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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1139728 No.1139728 [Reply] [Original]

I didn't know Miyazaki was executed last month.
Oh, well.

>> No.1139736

RIP guy in the gray picture.

>> No.1139740

He wasn't.

>> No.1139759

And nothing value was lost.

>> No.1139762


>> No.1139770

He directed Spirited Away.

>> No.1139768


>> No.1139777

He still wasn't executed last month, though. He was executed in June. Last month was July.

>> No.1139773

>>Miyazaki purchased photo books of young kids and girls’ magazines every two weeks


>> No.1139783


>> No.1139795

OP said he was executed last month. I was assuming that >>1139768 was meant to be a reply to >>1139740.

>> No.1139804

As if capital punishment wasn't barbaric enough, Japan still hangs them. I'd rather take a bullet to the head, China style.

>> No.1139808

>I was assuming that >>1139768 was meant to be a reply to >>1139740.

>> No.1139810

Oh well.

>> No.1139815

>Public broadcaster NHK reports


>> No.1139820


>> No.1139826

Capital Punishment is effective, hanging hurts, it'll make you think twice about comitting some horrible things.

>> No.1139837

Although there is a reduced chance that the criminal will repeat his crimes.

>> No.1139841


>> No.1139840

Also there is a reduced chance that the criminal will repeat his crimes.

>> No.1139849

>Capital Punishment is effective

>> No.1139847



>> No.1139862


Modern hanging relies on snapping the neck rather than asphyxiation. Where it was once a slow, painful process, now it's fairly quick and painless. Probably more humane than say, electrocution or poison gas and on par with lethal injection.

Of course, that's assuming everything goes right and the subject's neck is snapped in the drop.

>> No.1139867

Yeah, I heard the repeat rate is near 0%

>> No.1139874
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>>About his killing four girls and dissecting them, he told me ‘Kids are happy to be dissected '

>> No.1139875

I saw a show on the Discovery Channel (IIRC) about the science behind hanging once. It was interesting.

>> No.1139869


Criminal loving liberal pussies detected.

>> No.1139877

It didn't work when it was done publicly in horrible and brutal ways, so it sure as hell doesn't work now.

>> No.1139878

>lethal injection

>> No.1139879

Neck snappan doesn't always kill on the spot though.

>> No.1139888


>> No.1139891

People will always commit crimes regardless of the possible punishments they could receive. Shit sucks. I personally have no opinion on capital punishment.

>> No.1139886
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>> No.1139895

'course it works, it kills criminals and has a minor dissuasive effect, if the crime rate stays the same, then we can still be happy that the ones that get caught won't be hitting the streets anytime soon.

>> No.1139897

Hanging as an execution method in the west (and Japan, clearly), has involved the 'short drop, sudden stop' method, rather than slow strangulation, for at least a hundred years. As an official execution method, at least.

Vigilante hangings/lynchings (ie, murder), and some barbaric governments, do use the strangulation variation, though. Particularly those that want to send a very public message meant to deter crime.

Hanging was only abandoned in America because of occasional miscalculations that might decapitate the prisoner or some other messy result, which is bad PR.

>> No.1139905

If I had my child kidnapped and raped, I'd like to see the guy get decapitated.

>> No.1139902


>> No.1139910


>> No.1139921

He'll never be the head of a major corporation.

>> No.1139936

lets not get ahead of ourselves

>> No.1139937

Good riddance. People who do such horrible and twisted things shouldn't be allowed to ever walk in public anymore.

>> No.1139945

What kind of a horrible parent would have their kid kidnapped and raped?!

>> No.1139952

Kids are really horrible things, you wouldn't know how many parents would like to have their kids kidnapped and raped.

>> No.1139986

oh please

you rabid moralfags make me sick

kids die every day, in worse circumstances

at least the ones miyazaki killed didn't have to die virgins

>> No.1139996


all of jp

>> No.1140042
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>What kind of a horrible parent would have their kid kidnapped and raped?!

>> No.1140264

The worst thing is that it took 10 fucking years.

>> No.1140288
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>> No.1140295

Another dead hero

>> No.1140289

Only shitty governments kill their own citizens on purpose without careful deliberation.

>> No.1140307

Oh my God, your as bad as those people that always have to relate everything to Touhou for no reason.

>> No.1140321

Is this the same Miyazaki that makes those ghibli animu movies?

>> No.1140325

Correctional facility now works at the afterlife too.

>> No.1140330

Yeah, sure, Chihiro's story was inspired by his life, except in the real deal, she died, eaten.

>> No.1140329

Yeah, sure, Chihiro's story was inspired by his life, except in the real deal, she died, eated.

>> No.1140345

Yeah, it's better to spend their citizens' money on them for 10 years.

>> No.1140356

>If I had my child
You'll never have a child Anon

>> No.1140367

While we are at it, let's also kill the elder, the physical and mentally handicapped and the users of 4chan. They spend citizens' money too.

>> No.1140373

I don't cost the government anything !
Otherwise, yeah, let's do that.

>> No.1140377

Yes, it is. The government makes money out of thin air as it needs it. It can afford to put off killing someone until absolutely necessary.

>> No.1140387

Are you fucking Korean?
Glorious Nippon hangs for fucks sake, get the fuck over it. IT WORKS!

>> No.1140388

>The government makes money out of thin air as it needs it.
Get out of here, now.
Unless you live in an african shithole, monetary emission does not work that fucking way.

>> No.1140393

I lol'd.

>> No.1140401

That's exactly how it works

>> No.1140404
File: 527 KB, 1250x1425, 1218932324882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1140402

I don't even give a fuck if Capital punishment is an effective means of preventing crime, I'd rather kill the fucks and put them in the ground than keep them alive in a prison doing NOTHING for society at a cost of many thousands a year

>> No.1140409


>> No.1140411

Money isn't emitted by the governments, it's emitted by banks, it isn't emitted at will, it's emitted depending on the needs, seeing as monetary emission increases inflation.
Don't talk out of your ass after reading wikipedia.

>> No.1140421

And read your own article, it says money is emitted by the banks in there too.
The only thing your link explains is the fact that fiat money is debased and accepted at facial value.

>> No.1140423

Otakus are filth. Send every one of them to the chambers, before they become killers.

>> No.1140425

While we return some centuries in the past by killing people for their crimes, can we also put the women back to the kitchen please? There have been awfully lot in the interwebs lately.

>> No.1140427

they killed our king?

and nobody stopped them?

>> No.1140430

Sure is economics today.

>> No.1140440
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>> No.1140435

ITT: Freedom hating moralfags liberals.

>> No.1140436

But the governments are the ones who declare the money pulled out of the bank's ass by fractional reserve banking is legal.

>> No.1140444

lol agreed.

>> No.1140451

Of course, it's government backed, making it legal tender etc, but still, they don't emit it and they don't take as much as they want.
Only stupidly managed countries have that.

>> No.1140452
File: 8 KB, 118x130, 1218932882738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3rd world

>> No.1140455

Retarded people should be banned from using electronics.

>> No.1140454


>> No.1140460

I for one welcome our new third world overlords.

>> No.1140461

I was in that previous troll, and I still don't see how capital punishment is a stigmata of poor countries.
also inb4 HDI.

>> No.1140464

Poor/3rd world countries don't give a shit about human rights. And USA ofcource.

>> No.1140468

capital punishment is actually more costly than a life term

hurp durp

>> No.1140486
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>> No.1140494

Didn't he rape the bodies after he killed them?

>> No.1140490

Death penalty isn't against human rights if it is fair.

>> No.1140499


>> No.1140497

Sure, a piece of rope you can use a thousand times costs more than feeding someone, giving him clothes etc.

>> No.1140506

It is not officially at will, but it is done if needed. Also, judging a man's life fairly is worth increasing inflation.

>> No.1140513

>if it is fair
and who is to decide that?

>> No.1140509


"Death penalty trials cost an average of 48% more than the average cost of trials in which prosecutors seek life imprisonment."


ohohoho anon

>> No.1140515

Yes, that's the cost of trials, not the cost of the prisoner's upkeep.
try harder.

>> No.1140521

No. I don't believe he ever actually had sex with any of the victims but he did other stuff but that was while they were alive. I don't remember anything about him having sex with one of the corpses but I do know that he left one of the 6 year old girl's bodies on his coffee table for 2 weeks... Until the smell got "too unbearable".

>> No.1140522

Done if needed ?
It is much needed in some places of europe and yet, it is not done.
No, the government can't really decide about that.

>> No.1140523
File: 176 KB, 1200x900, 1218933589180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't rape a dead body any more than you can rape a melon.

>> No.1140518

You're still fucking retarded.
You think this outbalances keeping them alive for 30 years?

>> No.1140529

Death penalty cases are clearly more expensive at every stage of the judicial
process than similar non-death cases. Everything that is needed for an ordinary trial is
needed for a death penalty case, only more so:
• more pre-trial time will be needed to prepare: cases typically take a year to come
to trial• more pre-trial motions will be filed and answered
• more experts will be hired
• twice as many attorneys will be appointed for the defense, and a comparable
team for the prosecution
• jurors will have to be individually quizzed on their views about the death
penalty, and they are more likely to be sequestered
• two trials instead of one will be conducted: one for guilt and one for punishment
• the trial will be longer: a cost study at Duke University estimated that death
penalty trials take 3 to 5 times longer than typical murder trials
• and then will come a series of appeals during which the inmates are held in the
high security of death row.

>> No.1140528

and by other stuff I mean he fingered them and had them give him oral sex and stuff so pretty close to sex.. and he very well may have had sex with a little girl before it just wasn't reported. I wouldn't doubt it.

>> No.1140536

It's funny how everyone who bitches about citizens' money, actually costs the governments more that the people that had been executed. Unless you actually doing something productive in your life which you don't by default since you are here.

>> No.1140543

You do know that when you're declared guilty, you usually pay the trial charges, right ?

>> No.1140545

/jp/ - Death penalty

>> No.1140541


>> No.1140548



all i hear from you too are HURRRRRR DURRRRRR

>> No.1140553

What happens if you don't pay? What they're gonna do kill y-oh I see...

>> No.1140562

You work for them.
A lot of your furniture is made by cons.

>> No.1140572

>You work for them.
How? They're gonna kill you anyway.
>A lot of your furniture is made by cons.
What if you have no relatives or fortune?

>> No.1140586

that's not what I mean.

As a convict, you have to work, you make tables, chairs, repair roads, all that kind of stuff.

>> No.1140590


>> No.1140605

only in third-world shitholes

no developed countries have forced labour in prisons

>> No.1140599

Oh wait, can't they earn their living like this? The cost for dressing them up and feeding them?

>> No.1140600


>> No.1140608

Keep in mind that they produce stuff worth 30 bucks, they're not accountants.
I'd be surprised if it covered the entirety of the trial costs.

>> No.1140612

>>"Miyazaki avoided women his own age, perhaps because he was physically immature. "His penis is no thicker than a pencil and no longer than a toothpick," a high-school classmate remarked."

I fukken lol'd.

>> No.1140614

Well, wow.

>> No.1140618

this is true of all pedos

>> No.1140638

It might have also been because of his arms.

>> No.1140640


I mean hands.

>> No.1140648

>Anonymous of Croatia !na1byG1GU.

>> No.1140664

Thanks, also what the fuck.

>> No.1140685
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>> No.1140690 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.1140758

Seen a lot of pedo dicks in your life then?

>> No.1140803

farewell sweet prince

>> No.1141461

lulz, toothpick dick.
