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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 2.34 MB, 3200x2264, date a live.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11487398 No.11487398 [Reply] [Original]

Did anyone read the light novels?

How did they compare to the anime?

>> No.11487417

Both are shit.

>> No.11487460

DATE A LIVE was /jp/ approved, nOOb.

>> No.11487466

Not him, but was it really? Was there anything to it other than qts? Because every anime has qts.

>> No.11487470

Yes it was.

Both Sion and ZUN!bar approved it.

>> No.11487494

Date a Live. Only good for Yoshino, Kurumi, and the Yamai twins. Kotori is second-class citizen, but acceptable.

>> No.11487509
File: 2.06 MB, 1920x1080, PIC1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Protip: pic related is from the VN.

>> No.11487517

Hey how are you doing, have you been drinking enough water?

>> No.11487537

I'm fine, but I find myself unsure as to why you are worried about my water intake.

>> No.11487552

Glad to hear!

No particular reason, but always being hydrated contributes towards having a healthy condition.

>> No.11487564

Well. that's good advice. I can say that things have been fine. I am greatly disappointed that the /jp/sies at AWA were mighty reticent about comingling and making merry. Despite my attempts, I found myself unable to discuss /jp/ topics with anyone there.

At the rate that /jp/ is going, I would have been happy to discuss something like Date a Live.

>> No.11487581
File: 324 KB, 1456x2080, NEPU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's cool, dude. Here, have a cute Nepu Nepu picture, she's drawn by the same artist that did the DAL chicks.

Keep up the good work.

>> No.11487594

I don't belive that anything I have done, or would possibly do, could be considered work, or good.

Were you at AWA? It's amazing how few people were. And no Date a Live cosplayers.

>> No.11487619
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>> No.11487618

I live in Europe, I have no job and I have no money.

I wanted to go but I couldn't man.

And don't let yourself go down too much like that, you're a good person, I believe in you.

>> No.11487624

Best DAL girl.

>> No.11487625

Why is a positive person on /jp/ ? I feel amazingly sullied. You should be condemning me as the worthless creature I am. Stop trying to support me!

Also, you Euroweenies should have a con with a dedicated 4chan panel. Host it in Germany, so I can go to it and get drunk on so many deliciuous dark Bavarian beers.

>> No.11487633

Bavarian beers follow the Reinheitsgebot, and are boring as a result.

>> No.11487637

You would have to offer something better, instead. I admit an ignorance concerning non-continental American beer, so I would be open to your tutoring.

>> No.11487638

Europe has no money to host cons.

>> No.11487645

But Europe has all the good bands and festivals. I even saw weeaboos in Russia. Surely, you must have money for it.

>> No.11487651

My country is about to beg the 2nd ransom to the EU.

There is no money, period. The Euro killed the European Union.

>> No.11487661

Are you Greek? Or one of the other PIIGS? A Greecian 4chan meetup would be awful.

>> No.11487659

No, your country (amongst others) killed the European Union.

>> No.11487664

I'm not Greek, let's leave it at that.

aha, this guy is definitely German.

>> No.11487669

Oh, so you're Spanish? They are next up to the begging block. It's okay. I am sure that you are not a significant contributor to the problem.

You can always visit the American South, if you have issues. We are always hospitable. And we make our own food.

>> No.11487671

>this guy is definitely German.
You're right. Let's leave it at that.

>> No.11487674

You are welcome, too, but only if you bring delicious beer.

>> No.11487705

Banksters ruined Europe and Merkel ruined Gernany.
Of course Germany still looks ever so great on the economic charts, but everyone seems to forget that this is only because of the impoverisation of a large class of the German people, Merkel’s turning Germany into India and China.

>> No.11487728

India and China? Is that overpopulation + economic lies, or real estate + ghost cities?

>> No.11487735

It’s creating/enlarging a lower class of barely paid pseudo-slaves.

>> No.11487741

When did Germany start emulating America?

>> No.11487751

I think it’s worse than in America actually. At least in America it’s not integrated in the system and unless you work as a server you still have minimum wage.

>> No.11487758

Let me put it this way: I make more than servers, but still feel like a slave. America just does a better job of making you feel like a failure for it all.

>> No.11487823

It's just a generic harem with asspull plot.
Seriously, an 8 year old could come up with a better story than hurr, bitches fallin' from the sky, gotta fuck'em all durr.
It has zero value, regardless of the form of media it appears in.

>> No.11487826

That's one bad opinion.

>> No.11487828

Dropped it on the third episode. Boring as HELL

>> No.11487827

That's one bad taste.

>> No.11487835
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>> No.11487842
File: 262 KB, 809x651, Yatta Onna da.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make me.

>> No.11487903

>bitches fallin' from the sky, gotta fuck'em all

Oh japan. Just when you thought it cannot be more retarded, they make it happen.

>> No.11488366

>Banksters ruined Europe and Merkel ruined Gernany.

But they re-elected Merkel, so obviously they want to be ruined?

>> No.11488508

So, you're into harem for the plot instead of the girls?
And then you became an art critique.

no, no, wait, this is just a troll. Haha, you got us good, we almost thought you were actually stupid. Good one.

>> No.11491334

I didn't read it no

>> No.11491406
File: 43 KB, 423x477, Deal with it nerd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't seriously claim that the girls were anything original, hence the generic part. Only the crazy bitch was relatively non-boring, but they blew it, because she must be an innocent girl inside in need of a good dicking to change her evil ways.
There are good harem anime out there, but this was the millionth garbage pandering to a certain retarded fanbase, because dating sims are so kewl, right? XDD If only it had an engaging plot I could forget the bland characters, but it didn't have one.

>> No.11491436

A certain retarded fan base? Please tell me anon-sama what Japanese demographic is your light novel-esque phrase referring to?
