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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 124 KB, 600x800, 811847866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11474385 No.11474385 [Reply] [Original]

for some reason the old thread is caught in deletion limbo
can be viewed directly, can't be posted to or viewed on jp's pages/catalogue

so here's hoping this remade thread will go better

>> No.11474389
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that is to say, going directly to
still shows the thread for me

>> No.11474402
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>> No.11474413
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>> No.11474424
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forgot to link sources
are @freeze_destroy
is @giovanni_dog

and this post @gecogecota

>> No.11474453
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>> No.11474459
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>> No.11474463
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>> No.11474467
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>> No.11474479
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>> No.11474474
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>> No.11474481
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source @NancyMENGHAN

>> No.11474527

Is there a guide or wiki for getting started with kig'ing?

>> No.11474538
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>> No.11474541
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not to my knowledge but a couple of kigs browse here so ask away and you may receive answers

>> No.11474560
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>> No.11474733


I think it difficult to start kigging for foreigners.
However you should buy skin-tights at first.

>> No.11475001


Yeah, it is. You guys could at least ease out the process of acquiring it and allowing it to be bought overseas.

I can find people to translate the talk, if language is a barrier too. The real deal is the "I don't wanna sell it outside of Japan thing".

>> No.11475144
File: 207 KB, 960x640, 130714-154625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayame-store seems to have decent stuff and sells overseas.

>> No.11475192


I don't like Ayame regarding mask styles. :\ I know they sell btw, I'm just not interested.

I dunno why you reply a post saying it's difficult to get those masks if you're going to say "Hey but Ayame sells!!!111". Nuko does too.

We're obviously talking bout SIGMA (and others), not Ayame.

Sorry for sounding as rude, it wasn't my intention.

>> No.11475196

wow this thread is weird, some look pretty nice though
i hate /a/ and /jp/ hated 3D?

>> No.11475214

lol :P ! /b/ here too.

>> No.11475259
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I was thinking more of the hadatai. At least it'd be a start.

>> No.11475913


Ah yeah, but about hadatai I'll probably buy from them. Their work is pretty good regarding tights.

>> No.11476271

/jp/ makes exceptions for kigs and idols

>> No.11476306
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>> No.11476500 [DELETED] 

isnt it usually dudes who where these?

>> No.11476524 [DELETED] 


isnt it usually dudes who want to be these?

>> No.11477989



>> No.11477995

Please use correct spelling and grammar when posting on /jp/ in the future, thanks!

>> No.11478079


>> No.11478086

kig is not a word anon-coon

>> No.11478131


okay now i will type kigurumi or animegao instead just cuz apparently you (and only you) don't like to shorten words

>> No.11478190

if you hate the shorten word so much,
着ぐるみ is just 着ぐるみ,not a kigurumi or an animegao.

However,you know,this thread is read by some Japanese kigurumi actors,so using correct spelling and grammar enables them to understand what you are talking about.
What >>11477995 means might be nice.

>> No.11478194

it's the abbreviation that japanese kigurumi cosplayers use so I really don't see why I shouldn't

>> No.11478199

I saw one of them asking where the 'kigスレ' had disappeared to earlier

they use this abbreviation too
nobody is going to be confused by it

>> No.11478247


yeah,that's right.
I(I am a Japanese) also use the word "kig" in Japan,too.
as for the word "kig",it is our kigurumi lovers common word,I think.

>> No.11478251

Japanese kigu are amazing.
I hope to be as good as them one day.

>> No.11478271


Dude, pls. I mean, making such a fuss over such a small thing.

>> No.11479804
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>> No.11479847

This is very nice, thank you for posting it.

>> No.11479868

Who's this qt3.14? Is she from he man?

>> No.11479906



>> No.11480524

Wow you guys really blew it.

Someone overseas was copying NukoPans masks and now he's reluctant to sell overseas without a japanese letter of recommendation.

For the past month I've been trying to email him to buy a few shells and now he flat out told me he refuses to sell to me unless I meet in person at WonderFes or get a japanese kig to vouch for me.

What the hell happened?

>> No.11480538

Oh? I guess that is why nuko hasn't been responding to me.

I thought it was because I didn't message him in japanese... Hmmm... Do you think I could use a shopping service?

>> No.11480558

What makes you think /jp/ had anything to do with this?

>> No.11480570

I remember a few threads ago about someone making nukopan copies and I guess word got out to nukopan himself.

>> No.11480733


Thanks people!

>> No.11480778

I believe cici is the one to blame for this.

>> No.11480818


Which is kinda weird cuz it wasn't really a copy, it was sculpted...

>> No.11481162

Are you fucking kidding me?

Who the hell did this? Really? Why would someone ruin this for for everyone. AGAIN?

>> No.11481197 [DELETED] 

I think the best way you get a kig is to make friends with Japanese kig.
Although you cannot get a kig, you can "try on" kig when you come to Japan.

>> No.11481205

the best way non-Japanese get a kig is to make friends with Japanese kig.
Although you cannot get a kig, you might get a chance to "try on" kig.

>> No.11481228


again? what do you mean with that?

yeah, whatever, it's what they can do. anyway, i got friends who live in japan, so it's not a problem for me, just more of an inconvenience.

>> No.11481229

It did look heavily influenced, or heavily inspired.

The profile and facial structure were overlaid in a past thread and they lined up perfectly. Of course it wasn't a recast copy but it IS enough for it to cause a little trouble.

>> No.11481254


Yeah, indeed, I agree it seemed inspired by. They didn't line up perfectly, because, I remember that it kinda sucked in comparison with Nuko.

I think what might have happened was some Chinese guy copying and redistributing. I wouldn't blame it on Cici right now (in spite of the fact that I don't like him/her) cause it makes no sense. It was a discontinued model and such.

Anyway, if I were you I'd ask Nuko what exactly he has seen that made him change his attitude to not well, stir up drama a lot. Let's see what happened, let's see what can we do to help him and to help ourselves.

>> No.11481347

I wish people would stop unfounded rumors....

>> No.11481363 [DELETED] 

I can understand wanting to boost sales on your products by eliminating other compeitition but this is just wrong.

<spoiler>I know you announced it in your panel. I was there. You know who you are. We know who's empire you're trying to ruin. </spoiler>

>> No.11481372

I can understand wanting to boost sales on your products by eliminating other compeitition but this is just wrong.

I know you announced it in your panel. I was there. You know who you are. We know who's empire you're trying to ruin.

>> No.11481379

So much dramu.
Can we all not just be friendly kigu?

>> No.11481383


Heya people, both of you can't just stop? Nobody wants to hear none of you. Go fucking fight your war through Facebook, Skype, whatever and gtfo of this thread.

You had your problems in the past and I doubt this is related to it. Stop wanting to believe what you wanna believe. Especially because it may be some other party wanting you to get mad about it.

4chan is simply not the place to discuss that. The rumour was pretty much killed already. Like I said, let's talk to Nuko first, see what happened then you can say stuff. Are you really going to blindly believe an anon in 4chan who hasn't even posted a screenshot with his e-mail to Nuko?

>> No.11481471

come chat with me , oinly now

>> No.11481495

what mask are we actually talking about? i havent seen anything like this, unless they covered it up

>> No.11481569

I know who Copied ... It's Kuri Ruinshrine if you go on her facebook and watch her kig pic the Desing is quite the same and she did it on her own so SHE is the one to blame ... Cici never copied concurency when she want to start new type she ASK to the Make if she can start produce shells form it's design

>> No.11481615

Ive said it before but she got a blank from nuko jesus christ stop jumping to conclusions

>> No.11481628

jesus christ if you cannot type in english don't even post

>> No.11481668

I am horrified by this thread.. or maybe more so, the costumes.

>> No.11481691
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You'll want your own in two months.

>> No.11481811

If your referring to Odette she also said that she was no longer taking orders at that same panel. Your paranoid anon. I believe she was passing along information. After that panel I asked her about the Nuko ordeal. She said word got back to Nuko about the lay over photos on /jp/. So yes, it is Cici at fault. It isn't far fetched considering a small amount of Japanese kigus browse kigu threads.

>> No.11481815
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Goddamnit guys, stop with the shitposting and blaming. Fuck off, do you really want to know why? Ask Nuko.

Stop dropping drama in here, it only leads to more drama. Fuck you guys, Fuck you.

Post kigu in the meantime.

>> No.11481831
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What a genius. Srsly. You didn't had proof Cici copied. It was similar, yes, but not equal.

I remember saying the same thing at that time, and I repeat it in here. Call me wyutard or whatever (cuz I'm obviously not) but you were only seeing things cuz you hate him/her. Srsly I don't like Cici, but I don't fucking do that. Stop being such kids and grow the fuck up.

>> No.11481891

Is English your second language?

>> No.11481929


Yes it is. I kinda suck, I know that. The deal is that I actually got mad over this because this is unfair with everyone else.

Anyway, I have to say thanks for whatever happenend, the fucktard who did it (if it was one and not gossiping like they said in this thread) deserves to die.

>> No.11481959
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Wishing death on somebody because they informed a artist they were being ripped. Nice.

>> No.11482066


When does an artist is not? I mean, everyone uses references. Was it equal? No, we pretty much agreed that it kinda sucked.
It was similar, yes. I do think those Nuko blanks were used as reference.

Dude, srsly, we all got our personal issues with Cici. But don't let your emotions get in front of your reasoning. It's blinding you.

So what we get in the round up. We apparently dennounced Cici (with no reason at all, btw) to Nuko. Nuko stopped selling overseas to avoid these complications.

Let's see what who wins and who loses with that:

-Every kig performer in the west loses: there's one less option (and a good one) to choose. Which means we won't see too much of creativity coming from performers.
-Western makers win: there's less of an option to choose, which means they'd likely sell more.

So, actually what those people did (IF they did), helped Cici (as an example) to probably sells more, as it actually eliminates competition.

Yeah, if that was what happened, you actually helped Cici. Well played.

>> No.11482081


Also the death wish was for the fucktard who copyied. But let's conveniently misunderstand the phrase.

>> No.11482102

Your just butthurt because the artist chose to protect his work. He has a right to as a artist. If your pissed over it, make a japanese friend and get one. As far as I'm concerned it limits masks to the good performers who will actually do nuko's justice unlike Kuri.

>> No.11482135


I actually have a friend and I'd have no problems with that. So I'm not butthurt. I'm just defending what would be practical for everyone else (especially the ones that are good people and with no easy access to japanese)..

Still, the whole affair was wrong. Who did that just made their claim based on an assumption, which is clearly gossiping. There was no proof of it being a rip off (and assuming it really WAS a ripoff, cuz as far as I'm concerned Cici don't have shells from Nuko) and it kinda sucked as a ripoff. It was way off what the original looked like. It sucked, really. I didn't like it at all, cheeks were wrong, eye cavity was weird (too deep), etc.

So, please, stop. I mean, you have your morals, I'd try to tell Nuko as well if I was sure it was a ripoff as well. But sometimes doing the right thing is wrong. And doing the wrong thing is right.

>> No.11482180

This shit is creepy as fuck.

>> No.11482209

does anyone have a picture of the original overlay photo?

>> No.11482822

Thank you kigurumi scum, for entertaining me.

>> No.11482825


I'd like to see as well. That'd clarify a lot. Could even prove me wrong, as my memory is not so good.

>> No.11483423
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>> No.11483429

I see what you mean.

It's definately similar in the facial area except for the eye sockets?

>> No.11483523

New penetration vids where?

>> No.11483672

it does seem very similar, theres just something off about the copy though, yknow, do we actually have a source for that picture?

>> No.11483708

Theres a guy who does kigu stuff on my college campus. How the hell do i talk to him?

>> No.11483763
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walk up and say Hello

>> No.11483789

just walk up to him an say hello when your on break or something, just try not to go "OMG you do kig let me look at you you animu girly yu!!! XD" just treat him like you would anyone else when you first meet them

>> No.11483805

wait but isnt it usually dudes who where these

>> No.11483882
File: 69 KB, 768x1024, 130728-FRG-study-1_zps7dc0a983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eye sockets are easy to fill in and change. In this image it shows Cici altering the eye sockets.

>> No.11483887

Everything else is already smooth with the exception of the sockets themselves. This is a giveaway that it was altered from another figure with slight adjustment.

>> No.11483890

Cici altered the mouth and cheeks more after being called out on it the first time on 4chan.

>> No.11484294
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>> No.11484299
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>> No.11484302
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>> No.11484309
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>> No.11484316
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>> No.11484320
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>> No.11484323
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>> No.11484327
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>> No.11484329
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That is interesting, but, Nuko seems less angled. Cheeks are appearing too much as well. I don't think yet it was totally a copy. I mean, if you compare masks only by comparing their front, it'll look similar because it's all anime style. You gotta compare in different angles.

Inb4, is there any pic to compare with this one <<<

>> No.11484332
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>> No.11484338
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>> No.11484341
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>> No.11484343
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>> No.11484346
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>> No.11484352
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>> No.11484357
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>> No.11484363
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>> No.11484369
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>> No.11484375
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>> No.11484378
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>> No.11484383
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>> No.11484386
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>> No.11484392
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>> No.11484401
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>> No.11484405
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>> No.11484408
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>> No.11484410
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>> No.11484412
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>> No.11484415
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>> No.11484418
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>> No.11484425
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>> No.11484432
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>> No.11484456

not to add to the dramu but what people are saying is that someone made a carbon copy of it, but added clay to certain bits first to make it look like it was just in the same style

>> No.11484500


that was possible, yes, i have to admit. But is it worth the effort? I mean, look at the time Cici took to show this sculpt up. Do you really, really think it wouldn't be faster if it was a carbon copy? I have no reason to believe that Cici did that, they're too proud of their own work (just hearing critique from selected people who they know will only say good things) to start copying stuff. It simply doesn't match their "modus operandi".

>> No.11484506

i love traps

>> No.11484768

This outfit is very cute, my penis doesn't know how to handle it.

>> No.11485003

Obviously nuko thought it was similar enough to halt sales.

>> No.11485021


This is what we're assuming. Don't take conclusions especially without Nuko's confirmation.

>> No.11485035

He wouldn't sale to me directly right before San Japan. He is too polite to announce why publicly.

>> No.11485039

Another thing to add is that Cici is calling his sculpt "Youko", and look at Nuko's file name... "Yoko"?

Is this a mere coincidence?

>> No.11485048
File: 65 KB, 1024x768, 130728-FRG-study-2_zpse92cbec1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After looking at the forum I noticed Cici never posted "inbetween" pictures to show the entire sculpting process and suddenly showed up with a completed sculpt.

>Youko ようこ is well underway and is fleshing out nicely.. Haven't taken any photos of the sculpt lately..
Who really wants to see a big mound of clay anyways ^^~

Also compare Nuko's angles with this picture. It's not the same but they're hauntingly similar

>> No.11485052

Cicisama is too perfect to commit such a act as theft. Her radiance show she is pure an true to kiguru art.

>> No.11485069


how i laughed. but i still don't think they'd do that. they have shit taste to copy nuko/sigma.

>> No.11485073

Yea, from what I see most of the western sculptors post their pictures during the process for any critique and feedback.

Cici never did any of this.... And claims utter perfection. Well then again Cici doesn't believe in receiving critique from people that they don't deem worthy enough. (ie. anyone)

>> No.11485079

It's not unheard of.

Remember when Kanakig attempted recasting an Ena and a Tio?

>> No.11485084

He did?

>> No.11485085




Everyone think SIGMA's level are unattainable. And it's pretty easy to figure out, just do it patientely, and try until you're good at it. Start with miniatures.

And I don't know about that. If it happened, it'd be pretty shitty attitude from them. Buying a mask to use for reference and then sculpting on your own is fine though, but recasting is copying.

>> No.11485107
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Image related.

Titled "Generic X"

>> No.11485115

His hair work is horrendous.

>> No.11485119
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Ena recast.

>> No.11485125
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Another Tio recast

>> No.11485135

Sigh... As I heard before it wasn't that hard to get a SIGMA mask in the past but I think what kanakig did is what made SIGMA extremely reluctant to sell overseas and what caused them to enforce their extremely strict buying restrictions.

What a shame. Those generic masks they make are quite nice, and suit taller people who can't fit into other masks.

>> No.11485148

Sigmas are still easy to get.

>> No.11485158

Not really since if you're found out to be overseas you get black listed.

>> No.11485175


explain daza and casey pls

>> No.11485203

explain daza and draconpern pls

>> No.11485225


daza has more than one sigma
casey too
both have travelled overseas with their masks

they live in japan, indeed, but they were never blacklisted cause they were overseas with their masks.

>> No.11485233

draconpern lives in the united states

>> No.11485238

They had work visas in japan, and dracon travelled TO japan to buy his mask so he's not black listed either.

Cici is black listed for using a shopping service.

>> No.11485240


yeah, anyway, people are just creating facts out of nowhere

>> No.11485251

He is a American kigu performer. Just because he's Asian does not mean he's a Japanese kigu.

>> No.11485315

Not creating facts at all. If you check DP's twitter and site you will see he went to japan for quite some time. Also Daza posted about DP visiting him in Japan.

>> No.11485480


I'm not talking about DraconPern. I'm talking about people saying americans who buy stuff from SIGMA get blacklisted. Damn.

>> No.11485722

Its not new that cici copies...

Remember the mask he made just to spite Miharu?

>> No.11485730

wat mask

>> No.11485741

How do I find a qt kig close to me? And would they roleplay with me even if I got no costume?

>> No.11485755

Purposely trying to piss off Miharu is so 3 years ago.

>> No.11485764

Is Miharu even relevant anymore? Kigurumi fandom is better now he's uninvolved. Less dramu.

>> No.11485804


Hmm, I guess they'd cuz as soon as you put on the mask you have to become the character. And to find a kig close to you you gotta go to the communities and ask around. There's no other way.


Oh, please. I mean, I didn't comment on that crap when the drama start, but for me it seemed like a person with victim complex. Seriously. Stop. Well it would look similar right? Whatever, wasn't that mask made by Chikima? So whatever Cici did, it would probably look worse than Miharu's. Not that Cici can't improve, but at the moment I don't like the way they design stuff.

>> No.11486022
File: 216 KB, 2048x1367, 1272427_635655329799032_1729605706_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

less words, more kigus

>> No.11486029
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>> No.11486048
File: 175 KB, 808x901, catchup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember catchup? nostalgia time

>> No.11486063


does.. this count?

>> No.11486131
File: 181 KB, 1068x1600, DSC_4247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11486138 [DELETED] 

this is some weeky deek shit, and to be honest, it's bordering on pedophelia...

>> No.11486162
File: 113 KB, 640x960, 1235998_622618121102753_1774914006_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11486169
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>> No.11486440
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>> No.11486457

cici is not a ethical person. avoid doing business with cici

>> No.11486617
File: 31 KB, 240x320, DSCF7789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11486620

cici is a good example for all good kigu sisters

>> No.11486626

What are these? Pictures for ants?!?

>> No.11486640
File: 40 KB, 1024x680, DSC_6868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11486647


Cool pic.

>> No.11486714
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>> No.11486728


>> No.11486730
File: 141 KB, 1068x1600, DSC_4100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better now

>> No.11486796
File: 168 KB, 1065x1600, DSC_5938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11486924

That's an awesome photo!!

Makes me wish I had the knowledge to go to japan.

>> No.11486986
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>> No.11488109
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>> No.11488140


dat lan evo

>> No.11489468

I checked Nuko's blog and there's nothing meaning him stopping selling overseas. Could the anon who claimed that post the source (even if it's an e-mail screenshot)? Thanks.

>> No.11489755
File: 150 KB, 600x900, 810691564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11489783

There's nowhere that says he's selling overseas in the first place too.

>> No.11489828
File: 69 KB, 480x761, 20100313_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say /jp/, I'm looking for a new pair of breast forms, but I don't know which brand or style would suit me best. I'm looking for a b-cup for my average frame.
Does anyone have any recommendations?

>> No.11489890


yeah that's true. but he sold, so we know. just leave an e-mail screenshot here.

>> No.11489932
File: 586 KB, 1600x1060, kigsmile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there were other shots like this one but they were taken down, if someone has them please post them.

>> No.11489944 [DELETED] 

this shit's creepy. even weirder are the mental deficients who actually leave their houses looking like such tards.

>> No.11489962


you probably have the same opinion of normal cosplay so yeah, man, that's just your opinion

>> No.11489964

I'm not the same person, just raising a point. There aren't many nukos in the states either way. If it was possible to easily do it we'd be flooded with them.

>> No.11489971

totally. but at least cosplayers can restricts themselves to conventions or LARPing in their basements. this is just pure creepy.

>> No.11490043


Well, kig performers also restrict themselves to those places and those kind of activities, so, why do you think they're different?
In the end dude, it's just your opinion and taste, which I can completely understand. We're just asking if we could disagree with it being knowledgeable of what might happen.

>> No.11490057 [DELETED] 

"performers". really?

and oh look, deleted my earlier comment. /jp/ has some real tender crybabies doesn't it?

>> No.11490061


well, considering what they do, that's the best word i can find.

>> No.11490073

They are performers in the same way mimes are.

>> No.11490894
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>> No.11490896
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>> No.11490903
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>> No.11490906
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>> No.11490908
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>> No.11490911
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>> No.11490915
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>> No.11490918
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>> No.11490919
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>> No.11490920
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>> No.11490922
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>> No.11490923
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>> No.11490926
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>> No.11490929
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>> No.11490930
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>> No.11490932
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>> No.11490933

I wouldnt know where to recommend, im pretty inexperienced but id suggest trying to make your own, its probably way cheaper and you know they are going to be exactly right, theres tons of tutorials for drag queens and trans people out there

>> No.11490934
File: 79 KB, 480x640, BVTtjDPCYAAwLuj.jpg-l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11490935
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>> No.11490937
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>> No.11490939
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>> No.11490943
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>> No.11490948
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>> No.11490951
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>> No.11490955
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>> No.11490960

i love these threads so cute

>> No.11490963
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>> No.11490971
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>> No.11490973
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>> No.11490978
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>> No.11490992
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>> No.11490996
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>> No.11490998
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>> No.11491000
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>> No.11491002
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>> No.11491006
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>> No.11491010
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>> No.11491013
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>> No.11491018 [DELETED] 
File: 2.00 MB, 395x350, wtf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is seriously creeping me the fuck out.

>> No.11491016
File: 110 KB, 1023x1267, BVf_4sACUAAnZyj.jpg-l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11491020
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>> No.11491022
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>> No.11491026
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>> No.11491031
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>> No.11491239
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>> No.11491243
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>> No.11491245
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>> No.11491247
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>> No.11491248
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>> No.11491252
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>> No.11491257
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>> No.11491259 [DELETED] 

yall niggas gay

>> No.11491260
File: 89 KB, 1024x1365, BVlhuIwCIAAqHOx.jpg-l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11491262
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>> No.11491264
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>> No.11491267
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>> No.11491269
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>> No.11491273
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>> No.11491275
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>> No.11491279
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>> No.11491281
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>> No.11491284
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>> No.11491286
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>> No.11491290
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>> No.11491294
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>> No.11491375

holyshit, am i lost on the REALLY weird boards of 4chan again?
this is real? people do this?

>> No.11491499

source? reverse image search found nothing

>> No.11491572


yeah, it's pretty cool actually

>> No.11491770
File: 27 KB, 960x291, 1239875_215205335313454_489887427_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate him

>> No.11491806


Huh, why?

>> No.11492470

You can make it from urethane foam by cutting with a knife.

>> No.11492492

I have a pair that might be what you're looking for. They were about $160 new and feel really nice, i'd be willing to part with them from for a much cheaper price. I have only used them a few times as they were to small for the character i was doing.

If you're interested, let me know. This applies for anyone else that is interested

>> No.11492515
File: 161 KB, 667x1000, IMG_20130922_021a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from http://soyotutu.ddo.jp/blog/2013/10/post-87.html

>> No.11493465
File: 263 KB, 800x532, DSC_0004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$160 is pretty pricey compared to what I've seen. Are they quality silicone with a surrounding support structure or bra?
If so, I'd be interested.

I also would enjoy having sauce on these.

>> No.11494012

does anyone on here know how he makes these solid hair bits (im assuming its nuko) its probably just the same method as is used foe the rest of the mask but it looks like it might be rubber

>> No.11494640

google for
'Pert Silicone B Breasts with Straps'
first link

>> No.11494973

Jealousy, I bet

>> No.11494990
File: 318 KB, 640x480, CIMG6539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have seen a picture of it unpainted, its part of the shell of the mask. not rubber.

sorry for before, i wanted to reply but it somehow made a new thread >.<

>> No.11495011

How do I meet a local kig?
Would they do lewd stuff with me?

>> No.11495062


Well you gotta ask around. They're probably in some community. Where are you from?

Bout your seconde question, that would depend on the person. You barely knew the person and you want to do lewd stuff already.

>> No.11495068

I live in Sweden, as far as I know, there's no one close by as far as I know, but I don't know much about kigs, or barely anything really.

>> No.11495084


Ah yeah. I can't remember none in Sweden too. There's some in Finland I think though.

Your options are restricted to doing a kig yourself probably, but you probably don't want to.

>> No.11495315
File: 44 KB, 330x439, CIMG6568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Austria ...

>> No.11495359


so is that your new kigu then, right?

>> No.11496086

Its nukopan.

But he doesn't sell the hair piece.

>> No.11496435
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>> No.11496448
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>> No.11496453
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>> No.11496458
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>> No.11496463
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>> No.11496466
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>> No.11496481

New Thread

>> No.11500428

oh cool, latex hadatai
