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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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[SPOILER] No.11488740[SPOILER]  [Reply] [Original]

Which Muv Luv spinoff is the worst? Which Muv Luv spinoff is the best? What do you think of Muv Luv Alternative? What do you think of Muv Luv as a whole?

>> No.11488745

Didn't mean to put that image behind a spoiler, sorry.

>> No.11488929


When you say "spinoff," do you simply mean a derivative work or are we restricting our selections to anime/visual novels?

Anyway, my experience with Muvluv has been only Extra, Unlimited, and Alternative. Alternative was really really good and made the buildup in Unlimited absolutely worth it

In my opinion the best "spinoff" would be Faraway Dawn. I don't speak enough Japanese to understand the story, but the gameplay was very difficult and very fun

On the whole I would say I am glad I took out about a week of my spare time to read Extra to Unlimited to Alternative. It was quite a good read

>> No.11489111

Hey crossie you seem unfamiliar with the rules
>This is the appropriate board for the discussion of Japanese visual novels, and light novels without an animated adaptation
>without an animated adaption
Hear that chucklefuck? If the VN or LN has an anime adaption then it doesn't go here
Take this shit back to /a/ or /m/ you fucking mabu rabu retard

>> No.11489111,1 [INTERNAL] 

eat shit you fucking /a/ nerd

>> No.11489117


You posted that angry tirade *and* bumped the thread?

Are you sure you are not the crossie, Anon? You seem both unnecessarily hostile and unaware of when sage is called for

>> No.11489111,2 [INTERNAL] 

hell yeah tell them warosubros

>> No.11489147
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Educate yourself.

>> No.11489184 [DELETED] 
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epic anime thread /b/ro!

>> No.11489184,1 [INTERNAL] 

>trying this hard

>> No.11489228 [DELETED] 
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Why are you confusing /jp/ as 2D Random?

>> No.11489790

Apocalypse in general wasn't as good as Alternative, so I'd say it's not the best example of a well-made spin-off. It just reeks of this need to introduce more robots in the series.

>> No.11489833
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Haiburu is far and away the best spin off, and really made those issues of Dengeki Muv-Luv worth buying.
Worst really depends on how you define spin off, as Before the Shimmering Time Ends and Sakura no Hana ga Saku Mae ni are both utter shit, but I don't really know if those would count as spin offs. Otherwise Rain Dancers as it goes no where and amounts to fucking nothing.

>> No.11489869

What's the link for?

>> No.11489935

>Which Muv Luv spinoff is the worst?
All Muv-Luv spinoffs are equally bad. Except Altered Fable, that was a little better.

>Which Muv Luv spinoff is the best?
Altered Fable, just because of the humour. It's bad if you are looking for anything else though.

>What do you think of Muv Luv Alternative?
Alternative was poorly paced, had a weak plot, was way too long, and had a very disappointing ending.

>What do you think of Muv Luv as a whole?
The original Muv-Luv was fun/interesting for what it was and what it was doing, but now it's all Age does really, so as a whole it is pretty disappointing.

>> No.11490016
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Schwarzesmarken will most likely be the next VN, will be interesting if they decide to do the whole VN dubbed in German like the PV.

I wouldn't really say any spinoffs are good or bad apart from Sakura no Hana ga Saku Mae ni, they're all varied and offer different things.

I'd probably like to see KimiNozo Alternative next with it showing Operation Lucifer. Age aren't really running strong though the TE anime broke even and although the VN and other goods sold pretty well I doubt it was as amazing as they were hoping for. If Schwarzesmarken does get animated with a better budget I imagine it would do a lot better as it's less test pilots doing test things like TE was and more suffering and such which seems to be the in thing.

There's still plenty of the humourous spin-offs, they're usually short side stories in Chronicles or in Dengeki Muv Luv instead of full fledged fandiscs like Altered Fable.

What do you dislike about Before the Shimmering Time Ends so much? I thought it was nice and refreshing, apart from Volleyball, FUCK VOLLEYBALL.

>> No.11490068

>Alternative had a weak plot

What, in your opinion, constitutes a strong plot?

>> No.11490097
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I liked TE because of Yui and Yuuya was actually a half decent MC. The psycho twins weren't bad either.

All the rest were insufferable trash. Especially Alternative. The only likable character in it was Meiya.

>> No.11490113

I'm not sure how to properly describe that as I am not a writer.
The things I didn't like were: The weak character development (the constant building up of Takeru to be finally mature and ready to get shit done, only to bring him back to 0, over and over...); the fact they always try to use the same thing (character death) to draw emotions from the reader which by the end causes it to feel like nothing other than cheap shock value; story bits that seem to go nowhere (they build up Takeru to be super good at fighting, thanks to his constant playing of that arcade game and even base the OS off his input, yet in the last and biggest fight of the game, he doesn't fight at all and just sits in his big mech...); eroge tropes in a supposed serious setting (he starts off on a team of only attractive young women, then moves to another team in which he is also the only man amongst attractive young women... and of course 50% of the girls in the game love him for some reason); an ending which is essentially "and then I woke up"; etc.

>> No.11490150

I honestly hate to say this because it sounds pretentious, but it's deeper than just a fighting anime kind of thing. I completely agree with you on your second point (using character death to draw emotions from the reader)... because the only two deaths in the story that really matter for any sort of character development were Marimo and Meiya. The others elicited no reaction from me at all, and were pretty much a waste of space (the entire valkyrie squadron was a waste of space).

The only important characters in alternative were Takeru, Sumika, Meiya, Kasumi, and Yuuko. Everything else was padding to just make it longer. However, the story around those five made it extremely good. It definitely wasn't a 'weak' plot, though it could have been much better.

Takeru being unable to mature is one of the best plot points imo, he constantly undergoes worse and worse shit and tries to break out of it, but he can't escape from who he is. Even after he does arguably the most difficult thing for him to do in the entire story (kill Meiya), he ends up breaking down. I think it's just showing how individual humans can be incredibly strong and incredibly weak at the same time.

But maybe I'm the one looking too far into it.

>> No.11490155
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I completely agree with most of that, the ending was incredibly rushed, Takeru never really did "man up" (although you could argue this as being his character and that in the end he is just a normal human from a peaceful world) and made the main girls deaths have the least impact.

The reason he piloted the Susano is because he was the only one who really could, I doubt Yuuko would have trusted anyone else that was still alive. The design was changed for 3 pilots and gave it more control over the Ruhterford field so it didn't destroy any allied units that got close.

The eroge tropes do have reason, as explained the majority of Eishi are female due to death rates. It was more just showing off other games heroines in that setting too, the only girls that do love him from the Valkyries are the original girls and Akane really. Clearly this is because what Yuuko said is true and he's a Love Love nucleus, after he helped everyone with their problems and was generally everyone's knight in shining armour it's not hard to see why.

You would probably prefer TDA, which carries on after Unlimited instead.

>> No.11490168
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The reason the valkyrie squadron probably gave you no reaction was because you didn't read KimiNozo or Kimi ga Ita beforehand. Mitsuki in Alternative completely redeems her character from being an NTRing slutty boyfriend stealing bitch for example.

>> No.11490172

>What do you dislike about Before the Shimmering Time Ends so much?
Shit tier Kichikujin Tam writing. The reuse of like the same 4 gags the entire time.

>> No.11490176

>Wishing the experience of reading KimiIta '99 on anyone
You monster.

>> No.11490234

>The reason he piloted the Susano is because he was the only one who really could
Well sure, but that is only because it was written that way. They could have written any ending they wanted, and created any mobile suit for the purpose that they wanted. Personally, I wanted a Takeru kicking ass ending, after having to suffer through all his shit all game, but instead I got the opposite of that.
>The eroge tropes do have reason, as explained the majority of Eishi are female due to death rates.
I don't really accept that. The female male ratio disparity would only start after service age. For example, the number of 10 year olds that are male would be about 50% still. But the number of 30 year olds that are male would be where it starts to get decently lower than female. So there should still be as many men reaching service age each year as females. And even with a higher amount of adult women to adult men, it wouldn't be ridiculous harem levels, like 12 women to 1 man... You see plenty of men elsewhere too, like during the rebellion or whatever that arc was called. The forces that wanted to overthrow the government sure seemed to have a lot of men...

>> No.11490506
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Don't forget that Takeru's squad was composed of the important "Special cases" people and meant to resemble his class, so you can't complain about them. Like I said the Valkyries were really just used to show off characters from other Age titles in the Alternative verse, I suppose you could have had Bakayuki and Shinji but they both died in Operation Lucifer.

If it makes you feel better Takeru does do kicking ass in his own TSF in The Day After, especially in the latest in the JFK Hive.

Spoilers of course for Chronicles 04: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8uQydTljjSY

>> No.11490851

This really doesn't belong here as it has an anime

Take it to /a/ or /m/

>> No.11490856


/jp/ rule 2 is retarded anyway
fuck off

>> No.11490860

It's fine to be lenient once in a while

>> No.11490861

The only thing that has an anime is the spinoff light novel series.

>> No.11490965
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Add to that the fact most of the discussion so far is about the untranslated VNs and LNs.

>> No.11491206

>will be interesting if they decide to do the whole VN dubbed in German like the PV.
They'd have to write a script in German and Japanese...I don't see it happening, but it was a nice idea for the PV

>> No.11491221


>> No.11491231

I hope tsf forefront comes out before otome function

>> No.11495089

