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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1148438 No.1148438 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any VNs where you just quietly raise a family? No rape, high school, magic, alien shit. Sorta like your choices just affect how your family ends up. Like iono...."buy adjustable mortgage" and you can get an event where you face forclosure due to a real estate bubble...or "Let your little girl go out on a date when she is 15" and she ends up marrying her high school sweet heart.

>> No.1148441


>> No.1148448

Most VNs are boring enough as it is. Why make it worse?

>> No.1148449

Real Lives? Enjoy your goiter.

>> No.1148447


>> No.1148454

Princess Maker

>> No.1148452

>No rape

Can I at least have sex with my wife, or cheat on her if I so choose to?

>> No.1148456

What is OP picture from? It's cute!

>> No.1148459
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>> No.1148471

my first dating sim. ;_;


>> No.1148467

play the sims for god sake

>> No.1148497

[ ] Buy adjustable mortgage
[ ] Buy fixed-rate mortgage
[ ] Rape mortgage broker

>> No.1148505

This would be a good VN...if all the choices were bad ends that are realistic but terrible. Like one of the choices would be to take a vacation to China and you and your family is caught being counter-revolutionary. Your wife is brainwashed into a commie and she becomes your interrogator. And you don't know if it scares you or turns you on.

>> No.1148513

which one?

>> No.1148514

My kind of VN

>> No.1148511


>> No.1148512

Harvest Moon

>> No.1148520

I want a VN that plays out an entire life. All the way from birth to death. Depending on your choices you might die at 32 as a homeless criminal or at 73 as a wealthy criminal with loving grandchildren.

>> No.1148515


No. I want a readan game not a farman game.

>> No.1148522


There's the official translation of the newest Harvest Moon coming at the end of August.

>> No.1148524

try searching for "real life" in /rs/. all ends are bad ends but its definately worth playing through a couple routes

>> No.1148533

you mean like:

>> No.1148535

in real time?

>> No.1148547

sauce on OP pic

>> No.1148558

Holy shit this sounds interesting as fuck... even though it is old as fuck, as well. Is there a download anywhere?

>> No.1148562

Yes. 1 game year = 1 real year.

>> No.1148566

I loved that shit:

"You have the fighting spirit of your Uncle Bill! You sneak and crawl on your belly like a combat soldier heading into battle. You reach your destination, grasp the rattle confidently and drool on it in victory! Intellectual sphere shows a marked increase.

Select an action :

Online version: http://www.theblackforge.net/

>> No.1148578


and it's not hard to find a c64 emulator.

>> No.1148579

see >>1148566

>> No.1148592

I think there was a version of that game in Abandonia.

>> No.1148595

oregon trail is kind of like a visual novel

>> No.1148624

>One of your playmates is the daughter of your mother's friend. Her name is Cindy. One day, while you and Cindy are alone, you become very curious about one another. Cindy suggests that you play a make-believe game of "Doctor."

I like where this is going.

>> No.1148636

Not awesome unless you're playing female.

>> No.1148639

>Cindy seems to be full of good ideas, so why not go with it? She requests that you remove your clothes and lie down on the operating table.
Just as you have finished undressing, Cindy's mom comes into the room and gasps loudly. She pulls Cindy out of the room and describes the scene to your mother.


>> No.1148656

>He opens the door on your side. You turn to run away.
He catches you and drags you into the car. You are kidnapped, tortured and eventually killed. This game is over.

You have died.

Fuck, bad end.

>> No.1148662

Hurray! Cindy's mom has installed needless shame and guilt into you at a young age!

>> No.1148667


>> No.1148673
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>Once you are in the car he turns away from the school and heads for the highway. This man is very sick. You are tortured, killed and buried in a landfill. Your body is never recovered. This game is over.

>You have died.

>> No.1148742

so bad end would be, daughter gets rape, wife gets rape, you gets rape in prison?

>> No.1148763

Goddamn, it's impossible to be neutral in this game.

>> No.1148787


>> No.1148813

Can we have a VN like that one game where you take the loli around and the monsters keep killing you, chopping you up, and what not?

>> No.1148825

>When you get to Harry's room, you can hardly believe it is him. His face is grey and his eyes are half closed. There are tubes in his nose and mouth. He seems to recognize you, but calls you by a different name. There have been so many "children" in his life. You speak with him for a few moments, but as you chat Harry falls asleep.

>You excuse yourself, but as you walk out of the room, you hear one of the machines make a shrill beeping sound. Two nurses walk quickly toward Harry's room. A doctor is called over the hospital intercom. By the time he arrives, Harry has already stopped breathing.

>> No.1148839

Holy fuck.

>> No.1148876

Who was Harry?

>> No.1148886

The local candy man in my youth that would always give me a bit of extra candy, or allow me to buy candy even though I was a few pennies short. He would also help me get to school.

>> No.1148904

Harry ;_;

>> No.1148910

Harry's death made me bawww more than Clannad or Planetarian or Narcissu.

>> No.1148958

Are you guys STILL playing that Alter Ego game? I wanted to see how quick I could die lol.

I overdosed on drugs at the age of 9... What the fuck.

>> No.1148969

>The habit becomes worse before it gets better. It is not long before your nervous tic becomes an involuntary shoulder shrug, always occuring at the most inconvenient times. One day, while standing in a crowded elevator, you nearly injure three people with your uncontrollable tics and body jerks. People begin to treat you as if there is something seriously wrong with you.

>Your stubborn refusal to take it easy has caused your problem to get worse. Not only do you have tics related to stress, you now have tics related to your self-consciousness about having tics! Eventually, they subside, but not before causing you extreme anxiety and embarrassment.
Sucks. In before "take it easy".

>> No.1148992


Don't let the sound of your own wheels drive you crazy.

>> No.1148993

>I overdosed on drugs at the age of 9.
Oh fuck. That's awesome.

>> No.1148996

>After a long, but very relaxing day, with a deep sigh you climb into bed and sink into the warm, cushiony fabric. As you drift off, feelings of intense serenity and well-being overwhelm you. Pleasant images of childhood visit with sweet memories of Mom and Dad, school, and growing up.

>The memories flash by your mind's eye with startling reality -- the smell of school on your first day, the outfit your very first girlfriend wore on your first date. You recall places you haven't visited for years in picture-perfect detail. Friends and neighbors who have gone on greet you.

>They are filled with excitement to see you, though you soon realize they are not communicating their joy in words. It's almost as if...
>this will go on forever...

>You have died.

Kodomo no koro Yatta koto aru ne
Zasshi nitsuite kita SURIDI MEGANE kake

Otona ni nari Wasurete ta kioku
Yomigaeru Azayaka ni Ude de ERU ji tsukuri

>> No.1148989

That's just building character.

>> No.1149011

You are sitting in a large place and a furry man walks up to you. He's walking around you in circles.

Select a mood :

Select an action :


>> No.1149019

Say hello to Harry for us.

>> No.1149020

Oh fuck you. That song gets me every time.

>> No.1149018

Holy shit, I love this game.

>> No.1149030

It's a dog you idiot.

>> No.1149031

Which version? When I read it, the music box version was playing in my head.

>> No.1149058

I think I'll roll as a girl now and try to get laid.

>> No.1149059

I believe there are moments in Postal that ooze of a cosy daily life-feeling.

>> No.1149053

Yeah, maybe the one with the guy screaming wasn't appropriate for the situation.

>> No.1149094

>With great skill you undo your coveralls and pull down your panties in one clean motion. You try to lift up the lid, but it keeps falling down. IT'S ALMOST COMING OUT!!! You had better hurry! Because your panties are around your ankles, it is hard to move around.

>You finally get up on the bowl and deposit the remains of last night's dinner. You feel slightly depressed because you are letting a part of yourself go.

Sure is interesting.

>> No.1149137

Is this Ciel in her early years?

>> No.1149167

>You are relaxing in your room one day, when you notice a slightly wet feeling in your pants and a small round stain between your legs. When you check to see what is happening, you notice that the stain is red, then realize that it is blood.

>> No.1149186


>> No.1149196

'Ight. NEIGAA.

>> No.1149193

Mother Nature. I know where she lives, let's do a driveby on that bitch.

>> No.1149205


and then john was a period

>> No.1149206

Holy shit, is nobody going to comment on this? Weren't any of you guys around last year when we were all playing this? I can't believe this is a case of newfaggery, I'm sure everyone's just forgotten.

In case any of you want to remember.

>> No.1149213


I don't play VN's. I just post in threads about them.

>> No.1149217

I'm sure a lot of us have but didn't feel we had anything to add to it. The horse is quite dead, sir.

>> No.1149221

I can accept that. I was simply shocked that nobody made any comments.

>> No.1149226


yeah, that sim sucked, i always ended up some smelly foreigner

>> No.1149228


>> No.1149229

Same. I was actually expecting people to refer to their dead characters.

>> No.1149242

All there really is to say is GOITER and YOUR WIFE THREW A BRICK AT YOU.

>> No.1149251

>It seems that your social skills are just a cover-up for a lack of confidence. You are the type who does things for other people and not yourself. Examine this in yourself and see if it makes sense to you.

FFFFFFFFFFuuuuuuuck........Did I just create Shirou? Should I be concerned that I've been answering most of these honestly as well? Im scared Anon,im scared.

>> No.1149252

Dammit, I knew I shouldn't have played that baseball game.

Hey, guys! Don't play baseball if you're too old.

I'd finally officially gotten engaged, too...

>> No.1149254

I watched my friend plummet to his death off the school roof.


>> No.1149256

Dammit, there isn't any choice for "apathetic".

>> No.1149267

Holy fuck, redownloading now, brb.

>> No.1149270

>The last thing you remember is a crowd of people gathering around you on a street corner. For some reason, you are looking up into the sky. It is clear and bright blue. You feel very peaceful. How nice it would have been if you could have said good-bye.

>You have died.

And I thought I was doing well.

>> No.1149282

Yeah, this game seems to be full of those bullshit moments.

>> No.1149283

Sounds like a peaceful death to me.

>> No.1149339

Can you become gay in this game?

>> No.1149360

>Weren't any of you guys around last year when we were all playing this?
/jp/ didn't exist last year.

>> No.1149361

>Her face brightens. "You must be paid," she says. "I can't afford much, and you'll have to do a fine job, but you can have all the cookies and brownies you can eat. I promise you that." You have done a much kinder thing than you can probably imagine at your age. You've given this woman a reason to live.

>> No.1149862
File: 119 KB, 866x750, 1219060968067.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's the spirit! You try out for your position and make the STARTING TEAM. In the ninth inning, a high pop fly is hit directly to you. You thrust out your glove in an attempt to field the ball. The excitement of the play fills your whole body...

>The ball THUNKS solidly into the glove, knocking you off-balance. Your heart is beating furiously from the thrill of making the play. You feel happy and carefree, just like a child again. Suddenly, the field begins to fade and turn black.

>The last thing you see are players from both benches running out to greet you for making such a great play. Something's wrong. You can't run toward them. Your body and hands won't respond to your wishes, but instead of feeling frustration, you feel great peace. How you only wish you could have said good-bye.

>You have died.

>> No.1149866


Why aren't you crying, Shirou? You heartless bastard!

>> No.1149912

Because he already knows that people die when they are killed.

>> No.1149918

That is such an awesome death.

>> No.1149931


>> No.1149948


How did you know how I was living?

>> No.1149950

He was old, and acted like he was young. BAD END.

>> No.1149944


Keep living like an unhealthy slob and you'll find out yourself soon enough Anon.

>> No.1149965


>> No.1149974
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>> No.1150000
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>> No.1150007


>> No.1150024

Princess Maker.

>> No.1150052

Heck he's not the first sportsman to die in a manga. I'm thinking of Major.

>> No.1150065

You lost me. Major is a manga from the 90s+, Ashita no Joe is a manga from the late 60s-early 70s.

>> No.1150081

>You open the door very quietly. Mommy seems to be on top of Dad and they are moving around making funny noises. They look a bit like they're fighting, but they don't seem to be hurting one another. You get a very funny feeling in your stomach, like butterflies, and run back in your room.

Oh dear...

>> No.1150084


>> No.1150089

Just pointing out sportsmen tend to die in manga too. Regardless of the time it was written in and I have no clue if there was something like that before Ashita no Joe.

>> No.1150164

>He opens the door on your side. You turn to run away.
>He catches you and drags you into the car. You are kidnapped, tortured and eventually killed. This game is over.

>You have died.

Cool story bro

>> No.1150228


>> No.1150270

He opens the door on your side. You turn to run away.
He catches you and drags you into the car. You are kidnapped, tortured and eventually killed. This game is over.

You have died.


>> No.1150267

Are you all too young to have played Alter Ego? That shit was intense.

>> No.1150284

The way this game acts every person in a car is a serialkilling rapists kidnapping children.

>> No.1150364

You mean it's NOT like that in real life?

>> No.1150423

After a long, but very relaxing day, with a deep sigh you climb into bed and sink into the warm, cushiony fabric. As you drift off, feelings of intense serenity and well-being overwhelm you. Pleasant images of childhood visit with sweet memories of Mom and Dad, school, and growing up.

The memories flash by your mind's eye with startling reality -- the smell of school on your first day, the outfit your very first girlfriend wore on your first date. You recall places you haven't visited for years in picture-perfect detail. Friends and neighbors who have gone on greet you.

They are filled with excitement to see you, though you soon realize they are not communicating their joy in words. It's almost as if...
this will go on forever...

You have died.

Peaceful end ;_;

>> No.1150433

What a boring live.

>> No.1150437

