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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11501441 No.11501441[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So who here actually PLAYS Touhou games?

>> No.11501446

I don't
thx 4 reading

>> No.11501449

Games are for nerds. I'm not a nerd!

>> No.11501454

Real nerds don't play video games.

>> No.11501462
File: 89 KB, 500x330, 1380521907455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do, but only games like StB or DS. I play the normal touhou games just a few times after release, but they're getting boring very fast. And the fightings games are just shit.

>> No.11501473

i was playing HM against cpus earlier
i dont like netplay

>> No.11501498

>Get a laptop in 2010
>Turns out the keyboard is a piece of shit and I can't move properly while firing and in focus
>Well whatever, I was getting tired of danmaku
>Just got a new laptop a few days ago
>Reinstall Touhou gaems
>Another piece of shit keyboard, can't use bombs while focusing and firing

I never thought I'd be forced to become a secondary, and alas, here I am

>> No.11501504

I'm a tertiary. Basically I shitpost about Touhou things I read from secondaries on /jp/.

>> No.11501519
File: 51 KB, 500x400, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i usually play the fighting games. i cant get very far in the danmaku ones (usually around stage 3 i start fucking up and i cant ever get to stage 6)

>> No.11501523

Couldn't you just use a controller?

>> No.11501537

I like rpg, jrpg and VN.

>> No.11501542

I wish i could play HM with /jp/ but the requirements are absurdly high for that game. It's lag everywhere if you do anything big. Without 1/2 frames i can't even play single player.

>> No.11501550


Use the tools of a scummy console peasant? Pah!

>> No.11501555

These problems have most laptops, i just plug in good old cherry keyboard and use that for Touhou. Cool greentext by the way, crossy-kun.

>> No.11501558

I played th6 and 8 on easy mode, managed to complete th8 with only 1 continue!

played the first 2 levels of th11

played those 2 fighter games. Sky arena and that other one 11.5 or some shit.

All in all im bad at touhou and my attention span is too short for me to show any real interest in them, so I just look at the pictures and enjoy the music.

Also the only reason I come on /jp/, is to look at touhou pics. otherwise I hate you all, and I am braindead please hepl

>> No.11501561
File: 219 KB, 380x380, genki banana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2hu is a fucken shite gme lol
i just like masterbaiting to the loli

>> No.11501564

I'm playing one right now

>> No.11501568

I do. I've never fully beaten any of the shmups, although I feel I'm getting better at the Mokou battle, so IN may be the first.

>> No.11501573

you might be shitposting but youre 100% correct

2hu is an awful boring ugly game.

>> No.11501576

There's a regular ongoing thread for actual serious discussion of the games, and another for arranging matches in that touhou fighter game. Random fan-game threads for things like patchcon or whatever it was used to be more common as well, and I assume we'll see more of them.

So no, it's not just fanart, fan-comics and flash animation.

>> No.11501580

After I got rid of my brain problems I'm sure I'll be able to beat the games.

I've reached Sakuya without using continue once even with my mind unable to focus properly

>> No.11501592

oops, scratch that
> used to be more common
I just totally spaced the touhou pokemon thing, that's been actively getting threads.

>> No.11501596

Oh gosh I have friends on facebook that keep posting it since moot posted it last year. They keep putting all the memes on facebook. Like who the fuck do they think they are? On top of that it's like they have no social conscience at all. Like full blown autism. I wouldn't be surprised if they were part of /jp/. "Hey check out my profile picture hur dur It's doubles guys harharhar" "Oh well look at mine I'm the feel guy!"

"Let me just post pictures of forever alone and facepalm in your status right hur. Orhohohhehehghgooo".

Fucking pisses me off.

>> No.11501597

Fuck off normie, nobody cares about your epic facebook stories.

>> No.11501598

"cornelia" ? Is that you?

>> No.11501602

The fact that you have facebook makes you no better, get the fuck out.

>> No.11501601
File: 33 KB, 353x398, oh!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If im rite how is it a shitpost

>> No.11501605

Hide your power level like we use to in middle school while on /a/. Not that they have much of a power level to hide that is.

>> No.11501618

Poor grammar.

>> No.11501621
File: 26 KB, 368x342, oh no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im not that smart lol and its cute

>> No.11501623

You use shit reaction images like an attention whore.

>> No.11501629
File: 748 KB, 1280x720, Satsuki listening to Metallica on her iPod.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kid, are you some kind of nerd that cares that much about what pictures I use?

>> No.11501633

Me, Oniichan!
*raises hand up*

>> No.11501635

It's not cute, it just looks shitty.

>> No.11501636
File: 26 KB, 320x256, heero luaghs again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's just a neckbeard mad at the world because some people are connected into social networks and enjoy their lives posting fun pictures where as he is dead on the inside so he has to stop people from posting fun things.

>> No.11501638
File: 24 KB, 340x333, eh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know touhou is for dorks right?

>> No.11501640
File: 146 KB, 640x480, EOSD Reimu B ending.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do.

>> No.11501645

please don't post this

>> No.11501646
File: 206 KB, 1350x612, anylizying trevor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You were doing so well to trevor. Just couldn't keep that eva boner in your pants, Huh? Like that last deleted thread. This is for the last thread.

>> No.11501655

I do, from time to time; I'm not very good though.

They're actually really awesome, especially the newer ones.
They can be a bit baffling when it comes to the difficulty level, but that's part of what makes them fun to play, in a hilarious masochistic kind of way. Also, all the colors and motion become hypnotic after a while, perfect for playing when lightly drunk.

>> No.11501660
File: 1.00 MB, 1280x720, 1380868652876.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who the hell is this faggot obsessed with trevor?

>h-he posted an anime screencap i caught you trevor!!1!!

>> No.11501664

>Implying everyone on this board isn't a dork...

>> No.11501671

I finished EoSD with almost all of my continues

>> No.11501674
File: 1 KB, 100x100, Low Quality Bait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11501699
File: 5 KB, 224x225, esa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11501745
File: 24 KB, 519x596, meme face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all these sick filenames are really making me laugh! x)

>> No.11501746

I'm trying to full clear Highly Responsive to Prayers on Lunatic before moving on...

>> No.11501752
File: 13 KB, 633x758, now I am become feel.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw no stage 2 turbo from amazon

>> No.11501777

josh I've been thinking about depowering my steering rack what are your thoughts on Driving with manual steering without the longer ratio of a factory manual rack?

>> No.11501795

ko re ha beitou?

>> No.11502072

who is this kid?i always esee him posted on jp? trev??

>> No.11502084


I wish the fighting games weren't so ridiculous. The fact that you can play basically anyone as keepaway is weird.
