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11434795 No.11434795 [Reply] [Original]

Did that tenshi platformer game ever come out?

>> No.11434801


>> No.11434804


Thank you

>> No.11435192

I have to praise this game for making a rendition of Native Faith I actually like.

>> No.11435214

Too bad the Suwako fight was fucking annoying near the end, not as bad as the Iku fight though. That golem thing was fun.

>> No.11435220

Try getting her Misaguji-sama card to unlock.
It'll become annoying once you knocked out 2 of the snake heads

>> No.11435229

I've done that. It's not so bad.
Suwako's easy. About the only thing that can go wrong in that fight is if the three rings during the second pattern decide to bounce weird. Like, across the floor and the plane just above it...

>> No.11435234

Wait you can unlock different cards by beating them a different way?

Also I figured the game was unfinished as fuck dues to a lot of the spellcards Tenshi uses being broken and having the same image, and no unlocks for the rest of the stuff.

>> No.11435240

Well you can unlock them if you did really well in the fight overall and they'll replace the uausal final spellcard

>> No.11435245

Yeah. All the bosses(?) have an alternate final card if you do well enough.
The most important qualification seems to not get hit, as in Tenshi can't enter her flinching pose or get knocked back or anything. There's some leeway, but I don't know how much, so graze carefully.

It's unfinished, but still good and playable. I expected more stages, though.

>> No.11435249

I guess that explains why I didn't see the running-away spellcard on Reisen the second time I did it.

I fought her again after I patched so I thought the patch changed it or something. So can everything in the level-up menu be unlocked or are those still just not available?

>> No.11435261

I personally think those alternate spells of theirs is pretty easy compared to their usual except for Yuugi. Fucking 3 step

>> No.11435263

I just played hit-and-run with Yuugi, was kind of fun except for being caught way further away than I should have.

At least I didn't have to cheese her with the slow moving timed explosion danmaku like I did with Iku, god DAMN that Iku fight is annoying.

>> No.11435267

So did you unlock Iku's alternate spell yet?
That's the only thing I haven't unlocked yet.
Probably won't due to the star spellcard

>> No.11435275

I probably wont for the same reason, that card is fucking stupid.

>> No.11435280

Just graze the first star as it spawns, hit her once with the sword then proceed to drop 2 spells and you've won.

>> No.11435285

Any particular two?

>> No.11435293

I used the sword combo spell.

>> No.11435571

Oh good, I was about to make another C84 games thread but thought it'd be a waste since I only wanted to talk about this.

I've been wondering, if I use Tenshi's defensive spellcard that reduces damage/knockback during Iku's third spell then get hit a bunch, will that still count for getting the alternate spell?
Also, I'd really love some advice for Thundercloud Stickleback. Should I just do like in SWR and lame it out till Iku removes her shield? Shooting her with piercing shots seems like a waste of energy.

>> No.11435603
File: 158 KB, 508x590, 1338821972929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paper tenko when?

>> No.11435647


>> No.11435664
File: 114 KB, 500x500, tenshi cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11435734

How to do high jump?

>> No.11435740
File: 39 KB, 500x500, 1376772299988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can someone tell me this guy's pixiv??

>> No.11435749

Someone needs to get on ripping the BGM for this game.

>> No.11435756

IQDB gives nothing so I guess no one posted his stuff on the boorus yet BUT saucenao gives me this:

Bookmark that page or get this addon:
It has IQDB, saucenao and tinyeye by default on rightclikc on an image, it is really useful.

>> No.11435760

Cool, thanks.

>> No.11435921

Damn, this game is fun.

>> No.11436138

I wish there were more enemies like the oni in stage 4. Everything else dies so damn quickly...Tenshi can do all these moves that beg to be strung together in awesome ways, but there isn't anything for her to do so on.

>> No.11436331
File: 524 KB, 800x450, 20130920155553.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugh, what the hell do I do with this? I have to get to the top.

>> No.11436336

Their weather lets you air dash infinitely.

>> No.11436384

Oh crap, seriously? I just double jumped and dashed then let myself get knocked down so I could air recover and dash again.

>> No.11436443

The game sprites are original, right?

>> No.11436463

Is this game really doesn't have lifebar or is it the resolution?
If the latter how to change it?

>> No.11436499

Your life is the pale circle around Tenshi when you've taken damage, it starts green and degrades slowly to red as you take damage.

>> No.11436520

Can someone post a short control/input list?

I think I know what I'm doing but at the same time I don't. I beat Futo and stopped there.

>> No.11436524

You also get a FPS-style health reading. If the screen's turning red, you're almost dead.

>> No.11436527

You can change the controls, and should. I can't imagine playing with the default control setup.

>> No.11436549

I'm in stage 2.
I don't know what I supposed to do with the fire.

>> No.11436573

Get the white puffballs weather.

Graze when they're about to hit you and you'll get some slowdown and red stuff. Hit them with the sword when they're like that and you'll get some weather.
Every enemy has weather you can get out of them, and you'll need too at several points in the game.

>> No.11436610

Is there any way to play the game windowed?
In fullscreen each time I alt-tab to view desktop the game stopped working.

>> No.11436673

I got the same issues. I got locale, and unicode all setup too. I cant run it.

>> No.11436687

that oni girl is so smug. hentai when? get to drawing weebs

>> No.11436698

It's a girl you sexist pig.

>> No.11436701

At least you can that to bosses.

>> No.11436762
File: 64 KB, 378x423, was_it_that_hard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you think about opening that "config.exe" thing? Sounds like it could be useful for configuring.

Check the marked box for window mode.

>> No.11436787

yea, played around with the config, it somewhat doesnt save any of the changes I made.

However, I got it to work by copying the contents of the disc into a custom folder.

>> No.11436805

Problem is, it runs in the smallest window possible when you play in windowed mode.

>> No.11436936

this game doesnt save progress?

>> No.11437115

Did you update it? If you did, you can continue and select chapters, but not from the exact rooms you were in. Otherwise, no.

>> No.11437161

update? I guess not.

>> No.11437163

you need the patch

>> No.11437167

Does anyone know the artist that did the first demo illustrations? He was waaaayyy better than the guy that did the new ones

>> No.11437181

How do I make this work?

>> No.11437372

>>11436787 with patch from lionheart's site

>> No.11437596

How do I use the other spellcards? I unlocked them but I can only use the default ones.

>> No.11437696

with 3 styles, each can equip 1 bullet type and spell cards.

For melee attacks, you get them all.

>> No.11438290

What is this "weather" shaped like? a green orb or something?
I'm still stuck here, not be able to extinguish the fire.

Also, can someone give me the link for the update?

>> No.11438323

the dash button are also good for dodging. Let them attack you, and time your dodge it. This triggers a graze, then hit the the enemy with the marker.

Weather will depends on the enemy you kill with the sword.(or situational)

>> No.11438354


on the bottom with Ver 1.02

>> No.11438395

Then what it will do to the fire?
There's gonna be a rain or something? Does that have to be triggered with a button or will it triggered by itself?

>> No.11438412

Any infos if some translation group is interested in working on this? I want to read the dialouge ingame, this is why I still havent touched hm.

>> No.11438426

you have kill with a sword during the graze.

>> No.11438700

Okay, so how to use the tornado after I kill the wind puffball in stage 3?

>> No.11438716

Never mind, found it.

>> No.11438954

any word on who did the first demo art? kinda curious

>> No.11439106

I beat Iku taking 0 damage, but the last spellcard stayed the same. Odd. Felt like there was more dialogue than usual though. Is that the actual reward for doing that fight well?

>> No.11440263
File: 104 KB, 475x539, patchy's hard game.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game has neat combo feature but I feel that the enemies are too few so this feature is kinda wasted. There are more floating enemies and obstacle than ground enemies and most of them die quickly.
Also maybe heavy-attack that costs orbs is too much since both dash/graze and heavy attack are heavily used.
I often found myself cannot attack or graze in crucial moments because I ran out of orbs.
I feel that the control is also hard to get used to, IMO.

I hope the next update will be better.

>> No.11440277
File: 46 KB, 368x314, wwt5kpkd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan swapped my image but it's better.

>> No.11440296

Did you also post in the Hisoutensoku Netplay thread by mistake?

Today is not the best day of your 4chan posting career!

>> No.11440302
File: 951 KB, 1100x660, suppression_tenshi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone know who is the artist that did the portrait and the art for the (first) demo? i really, really liked the style, but cant seem to find credentials anywhere...

>> No.11440344
File: 270 KB, 1332x2149, 2f468846f4ef85487305143c405610f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tenshi a cool

I would also like to know this.

>> No.11440347

I forgot how fun is the Casltevania/Megaman platformers are. This has more action, but fun as hell.

They should add higher vertical stages, or full blown map, next time.

>> No.11440376

The new artist made the portraits much lewder.

>> No.11440380

the futo and reisen portrait were so much better

>> No.11440382

He's sure better.
The new one has Yukari's boobs way too big.

>> No.11440385

he gave suwako and tewi boobs
he is history greatest monster

>> No.11440506

How am I supposed to kill those two lightning balls under the bridge on stage 3?

>> No.11440510

Ah never mind you can drop under them, it wasn't letting me for a while.

>> No.11440634

need to extinguish a flame. How to do it? Or where to read about control in English.

>> No.11440669

You have to graze one of the balls and then kill it with your sword to change the weather.

>> No.11440844

How do I know how much health I have?

>> No.11440851

This question already has an answer in this thread.

>> No.11440860

I don't see any circle around Tenshi

>> No.11440895

I think the circle disappears when your health is full.

>> No.11441084

Is there any particular reason why half of Yuugi's sprites are Reisen?

>> No.11441086 [DELETED] 


>> No.11441090

Is there any particular reason why you haven't patched to 1.02 yet?

>> No.11441093
File: 134 KB, 428x600, tenko crush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There will be more updates?

That would be great, I was hoping for more stages.

>> No.11441095

Maybe because games are usually complete when they're released.

>> No.11441105
File: 28 KB, 800x473, yumemi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you live in some strange world in which games never get patched? Is this the first Touhou fan-game you ever played?

>> No.11441696

Is there any way to get hold of the soundtrack? There's no music room option and I really want to hear some of the music again without the sound effects drowning it out.

>> No.11442200
File: 257 KB, 1280x1050, 118cdfe38350089c70ba726f3167351f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe they'll just fix things like sprites and gameplay.

Though, in the last update they put prologue scene.
I don't know if there's a chance they'll add Extra Stage.

I'm hoping for more enemies so I can do a lot of combos, though.

>> No.11444769

This guy is uploading the boss themes. So there's that.

>> No.11445688

I have a feeling it'll be like mystical chain

Bugfixes, MAYBE extra difficulty, if we're lucky, a boss rush mode etc

Anyone working on ripping the soundtrack from the the game's BGM files instead of a record?

>> No.11446908

Checked Lion Heart's blog, seems like the next update is on the 29th and will implement the rest of Tenshi's spellcard attacks. Can't tell if there's anything else though.

>> No.11450151

These are pointless if he didn't add more enemies or increasing their health.

I can only use these spellcards and neat combos on bosses.
And yeah, the boss fight is my favorite part of this game.

>> No.11450165

maybe we will get yukari and tewi as bosses someday... they got sprites for some reason...
