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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 31 KB, 550x413, the classic that started it all.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11499216 No.11499216[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11499223

Can someone explain this meme

>> No.11499226

You will die alone.

>> No.11499229

Truly the most epic meme ;_;

>> No.11499232

I had a dream about hugging a girl like in OP's picture yesterday, it made me feel nice, but it was sad to wake up.

>> No.11499233

my gf is laying next to me

>> No.11499244

Does anyone know the origin of this image?

>> No.11499256

dakimakura doesn't count as a gf, silly.

>> No.11499267


>> No.11499272
File: 431 KB, 1600x1200, 1340651091986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has /jp/ ever tried the Amagami challenge?

>> No.11499271

As I was saying,

I was doing some groceries a while ago when I noticed a cute japanese girl coming from the opposite end of the aisle. I gave her a smile but she quickly looked away and walked to the natural foods section.

What did I do wrong?

>> No.11499276
File: 182 KB, 800x600, 1229166253639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11499277

Yeah, seriously. Google doesn't do shit, just gives me "anime hug"

>> No.11499281


Well then that's obviously the origin you dope

>> No.11499280
File: 327 KB, 600x1080, 1237848647906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11499284

That one untranslated VN that's supposed to be good that I'll probably never try since it looks depressing.

>> No.11499287
File: 94 KB, 800x600, 06d859abc29befd11fa29a91bc23f888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11499289

Silly motivational stuff like that might work for fifteen year olds but not old NEETs.

That's a step in the right direction. I saw one speaking nip to herself in a store a few days ago and just walked on.

>> No.11499301

me on the left

>> No.11499300

>What did I do wrong?

You looked at her, smiled at her, and in general just being in her vicinity repulsed her

>> No.11499328

Could you tell me more about it? I'd like to read it.

>> No.11499341

Why would anybody want to date a real woman? I've done it before and the experience was so horrible that it led to me becoming a NEET. I can't even imagine what a relationship would do to somebody who's already a NEET but I really don't think it would end well.

>> No.11499366

Tell me more please

>> No.11499369

>Silly motivational stuff like that might work for fifteen year olds but not old NEETs.
I've been trying to get myself into the mindset of an impressionable young person that I never was, but it never seems to work.

>> No.11499389

You're saying that any and all relationships will turn any person into a NEET or worse. That doesn't even make sense. If that was the case, society would not even exist.

>> No.11499425

Here's hoping we get angels this December.

>> No.11499421

There's not much to tell. Infatuation and passion only last so long. Once those feelings start to fade away you'll find yourself lost in resentment, boredom, and confusion. You'll want to get away but the attachments you've formed won't let you. Neither one of you will want to be the one that ends it, but neither one of you will want to be the one that's rejected. Of course, one of you will eventually end it, and both of you will be hurt by it. The one that's rejected will have their ego bruised, whilst the one that leaves will suffer guilt or regret. There's a chance that you will get together again but that's just asking for more pain. And there's a chance that you may become friends again but jealousy and regret will still haunt you. Women are toxic; intimate relationships with them even more so. Avoid committing to them if you want to avoid bitterness and insanity.

You're taking what I'm saying out of context. I only said that it turned me into a NEET, what I was implying is that the result from being in one won't be favourable. Which is true of all relationships that have ended. You can hardly say that isn't true.

>> No.11499482

I respectfully disagree. While it is a fact that all separations are traumatic, it is possible that being hurt is, in fact, a good outcome. There could be a meaning in the pleasure-pain cycle. I mean, of course, you can always lock away your feelings, but, besides avoiding human suffering, you will also be losing human happiness. Is it worth the price? I firmly believe that simply "feeling" can be gratifying. It makes me feel more alive. Of course, your mileage may vary, but the same applies to everyone.

>> No.11499501
File: 203 KB, 850x1020, 1375598863001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You were in the wrong relationship. I've been in a relationship for almost two years and I'm happy with it and don't want it to end. Your experiences aren't universal.

>> No.11499507

>is it worth the price?

I know you phrased that to be rhetorical but keep in mind you are talking to a NEET.

>> No.11499514

Fuck off. No, seriously

>> No.11499525

I would like a yandere girlfriend. Any kind of yandere would be OK, I think.

>> No.11499527

I do realize that, and I am not bothered by it. I was in that same position for quite some time myself, and I was rather satisfied with it. That's why I wouldn't feel comfortable in imposing my current feelings on this matter as "the right way". Honestly, it's kinda hard to convey it in words, but I guess I that I've just kind of accepted suffering as part of my humanity, and now I'm happier than I ever was. I'm just saying that it is a valid option for reaching happiness.

>> No.11499529

lol no srsly :D

>> No.11499540

Yandere girlfriends are not worth it. It's all fun and games until you wake up gagged and tied to the shower head.

>> No.11499546

If you have a mindset of a NEET, you won't be happy with a girl anyway. Stay in your room until you start getting ideas what you could do in your life and you might change your view. What you explained is highschool puppy love, that's pointless.

>> No.11499552

That does sound like fun and games.

>> No.11499550

I wouldn't do anything to make her do that to me. I would obsess over her too.

>> No.11499557

Western women don't even vaguely resemble characters in Amagami (more like cave trolls with stuck up attitudes) and getting (just any) girlfriend in Asia is too easy for it to even be a challenge.

>> No.11499556

Has there ever been a story of a yandere girlfriend and boyfriend?

>> No.11499562

Could this comment be any shittier?

>> No.11499563

That's even more dangerous. If you're both crazy for each other then you're just a knife away from a double suicide. Or maybe you'll both amputate your legs so that you can't ever cheat on each other. The eyes could work, too.

>> No.11499564

a yandere girlfriend and boyfriend combo both madly obsessing over one another would be interesting to watch

>> No.11499566

Your relationship hasn't ended yet, nor has it reached the downward spiral. It will happen though, and when it does you'll renounce your juvenile wish for it not to end.

Yes, yes, lorem ipsum. I know. I'm not so afraid of pain that I'll run away from it when there's something worth attaining in exchange for it. That doesn't change the nature of relationships though. They're intrinsically toxic. The fleeting pleasure and experiences relationships can provide just aren't worth the investment. And besides, after being in so many failed relationships part of yourself dies from over indulging in such a thing and you're no longer able to get any joy out of experiencing those things again.

>> No.11499567

>Western women don't even vaguely resemble characters in Amagami

I have to agree with that. Whenever a girl talked about 2D like the Amagami girls, they say they are cute but completly unrealistic in their views. They don't want personalities like this exist.

>> No.11499573

When it does end I hope to be more mature about it. You said you wanted it to end, so why are you bitter and insane (your own words) about it?

>> No.11499574

Well, if we are both unable to remain COMPLETELY faithful to each other, it's a pretty sweet and cute thought to think of us killing ourselves for each other. I want a girl like that, anon!

>> No.11499583

>Infatuation and passion only last so long.


>Once those feelings start to fade away you'll find yourself lost in resentment, boredom, and confusion.

Is it impossible to imagine being able to like someone without being passionate about it? That's the reality of most long term relationships. You should think of it more like a friendship.

>You'll want to get away but the attachments you've formed won't let you.

If you still like the person, the only case when this may occur is if someone "better" comes along. Though, the grass always seems greener on the other side..

>> No.11499586

...yeah, scratch it, a yandere girlfriend would be just the perfect fit for you. Good luck.

>> No.11499592

>Your relationship hasn't ended yet, nor has it reached the downward spiral. It will happen though

It's nice that you make sweeping generalizations based on your relationship experience that makes up a sample size of 1.

>> No.11499603

"Adult" relationships are even worse. They're just so fucking boring and dull. I reach my breaking point with those far quicker than I do with more passionate relationships. The only good thing about them is that you don't give even half as much of a shit when they end.

I've explained it enough already. Bitterness and anger linger even after cutting ties. They're like scars that stick around.

You're one to talk, considering that you're making assumptions.

>> No.11499615

What point don't you agree with?

>> No.11499619

I can't really comment on that, since I am not experienced enough. I still think that having a few relationships are still worth it, though, if only to find out that you don't really like them, and they seem to work out fine for most normal friends. If you say you're happy without them, who am I to complain.

>> No.11499618

Both I guess.

>> No.11499626

Having a relationship like an emotional rollercoaster does not sound very healthy. Now you seem to get from that extreme to another, which is a static zero of emotion. Find a healthy middle. Don't put a woman on a podest.

>> No.11499626,1 [INTERNAL] 

it's happening

>> No.11499635

>You're one to talk, considering that you're making assumptions.

I'm not the one making silly assertions.

>> No.11499632

All I took from your story was "im bitter cus i was with someone once and i didnt rly like them then it ended and now im rly bitter learn from me kid". I think the only morale to be found here is only be with someone that you want to be with.

>> No.11499634

>Is it impossible to imagine being able to like someone without being passionate about it? That's the reality of most long term relationships. You should think of it more like a friendship.
Those relationships are worthless and fruitless. I don't see the point in them. If you want friends so much then go make those instead. There's no point in wasting your time and money on somebody who's only merit over a friend is their ability to be a cocksleeve.

>> No.11499646

You sound very smart and literate. Oh if only I could be like you. Your ability to inaccurate paraphrase things you don't like the sound of like a filthy crossboarder just makes me so jealous.

>> No.11499650

>There's no point in wasting your time and money on somebody who's only merit over a friend is their ability to be a cocksleeve.

Most people appreciate the company. They can make dinner for you too.

>> No.11499654

All these whiny bitches up in here. Are you not men?

>> No.11499666

You say that as if it was a good thing.

>> No.11499662

Not only that, they can make children for you.

>> No.11499670


>> No.11499672

That's all they're good for, really.

>> No.11499695

Are you a girl?

I don't see how anyone who has a taste for Japanese 2D girls can go back to 3D western women.

>> No.11499702

Now THIS is a /r9k/-worthy thread.

>> No.11499704

Nice shitpost, asshole.

>> No.11499705


>> No.11499706


>> No.11499706,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11499715

Yeah, let's instead discuss girlfriends and relationships.

>> No.11499723

Some people are just meant to be alone and some people aren't. There's no sense in arguing about which side is better off, because it doesn't work like that.

>> No.11499723,1 [INTERNAL] 

Holy fuck... really?! This is for real, right?! This can't be happening...

This janitor...

Unbelievable! Unbelievable! Unbelievable! Unbelievable! Unbelievable! Unbelievable! Unbelievable! Unbelievable! Unbelievable! Unbelievable! Unbelievable! Unbelievable! Unbelievable! Unbelievable! Unbelievable! Unbelievable! Unbelievable! Unbelievable! Unbelievable! Unbelievable! Unbelievable! Unbelievable! Unbelievable! Unbelievable! Unbelievable!


>> No.11499723,2 [INTERNAL] 

Dating advice threads, on MY /jp/?

>> No.11499723,3 [INTERNAL] 


Good ... gooooood ... cry harder. Your tears sustain me. Sweet, sweet sustenance.

>> No.11499723,4 [INTERNAL] 

At first I read the name field as "TreMundo".

TreMundo was funnier.

>> No.11499723,5 [INTERNAL] 

You're right. It is.

>> No.11499723,6 [INTERNAL] 

Please stop using my name spin-off without my written permission, kid.

My lawyers are already busy enough......

>> No.11499723,7 [INTERNAL] 

As if you could afford lawyers.
