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1150755 No.1150755 [Reply] [Original]

For the love of god please tell me there is more to Fate/Zero than just light novels and a soundtrack.

>> No.1150759

There's a drama cd, it's shit though.

>> No.1150765

If they animated F/Z it would probably be the greatest thing since KnK

>> No.1150770
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Does anyone know when the 4th one is releasing?

>> No.1150777

Is it worth reading? On a similar note, how is Fate/hollow ataraxia

>> No.1150782

Not really. from what I've read it wasn't that good.
Not like KnK was awesome though.
DDD seems much more interesting.

>> No.1150867


That sucks.

>> No.1150874


>> No.1150905

Fate/Zero is better than Fate/Stay Night in that the servants are almost all fucking awesome. Fate/Hollow Ataraxia is okay... its strange but the CGs are great.

>> No.1150918

KnK sucks, even Nasu said so. DDD might be better, but the beginning certainly isn't so I haven't made it past the second chapter.

I've only read the first volume of Fate/Zero, but it's pretty good, and at least Urobuchi Gen can write like a normal coherent person, unlike Nasu. I'm not going to say anything about the actual content of what Nasu writes, but most of his prose is terrible.

>> No.1150932

The servants seemed to be a lot stronger compared to their F/SN counterparts. I shat bricks when Gil used Gates of Babylon against Berserker, only to have them grab the swords out of the air and throw them back at him.

>> No.1150936

I still can't understand why a person from another studio would want to write something for a company he has no contract with.

>> No.1150981

thats because in FS/N someone manipulated it so that it should wind up being a one sided grail war for himself.

>> No.1151017

do you get to fuck karen in f/ha?

>> No.1151025

No, but Avenger does.

>> No.1151040

What? In terms of powerlevels:

4th Archer <=? 5th Archer
4th Lancer < 5th Lancer
4th Rider < 5th Rider (in terms of NP)
4th Caster < 5th Caster
4th Berserker < 5th Berserker (Lancelot will probably run out of mana before exhausting 12 NPs)
4th Assassin =? 5th True Assassin

>> No.1151054

(╬ ಠ益ಠ)

>> No.1151057

Gilgamesh > Archer
Alexander > Medusa

Everything else is fine, though.

>> No.1151086

Sorry but there was a thread on Rider vs Rider just a few days back and no one even supported Alex. Anti-army NP always wins an NP that summons an army.

>> No.1151102

Every FSN thread is a powerlevel thread.

>> No.1151132

Wasn't Archer's noble phantasm the most suited to rape Gil ?
In terms of power he wasn't very strong but had the upper hand due to UBW didn't he ?

>> No.1151234
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Ea, now stop this discussion before it gets out of hand.

Let's talk about armless men and traps.

>> No.1151243

Only if Gil doesn't get serious at the start and pulls out Ea.

>> No.1151350

Gil wouldn't get serious to begin, remember how he speaks of Archer ? a lame no-name servant.

>> No.1151434
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>> No.1151422

We are comparing powerlevels as is. If we want to speak of situations and circumstances then every Servant can beat the others.

>> No.1151519

Serious powelevel thread, be careful guise.

>> No.1151529

lol Shirou defeated Gil, Berserker and Saber. This means that Shirou > All Servants, since the rest had been defeated by those 3 at some point.

>> No.1151553

I forgot Shirou also defeated Archer.

>> No.1151568

4th Archer > 5th Archer (Generally speaking, Gates of Babylon and UBW are pretty equal, but Ea is freaking cheating)

4th Lancer < 5th Lancer (Cuchulain was made for fighting, Diarmuid was not)

4th Rider = 5th Rider (Both of them contrast eachother quite a bit, ultimately leveling out)

4th Caster = 5th Caster (In terms of raw power Bluebeard FAR surpasses Medea, however, Medea is much better at planning ahead)

4th Berserker = 5th Berserker (Given a decent supply of mana, Lancelot is by far the most powerful Servant in existence, but a war of attrition against Heracles is going to be a tough one)

4th Assassin = 5th True Assassin (One on one, Sasaki is just about always going to win unless it's against one of the Berserkers. If Hassan-i-Sabah gets the drop on you you're pretty much fucked always, and they seem to be very good at doing that)

>> No.1151570

why does noone ever talk about DDD? It sounds interesting and it's actually Nasu writing this one. Did it just not do well or something?

oh, and Fate/Zero needs an anime. It's pretty much perfect for it, and noone will bitch about combined scenarios.

>> No.1151582

I wish they'd give Fate/Zero to ufotable and do the same kind of thing they did like with KNK.

>> No.1151590

The potential fuckwin of such an anime is too great for this world to handle.

>> No.1151594

I don'ty think anyone could stand an animated Saber with a suit.

>> No.1151605

I don't think anyone would even notice past Kiritsugu's sheer awesome

>> No.1151606

>Kiritsugu ... awesome

>> No.1151609

True, we wouldn't even have the time to see Saber's summoning.

>> No.1151611


I'd rather it was in OVA/movie format tbh.

Though I can see an anime working. I really hope they do it.

>> No.1151622

Are the light novels of Fate/Zero translated?

>> No.1151626




>> No.1151628

baka-tsuki has volume one done

>> No.1151630

Anyone that's played Tiger/Colosseum Upper has.

Yea, that's right, she's in it.

>> No.1151637

Yes, on Baka Tsuki.

>> No.1151643

I really doubt thare's more than a handful of Anons on /jp/ who've read it, and plenty probably don't even know it exists.

It's not much linked to Nasu's other stuff (I think?) and then the only people I've ever seen give it much praise seemed to be Nasu fanboys. It starts out with lots of typical boring discussion about DEEP philosophy + exposition, and although I think it gets better later, I will never make it that far. I must admit I liked the first page though, where the main character wakes up to find some girl eating his arm.

>> No.1151651

'Seen it once while buying Plus period, didn't think twice about it.

>> No.1151653


Is Decoration Disorder Disconnection even translated?

>> No.1151659


>> No.1151682



Oh well. They'll probably get on it eventually right?


>> No.1151704

Does it turn out to be a trap?

>> No.1151711

I'm pretty sure DDD is part of the Nasuverse, or at least I think it is. It deals with demonic possession, right?

>> No.1151726

The trap is a guy with no arms or legs who the main character works for doing stuff that it's hard to do when you have no arms or legs.

I'm 99% sure the girl at the beginning is actually a girl.

I don't think it's in the same world as Fate and Tsukihime.

lol, I don't know why I'm answering questions about something I've only read 30 odd pages of.

>> No.1151767


Hey, Kara no Kyoukai is also part of the Nasuverse, hence the whole "Ryogi - Asakami - Fujou - Nanaya” group of Japanese demon hunting families and the character material stating Soren's respect for Roa. When DDD is translated it’s entirely possible that we’ll find some connections to the rest of the Nasuverse just like we did with Rakkyo.

>> No.1151770

Everything made by Nasu is part of the Nasuverse. He will always find something stupid to connect them altogether since he loves doing so.

Also, let's not forget DDD isn't a Type-moon work. It's just a book. Same with KnK, but people later came up with "might be connected with Tsukihime" just to pump the popularity but in the truth it was just a story he came up with since highschool days and later on decided to write Tsukihime based on the same idea.

>> No.1152985


So it's kind of like the Buffyverse and the Cthulhu Mythos?

Right? Right? I totally hit the nail on the head.

>> No.1153004


Well, yeah, I guess it's somewhere between those two, though the Buffyverse and the Cthulhu Mythos are on entirely different sides of the spectrum in terms of originality and media. Yeah, I can see where you're coming from. It really does takes a middle ground betwixt them, doesn't it?

>> No.1153008

Well, yeah, I guess it's somewhere between those two, though the Buffyverse and the Cthulhu Mythos are on entirely different sides of the spectrum in terms of originality and media. Yeah, I can see where you're coming from. It really does take a middle ground betwixt them, doesn't it?

>> No.1153030


Can't unsee.
