was so touched by this that I almost forgot to fap in a couple of the stories. Nearly brought tears of happiness to my eyes, which is a damn sight more than can be said about the average "'Sensei/onii-chan/____, we can't do it here/now/...''You're already wet, what a slut/your lower mouth disagrees/search your feelings, you know you want my penis.'" formula.

>> No.1154163

the snowman one is Hoshino Fuuta, not Xration

Xration = BAD ENDS
Hoshino Fuuta = good/funny ends

>> No.1154200

I tend to fap to more realistic doujin.

>> No.1154215


Holy shit, she's like Chihiro.

>> No.1154349

Just read chapter one, but didn't realise it was over. It loops nicely, hah.

>> No.1154471



>> No.1155939


>> No.1155974

On cute /d/ stuff, I like Dowman Sayman. He does the "Oops my noodles fell out" cute zombie and stuff like that.
