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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 237 KB, 1024x768, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11458929 No.11458929 [Reply] [Original]

The old thread hit the bump limit >>11457544

What do you want to ask ZUN-sama?

Extra credit: what do you want to ask moot?

>> No.11458945
File: 19 KB, 250x245, 000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11458948

I was being serious about having space. I wouldn't mind hosting a /jp/er.

>> No.11458951

and thus the great autist war begins anew

whoever wins, we all lose

good luck anyway soldiers ;_;7

>> No.11458951,1 [INTERNAL] 

Modbro did you really image ban my down votes?


>> No.11458952

This marks the 5th AWA thread. There is no need for more than one thread, even when it reaches the bump limit. /jp/ isn't like your home board where you need a constant new general up every 5 minutes, it's slow. Please refrain from the continual spam.

>> No.11458954

How could /jp/ be not like /jp/?

>> No.11458955

Go back to /a/ we don't need this here.

>> No.11458956


>> No.11458958

Because you aren't /jp/.

>> No.11458961


>> No.11458965

Obv crossboarder troll. We have plenty of eternal generals. This is just another drop in the bucket.

>> No.11458966

/a/ has nothing to do with ZUN. That's... uh... why /jp/ was created.

See above. If you were a real /jp/er you'd be excited for this. /jp/ isn't NEET lifestyle, it's otaku culture. i.e. touhou

>> No.11458971 [DELETED] 

NEETs were banned to /jp/ right along with Touhous. You would know that if you weren't a crossboarder.

>> No.11458973

I'm so excited for a normalfag convention and a 4chan pannel! I can't wait for even more new people to come here! It's going to be so fun!

>> No.11458974

Conventions are for normalfags and normalfags aren't otaku culture.

>> No.11458975

Actually, they were called ronery threads back in the day and had nothing to do with NEETs. Your kind were always unwanted and were banished as such. Want to know who doesn't belong? Go make a NEET thread and we'll see which one gets deleted.

>> No.11458978


>> No.11458983
File: 634 KB, 1264x2609, _jp_ - Otaku Culture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The generals (other than the image dumps) aren't remade unless they fall off the board. At least not when the other thread is still on the first page.

>> No.11458980

What board did you come here from?

>> No.11458981

I'm in my hotel room working on my /jp/ sign for the panel. Look for me on the livestream! I'll the one with the /jp/ sign

>> No.11458984

Are you there with anyone? If not, could we sit together? I will be lonely otherwise.

>> No.11458986 [DELETED] 

There were plenty of NEETs in ronery threads and this thread itself goes to show how twisted this place has become. This normalfag scumfilth shitting all over the board with its meet ups and its socialization. "Drinking with ZUN!", "Dancing with moot!" etc etc bunch of flagrant faggotry if I've ever seen anything like it I hope all you normal fags get fucking bombed by some insane /pol/tard.

>> No.11458987

What's up /AWA/?
Who's excited for the con?
What other cons you hitting?
Pumped for the meet up?

>> No.11458988 [DELETED] 

Nice "inline" script, newfag.

>> No.11458989

Yeah right idol threads get remade before they leave the front page at image limit not even autosage.

>> No.11458990

You couldn't be more wrong if you tried.

<---- /a/ is that way since you seem to be lost

>> No.11458994 [DELETED] 

Already hooked up with a girl tonight. /jp/ was right when they said you get laid at cons.

>> No.11458992

There are never 5 of the same general in the catalog.

>> No.11458997

They dont hit sage limit fast enough.

>> No.11458996

pls no more

>> No.11458998 [DELETED] 


im hoping to bag one tomorrow where did you find her

>> No.11458999

At the convention. Are you literally retarded?

>> No.11459001

well i dont know where to find girls i never leave my house i never went to a con

how should i know

>> No.11459000 [DELETED] 

In my hotel bar. The girls here are unironically downright sluts.

>> No.11459004

There are currently 5 threads with the subject of "Anime Weekend Atlanta". Only one of them has reached the bump limit.

There are two idol general (one AKB, one HP).
There is one doll general, one Nukige general, one Tea general, one visual novel general.

This seem to be the only general that has multiple threads while having other threads that could be posted in no where near deletion.

>> No.11459009

shut the fuck up and deal with it for the weekend dumbass why are you so irate about one thread that will last two more days

>> No.11459010

Shut up normalfag

>> No.11459008

Condense your normalfag threads.

>> No.11459015

Why are you spamming your normalfag threads?
Post them on your own board.

>> No.11459012
File: 972 KB, 1024x576, 4chananniversarypanel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moot approved, check his twitter.
Man I miss moetron. ;_;

>> No.11459013

I'd show you my normalfag thread but I already gave it to a conslut.

>> No.11459013,1 [INTERNAL] 

Get in here warosubros.

>> No.11459016

Condense your condense posts

>> No.11459024 [DELETED] 

Is this the new normalfag general?

What are you bros going to give moot to autograph?

>> No.11459029

why so mad jaypee? Is just a con

>> No.11459027
File: 392 KB, 599x337, BU9nJafCYAAXUpE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is moot quoting?

>> No.11459028

i didnt make it but this is a discussion forum and im here to have a discussion witht he guy who did so you can suck my dick dude

>> No.11459038

Maybe if people didn't endlessly shitpost in these threads we wouldn't need so many.

Now I see why moot added an in-thread post cooldown.
These threads seem to do better during the day when the shitposters are sleeping so let's see how tomorrow turns out.

>> No.11459033

I'm just going to thank him for all he's done with 4chan to make it more user friendly and how he really helped the meme subculture grow has a whole.

>> No.11459042

Implying there's an in-thread cooldown.

>> No.11459039

This isn't a discussino forum, newbie.

>> No.11459043

Implying there's an in-thread cooldown.

>> No.11459045

Is this part of moot's master plan? Did decide to host a panel again just to stab /jp/ in the eye again?

NEET threads gone
sage invisible
/jp/ - anime con culture

Why does moot hate us? ;_;

>> No.11459046

Maybe you should take the hint and stop spamming.

>> No.11459048

He fears what he doesn't understand, he hates what he can't conquer.

>> No.11459052

Green corrupts.

>> No.11459054

He's the US government?

>> No.11459056

It seems that insufferable autists have flooded /jp/
/jp/ meetups have always been a thing, I don't know why everyone is so angry about seeing ZUN in person.

>> No.11459064

You mean tokikio's meetup? Yeah, that isn't /jp/.

>> No.11459065

Jealousy, mostly.

Surely this can't be your first encounter with collective nerd rage

>> No.11459069

What board or outside website are you from?

>> No.11459071

Conventions have never been accepted on /jp/.
Not when it was still /a/, and not now.

>> No.11459076

Hey guys, what do you want me to ask moot?

>> No.11459078

Why did he sell out?

>> No.11459079

It's the class of 2011. It's been at least two years already.

The silly part is how they try to fend off "crossies" by acting like they're still on /a/ or /v/.

>> No.11459080

We had con threads on /a/ before /jp/ whenever there was a 4chan panel. We even have con threads for minor cons on /jp/ whenever one is happening. This one's drawing extra posters because of the announcement and ZUNE pictures.

>> No.11459088

Says the crossboarder.

>> No.11459084

These threads always draw in crossboarders. You can smell them from 6 threads away and they stick out like sore thumbs.

And the crossies are almost always normals. Just wait until tomorrow the this place floods with selfies and "LOLOL LOOK AT ME I'M A GROSS HAIRY DUDE DRESSED AS A FEMALE CHARACTER AREN'T I HILARIOUS AND IRONIC??"

>> No.11459093 [DELETED] 
File: 108 KB, 713x973, 4f9ae141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11459092

His name isn't "ZUNE".

>> No.11459094

Prove it.

>> No.11459095

Where were all you bitterNEETs during the endless COMIKET thread?

Serious question btw

>> No.11459096

Go spam a Naruto thread on /a/.

>> No.11459097

bearded kaguya guy's exactly like that and he was a regular on /jp/, dude

(he probably left like almost everyone else now, but he used to be relevant)

>> No.11459098

Comiket isn't a convention.

>> No.11459099

Prove it.

>> No.11459102

He's his blog.

>> No.11459103

Because those threads bring content from the east

Western cons are god awful mixtures of /b/, tumblr, twitter, and whatever big weeb site is in now.

>> No.11459103,1 [INTERNAL] 

/jp/ is owning itself into Bolivian

why do they do that?!

>> No.11459104


>> No.11459105

What board are you from?

>> No.11459106

At first i thought the whole autism/asperger/social outcast thing was a joke.

Then i talked further with a few people from /jp/...okay several dozen people from /jp/...and i realised that most did have some serious problems.

There were people who got off from insulting others. Literally.

There were people whom enjoyed shitposting on /jp/. They would deliberately make a shitty post. As shitty as possible. Because it made them happy.

There were people with so deep seated pyschological issues that i cant begin to guess what their problem was. One day they would be perfectly normal. The other they would be a raging homicidal maniac. Another day they would be all giggly and pretending to be a little girl.

And then you know, there were all the fanbois...that would literally SUCK COCK as the fan of something or other. The kind who thought that touhou/miku/baby's first VN/whatever was GOD'S GREATEST GIFT TO HUMANITY. And the cock that they suck...oh god THE COCK THAT THEY SUCK...

>> No.11459107

Is this the new way to say "lol" on the other boards?

>> No.11459108

LMAO look at these tiny chink eyes

I can't even tell if they're opened

>> No.11459110


>> No.11459112

It isn't a trade convention.

>> No.11459117

Sounds like they're otaku. On the otaku culture board.
Who are you?

>> No.11459114
File: 397 KB, 1280x853, real jp meetup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ meetups have been a thing for quite some time.
That's where the whole meme came from, because /jp/ tends to love being self satirical.
There have been several meetups at comiket in the past, which is most definitely >/jp/ related.

>> No.11459115

Did someone suck your cock? Dude?

Or is this just copypasta? I can't be bothered to check.

>> No.11459116

Comiket isn't a normalfag western con.

>> No.11459122


>> No.11459119

This con brought ZUN from the east.

check and mate, my friend :)

>> No.11459120
File: 16 KB, 240x194, SanaeUMAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol didn't read

>> No.11459127

Notice how this isn't at a normal western convention.

>> No.11459124

Don't even start that shit
Just because you browse /jp/ 10% of the time when you're board of /v/ doesn't make it a "/jp/ meetup" when you show.

>> No.11459131

lol look at those rich normies
where do normals even buy their clothes to look like that

>> No.11459129

So why is it listed as one?

It's literally an even where people convene to trade. How can you even argue with that?

>> No.11459130

When people show you arguments, just ignore them and keep calling them crossies :^)

>> No.11459134 [DELETED] 

Nice literally meme

>> No.11459135

>you're board of /v/

Literally retarded.

>> No.11459136


Yeah because I know the facts. Just because you happen to occasionally check /jp/ doesn't mean wherever you go in the real world with another crossboarder becomes a /jp/ meetup.

>> No.11459137

i like how you say "we". delusional much? you aren't the voice of /jp/. you seemed like a self-entitled little whiny bitch. no one would browse /jp/ except for yourself if the users were like you.

you are an annoying vocal minority. you are a self-loathing autistic manchild. the moderation or janitor showed the report queue and /jp/ wasn't even existent on it. 1 report per post with the max being 2.

you whiny faggots who complain all day /jp/ are the minority. 5 people reporting a thread will get it deleted in like 5 minutes janitor and 15 with illegal content and it's auto deleted. that means not even 5 of you autistic pieces of shit are browsing at once.

if you kids actually held any sway it'd be completely obvious since the report queue system would guarantee mods/janitors taking care of the board.

fuck off to whatever shithole you crawled out from.

>> No.11459138

Nice nice meme.
Nice meme meme.

>> No.11459140

Why don't you provide a real source, and not wikipedia?

>> No.11459143

What board are you and all these people that post "literally" in every post from?

>> No.11459140,1 [INTERNAL] 

Under 200 until auto sage.

>> No.11459144

Get a load of this nerd.

Real /jp/sies don't summon the staff. You would know that if this wasn't your first day here.

>> No.11459149

I'm quite literally from /jp/.

I post on warosu and visit some other sites for torrents but that's about it unless I'm buying something.

>> No.11459147

/jp/ is an anarchy.

>> No.11459148

I only know literally spam from the speedrunning general.

>> No.11459151

What board is that?

>> No.11459154

you're a complete retard. unlike you, moot has a function brain, and can analyze the reality in front of him.

the site isn't built around the idea of some moderated community where every posts "quality"™ threads judged by elitist manchildren.

literally the _only_ thing this entire fucking site has going for it is the gems you find in off-topc threads.

i think you autismal babies are forgetting people visit this site for entertainment? they want to laugh and have fun? they don't want some quality™ discussion with you manchildren.

>> No.11459159
File: 440 KB, 603x614, 5fe3aaea0f6ea9def6ffa47f27daf251.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who should I answer with?

>> No.11459160

Then go back to your board. You obviously don't belong here.

>> No.11459161



>> No.11459162


troll harder, noob

>> No.11459166



>> No.11459164

What does moot's dick taste like?
Has he made you a mod yet?

>> No.11459165

The people I met at AWA could be broken into two groups, really nice but socially devastated, and those people you hear about in con horror stories (there weren't actually many of these and they weren't really that bad, but I could see them escalating a situation).

Would I go to another? Well, it wasn't bad. But I surely wouldn't do it in a foreign country again. I can't see one here working out since there'd be nothing to bring us all in one spot anyway aside from the meetup. The change in userbase here also makes me wary.

If there was one someplace I already was at, I might stop over and scout things out. Meeting a local /jp/er one on one seems kind of interesting sometimes, but after joking about wearing meido dresses and sucking each other off for the fifth time it'd get awkward.

>> No.11459167

This passive aggressiveness will make you go bald.

>> No.11459168

Are you an elephant? Who the fuck remembers a single post from 2 years ago?

God damn. I'm truhikki and even I can't monitor this place 24/7.

>> No.11459171

You're just jealous because people don't want to discuss things with you.

But it's not a lost cause! It's an anonymous board, so it's not like anyone has any bias against you. All it'll take is for you to stop acting like a shithead. You can do it, Anon!

>> No.11459172

He makes an elephant look skinny!

>> No.11459173

It sounded like pretty obvious copypasta
Nobody cranks out oc like that anymore

>> No.11459174

>people you hear about in con horror stories

Describe, please. I'm not familiar with con people

>> No.11459177

I found a thread that is discussing everything about this con, even moot is there. Maybe you should try this thread instead.

>> No.11459180

why is moot so unfunny
thats it I'm going to awa just so I can bop him in the face and give him some sense

>> No.11459181 [DELETED] 

I want to discuss cons with my /jp/ friends :-)

>> No.11459184

Sorry, I'm not a crossboarder like you are.

>> No.11459187

Discuss it on it's proper board.

>> No.11459187,1 [INTERNAL] 

People who still care about /jp/ in 2013 are the easiest to mess with

and it's always hilarious to me

>> No.11459188

That would be /jp/.

>> No.11459190

Just a normalfag then ?

>> No.11459191

The janitor(s) and the mod(s) agree that this thread is in fact /jp/ related, friend.

>> No.11459196



>> No.11459194

They're the last ones to know what is or isn't /jp/ related

>> No.11459195

Prove it.

>> No.11459197

Are you being ironic or are you just new here?

>> No.11459200

Now they just need to agree on banning the shitposters from it.

>> No.11459204


Lots of deleted threads there :-)

>> No.11459201

One or more AWA threads have been on the front page all day. Plenty of other threads are getting deleted whilst these ones stay.

I'd say it's being allowed..... FOR NOW

>> No.11459205

I am thinking of cosplaying Arc at the next con, because her costume is so simple and cheap.

however, I will wear a bra.

Having trouble finding a skirt in the right color purple/proper fullness, however.

>> No.11459206

How new are you?

>> No.11459208

A-Are you a g-girl??

>> No.11459209

That doesn't prove anything.

>> No.11459209,1 [INTERNAL] 

That's what you think.

>> No.11459215 [DELETED] 

Keep telling yourself that while I discuss cons with my /jp/buddies, friend ;-)

>> No.11459211

Epic... simply epic. Literally epic, even

>> No.11459212

Cute stutter f/a/ggot.

>> No.11459220 [DELETED] 

No /jp/ers you'll be discussing with.

>> No.11459221 [DELETED] 

will you have sex with me
come on I know you must be a pro
how do you decide who to fuck at cons?

>> No.11459216

Seagull here, coming because of this post. I'd say that the thread is on topic for /jp/, though it's more a /cgl/ thing. I also don't come to /jp/ and am not sure of its board culture, though.

>> No.11459217

Actually, it proves you are wrong and literally too retarded to realize it.

Have fun doing whatever it is retards do

>> No.11459219
File: 150 KB, 599x600, froge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to the convention today (didn't cosplay, wore nice clothes, hid my power level) and as I was walking around artists alley looking at all the terrible FMA yaoi porn and furry shit I came across the guy that drew the pic I attached. The guy was wearing an IOSYS shirt and we talked shortly about what he was selling and how there's hardly any decent fanart and how I've seen his stuff posted on /jp/. He was selling prints of a few touhou things and /jp/ related things and I asked to see if he had any Yakumo stuff or Strike Witches stuff. He also had two yukkuri plushes that I wanted to buy but he refused.

I figured I would wait and buy an entire set of touhou prints on the last day of the con after I had stopped at the ATM but the guy wasn't there on the last day. It sucked because I wanted to support an American touhou artist that doesn't draw like shit, but I lost his card and he probably wouldn't ship prints anyway.

Also, this Korean guy had all the touhou games on a PC in the gameroom that I played for awhile.

Does /jp/ have any experiences meeting other touhou fans in real life or do you typically keep to yourselves about it?

>> No.11459224 [DELETED] 

Doesn't prove it. Provide me proof from a mod and janitor that says conventions belong on /jp/.

>> No.11459225

Here since day 1. What now?

>> No.11459222

All of my friends in RL I have introduced to touhou say that the games are too hard and ask how I can be a fan of some 'anime game that doesn't have an actual anime series'.

They tell me I should just play Zelda or something normal people play if I want to be able to talk to people about it.

I go to maybe 2 conventions a year, and I have yet to see any touhou cosplayers

>> No.11459230 [DELETED] 

yeah but will you have sex with me

>> No.11459231

Prove it.

>> No.11459226 [DELETED] 

Well, I turn to my husband and then I realize "Hey! I have somebody!" and so I fuck my husband. Con sex is pretty rad, especially if it's cosplay sex.

>> No.11459227

>Does /jp/ have any experiences meeting other touhou fans in real life

Only one. And what made me more glad is that he knows the PC-98 series. Met him at a convention. He was alone so I just went with him on the convention talking about Touhou stuff.

>do you typically keep to yourselves about it?

I usually just keep it to myself. All my friends who knows Touhou got it from me when they saw me playing.

Oh yeah, might as well as post the obligatory posts
>hilarious reaction image.jpg

>> No.11459228

I just realized that the only people I interact with anymore are little girls.

>> No.11459229


Congratulations. You are both and a normie AND a secondary.

add a dash of weeb and you'll be the most hated person on this board

>> No.11459237

why not

>> No.11459232

I never understood the appeal of Zelda series. It looks like your average game in that genre and the storyline is a one huge fucking mess that even developers don't seem to care about.

>> No.11459233 [DELETED] 


>> No.11459234

Only people I've seen from /jp/ were in the 18-22 age range.

Most of the older anons show up for /a/ meetups. It was about 70/30 male/female but most people were in the 24-28 age range.

I think the only /jp/ meetups you can trust are the ones in Japan.

>> No.11459236

What sort of copypasta is this?
I think the artist alley isn't open on thursday and the convention hasn't really begun, hence no last day.

>> No.11459237,1 [INTERNAL] 

We've been officially over run by normies. There's nothing left to do.

>> No.11459239

Who are you quoting?

>> No.11459240

Nice. How can I achieve that? It's kind of a dream of mine to be surrounded by lolis

>> No.11459242

How is ZUN a /cgl/ thing?

>> No.11459243

Hey dude it's the artist here. Sorry I wasn't there the last day, but on top of only making $60 the entire weekend I also had some rum last night that really didn't sit well with me. So I only came by for an hour or so to clean up what I left behind. I usually don't get a lot of reaction from my Touhou or Idolmaster art (although one by came by this weekend who was the first to appreciate my Idolmaster stuff), but I went to Otakon last year and this year and still made a decent profit from commissions. I dunno why nobody was willing to commission me this time -- maybe I need to suck it up and buy some PVC pipe like the pros. The worst I've done at a con before this is like, $250?

Anyways not trying to cry about it too much, it didn't leave me in the hole too bad but I'm used to making up my costs and then some. I'll be at Otakon in July and I should have time to make much nicer Touhou works.

>> No.11459244

You're fucking all those guys at the con this weekend, why not one more?

>> No.11459245 [DELETED] 

ur mom's butt! LMAO!!!

>> No.11459246

I kind of envy you guys. 'round here all conventions are either:

A-Hardcore animu fucktards. Bad cosplay, ugly girls and Yaoi fanart EVERYWHERE. Not that the latter is a bad thing, mind you.
B-Normalfag animu fucktards. A cosplay competition with a few stores here and there (where you can buy the thing you usually can find at the usual price) and people dancing to j-pop fucking EVERYHWERE.

The only 'good' thing I found so far was a Reimu not-so-good-not-so-bad cosplayer at a dead-end convention.

>> No.11459247

It isn't. AWA is.

>> No.11459248

>A-Hardcore animu fucktards. Bad cosplay, ugly girls and Yaoi fanart EVERYWHERE. Not that the latter is a bad thing, mind you.
>B-Normalfag animu fucktards. A cosplay competition with a few stores here and there (where you can buy the thing you usually can find at the usual price) and people dancing to j-pop fucking EVERYHWERE.
You just described every convention here if you combined A and B.

>> No.11459255

If you were at AWA or NYCC I'd buy from you.

>> No.11459251

Pretty much. I'm a huge touhou fan but I usually only watch maybe 2 anime series a season. I just kinda grew out of it and got into something else. I still kinda like going to cons though just to hang out with my friends I met when I was still really really weeaboo. I wear normal clothes so alot of people just leave me be and think I don't belong there.

My one friend dressed like Kamen Rider and I spent the con making fun of him calling him a beetleborg. When you go to cons you have to be prepared for the stereotypical yaoi fangirls and weirdos, but as someone who was a weeaboo and grew out of it I'm still attracted to geeks that anime cons attract. Theres alot of cute sweet girls that go and love the attention of guys that don't look like freaks or treat them bad.

So theres a few 'normal' people that go to cons, you just have to know how to pick them out and find out what they're into since they're obviously not into the super popular stuff.

My friend and I are 22 and we both felt like we were WAY too old to be there, but deep down, I loved it.

>> No.11459252

I don't think cosplaying can ever be considered good, man.

Neither can conventions now that I think about it.

>> No.11459253 [DELETED] 

I've never had sex with anybody but my husband. Not even technical virgin bullshit.

>> No.11459254

Guess who's at AWA now.

>> No.11459257

22 and too old?
There's tons of old geezers.
Actually I guess there are less these days. I went to my first con when I was 12 (24 now) and I remember feeling like the only kid there.

>> No.11459259

The person you're talking about? Also Moot and a bunch more people?

>> No.11459260

Then discuss ZUN, and ZUN's panel as it happens alone. Cosplay, meet ups, etc. don't belong here.

>> No.11459261


>> No.11459262 [DELETED] 
File: 71 KB, 1280x720, [EveTaku] Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai 2 - 02 (1280x720 x264-Hi10P AAC)[DDC0E3A6].mkv_snapshot_13.59_[2013.07.01_14.09.23].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this thread still here? This isn't the /jp/ I grew up with.

>> No.11459265 [DELETED] 
File: 107 KB, 300x300, 1333459864917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2008- old/jp/
2011ー neo/jp/
2012- post/q/neo/jp/
2013- normalfriend/jp/

>> No.11459266 [DELETED] 

envy this!

*whips out dick*

>> No.11459269

>Anime Weekend Atlanta Convention
>Anime Weekend Atlanta
>Anime Weekend

>> No.11459270 [DELETED] 

Actually, '12 and '13 are janny/jp/. He's probably from /cgl/ too, which is why this thread is still here AND all those shit threads aren't deleted, while /jp/ threads are.

>> No.11459267 [DELETED] 

I'm not impressed.

>> No.11459268 [DELETED] 

Literally samefag

>> No.11459276
File: 637 KB, 982x789, ruby-slippers-copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want them to go home!
I want them to go home!
I want them to go home!

>> No.11459274

Yeah, well.... it's not like I c-care or anything.


>> No.11459279

People were discussing ZUN in the last thread, see how well that went.

Maybe you should just take your shitposting to /srs/ instead?

>> No.11459277 [DELETED] 

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.11459284 [DELETED] 

Yeah sure, but you're going to cheat on him anyway, so why not start now?

>> No.11459280
File: 8 KB, 168x251, 1218465378926s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know /jp/, the problem with femanons is not that they do the sorts of things they do at AX or at Otakon or at Sakuracon, that's the way femanons are, promiscuity and cheating are their 'thing', we can't change their nature. We took them into our midst in the late 90s, and we'll have to endure the consequences of that terrible mistake until we -remove- them from our midst, one way or another.

We could have ended this problem peacefully. We could have told them we didn’t want them in our hobbies. But we put it off, and now we've lost the opportunity for any peaceful resolution. In fact, we've lost the opportunity for a peaceful resolution to a lot of other problems. We let things slide to the point that we no longer enjoy our dojinshi in peace. The con goers who approve of making anime, manga and visual novels more ‘female friendly’ and challenging the ‘misogyny’ in our ‘community’ have got the decent, hardheaded fans outnumbered now. The yaoi-fans and the whores who sleep around and the cosplayers and the normalfags completely outnumber the rest of us. They'll destroy what's left of our fandom. They'll take us straight to hell, because -all- they care about is the socializing and the sex and the relationships. That’s really -all- they care about.

>> No.11459281


>> No.11459283 [DELETED] 

>being this mad
>implying I can't see your "invisible" sage
>not knowing who I am quoting
>your pained ass smells like cheese

I'm literally in tears I'm laughing so hard.

>> No.11459288

What's /srs/ ?
I'm not a crossie like you, so you have to explain things like this.

>> No.11459285

I do a ton of conventions every year. They're basically an excuse for binge drinking. Cram as many people into the room as possible, get everyone thoroughly trashed, and just go crazy until hotel security breaks it up due to the noise complaints. Then do it again the next night.

Once in a while, the big cons have guests worth seeing. Meeting Ayako Kawasumi at Otakon was just about the high point of my life. Seeing Momoi Haruko perform at Anime Expo was awesome. And talking to the founder of Broccoli at that same AX was like coming face-to-face with God.

As for the guests at smaller cons, meh. They're the same American VA's that come to every con. I really have no interest in their work, but they're usually cool people to hang out and drink with.

But yeah, most cons just amount to me sitting in my hotel room drinking and playing Touhou.

>> No.11459287
File: 42 KB, 296x296, 1361840253534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would I get "extra credit" for asking moot a shitty question?

>> No.11459289

Cons are good, but there's always a lot of fucking weird people at cons. They want you "glomp" them and/or come into their hotel rooms and eat ramen and watch yaoi with them while constantly talking about "sexy nin jitsu" or whatever the hell it is.

Big cons can kind of suck because there are too many people, but big cons mean better panels. Best con I went to was Anime Iowa, not too big, not too small. Acen was probably the worst. Too big, NO FUCKING CONSUITE, and Fred Gallagher worshipers galore.

>> No.11459294 [DELETED] 

It's a cool board on a cool site away from 4chan. You'd like it there.

>> No.11459289,1 [INTERNAL] 

Tagging out on the shit posting. It's up to you Europe to keep these threads nothing but shit posting and no convention discussion.

>> No.11459291

So you do exactly what normalfags do except with some touhou?

>> No.11459293

Why wouldn't you?

>> No.11459297 [DELETED] 

>exactly what normalfags do except with some touhou

Welcome to the janitor's idea of /jp/

>> No.11459294,1 [INTERNAL] 

Does 5 year old convention discussion count as shitposting?

What am I doing.. I think I'm out too.

>> No.11459295 [DELETED] 

So you admit you're not only a cross boarder, but a cross siter.

>> No.11459297,1 [INTERNAL] 

Anything that isn't this current convention counts.

>> No.11459301

>They want you "glomp" them
Huh, really? I thought I heard that soliciting hugs or anything the like was banned this time because of those creepy pervs everyone seems to be afraid of?

>> No.11459302 [DELETED] 

What did you guys think of the new Big Bang Theory?

>> No.11459307 [DELETED] 

Did it feature touhou?

>> No.11459308

Is anyone there on panty shot duty, and will you be posting your finds?

>> No.11459305 [DELETED] 

I often cheat 4chan with other sites like Google or Wikipedia or Pixiv or NND. I'm just an all around bad person.

>> No.11459310 [DELETED] 

Fuck that I still don't know what happened to the Mighty Ducks. It was on every night around this time I swear.

>> No.11459311 [DELETED] 

Touhou is shit.

>> No.11459314 [DELETED] 

Anyone else watching the Breaking Bad marathon?

>> No.11459316 [DELETED] 

That wasn't my question, nerdlord.

Go take your adderall pls

>> No.11459316,1 [INTERNAL] 

LMAO look at all these buttpained autists

more convention talk incoming bros :^)

>> No.11459328 [DELETED] 

At one point, Sheldon was talking about how he's playing Ten Desires and hates the trance mechanics.

>> No.11459326 [DELETED] 

whoa whoa whoa WHOA WHOA WHOA!~

What the FUCK is going on in here? Why are you guys being so hostile?

Bullying is not cute. Knock it off and take it easy, ok?

>> No.11459329 [DELETED] 

I can't take it easy while being invaded.

>> No.11459329,1 [INTERNAL] 

I'm only pretending re-re. Guess you just got trolled!

>> No.11459337 [DELETED] 

Everyone! All the boards are invading at once! Can't you tell by the 500 posts in the last 2 hours!

>> No.11459332 [DELETED] 

Who is invading and why isn't moot doing anything about it?

>> No.11459334

Seriouslouly the con ends for the night and all the crossies come out of the woodwork to post from their hotels. Get fucked crossies.

>> No.11459335 [DELETED] 

The convention hasn't even officially started yet and I've already had sex with one conslut!

She was cosplaying as that one potato girl in that Titan anime and I think she said she was from /a/ at one point.

She wasn't very experienced. I like those the most.

Hopefully I can go 4/4days for AWA. That would be me first time (unless you count orgies as multiple partners).

>> No.11459344 [DELETED] 

you've had more sex than i'll ever have! omedetto

>> No.11459337,1 [INTERNAL] 

This shit is already at 200 replies lol

Why is this so entertaining? I was going to masturbate tonight not spend it on /jp/

>> No.11459344,1 [INTERNAL] 

It's like posting without a janitor.

I think there's only one guy in this thread who isn't in on it.

>> No.11459344,2 [INTERNAL] 

Because there is no rules tonight for some reason. Nothings gets deleted so its a free for all shit fest.

>> No.11459349 [DELETED] 

More like the I can count to potato girl!

>> No.11459344,3 [INTERNAL] 

I keep forgetting which posts are mine and end up arguing with myself.

>> No.11459353 [DELETED] 

You should try cons. I'm a con sex otaku if you will, I would be a virgin if it wasn't for cons.

With cons I'm probably at over 50 different partners if you count orgies. I've moved on from those, though. They're pretty gross in general if you can't weed out the undesirables and 1on1 is a lot better.

>> No.11459353,1 [INTERNAL] 

This thread's the most fun I've had on /jp/ in quite a while.

>> No.11459355 [DELETED] 

How old was she?

>> No.11459356 [DELETED] 


I don't care if you are joking, just go.


>> No.11459359 [DELETED] 

How old did she seem?

>> No.11459357 [DELETED] 

I think she said 19, I don't really care honestly.

I'm neither lesbian nor gay. I'm a dude and I have sex with girls (except that one time I fucked a crossplayer I guess but that doesn't count).

>> No.11459358 [DELETED] 

when I was 13 I went to my first con. In my room I tied up this girl that was 12 with a jumprope, then beat the fuck out of her. By the time I was done, her lip was split, her wrists were bleeding from the rope cuttin into them, one of her eyes was swollen shut, she was missing two teeth, her small tits will entirely black and blue, her pussy was bleeding, and I’m fairly sure that several bones in her feet were broken. When I let her down, she crumpled on the floor and went into a fetal position and just hugged her legs to her chest and sobbed quietly. I suddenly got very aroused seeing that, so I pulled out my dick (I has actally hit puberty 12, and was hairy, balls dropped and everything functioning) and started jerking off quietly. Eventually, I started to breathe harder, and she noticed what I was doing, and she just looked at me with this look of absolute horror on her face. It was at that moment that I climaxed and sprayed probably my biggest load of cum ever all over face and chest. Then, I picked up her torn shirt from the ground, wiped off my dick and tossed it to her. I told her to clean herself up and that if she ever told anyone, I would go to her house and kill her while she slept, and that if anyone asked who hurt her, she should say a bunch of highschool kids did it. When I think back on it, I think she was the first girl I ever loved.

>> No.11459364

My dick is harder than runaticu modo right now

>> No.11459365 [DELETED] 

I suck ass with ages, everything between 13 and like 20 is a blur to me.

Female congoers usually look a lot younger than they are, so probably like 15-16 I guess?

>> No.11459366 [DELETED] 

So you're saying you had sex with a fifteen year old girl.

>> No.11459375 [DELETED] 

;_;7 RIP pedocon

>> No.11459376 [DELETED] 

Oh, just a reminder for any /jp/ers going to AWA.

The age of consent in GA is 16.

>> No.11459380 [DELETED] 

She said 19 and I didn't exactly card her, dude.

>> No.11459382 [DELETED] 

What are the groping laws? I'm cosplaying as a Jap train molester.

densha hentai wwwwwe

>> No.11459388 [DELETED] 

You're saying she looked to be 15 though.

>> No.11459390 [DELETED] 

after a certain age they all look 15 anon

>> No.11459392 [DELETED] 

Maybe to a sexual predator all prey may look the same, but to normal people, they're usually to tell the difference between a 13 year old and a 19 year old.

>> No.11459396


>> No.11459398 [DELETED] 

The fuck are you going on about? They all look disgusting that's what they are.

>> No.11459399 [DELETED] 

The other year, I happened to end up at a smallish con where my friends deserted me for whatever reason. Feeling bored, I stroke up a conversation with one of these cosplayers standing around (I didn't recognize the character, but the costume seemed poorly made). Anyway, a few hours passed, and I ended up sexing her. Afterwards, I asked her if she had a boyfriend - you know, because she was kind of "experienced". She didn't answer, but her eyes and body language told me everything I needed to know. What is it about those weeb girls turning into sluts? Or is it possibly different and they already start out as sluts and just turn to weeb hobbies for the easy sex?

Anyway, I'd recommend that you bring your own condoms for your own safety when going to cons of any sort.

>> No.11459402 [DELETED] 

Don't you dare say that a cute nine year old girl looks disgusting.

>> No.11459405

It has nothing to do with the hobby, sluts are everywhere.

>> No.11459414 [DELETED] 

There is no difference between a fag and a promiscuous man.

>> No.11459419 [DELETED] 


We kill the feminists, for a start. Imagine if feminism were to spread to Gensokyo?

>> No.11459421 [DELETED] 

I can confirm this statement from own experience.

>> No.11459422 [DELETED] 

Nine is below thirteen.

>> No.11459426 [DELETED] 

What do you know about nine year old girls?

>> No.11459425 [DELETED] 

I'm the con sex otaku from above and I think there's just something about cons and cosplaying that makes people really fucking horny. Or maybe it's just the only social interaction they get (I know it's mine).

Her not answering you could simply be because she thought you were going to ask her to be your girlfriend and that's really not what they're usually there for (except a few crazies). But yeah, I've fucked a shitload of girls who had boyfriends at cons.

>> No.11459428

Well, one has sex with men and the other one doesn't. That's a pretty big difference.

>> No.11459431 [DELETED] 

Jesus. This thread is a little over 2 hours old and it has already this many posts? In the middle of the night no less!

This is not the /jp/ I know

>> No.11459432
File: 46 KB, 960x720, 1380245770771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11459433 [DELETED] 

this thread is sexhavers clubhouse

>> No.11459435

If you are going to have sex with every woman who opens her legs for you, you might as well be having sex with men. It's not like you show any discretion or restraint.

>> No.11459436

Most of these posts are from cross board posters. Just ignore them and move on.

>> No.11459437


>> No.11459438

is he morally obliged?

>> No.11459441 [DELETED] 

But I'm not sexually attracted to men so that's a difference.

>> No.11459445 [DELETED] 

Prove it

>> No.11459443

Why did she chose Flan to disgrace with her ugly body? Why? She could have ruined another character. For example, Yukari or some other hag no one gives a fuck about.

>> No.11459446 [DELETED] 

I wasn't aware anime conventions were /jp/ related. Is this by chance a blog thread, which is /jp/ related?

>> No.11459449 [DELETED] 

This thread was created and approved by J.

>> No.11459451 [DELETED] 


>> No.11459450 [DELETED] 

how old do you guys think she is

>> No.11459452 [DELETED] 

i already rpoved you wrong

>> No.11459453 [DELETED] 

Are you serious? She's at least 25.

>> No.11459454

She's missing a crystal.

>> No.11459455 [DELETED] 



>> No.11459456 [DELETED] 

You had sex with someone at an anime convention. It's obvious from that alone you are willing to have intercourse with someone you aren't sexually attracted to in the slightest.

>> No.11459457 [DELETED] 

I've been posting on /jp/ since you both were still in diapers.

>> No.11459458

Do you live in bizarro world where all female congoers are ugly?

>> No.11459458,1 [INTERNAL] 

All the angry autists are going to bed so it's all just people fucking with each other left. Lame. Guess I'll be going too once this one hits autosage again.

>> No.11459461
File: 27 KB, 793x367, touhou orgy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is anyone participating? I hope someone sneaks in a camera.

>> No.11459462


I am making the drive just for this opportunity

>> No.11459464

If by bizarro world, you mean America, where this con took place, yes.

>> No.11459466 [DELETED] 

All the people who didn't use correctly are filthy crossies.

>> No.11459467

Cons in America are (on average) the biggest cons in the world. There's a ridiculous amount of girls there, and there are a shitload of really cute ones too. AWA has some problems in generals because it's in fucking GA which is pretty much fat black people central, but the ZUN appearance, the 4chan panel and various guests (Mimorin brought a looot of people too last year) are bringing a lot of people from other states.

Look at some crowd pictures or go to a con just once in your life. It's not all ugly 3/10s (and GOOD cosplay brings up an average girl like 1-2 points too).

>> No.11459468 [DELETED] 

didn't use what, dude

gr8 bump by the way

>> No.11459471

Anyone at or near the con have a Touhou outfit I could borrow?

>> No.11459476

Just look at the girls in OP and tell me that con goers aren't ugly.

>> No.11459476,1 [INTERNAL] 

Hey guys, should I go for it?


Please respond, I'm a virgin but not hideous.

>> No.11459479

Did ZUN get shot yet by some Mima cosplayer?

>> No.11459480 [DELETED] 

guess what...? SURPRISE

>> No.11459484

Look at the guy and tell me he's ugly.

>> No.11459488 [DELETED] 
File: 338 KB, 1381x2454, REIMU 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are ugly people everywhere.

>> No.11459491 [DELETED] 

Please be in Atlanta

>> No.11459491,1 [INTERNAL] 

>I am in a relationship but may be willing to give some

Do you really have tickets? If so, sure, go for it dude.

>> No.11459499

Of course ZUN is ugly. He's a game developer, he doesn't need good looks.

>> No.11459509

You're a virgin and you don't need your penis, yet you still have it.

Same with ZUN and his good looks.

>> No.11459527

ZUN is awkward looking as hell, he just makes loud fashion choices that work out for him.

>> No.11459527,1 [INTERNAL] 

I'm going for it. I'm going to contaminate them with my seed. Wish me luck, warosubros.

>> No.11459545

Well, of course dress choice and grooming is important part of good looks. Hardly anyone looks good in sweatpants sprouting a neckbeard.

>> No.11459549 [DELETED] 

If I didn't have a penis, who would I piss and jerk off?

>> No.11459553 [DELETED] 
File: 4 KB, 119x125, 1342671052413s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>277 posts and 17 image replies omitted.

>> No.11459556

dat armpit...

Too bad that pic is old. She's probably fatter than milk's medicine cabinet by now

>> No.11459574

kuso thread

>> No.11459585 [DELETED] 

Oh cool, a blog thread. Lately my cousin's "thing" has been pinching my nipples. Today when I asked her how she'd like it if I did it to her, she told me she's a girl and I can't squeeze her 'boobies', so I told her that she didn't even have any. She told me she would get them eventually to which I tried to refute, saying she'd stay flat forever. A short while after that she spun around in my lap and put one leg on either side of my neck and tried to pull my face down to her crotch while telling me to take her to her room because she wanted to show me something. She was wearing some sort of dress and it ended up that my face was a few inches from her panties. I kept refusing and eventually she gave up, squeezing my nipples hard and leaving the room. A few hours later, though, she got me to go in her room and as expected, she wanted to show me her handstands. Over the past weeks she's seemingly cared less about what I see when she does the handstands. When she started she would put on shorts before she'd do them so her panties wouldn't show, and then she stopped putting on the shorts, and then she started giggling when her panties showed, even lifting her dress up to show me her panties at one point. Today when she did her handstand her entire dress fell downward towards her head, not only exposing her panties, but her entire torso. There were no alarms or bells and whistles going off as I saw her nipples. It seemed somehow less exciting than I had imagined. When she landed she didn't even make any mention of it at all. Maybe she was embarrassed or maybe she didn't even notice. She just did a few more, asking me to count how long she could hold them, how straight she was, ect. Eventually it was time for supper and we went to eat. When it was time to leave I gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. We're supposed to watch Hocus Pocus tomorrow.

>> No.11459590 [DELETED] 

Don't virgins need their penis more than non-virgins? Non-virgins have already had sex, but if virgins lose their penis they will be virgins forever. That sounds horrible.

>> No.11459593 [DELETED] 

Who is this person?

I always see her posted. Whats her name?

>> No.11459594

Man, I came to this thread expecting silly images of ZUN. What the hell.

>> No.11459597 [DELETED] 

We have a team of posters dedicated to demolishing threads they don't like.

>> No.11459598

Someone post more moot pictures from the con

>> No.11459609 [DELETED] 

i like it

>> No.11459610

It's /jp/ pretending to be consluts, and then bashing themselves, because they think they will be able to trick the janitor into deleting the thread.

>> No.11459614

I wish I could've gone to AWAcon this year. Really kicking myself for not making the time to do so

I hope you have fun in my stead, /jp/! I am cheering for you! Please don't get seduced by foul /cgl/ sluts, you'll catch half a dozen STDs if you do!

>> No.11459615

This, un/fortunately

>> No.11459617 [DELETED] 

Why would Janny delete an /a/ tier thread? He is from /a/.

>> No.11459619

The only real reason this thread (and the rest) have been totally shit is because /jp/ has put an immense effort into shitting it up.

>> No.11459619,1 [INTERNAL] 

>48 posts by the same IP.
jesus christ

>> No.11459619,2 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11459619,3 [INTERNAL] 

Where to see stats pls wwwww

>> No.11459634

from the intercepted emails I got, it sounds like zun is considering selling out and he wants to see how big the market in the west would be.

>> No.11459636 [DELETED] 

Is this the funposting thread or do we really care about a bunch of weebs in Atlanta for a weekend?

>> No.11459638

Most people aren't very interested, which is why the thread was only getting a few posts an hour before the funposters went to town on it.

There will probably be more interest during the ZUN panel and afterevents, and possibly the moot panel.

>> No.11459641

ZUN getting streamed anywhere?

>> No.11459645

AWA will post a video after the event, but it seems like they're not going to let people live stream.

>> No.11459650

The big red message at this board mentions live-streams, dork.

>> No.11459652 [DELETED] 

Janny is that you? I see you deleted my previous post. Nice job man. I love you. Keep up the good work. Just remember that janitors are not suppose to expose themselves.

>> No.11459654

I mean the ZUN panel in particular.

>> No.11459659 [DELETED] 


"I am a Janitor and I will prove it by deleting your post!" = Janitor exposing himself or User impersonating staff. Result: Ban/Firing.

"You are a Janitor lol I can tell because pixels!" = User being we todd ed. Result: Nothing.

>> No.11459665 [DELETED] 

Are you really this stupid?

>> No.11459666 [DELETED] 

No, but I suspect that you might be.

>> No.11459667 [DELETED] 

If he were just pretending to be retarded, would he tell you?

>> No.11459671 [DELETED] 

Probably not but when you act retarded for long enough you start becoming a real retard.

>> No.11459673 [DELETED] 

Please don't call those people "/jp/".

>> No.11459678 [DELETED] 

Please don't call yourself "/jp/"

>> No.11459681 [DELETED] 

Please don't call "/jp/"

>> No.11459683 [DELETED] 

ur m0m 101z

>> No.11459691 [DELETED] 


>> No.11459694 [DELETED] 


>> No.11459696 [DELETED] 

Let's make threads one after the other ^_^
Previous one hit bump limit ^_^
/jp/ is super busy board and threads that reach bump limit 404 in an hour ^_^
i love discussing western anime and manga conventions in /jp/ ^_^ been here since the split ^_^

>> No.11459699 [DELETED] 
File: 96 KB, 595x700, 1379763558712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*pets u*

>> No.11459700 [DELETED] 

Too late to make a post like that. This belongs at the beginning of new threads.

>> No.11459701 [DELETED] 

You might as well. This one is 90% dedicated shitposters.

>> No.11459704 [DELETED] 

That one will be filled with 95% shitposting. Take it to /a/.

>> No.11459708 [DELETED] 


>> No.11459709

The reason this particular convention belongs on /jp/ is because ZUN is there, as well as moot and the whole thing with 4chan turning 10 years old. Isn't this board filled with Touhou lovers and oldfags? Why are you trying to drive these threads out? You're an enigma, /jp/.

>> No.11459707

Or, people could not shitpost in it and we could have the thread here.

>> No.11459716

Same reason Comiket threads turned to shit before it even really began: Groups of people who search out threads like this to derail them.

>> No.11460095 [DELETED] 

New thread: >>11460093

>> No.11460132

Cons are for normalfags. We don't want normalfags. No one here cares about moot or 4chan as a whole. Take it somewhere that cares.

>> No.11460494

Removed the bump limit of this thread for the duration of AWA.

>> No.11460498

just have the thread be on /cgl/ so we dont have to deal with this normie shit

>> No.11460500

This is not going to be a popular move, but I appreciate it.

>> No.11460501
File: 79 KB, 421x960, IMG_0021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone want to meet up? Pic related is me, I'm at the 4chan panel. I'm waiting for you /jp/ers

>> No.11460511 [DELETED] 
File: 29 KB, 403x357, 424242423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11460511,1 [INTERNAL] 

Fuck you.

>> No.11460515 [DELETED] 

zomg posting in a non-stickied sticky

>> No.11460516 [DELETED] 

B-be careful with that

>> No.11460521
File: 47 KB, 836x463, 1380303462042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might as well post this

Live stream from the vendors' hall. Mostly horrifying, but there were a handful of well done touhou cosplay earlier.

>> No.11460523

awesome LOL

>> No.11460527

>well done
That's an oxymoron.

>> No.11460536

Why won't that deadpool faggot leave christ

>> No.11460536,1 [INTERNAL] 

Thanks. Now I only have one thread to worry about shitting up.

>> No.11460545

Thank you!

>> No.11460552


>> No.11460547 [DELETED] 

+1 karma

>> No.11460548 [DELETED] 

No thanking.

>> No.11460551 [DELETED] 

Is that Milk?

>> No.11460555 [DELETED] 

Is this the milk thread?

>> No.11460559


>> No.11460560 [DELETED] 

This is the official mod-approved cosplay thread, so Milk is welcome.

>> No.11460561

Stream would be better with smell added.

>> No.11460568 [DELETED] 


>> No.11460569 [DELETED] 

official milk thread please post your milk pics

>> No.11460574

What is this shit

>> No.11460572 [DELETED] 

Has Milk shown up yet?

Where the pics @?

>> No.11460574,1 [INTERNAL] 

lmfao temp banned for that? Janny is fucking crazed

>> No.11460574,2 [INTERNAL] 

Milk isn't allowed, but random cosplayers are? You can't nitpick janny.

>> No.11460574,3 [INTERNAL] 

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>> No.11460574,4 [INTERNAL] 

Why aren't we allowed to talk about Milk when she is attending the event?

>> No.11460574,5 [INTERNAL] 

Did I say you could reply to me?

>> No.11460574,6 [INTERNAL] 

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>> No.11460574,7 [INTERNAL] 

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>> No.11460586

Craft quality, stitching, wig styling and character performance. You'll always run into the limits of what you can achieve with pig disgusting flesh, so one can evaluate it for the costume making rather than how close it comes to the original character since that's a game they'll always lose.

>> No.11460589

I wonder how many of these normies actually like Touhou or if they just pretend to like it because it's popular and it makes them cool.

>> No.11460592
File: 212 KB, 540x538, f317cb35cb7c12d0a2f1b4294b0752f5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

( Also, thank you for cleaning up this thread! )

>> No.11460592,1 [INTERNAL] 

No, you didn't. Why should I give a shit?

>> No.11460599 [DELETED] 


>> No.11460600 [DELETED] 

who milk otaku here?

also janny I didnt know you were this much of a normie

why the fuck do you even go to this board lol

>> No.11460601 [DELETED] 

Why aren't we allowed to talk about Milk when she is attending the event?

>> No.11460597

Suck that dick more faggot.

>> No.11460602

That's funny because right now you're trying to look cool too. "Hey guys, I'm true touhou fan unlike those idiots".

>> No.11460604

It's all those kids that like 4chan as a whole. They like anime, touhou, mlp, memes.

>> No.11460605

That wasn't very funny.

Sage by the way.

>> No.11460606

Janitors aren't allowed to reveal themselves. Think nothing of it.

>> No.11460606,1 [INTERNAL] 

How many times do I have renew my ip to report this for illegal content before it gets deleted?

>> No.11460608 [DELETED] 

janny is a retard. AWA is otaku culture but M**k isn't for some reason :SSS

>> No.11460613

What I find a bit scary is all those pock marked turbonerds mugging for the camera are considered "normies" by /jp/.

>> No.11460608,1 [INTERNAL] 

I wanted to funpost more but apparently milk is some kind of trigger for janny and he start throwing out those tempbans

>> No.11460611

I would ask zun to see if he is thinking about making touhou games for non pc councils.

I would ask moot: what possessed you to make 4chan? just kidding

>> No.11460614 [DELETED] 

janny are you doing this because you know moot is too busy with con shit to check his e-mails and deal with you?

>> No.11460615

>I would ask moot: what possessed you to make 4chan?
my sides have left the orbit

>> No.11460616

So that ZUN tweet with moot in it.
Did Moot ask ZUN to talk about Touhou authorship in public?

>> No.11460616,1 [INTERNAL] 

I really wish they hadn't disabled thread self-deletion.

>> No.11460619 [DELETED] 


>> No.11460619,1 [INTERNAL] 

2nd tempban queue

wonder if I can get up to 3 before one of them is applied

>> No.11460619,2 [INTERNAL] 

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>> No.11460619,3 [INTERNAL] 

Damn. This thread is getting shredded apart now with deletions. Funposting time is over ;_;

>> No.11460623

They crave social interaction. They're normals.

>> No.11460629

So what's so special about this con? Looks just like every other con with only popular shit like Touhou and probably SnK.

Don't say because ZUN is there, because clearly none of you disgusting con-goers give a shit about him.

>> No.11460626

Makes me wonder what you guys look like.

I thought the smelly NEET thing was a joke....

>> No.11460626,1 [INTERNAL] 

Why? Because I created a troll thread and I'm tired of seeing it?

>> No.11460631

Then maybe you should go back to your board.

>> No.11460631,1 [INTERNAL] 

Janny is deleting on topic posts just for mentioning Milk. How can he even justify that to moot?

>> No.11460633

You're mixing looks with attitude. And fuck off if you think those idiots aren't total normals.

>> No.11460634

It's 4chan's 10th birthday! 4chan panel! We all love 4chan and all the epic meme culture!

>> No.11460635

Oh look! Kinomod the attention whoring, character-ruining avatarfag made a public announcement! How completely unexpected of him, to stick his nose in /jp/ business!

>> No.11460635,1 [INTERNAL] 

>mfw shut-ins are jelly because us con-goers actually get to meet ZUN while they shitpost alone in their basement

u mad weeaboos?

>> No.11460639 [DELETED] 

janny why arent you at the convention getting easy conslut tang????

or are you that hideous you cant get the easiest of easy pussy????

pls respond

>> No.11460647

but over half the thread is shitposts

The first thing I see is a bunch of obese homestucks. Nope.

>> No.11460648 [DELETED] 

Is this the official normie babysitting thread?

>> No.11460648,1 [INTERNAL] 

Look at this projecting pussy, too afraid to post it on the real site.

>> No.11460648,2 [INTERNAL] 

As much as i'd like to meet ZUN, there is no way in fuck i'm spending that much money to fly to Atlanta and be surrounded by people. I'm sure everybody posting today feels the same way.

>> No.11460654

Who are you quoting?

>> No.11460648,3 [INTERNAL] 

u OWNED that faglord

>> No.11460649

Does 2chan have threads like these for their conventions and events? Anyone know if they have member meetups or the like?

I'm guessing they do, but any of you bi-lingual wizards been to any?

>> No.11460651 [DELETED] 

>mfw shut-ins are jelly because us con-goers actually get to meet ZUN while they shitpost alone in their basement

u mad weeaboos?

>> No.11460656

Real otaku don't go to conventions. They go to markets and hand shake meetings.

>> No.11460655

I can answer your question.

>> No.11460655,1 [INTERNAL] 

thank you i work hard on my post sand owning n00bs was what iw as born to do

>> No.11460660

You could find out for yourself if you were bilingual instead of bisexual.

>> No.11460658

American weebs are the worst. You can't even tell if they're male or female.

>> No.11460663

You're giving a faggot too much credit.

>> No.11460661

Surely they would be interested in at least people(cosplay) watching on the streets?

>> No.11460665 [DELETED] 

What is considered "on topic" for this thread? Milk is not allowed but discussing how NEETs smell is ok, so I can't figure out what I am allowed to post about.

>> No.11460666



>> No.11460667
File: 185 KB, 454x454, 1272433934295.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11460667,1 [INTERNAL] 

Why would I pay whatever cons cost to go to a 20 minute Q&A with ZUN?

>> No.11460670

Why is it that americans in general are incapable of looking the slightest attractive and not come off awkward as hell?

>> No.11460670,1 [INTERNAL] 

>all this denial


>> No.11460673

Cosplay is for normals.

>> No.11460674

That's what you get when miscegeneation happens.

>> No.11460676

Random people dress like anime characters on the street all the time. This is Japan we're talking about.

>> No.11460677

Otaku: お宅
宅 - Kanji for residence; house.

Meaning: (sarcastic) a proud house; someone who spends too much time on his own, focused on his hobbies, at home.

An otaku would has interest in people walking in a street.

>> No.11460680


Americans are fat and ugly.

>> No.11460681

>add a dash of weeb and you'll be the most hated person on this board
Like everyone here?

>> No.11460677,1 [INTERNAL] 

Who are you quoting?

>> No.11460681,1 [INTERNAL] 

yo momma ;)

>> No.11460682

>An otaku would has interest in people walking in a street.

would have no interest

Fuck /ghost/ is gonna wreck me for this self-ownage.

>> No.11460682,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11460686

who the hell brought wizardchan to /jp/ (jayp)

>> No.11460685

I like how weeaboos in the true sense of the word completely corrupted the meaning of the word. I guess it started with that "complaining about weeaboos on 4chan? look where you are lmao xD" image.

>> No.11460687

Americans in general are pretty awkward, they always act like they're on some self-aware politically correct TV show. I remember watching some woman in a car wanting the guy to drive out of there, and she just stood quiet and repeated "please sir, get out of here, please sir, get out of here". I think it's a mix of poisoned diet and collective neurosis.

>> No.11460688

It has always been here.

>> No.11460689

Why does any real "true" /jp/er even bother with this thread? Any real discussion always happens over at warosu archive.

>> No.11460690


hey guys

what if moot comes to AWA on the exact bike like the picture with the basket and the bouquet and a big ass one tied to his back.Seeing if anyone got the reference.

And zun speaks in perfect English at his panel saying: everyone, one of my games have a hidden secret massage showing a way to ACTUALLY get into gensokyo. But you actually have GET the games *cough* notforfree *cough* to find it

>> No.11460690,1 [INTERNAL] 

lol got a 3 day ban for off topic posting

>> No.11460692
File: 90 KB, 400x371, Yotsuba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11460695 [DELETED] 

sounds epic...

>> No.11460696

That is so epic my sides would be permanently lost in the depths of space.

>> No.11460696,1 [INTERNAL] 

You have got to be shitting me. Why the fuck is this crossboard shit being allowed now?

>> No.11460701

Way to fucking out our last bastion in the middle of normalfag general.

>> No.11460702

Get a load of this guy

>> No.11460703


>> No.11460704

Aren't you a tru/jp/er? What are you doing here? Isn't this normalfag general? Come back to warosu instead of whining in this thread. Didn't we all agree a couple days ago the main board is beyond saving?

>> No.11460706 [DELETED] 

Is anyone over the 4chan panel?

>> No.11460709

Idk, try the /cgl/ thread.

>> No.11460710

posted from my iphone

>> No.11460713

Don't remind me. At least in ages long past these fags would bless us with their absence for the whole convention. Now we can't even get that.

>> No.11460719

>live in atlanta
>neet, no money to attend awa

god please fucking kill me

>> No.11460723

All the fun-loving jaypees are enjoying themselves at the convention right now while you are bitterly scorning an evil that doesn't even exist. What's the point? Take it easy.

>> No.11460724 [DELETED] 

Who are you shrekking?

>> No.11460724,1 [INTERNAL] 

/prog/ already moved to their own site and we should too.

>> No.11460727


>> No.11460728

No /jp/ers are at the convention, only crossboarders.

>> No.11460728,1 [INTERNAL] 

We already have /ota/ and it's boring as hell

>> No.11460728,2 [INTERNAL] 

>shitepost the whole thread for an hour
>politely ask who anon is shrekking

muh board culture

>> No.11460730

>we /jp/ now
>who /jp/ here
>do you go to /jp/
>flanfly xD

CR stream chat is full of TRU /jp/sies

>> No.11460731

Yes, I bet all the worthwhile /jp/sies are there right now. Man, I'm so jealous, I wish I could be in their place. Have you seen the stream? That's the life, mane.

>> No.11460731,1 [INTERNAL] 

I'm not a tripfag so I can't post on /ota/ without being abused by the admin.

>> No.11460735

Why not just go idle on the sidewalks by the convention? If I lived nearby, I'd hang out with you!


>> No.11460735,1 [INTERNAL] 

If you make it, I'll post there. Even if it's just you and me. I have nothing else to do in life.

>> No.11460735,2 [INTERNAL] 

I'm not a tripshit either and I get by just fine.

>> No.11460738

Nice blog.

>> No.11460741
File: 82 KB, 711x401, jp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11460738,1 [INTERNAL] 

yeah /ota/ has an admin who is a sperg too

I just want a place that has a decent speed and has staff that can take it easy

like delete illegal shit or spam but thats it

oh well its not like any offboard site will flourish as long as the main /jp/ board is up. wish moot would just delete it and make a /2hu/ board so we can all move on at once.

>> No.11460741,1 [INTERNAL] 

It's funny because there is literally no one in the thread who is attending AWA.

>> No.11460741,2 [INTERNAL] 

>wish moot would just delete it and make a /2hu/ board so we can all move on at once.

You lost freedom to post.
You got a succession of janitors that are worse than their predecessors.
You have dealt with countless technicalities that changed /jp/'s surface over the years.
You lost sage because the admin deemed it a "downvote".

And yet, you're still here. Why do you keep deluding yourself that you - or anyone else - would leave /jp/ over a name change?

>> No.11460741,3 [INTERNAL] 

I am getting ready to hit the road right now and drive over there. Do you have any questions you want me to ask moot?

>> No.11460747

I wish I could participate in the chat but I got banned after saying like two things

>> No.11460741,4 [INTERNAL] 

I'm just here to shit post and make any kid that actually enjoys 4chan's life miserable.

>> No.11460741,5 [INTERNAL] 

/ota/ wasn't created to be your personal /b/ 2.0.

>> No.11460751

IP ban

>> No.11460750

Make a new account.

>> No.11460750,1 [INTERNAL] 

Thats.. really sad, dude.

>> No.11460753
File: 93 KB, 600x450, 811472980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our God Emperor keeps mingling with the rabble.

>> No.11460754

chat banned ;_;

>> No.11460757

"Alice Alice Alice"
Why do these people even know the name Alice? I thought they would only know Marrisa and Reimu, not who they are, just their names.

>> No.11460758

Posting here from my phone. Anyone know where ZUN is? I really want to get a picture with him.

>> No.11460758,1 [INTERNAL] 

Not as sad as you.

>> No.11460760 [DELETED] 

Who Janny here?

>> No.11460761

Anyone want to meet up? I'm the purple-haired girl at the 4chan panel.

>> No.11460762

The panel isn't until tomorrow.........
You liar.........

>> No.11460763

I'm in the front. I got here really early to get a good seat. lol

>> No.11460764


They are asking for a girl who was dressed as Alice from Alice in Wonderland to return.

Most of the stream chat is from /a/ and /jp/ though, so I would imagine they know Touhou

>> No.11460768

did anyone cap that email

>> No.11460766

Why would /a/ or /jp/ be in a convention chat? Both those boards have always hated cosplay and anime conventions.

>> No.11460769

Most of /a/ and /jp/ is indifferent to cosplay and anime conventions.

>> No.11460770
File: 530 KB, 709x364, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11460771

I bet you get some great discussions on a fucking imageboard archive you git

>> No.11460772 [DELETED] 


What's this?

>> No.11460773


The chat is spamming /jp/ and /a/ memes. As far as I'm aware, anime con streams are pretty popular on /a/

>> No.11460774

welcome to the botnet my friend (that's a joke)

>> No.11460775


A show down

>> No.11460776

I've been stalking ZUN a bit and he seems real happy and cheerful and is more than glad to take pics with cosplayers.
But he's also accepted several beer gifts even though he isn't supposed to. I'm sure he's thrilled about all the free exotic beer he is getting.

>> No.11460778

No, they've always hates it. A newb like you wouldn't know.

>> No.11460779

someone there should troll zun. If they see him, get as close as possible to him and say to another person nearby: "I heard zun is making touhou 15 for PS4". And see if he notices

>> No.11460781

lol epic, just like your lower case name

>> No.11460782

Red vest a shit, a fucking shit.

>> No.11460784

So this thread became con-goers general?
I've been to a few cons, in cosplay too, but looking at that livestream, cons in germany are way less autistic.
We don't get much 2hu stuff though, biggest was Ironattack giving a concert this year, which was pretty cool, I got them to sign my Suwako hat.

>> No.11460786

No, most people simply do not give a shit, the same way they don't give a shit about any number of things that do not affect their lives in any way.

>> No.11460788

I'm loving these /a/ chat stream screenshots, they're so epic. Epic for the win.

>> No.11460789

You're wrong. Just stop postin newb. You look stupid.

>> No.11460791

You look like a fucking retard, but that's not stopping you.

>> No.11460792

No, I'm right. Now run along kid.

>> No.11460791,1 [INTERNAL] 

Looks like /jp/ was once again epicly trolled by /a/v/.

You mad nerds?

>> No.11460791,2 [INTERNAL] 

As an /ota/ supporter, I really don't understand how people can assume this much about the board.

>> No.11460795

Typical /a/ broken record incapable of actually holding a conversation.

>> No.11460798

I already told you once, now go.

>> No.11460799

Do you get off on saying retarded things over and over until everybody gets sick of pointing out how stupid they are? Because you do this every fucking day.

>> No.11460798,1 [INTERNAL] 

Shit up /ota/ mod.

>> No.11460799,1 [INTERNAL] 

>/ota/ mod
>implying /ota/ has mods

This fag doesn't even lurk and he's already talking shit.

>> No.11460804 [DELETED] 

(...Are they still pretending to be me...?)

>> No.11460799,2 [INTERNAL] 

Who are you implying /ota/ mod?

>> No.11460806

How do you know?

>> No.11460808 [DELETED] 

Can the kinofag or the janitor (whoever was it) to justify the deletion of the following posts:


Off-topic? Are you serious? Or you simply didn't like it? Suck a thousand dicks, you nazi motherfucker.

>> No.11460799,3 [INTERNAL] 

Is this janny?

>> No.11460811

Retarded derail.

>> No.11460799,4 [INTERNAL] 

Holy shit. All that baby sitting.

>> No.11460813

3/5 of this thread is trash cans.

>> No.11460819

Is that Chin Lee? Only oldfags will get this.

>> No.11460814

Please do not post this thread in the chat. I think we should just delete this thread now.

>> No.11460815

If you work hard you can make any thread look like that.

>> No.11460816

yes, loli GET

where the touhous at?

>> No.11460817

>con-goers tweet aggregator thread
>compain about derails

top sides

>> No.11460818

Why wasn't this deleted then?


I guess is is ``non-retarded'' delay?

>> No.11460823

And by delay I mean derail.

>> No.11460824

LOL A LOLI just like that one 16-year-old classmate slut I fucked in high-school haha.

>> No.11460826

Two posts don't derail a thread, but at this rate I expect the entire exchange to be deleted shortly.

Not to mention that it was just two people calling each other new and retarded for ten posts.

>> No.11460828

Two posts can easily derail a thread. One post can easily derail a thread. This whole thread was never "on topic".

>> No.11460827

They think he will finally help make a touhou anime.

>> No.11460831

Why is your name lower case?

>> No.11460832

One post only derails a thread if two dozen posts follow onto it. Otherwise everyone ignores it and it has failed to derail the thread.

>This whole thread was never "on topic".
As in, the OP itself is off-topic, or that it has just failed to be on-topic since the first reply?

>> No.11460833


>> No.11460837

What I quoted was the first post of a sequence of at least 10 posts. Don't talk shit. This thread's topic is clearly stated in the OP:

>What do you want to ask ZUN-sama?
>Extra credit: what do you want to ask moot?

It was derailed by the first couple of posts and the kinofag obviously defended that derailment and even promoted it. Get your head out of your ass, knobhead.

>> No.11460838

I don't know its default for me.

>> No.11460841

Watch out kid, you're dealing with kinomod here. He personally handed me bans for five months every time I stepped out of line after I tore him five new assholes for his incompetence at handling /jp/ when he made that shitty sticky.

>> No.11460838,1 [INTERNAL] 

Someone call kinofag a newfag. He flips his shit and might delete the whole thread.

>> No.11460845

Keep sucking that cock boy.

>> No.11460843

If I were a moderator I would have range banned you a long time ago.

>> No.11460845,1 [INTERNAL] 

I'd do that but he will see I am samefagging...

>> No.11460847

I love how its only shitposters in the chat.

>> No.11460847,1 [INTERNAL] 

Sorry dude I already posted >>11460841, I'll have to wait at least a hundred posts so he doesn't notice it's the same ip. He probably got a /g/ ass licker to make him a custom style script that shows kino on the side of the chan's layout and ip's with different colours, though, so it might still be hard even then.

>> No.11460851

Kinofag is newfag, you can't expect him to act rationally. I always wondered how a person like him even become a mod.

>> No.11460850

it's like i'm really in /jp/

>> No.11460853

Thank god kinoshit is too much of a newfag to know what a range ban is and you're too much of a nobody for moot to ever notice you. I guess I should be thanking your parents for the latter, though.

>> No.11460852

/jp/ shitposting is an art. The chat is all /a/ tier shitposting like ":DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD"

>> No.11460852,1 [INTERNAL] 

Thank the L-rd you're just a janitor. A terrible janitor.

>> No.11460857

Do you tell yourself this to make yourself feel better about /jp/?

>> No.11460854

You just have to suck moot's cock.

>> No.11460860

Shit up f/a/ggot.

>> No.11460862

Why are godawful threads like this one even allowed? I feel that after that stream /jp/ is going to become even shittier.

>> No.11460863

No, /jp/ is shit. It's just better than /a/, crossie.

>> No.11460864

Yeah, but how does it happen? It's like he just snapped his fingers and he was a mod. No lurking, no nothing. Why does moot do this?

>> No.11460866

Tryhard crossboarders detected.

>> No.11460867

Trolled hard ;)

>> No.11460868

>I feel that after that stream /jp/ is going to become even shittier.
/jp/ becomes even shittier every day, event or no event.

>> No.11460870

Moot hires his friends to be mods. After he became famous, he got more "friends". You do the math.

>> No.11460874

I just saw moot, he was heading somewhere with a group of people.
Wonder what they are doing...

>> No.11460872

No it isn't you shithead. Off topic threads are the only good threads on /jp/ while Touhou, idol and VN threads are full of tumblrites and hugbox turbo faglords. At least boards like /a/ have something to fucking talk about.

I wish moot would just delete /jp/ so I could stop browsing this shithole.

>> No.11460873

I wouldn't be surprised if those chiptune posers are 4chan mods at this point.

>> No.11460873,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11460875

Once again 4chan staff is trolling /jp/ into the stratosphere.

>> No.11460877

crossie-kun pls

>> No.11460877,1 [INTERNAL] 

I thought the 300 post limit was removed so I tried to bump the Ar Tonelico thread, ;__;

>> No.11460881

Do you have pictures? Why didn't you go talk to him?

>> No.11460883

gay orgy

>> No.11460884
File: 77 KB, 708x398, invisishit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao this is "invisibro" the /v/ mod, right?

4chan staff hard at work enjoying trips to anime cons paid for by 4chan Pass

>> No.11460889

>this damage control

top L

>> No.11460886

oh fuck I didn't even notice

>> No.11460887

Moot is parading himself and everyone else is kissing his ass and basking in the reflected shitlight emanating from moot.

>> No.11460888

It's not him, retard. They don't even look alike. Stop shitposting. Where does this hate towards the staff come from anyway?

>> No.11460890

>Stop shitposting. Where does this hate towards the staff come from anyway?
There's no way you could have said this with a straight face.

>> No.11460892

From not being new.

>> No.11460896

I must say this thread is pretty epiccc... .

>> No.11460894

Crossie-kun please

>> No.11460897


>> No.11460897,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11460907


It was too quick for me to take a picture.
And I didn't want to randomly intrude on whatever he was doing. I don't really know what to say either. I'll just wait for the hopefull meetup he wants to do tonight at a bar.

>> No.11460912
File: 49 KB, 382x329, jpers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11460912,1 [INTERNAL] 

I love you guys. Not in a sexual way

>> No.11460916

Well, 1 hour of stream and I finally saw a
touhou cosplay. A midget Marisa. Cool.
And you guys were saying touhou is popular and well-known.

>> No.11460920

Prove it

>> No.11460919
File: 326 KB, 1197x783, moot-stalked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>didn't want to randomly intrude
Wow you're a disappointment

>> No.11460924

>And you guys were saying touhou is popular and well-known.
It is.

>> No.11460926

I've seen 2 Reimus and several people with Cirno merchandise.

>> No.11460928

I didn't mean to call you a Disappointment Sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry

>> No.11460929

It isn't, you just want to think this because it makes you feel more hipster.

>> No.11460934

>2 Reimus


>> No.11460936

Other way around. You deny every claim of it being popular so you can continue feeling special in being a part of its fandom. I don't even care about Touhou, and even I can tell that it's far, far from underground. It's impossible for anything to be obscure at the present moment. And if it's not obscure today, it will be the next day.

>> No.11460939

There's a huge gap between something being popular and well-known and something being obscure and "underground"

>> No.11460942

What the fuck did I even write at the end god damn it

I only do extremes.

>> No.11460949

Not everyone has Borderline personality disorder.

>> No.11460956

It's no matter, you don't even exist. It's just thoughts running amok. I should relax for a bit. But maybe I could make peace with you and enjoy these moments.

>> No.11460970


>> No.11460976

I just encountered a black Touhou fan.

For some reason I want him to cosplay Marisa with a gun. A big 300lb black guy cosplaying Marissa needs to be done.

>> No.11460978

Nice blog.

>> No.11460981

Dude, where you are? We should totally meet!

Posted from my iPhone

>> No.11460982

>we're from /jp/
Okay, cool cool

>> No.11460993 [DELETED] 

You mean a nigger? Aren't most USA niggers brown though?

>> No.11460991

Uhm, that's racists.
Keep your hate out of here.

>> No.11460995 [DELETED] 

any1 else getting sum of dat nice otaku pussy?

>> No.11461001

I posted about it earlier but all my posts got deleted for some reason. Yes, I am!

>> No.11461008

> 626 replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
>+ 395 posts and 25 image replies omitted. Click here to view.

>> No.11461011

>no limit
Kill yourself mod

>> No.11461014

plan to sagebomb thread into oblivion: crushed

>> No.11461020

I will sagebomb my dick in your mum's pussy, crossie!

>> No.11461032
File: 88 KB, 742x619, marissa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She apparently browses /jp/.

Does anyone know her?

>> No.11461036

Who the fuck cares about this ugly slag, you moron. Get back to /a/ or /cgl/ or wherever you've come from.

>> No.11461038

the last thing anyone needs is attention from the scum of /jp/

>> No.11461040

I'm browsing /jp/ for 10 years and I have never seen her here.

>> No.11461042


So, you?

>> No.11461043

Are you an oldotaku?

>> No.11461045

That's my sister, don't bother her.

>> No.11461049

i fukd your sister

>> No.11461051


You seem a little frustrated, anon. don't like someone invading your private space?

>> No.11461051,1 [INTERNAL] 

These are the same people, physically or figuratively.


>> No.11461055

The fuck would I care about this shit place anyway. /jp/ is fucking dead. The point is that I am here at the moment and you dare show how much of a faggot you are in front me. Get the fuck out, 3dpd lover.

>> No.11461064

Telling people to stop because they offend you personally always works so fucking well, doesn't it?

>> No.11461063


..H-how, how autistic are you to still be on this board and complain about it?

>and you dare show how much of a faggot you are in front me.

Oooh, someone sounds threatening. what are you gonna do about it? the thread is relevany anyways.

>Get the fuck out, 3DPD Lover.

I wonder how long you'll cling to this belief..

>> No.11461065

>Get the fuck out, 3dpd lover.

there's like 50 idol generals and kig general and you're crying telling someone to leave for being a "3DPD" lover? you're the only guy who needs to leave

>> No.11461066



>> No.11461071

Welp the chat stopped working for me.

>> No.11461072


>> No.11461082 [DELETED] 

Stop stuttering, clown. And I told you get the fuck out of here, why are you still here? Fuck off!

I don't care. He asked, I answered.

idols are fucking shit anyway. Just because a bunch of circlejerking beta virgins discuss them, that doesn't mean that all of /jp/ needs to like it. Stop spreading you cancer everywhere and keep it to your containment threads or as you retards call them - generals.

>> No.11461100


No, I won't fuck off, you brain deficient mongoloid. learn to deal with people you don't like when visiting 4chan and /jp/ especially.

>idols are fucking shit anyway. Just because a bunch of circlejerking beta virgins discuss them, that doesn't mean that all of /jp/ needs to like it. Stop spreading you cancer everywhere and keep it to your containment threads or as you retards call them - generals.

Welcome to /jp/. do you expect high-class type of people "chatting it up"?

>> No.11461101 [DELETED] 

Fresh from /a/

>> No.11461112

I want you all to know that I fapped to the black girl in the sonic outfit.

>> No.11461111

That's lag

>> No.11461115

Keep up the good work NSJ.

>> No.11461116

>Welcome to /jp/. do you expect high-class type of people "chatting it up"?
People expect and receive permanently angry unemployed high school graduates yelling at each other about random shit.

>> No.11461120

She was hot, anyone took screenies?

>> No.11461127

Wow, what a normal.

>> No.11461123

Nice projecting but I have university education.

>> No.11461126


Your sister is kind of cute! I bet she's nice. Is Marisa her favorite character? If so, it's nice that she is representing her favorite character, but if not she should really try to challenge her cosplaying skills more next year. I mean, Marisa is pretty ezmodo. It'd be impressive if she could pull off someone more intricate like Satori or Youmu! Note that she must involve Myon and the Third Eye or it doesn't count

>> No.11461128

This thread and everyone in it is why we can't have nice things now and then.

>> No.11461133

Amazing. You contributed so much to making /jp/ better with your post.

>> No.11461137
File: 7 KB, 169x287, - blueboard_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.11461140

It's funny because the normals are the ones stuck with high school education and low paying jobs while I'll be able to NEET it up after just a few years of working.

>> No.11461141

Nice things such as anime cons, right? Amazing!

>> No.11461143

People did this to the Comiket threads as well, but they weren't as persistent and quit after the janitor cleared out their shit two or three times.

>> No.11461145

I'm in the ZUN panel line and HOLY SHIT ITS HUGE

>> No.11461146

>banned for saying black guy

Welp not even bothering with a new account. The mods are extra retarded.

>> No.11461147

Comments are down, or what?

>> No.11461150

it is me or anyone else ?

>> No.11461151

It's the shitty site

>> No.11461153

That's impossible, Touhou is obscure.

>> No.11461157

I think I got randomly banned since after clearing the cookies I can see the comments. But not when I log in.
And I didn't say anything weird

>> No.11461158

I only get comments when I watch it through www.hidemayass.com proxy.

>> No.11461159

A thousand American fans doesn't exactly mean it's mainstream.

>> No.11461172

Ban is permanent?

>> No.11461174
File: 66 KB, 147x287, suwako in da hood.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11461175
File: 1.70 MB, 1366x768, jibun wooo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11461182


No just make a new account. You can even use the same fucking email if you want.

>> No.11461183


Dood that's a pretty good costume

>> No.11461190

Please consider at least one of the following:
・ Sticky for ZUN's visit to AWA. (Then this one could function as containment for everything else con-related.)
・ Letting us have a new clean thread. (This one has been dead almost from the start, nothing will save it anymore.)

>> No.11461202

You can even use a fake one

>> No.11461203


>> No.11461210

>This one has been dead almost from the start.
Every thread is going to be like that. Just ignore the retards.

>> No.11461214
File: 1023 KB, 1373x1027, 1238512389060128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11461231 [DELETED] 

18. /jp/'s Janitors are unique in that none of the 4chan staff give a shit about the board so they are free to make their own rules up

>> No.11461244

There will never be a "clean" thread. If you want one, go to the /cgl/ one.

>> No.11461244,1 [INTERNAL] 

I am so angry right now. I hate the 4chan staff so much, but I hate all these retarded normies from /a/ sucking mod dick even more.


>> No.11461248

Is this a troll thread? What the fuck?

>> No.11461251

>unless it is Reitaisai or Comiket
>You must have a niconico and pixiv account
>2ch ascii are exceptions

>> No.11461252

Why are these threads so fucking terrible.

Crossboarders, if you are going to be here, please adapt our posting styles or just lurk.

/jp/edos, this storm is going to be awful to bare, but these threads aren't going anywhere and the janitors, meido, and moot are all in favor of them staying. There's nothing we can do.

Can we all just enjoy ZUN and his games, and not give a single fuck about moot for just one convention?

>> No.11461255

>Why are these threads so fucking terrible.
Because /jp/ goes out of their way to shit them up.

>> No.11461256 [DELETED] 

Created by a fun-hating nazi.

>> No.11461259 [DELETED] 
File: 1018 KB, 2072x3104, jaypee trying to have fun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did someone found her already?

>> No.11461258 [DELETED] 

Because your crossboarders are so insufferable. Just try to blend in, please?

>> No.11461258,1 [INTERNAL] 

LMAOOOOOOOOOOO get trolled autist

>> No.11461258,2 [INTERNAL] 

Honestly, I don't.
But those faggots will make hundreds of these threads and chain them endlessly.

Just let this fucking thread run its course and hide it, shitposting in it only makes it worse.

>> No.11461259,1 [INTERNAL] 

I may not get it deleted, but I can shit it up so these weeabs can't talk about this convention.

>> No.11461263

/jp/ pretends to be crossboarders and shits up the threads without any help from "actual crossboarders." Someone claims he fucked, like, four cosplay sluts yesterday, and it launch a forty-post idiot storm. That's all /jp/ at work.

>> No.11461264 [DELETED] 

Telling /a/ssholes to blend in is like telling a dog to act like a cat suddenly.

>> No.11461266 [DELETED] 

LMAO I can't believe all these autists actually believe even a single post in this thread was made by crossboarder. It's all warosu and various /jp/sies creating a shitstorm.

It's the most fun I've had in a while on /jp/ by the way.

>> No.11461267 [DELETED] 

Only crossboarders use the crossboarder meme non-ironically.

This was such a disappointment. Be careful of girls and perfect angle photos.

>> No.11461274 [DELETED] 

Huh? No, I said I fucked one and that I'm trying to go for 4 in 4 days (for the entire con weekend). I should be able to.

No crossboarding or trolling here, I'm just a con sex otaku.

>> No.11461269 [DELETED] 
File: 47 KB, 419x263, star_sapphire_03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>crossboarders are so insufferable
Crossboards = people who have 20 times more posts on other boards than on /jp/? Right?

>> No.11461270 [DELETED] 



>> No.11461270,1 [INTERNAL] 

Just stop, you're only wasting your own time.

>> No.11461275 [DELETED] 

It means you visit other boards.

>> No.11461276 [DELETED] 


/jp/ is in fine funposting form (hue hue alliteration)

>> No.11461277 [DELETED] 

>Someone claims he fucked, like, four cosplay sluts yesterday, and it launch a forty-post idiot storm.

Well, I guess I shouldn't mention how I've fucked every Touhou.

>> No.11461278

>No crossboarding or trolling here, I'm just a con sex otaku.
Like I said, /jp/ hard at work shitting up threads.

>> No.11461279

I'm all the way in the back of the line ...

>> No.11461280

Meido ruined all the fun >:

>> No.11461280,1 [INTERNAL] 

It's like the 10th anniversary panel you subhuman piece of shitting shitter.

>> No.11461281

Your posts are so cute.

>> No.11461283


>> No.11461287 [DELETED] 

Nobody should even be using Meido-tan to represent NSJ or the current janitor.

>> No.11461289

How many staff members are monitoring this thread? Posts are literally disappearing as I read them.

My little meido can't be this efficient

>> No.11461289,1 [INTERNAL] 

Take a deep breath and read the thread through.

Nobody is talking about the actual convention, it's all meta-crap and trolling done by people like your or people who want to fluster you.

>> No.11461292 [DELETED] 

So, does anyone wanna discuss con sex with a con sex otaku? I'm here to give out tips if you want!

>> No.11461294

The problem is that the thread is on permaage. If it wasn't constantly on the front page, it would probably attract much less funposting.

>> No.11461296 [DELETED] 

Look, they're talking about us!

>> No.11461296,1 [INTERNAL] 

4 but that is as much as I will get into it.

>> No.11461300 [DELETED] 

>Look, I'm talking about you!

Fucking hilarious, crossie.

>> No.11461296,2 [INTERNAL] 

It's just one janny and not the one who ban requests everyone. I have like 30 deleted posts in this thread and not a single one got ban requested.

>> No.11461299 [DELETED] 

How do you not leave with 500 STDs?

>> No.11461303 [DELETED] 

Wrap it before you hit it, d00d.

>> No.11461304 [DELETED] 


janny STEAMING lol

>> No.11461306

Why is this thread continuining to be bumped? It's got over 400 posts...

>> No.11461308 [DELETED] 

What are they saying? I'm afraid to go there because I don't want to be labeled a crossie ;_;

>> No.11461308,1 [INTERNAL] 

I have been temp banned 3 times tonight.

>> No.11461312

Will they be streaming ZUN?

>> No.11461313

Read the thread, autistlord. The answer is there

>> No.11461314

You don't want to know

>> No.11461315

The steam makes it go upwards.

>> No.11461316 [DELETED] 

What if my goal in life is to impregnate as many cosplayers as possible?

>> No.11461317

I literally do want to know.

>> No.11461319
File: 91 KB, 832x1240, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously. Some of these deletions don't even make sense to me.

>> No.11461320 [DELETED] 

Then you have much in common with African Americans

>> No.11461325 [DELETED] 

No trashcans... wtf r u doin, son? lrn2archive wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

>> No.11461328 [DELETED] 

Then I guess you might have to deal with the risk of getting STDs. Just pick the shyest girls you can find. They usually aren't very experienced (i.e. not many partners so not a high risk of STDs) but are really easy to have sex with if you know how to sweet talk them.

>> No.11461331 [DELETED] 


There really is no explanation for some of the things being deleted in this thread. Janny is playing by his own rules.

>> No.11461331,1 [INTERNAL] 

From this thread? I find that hard to believe, I'm shitposting super hard and I haven't gotten one yet.

>> No.11461332
File: 7 KB, 246x282, 1335771626591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11461334
File: 439 KB, 1907x1887, Screen Shot 2013-09-27 at 19.06.28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go, dude. Taking one for the team. At least I can save a few of you. Don't end up like me...

Sorry for the delayed response, I got blocked because I don't even know why. That always happens.

I took this time to look at the cap and realized the formatting of these web 3.0 plugins messed it up somewhat. I apologize.

>> No.11461337 [DELETED] 
File: 4 KB, 119x125, 1342671052413s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>479 posts and 31 image replies omitted

>> No.11461342 [DELETED] 
File: 14 KB, 300x300, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>removing the bump limit

>> No.11461337,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11461342,1 [INTERNAL] 

All the mods are at AWA doing their reunion thing. Only janitors are left and they can't do anything but give out blocks, lol. And I bet moderation is tired of having a queue of /jp/ shit flooding the ban requests.

>> No.11461347 [DELETED] 

I still can't tell if the mod who did that was trolling us or he was being genuinely retarded

>> No.11461347,1 [INTERNAL] 

Error: You are temporarily blocked from posting for 11 minutes.

Make that 4 times now. Janny is literally crying tears of frustration

>> No.11461351
File: 2.05 MB, 2415x1682, 20130927_185339-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check out my autograph pass bitches

>> No.11461351,1 [INTERNAL] 

Thread of the year, 2013

The only thing that could possibly be better is the thread during the panel tomorrow

>> No.11461351,2 [INTERNAL] 

kek kek kek keeeeek ekek
keeeeeeeeeeeeeeek kek kek kek

>> No.11461359

Even if I was there I couldn't get my game signed because the cover is all dark ;_;

>> No.11461351,3 [INTERNAL] 

>their reunion thing
Having gay sex while screaming moot's name?

>> No.11461354

The only reason why they think it's acceptable to post this here is because ZUN is attending. Fuck him and his games that are rapidly decreasing in quality.

>> No.11461356

What does that even mean. Touhou itself is a doujin game.

>> No.11461364

It means yankees don't know what the word doujinshi means.

>> No.11461364,1 [INTERNAL] 

I think you are co//whjt

>> No.11461364,2 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11461366


I understand how you feel, but we can't act like we own the board. That isn't taking it easy.

You should do as I did, stop worrying and learn to love the crossy shitposts

>> No.11461366,1 [INTERNAL] 

Wow. This guy is gay as HELL

>> No.11461369

>stop worrying and learn to love the crossy shitposts
That explains how 4chan came to be the way it is today after 10 years quite efficiently

>> No.11461369,1 [INTERNAL] 

LMAO now that I posted this I just got my first temp block

janny's steaming hard as hell reading this thread :^)

>> No.11461380

Stop bullying the Yankees. They're old and injured.

>> No.11461386

Shanghai Alice isn't a doujinshi?

>> No.11461391

>763 replies omitted.

Could this be the GOAT /jp/ thread of 2013?

>> No.11461391,1 [INTERNAL] 

I'm not flustered. Besides, I have nothing better to do.

>> No.11461405

Crossboarder here, it became what it is today because people whined a lot, we wouldn't have half the boards we had today if people weren't so entitled and autistic, hell, /q/ was closed because it was filled with daily anti /mlp/ anti-/pol/ and anti-/a/ threads.

Mods are not competent, if they were we would had never had news threads in /k/, which gave birth to /new/, and it all went downhill from there.

>> No.11461421
File: 956 KB, 1936x2592, 1380302896214[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ZUN's drawing is not consistent sometimes, isn't it?

>> No.11461422

Look at this crossie waving his e-peen around. What are you, some kind of half-assed 4chan historian? LMAO!!!

>> No.11461427

Does ZUN have the fever? Why would he pick Atlanta of all the US to come to?

>> No.11461423 [DELETED] 

Hey /jp/ have you ever fucked a retarded chick? Not like down syndrome or that bad but real slow, prob autism spectrum too, all that?

I've been walking around with her the past 3 hours and its looking like we're going back to the same hotel after. She's not that ugly but it feels a little wrong to fuck a woman with the mental age of a child. Should I go for it?

>> No.11461431

does zun really like tenshi or something?

>> No.11461427,1 [INTERNAL] 

More boards is a good thing. Fuck moot and his social-networking "we can't split up the communities >:(" mindset. We could use twice as many boards as we have now.

>> No.11461429

>sad pandas

ZUN confirmed for based exhentai bro.. also trolling us over the whole "no doujinshi" thing. What a character!

>> No.11461436 [DELETED] 

It's against the law to fuck a retard.

>> No.11461432
File: 74 KB, 463x293, 1340360126551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That clearly was drawn by Rustle.

>> No.11461432,1 [INTERNAL] 

Is this thread still all us? Last night was fun.

Janny didn't even delete my kopipe. Has he still not realized?

>> No.11461438
File: 73 KB, 400x236, lanaya_ohayou_by_artofhkm-d6g3ucc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/s4s/ pls go

>> No.11461437

moot told him the people there all spoke japenese. wwwww

>> No.11461439 [DELETED] 


Of course. What other answer did you expect? 3dpd?

>> No.11461440
File: 25 KB, 277x200, fever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11461441

No one is trolling, /a/ kids just think doujin means erotic comic, not circle.

>> No.11461442
File: 710 KB, 140x114, janny alert.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's almost time for Janny to pull himself together and cleanse the thread. He seems to be taking longer in between deleting sessions though so I guess it's taking his toll :^)


Just fuck her dude. As long as she doesn't say "no" you're fine

>> No.11461444 [DELETED] 

Really? How retarded? I don't really know how the standards for retardation work. How can I find out if shes legal? She's not some stuttering drooltard or anything. She's just really really slow.

She's came with a couple of friends.

>> No.11461445

I think you misunderstood what I was saying but that is ok

>> No.11461448 [DELETED] 

Fucking slut, kill yourself out of /jp/.

>> No.11461449 [DELETED] 

I'm not sure the grades. I took psychology back in high school but I don't remember the levels. Ask her IQ. If its over like 45 you should be good.

>> No.11461451 [DELETED] 

Just fuck her dude. What's wrong with you?

Is she physically disabled in any way? This is the only reason I would possibly not hit it if she was attractive.

>> No.11461452
File: 8 KB, 152x152, 12937047240007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11461454

Please stop advocating sexual deviancy here, this is a Christian imageboard.

>> No.11461455

Sadpanda is not a doujin circle turboweeb

>> No.11461459 [DELETED] 

Aright I'm going for it. She's not that attractive but she's not that ugly either.

That seems like an awkward question to ask. I've been chatting her up all night being really nice.

I'll report back how it goes later tonight or in the morning depending how drunk I get.

>> No.11461460 [DELETED] 
File: 147 KB, 374x500, loli mario.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems pointless. I mean if you are going to go to jail for sleeping with a retarded chick, you might as well just go after an actual kid. Or just not have sex with anyone and be on the safe side.

>> No.11461461

Oh my god this whole fucking thread.

>> No.11461463


Why is moot being such a cunt in this thread?

>> No.11461463,1 [INTERNAL] 

There's a lot of actually angry autists in the thread, but yeah, there are a lot of us just shitposting and fanning the flames. Really fun.

>> No.11461465 [DELETED] 

Please don't, leave here and never come back you worthless slut.

>> No.11461466 [DELETED] 

No one's gonna prosecute you for fucking a retarded chick. It's like community service.

>> No.11461468

It's also hilarious how he got rejected when trying to slip into the /cgl/ meetup for the conslut pussy.

>> No.11461469

Women love ass holes. He's just trying to get that tang, yo.

>> No.11461471

Conflicting viewpoints!

>> No.11461472

Is everyone on /cgl/ a trip or name shit?
Why don't they just go to a forum?

>> No.11461474

/cgl/ is a forum.

>> No.11461476

Probably got banned or chased out.

>> No.11461480

does this mean zun love the white womens?

>> No.11461482

There's always space for more tumblr

>> No.11461483 [DELETED] 

Why are all these perverts here? Please just die, I'm feeling sick from reading your disgusting posts. I can't take it easy like this. This is not your board, go away, nobody wants you here.

>> No.11461485

The con is in Atlanta.

>> No.11461487

Speaking of pervs. Where are the panty shots? There has to be stairs and elevators. Let's see the goods!

>> No.11461488

Because they are girls. Girls are sustained by attention, and they'll ruin everyone's lives in order to receive it. They contributed a lot to ruining this site in the last few years, believe it.

>> No.11461489

Made friends with huge otaku in 9th grade. He didn't have any friends and was socially inept and kinda creepy not to mention fat and unfortunate looking. I integrated him into my group of friends cause "hey people who like video games and anime should be friends, we like the same things!" Mistake.

As expected, you can't be nice to neckbeards cause it automatically means you MUST be attracted to them. I told him I wanted nothing to do with him relationship wise but we could always be friends if he wanted. He went full rage mode calling me a whore and then broke down crying and saying he would kill himself.

I got a boyfriend shortly after, whom he attacked at a party while piss drunk. You would think after getting the shit beat out of him he would stop? No. He proceeded to stalk me up till University where he started making up rumors about me (or trying to). Fortunately people just saw him as a creepy neckbeard who was butt hurt and proceeded to bully him until he dropped out of Uni.

He tried to contact me several times after that through facebook, text messages and he even called my house. He kept saying he was in love with me and then he said I ruined him. I of course blocked him to hell. He finally stopped when my dad picked up the phone and threatened to put a restraining order on him.

Its been 3 years and not a sign of him. I hope he isn't plotting to murder me.

Never again will I be friends with an antisocial neckbeard.

>> No.11461491

I think a jupper made this one. Still responded non-ironically just in case.

>> No.11461492

You may be the only person left in /jp/ who hasn't realized that everything posted in this thread is a work of fiction.

>> No.11461494

I know they single handedly destroyed /tg/ and /co/.

>> No.11461516

These are convention goers we are talking about. They might actually be sleeping with one another.

>> No.11461520

Yes, some people go to cons and fuck like rabbits, but they don't come here to talk about it. Only a genuine /jp/ poster would matter-of-factly ask whether or not he should fuck some retarded chick.

>> No.11461521

stiggy dis shit moodles

>> No.11461526

Is anyone going to the 4chan user meetup at midnight? If so, I'll see you there. Will be bringing my camera and taking pictures of everyone there for everyone on /jp/ to laugh at.

Just kidding I won't actually be there but I wish I was. Please take pictures if you are going.

>> No.11461531

A true /jp/ wouldn't fuck the first girl he sees like a goddamn slut.

>> No.11461536

Some jaypees are extremely ronery and would not be able to maintain their composure in that situation as a result. I don't think what you say is true. I would never do that, or at least I hope not, but I have no way of checking.

>> No.11461534

I'd fuck all the Sailor Scouts, in planet order. Chibi moon last.

>> No.11461537

It's like you totally ignored what I said in >>11461492.

>> No.11461542 [DELETED] 

Don't slut shame me.

>> No.11461543

Sex is fun dude. I'm a con sex otaku and I've had sex with over 50 different girls in cosplay at cons (and 0 outside of cons). Don't group everyone together just because you can't accept the truth.

I've never posted on any other board other than /jp/ since the split.

>> No.11461548

why doesnt niconico do con streams anymore? spamming shit was fun as fuck.

>> No.11461549

I've been wondering for a while, does con sex stand for consensual sex? I thought y'all niggers liked rape.

>> No.11461550

People like you should die. Sex is a sacred act between man and wife, you deserve to rot in hell you little whore.

>> No.11461553

This thread is getting pretty lewd, guys, and not in a cute way.

Can we go back to insulting each other instead?

>> No.11461554

Sex before marriage is a sin please leave heathonist crossboarders.

>> No.11461555

They only did that Seattle con, and they aren't otacool like crunchy roll.

>> No.11461559

They probably weren't even Japanese.

>> No.11461560


Fuck you cunt.


They did more than just Seattle.

>> No.11461561

Just got back from ZUN's panel.
Most questions were retarded, but important things like whatever happened to Rin, will Mima return, the canonity of the PC-98 games, what's your favorite beer, where do you get your hats, and which two touhous would you spend private time in an onsen with were all answered.

I'm too lazy to write our all the answers through and I think the wikis will explain them better.
But the answer to the last one was either Yuugi or Suika and Marisa. However he said that Reimu was closest to his heart in an earlier question.

Also got a ZUN ticket.

>> No.11461563

Saving the best for last?

>> No.11461564

>that face

>> No.11461565 [DELETED] 

W-we could make it cute!

*steals a kiss on your lips*

>> No.11461568

>Most questions were retarded

>> No.11461567

Of course. Maybe I'd skip over Uranus and go for some of the movie edition Moons.

>> No.11461569 [DELETED] 

How about I slit your throat?

>> No.11461570

I'm jelly as hell man, congratz dude.

>> No.11461572

How do you "steal" a kiss? Isn't that mild rape?

>> No.11461577 [DELETED] 

The you just raped me!

>> No.11461574 [DELETED] 

It's only rape if it's the guy doing it to the girl.

>> No.11461575 [DELETED] 

Well it's my first time... p-please be gentle with me!

*lies on the bed with head held back exposing throat*

L-like this, right?

>> No.11461576

Was the conversation in English?

>> No.11461580

You're in a thread for conventions, dude. Use context clues.

You only say that because you haven't tried it.

>> No.11461581

No, the questions askers were taught Japanese before the panel.

>> No.11461582

I haven't tried glass either.

>> No.11461583 [DELETED] 

I'm a girl, silly goose. :3

>> No.11461590

*bites your head off and swallows it*
*regurgitates it and feeds to family*

>> No.11461588

I'm married you perverted slut. What I do with my husband is none of your business. Now kindly get the hell out of here, you're making me nauseous.

>> No.11461589

Sodomy is illegal in the south.

>> No.11461596

Sticky this thread mootles!

>> No.11461591

No, it's just when you lean in real quick for a closed mouth smooch.

Pretty tame stuff and not something you would do to someone who would obviously be upset with it.

>> No.11461592

So is Zun's answer of Yukari being the strongest remain unchanged from 10 years ago or now that you have moonbitches in Touhou, his answer has changed?

Did anyone ask any question like that during the panel?

>> No.11461599


A person in the audience would ask a question, several of his translators would translate and repeat it to him in Japanese, and the the translators would repeat his answer in english to the audience.
ZUN said he needs to work on his english though.

>> No.11461604

Y-you want to stick it in my butt?!? But I poop from there... >///<

>> No.11461603 [DELETED] 

But I've never been kissed before and you stole it! Not fair! Not fair!

>> No.11461608

Don't worry, I will take full responsibility. :3

*gently pushes you onto the bed*

>> No.11461606



>> No.11461609

What this convention has showed me is that /a/ dates /jp/ in real life?

Why are you so slutty /jp/?

Dating before marriage is a sin.

>> No.11461610

Could someone please recount some of the answers? This roleplaying is annoying.

>> No.11461612 [DELETED] 
File: 169 KB, 1600x1200, 1333598790256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doing a great job deleting all those shitty threads janny. I can't help but feel like you keep missing one though.

>> No.11461613

It's not slutty, its empowering.

>> No.11461615
File: 570 KB, 1908x1593, cant roleplay on jp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Role-playing is not allowed on /jp/.

>> No.11461616

Zun wud fug marisa and suika

>> No.11461618

What about Aya?

>> No.11461619

>will Mima return

Well? What did he say?

>> No.11461620 [DELETED] 

>talks about knowing what shitty threads are
>posts most forced meme in existence

>> No.11461626

I made a thread for the panel discussion

>> No.11461623

Go to bed dad.

>> No.11461624

"I won't say no"

>> No.11461634


>> No.11461628
File: 1.70 MB, 640x360, 1376614901406.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/jp/ meetup

>> No.11461642

/jp/ meetup in real life is confirmed to be holding hands with a guy from /a/.

>> No.11461648

Yes, like Elvis.

>> No.11461651

That's gay. More like taking about 5-6 bitches from /cgl/ to a nice sea food dinner then never calling them again.

>> No.11461659

Everyone on /cg/ is a dude, dude.

>> No.11461675
File: 393 KB, 350x621, kjlkj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the way it's folded dicklord

>> No.11461676


Jesus Christ, it's huge. You have to carry that around all day?

>> No.11461680


Surprisingly, no one asked him anything powerlevel-related.
Like I said, most questions were retarded, most were trivial or already answered in previous interviews in the past. Some were asked by complete autists and weren't even questions.

Most important thing he said was that the PC-98 games were canon but that back then he never thought he would continue with the games as much as he did or that they would grow this big, so he didn't really know what to do with the games or what direction to take the series in. So the early games and their canon are inconsistant in some parts in comparison to the newer games, as he has a better grasp of the series and lore in windows games. So some parts don't match up and he is aware, but the base of the PC-98 are canon, with newer game canon superseding the inconsistant PC-98 canon.

>> No.11461683


>> No.11461685 [SPOILER] 
File: 269 KB, 551x551, 11138908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11461691


>> No.11461696

So does that mean Mugenkan does not exist? Or even Makai?

>> No.11461692

Mima is real.

>> No.11461699 [SPOILER] 
File: 707 KB, 1000x857, 13885720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11461700

Don't make me post that image of cerrypicked posts from that board

>> No.11461703


>> No.11461706

More like cherry picked!

>> No.11461708

all these con-going sexhavers and I'm stuck here with only my soup to keep me company

>> No.11461709


Dunno, he didn't go ino detail.

>> No.11461713

Nobody in this thread has ever had sex with anything.

>> No.11461719


I've had sex with your mom lmao

>> No.11461720

Also some utter moron asked if ZUN would port the games to Steam, and ZUN said Steam was gay.

>> No.11461721

haha that made me laugh a lot man thanks

>> No.11461723

speak for yourself spergy

>> No.11461725

Dad get off of /jp/, you're embarrassing me!

>> No.11461729

Is ZUN trying to incorporate ume aoki artstyle?

>> No.11461738
File: 120 KB, 1218x455, shitty phone photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11461741

Is that how panda do ass to ass?

>> No.11461742

You better be going to that yotsuba meeting in a few hours. get some pix of moot yeah?

>> No.11461747

Serious question, what were ZUN's answers to the non-dumb questions?

>> No.11461748

I went home after the panel ended.

>> No.11461752

Is he bald? Why does he wear those hats?

>> No.11461753

Where can I purchase this shirt?

>> No.11461754


>> No.11461755

god damn it.

>> No.11461757

You think there were non-dumb questions?

>> No.11461765
File: 1.12 MB, 800x1136, 29761284.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any questions relating to Mima are of the utmost importance!

>> No.11461762

Make it 5K and you've got yourself a deal.

>> No.11461768

I could hire a local nigger to kill him for that price.

>> No.11461770
File: 1.30 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20130927_192036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you squint real hard you can see him. Also I know I stood next to some of you in line, I told those line cutting bitches to leave.

>> No.11461773

A dime and 40 doesn't cost 5k.

>> No.11461779

What do you expect from weebs?

>> No.11461778

Is that supposed to be flan?
That's some shit cosplay.

>> No.11461788

It's like a giant pipe cleaner.

>> No.11461789


He said his favorite beer was Kirin, which I thought was a disappointing answer.

He also said that American beer and food is very good, but that you get too much food and too little beer in meals

>> No.11461792

How much beer does he want with a meal?

>> No.11461796

All of it.

>> No.11461798

My Futo cosplay was shit but I wasn't that cheap when I made it.

>> No.11461799

90% beer, 10% food. Look how skinny he is.

>> No.11461800

There can't be enough beer for ZUN.

were there a few good questions he answered? what were the bad ones?

>> No.11461803
File: 216 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_mtsinaePOR1s72n51o3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's ZUN next to a black guy

>> No.11461802


I answered that in the other thread.
> Will Mima return?
> I won't say no, and I will leave it at that.

I think "Where's Mima?" would have been a better question

>> No.11461805

Beer makes you fat.

>> No.11461809

Not when all you eat is beer.

>> No.11461812 [DELETED] 


>> No.11461820

Of course you can. It's liquid bread.

>> No.11461814

next playable touhou will be black

>> No.11461816

You can't eat beer.

>> No.11461827

Bread makes you fat.

>> No.11461832

One thing that amused me was that Zun said he was happy to be here because they won't let him drink beer in Japan while he does these panels. Zun had two Asahi's cracked while he was taking questions.

>> No.11461833

Fuck off, queer.

>> No.11461828

ZUN is so attractive, I can't take my eyes off him.

>> No.11461830

Not when all you eat is bread.

>> No.11461831

if bread makes you fat then why are vikings so huge and muscular?

>> No.11461836

btw im a grail

>> No.11461840
File: 76 KB, 480x640, mootgf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What has moot done to you? He's always devoting himself to improve the site...

>> No.11461839


Someone feelin' pretty Parsee I see. I got to see him front row so keep hatin'.

>> No.11461842

Good one dude.

>> No.11461843

They do manly things to build muscle.

>> No.11461849

Why the fuck wasn't he drinking American beer?

>> No.11461848

Who are you quoting?

>> No.11461850
File: 61 KB, 720x720, 1347692225864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like eat bread?




>> No.11461857

Then he should stop creating new Touhous and give some love to his older daughters.

Figures, she hogs almost all .exe icons.

>> No.11461861

They're eating a different kind of yeast.

>> No.11461862

I told you not to respond like this.

>> No.11461868

So you're saying yeast makes you fat?

>> No.11461870

How do you want to respond then goddamit I'm going to fucking murder you, fuck

>> No.11461876

Did anyone ask ZUN anything about improving game performance on older hardware?

>> No.11461881

Your machine can't run Touhou properly?

>> No.11461883

Nope, most technical thing asked was if midis would be released for new games : No. And that if it would go on steam : Which Zun politely said was too difficult.

Also wasn't there some /jp/ meet up going on? I know there is a 4ch meet up but I think I'll pass and just sleep in my room.

>> No.11461882

The newer ones.

>> No.11461886

How is this thread still bumping?

>> No.11461890

Because of the wonderful kindness of the mods!

>> No.11461893

You mena the wonderful faggotry?

>> No.11461894

Mods just as shitty as moot,
NSJ can't delete mod stapled threads.

>> No.11461896

So no important questions like where is the story going now? Would there be another story arc and what will it be about?

>> No.11461898

I arrived late today, where did you get this?

>> No.11461902

It was allowed by a mod around the 150-200 mark, did you jump in recently or what.

>> No.11461905

Unfortunately no, most of the questions weren't very good. Someone asked why Moriya wasn't involved in hopeless masquerade, he said they just weren't.

>> No.11461910

Why would people ask for this. The fuck.

>> No.11461914

As expected by a bunch of retards.

>> No.11461915

ZUN not all of us are retarded I swear p-please believe me

>> No.11461919

Yes, why would I pay attention to this shitty thread?

>> No.11461921

Dunno, Zun gave the obvious answer of "That shit is outdated with modern technology, I ain't doing that shit nigga"

>> No.11461924

B-but my midis...

>> No.11461934

I wonder what will be ZUN's impression on the Western fanbase. Probably really bad.

>> No.11461937

Hopefully it will inspire him to add brown touhous to his games

>> No.11461938

Are you saying the Western fanbase is good?

>> No.11461944 [DELETED] 
File: 9 KB, 180x207, benlisquare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how's the balance of your first day at AWA, bros?

So far I've fucked 2 girls (they were sisters, I just had to pay their tickets), hugged 15 Homestuck cosplayers and then blazed it out at the 4chan panel with moot and his friends.

>> No.11461945

He was surprised there were so many of us. We filled the room to capacity even before it started. I came in the line an hour early and ended up a number 256 into the room. I wish some people weren't retarded but I guess that's just a problem were stuck with.

>> No.11461949




>> No.11461950

No, fuck you. We aren't in 2002 anymore.

>> No.11461954

I bet ZUN uses a midi tracker thingy for his music but doesn't want to release the midi/sources because he hates freedom.

>> No.11461953

So how did the panel go? How are the question askers picked and just how long did it go on and how many still wanted their questions answered.

>> No.11461958

>I just had to pay their tickets
So you fucked 2 prostitutes?

>> No.11461966

Of course he does, he uses Cubase along with the Edirol SD-90. You just don't need them and it would be an utterly pointless hassle to implement.

>> No.11461961

4chan panel's tomorrow.

>> No.11461971

>How are the question askers picked
Some guy just went around to random people that had their hands raised.

>> No.11461969

Went for an hour, another event was in the room after so we had to call it quits. Most of the questions were posted already.

>> No.11461979


>> No.11462019
File: 35 KB, 337x326, 1317874226973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, /jp/. Where are we meeting tomorrow to watch the stream and chat?

>> No.11462021 [DELETED] 
File: 710 KB, 612x792, StopWhiteGuilt_zps5bbbf63a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11462020

Right here

>> No.11462032

How about #/jp/?

>> No.11462033

I said right here dweeb.

>> No.11462036

>Brown eyes

the JIDF is relentless ever since they partnered up with SRS.
We are besieged on all sides by cultural marxism and the frankfurt school jews that are doing this to establish their NWO. I can't even think very well anymore after the chemtrillians settled in my chimney and roof shingles.

>> No.11462038

That's the worst method ever. I mean WTF??!!

>> No.11462042

You think all white guys have blonde hair and blue eyes? What are you Japanese?

>> No.11462043

Could have let ZUN point out people to answer himself, or anything else.
At least it can't get worse?...

>> No.11462041 [DELETED] 
File: 118 KB, 400x516, white_image08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11462045

I didn't notice that when I saved the image.

>> No.11462048

JIDF detected.

>> No.11462065 [DELETED] 
File: 63 KB, 393x382, nig_image32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11462069

When janny's away the shitposters will play...

>> No.11462071 [DELETED] 
File: 164 KB, 500x593, misc_image03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11462078



j/k he's cool

>> No.11462081

Is wife pregnant yet?

>> No.11462107


I wish even if she was we would NEVER EVER see pictures of her ;_;

w-wait you're not one of those guys that thinks he's seriously going to name his offspring off Touhou are you?

>> No.11462108

Does ZUN know English, or does he have a well-paid translator with him?

>> No.11462109

mot said he doesn't and has a translator with him.

>> No.11462118

He had two translators, he said Hello and that was about it.

>> No.11462129


He said "Zank you~" when I shook his hand and said I loved his games and music.

>> No.11462131

So no one asked him why his programming skills have hardly improved?

>> No.11462132

Did you say it in Japanese? ( ≖‿≖)
You damn weeb.

>> No.11462134

Did anything remotely interesting happen besides Zun standing next to cosplayers?

>> No.11462136

Did you get a coupon? I was planning on going really early tomorrow to get a ticket for a signature. Does it say when you redeem it?

>> No.11462137

Improved? They are getting worse. He's just being lazy that's all.

>> No.11462158


The /v/ mod got in trouble with the con staff for creeping on some underaged girl.

>> No.11462166
File: 438 KB, 661x600, 1371200084276.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I could go with /jp/...

>> No.11462170

Post the one with the samurai brainwashing the guy with video games or whatever

>> No.11462170,1 [INTERNAL] 

>creeping on

This guy is just ironically using normie lingo, right?

>> No.11462173

What happened?

>> No.11462177

I thought all the legit pedophile mods left 4chan already

>> No.11462179

How did you get a ticket?

>> No.11462181

I went with /jp/ actually.

We are sharing a room and one of the guys masturbates at 3am thinking everyone else is asleep. Its not cute, its really disgusting. He stuffs a towel back with all his clean luggage after he's done jerking off and the room stinks afterwards. I hope he reads this and stops.

>> No.11462185

I had a camera with good zoom. I'll upload some pics later.

>> No.11462186

>So how did the panel go?

It could have gone a lot worse. It was mostly just sucking Zun's dick by telling him how amazing he is and generic questions like "Where do you get inspiration?" I think the con was dealing with space issues though, especially with this panel. I barely got in and they turned away a ton of people.

>How are the question askers picked and just how long did it go on and how many still wanted their questions answered.

A con volunteer walked around with a mic, there was no process. We only had about 40-50 minutes for Q&A so most of the questions couldn't be asked.

>> No.11462187


He's a brodude weightlifting normie, not a pedo. He would creep on any girl older than 15 and just tell everyone that she looks 18.

I would not be surprised if he drugs and rapes some girl after the 4chan meetup.

>> No.11462188 [SPOILER] 
File: 319 KB, 640x640, 1350427964263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11462192

How about you just stop trying to cockblock him?
what the fuck guys.
You're starting to sound like /cgl/ or some shit, just let the guy score some underage pussy and leave him be.

>> No.11462194

If you just sucked his dick some more, he won't even need to get laid.

>> No.11462197

Sex having normals can fuck off to /soc/.

>> No.11462199
File: 114 KB, 1280x720, 1331405192394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, if you don't like people masturbating you could at least help pleasuring them with your body!

>> No.11462202


Yes but not from ZUN or when I met him. I just walked up to him when he was wandering the con floor and said thanks essentially.

I got the coupon from waiting in line for his panel. The staff randomly gave out some tickets to those in line. Many didn't seem to know exactly what they were at first, but I was preparred and jumped at the opportunity for a coupon.

They will hand out more at the other panels ZUN is attending, so arrive early and wait on line. They gave more out at the beginning of the line.

You can redeem them saturday and sunday at some time after five. I'll take a picture when I get back to my room tonight. They also have random Touhous on them, mine has Mamizou.

>> No.11462203

I'm not sucking his dick, its just none of your business if some other guy is trying to pick up girls.

He's from another board and I wouldn't even know about this if some limpdick didn't mention it.
Mad you cant get sex so you try to ruin it for everyone else.

>> No.11462211

People who support sex havers should die.

>> No.11462222


How am I cockblocking him by posting about him on /jp/? It's not like I'm there warning girls to stay away from the fratboy rapist known as "Invisibro / Gingermod"

>> No.11462228

What if I start hitting on qt's at conventions, you're gonna start spreading bad news about me ruining my chances to penetrate tight virginal pussies?
Is this the person you want to be?
I don't report your loli or complain about it, dont spread bad news about people trying to get laid.

>> No.11462222,1 [INTERNAL] 

>304 posts deleted

>> No.11462238


Tell it to the judge, creep.

>> No.11462243

guys is all this sexhaving a joke or should i start going to cons?

>> No.11462248

It's a joke, nobody ever has sex.

>> No.11462249


Most of the people in this thread are shitposting but the general idea is true. If you go to cons you will get laid.

>> No.11462245
File: 63 KB, 705x960, 1379955698398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feel when never fucked tight underage weeaboo cosplaying girls from cons.
Feel when never seen a vagina.

>> No.11462253

Is it really true? If I go to a con there's a good chance of having sex with a... girl?

What if I don't have "game"? Can I still fuck the bottom of the barrel girls? I'm kind of into them anyway.

>> No.11462255

I didn't get laid today

>> No.11462257

absolutely disgusting someone get me a bucket

made me feel so sick i had to type the captcha 3 times

>> No.11462260


Maybe you could say girls are "easier" at cons or something.. But being at a con is just like any other place in the real world, if you want to get laid YOU have to initiate and start hitting on girls or something.

It's not like going to a con is some bizarro world where shy beta faggots can not talk to a single person there and have girls throwing pussy at them.

>> No.11462263
File: 179 KB, 774x1032, anime_expo_2010___yoko_by_pristineaurora-d32wm1x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hold on I have more Yoko cosplay.

>> No.11462265

Yes, you wil have sex no problems.
You dont need game, you just need to be better looking than the greasy nerds there. If you see a girl you like just walk up to her, its shooting fish in a barrel.

>> No.11462273

>bizarro world where shy beta faggot
There are two really strong reasons for why it will.

You have intimate knowledge about the conslut's interests and you're in a place far from home where you'll never see any of the other attendees again if things fuck up. It's definitely going to make most people more confident.

>> No.11462274

> if you want to get laid YOU have to initiate and start hitting on girls or something.

Why can't girls start initiating on me?

I wouldn't know what to say though. What if she tells me to fuck off?

Can I just say "yo gurl want sum fuk?"

>> No.11462270


>> No.11462271


This is not true, don't go to cons for the sex. In fact, don't ever go to cons, please help killing otaku culture in western countries.

>> No.11462277


You would still need to actually talk to girls and if you're super ugly then forget about it, but it's probably one of the best chances in your life to ever have sex.

There is mad amounts of pussy you just have to crank it up from omega mode to at least high functioning beta and you will get laid

>> No.11462279

You gotta integrate with a group then hit the after party and get her drunk.

>> No.11462278

/jp/ teach me how to fuck girls at cons.

>> No.11462282

You must put your /jp/nis in her /jp/ssy

>> No.11462285

Con-goers are just as bad. All you normies in denial need fuck off back to /a/.

>> No.11462286

Put on an orange shirt and get a blue rag on your head, say you're naruto.
If you make a girl giggle you're halfway there. tell her to hang out around with you around the con, you can spend the active day just looking through panels and other stupid shit. Tell her to come with you to wind down and drink in your room when you get the chance.
amaziing so score made dogge proud

>> No.11462291

> if you're super ugly then forget about it

I'm not really that ugly at all. I see obese literal neckbeards with girlfriends all the time, at least physically I win there. However I'll probably be out of place as hell at a con and they'll be able to tell I'm not a disgusting normie like them. She'll probably think I'm creepy.

This sounds like a good plan, I'll just pretend to be like them, an elaborate ruse to seem normal. However I think it will require me to watch naruto to know how to act, that shit's like 500 episodes or something. I can see me doing it though.


>> No.11462297


You can do it Anon!

>> No.11462295

>obese literal neckbeards
I see this to. How does that work?

The girls aren't even ugly or fat most of the time.

>> No.11462301


It's just confidence and social skills

>> No.11462303


I can't tell whether you guys are just asexuals, which I feel is pretty legitimate, or just in complete denial because you never got laid.

>> No.11462306

>However I think it will require me to watch naruto to know how to act, that shit's like 500 episodes or something. I can see me doing it though.

What, no you dumbass.
The idea behind the shitty costume is to look jockish and disinterested and a cut above the guys playing dressup unironically.

>> No.11462308

Should I go to the 4chan meetup?
It seems like there are a lot of people here...

>> No.11462311

They leave there house and find girls with low self esteem.

I would love a low self esteem girlfriend, one into cutting and stuff too. Just make her a completely crazy weeaboo cutter mood-swing-having basket case. That's what kind of girlfriend I want.

There's no such thing as asexuals. They're just made because they never got to have sex. People do two things in that situation, accept and bitch about being a virgin online, or go into full "fuck off sex having normies your like an animal succumbing to those desires oh god im so euphoric" mode.

>> No.11462314

Where do these fat guys meet attractive girls?

>> No.11462315

If you're going to pay to go to a con just to fuck some slut in a costume, why not just pay a pro?

>> No.11462317

Asexuals exist but they're very uncommon.

>> No.11462318

Ask yourself if you want to hang out with the people posting in this thread. If the answer is no, then don't go. If the answer is yes, kill yourself.

>> No.11462319

Asexual is a confusion mental disorder

>> No.11462320

In clubs, school, through their friends and occasionally online through MMOs, Steam, forums etc

>> No.11462321

That doesn't make it less real.

Homosexuals are the same.

>> No.11462322

Work or school mainly, or (I'm not kidding) MMORPGs.

I am completely sure when I say that getting a girlfriend has very little to do with looks, and a lot more to do with how much you leave your house, how much you have to interact with others in real life, and your attitude.

Hence why no NEET shut-in poor fuck has a girlfriend.

The "pros" are all nasty drug addicted skanks.

Maybe if I go to Nevada or Holland one day I'll have sex with a prostitute.

>> No.11462323

I consider asexual legitimate because I have some friends that know plenty of girls, can easily get laid, but really just don't give a fuck and do other shit. They're not insecure about anything to not admit to homosexuality or be in denial (especially since one guy's field of education is basically that) or anything either, so it's just speaking from personal experience.

How fucking stupid can you be. That's what they said about homosexuality. 2/10 made me mad.

>> No.11462324

I'm not gonna lie. I had plans to go to AWA this year just to meet ZUN and they fell through. I fucking hate conventions but I want to meet him so bad. Now I'm looking at pictures like in OP and just feeling the hurt butt so bad.

It can't be helped. He's been like a legendary figure to me for so long now. I would have braved all the shitsucking normie garbage to shake his hand. It would have been like meeting God.

>> No.11462326

>being mad for me saying buttfuckers have a mental disorder

liberal /cgl/ crossie detected

>> No.11462329

Don't worry, I did the same thing. Just tell yourself you'll go to Japan eventually. I'm going next summer, but probably not going to Comiket because I hear it's like hell on Earth.

>> No.11462330
File: 179 KB, 1000x1067, 1367586441753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*slurp slurp slurp*

I can't hear you over the sound of Zun's dick in your mouth.

>> No.11462331

Where the HELL id the meetup. Serious question.

>> No.11462333

ebin image marco u make tht urself

>> No.11462336

are you BLIND dude???

>Meet at the center of the first floor of the con hotel (between the escalators and elevators). In case the size of the meetup gets too large, our backup location will be outside of the hotel (front entrance).

>> No.11462337

I'm not in denial, I am proud to be an omega male. It means I haven't raped any little girls unlike that guy who was hitting on a 15 year old. So instead of going all the way out to Atlanta to score pussy, I just wait until Halloween and get to see equally cute girls in costumes come to my door. Plus I get to give them candy and because I'm not planning on sleeping with them, it's permissible.

>> No.11462339

Oh man, I wish I was there. ;___;

I would love to take moot's D in my asspussy.

>> No.11462341

>I'm not planning on sleeping with them, it's permissible.

What would happen if one asked to come inside your house?

>> No.11462343

>little girl

>> No.11462346

moot just got here, he was late, calm down.

Any other /jp/ers down here?

>> No.11462347

A 15 year old has the body of an old hag and the mind of a kindergartener.

>> No.11462348

Yeah, meet me in the restroom. I've got a glory hole carved out and everything.

>> No.11462353

Why would they do that? They just want candy.

>> No.11462350

Most girls who are of legal age have the mind of a kindergartener, too.

>> No.11462351

Thank you anons for the information on the panel and the event itself.

Fuck everyone else.

>> No.11462354

Y-you too, anon...

>> No.11462358

Which is why sex havers are so monsterous.

>> No.11462359

Man has to reach into the darkest of abyss to rice like a true hero.

>> No.11462360

Seeing a bunch of animated lard dressed as his daughters is going to scar him for life. Poor, poor bastard.

>> No.11462361 [DELETED] 


>> No.11462366

It's no worse than some of the fan art that has come out.

>> No.11462367
File: 27 KB, 337x421, IMG_20121212_183013-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have gone to a convention on 5 different occasions, and I have remained pure.
Just because some people are lustful, does not meaning attending conventions makes you lustful

>> No.11462372

15 or less is the legal age of consent in most countries on Earth, and specifically the large majority of Europe.

>> No.11462370


>> No.11462375

Well, the bag they give you when you pick up your badge has a card for the Georgia AIDS & STD InfoLine. There's a reason that's there.

>> No.11462382

>15 or less
Better start fucking them now before it becomes against the law to fuck them.

>> No.11462376

They are all misguided fools.

>> No.11462377

Where the H*LL are the live pics from the meetup

>> No.11462378

So above 15 are bad and would land me in prison?

>> No.11462379

I'm serious as HELL, where the /jp/sies at.

>> No.11462380


>> No.11462387

I fucking told you I'm in the bathroom. Hurry up or I'm gonna get flaccid.

>> No.11462384

Guys meet me in the center of the first floor by the big plant

>> No.11462389

Absolutely disgusting. You should leak that information to a parental watchdog group. I bet they'll be boycotted before the convention is over. That will show them.

>> No.11462395

Go back to tumblr.

>> No.11462391

I'm standing beside the elevators

>> No.11462393

I understand the way you interpreted that sentence, (smartasses) but it was grammatically correct.

I am quite surprised you actually interpreted it that way to begin with.

>> No.11462397

/jp/ meetup outside on the stairs, I'm with 3 other /jp/sies

>> No.11462398

dear currently posting faggots:

>> No.11462400
File: 1.78 MB, 3552x2000, WP_20130927_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11462407

Fuck you guys get in the bathroom now or I'm gonna lose it.

>> No.11462402

>I'll just pretend I didn't make a mistake.

>> No.11462403

Tumblr is filled with sex having feminists.

>> No.11462404

give me emails and i'll write something up

>> No.11462410

Please tell me this wasn't the standard

>> No.11462411


>> No.11462414
File: 113 KB, 680x680, Madotsuki Eating Soup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11462415
File: 2.32 MB, 2000x3552, WP_20130927_002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11462416


>> No.11462417

There's so many girls on /cgl/. It's like I'm in a whole different world. You can tell they're real girls too because it's obvious.

It just blows my mind. Even over the internet on an anonymous imageboard it feels just as weird as stepping into a real life group of girls and trying to talk to them.

>> No.11462419

Why is Byakuren hanging out with a child zombie?

>> No.11462420

I like it. It's not a bad board. Sometimes I visit just to observe real femanons.

>> No.11462422

>holyshit. dave-kun. You look sooo kawaii!!"
>Have you seen Zun? wheres Moot xD?

>> No.11462423

Okuu looks fine in this image to me.
What do you think /jaypee/?

>> No.11462424
File: 2.28 MB, 3552x2000, WP_20130927_003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11462425


>> No.11462427

I have 4 extra badges, people backed out on me. any /jp/sies wanting to go tomorrow want one?

>> No.11462432

Let's start that shit. I'm from /a/. How are you, anon?

Ginger kid seems right on the verge of laughter in both these pics.

>> No.11462428
File: 2.49 MB, 3552x2000, WP_20130927_005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11462430

Why are there so many guys crossplaying? It's not even funny anymore.

>> No.11462434

Oh look, a bunch of gross hairy dudes dressing as girls. I don't even see a female.

Its like I read the future or something.

>> No.11462435

What's this 'sex' everyone keeps taking about?

>> No.11462436

Are you spiderman?

>> No.11462437

Where are the stairs?

>> No.11462439


>> No.11462440

>I'm from /a/

It shows.

>> No.11462441

I'm so upset.
I wanted to go but I live all the way up in Toronto.
I also have a very low wage...

>> No.11462442

Male fanbase.

>> No.11462443

How the fuck is this thread still bumping

>> No.11462445

Does it bother you so much? There are plenty of other threads to participate in. All the boards are mingling at the con anyway.

>> No.11462446

They can easily dress up as that turtle or Unzan.

>> No.11462447

I made a thread on /cgl/ asking them a few days ago and I was banned for my thread not being "informative" enough.

>> No.11462450

Welcome to the party, bro.

>> No.11462451

I have a question!
What's the point of going to cons if 99% of the people you meet are going to be normies? I guess guest speakers are pretty cool, but can't you just watch a stream of that later instead of driving all that way?

>> No.11462451,1 [INTERNAL] 

Where my warosubros at? srs

>> No.11462453

Rotate your photos pls m8

>> No.11462454

They go to have sex with other losers
And they usually go with friends so they can normie it up.

>> No.11462455

5 /jp/sies at the stairs now where my fresh /jp/ bros at

>> No.11462457

I wish I could go to a con... they look so fun

>> No.11462459

Manipulation of thread bump limits. I feel sorry for the fag who got stuck with that power.

>> No.11462461

All the fags are mingling at the con. I hope the 4chan panel is so bad that moot finally decides to shut the site down.

>> No.11462467


>> No.11462463

>instead of driving all that way?
It's not even 20 minutes for me.

>> No.11462466

Sex obviously plays a large factor, but haven't you ever been around normies before?
When friends or family ask you to come over, and you dont do any activities, they somehow have fun from your presence.
Its infuriating because it doesn't work for me, if we aren't doing something or discussing I feel like they're wasting my time.
I can already eat alone, read alone, watch TV alone, how does having a warm body in range make those activities more enjoyable?

>> No.11462468

It's a catch-22. You don't want to go because it's filled with vapid asshats. But for that reason it's filled with vapid asshats.

>> No.11462469

Do they really? It seems to me like it'd be hours of awkwardly standing around on cheap carpet watching weebs be weebs and 25 year old bearded fatasses prance around dressed as Cirno. It would take all of an hour to look at all the overpriced merchandise for sale and if you're at this particular one you'd have to deal with moot's entourage.

>> No.11462472

Is the little girl supposed to be the colossal titan or a horribly skinned child

>> No.11462474

>When friends or family ask you to come over

Never happened to me before.

>> No.11462476

I can't find you.

>> No.11462479

Because they're extroverts. These cons are attended by like 85% extrovert nerds that go to college and stuff.

>> No.11462481

well the gradient hair is pretty good at least

>> No.11462482

I'm in the bathroom

Someone please come into the bathroom!

>> No.11462485

They dont love you.
I get it all the time.

>> No.11462491

You gonna get raped.

>> No.11462489
File: 640 KB, 1000x1200, teachAlice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't go to them for having sex or anything, I just find it very relaxing to hear people talk about anime.
I realize this is not normal, and I can't really explain why I enjoy it, but I do.
I don't even like talking about it in real life, but listening to people talk about it is really great

>> No.11462490

At the bottom of the big stairs
We're about to head to a hotel room hurry up

>> No.11462491,1 [INTERNAL] 

been posing as a crossy and posting about consex for the past 4 hours

>> No.11462496

I certainly hope so! That's what I'm waiting in here for after all.

>> No.11462503

Are u gonna fug

>> No.11462502

How long have you been in there? You may want to try a laxative. Just plain brute-forcing it isn't good for your ass.

>> No.11462505

Be there in a minute. What's the signal for me to whip out my cock?

>> No.11462512

I'll imitate the mating call of the Sharp-tailed Grouse!

>> No.11462517

Inside? I'm over by the down escalator.

>> No.11462518


Moot is there right now apparently.

Can someone go kick his ass?

>> No.11462519

I hope all of you get raped and murdered at this meetup.

>> No.11462523

I'm dressed as eren jaeger (Attack on Titan) near the elevator if anyone wants to hang out

>> No.11462524

Are you alone? I think I see you

>> No.11462527

Every human being can get some sort of enjoyment from being around others my friend.
When I'm at work and I'm working alone, the day seems to go by much slower. But if I'm with others and giving them a hand, things go by much quicker and don't seem so bad!

I don't talk very much, but they understand that. Human contact is vital for anyone.

>> No.11462529

I see you lol
I'm on my phone and needed to run to post this, you're a really ugly fuck

>> No.11462532

Yeah I am. Camera strapped on my shoulder, wandering around staring at my phone like I'm lost because I am.

>> No.11462533

post pics you fucking fags

>> No.11462534

Okay so I looked up directions on Google maps and the only way to get to Atlanta by car goes straight through Detroit!
I don't want to get attacked by hoodlums while being dressed up like Alice /jp/!

>> No.11462535


>> No.11462537

Misery loves company.

>> No.11462539

Manana, bro.

>> No.11462541

Different anon but I can only be myself around my very few close friends. in public I'm just the quiet guy afraid of being too open and getting awkward

>> No.11462542

No, right now.

>> No.11462543

>close friends
why are you even here, crossnormal

>> No.11462544

What's the room number?

>> No.11462546

this thread is just /a/ levels of disgusting

>> No.11462548

But it's already 7am, "bro".

>> No.11462549 [DELETED] 

Hi, I'm a con sex otaku here to help clear up things (you can see my previous posts by ctrl+fing ``con sex otaku'' on the archive).

Going to a con won't immediately get you laid, you still need to approach like you would in real life, the thing is that
1) The girls are incredibly easy to talk to, even for a socially awkward /jp/sie like me.
2) You have a canned reason to talk to them so you don't need to feel awkward about it and you have a topic to fall back on if you can't figure out what to say.
3) They're generally pretty shy/introverted too so they're usually really easy to seduce as they don't have much experience. Hell, even the extroverted ones are somehow really easy to seduce because they tend to carry the conversation a lot more than a normal girl.
4) The con environment makes everyone super down to have sex for some reason. Maybe it's because of the cosplaying, because it's their only social interaction or another reason I can't figure out but meeting someone and having sex on the same day is really easy. This almost never happens normally, except for really shady one night stands in bars.

You don't really need to be attractive or anything, just go hit up girls and panties will drop. The hardest is the first few times if you're a socially awkward person like me, then it gets a lot easier.

By the way, I just got back and I'm now 2/4. Hopefully I can keep up the record for the last 2 days!

>> No.11462551

Also, I'm sorry to say I had to miss the midnight meetup because I was having sex. Is there something still happening right now I could show up to? No sketchy bathroom shit if possible.

>> No.11462552

Everyone trying to interact with other human bean IRL needs to kill themselves out of /jp/!

Also, captachas are hard as hell now! I have to enter both words now, and the captcha refreses automatically!

>> No.11462554

I didn't know that /jp/ was this normal!

>> No.11462555

4channer chatting up blonde loli.

>> No.11462561

Specifically that's the con sex otaku.

>> No.11462560

>be me
>attending awa
>i should meet some /jp/sies
>find a few
>lets go to a room
>uhh okay
>wonder why we need a room
>get to the room
>everyone naked
>instantly raped in all my holes
>i didnt even know you could put a dick in some of these places
>become one with the mass of /jp/ flesh and fluids
>spend the entire night being fucked
>wake up
>naked and covered in various fluids
>is that blood
>everyone gone
>maybe they'll come back tonight

>> No.11462563

>con sex otaku
No, you're just a normie with especially low standards.

>> No.11462562
File: 270 KB, 835x1000, 36622910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11462566

>become one with the mass of /jp/ flesh and fluids
When I reached sexual maturity I had a dream similar to this. A huge pile of people having sex in weird ways. I was disgusted by that.

And when I woke up I knew I was destined for virginity.

>> No.11462567

Everyone was gay. Stay away.
Everyone's just circle jerking around him, and no one can get a word in.

>> No.11462570

Do you think there are people who go to cons just to be around (and possibly do lewd things with) lolis?

>> No.11462571

People keep saying that, but this is simply not true. There are tons of attractive girls at cons. There are too many people to simply assume everyone is ugly trolls.

I've also never had sex outside of a con environment (and I've never tried either). I probably could easily but I don't, it's the cosplaying that turns me on the most.

>> No.11462572

Sure, the loli con sex otakus.

>> No.11462575

Where's the meetup at?

>> No.11462577

Depends. If we're talking about actual lolis, like <10, no. They're accompanied by their weeb parents so you wouldn't stand a chance trying to do lewd things with one (unless you were a psycho kidnapper, I guess).

If you use the term ``loli'' incredibly loosely to just mean underage, then yes, there are tons of people like that. I've even seen quite a few 13~16-year-olds prostitutes at cons (they say something like ``buy me this in exchange for sex'').

>> No.11462583

The thought that people in /jp/ have had sex is awful

>> No.11462584

By loli I mean loli. Like, ages 7-11.

>> No.11462590

Fucking Trevor lmao

>> No.11462591
File: 10 KB, 720x266, tumblr_mafmjlsqE31rw750jo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont hate bro :_)

>> No.11462594

The funny part is normals probably don't even see how depressing that image is

>> No.11462596

You should try it! Con sex is hot as HELL. You can even do it with crossplayers if that's more your style.

>> No.11462600

Death before fornication.

>> No.11462603

Sex is wrong

>> No.11462604

man if i could reach through the monitor you would be fucking dead subhuman

>> No.11462608

I feel bad for you, dude. Cosplay sex's the closest one can ever get to fugging a 2D girl.

>> No.11462611

Stop trying to put a /jp/ spin on your normalfagging.

>> No.11462612

That's like saying having sex with a tree is the closest one could get to having sex with god.

>> No.11462613

I don't want to go to jail.

>> No.11462614

No takers?

>> No.11462616

Move on.

>> No.11462618

fucker stay away from single digits

>> No.11462619

Less depressing than wake, eat, /jp/ sleep for sure.

>> No.11462620

I think you mean dryad

>> No.11462623

I /jp/ because I can. They do normie shit because they're told to.

>> No.11462625

A tree is no closer to God than a man. A cosplayer is closer in resemblance to a 2D girl than a random street slut.

>> No.11462626

midis are good for reverse engineering musical notes
Mokou's theme would be hard as fuck to decompose from the sound alone. Midis give us the exact notes. It allows for far more remixes and for easier

>> No.11462630

I wish moot hadn't disabled sage viewing so you could see the sage to bump ration in this thread.

Also why is there like only one black person in all these images? I've been lied to about Atlanta.

>> No.11462628

I'm not talking about personality, it's not like you're dating her. It's just sex. Sex with a 3D girl dressed like a cute 2D character.

The only thing that would rival that would be having sex with a seiyuu, I guess.

So I guess the closest would be a cosplaying seiyuu, then a seiyuu and then a cosplayer.

>> No.11462629

Where the HELL is the meetup.

>> No.11462631

Oh? You've freely determined to browse the internet more than they've determined what they do?

That's silly, anon. Circumstance has bred the both of you.

>> No.11462633

Yet you can masturbate to 2D single digit age girls all day.

Fuckers 0
Virgins 1

>> No.11462634

variation > clone

>> No.11462640

I'm sure plenty of them are waiting outside to rob the weebs.

>> No.11462642

I really doubt anyone studies or weight trains because it's fun.

>> No.11462644

I lift because it's fun.

>> No.11462645

Oh you've done it now. inb4 the /fit/ normie crossboard herd starts up with how they "lift for themselfs" and how "I feel a great rush when I reach a new PR." In reality everyone knows they're doing it to better attract girls.

>> No.11462652

You are literally tearing your muscles when you do that. You must be a masochist.

>> No.11462648

You'd be wrong about the latter. Weightlifting's incredibly fun and satisfying.

The former depends. I have fun studying Japanese.

>> No.11462651

I study because it's fun.What is the difference between studying touhouwiki and studying something else? Studying Japanese and studying how bullet patterns? Etc

What is "fun"?

Fun is the difference between variables and you have less of that when you're sat at home.

>> No.11462654

/jp/! Are there any funny black men there?
Is there a black man dressed up as a 2hu?

>> No.11462655

nah cya normie

>> No.11462657

we goin pull a 404 on yo moot

>> No.11462660

I'm literally releasing endorphins. It's like masturbation but better for you.

>> No.11462661

>black "men"
I laughed

No wildlife allowed in civilized areas, not like they could afford passes anyways

>> No.11462664

If you mess up with Touhou nothing bad happens, you can just try again. If you mess up with studies you lose thousands of dollars in tuition money. Exercise is just annoying and painful and if you think about it, the time you gain from being healthier is offset by the fact you have to torture yourself daily.

>> No.11462665

I can't help it.

>> No.11462669

I saw a black guy on the stream he was loud. Are all black people as loud? Loud people are scary.

>> No.11462673

If you're suggesting these abominations resemble 2D in even the slightest, then yeah, I expect god looks a lot like a tree. It's lipstick on a pig.

Of course it's just sex, isn't it? You just want to bang some sluts. You don't care what they're dressed up as. The cosplay gives you a convent excuse.

>> No.11462674

Black people are pretty loud in general.

Why do you think they like DBZ so much; it's all about shouting and being muscular. Y'know, black things.

>> No.11462679

They are extremely loud. I've heard some use the excuse that they have to be loud to be heard when they're kids. I think they're just degenerates.

They can ruin a nice meal in a restaurant with their hooting and hollering.

>> No.11462676

Exercise isn't torture. Normies aren't doing olympic weight competitions or anything crazy like that. Although, I'm sure those competitions are a lot of fun for the participants.

You don't have to spend money to study. School may be implied in that image but the benefits of school outweigh the tuition costs by a lot.

If you mess up at Touhou nothing good happens either. You sit in a stalemate, and it isn't even fun. That's why you go on to keep trying, or study bullet patterns and replays. It's a sad complexity simulator in the end.

>> No.11462682

Where do they stream it? The Youtube Channel seems pretty empty.

>> No.11462684

>It's a sad complexity simulator in the end.
Just like real life.

>> No.11462689


>> No.11462690

Real life is infinitely complex. Touhou is very limited.

>> No.11462691

So THIS is the NEET thread, then. I see.

Well, what's up?

>> No.11462700

Last call for a meetup or I'm going to bed.

>> No.11462695

My dick.

>> No.11462699

That's not going to work, buddy.

>> No.11462701
File: 27 KB, 238x329, 1293820109001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do a good deed;
kill a NEET

>> No.11462703

Take your 3DPD meme back to /a/, faglord.

>> No.11462707

Today I made soup and it kept me company through the sad time.

How did you make it through your sad time today?

>> No.11462709

My mom keeps talking about how she's scared I'm going to kill her. She lays awake in bed afraid that I'll come through the door and strangle her in a fit of NEET rage.

She even left a note on her old cell phone stating that if she disappears then I am to blame and hid it at her brother's house.

>> No.11462709,1 [INTERNAL] 

No, I don't mean in the thread. At the con

>> No.11462710

Take the faglord meme back to /jp/, faglord.

>> No.11462712

Nothing works in NEET threads, dude.

>> No.11462714

Your mom's insane dude. What if something does happen to her? You're fucked.

>> No.11462717

Touhou (and video games in general) give you a chance to achieve a sense of accomplishment without going through the normal risks involved with accomplishing something. You don't have to worry about pulling a muscle like you would if you worked out every day, for example.

>> No.11462731

Yeah I'm kind of worried about it myself. She says I'm the devil and stuff. Everyone has always treated me different like that but not to the extent she has.

>> No.11462729

>sense of accomplishment
Just a sense. Is real accomplishment too difficult for you? It's too bad you won't even try.

>> No.11462736

Pissing and shitting on the floor like a truNEET should

>> No.11462739


>> No.11462740

I hope you don't take that joke seriously. Use wide mouthed bottles or it's unsanitary.

>> No.11462742

Go away /pol/.

>> No.11462748

That's just the thing though.

What most people do in real life actually is just a sense of accomplishment too.

They just think that because they are out getting that sense in the real world and meeting real people while doing it that it's more meaningful.

I don't consider fucking lots of women or even getting money to be real accomplishments.
The only things that can be considered real accomplishments in life are things that will last after you're gone.. Such as contributions to science or medicine or artworks, etc..

>> No.11462752
File: 132 KB, 850x850, 1362282624213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you're proud of what you've done here mod.

>> No.11462754

>real accomplishments in life are things that will last after you're gone..
If that's your stance you can't really support it with this kind of thinking. Touhou is much less likely to lead you into real accomplishment. Unless you're making babies with consluts. Studying and lifting does and will.

>> No.11462762
File: 62 KB, 800x600, ronery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread has been repurposed. It is now the eternal NEET general.

>> No.11462763

is it hard for you to believe niggers are subhuman
is that a big stretch for you to make

>> No.11462764

Mods are exchanging body fluids at the mass 4chan orgy, no one is going to notice anything. ;_;

>> No.11462764,1 [INTERNAL] 

where my NEETbros

conslutting got boring

>> No.11462785

The idea is that if you are doing nothing of value, you might as well do nothing of value that has no risk involved.

Plus consluts will flush your kids down the toilet. They are sluts and sluts have abortions.

>> No.11462792

Since when is reproducing an accomplishment?

>> No.11462793

If you believe in accomplishments, like you said, it means these other things you don't do have more value than what you are doing. There's no reason behind what you're doing, it's backwards. Most people who behave that way tend toward nihilism and if you don't it really doesn't make sense. I'm not saying you should change, just that you shouldn't go all sour grapes on anyone who's doing more than you.

>> No.11462798

I guess since the first lifeform.

>> No.11462800

By his definition of accomplishment it would have a higher value than doing nothing.

>> No.11462801

There is no scientific concensus that life is important

>> No.11462799
File: 112 KB, 600x337, 1379865504920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11462803

They are accomplishments, but they are out of reach for most.

>> No.11462804

I'm sorry if I've offended you. I didn't know that it was your part of your culture. I have never seen black people outside of American Cinema and things tend to be exaggerated there.

>> No.11462809

Purgatory != Hell

>> No.11462810

Nobody said that.

>> No.11462819

I wouldn't consider something that ever other organism on the planet does an accomplishment.

>> No.11462816

Is this going on?

>> No.11462826

We're a complex phenomenon. I would consider everything that every organism does an accomplishment.

I'm not talking to you anyway though, I'm talking to the anon who said he /does/ believe in accomplishment, which implies value differences.

>> No.11462822

Yeah, you wanna hang?

>> No.11462833

Actually negroids in cinema are usually portrayed as more intelligent and "swag" than they really are.

>> No.11462837
File: 28 KB, 360x400, syndrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If everything's an accomplishment, nothing is.

>> No.11462843

I am black and just today I was told that I was "too quiet". It made me feel cute because I was quietly eating some cookies in the corner.

>> No.11462840

I knew this black guy who had a stuttering problem. They aren't all loud obnoxious goons.

>> No.11462842

b-but everyone wins! everyone gets a trophy!

>> No.11462846

Some things have more influence than other things. Some things are more difficult to accomplish than other things. Everything is an accomplishment but there are differences between fighting moon rabbits and sending real spaceships to the moon.

>> No.11462857

arc pls put your trip back on.

>> No.11462856

One can be reasonably accomplished and the other is an exercise in futility.

>> No.11462886

There's plenty to do that's better than playing 2hus all day. You don't need high aspirations.

>> No.11462896 [DELETED] 

Trying to find a boyfriend... why is it so difficult, /jp/?

I tried crossposting on /soc/ but the people there are disgusting...

>> No.11462903


you're standards of beauty are twelve times taller than you are standing against them.

>> No.11462935

I'm not that ugly... people say I'm cute but they are never interested...

I don't care how someone looks as long as they aren't disgusting.

>> No.11462939

i think you need to go back to your containment board

>> No.11462941

>I'm not that ugly... people say I'm cute but they are never interested...
That's them being nice. If you really were cute, they would really be interested.
>I don't care how someone looks as long as they aren't disgusting.
and anything below or equal to 7/10 is disgusting in your book. congrats for proving my point.

>> No.11462942

/jp/ is the containment board for these kinds of people. Get used to it.

>> No.11462948

"Cute" people can go to /soc/.

>> No.11462952

>get used to it
what are you a militant gay? get out of my face gayboy

>> No.11462983
File: 152 KB, 1125x1200, 1379554038733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't there just be a place people got to fuck each other under the pretense they will fuck each other?

>> No.11463001

People don't want to have sex with any random ugly person. Places like this do exist but they're closed off and invite-only.

The closest public thing would be a club but there's still flirting/courting involved to make sure you're not going home with a psycho.

>> No.11463006

>That's them being nice
Well I know there are some things wrong with me like I'm underweight but I'm trying to change that...

>anything below or equal to 7/10 is disgusting in your book
I don't understand this system of numbers. As long as they take care of their body then I don't particularly mind how they look... I'm more interested in finding someone I can spend all day talking about the things that interest us.

>> No.11463010
File: 174 KB, 635x720, bdaabfa089a2d0a4e00477d19e13935e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how can I get a loli girlfriend?

>> No.11463008

I thought I could come to /jp/ and be safe from normies but I was wrong. Sex-havers everywhere, people who go to cons to have sex, repulsive.

>> No.11463014


>> No.11463022

Having sex doesn't make you normal, jellyboy.

>> No.11463023

I always thought that having sex is the epitome of normality.

>> No.11463028
File: 30 KB, 400x273, 1351007108651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


nice current event meme btw :D

>> No.11463025

Why can't you just admit you're salty because you're a virgin, for various reasons have no chance of having sex, and have to masturbate all day thinking about how good sex must feel while other people are having sex.

>> No.11463027

What do you mean? I want tips on getting a cute loli girlfriend.

>> No.11463030


>> No.11463035

I am confused, is salty something /v/ is using or a meme now? I'm pissed if they ruined that.

I've been using that literally over half a decade ago, it's not a new word to me.

>> No.11463038 [DELETED] 


>> No.11463039

What argument, dude.

>> No.11463040


Masturbation is disgusting. It sounds like you are describing yourself because nobody here has such disgustingly lewd thoughts.

>> No.11463041

I can't control my horny level

>> No.11463042

Fuck off.

I'm serious I first heard salty used by people in real life a long time ago, I've never actually heard someone other than me say it on the internet. Is it actually a /v/ meme now or something? I didn't have an attachment to the word or anything, but it kind of pisses me off that I can't use it anymore if so.

I am describing myself, and I know for sure I'm also describing you.

>> No.11463043

Who needs a real life loli girlfriend when you have images of them?

>> No.11463046

It's generally associated with sailors (yer a salty dog, arr) and it means angry.

>> No.11463047


I don't masturbate... I don't care about sex either. I just want to fall in love with someone and be emotionally involved...

>> No.11463048

Because it's a set of 1s and 0s making up a color profile of pixels to display on your monitor. It's not a tangible real little girl.

I know what it means assclown.

>> No.11463049 [DELETED] 

I think a loli would be nice to hold and do things with, like bake cakes, watch stars, go on walks, eat ice cream together, ect. Plus you can hold hands and give eachother hugs and maybe even kiss!

>> No.11463052

Fuck off crossie-kun. The fact that you are posting in this thread shows you are a crossie.

>> No.11463053

If you don't have at least one reason that prevents you from having sex, doesn't that make you normal?

>> No.11463054

>I don't care about sex
>I just want to fall in love
Wow, how old are you?

>> No.11463058

I'm a girl!

>> No.11463059


>> No.11463060

>I don't masturbate

Something is seriously wrong. Are you taking any drugs?

Sorry I just don't think that's healthy at all. Please go jack off or something before you explode.

>The fact that you are posting in this thread shows you are a crossie.


I guess.

>> No.11463062

why is this shitty con tread allowed.

>> No.11463064 [DELETED] 

Does this thread not have a bump limit? Some sort of pseudo sticky?

>> No.11463066

mods are crossboarders.

>> No.11463068
File: 238 KB, 600x456, 1319866211842.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up nerd.

>> No.11463069



This is the eternal shitposting thread granted by Gods.

>> No.11463076

how do you make your words green
is that a /v/ meme

>> No.11463077

Does anyone have any tips for watching the stars with a loli?

>> No.11463083


I take SRIs but I'm not interested in masturbating in the first place...

>> No.11463084



>> No.11463086

OP here. Mods just delete the thread. The shitposting has gone on long enough. Let's just delete the thread here and take it to /a/.

>> No.11463087

I fucking knew it. I knew it.

You don't have any libido because SSRIs killed it. Keep telling yourself otherwise.


>OP here

That won't fool the mods random Anon.

>> No.11463088

Start a neighborhood stargazing club for children.

>> No.11463090

Yeah, people definitely won't accuse you of being a pedophile and they'll definitely send their kids there.

Maybe if you were a girl you could do it.

>> No.11463091

Which is why you don't have to worry about her growing up.

>> No.11463097

Can I just hire a girl to do it? I can be her assistant or something and let her conduct everything, but in reality I'm the one who organizes everything and answers questions and helps spark curiosity and critical thinking in the children.

>> No.11463098

Why would they delete such a great containment thread?

>> No.11463099


I never masturbated before I started taking them so... Why is it so unusual for someone to not masturbate? Most people don't...

>> No.11463100

If you've got a professorial aura and a real background in astronomy you could pull it off. If you're some creepy fat neckbeard with a telescope it's a no-go.

>> No.11463102
File: 68 KB, 649x363, NSN_web_logo_lg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can have a logo that looks like this.

>> No.11463103

At what age did you start taking psychiatric drugs?

>> No.11463104


>> No.11463105
File: 42 KB, 2076x1032, 1359500185383.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of this.

>> No.11463108

Every male masturbates. This is a fact.

>> No.11463109
File: 127 KB, 1600x1043, 1360391185502.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was pretty funny. Well thought out.

>> No.11463111

Does this even follow any of the OP's discussion topic.

Holy shit, it's like the official meta gathering.

>> No.11463112

How do I know if I have a professional aura?

>> No.11463113


I find that hard to believe...

>> No.11463115

There was some British guy who wanted to do a study on the difference between males who masturbate and don't masturbate and no matter where he looked he could not find one person who didn't masturbate.

>> No.11463118

And you've never before that touched yourself? Yeah right. Stop lying.

No full grown male without a serious brain or sexual-organ issue doesn't know what an orgasm feels like.

On that point, there should always be one of these threads up. The NEET threads did just that, it's one fucking thread and it serves the board better for letting "us" have on thread than having to constantly fuck with the entire board.

>> No.11463119

When you speak to someone about astrology, do they listen respectfully? Do you have real knowledge on the subject?

If the answer is yes then the best way in is through local community events. If you don't have a community center nearby maybe hit up a local library - you don't want to directly approach a school. Tell them you want to foster a thirst for knowledge in the youth. They can connect you to other entities. Pretty soon you'll be sitting under the stars surrounded by lolis.
