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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11483702 No.11483702 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /jp/, can we still have Japanese live camera stream threads?

It's getting close to winter, I'd like to watch that one snowy train-station again but have no idea how to get back to it.

>> No.11483703 [DELETED] 

No, somewhere in the lineology of dead and newborn janitors they started deleting them. Train threads too.

Maybe the new one won't, who knows

>> No.11484023

That is highly depressing, there were some very enjoyable streams to watch.

>> No.11484055

I think you should stop being an idiot and believe shitposters who blame everything on janitors.

Happens literally after every raid, why won't you people learn?

>> No.11484429

It's not really about the recent raid, the stream threads are the sort of thing that janitors end up deleting, despite there being a history of them because they don't view them as part of the normal /jp/ content, despite the streams being of Japanese locales.

>> No.11485431

It's all about the recent raid when the last thread died because of it and a new one has not yet been made (unless you count this one).

>the stream threads are the sort of thing that janitors end up deleting

Good goy, always listen to what the Shitposter Internet Defense Force tells you.

But hey, I just realized:

>I'd like to watch that one snowy train-station again but have no idea how to get back to it.

The station /jp/ obsesses over is called Aizu-Wakamatsu. /jp/ archive is at https://fuuka.warosu.org/jp/.. Now you have every information you need to find out the rest.

>> No.11487104

Sounds like this is your first week on /jp/

you aren't a crossie by any chance are you?

>> No.11487196

Much appreciated for the station name friend.
Good tidings to you, and such.

>> No.11492300

The links for the streams seem to be broken. They just redirect me to the main page after 10 seconds.
