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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11440169 No.11440169[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What otaku stuff is now acceptable in the West?

Obviously you won't be able to show off your lolicon doujinshi any time soon, but anime and video games have become more accepted in the past 10-20 years.

>> No.11440173

DBZ and Pokemon(Pikachu).

Otherwise you are a creepy nerd.

>> No.11440184

>curly hair
>dat nose

the nose knows

>> No.11440185
File: 59 KB, 416x316, bigdog_anime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11440188

If someone over the age of 12 likes DBZ or Pokemon, then they're a creepy nerd.

And if they're 12 or under why the hell are you talking to them, you creepy nerd?

>> No.11440190

……first,thanks to the country、government、people and party

>> No.11440205

Tough dog is sure intimidating.
I always feel ashamed if Tough Dog say something that hit the nail.

>> No.11440231

Most people who watch anime watch stuff like DBZ, Pokemon, Naruto, Bleach and One Piece

>> No.11440246

Define "acceptable"
Define "the west"

>> No.11440251

>Define "acceptable"
won't get you arrested

Define "the west"
everywhere that isn't the Orient

>> No.11440252

any series from adult swim

that's about it

>> No.11440255

That means everything is acceptable then

Except for lolicon in certain places

Woah Otakus are totally cool now

>> No.11440261

What does Adult Swim even show?

It baffles me that modern anime (sorry) gets licensed. I heard that "Let's Go Play!" cartoon was licensed and released under some stupid name, but how would you even explain that to people? And are video stores really okay with stocking DVDs featuring cartoon teenagers in the nude?

>> No.11440575

What a weaboo.

>> No.11440663

Normals invading and ruining otaku culture is hardly a good thing.

>> No.11440709

I know they are currently showing SAO, but I think that is the only modern thing they are showing. I assume they will also air Fate/Zero and SnK in the future.

>> No.11440711

test 1
Why can't I put sage in the name or subject field anymore? Fuck moot.

>> No.11440894

I kind of want to know where these two guys are now, what kind of life they lead, if they're even still alive.

>> No.11440904


>> No.11440919

They're also showing Soul Eater and IGPX
I have no clue how old either of them are.

>> No.11440921
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>> No.11440925

>I know they are currently showing SAO

oh, that explains some things

>> No.11440946

>And are video stores really okay with stocking DVDs featuring cartoon teenagers in the nude?

I don't even understand this. Most anime like that should be illegal to sell, but it's only ever been a legal problem if you try to ship manga or hug pillows privately.

Also the names Americans give to anime still baffle me; "Cat Planet Cuties" in your example.

>> No.11440960

I've seen animus like Rosario + Vampire etc. at places like Bestbuy and random electronic stores.

I don't know if anyone actually buys it, but it's there.

>> No.11440964

I know at FYE they actually stock hentai too, right next to like Bleach and shit. I always wonder if anyone actually buys that.

>> No.11440969

I forgot about that. Yea I kind of doubt anyone actually buys it.

>> No.11441002

When I see things like that, I sometimes think that someday, I'll build enough courage to buy it.

>> No.11441007

think shingeki will ever air in the west?

>> No.11441022

It most definitely will. It's hyped as fuck with a large, simplistic fan base. Even non-anime watchers have been known to enjoy it. 95% chance Funimation licenses and dubs it within the next 6 months.

>> No.11441027

I can't believe anyone buys any ero anime, even in Japan, except ironically or to upload it.

The animators and writers usually put like zero effort into it. It'd be better sometimes if they just put up the manga panels in order and set to music. I don't understand. Their real ero has some effort put in to it sometimes, their softcore anime that air on tv have effort in them, their stupid otakushit OVAs that are usually between soft and hard and probably for lolicon have effort put into them, even the eromanga and erogames they base them off of probably have effort put into them, even anime that just have ero in it but aren't about the ero.

But when it's a full ero anime, it's usually got shit budget, shit production, shit everything. I mean I don't expect them to not use looped animation but I don't understand why they can't be at least acceptably animated loops.

>> No.11441033

Shows about dick worms and naked men causing heaps of trouble will air in the west?

>> No.11441061

It's acceptable, don't worry. Check out your local anime club if you don't believe me.

>> No.11441063
File: 300 KB, 1200x896, GearsOfWarShirtDark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, that's what the west likes most after all.

>> No.11441071

Not enough sakuga to keep the poor attention span of Americans tuning in every week.

>> No.11441160

>on war

>> No.11441171
File: 933 KB, 1280x720, shinobu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lolicon? Well, Crackle has a suprisingly large 'Anime' section which is one of their main categories. I was really surprised to find this ep of Nise, the bath one where 8 year old Shinobu is naked for half the episode. Granted Crunchyroll has the same thing, Crackle is way more western, mainstream, and popular. It's also in pretty much every smartTV, bluray, and game console. They have their own short synopsis for each show which proves that Crackle's staff are actually knowledgeable about these things.

There were other questionable, ecchi series like Negima, Queens Blade and OreImo which they all had to apply for US TV-ratings. Nise got TV-14 while Negima got TV-MA.

Crackle had a pretty decent library which surprisingly had way more obscure, low-key shows than mainstream shounens. Too bad their quality and service is shit.

>> No.11441175

Show off your love for Cowboy Bebop, Trigun and Attack on Titan. Do not be afraid to blend in with the normalfags.

>> No.11441399

Netflix has Dance in the Vampire Bund. I read that at first Funimation tried to censor some of the naked bits and then changed their mind when lolicons started coming out of the woodwork in droves to complain.

I guess that would suggest that there's a substantial number of vocal lolicons in the West.

>> No.11441459

If you hate censorship, you're a lolicon?

>> No.11441468
File: 282 KB, 1159x1000, mina3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember that shitstorm well.
A fine one it was.

>> No.11441481

Isn't she hundreds of years old, though? She's not a loli.

>> No.11441486

Christ, I remember that whole fiasco.

Section on Wikipedia:

>> No.11441497

Pretty sure it's established that her body is that of a 10-year-old, or something.

Laws about this usually include phrases like "appears to be" so you can't play the "she's actually a 500-year-old alien!" card. Those crafty pedophobes.

>> No.11441500

> "controversial elements which, when taken out of context, could be objectionable to some audiences,"
>when taken out of context
People always say this with English releases, but do they actually believe it? They have to realize that it is indeed there, at least in part, to make you hard, right?

>> No.11441510

They just say that to cover their own asses. "We aren't actually releasing something problematic, it's just that some people might misunderstand so we're censoring parts of it."

>> No.11441602

Let's be realistic here. She is portrayed as having a child's body for a very specific reason--to titillate. Now I think it's stupid to worry about fictional representations, but this does invite problems with American law concerning CP.

What's funny is you can get full-frontal nudity of other anime characters without problem even though they're canonically underage. I guess it illustrates the absurdity of the entire issue.

>> No.11441724

I wish it was still like this.
