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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11429757 No.11429757[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you remember............ the good old days?

That feel when neo-neo-neo-/jp/ers won't get the true joke behind this.

>> No.11429760

Also cool /v/ neo meme.

>> No.11429759

I never got the sudo thing and I was here when moot made /jp/

>> No.11429762

Haha! Sudo! The Mint command! Good one :)

>> No.11429762,1 [INTERNAL] 

Fucking newfag nanny janny.

>> No.11429762,2 [INTERNAL] 

We already had our funposting thread for the day. Wait until tomorrow.

>> No.11429762,3 [INTERNAL] 

sudo rm -rf ~/janny

You're welcome ;-)

>> No.11429762,4 [INTERNAL] 

>complain about /v/ neo meme
>use /v/ surprise box meme
max jej

>> No.11429762,5 [INTERNAL] 

Who are you quoting?

>> No.11429762,6 [INTERNAL] 

Holy shit you were literally mashing the refresh key just so you could post this

>> No.11429762,7 [INTERNAL] 

One funposting thread? ONE?
Maybe that's ok if you're a fucking normalfag that goes to college and has a 10/10 gf and a job. You probably browse /jp/ 15, maybe 20 minutes a day.

However that is not enough for me. /jp/ is my life, my bones and blood. /jp/ is my soul.
I'm online at all times, I literally sleep with one eye open staring at my monitor so I won't miss any good threads. I literally love everything about /jp/ except the shitty janitor.

>> No.11429762,8 [INTERNAL] 

Get out falseT.

A truT otaku would know T's one goal in posting on /jp/ was to get it deleted.

>> No.11429762,9 [INTERNAL] 

> I literally love everything about /jp/ except the shitty janitor.

Then you do not know true love. You cannot love something unless you also love its faults and imperfections.

>> No.11429762,10 [INTERNAL] 

Literally meme

>> No.11429762,11 [INTERNAL] 

The neo-neo-neo-janitor is literally a glitch in the World. He shouldn't exist.

>> No.11429762,12 [INTERNAL] 

Shut up n00b

>> No.11429762,13 [INTERNAL] 

I'm literally going to kick your turbonerd ass.

>> No.11429762,14 [INTERNAL] 

>neo-neo-neo-/jp/ers won't get the true joke behind this.

More like the !0 joke, am I right? ;-)

>> No.11429762,15 [INTERNAL] 

You're literally completely wrong. Stop posting.

>> No.11429762,16 [INTERNAL] 

Trev owns that fucking nerd.

>> No.11429762,17 [INTERNAL] 

Don't quote me......... Aho baka................

Kimochi warui....................

>> No.11429762,18 [INTERNAL] 


Why are you talking to yourself and using my trip?

>> No.11429762,19 [INTERNAL] 

Did I say you could reply to me?

>> No.11429762,20 [INTERNAL] 

get a new trip, everyone knows it ;)

>> No.11429762,21 [INTERNAL] 

(....... Why is this !4Pq7ZkSFpA neo-/jp/ kid quoting me?............)
(..........maybe if I ignore him he will go away.............)

>> No.11429762,22 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11429762,23 [INTERNAL] 

You literally quoted me, the least you could expect is me quoting you back, turbonerd.

Also, stop quoting me.

>> No.11429762,24 [INTERNAL] 

Nobody cares.............

>> No.11429762,25 [INTERNAL] 

Yes, and they have since I first started using it. I originally used #trevor as a joke waiting for the first person to notice that, I never thought it would have been known within the first week though.

You can use the trip, I really don't care.

Protip: It's especially fun if you use it on 4/jp/. Have you tried it yet?

>> No.11429762,26 [INTERNAL] 

That's not me. Why are you replying to me?

>> No.11429762,27 [INTERNAL] 

Shut the fuck up or I will kick your ass.

>> No.11429762,28 [INTERNAL] 

Le protip xD

>> No.11429762,29 [INTERNAL] 

and yet................ you replied! You even used your epic ``ellipsis'' meme.

>> No.11429762,30 [INTERNAL] 

I tell you what.

>> No.11429762,31 [INTERNAL] 

Stop replying to me. You're so obsessed with me it's not even funny.

>> No.11429762,32 [INTERNAL] 

I will use my epic ``fist'' meme if you don't shutup.

>> No.11429762,33 [INTERNAL] 

I'll give it a shot, thanks for the tip ;-)

>> No.11429762,34 [INTERNAL] 

xD me again you [b][u][o][i]bitch

>> No.11429762,35 [INTERNAL] 

I'd like to see you ``try''.

>> No.11429762,36 [INTERNAL] 

Filtered :^)

>> No.11429762,37 [INTERNAL] 

Now I can insult him and he'll never know.

>> No.11429762,38 [INTERNAL] 

LOL you're so stupid

>> No.11429762,39 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11429762,40 [INTERNAL] 

>Enable javascript to use LMGTFY.

>> No.11429762,41 [INTERNAL] 

Why are you pretending to be me?
