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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11496454 No.11496454[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is the most dangerous type of otaku?

Military otaku: collects guns, has violent fantasies and a Nazi fetish
Train otaku: causes disturbances in train stations and nearby trains
VA/idol otaku: stalks people, sends death threats, will attempt onani handshake.
Anime otaku: ?? nothing in particular

I think military and VA otaku are the most dangerous. VA otaku are probably the creepiest

>> No.11496464

Military otaku are cool.

Train otaku on the other hand, they are insane killers. We should kill them out of existence.

>> No.11496465

What's an onani handshake?

Like they try to get someone to touch their dick accidentally/unknowingly? Or just something lame like masturbating, cumming in your hand, and they shaking the persons hand?

>> No.11496469

By the way you forgot serial killer otaku.

Nerds that idolize serial killers and study them.

>> No.11496470

All オタク are harmless.

Just because you like military doesn't mean you like war or killing people, although /k/ sometimes makes me think otherwise. Fucking rednecks glorifying killing people. Guns are cool to shoot at targets, not at real people.

>> No.11496474

Loli otaku. They're the only ones who've ever killed or hurt anyone.

>> No.11496483

Military otaku are pathetic nerds

>> No.11496485

fuck off you lying cunt!
ファッキュ━━━( ゚Д゚)凸━━━ !!

>> No.11496486

I'm an anon-otaku. I love reading all your posts and fapping to them. I'm fapping to this post right now too. Tripfags a shit

>> No.11496498
File: 122 KB, 1280x720, 1377743708974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a ton of girls on /adv/ and /cgl/.

Often they talk about sex too or their vaginas. Just a heads up.

>> No.11496503

Terrorist otakus: collects explosives, possibly part of Al-Qaeda, instills fear on innocent cute Americans and possibly hired by the American goverment.

>> No.11496506

Azuki Azusa best girl in the show.

>> No.11496524

They cum in hand and try to give handshake to idols. the security detail will often demand people waiting in line to apply sanitizer

>> No.11496528

Don't they immediately get the shit beat out of them right after doing that?

>> No.11496535

They usually run away and get half the crowd applauding and half the crowd booing. That's how a lot of those crazy VA/idol brawls you've probably heard about start.

>> No.11496547
File: 452 KB, 1581x996, youkaihunt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Military otakus are probably the least dangerous in terms of being a hazard to the general public.

>> No.11496573

Am I the only vampire otaku on /jp/?

I love reading all about vampires and the undead in general. I used to read western stuff pre-2007/8 but then I discovered 4chan and I got into Type Moon stuff and Hellsing. I feel blessed for having so much vampire media at my disposal

>> No.11496582

No because vampires became masturbation material for edgy middle school girls

>> No.11496602

Is a pokemon otaku a thing?

I'm so into Gen IV that I RNG IV breed and chain shinies

>> No.11496599
File: 84 KB, 640x480, HNI_0015_MPO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a kek otaku
check my doppel keks
(3d image)

>> No.11496615

Not in Japanese media. There's Rachel from Blazeblue, Mina from Dance in the Vampire Bound, and that other Mina from that other manga, the one about the detectives. I forgot what it was called

>> No.11496626

How do you know if you're an otaku?

A hobby of mine takes up most of my free time and probably 90% of my money, so am I a drive otaku?

>> No.11496642

In other words vampires in otaku media today are for pedophiles, which is of course a good thing. No sarcasm intended there. It's better than the short U.S. vampires trend before Twilight too. They all looked like gross clowns with all the makeup and acted like bitchy crack addicts.

>> No.11496650

I'm a /jp/ otaku, posting on the Jay is the only thing that I do, most of my time is spent thinking about /jp/, and my dreams are about posting on here or fighting people in a game of IaMP when they try to bully me.

>> No.11496670
File: 56 KB, 650x520, barnabas-collins-questions-the-veracity-of-your-bullshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They all looked like gross clowns with all the makeup and acted like bitchy crack addicts.

>> No.11496675

Has someone drafted a fully comprehensive list of loli vampires yet?

>> No.11496685

I am interested in this.

>> No.11496811

There are two vampire anime airing this season and all the vampires in them are male. The most recent loli vampire was in a BL anime. Loli vampires are a staple but no where near a majority or more common than males or adult females. Especially loli vampires that don't turn into adult females.

>> No.11496840 [DELETED] 

About a third of the mujahideen in Syria are just terrorist otakus. They meet up at Atmeh and just hang out and play video games with other terrorist otakus. Then they buy some terrorist souvenirs and go home to brag to their friends.


>> No.11496849


>> No.11496851

how about kimo-otas who are obsessed with ロリ... both 2d and 3d

>> No.11496862

Anime otaku. Because they causes many disturbances to own parents.

>> No.11496871

VA/idol otaku: stalks people, sends death threats, will attempt onani handshake.

>> No.11496869
File: 99 KB, 1300x792, otakulist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11496875
File: 361 KB, 1200x900, 1380902176238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with this list.

>> No.11496876

Fucking train otaku

>> No.11496880

Gotta watch out for those Fishing otakus

>> No.11496880,1 [INTERNAL] 

A thread about otaku with a Touhou OP image. This thread couldn't possibly be any more /jp/ related.

Grats janny. You did it.

>> No.11496880,2 [INTERNAL] 

The touhou picture is used for a meme so it's not allowed.

>> No.11496880,3 [INTERNAL] 

/jp/ isn't otaku culture anymore. It's now Japan / Shitposting.

>> No.11496880,4 [INTERNAL] 

time to migrate to the dollfag /jp/, son.

>> No.11496880,5 [INTERNAL] 

meta isn't welcome anywhere on any board. This was meta. Fuck meta. /jp/ is about Otaku interests and hobbies, not about Otaku people.

Go fuck yourself in a fire and die in it.

>> No.11496880,6 [INTERNAL] 

>Otaku interests and hobbies
Which are dirrectly defined by Otaku people.
Holly fuck, you're so stupid it's like you're actually trying to troll instead of just having a stupid opinion.

>> No.11496880,7 [INTERNAL] 

Your mama should slap the lips off your face for being a dumb nigger.

The people into hobbies don't get to define the culture surrounding those hobbies, you shitwit.

If you want to talk about tea, then talk about tea. If you want to talk about kig, then talk about kig. If you want to talk about mahjong, then talk about mahjong. If you want to talk about touhou, then talk about touhou.

If you want to talk about yourself, then get a Tumblr account and set up a livestream of you getting pumped full of nigger semen then ending with a shotgun blast to the back of your head.

Stay the fuck off of my /jp/.

>> No.11496880,8 [INTERNAL] 

>The people into hobbies don't get to define the culture surrounding those hobbies, you shitwit.
jesus fucking christ
>If you want to talk about yourself
where do you even see this in this thread

>> No.11496880,9 [INTERNAL] 

"What is the most dangerous type of Otaku?"

That's about people, not about hobbies.

Stay the fuck off my /jp/.

>> No.11496880,10 [INTERNAL] 

I am an otaku otaku.


>> No.11496880,11 [INTERNAL] 

Cheeky cunt.

>> No.11496880,12 [INTERNAL] 

people use hobbies to define themselves i dont see how its not related

when you talk about your hobbies you're actually talking about yourself

>> No.11496880,13 [INTERNAL] 

also this is why /jp/ is shit now cuz the janny thinks thats how it goes cause thats how autistic cunts think even though they do the same thing

its why we have general threads which are just information surrounded by memes that could be found without the memes and in better quantities elsewhere on the internet

>> No.11496880,14 [INTERNAL] 

Only if you're a narcissistic bitch who can't fathom that someone can enjoy something you enjoy on the same level upon which you enjoy it.

I enjoy tea, so I talk about tea. I am never mentioned at all. Mentioning how I prefer my tea made or what kinds of tea I enjoy isn't speaking of myself; but merely my preference for something over which I have no control.

Tea was here long before, and will be here long after, me.

If you cannot speak of your hobbies without blogging about yourself, then you have no place in civilized society or polite company. Perhaps you should learn some manners and social grace before trying to talk to anyone about anything.

Freedom, true freedom, is knowing that nobody cares about you. It allows you to discuss whatever you like with a civil tongue and without being clouded by opinion.

>> No.11496880,15 [INTERNAL] 

>this is why /jp/ is shit
Good. Stay the fuck off my /jp/.

>> No.11496880,16 [INTERNAL] 

super uneducated autismo right hurr

enjoy your shithole

>> No.11496880,17 [INTERNAL] 

OP's thread was deleted for an unrelated IP ban from his shenanigans on another board. You're all idiots for not knowing we do that from time to time. It's not always about YOU.

>> No.11496880,18 [INTERNAL] 

Mass posts deletion after a ban hasn't happened in literally years.

>> No.11496880,19 [INTERNAL] 

>talking about me isn't talking about me

>> No.11496880,20 [INTERNAL] 

You are literally wrong

>> No.11496880,21 [INTERNAL] 

Remember when we made the mod thread ban himself? The mod was so mad he banned me for other 30 days.

>> No.11496880,22 [INTERNAL] 

No, literally this happened literally a few days ago, literally.

Also >>11496880,17 is an idiot.
