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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 337 KB, 1200x900, I'm driving Yuuka!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11415586 No.11415586 [Reply] [Original]

It's time for another date with Yuuka! She had a lot of fun with you in the past. She likes you a lot. Play your cards right, and you might get something special tonight.

Where are you going to drive her today?

>> No.11415592

Green eyebrows AND lashes? Absolutely retarded and disgusting.

>> No.11415593

I'd probably take her to a Taco bar.
I know a really good Taco bar, that I think she would like.

>> No.11415597
File: 1.45 MB, 1500x838, 20944929_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I were to take a lady like Yuuka on a date, it wouldn't be in a car. A bike or the train is much more romantic, not to mention she seems like the type who'd enjoy a walk while looking at the scenery. She seems like the bohemian, nature-loving kind.

And if we had to go by car, I'd get a taxi.

Not to mention I don't have a license and finding a place to park could be nuisance. Wouldn't want to waste precious time.

>> No.11415601

That's fine. She'll enjoy a walk too. She wouldn't mind driving you if you want to go that route.

>> No.11415605

Yuuka a shit.

>> No.11415607

Damn it I was going to a LAN tonight! Can't she wait until tomorrow? I promised the guys I'd be there...

>> No.11415612

You can LAN anytime you want, anon.

Do you really want to turn down a chance of having cute sex with Yuuka?

>> No.11415621
File: 1.70 MB, 1058x1500, 22834076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As for where to take her, during the day I think a park with nice classic British landscaping, lots of butterflies and ducks to feed would be suitable. We'd have tea and carrot cake at a small café there.

In the evening we'd go back downtown, to a small riverside restaurant with a cozy yet bustling surroundings, preferably with lost of greenery so she feels at home.

Yes, that would be nice.

>> No.11415620

I can have sex with her any time. LANs don't happen every day.

>> No.11415626

H...how about an old traditional candy shop on the country side and going for a walk in the nearby forest while eating yummy things? I'm not very good at this!

>> No.11415624

down the Los Angeles River

>> No.11415627

I want to go on a date with a loli.

>> No.11415631


>> No.11415632

Nowhere because I don't know how to drive and accidentally hit five people with the car on the first day.

>> No.11415633

>I'm not very good at this!

But that WAS good, anon! Yuuka would love that. She'll wear fancy sandals and a cute sundress for the occasion.

>> No.11415637

Man, stole my idea before I even saw the thread.

The forests in Washington are beautiful...

>> No.11415638 [DELETED] 
File: 42 KB, 519x596, joshO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah a train is so romantic, being cramped in a metal box with 20 other people farting and sneezing on eachother.

You poorfags with your fox and grapes routine never cease to make me laugh.

As for me? I don't need a destination, I just Drive.

>> No.11415650

you're a real human bean

>> No.11415661
File: 1.03 MB, 1436x896, 1364335365547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got some herb so me and her could go to the park and smoke it up.
There is a Belgium Waffle stand nearby and we can get dessert there when we get hungry.

>> No.11415663

I bet Yuuka would be a fun stoner!

>> No.11415677

I say "It wouldn't work out anyway" because from this point of view I see she has a dick and I'm not into traps.

>> No.11415684

We would go to a botanical garden!

>> No.11415687

Yes, because the fact that hair on your body is usually the same color is retarded.

>> No.11415687,1 [INTERNAL] 

Is this a CYOA thread?

>> No.11415687,2 [INTERNAL] 

It's only CYOA if somebody narrates a followup.

>> No.11415687,3 [INTERNAL] 

Blog Status: Updated

>> No.11415725

But it's not. Aside from the hair on your head, hair everywhere else is usually dark blonde/brown/black - eyelashes, eyebrows, facial/chest/arm/leg/pubic/etc.

>> No.11415750
File: 265 KB, 1215x850, 38370520_big_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To the boxing gym!

>> No.11415762
File: 21 KB, 480x360, yuuka under my thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went clubbing with her on our last date with lunch before with sex, and after clubbing more sex.

At this point we're more or less together, well, she is under my thumb now and has a small attitude while attached to me. I quickly put her in her place with my quick remarks when she gives attitude.

On this date we meet up with several my friends who are also in relationships, but they happen to be cool otaku as well. Afterword she wants it, she wants it bad. She's addicted to me. She's addicted and she doesn't know when or how to stop. She doesn't want to stop. Up the ass she says when we're alone. As the group piles into my car we stop. We go to club again. This time I have her take it easy. She drinks while flopping herself upon me being quietly and mysteriously cutesie. We go home to her place. I wake up in the morning to find she is making breakfast in my man shirt, The tail-fins of the shirt barely drape over her butt. She is a new woman. A side never seen by me before, except in the other women I slept with. She is sweet now. She is smiling. She is under my thumb.

>> No.11415770

Yuuka doesn't like autists.

>> No.11415777
File: 241 KB, 645x434, deal with it-fist of the north star.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because all of /jp/ is autists.

>> No.11415800

Pixiv page for that?

>> No.11415802

If I sparred with Yuuka, I'd playfully bat her breasts!

>> No.11415807
File: 462 KB, 775x925, yuuka14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11415811

Every time we do this, I'm always the one choosing the location. No good.
Where would she like tog o?

>> No.11415812


>> No.11415824

She'd playfully bat your nose after.

>> No.11415833

And then we'd wind up cuddle-tickle-wrestling on the mat!

>> No.11415836

You mean you've spent all that time with Yuuka and you haven't asked where she likes to go?

>> No.11415836,1 [INTERNAL] 

How do you not know about saucnao, you fucking retard?

>> No.11415836,2 [INTERNAL] 

I don't know about saucnao either.

>> No.11415872

That's what the OPs of these threads imply, at least in my view.

>> No.11415917

It would be useless to ask.

Women, man.

>> No.11415921

That's a weird car OP, the steering wheel is on the wrong side!

>> No.11415928
File: 295 KB, 1200x900, fba0a4149528a5bb38ec2d9def0dc9ea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11415939

Now she's driving me!

Imagine Yuuka putting a blindfold on you while she drives. When you take if off, you find out that she drove you to her house. And inside, you and her... Well...

>> No.11415943 [DELETED] 
File: 66 KB, 519x596, josh4893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what could you and yuuka do in 5 minutes?
within that 5 minutes you're hers
before or after that 5 minutes and she's on her own

>> No.11415951 [DELETED] 


>> No.11415952

That must've been a long ass drive.

>> No.11416628


the fuck is a taco bar

>> No.11416645

A place that serves many different types of tacos.

>> No.11416652 [DELETED] 
File: 985 KB, 500x500, Drive Ryan Gosling grinning.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11416666
File: 23 KB, 299x344, dis ease.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11416682
File: 16 KB, 335x253, dating_yuuka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11416696

Make sure she takes a Beano! Or she might get bad gas!

>> No.11416704

That sounds fun though
She would be holding in all her farts out of embarrassment until she's bloated and in pain. Then you can lay in the grass together and whisper to her that its ok because you have anosmia and rub her swollen belly as she slowly releases the day's gas in a yellow-green cloud of pleasure.

>> No.11416741

Yuuka releasing Mexican gas sounds dangerous.

>> No.11416848

>rub her swollen belly

Okay, that's pretty cute. Rubbing her belly to relieve her, while letting her know that it's okay for her to far around you. I don't know why, but girls love it when guys are comfortable with them farting!

I would hold my nose though.

>> No.11416924

No, you're still driving, but now you're in Great Britain or Japan.

>> No.11416926

I'll take her jeeping. We'll go deep into the mountains above the trees where nature is untouched by man.

>> No.11416933 [DELETED] 


Yuuka recently surpassed Sanae as the person to most frequently present themselves in my dreams. 26 to 21 dreams respectively out of 113.

16 will probably always be my favorite.

The newest one with Yuuka is 113:

: I was walking outside of a house in an unknown neighborhood, and I remembered to do a reality check. It was very dark, and I at first tried to make it sunny outside but I couldn't change it. I then tried to make Yuuka appear, but that didn't work either at first. I saw a baby elephant knock on someone's door and they let it in. There was a dog inside and it chased the elephant back out and ran at me, and I levitated far enough off the ground so I wouldn't get bit.

I flew around the neighborhood a little while, then I went back down to the ground, calling out for Yuuka. I walked alone for a about a minute, calling out her name. Then some people started to finally come in and socialize in the area I was in, I ignored all of them on my quest to find Yuuka. As I kept calling out her name, I began to wonder if I was actually calling out her name in real life as I was sleeping, as I was lucid.

Eventually, I did find Yuuka, her green hair, plaid dress and pale skin gave her away. We locked eyes, and she began to walk towards me, and I to her.

She seemed very excited, and asked me if I knew that it was her.

Before I could answer, she wrapped her arms around my shoulders and engaged in a very passionate kiss with me. All the other people disappeared and I closed my eyes, all I could think about now was that we were together at last and I was happier then I had ever been.

I even though we were standing a moment ago, I now felt like I was on the ground with her on top of me, and we were still engaged in our kiss.

After another few minutes of that, the dream kinda degenerated into me watching someone play some Nintendo game with my eyes closed, as I had lost my lucidity.

>> No.11416955

>yellow-green cloud
Did she eat nuclear tacos or something?

You'd think fart-fetishists would know farts aren't colored.

Then you rape her, right?

>> No.11416961

>Did she eat nuclear tacos or something?
Mexican tacos of the highest spicy variety.

>Then you rape her, right?
Can't rape Yuuka.

>> No.11416970 [DELETED] 


Yuuka recently surpassed Sanae as the person to most frequently present themselves in my dreams. 26 to 21 dreams respectively out of 113.

16 will probably always be my favorite.

The newest one with Yuuka is 113. I'll post the link to it because I think it's too big. Don't mind the retards and trolls.


>> No.11417327 [DELETED] 
File: 515 KB, 1200x900, yuuka ride.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats a manual car OP

I-I don't know how to drive one!

its embarrassing ;_;

>> No.11417341

B-But I've never been on a date with my life! I don't want her to put out yet; I've never even kissed a girl!

Please, Yuuka, this is too stressful!

>> No.11417398

Unless you're an albino or a flower.

>> No.11417404 [DELETED] 

I see this guy's photo all the time, can someone explain it to me? Are you being a bully?

>> No.11417524

She's driving you without a steering wheel? Damn that's some trippy ride

>> No.11417528 [DELETED] 

I don't know how to drive at all

>> No.11417600 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 107 KB, 1600x1200, gehraz and turtletron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe you should consult some experts

>> No.11417617 [DELETED] 

trev please. you don't even have a car

>> No.11417622 [DELETED] 
File: 111 KB, 1125x860, trev.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11418124 [DELETED] 

I only Drive.

>> No.11423009 [DELETED] 


>> No.11424658 [DELETED] 

You're hopeless

>> No.11424687

>I've never even kissed a girl!

That's what Yuuka is going to change.

>> No.11424690 [DELETED] 

What is with this kid?

>> No.11434671


>> No.11436375


>> No.11436439

cut it out josh

>> No.11436486


passing the purp with yuuka!

>> No.11436539
File: 125 KB, 490x631, 35266649f28d51556dfff2cad81cf692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuuka is a lesbo!

>> No.11436546

The best.

>> No.11437595
File: 359 KB, 1200x900, 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11437623
File: 163 KB, 400x300, yuuka blingee.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11440639
File: 145 KB, 576x463, 1369161675810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't most Japanese cars have steering wheels on the right due the having left side traffic?
