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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1141122 No.1141122 [Reply] [Original]

How well can you read/write/speak/comprehend Japanese?

>> No.1141127

barely at all

>> No.1141132

I'm probably the equivalent of a Japanese pre-schooler

>> No.1141134

I only know a few words.

I've been considering trying to learn it, but since I wouldn't use it for anything beyond Touhou and VNs I doubt I'll ever get around to it.

>> No.1141135


I can play certain games with a couple of dictionaries though.

>> No.1141136

Probably the equivalent of a Japanese baby.

>> No.1141137
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I can pronounce romanji, and I recognise and understand the words "henshin," "gattai," and "hisatsu."

That's about it.

>> No.1141147

I can read like a Japanese 5th grader. The kid probably knows more vocabulary than I do however.

>> No.1141153
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2nd grade Japanese child, moving on up to 3rd grade.

(pic unrelated)

>> No.1141156

Two thirds of /jp/ posts simultaneously.

>> No.1141161

Getting there. I can read easy manga pretty well now.

Fucking kanji.

>> No.1141180


>> No.1141198

I can watch a kid's show in Japanese (like Chi's Sweet Home, Zenryoku Usagi) where they put the hiragana pronunciations above the kanji and understand probably about 75% of the episode.

So, not very well.

>> No.1141210

3-4th grade level, kanji is about the same level.

>> No.1141223

I know enough to take it easy

>> No.1141239

That's my life goal, actually.

>> No.1141249

I'm attempting to play Clannad raw. I can understand maybe 1/2 the dialogue. ALready watching the anime has helped, and I have a good website for looking up Kanji, http://www.saiga-jp.com/kanji_dictionary.html

>> No.1141250

2 years of high school worth. Though I know a bit more kanji than most since I learned Chinese when I was younger.

>> No.1141278

I can take it easy not knowing any Japanese. What about you?

>> No.1141281

I can read most anything I want, but I hardly ever speak Japanese so I hesitate a lot and sometimes I can't get the right word.

I seem to be able to speak about a thousand times better when I'm drunk, for some reason, and occasionally if I've been reading a lot I write things I meant to write in English in Japanese, which is weird and has confused the fuck out of people before - especially when I did it in front of a friend who didn't know anything about my learning Japanese.

>> No.1141287

But can you take it easy in Japan?

>> No.1141317

Arranging to go there would be too much of a hassle. I'd rather relax.

>> No.1141320

A true Yukkuri should be able to get shit done WHILE taking it easy.

>> No.1141338

My Japanese is horrible and I feel horrible.

I've been taking lessons from Bumnumba on youtube and doing badly.

>> No.1141348

I can't take it easy like that.

>> No.1141356

Sorry, too busy relaxing.

>> No.1141382

Bumwho? Just pick up a book it'll go faster.

>> No.1141561


When I get the money but until then I'll be learning from him.

>> No.1141576

I got straight As in Japanese 101 and 102 last year.
In other words, I don't know shit.
Hoping to learn more this year though. Now that most people have been weeded out, maybe classes will be more productive.
