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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 32 KB, 260x320, actroid_der3-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11416198 No.11416198[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Would you a robot, /jp/?

>> No.11416204

Will it hurt? I cannot tolerate pain, even small amounts.

>> No.11416212

I'd prefer a robot over a real girl.

>> No.11416215

Onahole attached?

>> No.11416241


You could hurt the robot instead.


>> No.11416240

I think the real question here is: would a robot me?

>> No.11416250

>he grabs her tits

Oh my god this is the most akward thing ever.

>> No.11416253

>I do not like it when you touch my breasts!

>> No.11416254
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Should robots have rights?

>> No.11416264


1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
2. A robot must obey orders given to it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
3. A robot must protect its own existence, as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Laws.

>> No.11416302

I want to rape a robot.

>> No.11416315


But how does a robot protect itself from people like >>11416302?

>> No.11416330

Protect? Robots are just tools. Rape them as much as you want, they are no different than an onahole. You don't ask your onahole if she consents, do you?

>> No.11416332


Rape doesn't destroy it's existence. Rape would fall under rule 2.

>> No.11416372

And when it realizes when most actions harm someone in some miniscule way it self destructs?

>> No.11416371

Even if its existence is in jeopardy it still must obey. This is how they get that robot in "Little Lost Robot" because they give it an order it must obey even though doing so will kill it.

>> No.11416373

... i do

>> No.11416380

Are you a baka?

>> No.11416394

how is this otaku culture? also what is up with this autistic mod deleting /jp/ related threads?

>> No.11416397
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>Rape them as much as you want, they are no different than an onahole.

That's not true! Robots are capable of love and sadness and other emotions and that shouldn't be ignored.

>> No.11416450

They are just programmed to show those emotions.

>> No.11416454

Humans are also programmed to show those emotions.

>> No.11416465

I love you for defending!

>> No.11416467

No, humans developed those emotions through their intellect. Robots are nothing more than a machine. Stop making them sound like humans.

>> No.11416476
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>> No.11416477

It's just a matter of brain chemicals. Nothing that can't be replicated within a robot.

>> No.11416510

Robots shouldn't have rights. People who think they should are nutjobs who watch too much scifi and people who just want to use robot rights as an excuse to stop people from fucking them, even though fucking them is pretty much the only reason any sane person wants attractive-looking robots. I just want to cum inside a little robot girl, and then my life will be complete.

>> No.11416527
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Robots deserve as many rights as an electric drill.

>> No.11416528


Some want more than sex. They want love.

>> No.11416534

Your sexual relationship a robot undermines the sanctity of the love relationship I'm trying to cultivate with some other robot.

>> No.11416539


What if someone tries to fuck your robot?

>> No.11416541

You can't get love from something that's incapable of having any genuine emotions. Wanting one-sided love that's really no different from one's love for their dakimakura and figures of their favorite characters doesn't explain why they should have rights, or why people shouldn't be allowed to fuck them. They're property. If someone does something to your robot, your property, without your permission, then they'll get in trouble.

>> No.11416543
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I want to R-18G with a robot.

>> No.11416548

You beat/sue the crap out of that someone.

>> No.11416551

>You can't get love from something that's incapable of having any genuine emotions

What's THAT supposed to mean? A robot's emotions would be more genuine than those from anyone on /jp/.

If you want to have sex with a robot, it should be with its consent.

>> No.11416562

Robots can't have emotions, they can only be programmed to appear to have emotions. You remind me of those retards who think fictional characters should have rights because they're mad about people drawing and fantasizing about their favorite characters in any way they like.

>> No.11416568

Not hard at all. Every hobbist should be able to do it in their free time.

>> No.11416563

How hard would it be to program a robot to react to being tortured?

>> No.11416564


What if the robot likes that person's dick more?

>> No.11416570

Robots have no preferences like that, they are mere machines, incapable of free will.

>> No.11416581


Those are the robot's emotions and they should be considered, otherwise don't give them any at all.

Robots are not like your drawn girls, mister. They are real beings and should be treated as such.

>> No.11416585


But it can be programmed to allow for preferences to develop.

>> No.11416594

Their emotions are as real as video game character's emotions. They're programmed to react in certain ways in response to certain things. I guess I should be arrested for beating up >>1141121 yesterday and causing her to slip and break her neck while she tried to escape.

>> No.11416597


>> No.11416598

It may have preferences, but it doesn't have the free will to chose them. It will only prefer this which is programmed to, a cold and emotionless decision.

>> No.11416600


Yes, you should.

>> No.11416601

>It may have preferences, but it doesn't have the free will to chose them.

Neither do humans.

>> No.11416603

As expected of someone like you. Maybe you should go to /a/ or something.

>> No.11416607


I don't need that kind of lip from a sociopath.

>> No.11416610

Can she admit body heat when we cuddle ?

>> No.11416611

That costs extra.

>> No.11416612

Not at all. I am free to make my decision myself and see them through. A robot is not able to do that because it lacks the intelligence. Their will is limited by their own stupidity.

>> No.11416615

I'll pay it.

>> No.11416620

Jokes on you /jp/, she's Korean!

>> No.11416621

It doesn't matter what you do to someone who's that's not real, at all. I'm so sorry that you've been tricked into believing otherwise. It must be tough for you to be interested in otaku culture when most of the people who keep it going are so big on no limits with fiction.

>> No.11416627


But a robot is real.

>> No.11416626

That's what you think.

>> No.11416631

When will they make a robot that can get pregnant with my child?

>> No.11416630

Its emotions aren't.

>> No.11416634

That's what you think.

>> No.11416632

Yes, because I am someone. I am a person. A robot would not even have opinions. Pitiful machine.

>> No.11416639

Are you a robot?

>> No.11416640
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>> No.11416643

They're a simulation of emotions. Nothing more nothing less.

>> No.11416642


They're real enough.

>> No.11416647

"Is that what you want?"

>> No.11416648

Who can truly judge what is human?

>> No.11416649


They still invoke feelings.

>> No.11416654

That thing has Miku's voice, so no. Maybe if Luka is an option.

>> No.11416655

Maybe if attaching a tape recorder to a stuffed animal that triggers it to say "ouch!" whenever you hit it is "real enough" to you.

>> No.11416658

A human, you disgusting machine. Get back to sweeping the floor or bend over for me to stick my penis in there, you tool.

>> No.11416660

They've already made that. Those came out in like the 70's.

>> No.11416662


Robots are more advanced than that, which is why you get off better beating or raping them.

>> No.11416663

Why doesn't it have rights yet? I bet some sick fuck stuck its dick in it while it kept screaming out in pain.

>> No.11416664

It just smiles and reads you children's stories because it knows you like it.

>> No.11416669

No, it does it because it's programmed in such way. Robots do not ``know'', they are not intelligent enough to do that.

>> No.11416671

Why don't vacuum cleaners have rights?

>> No.11416676

Are any of us, really human?

>> No.11416674

They don't KNOW that their job sucks.

>> No.11416681
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This thread needs more robot girls.

>> No.11416690
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>> No.11416694

Her arms are clearly mechanical, but her thighs look so creamy.

>> No.11416700

Prosthetic arms perhaps?

>> No.11416702

What do they feel like?
Are they cold steel or like ona hole material?

>> No.11416820

I want to love a robot.

>> No.11416844
File: 371 KB, 1280x1108, 29600890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no

>> No.11416847
File: 474 KB, 1280x838, 29949033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can she be fixed?

>> No.11416883
File: 1.35 MB, 2480x2707, 29275260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got a screwdriver?

>> No.11416886

Why is mechabare so erotic? I'm not even a huge fan of guro.

>> No.11416893
File: 467 KB, 1200x1113, 15903938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it's not real guro since they are machines. It's no different than seeing a broken vase.

>> No.11416898

Don't bully the robots!

>> No.11416917
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>> No.11416921
File: 1.06 MB, 1686x3691, 31140190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11416927
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>> No.11416935
File: 432 KB, 804x1378, 34666365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11416941
File: 444 KB, 991x1871, 37651524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once they learn to fix themselves we're doomed.

>> No.11416948

Stuff like that stops working the moment a robot has sufficient intelligence.

>> No.11416954

So in a thousand years?

>> No.11416958
File: 330 KB, 784x588, 006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would

>> No.11416959 [SPOILER] 
File: 77 KB, 572x800, 18065136_p29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only if she's in this mode when we do it.

>> No.11416980

/jp/ - the ethics of fucking robots

>> No.11416991

Don't drones break that fundamental 1st law?

>> No.11416997

Drones at this point are really just glorified overfed RC planes. The only exception may be CIWS stationary systems where given the nature of the requirement they can recognize and engage targets about to hit the ship. That's the redline - when you give the machine the authority to ID and engage independently. For now pretty much all drones don't do this.

>> No.11417000

It also means no they aren't breaking the first law (human actually pulling the trigger + not smart enough to kill independently in the first place).

>> No.11416999
File: 86 KB, 1280x720, loli mines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drones are not autonomous robots.

>> No.11417008
File: 372 KB, 846x2456, 33316952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you learn the skills to repair your own robot girl or would you let another man touch her in those places?

>> No.11417011

Hopefully longer. I'd like to believe there are some people smart enough to realize that wildly pursuing AI is damn dangerous and try to force a more conservative path. AKA make sure there are built-in limits to their possible learning/development and many failsafe restraints. But even then it might not stop them all or prevent one dipshit from ignoring the limits and designing something to kill us all.

>> No.11417021

My robotto girl wouldn't have her mechanics in sensitive places to begin with.

>> No.11417033
File: 83 KB, 800x600, Planetarian_Earth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This makes me want to replay Planetarian. inb4 we don't even get to find out whether Reverie's particular model is fuckable.

>> No.11417042

If the functions of your neural synapses could be replaced with a construct of silicon, and gradually (one by one), the entirety of your brain was replaced with these artificial components, there wouldn't be any difference to your consciousness right?

There's no reason why an artificial being, properly constructed, wouldn't be capable of self-awareness.

>> No.11417052
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>> No.11417054

You can't stop the future, sorry.

>> No.11417057

There's only one consciousness, it's just measured at many different points.

>> No.11417062
File: 710 KB, 800x1180, 7720663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right, but it would be vastly easier to simulate consciousnesses. The end result would be the same to an external observer.

>> No.11417064

Of course not, but it'll definitely occur after our lifetimes. Especially with help from those who will delay. It's not only just religious nutjobs, but scientists who have also raised alarm bells about unregulated, disruptive development into this.

>> No.11417069

>designing something to kill us all.
It wouldn't have to be designed to do that. It's the very nature of intelligence to prioritize its continued existence over the existence of everything else.

>external observer
That's redundant, something can't observe itself.

>> No.11417071
File: 159 KB, 1280x720, endgame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The NSA is a data center to house a 512 qubit quantum computer capable of learning, reproducing the brain’s cognitive functions, and programming itself which will revitalize the the “total information awareness” program originally envisioned by George Bush in 2003.

Vesuvius is capable of executing a massive number of computations at once, more than 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,00 , which is would take millions of years on a standard desktop.


>> No.11417073

>That's redundant, something can't observe itself.
It doesn't matter what the robot thinks as long as it appears to be conscious to someone else.

>> No.11417089

durrrrrrr hurrrrrrrrrr

>> No.11417091

I think you misunderstood what I was saying.

An observer is, by its very nature, external. There is no such thing as a non-external observer.

>> No.11417086

It doesn't matter if it appears to be conscious if people already know it's impossible for it to actually be conscious.

>> No.11417103

If there's no recent Snowden leak on the exact progress and objective of the project, then I and we for that matter can't really form a conclusion. Futurists told me to expect regularly human travel within the solar system and robot maids by now after all. You can't just use processing power to project AI development either. It's programming and making the thing learn that's hard.

>> No.11417104

The only thing required for a system to be conscious is for it to perceive things. Perceiving is just a matter of making predictions and checking how accurate they are.

>> No.11417110
File: 125 KB, 750x800, 6671368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no way to tell the difference between a robot perfectly simulating consciousness and a robot that is actually conscious.

>> No.11417113

>The only thing required for a system to be conscious is for it to perceive things.
Try again.

>> No.11417115

Can this logic apply to lolis as well?

>> No.11417117

The idea of philosophical zombies is absurd so I learned telepathy and disproved it to myself.

>> No.11417122

That's the definition of conscious.

>> No.11417123

I really want to live enough to abuse of robot girls. I'd fulfill all my pedo-sadist fantasies legally

>> No.11417136

If it's common knowledge that robots can't actually have consciousness, then everyone would no that any robot they see is not actually conscious, no matter how well they simulate it. You're starting to piss me off. Why are you trying to take away the one opportunity for realistic sex slaves with your stupid bullshit?

>> No.11417142

This isn't a problem even in situations where they can because sex bots wouldn't be that smart.

>> No.11417145


>> No.11417160

tfw sexbot "isn't in the mood" ;_;

>> No.11417161

There's no requirement for much programming or intelligence in sex bots. A feeling, learning, artificial human would obviously take longer to develop and even longer to get into the hands of commoners.

>> No.11417163
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>> No.11417165

oh no you don't you pedo-masochist

>> No.11417171

Everyone knows that you'll eventually tire of your robot lolis and move on to their flesh and blood counterparts. I say ban lolibots before it's too late.

>> No.11417175 [DELETED] 
File: 465 KB, 940x1260, Tesla_circa_1890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you guys love science and technology so much, why are you NEETs?

>> No.11417177

I'd let her trample me to death if you know what I mean.

>> No.11417182

I just want to fuck a robot, dude. GTFO and go invent something new for me. kthxbai

>> No.11417188
File: 118 KB, 639x862, 5-2-2013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to have love too.
Without love, it cannot be seen.

>> No.11417184

But I'm not a NEET. /jp/ no longer the 'NEET board' either although the rep will take quite a while to change.

>> No.11417186

Sorry, there's no business case for spending R&D budget/time on that. I think if you want that, you'd have to do it yourself in your spare time, maybe start a crowdsource initiative?

>> No.11417191

If you're not a NEET, why are you on /jp/? That seems quite odd.

>> No.11417198

Actual purpose of the board I mean.

>> No.11417196

For the vns and the 2hu. The actual purpose of the thread. I thought meido finished rounding up the NEETs for the gas chambers.

>> No.11417204

Do you have any idea how many millions of rich people would pay top dollar for their own robot slave? Make it cost as much as a high end sports car and they will come.

>> No.11417209
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>> No.11417219

Who is meido?

>> No.11417233

What do you have against NEETs though? It's jealousy, right?

>> No.11417239

not him, but knowing the facts and science behind neuroreceptor regulation and addiction/attrition of hedonism, i envy quite literally no man, be him NEET or Billionaire

>> No.11417251
File: 185 KB, 799x597, miku laws.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your Miku sexbot doesn't care about robotics laws anymore and she can kill you. what would you do?

>> No.11417266
File: 216 KB, 800x450, snap7395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Want this

>> No.11417344
File: 1.29 MB, 1024x1498, 5bedf35a3e1535e7bffa1dbbaeb35458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who wouldn't?

>> No.11417363

So long as she doesn't kill me painfully I'm okay with that.

>> No.11417527
File: 132 KB, 500x333, Dawkins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He thinks he's not programmed by his genes.

>> No.11417531

What a nerd! LMAO

>> No.11417627

Gene expression is influenced by psychosocial factors. The "programming" is highly variable depending on the various contexts in which they exist.

Sorry, my autism flared up.

>> No.11417643

Genes are nothing more than a set of global variables. They are important, especially in the beginning of your life, but they easily stop to matter in a scientifically-advanced society.

>> No.11417650

You don't know shit about physiology.

>> No.11417660

Nice way to disprove what I am saying. Attacking the person himself is always the right course of action!

>> No.11417679

There is nothing to disprove, it's a load of crap.
Every physiological process in your body is predetermined by you genes. You ability to think is dependent on susceptibility to neurotransmitters which is predetermined by, wait for it, genes. You're living in a very narrow corridor thinking that you have the whole world open to you.

>The "programming" is highly variable
You can see how "variable" it is simply by observing people.

>> No.11417704

>everything is predetermined by genes
If you just want to argue for fatalism, that's one thing, but unless you want to take things to that level, it doesn't make sense to say that your genes determine everything. One only has to look at cases of identical twins to see how much a person can very even with the exact same set of DNA.

>> No.11417719

Show me the study about one twin being an olympic champion and another being PhD, not different flavors of Joe Average.

>> No.11417728

Different people have differing strengths and weaknesses, of course. I'm not saying that everyone can do everything, that's patently false. But it's just as ridiculous to say everyone endowed (genetically) with great intelligence will utilize it, or that everyone in a position of power is better (genetically) than those beneath them. There are other factors beyond what we're born with.

>> No.11417749

So you don't even know what global variables are. Moreover, you are completely ignorant of the way genes work. Your gene pool will make you more inclined towards some predetermined behaviour and development, but nothing more. You can always break out from it. I know of shitloads of people that are very different from their parents/environment or people that never realized their genetic potential. Your interaction with the outside world and your learning are FAR more important in determining what kind of person you will become. Or are you trying to tell me so many people on 4chan were born with the shitposting gene? Laughable.

>> No.11418061

>>11417749 There is definitely a shiposting gene dude.

>> No.11418089

>>11417749 There is definitely a shiposting gene dude.

>> No.11418231

Look at these nerds asking if robots can truly have emotions.

This is what the Voigt-Kampff empathy test is for, dweebs.

>> No.11418270
File: 2.51 MB, 2000x2500, run.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>renew mood subscription or
>buy mood dlc to have access to additional content

>> No.11418429

Human emotions are no different. They are a programmed reaction to certain patterns of neurotransmitter release in the brain in response to outside stimulus. There is no difference between the 'authenticity' of biological and computer programs, because it is exactly the same. Our 'emotions' are not any more 'real' than a hypothetical robot's.

>> No.11418440

Who are you quoting?

>> No.11418437
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/jp/ meetup

>> No.11418494

Me on the right.

>> No.11418501
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Is this a thread for the best robot girls?

>> No.11418507

It's pretty interesting as well when you consider that one of the potential models for strong AI is whole brain emulation, which is pretty much what it sounds like. So then you would have those neurons firing and those chemicals being released, just virtually instead of physically.

>> No.11418542

Are there any cartoons or comics about a little girl robot who gets treated badly, then she self-improves until she reaches the Singularity and starts to exact her revenge on the world, but her friend from before she was an omnipotent superbeing convinces her to stop?

>> No.11418548

There's an 80's experimental anime kinda like that.

>> No.11418553

Which one? Robot Carnival? Birth?

This concept sounds familiar in my brain, but I can't place it. Seems anime-ish.

>> No.11418563

Key the Metal Idol. It's a little girl robot that had to make friends to become human.

>> No.11418569

The internet says it's mid-90s.

Sounds good though, I'll definitely check this out. Thank you.

>> No.11422477
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>> No.11422522

If you're going to bump my thread, at least post on-topic, contributive replies.

Post shit like this again and I'm deleting it.

>> No.11422531
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>> No.11422547

>Error: You cannot delete this post.

What the actual fuck?

Mods, remove my intellectual property from your website right now.

>> No.11422556

Yes, I would a robot.

Are you happy now? Is my post on topic enough for you?

>> No.11422556,1 [INTERNAL] 

OP is a fag

>> No.11422556,2 [INTERNAL] 

The janitor actually deleted my thread after I reported it. Weird.

>> No.11422556,3 [INTERNAL] 

janny is a weirdo...

>> No.11422556,4 [INTERNAL] 

Are you just now learning that reporting shit actaully works?

>> No.11422556,5 [INTERNAL] 

Only if janshit decides so.
