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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11489261 No.11489261[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are they gone? Can I come out again?

>> No.11489271

Is it Dan Kim who makes these comics?

>> No.11489290

Hello Dan.

>> No.11489301

I was not following things so I don't know who drew it.

>> No.11489304

I'm still here.

>> No.11489308

Dis moot say that? Can someone give me a recap of the event?

>> No.11489306

Who are you?

>> No.11489310
File: 57 KB, 640x480, le dankim face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.11489318

The sad thing about all of this is that the "ironic" shitposting has become so bad that you couldn't even tell the difference.

>> No.11489323

I post on-topic ironically.

>> No.11489325

I ironically post unironically now. All is right with the world

>> No.11489327

Some guy on /a/

>> No.11489329

Now that I've come~
To the end of my journey~
Weary of life~
The battle is won~

>> No.11489330

I didn't even know he had books.

>> No.11489331

Do you really need a recap for something that was an hour long?

>> No.11489333

This was all a false flag strawman to get us to stop complaining about sage.

I bet you've all already forgotten about that.

>> No.11489337

Ice King of Canada gave him a prize because they were so terrible he felt pity for Dan

>> No.11489338

Wasn't there some thing about how internet users have short attention spans when it comes to video? Not sure if it was a proper study or just some webcomic, but it was basically like "people stop watching if they're not entertained within 30 seconds."

>> No.11489343

Hardly. I'm reminded of it every time I post.

Also, >>/pol/

>> No.11489354


>> No.11489363

/jp/ feels so scary without the warm welcoming blue on every name.

>> No.11489388

bring back sage

>> No.11489390

Do you tremble, nerd? Ghost-sage is here to stay. You should probably just leave now.

>> No.11489393

Some people can sage with their name blue, but I don't know how.

>> No.11489395

Believe in yourself, and the blue shall come to you.

>> No.11489402

le moot has an epic blog now
> http://chrishateswriting.com/

>> No.11489413

> 4chan, a simple image-base bulletin board, which has grown from a niche site targeting anime fans to one of the most influential communities on the ‘Net
> grown from a niche site targeting anime fans
> grown from

This hurts more than it should.

>> No.11489432

I honestly don't even think half the people that we were here even a week ago still are.

>> No.11489457

>It’s not exactly one million dollars, but in September 2005 and at the age of 17, I was offered $50,000 for 4chan.

>Yesterday 4chan turned ten years old. The company that offered to buy it—a Japanese toy store (of all people)—has ceased to exist, and yet 4chan soldiers on.

Wow imagine how much better things would be if moot sold it and then died in a gutter somewhere

>> No.11489461

I haven't been on here for a while, what happened?

>> No.11489463

Maybe all the subhumans that joined up in 2006/2007 never would have ruined the site.

>> No.11489477


>> No.11490009

Then lets move to a site that hasn't betrayed its roots.

>> No.11490011

Find one, then we'll talk.

>> No.11490018


>> No.11490022

Yeah, no.

>> No.11490019

Both 2ch and 2chan are filled with chunni2 and kids

>> No.11490025 [DELETED] 

I brag about /jp/ all the time on other boards.

Yes, I'm cross posting scum, but /jp/ is basically the best worst board here.

>> No.11490026

Theres no where to go, women ruined the internet when it was suddenly not just for nerds.

>> No.11490048

The internet was better when things like myspace were effective quarantine zones for normals

>> No.11490055

Tumblr is a blogging platform so it isn't surprising in the least. Not to mention that moot certainly does seem to have a thing for making the users on this site upset in some way. Take what he did at the con to us for example. Us, the users on this entire site, are his toys. He knows what upsets "us" as a whole and will use that to his advantage for a laugh. This really shouldn't be surprising.

>> No.11490076

I don't care if I bump threads, I'm going to sage forever!

>> No.11490163

How are all my NEET brethren?

>> No.11490224

I have a question, I was at AWA throughout the entire weekend and when I checked /jp/ Monday it didn't seem any different. Did something actually happen?

>> No.11490232

Can I make comments on tumblr? I want to complain about sage on his page.

>> No.11490237

That spike of unique visitors sunk almost as fast as it spiked. /jp/ has been back to normal for days.

>> No.11490246

We still don't have sage.

>> No.11490256

There are a few different ways, but considering the way his blog works you'll have to create an account to do that. I'm not sure if you can reply directly to the post but you could reblog it and add your comment that way. There's a really big chance he won't see it or care though.

>> No.11490268

What? Sage still works here, it just isn't visible.

>> No.11490271

That's just like not having sage. Eventually sage will completely die out because of this.

>> No.11490279

I suppose so. It just doesn't feel the same does it? It feels nowhere near as fun. I really miss visible sage.

>> No.11490286
File: 68 KB, 500x316, 1332512199986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no visible sage because reasons
Why does moot hate us?

>> No.11490290


>> No.11490294

sage 4 lyfe

>> No.11490297

It's all over.

>> No.11490302


>> No.11490303

>> No.11490304

You must believe in the sage, and it will return to you in it's own time.

>> No.11490317
File: 20 KB, 853x249, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even type "sage" every time, appchan x does it automatically.

>> No.11490321

s a g e

>> No.11490330

You and the rest of the fucking board

>> No.11490342

Nokosage was removed a couple months ago.

>> No.11490339

I just use nokosage.

It doesn't get autodeleted from the e-mail field and I don't need to use any gay external app.

>> No.11490343


1chan. At least there they'd like the train threads.

>> No.11490344

E-mail moot and ask him to fix it. I just did. I hope he reads my e-mail!

>> No.11490345

I don't think you understand.

>> No.11490346

I have a number of times.

>> No.11490355

It doesn't nokosage anymore (not that it matters since sage doesn't show anymore) but it still sages and stays in your e-mail field forever, unlike sage.

>> No.11490361

Isn't it kind of missing the point of saging to just do it for all of your posts indiscriminately? You're not supposed to sage all the time.

>> No.11490362

Ah, I never used nokosage because I only use /jp/ and no one really gives a shit here.

>> No.11490375


>> No.11490376


Sometimes I'm a little happy it's invisble because I always felt like a fag when I forgot to use sage when I should've.

>> No.11490383

sage stays in the email field though

>> No.11490389

Yeah, same here. I always felt embarrassed when I accidentally bumped a thread in the past.

>> No.11490402

Your sage doesn't actually sage so you're completely missing the point of it to fit in and get cool /jp/ creds (everyone thinks you're retarded).

>> No.11490406

my sister was retarded you asshole

>> No.11490415

>Submitting false or misclassified reports, or otherwise abusing the report system will result in a ban. Replying to a thread stating that you've reported or saged it, or another post, is also disallowed—please do not announce your reports or sages. Friendly reminder: sage is not a downvote.

Daily reminder you're breaking the rules and will get banned.

>> No.11490417


and the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree LMAO

>> No.11490425


more like the apple doesn't fall too far from the other apple

>> No.11490429


I was implying that his sister was also his mother.

>> No.11490442


Oh, oh, I get it now. That's clever.

>> No.11490445
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>> No.11490450

What is so bad about bumping/not saging?

>> No.11490475
File: 278 KB, 390x476, reporter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello I need to ask /jp/ 2 questions:

1. why do you think moot deliberately made everyone essentially 'raid' /jp/?

2. has these recent events effected your board in any way? Thanks.

>> No.11490480

I am so glad that I can spend time with /jp/ again.
I love you anon.

>> No.11490486

1. He hurts us because he loves us.

2. Get out already.

>> No.11490487

Hmmm, that's referring to a different kind of sage. That "sage goes in all fields" meme was still being used and people on boards which wasn't here, and people would make shitposts and throw sage at the end as if they were implying sage was a negative thing.

Having sage appear in your email field using some invisible character thing isn't the same as that.

>> No.11490490

>1. why do you think moot deliberately made everyone essentially 'raid' /jp/?
To destroy the last bastion of what 4chan used to be and turn it into one normal-cuddling shithole.

>2. has these recent events effected your board in any way? Thanks.

>> No.11490495

1: "For fun".
2: Of course not. Haven't you ever been on a slow board before? We've all experienced /b/ raids and this was just like that but a bit larger. Everything is back to normal now.
This whole invisible sage thing is a bit bothersome as it was harmless and people enjoyed seeing/using it here. And the sudden (unnecessary) change just doesn't feel good you know?

>> No.11490527

No. This was added a few days after invisible sage was added. Stop being retarded.

>> No.11490531

You're the one who is being silly anon. You have to remember how generally dumb the posters on other boards are. Hardly any of them knew how sage actually worked.

>> No.11490544

If you want people to know if you sage just add this onto the end ↓

If you want people to know you bumped put this on the end ↑

That way we can show how awesomely polite we are or indicate our post is on topic and should be read.

>> No.11490553

But that's even more likely to make people think sage is a downvote, which is why they made it invisible in the first place.

>> No.11490562

People on /jp/ know that sage isn't a downvote. I'm not suggesting you do it on other boards. I just don't like to see my fellow /jp/sies in pain so I'm offering a solution that is (hopefully) better than the "sage" images

>> No.11490571

Basically, active threads will clutter the front page and not give each thread its own time to shine. sage'ing allows threads to live a more natural life span, and it's considered polite

>> No.11490572

HOw do I not c&P it?

>> No.11490586

alt 24 for ↑
alt 25 for ↓

>> No.11490592

1) get japanese IME
2) open the custom dictionary and add ↓ as a conversion for "sage" and ↑ for "bump" with frequency 9999
3) ???
4) benefit

>> No.11490622

I like this, it's cute!

>> No.11490645


>> No.11490661

I'm not so sure about this this could be an excuse for another shitposting gimmick ↓

>> No.11490669

I'm gonna go to bed to avoid this fad for the next few hours and when I come back it'll be dead.

>> No.11490685

>reverse psychology
nice try

>> No.11490691


>> No.11490715

← →

>> No.11490720


Please don't make mistakes like that. It tickles.

>> No.11490741

He's just mad because /jp/ always E-mails him. Even though m00t-ikins loves to tell everyone no one ever E-mails him, but I'm sure there is a good sized group of /jp/ies that E-mail him on the reg' ;^)

>> No.11490750


Dem Wednesday night feels jay, dem feels

>> No.11490750,1 [INTERNAL] 

I think the janishit has it out for me.

>> No.11490750,2 [INTERNAL] 

I think it's janny's "special day!"

>> No.11490750,3 [INTERNAL] 

I think Janny literally reads every post on /jp/

no matter how I try to sneak posts in.

even saging my posts on like the third page he'll still delete them and queue me up for a ban

>> No.11490750,4 [INTERNAL] 

It's true. Before he would just delete entire threads and only request the ban for OP. I bet he started a thread on /j/ crying about how /jp/ won't stop bullying him and moot suggested that he uses this new approach. Too bad for him I have infinite proxies. And so do 95% of the other funposters. You hear that janny? Nothing you do is going to stop us.

>> No.11490750,5 [INTERNAL] 

Teach me how to proxy. I'm too old to be 1337

>> No.11490750,6 [INTERNAL] 

You'd be surprised by the things we report, shitposter-kun. It might have been me who pointed out your shitposts to the staff.

Let's see how long you manage to last without being able to be noticed, much less annoy anyone.

>95% of the other funposters
>implying there's 20 of you

>> No.11490750,7 [INTERNAL] 

Get a load of this faggot trying to troll us with anti-shitposting propaganda.


Try again later!

>> No.11490750,8 [INTERNAL] 

lel look at all those /jp/ bans on the ban page

>> No.11490750,9 [INTERNAL] 

>Let's see how long you manage to last
I've lasted ever since you became a janitor, lol
And I'm still making the best shitposts the internet has ever seen
Everything I've done will live on and be remembered forever while you will just be hated everyone for the rest of your life. /jp/ hates you. moot thinks you're useless but is almost more retarded than you so he can't come up with a better solution
But anyways have fun. I'll still be here in ten years, just for you, I promise

>> No.11490750,10 [INTERNAL] 

>best shitposts
I love oxymorons.
>I'll still be here in ten years
>implying /jp/ will last that long

>> No.11490750,11 [INTERNAL] 

>Global 5 - NWS on Worksafe Board
Makes me wonder if moot actually knows what eroge means.

>> No.11490750,12 [INTERNAL] 

ur mum is any oxy moron, m8 lol

#rekt #told #served #Obamacare

>> No.11490750,13 [INTERNAL] 

shitposts are something worth pursuing and good ones should be recognized and rewarded

>> No.11490750,14 [INTERNAL] 

>implying moot doesn't let his friends, I mean mods, do whatever the FUCK they want.

The jannies on the other hand may face the wrath if we push hard enough

>> No.11490750,15 [INTERNAL] 

it kind of defeats the purpose of a 'bans' page if the mods themselves choose which bans to showcase

>> No.11490750,16 [INTERNAL] 


LMAO! That is 4chan you are talking about, dood. moot hasn't had a good idea since deleted /sp/ in 1965

>> No.11490750,17 [INTERNAL] 

I keep getting banned for Global 3 even though my posts aren't any worse then others.

Strangely, none of my bans has made it to the ban page.

>> No.11490750,18 [INTERNAL] 

any update on the idea of a ``archive'' for the bans page?

/sp/ was keeping something going in a googledoc with some script that took pic of the page every hour I think but it seems to not be maintained anymore.

>> No.11490750,19 [INTERNAL] 

People like this destroyed 4chan.

>> No.11490750,20 [INTERNAL] 

People like me destroyed your mom's pussy ;)

>> No.11490750,21 [INTERNAL] 

That's not funny. Why are you winking while smiling at me? She is suffering from a vaginal infection and needs treatment but she's too scared to leave the house and even more scared to meet the doctor. If you hadn't destroyed my mother's womb, you would have saved my family a lot of grief. You are a terrible human being. I hope one day you realize the trouble you have caused. Not because you matured and want to repent, but rather because it's too late. I'm sorry that I'm wishing something so harsh on another human being but, frankly, I think you deserve it.

>> No.11490750,22 [INTERNAL] 

what is that, the year you were born?


>> No.11490750,23 [INTERNAL] 

LOOL you fucking owned his old ass bro

>> No.11490750,24 [INTERNAL] 

God damn it. You should respect your elders.

>> No.11490750,25 [INTERNAL] 

you should suck my dick bro

>> No.11490750,26 [INTERNAL] 

I will if you teach me how to bypass bans

>> No.11490750,27 [INTERNAL] 

Where do you live?

>> No.11490750,28 [INTERNAL] 

New Jerset

>> No.11490750,29 [INTERNAL] 

Is that near New Jersey?

>> No.11490750,30 [INTERNAL] 

Damn it. Yes, I meant New Jersey

>> No.11490750,31 [INTERNAL] 

I can be there in 10 hours. I can show you how to get a new IP and you can teach me how well you know your way around a cock. You can host, right?

>> No.11490750,32 [INTERNAL] 

Explain what you mean by host

>> No.11490750,33 [INTERNAL] 

transitive verb
to serve as host to, at, or for

one that receives or entertains guests socially, commercially, or officially

>> No.11490750,34 [INTERNAL] 

I just wanted to make sure he wasn't talking about some computer thing.

Yeah, I can host. I'm not alone in this house, though.

>> No.11490750,35 [INTERNAL] 

Who do you share it with?

>> No.11490750,36 [INTERNAL] 

My roommate and her mom.

>> No.11490750,37 [INTERNAL] 

bump for this...

>> No.11490750,38 [INTERNAL] 

Are they DTF?

>> No.11490750,39 [INTERNAL] 

No. I'm the only one who will be giving out sexual favors.
