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11424426 No.11424426 [Reply] [Original]

>No voices
>No porn

Why is this allowed?

>> No.11424432

Nasu now thinks he's 2good4lewd

>> No.11424441

I'm sure he'd rather write a book, but retards like you wouldn't read it then, would you? :3 Who are you quoting btw? Get the fuck out of here kiddo.

>> No.11424438

Because sometimes a story does not need branching.

>No porn
Because not every story needs porn, and Type-Moon is popular enough to be able to sell their products without HAVING TO add porn to their games.

>> No.11424443

But I thought misusing the quote function wasn't allowed!?

>> No.11424458

>Because not every story needs porn

Yes it does.

>> No.11424463

People like you are holding the medium back.

>> No.11424476

>Because sometimes a story does not need branching.
Nasu's only strong side was branching everything in a billion of ways.

>> No.11424480


People like you are poisoning the medium by inviting casuals in.

Reading visual novels should always carry the same sort of stigma as publicly admitting you're a pedophile. That is the only way it remains an exclusive hobby for outcasts and misfits and isn't contaminated by casual influence.

>> No.11424489

He really isn't, though.

They could throw in like 1 scene without ruining any integrity.

>> No.11424490

Nasu is female actually.

>> No.11424491
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>Nasu's only strong side was branching everything in a billion of ways.

That's maybe overstating it, but honestly both FSN and Tsukihime would be incredibly boring without branching. As linear stories, they are just not that good or interesting. Branching gives them massive added value.

>> No.11424513
File: 18 KB, 800x600, even in the rare case you dont die the game ends in a couple of lines.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That is the only way it remains an exclusive hobby for outcasts and misfits and isn't contaminated by casual influence.
You want visual novels to remain exclusive to a tiny niche fanbase? People like you still exist? You know any chance of things staying that way was lost when VNs started being translated, giving a wide range of anime fans access to them.

And there's a 99% chance that even you only started playing visual novels because of English translations.

Last I checked, Fate/stay night was entirely linear (enforced route order, even), with any "branching" consisting of "pick the right choice or die in a couple of lines".

>> No.11424516

Typemoon must die

>> No.11424521

If it has romance, then why not?

>> No.11424523

I thought we just had this thread.

>> No.11424524

I don't care I want Aoko

>> No.11424532


FSN has five endings, not counting Bad Ends.

And honestly, even if there was only one ending it's still important to let the player actively make decisions. Otherwise all the player gets to do is passively watch the dumbfuck Shirou stumble through his life, and who wants that? That is not sufficiently interesting by itself.

>> No.11424534
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>No voices
>No porn

Why is this allowed?

>> No.11424549

You want porn from TM? The fuck?

>> No.11424559

>No porn

I read this book where the main character has sex with the entire Greek pantheon.

>> No.11424567
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Without porn, his stories are just generic young adult fantasy. Nobody would care about Shiki if he didn't go crazy rapist all the time.

>> No.11424568

Is the twist here that it's some old book like The Odyssey?

Old books were hella lewd. I don't get how Christians can say porn/erotica is wrong given some of the stuff that's in their Bible.

>> No.11424570

>Without porn, his stories are just generic young adult fantasy.

And with porn, they're generic young adult fantasy.

>> No.11424573

Nah, copyright 1993.

>> No.11424574

yeah but its a choose your own adventure with porn!

how is that bad

>> No.11424578

F/sn has five endings in three routes; with the exception of the good/true end differences it doesn't require choices. (For example, Higurashi has 8 endings despite being completely linear.)

Because sex scenes in VNs are completely unromantic repetitive bullcrap that make no sense in the context of romance.

Frequently they take place at unreasonable moments, then you always get the exact same retarded narration and dialogue ("it's so big, it's going all the way in, your thing is inside me, ah, haa, haaa, nn, haa, it feels so good") which never changes regardless of situation or character.

The sexual acts make no sense in a romantic context (hey I know we've only had sex once but let's immediately try oral/anal/sometimes even more obscure things, even though most couples take a while before daring to try anything new, let alone "strange" things (to people who haven't been completely desensitized to sexual things like us) like anal.

In 99% of the cases there are no elements of romantic bonding during sex scenes other than reaching climax at the same time (which, I must say, happens for EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER) such as finding out how to please your partner, what parts of the body are sensitive, amount of teasing preferred, etc.

Then, afterwards, the sex is NEVER mentioned again except as a pretext for elements in the next sex scene (we tried X last time so let's try Y now - speaking of which, it makes NO sense that they never just try the same thing again, which is a lot more natural to do; it's rather unlikely they've already grown tired of it after just one go).

Simply put, VN sex scenes are written as porn, not as romance. As such, they do not contribute anything to the romantic aspects of the story. I wouldn't mind if they fit into the story (I read the sex scenes in Sengoku Rance, for example), but in romance VNs it's just thrown in as porn for better sales. There's nothing romantic about it.

>> No.11424586

While I agree that most H-scenes could use some work, what you're saying applies to pretty much any kind of erotic fiction. I wouldn't say it's "just" porn (except for nukige) but you aren't supposed to care about these characters forming a connection or bonding right now, you're supposed to be aroused with your dick in your hand.

I think the way H-scenes are written and displayed is fine, they just need to feel more appropriate in the scope of characters' relationships. Sure plenty of people in real life and fiction sleep with each other the first day they meet, but it would be nice to see characters take things slow.

>> No.11424597

Thank you, I think VNshits need this drilled into their minds.

I don't see how ~~~~~EVERY VN EVER~~~~~~~ NEEDS sex scenes. You don't see that in non-hentai anime or LNs or Western books, every single one having a sex scene, do you. I'm a pervert and I like porn but this is just awful how on VNDB there's a "no sexual content" tag instead of "sexual content"

>> No.11424604

>I don't get how Christians can say porn/erotica is wrong given some of the stuff that's in their Bible.

Not arguing for the 'porn/erotica is wrong' angle (that's bullshit perpetrated by the Church, not anything actually in the Bible), but there's a difference between

When Rachel saw that she was not bearing Jacob any children, she became jealous of her sister. So she said to Jacob, “Give me children, or I’ll die!”
Jacob became angry with her and said, “Am I in the place of God, who has kept you from having children?”
Then she said, “Here is Bilhah, my servant. Sleep with her so that she can bear children for me and I too can build a family through her.”
So she gave him her servant Bilhah as a wife. Jacob slept with her, and she became pregnant and bore him a son. Then Rachel said, “God has vindicated me; he has listened to my plea and given me a son.” Because of this she named him Dan.
Rachel’s servant Bilhah conceived again and bore Jacob a second son. Then Rachel said, “I have had a great struggle with my sister, and I have won.” So she named him Naphtali.


"----Stop! if you keep doing this it'll be bad----"
"That's funny, Shiki. Your body doesn't agree with what your lips are saying.
You've gotten so stiff down here----we better do something about it."
Her hands move away from my back.
And then, her lovely white fingers descend below my waist.
Finding my already erect shaft.
"You're in pain, right? It's okay, you don't have to hold back. I'll calm it down----"
Her breath hits my hard shaft.
Her slender fingers wrap themselves around me.
Just that causes my body to jump.
My back arches and I fall back on the bed.
"I-Idiot! What are you thinking!?"
I manage to shout as I lie on my back.
Arcueid looks down on me without saying anything.
And then, she quietly removes the last of her clothes.
Staring at me with her unfocused red eyes, a soft,"Shiki, you look delicious," escapes her lips.

>> No.11424606

TM sex scenes are all shitty and forced.
Nasu only add those so it could sell.

That's why he don't need to add those anymore now because
>Type-Moon is popular enough to be able to sell their products without HAVING TO add porn to their games

>> No.11424607

>you aren't supposed to care about these characters forming a connection or bonding right now, you're supposed to be aroused with your dick in your hand.
But I was reading a romantic story. If I wanted porn, I'd go look at porn instead. If it's not part of the romantic story, why is it even there?

>> No.11424612

>on VNDB there's a "no sexual content" tag instead of "sexual content"


Tag #23 came before tag #235

>> No.11424615

Because people fuck in romantic relationships. There's no beating around the bush here. If you love someone, you will have sex and it'll be lewd and you'll be driven by your base desires and no amount of Disney waffle can undo that.

If they removed those scenes, it wouldn't be true to the relationship. It would be like removing "going on a date" or "kissing". I'd go so far as to say most "romance stories" without sex are victims of censorship.

>> No.11424642

But then why write the sex scenes as porn instead of romance?

>> No.11424654

It's two people knobbing. Do you want poetry and purple prose? Or maybe it's the opposite, and you'd prefer, "His penis went inside of her body. His penis left her body. His penis went inside again."?

>> No.11424661

He wants it to read like two lovers having a plausible, relationship-appropriate sexual encounter as opposed to a random fap interlude.

>> No.11424669

So was latter tale.
>No voices
How about writing a fucking book instead?

>> No.11424674

We're already getting purple prose.

>My grotesque shaft has hardened into an offensive, glistening pillar.

What I want is more focus on the emotions and feelings of the characters having sex, beyond just the 'it feels so good'. I'd say the first sex scene from Shikkoku no Sharnoth is a good example: The physical act of sex is barely described, and all of the focus lies on the emotions that bring Moran to do what she does and M's (lack of) response to these intentions. It shows us what is happening on an emotional level, rather than a physical level. I don't really care about the physical act, it's the same thing I've seen countless times before.

>> No.11424679

People like you are the retards who think that nudity or sex scenes make a video game mature.
I wish you'd drop off the surface of the planet.

>> No.11424695

>People like you are the retards who think that nudity or sex scenes make a video game mature.

No. Rather, we do not hink maturity is desirable in the first place. We want juvenile entertainment, not mature.

>> No.11424699

>But then why write the sex scenes as porn instead of romance?

That's a distinction you made up. What you're really asking is "why write sex scenes for men instead of women". And the obvious answer is that the audience isn't always women.

>> No.11424716

>That's a distinction you made up.
No it isn't. Read the thread:

[rant about sex scenes lacking romance]

>you aren't supposed to care about these characters forming a connection or bonding right now, you're supposed to be aroused with your dick in your hand.

>But I was reading a romantic story. If I wanted porn, I'd go look at porn instead. If it's not part of the romantic story, why is it even there?

>If they removed those scenes, it wouldn't be true to the relationship.

Leading to the post you responded to:
>But then why write the sex scenes as porn instead of romance?

There is an argument for the presence of sex scenes in romantic stories. But the current execution of those scenes, writing intended only to arouse, not to develop the relationship between the characters, clashes with this argument: You want sex scenes as part of the romance, yet the sex scenes don't have a shred of romance in them.

>> No.11424733

By the way, I hate it when people make gender distinctions like that. "This writing is intended for women, as a man you're not supposed to enjoy that but enjoy a different kind of writing." I hadn't really expected that on a board that discusses sappy romance stories as one of its main subjects; in case you needed to be reminded of it, according to our society reading emotional stories is unmanly and you should go play games where you blow everything up or something instead. I'm a man and I like my stories emotional, don't come up with the "but that's for women" bullshit here.

>> No.11424734

Leave things to the imagination. Nothing more explicit than what basically amounts to "we had sex" is needed.

>> No.11424739

Ero is holding eroge back.

>> No.11424736

I'd pay millions for a vn consisting of nothing but Shirou and EMIYA cooking for hours on end.

>> No.11424742


Might as well replace the whole story with "we had great adventures".

>> No.11424745

game of thrones has sex everywhere.

>> No.11424746

To be fair, there isnt much talking involved in sex most of the time.

>> No.11424753

He said this because it's true, at least in term of sex men and women have different needs
Men cares about the sexual part first and foremost, it's pretty simple actually and the whole "leave things to imagination" just doesn't work for us.

One of the great thing about eroge is that they are about meeting cute girls and then getting to fuck them, if you can't understand that you don't understand what this media is about.

>> No.11424752

If the story went into as much detail about the adventure as they do the sex, you would have three pages of him describing his walking speed.

>> No.11424756


If there's one cliche I want to bury it's "talking dirty". It's fake as fuck. Everyone who has actually had sex knows it happens in grim silence with only the occasional grunt and squelch for sound effects.

>> No.11424761

>What I want is more focus on the emotions and feelings of the characters having sex

I actually can't stop laughing in real life.

Holy shit, this is classic.

>> No.11424765

Thank god nobody fucking care about real life then

>> No.11424766


That's not very different from how it usually goes, to be honest. Nasu never says things in one sentence when three pages can do the same thing.

>> No.11424767

That's bullshit, speak for yourself. The sexual part is nice but it's nothing my hand (and/or a huge variety of toys invented in our modern era) can't do.

>> No.11424768

Tell us your fetishes so we can laugh at you too.

>> No.11424773


Another fake thing is how nobody feels ashamed and miserable afterwards, and how immensely unsatisfying it all is. It's like these things are written exclusively by virgins who think sex is "fun" and "good" instead of a huge embarrassment for everyone involved.

>> No.11424777

That's because you are really strange, most men works like this.

>> No.11424774

Well, there's always phone sex which requires a little bit more verbalization, and pretty much is required to have some sort of dirty talk, but yeah. The deed itself is pretty damn silent, most of the time. Sure, you can have a few lewd words leading into it (foreplay), but after that? a lot of gasping, some moaning and grunting. maybe a "woah you're crushing me / move your elbow it's stabbing into me" if you're in a particularly awkward position. You're too preoccupied with having sex to talk, most of the time.

And afterwards is just "was it nice? / that felt good" "want me to bring you something to eat too?" "g'night"

>> No.11424775

I don't disagree, honestly

>You don't see that in non-hentai anime or LNs or Western books
>non hentai
Obviously, if it's labeled as "non-hentai" but plenty of books have sex, A Song of Ice and Fire and even Twilight has sex.

You guys use terrible examples. In a Type Moon thread, both Tsukihime and FSN have enough romance that the routes eventually climax to sex with the girl. The rant is just blabber, it's the highlight of the romance before the ending.

I agree that not all VNs need porn, a better example would be Kamidori Alchemy Meister. Now that's one game that I played for days that had maybe like two nipples shown before any sex scene happened that made me think "Oh wow they totally just added porn for the sake of having porn", especially a game with gameplay.

Either way I don't get your damage with sex, it's a small step away in any romance story and always have been, but I do agree that games that read like a VN seem to force porn in, but hey, whatever sells to the young adult crowd.

And sex definitely sells.

>> No.11424786

I think sex is satisfying, but it's not the amazing world-changing holy grail of events that otaku media makes it out to be. Honestly I prefer mutual masturbation though, or non-penetrative sex.

>> No.11424792

forest or saya no uta would be a better example of a vn that just really didnt need the porn at all, and would have been much better without it forced in. (particularly at the very beginning, in both)

>> No.11424804

Only retards think sex detract from both.

>> No.11424799

>It's like these things are written exclusively by virgins who think sex is "fun" and "good" instead of a huge embarrassment for everyone involved.

Most sane people are not embarrassed by having sex, unless they have the unfortunate case of sobering up and realizing who they did it with wasn't who they would've wanted to do it with. You sound like you're straight out of the Victorian era.

>> No.11424812
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One of the girls has romance, but no sex.

>> No.11424815

>Another fake thing is how nobody feels ashamed and miserable afterwards, and how immensely unsatisfying it all is
Wow please project harder I don't think you're doing it enough in your post

>> No.11424818

>but no sex
Soon, anon

>> No.11424823


Didn't Nasu say that even Shinji route was more likely than an Illya route?

>> No.11424826

Where is sex with the Ilya?

>> No.11424829

In doujins. Lots of it.

>> No.11424846


And all really badly done.

Seriously, what's up with that? They're all so super mediocre it's a waste to try and wank to them.

>> No.11424850
File: 374 KB, 1050x1500, mottomotto_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not all of it is badly done.

>> No.11424865


No, I've read that. And while it's one of the better ones the art is still boring; the body is ill defined and anatomically disappointing, and it communicates active movement poorly.

I'll grant you I have unusually high standards for porn (and comic art in general), but there's a lot of it out there these days and most series/characters have at least a couple of really well done books. But not Ilya.

>> No.11424911

I only feel ashamed and miserable after sex because I'm a beta nerd. These are attractive young men who may or may not have superpowers.

>> No.11424916


My bad.

>> No.11424982

One thing that never gets portrayed right in VN sex scenes is how hard it is to explain everything to the cops.

>> No.11425029

>And all really badly done.

You obviously haven't read anything featuring Illya.


>> No.11425104


I'm like him. Isn't one of the goals of VN's that you can self-insert? How can you do that properly when the sex scenes are so far out of touch with reality and formulaic?

The only times i've really enjoyed them was when i really had a thing for that particular character or when there was cum swallowing.

>> No.11425265

Game of thrones is also shit.
What's your point?

>> No.11425269

Who let all these normalfags in here?

>> No.11425286

They would just make it into an anime anyways.

>> No.11425290

Taiga route when?
And it better be voiced or there's no point

>> No.11425303

I can't wait for them to butcher Tsukihime.

>> No.11425638

>TM sex scenes are all shitty and forced.
>Nasu only add those so it could sell.
That's, like, the only reason novel has porn.
They're always so shit because they're forced into the story because of marketing, thus people shouldn't care too much about them.

>> No.11425664

Type-Moon has been Tokyo 2020 ready. First good step of cleaning up Japan.

More studios should do the same.

>> No.11425709

If you were a Japanese MASTER like me you'd be calling them "H-scenes", and not "porn".

>> No.11425720
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Mahoyo re-release with porn and voices soon

>> No.11425775

VNs will not be allowed in 2020 tokyo

>> No.11426082

Ero scenes is better.

>> No.11426099

Why do people always start stupid rumors about creators being female? Do they really think it makes things more enjoyable if the creator is female? Because I think it just make things less enjoyable, girls don't understand what I like. Besides, if they were female, it would be common knowledge, since females almost never stay under the radar enough for people to not know their gender.

>> No.11426132
File: 512 KB, 700x787, 554e41eda698c86d88b8437d11d887f8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Look at her name:

奈須 きのこ 

Unless it's a penname or her parents are complete asshats, Nasu's female.

Does anyone know for certain? No (Nasu has NEVER appeared in public). Does anyone know for certain that she's male? No. Does if matter? Nope, you dumb fuck.

>> No.11426142

Then why butt in and say something stupid like "Nasu is female actually" when there's no evidence and it doesn't matter? You're just one of those retards who think "omg a girl made this!!" makes anything and everything more enjoyable, probably because you're the type of person who tells himself that the creator being female automatically makes you more mature and 'adult' for liking it. Girls are pretentious as hell with their writing though, so maybe Nasu is female.

>> No.11426150

F/SN was originally going to be an otome game.


>> No.11426159

I wish it was

>> No.11426163

That doesn't change anything I said at all. This isn't about whether or not Nasu is actually female anymore, this is about how retarded I think pretentious fucks like you are.

>> No.11426166

wow way to change the subject out of nowhere

>> No.11426174

Nice try.

>> No.11426175

Out of nowhere? Did you even read >>11426142? You haven't answered my question, and while I think Nasu is probably male, I don't entirely deny the possibility of him actually being female. Nice danbooru filename by the way, it really suits someone like you. I bet you bitch about how ero is holding eroge back on the VNDB forums too.

>> No.11426189

You didn't ask me a question. I just injected myself into the conversation with a comment about how Saber wasn't always a girl.

>> No.11426190

Of course, eroges could be so much more without those (often) stupid sex scenes.

>> No.11426201

Softcore eroge?

>> No.11426207

That's not evidence though. As a female, Saber is the kind of character that a woman would create though, that is to say, really shitty and boring.

Of course you would think that. Your kind is what will destroy the industry by forcing developers to change what already works. They're enjoying what they're doing, it's people like you who are forcing them to stop doing what they like for the sake of making more money, since teenagers aren't as likely to buy things with sex in it because 1. they're not legally allowed to and 2. they think they're edgy and mature by pretending to hate sex.

>> No.11426229

>they think they're edgy and mature by pretending to hate sex.
That's just your opinion.

>> No.11426231

Why do you hate female authors so much?

>> No.11426245

Yes. It's not going to be true for all people.

I don't actually hate them. I just hate the kind of people who will obsess over their works solely because the author is female. Though a lot of those people are females themselves. They're pretty much some of the worst and most obnoxious of weebs. They also whine constantly about any sort of ero or fanservice, and delude them into believing that the 'culture' they obsess over is something completely different from what it actually is. Danbooru and VNDB are full of them, which is why I brought them up.

>> No.11426275

Wow, this thread turned into Fate/Stay Mad.

>> No.11426283

It's the lack of ero

>> No.11426279

Epic win.

>> No.11426321

I copied some replies into notepad, then some more and even more after that. Then I just printed the whole thread. Fucking amazing.

>> No.11426327

I actually want the ero scenes to be less romantic. It really kills my erection when they start swapping saliva and saying they love each other and screaming about how good it feels. I want the cute girl I made fall for me have to do really degrading stuff like drink my urine and then take it in the ass, without going into a screaming fit about how good and hot it feels. In general, I prefer heroines who are capable of having casual sex, which are pretty rare, especially in romance.

>> No.11426331

What is it that you find so amazing?

>> No.11426348

>Saber is the kind of character that a woman would create though, that is to say, really shitty and boring.

You take that back, faggot. Saber makes FSN comfy.

>> No.11426354

>I don't actually hate them. I just hate the kind of people who will obsess over their works solely because the author is female
It's literally one post, half assed, that you are making a mountain out of a mole hill of.

Please blog elsewhere from now on.

>> No.11426364

We've had this thread countless times before and yet people still amaze me.

To me it's like watching a famous play that I know by heart, just this time it's reenacted by severely retarded children.

>> No.11426379

Are you kidding? This thread is full of those types of people. Look at all the girls bitching about ero not being more romantic, like Sakurai's boring and not-even-worth-getting-hard-over sex scenes. Maybe >>11424578 and >>11424597 should go back to their blogs with their all caps and "~~~~~~".

>> No.11426401

>Are you kidding? This thread is full of those types of people

In that case, allow me to open another venue of shitposting: Translation when?

>why didn't he write a book?

>Nasu originally wrote Mahōtsukai no Yoru on the spur of the moment as a roughly 400-page novel in winter 1996
Because it is a book. But voice acting would've been nice. At least we get pretty pictures of waifus

>> No.11426437

You are the normalfriend. Your hatred of your own sexuality is repugnant.

>> No.11426440

>No voices
>No porn

>Full price
>Inevitable remake with voices

>> No.11426626

I'd rather replenish mana and forge contracts or whatever through love than sex, seriously.

>> No.11426725
File: 1.16 MB, 1280x720, questioning karen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>The sexual acts make no sense in a romantic context (hey I know we've only had sex once but let's immediately try oral/anal/sometimes even more obscure things, even though most couples take a while before daring to try anything new, let alone "strange" things (to people who haven't been completely desensitized to sexual things like us) like anal.

This is the most pathetically boring thing I've ever read.

"I've noticed VN developers make sex scenes cater to a wide variety of sexual interests, so that all of their customers can be satisfied, and that people without a clear-cut preference can get to enjoy many different types of sex scene, rather than the boring realistic image where couples have sex the same way every time forever. Why can't VNs be more boring and like real life?"

I don't think VNs are for you, and neither are anime/LNs/etc. If stepping into a world where the happenings are dictated by what's fun rather than what's 'real' is a problem for you, you should definitely stick to real life. Nobody here will miss you.


"Through love"? What is this even supposed to mean? You just stare at each other with doe eyes and the mana flows into your servant?

The 'mana transfer' thing was thought up to make an easy dosage mechanic for the writers to put sex scenes in. When is Saber going to lose mana? Typically during a fight. So it makes sure that for every fight scene there's a justification to put a sex scene afterward. It's to ensure there's good pacing of exposition, action, and sex scenes. The whole 'mana transfer' thing has no other purpose.

Why are you averse to sex scenes anyway? I wish people would stop regurgitating this prudishness about sex. Sex is an almost poetic expressal of the characters' love. Why are you talking about sex and love as if they're separate? You sound like a religious indoctrination victim who never properly reevaluated their views.

>> No.11426791

>"Through love"? What is this even supposed to mean?

Gushy, emotional connections between the two characters through some lewd but not sexual ritual, like hand holding. Love is magic, that sort of thing. I would rather something cheesy and sweet like that than the tedious, 'convenient' methods like the sex scenes which aren't really necessary but will please someone, I guess.

I blame it on the VN because I didn't see it as a "poetic expressal of the characters' love", not even almost; in fact, the last thing I could give a shit about reading it. I would enjoy the sex if I enjoyed the romance or if the sex was enjoyable in itself, but neither was the case so welp.

>Why are you averse to sex scenes anyway?
What makes you think that? Not liking those particular sex scenes =! being averse to them in general. That's awfully disingenuous, but your post reads as some deluded TM fanboy so I suppose that's unsurprising.

>> No.11426803
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>but your post reads as some deluded TM fanboy so I suppose that's unsurprising.

I don't have the energy to properly explain how pathetic this is. Basically, just don't beg for attention like that.

>I blame it on the VN because I didn't see it as a "poetic expressal of the characters' love"

This is probably because you're a dumbo who can't see past what the characters are saying. It's a staple of Japanese entertainment to have characters who say one thing and mean another.

>> No.11426814

>Love is magic, that sort of thing

>> No.11426827

>I don't have the energy to properly explain how pathetic this is.
That's perfectly fine, I wouldn't expect much anyway.
>This is probably because you're a dumbo who can't see past what the characters are saying.
No, that's simple. Romance was just so weak, it was hard to buy or, more importantly, care.

Much like Eva, yes. Very appropriate screencap, dude.

>> No.11427961

Most of the ero scenes in eroge are pretty fucking boring, why are you nerds even arguing about this?
I'd rather read a nukige to fap, since I can barely get it up at the average H-scene.

>> No.11435433

I think its ok

>> No.11435466

Is it just me who doesn't mind there are no voices? I think the music in Mahoyo itself is on another level and I don't necessarily want voices there. Note that I'm not trying to say that voices are bad - I wouldn't actually mind having them but that's not a dealbreaker here. Also keep in mind Nasu said it's the first part apparently.

>> No.11435569

We know because Nasu has stated in interviews that he is a male.

>> No.11435606


I agree with this, but i think it's ludicrous to expect this to happen from a first time with some romantic build-up between high school aged characters.

What bothers me the most is being given "permission" by the girl, like she's sacrificing herself and not also benefiting from the whole thing.

>> No.11435695


>It's to ensure there's good pacing of exposition, action, and sex scenes.

When a story is molded to to fit some stupid model, it's very easy to tell and I'm extremely bothered by it. We're ultimately talking about novels here, story should be the focal point. If the story is so trivial and boring that you need to have sex scenes at X frequency to keep people interested, maybe you should just make a porn CG collection instead.

Clannad is another example of this. I can see their minds going "ok guys we need it to be sad here, let's kill off another character".

Things don't have to imitate reality, but when stories are crafted following a recipe, it stifles creativity and greatly diminishes its impact. Why don't you seem to understand that fiction can be done without a series of ass-pulls? There's a line between fantasy and behaviors that are so far off from anything a real person would do that it makes it impossible to relate to them.

>> No.11435700


Eva had romance? All i remember is le deep edgy meta-plot so compl3x.

>> No.11435741
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Pics or it didn't happen.

>> No.11435743

>What bothers me the most is being given "permission" by the girl, like she's sacrificing herself and not also benefiting from the whole thing.
I think it's fair to say that, if it is her first time, then she is sacrificing more than she is benefiting.

>> No.11435815


It's probably fair yes. First times are shit to begin with. Not just in reality.

>> No.11437862 [DELETED] 


Anyone who think the protagonist there had "deep" and romantic relationships with any of the females. I don't think it was the case in Eva and I don't think it is in F/SN.

Shirou may have loved them, however I believe they best allowed him to go maximum white knight. He's pretty messed up but that's fine. He's more endearing than any of the bitches pushed on him.

>> No.11437865

Anyone who think the protagonist there had "deep" and romantic relationships with any of the females. I don't think it was the case in Eva and I don't think it is in F/SN.

Shirou may have loved them, however I believe they best allowed him to go maximum white knight. He's pretty messed up but that's fine. He's more endearing and interesting than any of the bitches pushed on him.

>> No.11440490

>When a story is molded to to fit some stupid model
>when stories are crafted following a recipe
>Why don't you seem to understand that fiction can be done without a series of ass-pulls

Every fiction can be boiled down to a formula, that's what outlines are for. You don't think they all got drunk and wrote it all in one night, did you?

It may seem like bad writing if you can spot the "asspulls" but there's "asspulls" in everything, they just try to occupy your attention away from the subtle details and foreshadowing.

You might as well whine about stories having some stranger come by or the protag being someone important, but that's being a hipster that doesn't get fiction writing.

>> No.11440518


How can he have interviews if he's never been in public?

>> No.11440555

You're confusing genre fiction with real fiction.

Genre fiction IS a series of tropes and asspulls. It's for people who don't wanna think too hard about what they're reading.

It's got its place but let's not pretend that fiction has to follow a formula or a strict adherence to PLOT. You can have a beautiful story that takes place on a park bench or in the span of one breath.

>> No.11440606

>You can have a beautiful story that takes place on a park bench or in the span of one breath
Yeah but it won't be about sitting on a park bench or whatever is said, there's gonna be subtext and metaphors up the butt. And this is about VNs, of course I was talking about genre fiction, you try selling a VN with hurrr baby shoes for sale not used 10/10 quality VN breathtaking cg's and music the lack of sex scenes is DEEP

If you're saying anything isn't "real fiction" without metaphors and subtext, then I think the high brow crowd over in /lit/ is your company.

Sometimes I think you guys argue just for the sake of arguing.

>> No.11440614

But people make that same distinction between "science fiction" and "sci-fi" and yet I've seen classic works of science fiction been referred to as "genre fiction".

I am so confused.

>> No.11440679

No porn is fine. Non interactive isn't. Might as well just publish it as a light novel. Not like it wouldn't sell anyway.

>> No.11440840


>> No.11440854

No choices: okay...you can have a linear game
No porn: okay as well, porn doesn't make or break a game
No voices: unforgivable in 2013...tons of games from the early 2000s and earlier were fully voiced. what the fuck was type moon thinking?

>> No.11440871

Am i the only person here who prefers to turn the voice off when reading VNs?

>> No.11440874

>okay...you can have a linear game

How can you even consider it as a game when you can't affect it in any way?

>> No.11440881


Only individual characters when I can't stand the VA. Otherwise, listening is easier than reading,

>> No.11440883

Early sound novels didn't have voices either and honestly, i don't care at all. I'd rather they used the money for presentation and good music.

So yes, i liked their approach mahoyo quite a lot.

>> No.11440885

But reading is a faster than listening. And I have more control over my experience.
Bad VA can really ruin it for me.

>> No.11440892

Yeah the presentation and soundtrack of Mahoyo were amazing;
Too bad the content was pretty ordinary, nothing bad but nothing that would stay in my mind either.
Though I tried FSN on Vita a few month ago and you can clearly see that Nasu got a lot better at writing in Mahoyo so there is that

>> No.11440916

I'm too lazy to click my mouse or press enter to continue. I just put it on auto read and listen.

>> No.11440929

>the presentation and soundtrack of Mahoyo were amazing
>the presentation
you must never seen a good art and effects in VN, poor Anon ;_;

>> No.11440945

i'm curious to know what you consider good.

>> No.11440999

>Not understanding the sex in nasu games are an integral part o of character development

Seamonster's or not, simply cutting to black and implying something actually does not work, because when the PC refers to his love interest after this with romantic words of obsession, it's just guess that's how he describes them, but if you detai land show that they fuck, then you can understand it and goo OOOOOOH

>> No.11441088

good and amazing are different
and mahoyo presentation just in the level of random medicore nukige except the cg is not ero.
well everything is amazing if you compare it to higurashi i guess

>> No.11441120

>Bad VA can really ruin it for me.
It's the opposite in my case, I don't mind voices but good voices can totally make it work for me

>> No.11441146

Not to mention bad VA is pretty rare unless they are purposely using newer voice actors

>> No.11441415
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It varies per VN. I generally go for the original default option (for example, I read f/sn unvoiced even though it got voices in a later release).

I can't stand auto-read because it makes me miss stuff and rushes me to quickly read stuff before it goes to the next line. I want control over when the next bit of text is displayed.

That said, I also dislike pressing enter or clicking the mouse. For this reason, I have a special GlovePIE script that allows me to do most VN controls with a Wii Remote; instead of having to reach for a key, I just press the A button my thumb is resting on to advance the text. It's very convenient, much better than keyboard or mouse.

>> No.11442964
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I know I'm being slowpoke but I've heard that they're making sequels. What the hell is that gonna be about? Not Aoko I hope, this one VN was more than enough of her.

>> No.11443017

To give out a sense of "class". Personally, this particular vn really didn't need sex, because the plotline was good without it.

>> No.11443021

it'll be more adventures of magical asuka&rei&shinji

>> No.11443028

Fuck me. I wish they'd just introduce new mages and stuff, the heir or whatever of the first magic is supposedly still alive just show him/her.

>> No.11443029

don'T see it

>> No.11443034

the hairstyle I guess, but yeah, I just wrote that to make the trio complete

>> No.11443044

it's funny since the other two do fit rather well.

>> No.11443126

Meh, the details about magic and stuff were interesting but the story itself was rather dull. And you know if you make your career on vns that have ero scenes then people expect that your other vns will have ero scenes as well. The options were pretty limited considering that it's a prequel but still at least Alice could've got a sex scene or something.

>> No.11443135

>if you make your career on vns that have ero scenes then people expect that your other vns will have ero scenes as well.
In nasus case the ero scenes were always secondary to everything else.
They were put in just for sales, since TM themselves never gave the impression that they cared about them really.
So to me, this feels like the natural progression.

>> No.11443149

I know but still, fans are fans because they expect the same thing, that's just how it is. Also what would be a progression if nasu could write a vn that's not about a high school boy surrounded by girls, then I wouldn't expect sex scenes neither.

>> No.11443408

or the fourth magic

>> No.11443471

I'd be fine with Forte as well, she sounds hot.

>> No.11443479
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>> No.11443521
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>Links to an un-sourced wiki page.

You should find an actual interview first. The one you're claiming Nasu revealed their gender in.

>> No.11443552


>> No.11443567

I'm just dropping in and I don't really care either way but that whole article says literaly nothing just that noone knows Nasu's gender. Though in the blog posts nasu is using "ore" which would be fairly odd for a woman.

>> No.11443569
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>Quotes text from that same un-sourced wiki page.

You need the actual interview transcript, not a wiki page, which is editable by the general public.

>> No.11443571


A man having a first name of hiragana would be far weirder. It's like naming a man Jessica.

>> No.11443583

It says that Nasu has denied it at every occasion, however. And he has.

>> No.11443589

Not really, http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E8%91%B5%E3%81%9B%E3%81%8D%E3%81%AA
it's not feudal Japan, noone gives a shit about names anymore.

>> No.11443598


Using un-sourced wiki pages is no different from making it up. I can even go edit the page if we need to prove it.

Find the source, or else it remains unknown.

>> No.11443606


There are also men named Jade. It's still weird to name a man Jessica or Sarah, in the same way it's odd to use Hiragana instead of Kanji or Katakana for a man in Japan.

>> No.11443618

It's not particularly hard to find people like that though
So I don't think it's that weird, not to mention that it's most likely a pen name. Not even japs would name their kid "mushroom". One way or the other like I've said I don't really care if Nasu is male or female but your base of argument is pretty weak.

>> No.11443650


My argument is that it's unknown.

It's not particularly hard to find names that follow the norm either. Hiragana still has a feminine connotation.

>> No.11443659


I can't believe you made me go through all this dumb shit. There you go. Confirmed by Nasu himself.

Are you going to move the goalposts now? Like, ``how but she just doesn't want people to know?''

>> No.11443674
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No, that's sufficient. Apparently he became a girl when someone called him at midnight and was like 'hey, you're a girl!'.

Here's the non-archived post, which'll be added to wiki:


>> No.11444040

>Nasu has NEVER appeared in public
How is this even possible though? I guess I will have to congratulate Japan for not having paparazzi.

>> No.11444101

Typical subhum/a/n, using reaction images, anime screencaps, and greentext. It says it's from a Nikkei evening paper. Why the fuck would someone make something like that? Are you retarded? Fuck off back to /a/ with your "girls are epic! girls should make everything!" bullshit.

>> No.11444105

Woah dude, woah.

>> No.11444142


nice job avoiding the question

>> No.11444177

Girls and normals are so desperate for Nasu to be female. The name he uses is obviously a pen name, you'd have to be pretty fucking stupid to think otherwise. He's male, get over yourself, you stupid piece of shit. Go find Male Writer Who's Not An Attention Whore, So You Can Easily Make Stupid Shit Up About #432 to call a girl.

>> No.11444232

pardon me?

>> No.11444241

He implicitly asked you to name a VN with better presentation than Mahoyo, which you didn't really, perhaps so as to avoid having a claim made that could be debunked.

>> No.11444252

The nikkei evening paper (mistakenly) said Nasu was a girl. What the wiki says is that Nasu then said on his ``homepage'' that he denied being a girl, but the wiki didn't have a source for that until >>11443659 and >>11443674, which is were the doubt came from.

>> No.11444273

As if a girl would write characters this way.

>> No.11444312

You mean good or bad?

>> No.11444399

I just can't imagine a female writing characters that way.
Then again, that might explain why the male characters in Fate are better.

>> No.11444426

you never read any liar-soft steampunk series, did you?

>> No.11445752

I've just dropped in but I've gotta say that forest probably had better presentation, mahoyo just had some sfx here and there. Which is fine I guess but I might as well just watch some battle show at that point and I'll have a better time.

>> No.11445760

What does "that way" mean?

>> No.11445772

I would assume that he means that nasu's girl characters are pretty much all male fantasy, they're either submissive or tsundere but in the end they just want to suck the mc's cock. Girls written by female writers are either extremely clingy or don't have particular interest in having sex with a certain dude.

>> No.11445833

Nasu's just a wuss, even nowadays loli stuff is pretty prevalent.

>> No.11445893

I don't think you ever read a Nasu VN.

>> No.11445911

Sure there kid. I'll make an adjustment though, it's otaku fantasy, normal male fantasy only entails a naked girl and a sandwich. The "pretty girl who acts the opposite what she thinks" is just wanking for the shut-ins these novels are made for.

>> No.11445932
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>they're either submissive or tsundere

yeah okay dude

>> No.11445941

>not tsundere
yeah okay dude

>> No.11448280

And when is Saber tsun?

>> No.11448303

When she's not dere

>> No.11448309


So you're the type of guy who thinks "tsuntsun" means "indifferent"?

Seiba is never rude or harsh to Shirou except in training.

>> No.11448732


She's a posterchild of classical Tsundere.

>> No.11448755


This company is to nips what apple is to hipsters. So even when it is truly a shitting shit made of turd they will buy it and call it a genius work.

>> No.11448858

I wonder how many peasants there are in this thread?

>> No.11448872
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You're all stupid idiots, Nasu is an AI that has developed sentience. It explains his inability to write ero scenes and his obsession with food. It also explains why no one has ever seen him.

>> No.11449130

>otaku fantasy
>normal male fantasy
Without definition those are just buzzwords.
If you think Sakura is "submissive" you've must read like only Fate. Rin isn't tsundere at all except for some comedic relief scenes.
Can you tell me how fucking Saber is tsundere? What makes her that?
Is Ilya tsundere or submissive? What about the female servants?
(Can't comment on Tsukihime yet because' I've yet to finish it)
It seems more like you read a tvtropes and now think you're a TM expert.

>> No.11449148

It's TM. Its EOP level is 99%. That's why half the posts in this thread sound like they're from girls.

>> No.11449155

what's EOP?

>> No.11449161

Enemy of the People

>> No.11449162

isn't "the people" just the mass of normies?

>> No.11449215

except nobody ever called it a genious work, it's all in your mind, anon.

>> No.11449395

well just saying but yeah tsuntsun is being cold, not necessarily being hostile that's just the most popular range of it

>> No.11449404

>Rin isn't tsundere at all
>all that denial
Just face it, nasu isn't some pioneering writer with snowflake characters. They're just recycled otaku cliches in a sufficiently interesting and extensive setting.

>> No.11449431


>> No.11449441


>> No.11449450

Nasu is one of the first, and really only, commercial successful doujin VN writer. Type-Moon paved the way for hundreds of other doujin VN groups to all fail miserably trying to be Type-Moon. That's why Nasu is notable.

>> No.11449449
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>> No.11449460

Sure he's notable for writing an actually interesting story and disguising it as porn but it's not like his characters are anything novel from the usual archetypes.

>> No.11449518

Higurashi sold more than 1 million.

>> No.11449529

Isn't r07 still doujin? Maybe that guy meant "doujin writer who later founded a very successful company". I think there's some other circles that went commercial later but nowhere near TM levels

>> No.11449631

No. Doujin means amateur circle. You cannot be a professional amateur.

>> No.11449637

"Doujin _____" means "self-published _____", you pleb. ABe is a professional but he still makes doujinshi.

>> No.11449642

Yeah I know, but I was under the impression R07 wasn't professional company yet, he just had enough money to dedicate his full time to writing. I'm probably wrong

>> No.11449648

And unofficial too. I think Japan is full of prodigy and creative people. Thus she cannot allow to enter on the stage all of them.

>> No.11449777
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>No porn

Implying this isn't a good thing.

>> No.11449954

Source on this? A million is an extremely large amount for VN sales.

Regardless of whether at the present moment you still consider him doujin or not (most do), Higurashi was a work published when he wasn't this popular. It's basically the second Tsukihime, success-wise.

>> No.11449964
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For comparison, Clannad only sold ~100k in its release year and ~113k in console sales overall. I don't know about post-2004 PC sales of Clannad, but likely they won't even reach 1 million. Clannad is one of the best selling VNs of all time.

>> No.11449969

This reminds me, there was some Japanese computer magazine that published monthly and yearly lists of software sales, including games. I've linked it a couple of times, but now I can't find it. Anyone know what I'm talking about?

Also sites like Getchu sometimes publish their own sales rankings.

>> No.11449971

Newfriend-kun, please be gone.

>> No.11449975

Found it:

It doesn't seem to have actual sales figures, which is a shame.

>> No.11450042

It's 1 milion for Higurashi across all the rerelease so it's not as amazing that you'd think

>> No.11450052

It is still very amazing if it's true. They were only at 500k in 2007, and I can't think of anything happening since then to double Higurashi's sales.

>> No.11450054

I dunno, but コンプティーク works fine for me for those purposes.
