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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11401139 No.11401139[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Did you know /jp/?

Friday the 13th is coming. This Friday, normals will have to go outside and work all day long facing greater chances of being ran over by cars, losing important things and messing up while us NEETs get to stay home safe from all misfortune. Normals know this, but cannot do anything about it except calling in sick. Even better- those of us who've invested our excess of free time into occult research will be able to take advantage of this special date in our rituals.

Just another perk of being NEET. Us truhikis huh?

>> No.11401142

teach me how to curse people weebs

>> No.11401155
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Translate it, weebs

>> No.11401167

This is a baka thread dude. What should I do all day in my room friday /jp/?

>> No.11401168
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>> No.11401176

just gazing at it has damned us all!

and you want us to translate it????

it would bring the antichrist to our world and only pain and blood will come

>> No.11401177

buy some datura seeds.
grind them and make tea.
draw a circle on the ground, lay down on it and stare at the night sky while drinking the tea

enjoy your communion with Gaia

>> No.11401178

This is used to bind the soul to a inanimate object.

>> No.11401182

it's an elaborate, ancient diagram used to teach the first letters of the alphabet.

>> No.11401194

You summon a succubus simuliarly. I'm not doing that though. heh.

>> No.11401203

>while us NEETs get to stay home safe from all misfortune.
Watch out for that sudden HDD failure.

No kidding /jp/.
keep an eye on the SMART data of your HDDs. Being our data such an important part of our lives.

One of my HDDs died on me a few months ago. I would've lost more than a year worth of "save image as..." of Touhou.

Thankfully I had an exact copy of the contents of that one because I knew it was going to die anytime.
A few allocation errors here and there, and constant spin retries were a clear sign that something wasn't fine.

You can check your SMART data with programs like crystaldisk or speedfan.

Do it.
And brush your teeth before going to bed.

>> No.11401204

Shut up newbie.

>> No.11401209

But I've been here since late 2008 ;_;

>> No.11401211

thanks for the heads up

>> No.11401213

Thanks for proving me right.

>> No.11401214

I like when my HDDs die. It's frustrating the first day and then very refreshing.

>> No.11401218

I mean in /jp/.

>> No.11401219
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>> No.11401223

Sure thing newbie.

>> No.11401233

Literally kill yourself normie scum

>> No.11401237
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I won't continue this conversation.

>> No.11401241

How does one kill himself in the literal sense anyway?

>> No.11401245
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NEET on the left
Normie on the right

>> No.11401246

I like you, proREMIRIAt Elite Force Commander-kun... I just wish there was a cute way to shorten your name. But I feel if I do that, your name will lose some of its effect. It's quite the pickle...

>> No.11401248

I really want to become NEET again but I'm scared. I'm steps from a normal life, another year maybe. I feel like I should experience it before I decide. It takes a moment to become NEET and years to become normal. I feel so confused and can't seem to stop asking myself, "Is this the blog thread?".

>> No.11401250

Does that girl have an afro in the back?

>> No.11401251

I just inherited 10,000 NEETbux since a relative died.

What should I spend it on?

>> No.11401252

Literally go back to your literal board you literal crossboarder

>> No.11401253

I would advice you to be more respectful of the dark arts in the future. You know very well that I have the upper hand in this. Do you want me to turn your life into a horrible nightmare? It's your choice.

>> No.11401254

Next person to bump this thread is a faggot of incalculable proportions.

>> No.11401255


>> No.11401257

you can buy russian girls for 5,000

brown ones cost even less

>> No.11401256

*every person

>> No.11401258

Are you literally talking to me...?

>> No.11401273


>> No.11401367

Feels. Being normal is anti-NEET, and NEET is something I've grown to like. I'm not sure if I can deal with not being able to take it easy 100% of the time like NEETs do. It's quite the dilemma.

>> No.11401386

What do NEETs live for?
What do normies live for?
Is the whole point just to see how long you can make it? Surely it isn't to procreate because truNEETs will never find a mate.

>> No.11401396

does it matter? t here is no ribbon at the end when you die. if you think making a family will make it better then thats a joke. just go to an old folks home as a volunteer. only thing there is pain and loneliness while they try to find solace in shared memories.

might as well take it easy

>> No.11401401

taking it easy is actually pretty fucking hard

>> No.11401402

>truNEETs will never find a mate.
To their endless lament.

Some people find calm in the 'ripple' when looking for legacy if that's your worry.

>> No.11401404
File: 62 KB, 495x660, NEET TACTICS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NEETs live to take it easy. Their occupation is home guard.
Normies are pleb scum.
The point is to take it easy.

>> No.11401407

>tfw 25 year old NEET since highschool and feel like life is already over
Is there any chance of salvaging my life at this point?

>> No.11401414

I have a feeling you "take it easy!" spammers have never actually been NEETs longer than a few months.

>> No.11401413

collegeEETs aren't as bad as workEETs.

>> No.11401415

If you are NEET, you don't belong here.

>> No.11401416

I started working on it at 24. It's tough but doable.

30 seems like the cut-off. By then it's too hard to work your way up through a career or school.

>> No.11401420
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Can we get back to neeting it up on a spooky day and how to spend our day possibly doing or avoiding spooky things? I have all day Friday to do nothing like ussual, but the Friday 13th is once a year.

I at least want a neet thread focusing on that if nothing else.

>> No.11401422

Do you have a career now? What do you do?

>> No.11401424
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>tfw 30 and still in college
I'm on my last year though. Summer is the best time to NEET but now I'm depressed because I'm being forced to be EET full time in like two weeks. I want to cry.

>> No.11401427

I find college EETs to be more obnoxious

>> No.11401434
File: 616 KB, 1000x793, 1372457150761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going sacrifice 30 virgin school children allowing me to perform a ritual to become a little girl, and then open a portal to Akibastar and join AKB0048.

Wish me luck, /jp/

>> No.11401435

Id like to go full NEET but I'm afraid of not having an income. How do you guys manage this?

>> No.11401432

They aren't nearly as preachy about their shitty lives and how everyone should live like them.

>> No.11401443

Doesn't NEET mean not seeking employment, education, or training?
But I guess anyone who abstains from going outside or social contact is NEET now huh

>> No.11401445

miost of them mooch off their parents til death

>> No.11401446 [DELETED] 


[spoil]And an absurd lack of conscience.[/spoil]

>> No.11401451

I wonder if I've met you.

All NEET now. We all NEET. K?

>> No.11401454

But my dad is in florida and my mother is living paycheck to paycheck. I need to win the lottery or make internet money.

>> No.11401464
File: 33 KB, 800x562, 1377057367875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not an option. I need alternatives dammit!

>> No.11401483
File: 389 KB, 721x1096, ni_no_kuni_book__page_13_by_argentscarf-d4ba3q9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd imagine there aren't many 30 year old undergrads hehe. Pic related.
