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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1152196 No.1152196 [Reply] [Original]

So, how's Little Busters Ex?

>> No.1152201

I liked it. Felt different from the other Key vidyas though.

>> No.1152207

Yeah, it felt GOOD

>> No.1153266

What the hell? If we're going to talk about the added/modified routes, Kudo extended and Saya DOES NOT make you feel good at all. It's almost as BAAAWWW as After Story.

>> No.1153269

Kudo's H scenes were THE SHIT, though. Fuckawesome.

>> No.1153276

>Kudo's H scenes were THE SHIT

>> No.1153281


>> No.1153284

Kudo had 3 (okay,2) FUCKAWESOME hscenes.

>> No.1153286

fapped multiple time to Kudo's h-scenes. BEST KEY GAME EVAR. Thank you very much key for that awesome loli!

>> No.1153289

He's just a troll, don't worry about it.
Anyways it's pretty good, too bad they didn't fix the true ending of Refrain.

>> No.1153295

I don't get it.
so... the game is awesome and kudo's h scenes are ok right?

>> No.1153296

Wait, what have I missed here?

>> No.1153297

yes very fappable, dl the cg pack if you want a preview.

>> No.1153300

Kudo's voice in those h-scens were so NNNNNGGGGGHH

Which part of it needed fixing? I thought the ending was pretty fuckawesome already.

>> No.1153302

Thanks.I'll download the game, I hope it'll be ok with AGTH.

>> No.1153342

Is this translated?

>> No.1153357

Seriously, what?

Admitting that I rarely browse /jp/ here, but what are you talking about? This thread implies that people have played Little Busters, but I don't remember any of it having ever been translated past a demo - is everyone here fluent enough in moonspeech to understand KEY VNs?

>> No.1153360
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>> No.1153364

being worked on. http://svn.yorhel.nl/lb/
yes a good number of people here know moonspeak

>> No.1153380

Some know moonspeak, the rest know how to AGTH+translator of choice+dictionary.

>> No.1153386

/jp/ is the home of 4chan's NEETs. Most of us really don't have anything better to do than to sit at home and learn a language. Besides, money from commissioned translations helps to go towards figs and body pillows.

>> No.1153397

They're translating EX, right? Not the normal version.

>> No.1153407

Googled AGTH, that looks like a somewhat tedious method of doing things. I don't suppose you'd care to recommend a Japanese translator that works better than babelfish or feeding things through rikaichan, would you?

>> No.1153421
File: 168 KB, 850x1185, rin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you get to bang Kyonko?

>> No.1153423

ATLAS, it's all going to come out engrishy, but it still lets you read stuff to extent if you're willing to put up with it.

>> No.1153444

She's the main heroine, what do you think?

>> No.1153460

I use Atlas+Systran+Rikaichan+wakan+babelfish
am i doing it right?

>> No.1153477


Seriously, man. Jesus.

>> No.1153479

Thanks, I'm downloaded the trial version and am torrenting a somewhat dubious crack.

I think I'll look into the ones I hadn't heard of before out of those whilst I wait, so also thanks.

>> No.1153504

Also, stuff for ATLAS:

>> No.1153507

for ATLAS delete your torrent and use this

>> No.1153514

Ignore >>1153460

Just use AGTH + Atlas, which can be patched and have a dictionary added to make it better and less babelfishy.

>> No.1153520

Were is this patch you speak of? Also where's the dictionary?

>> No.1153525

patch and dictionary are both linked here >>1153504

>> No.1153528

Thanks again.

>> No.1153592

Anyone have nice custom dictionaries for Atlas?

The woman [fu] child also.

Times are English [se] [tta].
Seems like a somewhat unsatisfying traduction.

>> No.1153615

>She's the main heroine, what do you think?

Much better than any of the past main heroines in Key games.

>> No.1153629

No, Rin gets pretty annoying after a while, her voice is hot though.
But she is basically a hotter Fuuko with cats instead of starfishes.

>> No.1153665

>Rin is basically Fuuko

God dammit, dream ruined. I had always pictured her as a darudere girl with an inferiority complex, no prizes for guessing why.

>> No.1153689

She's a bit more normal compared to Fuuko though and a bit cooler as well.
I always saw her as an unholy fusion of Fuuko and Tomoyo myself.
Anyways she isn't that bad but Kudo really dominates everyone else in Little Busters.

>> No.1153805


はい  いいえ

>> No.1153885

If this is your first time playing, いいえ

>> No.1153960

God I want to play this so bad but I don't want to grind through Atlus's translations again like I did with Tomoyo After.

>> No.1153986

does LBE is the SAME as the former LB with more stuff?
I mean is there something i'd miss if I don't play LB?

>> No.1154005


Supposedly the individual Character stories are much richer IIRC.

More characters like Saya.

I love Saya's Song.

>> No.1154014

h cg/scenes
modified storylines
added storylines
3 new cast
new minigame
new vocals/music

I think I'll just post the full version of Saya's Song here while I'm at it:

>> No.1154105

In that case, why the FUCK are they translating LB and not LBE?!

>> No.1154142

because, you dumbfuck, an initial LB release is better than waiting for the whole package. They said they will also do LB:EX directly after since it's just an add-on.

>> No.1154169
File: 41 KB, 400x400, HBMS-008_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Saya's Song
>Song of Saya

>> No.1154192

LB Saya > Saya no Uta Saya

1. Play the game.
2. Agree with me.

>> No.1154607



>> No.1156223

Baseball game was fun. I loved hitting the snacking trio and the cats.

>> No.1156766

Can I read Kudo first ?(no need to complete one girl before to understand and read the route that I want?)

>> No.1156783

Sure, but it is highly recommended you go through Rin first. Unlocks a number of dialogues and choices that would otherwise be unavailable. And you have to finish her route again in the near future (and yet again), so just do yourself the favor.

>> No.1156813

Ok thanks.

>> No.1156966

Except you can't do Rin route before finishing everyone first.

>> No.1156971
File: 168 KB, 325x315, 1217609592020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry?
You're comparing the moeblob of the century to KEYshit?

>> No.1156976


FUCK, i felt so fucking ronery after playing it....... goddamnit /jp/ ;_;

>> No.1156978

This game is awesome

>> No.1156979

oh lawd guy ur so funny xD

dat image macro is SO RANDOM xD


>> No.1156992


no, you don't understand. KEYSHIT IS SHIT. MOEBLOW IS AWESOME.

>> No.1156997

no, you don't understand. Your opinion isn't a fact.

>> No.1157002
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>> No.1157003
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>> No.1157009

shit isn't made by Type-moon, get the fuck out of the front page.

>> No.1157012

Transfer data from LB save files?


>> No.1157015

Oh shut the fuck up you fucking faggot.

>> No.1157021
File: 67 KB, 640x479, 1217906099805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorites so far are Saya, Kudo and Harucchin.

Kurugaya is awesome, not waifu awesome but "she needs her own harem" awesome.

>> No.1157023
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>> No.1157085
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When I heard this game had friends route, I was sold.

I always laugh at Masato's scenes. The voice acting in this game is pretty cool.

>> No.1157124


Do you know the secret of this world? Y/N

Y = You already read all of Little Busters!
N = You are playing for the first time.

>> No.1157135

By the way, I wasn't expecting much from this game, since I felt that Little Busters! was good enough already. Booooy was I ever so wrong.

- All the three new routes are good, but Saya's route is my favorite. Made me baww.
- A cat is fine too.

>> No.1157136

> Play the game.

fuck, i hate you.

yes, you just lost it too!

>> No.1157137

When are they going to make Planetarian Ex?

>> No.1157149

I promised a girl I wouldn't look at porn anymore. She's worth it but goddamn this is making it hard.

I hate you all. I'm gonna go cry now

>> No.1157154

>I promised a girl I wouldn't look at porn anymore.
>promised a girl
>a girl
Yeah right

>> No.1157158

>I promised a girl I wouldn't look at porn anymore
Even if that were true, why would she care?

>> No.1157164

You aren't breaking the promise if she never finds out.

>> No.1157159

Your mom is not a girl. She's too old for that.

>> No.1157163

I wouldn't want to disappoint my mother either

>> No.1157165

My mom is 18

>> No.1157166

Your hug pillow is not a real girl

>> No.1157217

5 years ago I told her I was in love with her, she turned me down we stayed friends. 3 years ago her boyfriend broke up with her and she tried to kill herself. I spent every day for 4 months with her. She still comes by to see me. As screwed up as she is she's a lot better now, I'm still in love with her. I promised her I wouldn't get porn anymore. I couldn't look at porn again, even if she'd never know.

I'll get the all ages Little Busters and fap to the panty shots but man, it's not easy.

>> No.1157225

You don't hate us, Nick, and that "girl" is your pet turtle.

>> No.1157236


>> No.1157249
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>that "girl" is your pet turtle.
>pet turtle

>> No.1157282


I've been caught. But she wasn't my turtle, she was my goldfish.

>> No.1157376

Probably the best eroge of the year for now, Kudo and Saya's route were amazing.
Well either that or G-senjou no Maou but I'll give the edge to LB since it's a little more solid.

>> No.1157451

My first game with AGTH... this game is awesome but ATLAS' translation is fucking bad.

>> No.1157479

Then why haven't you eaten her yet? Goldfish taste amazing.

>> No.1157680

>>1157376 Probably the best eroge of the year for now

Nah, I'd say that the title still goes to G-Senjou, only because I had already played Little Busters! last year.

Saya's route was awesome alright, I'd say it's on par with Refrain, but GSnM still feels more fresh than the usual Jun Maeda stuff (since I've already grown accustomed to it).

>> No.1157692

Is it at least understandable? I think I'll try it out since I have LB! Ex downloaded and sitting around.

>> No.1157708

Trial in english 197MB http://v-n.blicky.net/Demos_Eng/littlebusters_sampleeng080726.zip

>> No.1157716

Guys, is annoying to read through a VN using AGTH +ATLAS ?

>> No.1157734

Yes, but you don't have much choice unless you learn japanese.

>> No.1158027
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I played LB with AGTH+Atlas months ago and, well... I must say I got lost sometimes. But it was MY fault for reading too fast and not checking another dictionary when some words seemed to be off.

Atlas CAN translate for you, but it's just a machine translation. You HAVE to use your brains to get the real meaning out of it.

The best you could do is:
1- Download JWPce. When something doesn't seem to fit, paste the sentence in this program and check the meaning with its dictionary.
2- Learn how to break the sentences. Don't let Atlas translate the entire line, the result will always come with some gibberish and broken Engrish.
3- Learn how to make your own personal dictionary. You MUST add new words, names and expressions if you want to play the game smoothly. Learn how to use adverbs, verbs, nouns, adjectives, etc.
4- Memorizing kanji helps a lot.
5- Don't rush it. It takes a lot of time if you play the game like this, but there's nothing you can do about it.

>> No.1159673

>>I promised a girl I wouldn't look at porn anymore. She's worth it but goddamn this is making it hard.

>>I hate you all. I'm gonna go cry now

I'm calling bullshit.

But, on a side note, this is one reason I refuse to attach myself to a 3D woman. I'm not giving up my porn collection, throwing out my doujins, etc. Fuck that.

Needy cunts.

>> No.1159688


>>I promised a girl I wouldn't look at porn anymore. She's worth it but goddamn this is making it hard.
>>I promised a girl I wouldn't look at porn anymore. She's worth it.
>>Promised a girl I wouldn't look at porn anymore.
>>She's worth it.


>> No.1159769

AGTH method is bearable, I've played through several full-length VNs this way.
ATLAS + babelfish + googletrans + systran
run sentence through each one, and between the four you can piece together an accurate sentence. It helps if you can break sentences on your own (like if a character says "That's not why I came here Konata-pyon darrrou~~" then don't copy the gibberish-speak at the end). Honestly most VN are full voiced and if you've been watching anime or playing VN for a long time you can understand the bulk of the simple sentences. Sooo much of the text by the females in these games is just simple junk like "uso da yo!" "so desu ne..." "anata mo?" etc etc which you shouldn't even have to waste time translating. You pretty much have to have your imagination handy when you get to the sex scenes though, those almost always just translate to gibberish.
It's slow going but very worth it and totally playable.

>> No.1159794

This, I believe, calls for a promotions flood.

>> No.1159821

>You pretty much have to have your imagination handy when you get to the sex scenes though, those almost always just translate to gibberish.
They always say the same lines in every eroge though.
