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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11519263 No.11519263 [Reply] [Original]


キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!!

>> No.11519277
File: 33 KB, 298x420, boshu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maritime > Ground > Air

>> No.11519282

Nice bowl hats. Did ZUN create these?

In before the JDSF is destroys itself with batshit crazy military otaku

>> No.11519290
File: 9 KB, 150x200, MiyazakiTsutomu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's for the best that the crazy otaku channel their autism into something productive like shooting Coreans, instead of hoarding doujinshi and molesting little girls.

>> No.11519306

I don't know. I think military otaku should be kept out of society. In the U.S. they are the ones who join militia or just decide to start shooting people because their life sucks.

Not bullying, btw. I wouldn't even trust myself with any weapon more deadly than a steak knife

>> No.11519318

I remember seeing some videos of US soldiers treating war like Call of Duty. I think they shot some civilians or something. But maybe those are the kind of people the Army wants (wasn't America's Army actually sponsored by them?)

Japan might be better. Their soldiers will probably just weep that they've been away from their waifu too long, before committing sudoku so they can join her in Gensokyo.

>> No.11519340

The U.S. military recruits misfits. People who can't hack it in life think the military will solve their problems and lead them to a nice normie life.

I'm just glad they ship them off to foreign countries. I wouldn't want them waltzing around my town with automatic weapons, I can tell you that.

>> No.11519492

Please keep in mind the majority of people in the military are in support positions like mechanics, office clerks, cooks etc, who don't even carry a weapon.

>> No.11519499

Don't they still have to undergo basic training and stuff?

Sometimes I see pictures of people in the military and they're fat as hell. Why hire such a person? Even if he's just fixing computers, he's going to be a liability with that gut.

>> No.11519502

America's Army 2 was pretty fun actually.

>> No.11519533
File: 254 KB, 613x927, 4264430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

US airman here, I would be happy to answer any questions.

Yes everybody has to go through Basic Military Training aka boot camp. The duration and intensity of which depends on the branch. Marine Corp being the longest and probably most militaristic followed by the Army, then AF, Navy and CG being shorter and easier.

There are weight limits for joining and once you're in you have to maintain a minimum level of fitness in terms of cardio, strength and waist measurement. The fat people you've seen are mos likely Guard/Reserve people or active duty who have medical problems and are getting kicked out.

>> No.11520454

I was in an AA2 clan. The game was pretty much a CS clone though.

>> No.11520468

What are people like in the USAF? I read a while ago that it's filled with fundamentalist Christians, is this true?

>> No.11521250

That was probably referring to the Officer Academy, there have been a few complaints about some instructors from cadets. Probably blown out of proportion by 3edgy5u atheists and has absolutely no bearing on the real Airforce such as the enlisted force or anything outside of AETC(Training Command).

As for the people, its kinda hard to give specifics because every base and unit is different, but basically the people you meet are just a random selection of the entire population. Its not 100% stereotype guys with crew cuts like you'd see on TV.
That being said, the majority of people are normalfags, just like the majority of the population. They talk about sports, cars, popular movies, women, mainstream videogames, etc and of course they spend their weekends drinking at the bar with their bros. There are a few nerds here and there, perhaps even a higher percentage than what other branches have. Even then, they talk about ``normal'' nerd things like star wars, comic book movies, and maybe dragonball Z or similar titles.

>> No.11521264

Why are we talking about da miluhterry in /jp/ anyway half of us are probably too crazy to legally own guns

Though I'm sure some shitty Midwestern state would give me a permit regardless.

>> No.11521291
File: 649 KB, 1784x1183, reisen revolver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The majority of US states don't require any permit to own a firearm.

>> No.11521326

Wait, seriously?

>> No.11521327

Wow. No one even runs a background check to see if I have a criminal record before I buy a moist nugget?

>> No.11521339

If you wanted to commit mass murder at a school, you could probably get a higher score with a knife than a moist nugget, bayonet excepted.

>> No.11521346

If you buy from any business such as a gun store or walmart even, they will conduct a criminal background check. It is however perfectly legal to buy from a private individual without one.

There are even a dozen or so ways of varying legality to acquire a firearm without leaving your house(for you NEETs)

>> No.11521374

That's cray. You have to have a permit to buy ammo up in Canada.

Also, apparently you Americans are so paranoid that you all panicked and bought all the ammo in North America or something, and now there are shortages of hunting ammo in rural Canada because of that.

Thanks guys

If the Armed Forces were to pull an Egypt and suspend the constitution/declare martial law/install a junta what would you do:
(a) Obey orders
(b) Desert and go underground without fighting or getting involved
(c) Defect to whatever rebel groups may arise and fight the Armed Forces

>> No.11521393

You can also split a into:
- obey and brutally enforce martial law against tea partiers/occupiers/niggers/anyone who acts up
- obey but only to the letter of the law
- don't desert but don't enforce rule effectively or at all

>> No.11521455

I think that scenario would very unlikely due to the way the chain of command is setup with its civilian leadership and checks and balances.

In order for it to happen the Joint Chiefs of Staff and dozens of generals and base commanders would have to be in agreement and planning for years at least. Anyways if it did happen, it wouldn't be very effective at lower levels because the US has a very empowered NCO corp who would refuse to give what they can consider unlawful orders.

If I was in a military where that situation could happen, I would most likely stay in while working against the system undercover.

>> No.11521512

How much of the military's budget do we actually need to defend ourselves? How much of it do you think we can safely cut?

Is this thread another sneaky way for the snow monkeys at /pol/k/ to create a stealth 2hu thread?

How does it feel that ameriKKKa will never actually need to be conquered since your politicians and business leaders are selling everything in your country from parking meters and toll roads to garment factories and large cotton plantations to foreign investors in Qatar and China?

Who AM I quoting, anyway???

>> No.11521518 [DELETED] 
File: 671 KB, 1200x900, mission failed pt1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would definitely choose
>- obey and brutally enforce martial law against tea partiers/occupiers/niggers/anyone who acts up

I'd use the chaos of battle to get revenge on anyone who i think wronged me, loot as many goods as possible and maybe even rape a few of the enemy combatants depending on if I was in a squad who did the same things/looked the other way.

>> No.11521537

I can't take it easy when we have future war criminals in our midst.

>> No.11521540

death to amerikkkans

>> No.11521541

-probably a tenth of whats currently spent. being able to ``safely'' cut that much might be very problematic based on how many millions of jobs are dependent on the defense industry, it would take decades to draw down without devastating economic results.

-doesn't seem like it, /k/'s touhou with guns threads usually get shitposted to death so why bother.

-feels indifferent because it doesn't affect my finances, hobbies, or life in general.

-please do not misuse that feature.

>> No.11521559 [DELETED] 
File: 645 KB, 1200x900, mission failed pt2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats too bad. if i was a soldier and killed a cutie rebel girl I would totally stick my dick in her after the battle ended.

That is of course if she didn't soil herself upon dying and i had a bro squad-leader who let his troops get away with that kind of thing.

>> No.11521631

>doesn't seem like it, /k/'s touhou with guns threads usually get shitposted to death so why bother.
Kind of like what's happening now?

I am not okay with this or you.

>> No.11521700 [DELETED] 

but cmon if you kill her fair and square you deserve a reward. think about it, you're in the heat of battle, fighting for your life. after the smoke clears and adrenaline is still pumping through you, you see that the person trying to kill you is some 3dpd. Shes already dead so who does it hurt? dont you deserve a reward anyways?

>> No.11521728

You are disgusting

>> No.11521753 [DELETED] 
File: 99 KB, 700x336, anya friendly_fire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm sorry, i'm not a soldier and never will be :(
( ´・ω・)
its just silly fantasy. Anyways if raping the dead enemies is not okay then what about your teammates?

>> No.11521761

why are you here?

>> No.11521774

Otaku culture is one of my interests

>> No.11521776

rape is never okay, ever.

this is /jp/, where we are all little girls. even the USAF personnel. do you realize that you are exposing little girls to war rape and necrophilia?

you sicken me.

>> No.11521775

It really does hurt nobody if she's already dead. Any disgust you feel over this is base and not well-reasoned. You should be more concerned about the combat itself.

I hope you will find reason one day, sir. *tips fedora*

>> No.11521794
File: 287 KB, 669x1000, 1338242684632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course they are little girls.

>> No.11521805
File: 76 KB, 431x720, 299507 - fumo touhou {channel|#touhouradio} {nick|acw}.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Officer version.

I had one with a navy cap in my folder too but can't find it.

>> No.11521836
File: 30 KB, 436x348, 1356826774497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>come back to this thread
>see a dozen posts about raping dead soldiers
>thread probably gunna deleted soon

If anyone still had questions about the military or whatever I'll try to remember to answer them on the archive.

>> No.11522967
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>> No.11522968
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>> No.11522968,1 [INTERNAL] 

Why does the janitor keep taking it upon himself to delete posts he dislikes?

>> No.11522968,2 [INTERNAL] 

Janny only wants threads where normies can blog and be attention whores about their epic military experience. Sharing your sexual fantasies, on the other hand, are NOT okay on the otaku culture board, since janny says so.

>> No.11523037
File: 15 KB, 250x206, 1380470599559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're probably on the wrong board if you think putting weeaboo stuff and military together for the epic lulz. I'm still looking down on soldiers and hope they'll die for their oh so great country in the next dangerous mission.

>> No.11523045

Nice comments section.

>> No.11523057

I serve in the U.S. Army and people like you make me smile, I don't know exactly why but I think it's because I love it when inferior people look down upon us. It's almost cute like when a kid is mad at his dad despite the father protecting and providing him with just about everything (or mother).

>> No.11523065

This is what AmeriKKKans actually believe. Everyone, look at this guy. He's ``protecting'' your ``freedom''.

>> No.11523065,1 [INTERNAL] 

Janitor's going to delete your post because only epic normies are allowed on the jay. Should've uploaded a picture of a fumo with your post, then it'd be OK.

>> No.11523074

I don’t hate military, but unless you’re in a very special category of government muscle, you most likely are not protecting the US.

>> No.11523084

That he is. Go away anti-freedom scum.

>> No.11523092
File: 16 KB, 189x184, 1353658474823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most soldiers are school dropouts without enough intelligence to choose the NEET-lifestyle. And they turn gay because they aren't allowed to masturbate freely.

>> No.11523101

Keeping Israel safe keeps America safe.


>> No.11523107

The latter is also true of sailors. (^0^)

>> No.11523127

I am quite sure that a diploma is required to enlist these days.

>> No.11523281
File: 87 KB, 662x1103, 38619434_p3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The butcher army of the United $nakes of AmeriKKKa is guilty of enforcing corporate capitalism at home and around the world (which kills thousands daily), protecting Israel's bloody apartheid rule, and brutally suppressing any uprisings in the global south to ameriKKKan rule.

Hopefully the peace-loving peoples of asia will rise up and adopt anti-imperialist policies that defend justice and bring the ameriKKKan running dog capitalists to task.

>> No.11523432

This is hilarious. I like how they threw in the Arab at the end, because if there’s one thing that sets Obama apart from his predecessors is surely loving Saudi Arabia.
It sounds like a movie trailer, goddamn.

>> No.11523479

American political ads are designed to appeal to the stupidest of easily swayed swing voters

>> No.11523486

Most ads everywhere would be. They’re meant to be effective after all.
I mean I get why a lobby’s going to use emotional appeal, but still.
I just feel like if I showed this to an Israeli even he would cringe.

>> No.11523509

What's cringeworthy is that the elections of the world's most powerful neo-empire are decided by a small collection of suburban trash and soft headed seniors who know absolutely nothing about even the most basic principles of how their own government works

Current events will prove that the american experiment in democratic government will be a blip in humanity's long tradition of authoritarianism

>> No.11523515

A democracy can be authoritarian. See Singapore.

>> No.11523700


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>> No.11523708
File: 724 KB, 490x480, 1352397126873.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to fug a gravely injured enemy soldier girl until she dies, then she would be literally fugged to death.

>> No.11523718
File: 32 KB, 853x480, 42546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd nurse her back to health despite being on opposite sides and then have her fall in love with me.

>> No.11523731
File: 28 KB, 161x220, 1328642580406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't have the time, the means or the resources.

>> No.11523796
File: 937 KB, 160x240, yugoslav.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather just brutally rape a little girl, so that she would die of injuries caused by fucking.

>> No.11523796,1 [INTERNAL] 

Another one bites the dust :^)
