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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 40 KB, 640x480, loliconisadisease.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11395604 No.11395604 [Reply] [Original]

Does the term "lolicon" refer to being attracted to both 2D and 3D children in Japan? The actual Japanese CP videos are tagged as ロリ which for some reason makes me think that they don't really make much of a distinction. Do Japanese say the same things as westerners when trying to justify their fetishes, like "I'm a lolicon, not a pedophile" or "It's not a crime because no children were harmed" ?

>> No.11395611

>math textbook


>> No.11395615

>they don't really make much of a distinction

Not with regards to this term, at the very least.

>The actual Japanese CP videos are tagged as ロリ

The nice people at NSA have just started wondering why would you know that interesting piece of trivia. Your IP was forwarded to the FBI, expect nice people from the latter to visit you in the near future. Unless you were using a proxy, that is.

>> No.11395620

Sex offender != pedophile, being a pedo doesn't harm anyone.

pedophile === lolicon
You could say that having a sexual life around 2D is a fetish in itself but most times when drawing are just crude representations of humans and today's society the border between those becomes dim.

>> No.11395622

Lolicon simply means pedophile in Japanese, which can also mean sexual attraction to children. However far you take it, that's exactly what it means. If you call someone a ロリコン in Japan, it isn't any different than calling someone pedophile in USA or paedophile in UK, except that western nations have this pedo hysteria thing which doesn't really exist (but is still present to a certain degree) in Japan.

Long story short, there's no such a thing as being "attracted only to 2D or 3D children", my friend. You can like children, and whether you prefer to get off to cartoons or real life images/people, is another phenomena. If you say "I'm a lolicon and 3D is disgusting", it's not really different from saying "I like cars, but real cars are fucking disgusting" - which doesn't need to be not true, but it doesn't change a simple fact that you prefer children-like features over adult ones. You'd likely rather pick a car over a motorcycle, even in real life.

I say this all as a pedophile who stopped deluding himself some time ago. I prefer 2D loli, I don't fap to images of real children, but saying you aren't attracted to them is probably a very big delusion you believe. There's nothing wrong with being a pedophile if you aren't a child molester, remember that. I'm not telling you to walk around to people and tell them this or something.

>> No.11395632

The distinction is made in the west because of the witch hunt that does not exist in Japan toward people with a fetish for 2d characters.

We make a distinction here in the west because we're not stupid like the lawmakers in Scandinavia who banned Dead or Alive because a girl who was listed in her profile as '16' (a completely arbitrary number) was shown in a bikini and obviously showing a 16 year old in a bikini is child pornography.

If there was no absolutely stupid witch hunt toward 'lolicons' we wouldn't necessarily have to separate the term from 'pedos' (which truthfully we are NOT). We do because people are stupid.

>> No.11395643


It's the Japanese word for pedophile.

A lot of Western anime fans make the distinction between "lolicon" and "pedophile" because it's a foreign word. Kind of like how "anime" can mean Bugs Bunny and Scooby-Doo in Japan, but in the West it refers exclusively to Japanese cartoons.

But as other people have said, there's nothing wrong with being attracted to anyone else (and even acting on those attractions) as long as nobody is harmed.

>> No.11395647

I just don't like that translators translate "lolicon" as "lolicon".
Just say pedophile.

>> No.11395654


Translation is DEAD.

>> No.11395661

Isn't cp legal in Japan anyway, why would they care to have a distinction between the two?

>> No.11395663

I think honorifics should stay though.

>> No.11395680

>as long as nobody is harmed.
That's not what they told me in re-education camp.

>> No.11395701

Look at all those normies getting mad that translators don't cater to them. The icing on the shit cake is the goon bragging about his shitty game center CX translation work.

>> No.11395704

You can get across the same point in English. There are plenty of Japanese words that have no direct English equivalent, which is why you have to be creative in translating them.

If someone says "lil' Hikaru" or "Mr Satou" I think that gets the connotations across to English speakers better than "Hikaru-chan" or "Satou-sama". Of course it isn't perfect, but it's much more natural.

Though ultimately I guess this has been debated to death, and these are just my two cents.

>> No.11395709

They did a good job with those translations, nerd.

Stop hating everything connected to Something Awful (except for Something Awful itself, which you're free to hate all you want).

>> No.11395710

2D loli doesn't look like 3D at all.

Just like 3D crossdressers are rarely, if ever, as good as 2D ones.

>> No.11395711

"lil' Hikaru" sounds gross. That's the problem with trying to translate honorifics that show endearment, it always sounds gross.

>> No.11395716

Yeah, throwing "Let's Play!" in there was really a great job.

>> No.11395728
File: 55 KB, 425x480, RickHunter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So does "Hikaru-chan", which is why Hikaru-san finds it embarrassing!

>> No.11395732

What? It's a common, international term. Let's Play collectively has over a billion views on YouTube.

>> No.11395743

They obviously just did it to tell themselves that Arino was giving a shout-out to goons.

>> No.11395758

Maybe he was. Let's Play is huge.

If 4chan Translations was translating a drama and a character said, "It costs over 9,000 Yen?!" do you think they should omit or alter the line because "Over 9000!" is a 4chan meme?

>> No.11395760

>There's nothing wrong with being a pedophile if you aren't a child molester, remember that.
>But as other people have said, there's nothing wrong with being attracted to anyone else (and even acting on those attractions) as long as nobody is harmed.

This is slowly going to descend until we're planning a group rape, isn't it?

>> No.11395762

He wasn't. Fuck SA for vandalizing another thing that I like.

>> No.11395765


That's the argument they used about gays.

>> No.11395770

/jp/ turned me gay.

>> No.11395785


Masturbating to males using masturbatory devices is as far as I'll go.

>> No.11395993

>witch hunt toward people with a fetish for 2D characters
Pedophilia isn't a fetish. And you are ignoring the INSANE witch hunt clusterfuck towards people who love 3D kids as if it wasn't a bad thing.

Fuck you.

>> No.11395998

>why would you know that interesting piece of trivia

>feelio when we could prove that possession doesn't harm anyone but simply knowing about that truth is illegal

This is bullshit.

>> No.11396006

>I say this all as a pedophile who stopped deluding himself some time ago.
The fact that you were ever deluded makes me hate you a little.

>> No.11396011

>There's nothing wrong with being a pedophile
Someone who isn't one or believes not to be one will never understand how you feel. They probably think you have to struggle to keep yourself from doing something creepy. A rapist waiting to happen. It's called brainwashing.

>> No.11396015

http://touhouart.tumblr.com/ ontopic
PLEASE troll this blog

>> No.11396017

I hate it when some faggot appears on TV making a big deal about how gays are still slightly discriminated.

They don't even realize how unfair they are being to us. I wish they were dead.

>> No.11396031

>which truthfully we are NOT
>We do because people are stupid
I hate people like you. "Enlightened ones", more intelligent than the average normal but still lacking. Thinking of yourselves as the most enlightened people on Earth concerning whatever issue, when there are people even more enlightened than you are. You consider those people inferior and think of them as normal, even though you are the disgusting normals from our perspective.

>> No.11396036

>I like 2D women
"lol, loser, what's wrong? can't handle a real woman? we don't care about you anyway."

>I also like 2D little girls

Normalfag logic.

>> No.11396041

Providing the evidence that shows why something shouldn't be illegal is in itself illegal. Such a legal clusterfuck shouldn't be tolerated.

>> No.11396044 [DELETED] 

Reported, rot in hell pedos

>> No.11396047

>can't handle a real woman
Do they seriously BELIEVE this kind of crap? Or do they just say it to further ridicule us?

Anti-pedophiles in particular use loads of that bullcrap in order to "prove" their point.

>> No.11396049


>Pedophilia isn't a fetish

That's right. It's a sexuality.

The problem with pedohysteria is it does little more than demonize innocents. Men will get hassled for being around their young relatives, Priests have to deal with the assumption that they're molesting children, male teachers in schools always have to deal with a "pedo" rumour surrounding them.

Many of society don't even understand the issue at hand and want to imprison, or even kill people for an attraction to children.

>> No.11396052

You deserve to be tortured Junko Furuta/Sylvia Likens style. All of you. Disgusting normals, ruining innocent lives and staining with censorship all the things I like.

>> No.11396054

>Do they seriously BELIEVE this kind of crap?

>> No.11396056

You know what the best part about being an American is? Not giving a rat's ass what the Japanese do.

In America, "lolicon" is 2D. When it's 3D, it's called "pedophilia".

4chan is American.

Japan can eat all the dicks.

>> No.11396065

>the best part about being an American
Enjoy being thrown in jail because 2D lolis = real children.

>> No.11396066

If I end up going mad, I'll probably become a hardcore christian or something before killing myself. It'd be nice to believe that all those normals are going to Hell.

>> No.11396076

2D lolis and 3D lolis are the same, as far as ATTRACTION is concerned.

I'm tired of people denying it because "durr 2d and 3d are not the same one doesnt harm anyoen". I KNOW, you fucking retards.

>> No.11396087

Now that I think about it, they don't really deserve to go through THAT. But they probably think we deserve it, so...

>> No.11396092

>2D lolis and 3D lolis are the same, as far as ATTRACTION is concerned.
No, it's not.

I'm tired of people like you trying to justify your morality because someone being attracted to a 2D little girl is hurting your feelings.

When it's about a 2D woman, dakimura, or even a fucking"waifu" you don't actually give a shit and you're even making fun of them, but when it's a little girl it MAGICALLY becomes a 1st rate problem?

Hypocrisy at its finest.

>> No.11396094
File: 135 KB, 759x784, biribiri_Loli_Tomodachi_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11396096

>You know what the best part about being an American is?

Being fat?

>> No.11396107

Fat is where it's at, baby!

>> No.11396110

>2D lolis = real children
In your imagination, maybe; but not in glorious America.

>> No.11396114

>2D lolis and 3D lolis are the same
If you think cartoons and real life are in any way the same, go try eating a cartoon hamburger and see if you are satiated.

I mean, they're the same as far as HUNGER is concerned, right? Right?!

>> No.11396115

Well if you can find me a 3D little girl with a nice plump ass, and hourglass-esque figure, then i'd end up in jail.
My point is the japs use your sexual ques against you by making these little girls have womanly features. Loli's can't exist in 3D. neither can real traps, and traps are another example of japanese fucking with your head.

>> No.11396131

I'm fine as long as they don't fuck my ass.

>> No.11396147

>people like you trying to justify your morality
>someone being attracted to a 2D little girl is hurting your feelings
What the fuck are you talking about? I'm not a moralfag. I'm attracted to both 2D and 3D. You are the one trying to justify shit.

When a pedo argues that 2D and 3D are both fine, you mistake him for a moralfag that believes both of them to be evil.


>> No.11396148

Sex isn't like food. You can satisfy sexual hunger simply by masturbating. If I could satisfy my hunger by rubbing my stomach, I would be downloading cartoon hamburgers all day, much like how I download cartoon children for my libido.

>> No.11396154

This is a big fucking problem. Pedos in denial attacking other pedos because they believe them to be moralfags.

Just give it a rest already. Stop being in denial, for fuck's sake. Let's join together and fight for the TRUTH.

>> No.11396155

>I'm attracted to both 2D and 3D


>> No.11396157
File: 47 KB, 500x750, tumblr_m8nl3wwM0G1rbs9h9o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I fap to pics of real kids too.

>> No.11396160

HUNGER is linked to reality. Only a real hamburger can calm your hunger.

Attraction to people is different. I EVEN EXPLAINED IT IN MY POST.

>> No.11396165

>sexual hunger
You realize that most pedosexuals (fat child rapists unable handle a real woman not included) put romance before lewdness, right?

>> No.11396167
File: 394 KB, 1200x1695, u gonna get jailed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Lolicon, in 2D, is quite varied, with imagery going from completely idealized and sexualized children to very realists representations of the children's bodies.

It's easy to turn from 2D to 3D by watching lots of 2D, but you can still rationalize your atraction and control it... I find people who like Masochist or Sadistic plays the same as Pedophiles. And they don't go out there and sodomize people.

The one and only difference bettwen then is that a Pedophile must not consume his atraction as it can have unpredictable consequences on the child psyque, wether they aproach the adult to do it or not. Children are the weakest members of our society, that's why exists an ethical duty to protect then. About how people take this duty toward pedophiles, it's obvious there is a lot of ignorance mixed there, but there is also ignorance from our part since we can't be sure how fucked up the "2D lolicons" have their minds. We can't just simply afirm that a "2D lolicon" would never rape a child.

On the other side, there are and there will allways be precocious girls and boys who are interested in sex very early (from 10 year old onward). If you ever cross your path with one, please, remember you are the adult and you must think of their welfare first.

those are my 2-cents.

Also, yukino Minato for greater justice.

>> No.11396172

>tl;dr sex is bad

>> No.11396176

>3D little girl with a nice plump ass
I don't know what you mean by "plump", but most little girls have fine asses. What's wrong with them?

>hourglass-esque figure
Again, why? Do you want them to have breasts too? That's not what children are supposed to look like.

>My point is the japs use your sexual ques against you by making these little girls have womanly features.
>japanese fucking with your head.
I've been attracted to 3D kids since I was 9. I didn't even know about lolicon until I turned 15. Stop projecting.

>> No.11396181

I don't care, I'm not some delusional weeb who thinks the cartoon loli is in love with me and I'm not going to risk my freedom or health to get some real kid. So romance is right out.

>> No.11396188

>The one and only difference between pedophiles and masochist or sadistic plays
What about falling in love with children? Masochism and sadism don't have anything to do with loving someone. You can do it with the person you love, though.

Without love it cannot be seen.

>> No.11396195

>not going to risk my freedom
Isn't that what this is all about? Your actions are confined by Christian Law.

This is why I'm not attracted to children. Teenage bodies are nice but I could never maintain a relationship. Maybe in a world where we could raise our women, but even then we wouldn't want to fug them because biology.

>> No.11396196

>we can't be sure how fucked up the "2D lolicons" have their minds
Why should we suspect that they may have fucked up minds? The only difference between pedophiles and normal people is their sexual/romantic attraction. Nothing else.

Well, you could say that we are more likely to stop buying into mass media bullshit. Unless you are one of those pedophiles in denial that can't realize how wrong society is.

>> No.11396197


>> No.11396207

>If I end up going mad, I'll probably become a hardcore christian or something before killing myself.
Funny, because killing yourself is a mortal sin in christian religion.

>> No.11396210

This becomes "what is fucked up". If you define a "fucked up mind" as one that is atypical and biologically defective then it's easy to see attraction to prepubescent children as "fucked up". It's genetic suicide if they can't procreate so the attraction is defective, just like homos.

>> No.11396212

Well played!

Now, off to figure out how I can satisfy my hunger by rubbing my stomach. You've given me a new project!

>> No.11396213

Lolicons aren't attracted to children.

>> No.11396216

You can view Pavlovian conditioning as a fucked up mind. Whenever you see a child you start to get turned on because of all the porn.

>Funny, because killing yourself is a mortal sin in christian religion.
You go to some place that hates Christians, like the Middle East and then do something to get them to kill you. You'll die a martyr and that pretty much guarantees you a free ride to heaven in Christianity.

>> No.11396218
File: 463 KB, 821x1300, 41l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks cartoon is in love with me

YOU TAKE THAT BACK! I know she loves me.

>> No.11396219

If the founder of Cynicism couldn't figure it out, I doubt you'll have much luck.

>> No.11396220

Dolores was 12.

>> No.11396222

She also wasn't a real child.

>> No.11396224

I'm cynical enough to believe he did it wrong.

>> No.11396225

>it can have unpredictable consequences on the child psyque
It's the environment. Sex is such a big fucking deal in our society that children can't help but feel awful when their parents make and uproar about their child doing lewd stuff.

Pedophilia is natural. It's not caused by anything. The way our society views sex is just sick and insane. THEY are the ones that need to be fixed.

This does NOT mean that I'm planning to go out and have sex with some kid. I realize that it would be harmful, just like removing an astronaut's space helmet while he is in orbit. The act itself isn't wrong, but the environment turns it into murder.

I'm just stating the truth.

>> No.11396226

>le maymay arrows
>are le funny

>> No.11396235

Post the shiba one.

>> No.11396230

Is this where I'm supposed to say "top kek m8"?

>> No.11396231

Lolicon are attracted to child-like features or things by associated.

>> No.11396234

Stop making assumptions.

I'm just saying that MY love towards someone else that doesn't necessarily have to know about me is real and should be acknowledged.

>> No.11396241

>MY love towards someone else that doesn't necessarily have to know about me is real

It's no longer an assumption when you go on to reveal how delusional you are.

>> No.11396240

That argument is BULLSHIT when used by someone who doesn't believe gays to be fucked up. Which is usually the case.

Try something else.

>> No.11396247

But there is no someone.

>> No.11396243

How are gays fucked up? We've had gays forever. Even some animals are gay.

>> No.11396244

Gays are fucked up.

>> No.11396252

>Your actions are confined by Christian Law
It's sad how normie's thoughts and morals are so strongly linked to religion yet they don't realize it and even criticize christians.

It's such a fucked up form of brainwashing. I'm speechless.

>> No.11396259
File: 778 KB, 1263x1839, Ootsuka Reika is the example.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Theoretically it's possible to fall in love with a child (not children you cheater :p ), but, being and adult and finding a child you can love (not being only sexually attracted to he/she) it's actually very difficult since your intelectual and maturity level probably surpasses a lot the child's.

Also, even if you fall in love with the child, can you really be sure the child is interested in you in a sexual way?

Anyway, the posibility is there, that's why there are countries which allow marriage at 14 (mine allows marriage at 16) and don't explicetily mention the age of the lovers. But look at the factors:

- An adult man/woman that doesn't mind the inmaturity of the loli/shota

- A responsible adult who respects and cares for the welfare of the loli/shota

- A loli/shota who don't feel a sense of inferiority toward the adult. That can freely express his/her will without fear.

- A loli/shota who is genuinely interested in sex earlier than most kids his/her age.

Those are the basic factors, which are extremely hard to conbine. add this too for extra:

- The loli/shota parents should be okay with the relationship

- The relationship will almost certainly bring lots of problems to both lovers, specially to the adult.

- Finally, will the adult still feel sexual attraction to the loli/shota once he/she matures?

If you want to have an "example", just read Ootsuka Reika's work and that kind of relationship is probably ok. welp, most of it... don't take "Love Mixing" and "Yukari-chan" as examples.


>> No.11396260

In the same way suicidal men are fucked up.

>> No.11396262

I'm not conditioned. I've been a pedo since I can remember.

>Whenever you see a child you start to get turned on
You can't put yourself in my shoes, but I guarantee that I'm not some obsessive pervert. I see children as children. I wouldn't mind spending my life with a little girl and even fucking her, though.

>because of all the porn
This shit again? I had never seen porn when I started to realize that little girls are great.

What happened to you, /jp/? I thought this shit was over. Where are you?!

>> No.11396263
File: 14 KB, 320x240, Dr Zaius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your actions are confined by Christian Law.
Pfft .... my actions follow, and are defined by, Ape Law.

>> No.11396268

This is true. 2D-only nerds only care about sex and shit. They don't even want their lolis have the minds of children. Disgusting. They are probably heartless sexual predators waiting to happen.

>> No.11396267

>I'm not conditioned
We're all conditioned, even before birth. Don't be silly.

>> No.11396273

>will the adult still feel sexual attraction to the loli/shota once he/she matures?

Ah, there's the rub. Once the loli is no longer a loli, then the lolicon sees no further use for the loli.

This is why 2D is superior. She'll never age.

>> No.11396279

If you're expecting serious philosophical discussion, I think you might be in the wrong place.

>> No.11396276

Why are the best posts always ignored? It's happened a few times in this very thread.

>> No.11396284

When did the term pedophile start meaning you're sexually attracted to children? It just means you really love them.

Audiophiles don't want to fuck audio.
Japanophiles don't want to physically fuck the land in Japan.

>> No.11396288

>it's actually very difficult since your intelectual and maturity level probably surpasses a lot the child's
There are two ways to love children. Mine is a mix between the two. If I found a little girl that I really, really loved, it would still be the same feeling I have towards most girls, only stronger.

>> No.11396287

>Audiophiles don't want to fuck audio.
I dunno, man. F#m is pretty sexy.

>> No.11396294

It makes me want to crescendo all the way to fortissimo.

>> No.11396295

>The actual Japanese CP videos are tagged as ロリ
What websites are you talking about there?

>> No.11396297
File: 197 KB, 1200x549, Homing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There are societies that allow sexual relations with children and most of the time those children end up considered as living onaholes rather than human beings.

Experience don't say god things about this.

Artist: Homing
Book: Super Satisfaction Delivery

>> No.11396301

>Also, even if you fall in love with the child, can you really be sure the child is interested in you in a sexual way?
>the posibility is there
Who cares? I was talking about my feelings, it doesn't matter if someone loves me back or not. They do exist and this post >>11396167 denied it by not listing it as one of the differences between pedosexuality and a fetish.

>> No.11396307

cause it's a bad argument that nobody cares enough to address

>> No.11396303
File: 78 KB, 882x938, mara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay guys:
A 3D girl in a 2D body, or a 2D girl in a 3D body?

>> No.11396313

Neither. 3D bodies are repugnant, leaky, smelly things and 2D girls are vacuous, unfeeling, and incapable of human emotion beyond that assigned by the writer.

>> No.11396312


none of the above.

>> No.11396317

>Once the loli is no longer a loli, then the lolicon sees no further use for the loli.
A lot of people love their partner even if they become old and wrinkly. Why would I stop loving a little girl when she grew up? Young women are not disgusting or undesirable, unlike old grandmas.

>use for the loli
I found this very rude

>> No.11396314

Lucky Star said you aren't a lolicon if you're also attracted to other kinds of women.

>> No.11396319

It's The Big Bang Theory of animé, I wouldn't take it too seriously.

>> No.11396320

Because a lolicon is only interested in loli.

>> No.11396321

Shut up newbie.

>> No.11396324

I meant that I'm not conditioned towards pedophilia.

Reply to my post again with this in mind, please.

>> No.11396331

The thing is that a girl will grow up, or at least become an angsty acne-faced teenager, far quicker than the time it takes to feel that you need to stick around your partner simply because you've always been together for most of your life.

>> No.11396328

People love their partner when they're old and wrinkly because they grew old and wrinkly together with their partner.

A 40 year old man who takes on a 10 year old lover does so for one reason only. That reason loses its appeal once puberty has finished running its course.

>> No.11396334

It means that you love children more than the average person. Enough to make you fall in love with them.

>> No.11396345


I don't understand your point, can't you explain it again?

>> No.11396342

I once read an anecdote in a pop psychology textbook about how the author's elderly friend was at some school reunion after 60 years, and he still found the women attractive. When the author asked him about it, he said that he still saw them as the hot young foxes they once were, even though they were physically a lot older.

>> No.11396343


Unless I am struck by a bus and undergo a ratically personallity change, I am reasonably sure that I will like the same things even in 50 years.

Nothing I can do about it. Just another reason why 3d is incompatible.

>> No.11396348

How do you know? Something in your environment probably lead you there. It's pretty unlikely you're genetically driven to pedophilia.

You had childhood experiences that brought you to it.

>> No.11396351

You can't allow and entire society to fuck children. Most people are evil.

Only nerds and deviants should be allowed to do it. Not your average normie that only wants to get some forbidden pussy.

>> No.11396355

But there's nothing sexual implied. The Greeks had four words for love, and -philia wasn't the erotic one.

>> No.11396363

Philia means having a tendency towards.

>> No.11396364

I can tolerate 3D bodies. I mean, it's not like you have to deal with all that.

Girls pee and fart, but you don't usually have to wipe your girlfriend's ass. You can ignore the fact that those things happen.

>> No.11396367

Falling in love with a child doesn't make you a lolicon. It's a sexual term.

I would love a daughter but wouldn't wanna sex her.

>> No.11396368

Lucky Star trivializes pedosexuality by featuring grown girls that look like lolis.

>> No.11396371


I can barely tolerate my own 3d body, I don't want to be near another.

>> No.11396372

There are a lot of words that changed meaning over time. Should we make a list?

>> No.11396374

True, but loving your daughter doesn't make you a pedophile or a lolicon. It makes you a parent.

>> No.11396377
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>> No.11396382

That term is "storge"

>> No.11396384

Are you a pedophile? If you aren't one, you can't understand how much love I can feel towards a special little girl before even meeting her.

It's not that I'm obsessed with little girls. You know that love towards children that most people supposedly always feel? Something similar happens to me. You probably can't understand me anyway.

>> No.11396381


the classic shirt+tie and no pants combo.

>> No.11396386


Don't bring other languages terms here. we are not having a debate over the meaning of words. We surely know what is pedophilia: Sexual Attraction towards children.

>> No.11396391

Why are we even discussing this? We will never get to be with a little girl. It doesn't matter.

I'm only saying that loving little girls is a wonderful feeling that shouldn't be frowned upon.

>> No.11396392

is this the blog thread

>> No.11396390

Amazing. Is there anything the Greeks don't have a word for?

>Are you a pedophile?
No. However, one does not need to experience something in order to understand it. I have the most bizarre human affliction of them all: compassion.

>> No.11396396

If you consider how terrible it would be in actuality, you don't feel constantly depressed for not having it.

>> No.11396399

But it's not sexual attraction towards children.

>> No.11396400


Why does ever minor varient on sexual preference feel the need for a label?

>> No.11396406

it's fun to discuss things we don't understand

>> No.11396401

The fact that pedophilia is demonized is a sad reflexion of our society.

It shows that the masses have no idea about civil rights what-so-ever, and only support what they're told is right.

>> No.11396402

People feel better when they're part of a group. Nobody likes to feel alone. It's why labels exist at all.

>> No.11396405

Does "sexual attraction" include romantic love? I know there's a difference between romantic attraction and sexual attraction, but is romantic love largely a euphemism for sexual attraction?
Whenever I read a dictionary entry for a -philia word or something that describes physical attractiveness, it usually defines it in terms of "sexual attraction".
I feel really naive about all this, like something is going straight over my head.

>> No.11396415


You probably don't understand yourself either. That's nothing to be ashamed about. But using your teen angst as an excuse for not asking yourself why you like little girls is terribly bad.

Take your time and meditate about this: Do you like little girls as most people do (in a caring way due to all the cute traits children have. This love is genetically programed in our genes to help us accept, as adults, all the faults children have: being selfish, being inconsiderate, not being able to take care of thenselves, etc.)

Or do you love children in an acquired, sexual, way? if it's the second, as long as you understand the point of >>11396167 and >>11396259 you should be ok.

>> No.11396410

Not as much as the Germans. They have words for every obscure and specific things.

>> No.11396411

>We will never get to be with a little girl. It doesn't matter.

I'm sure there were gay people who once said the same thing, and now they're happily married to people of the same sex.

Also you're forgetting about virtual reality.

>> No.11396422

>genetically programed

Why do I keep coming across this term on 4chan? Is it real jargon, or has it just caught on?

>> No.11396416

Gays have been with gays since the beginning of time.

>> No.11396419


I think that it is a romantic attraction, which leads to a physical one.

Humans tend towards physical intamacy and it is almost impossible to seperate that from the lofty "romance".

>> No.11396420
File: 414 KB, 1002x1427, 38305150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will only understand once you are the little girl.

>> No.11396424

>How do you know?
I just know. I can't explain it.

One thing is certain: a pedophile knows more about pedophilia than a non-pedophile. Especially when the latter only knows what society allows them to know.

>It's pretty unlikely you're genetically driven to pedophilia.
It's genetic. I can't prove it, though, because it's illegal to research pedophilia unless the results "prove" how EVIL and WRONG it is.

>You had childhood experiences that brought you to it.
Little girls were really cute.

>> No.11396430

Do you think little girls appreciate being leered at by old, smelly and ugly guys like us /jp/s?

>> No.11396431

nice try FBI

>> No.11396435

And pedophiles have been with children since the beginning of time.

Though, as someone pointed out in a previous thread, homosexuality wasn't really an issue of identity in the good old days, it was just a given that some men slept with other men for pleasure.
I imagine pedophilia was similar in a lot of cultures. Even in Western Europe you could marry a little girl, but being exclusively attracted to little girls was probably weird (because people hate anything that's different).

>> No.11396436

Please don't project your own hideousness onto the rest of us.

>> No.11396437

Commercially available VR isn't going to be around in our lifetimes.

>> No.11396438


Buzz word, connecting things to computers makes them cool.

The point this works though, we are genetically predisposed to like children, if we weren't we would just get rid of them because they caused too much trouble.

>> No.11396439

same with pedos but they're stuck in countries that aren't run by abrahamic laws

>> No.11396447

People also lives a lot shorter so you had to marry a young girl in order to breed.

The Welsh were known for preferring men as sexual partners.

>> No.11396442


There is no romantic attraction without sexual attraction. "Pure" romantic attraction only exists in poems or books. We are animals and one of our strongest instincts is reproduction. As human beings we have stilized, rationalized rationalized and culturalized our sexual instincts in thousand of ways but in the end it all comes from it.

>> No.11396443

When you love someone, you usually want to get closer to them. This also involves physical closeness.

>> No.11396446
File: 35 KB, 409x400, ray-kurzweil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We'll hit the Singularity by 2050.

Stay healthy, Anon.

>> No.11396448

The same reason you come upon jew conspiracies, niggers spewing unintelligible stuff like BIX NOOD, greentext and "lel" on 4chan. Some asshole thought it would be funny at the time, and if it didn't catch on by itself, he would just keep spamming it until it did.

>> No.11396449

Little girls like attention.

>> No.11396451

-philia is used for paraphilias.

Pedosexuality isn't a paraphilia, no matter how many "experts" deny it.

>> No.11396455


Abrahamic religions were very responsible for demonizing homosexuality.

The Greeks freely practised it.

The Romans did, too, until they adopted Christianity.

Japan had a similar attitude, until they let the West in.

I don't know if Sikhism or Hinduism ban it.

Buddhism is variable.

>> No.11396457
File: 12 KB, 300x300, GP.GeneticCode.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been called genetic code for as long as I can remember. Genetic programming is just going off that.

>> No.11396469

That sounds about right. I suppose it's just very "clinical".

I see. Well, "sexual attraction" seems very narrow. I mean, ultimately homosexuality may boil down to "sexual attraction to the same sex", but there's a lot more to it than sex. Even "physical attraction" sounds too insular because gay couples can be emotionally attracted to each other as well. I'm sure there are gay couples out there who don't have sex and who don't feel the desire to have sex, but they're still gay. Though maybe they're too much of an outlier to bother changing the definition for.

>> No.11396476


I guess I jumped to a conclusion, it seems "code" is referring to a cypher or the act of interpreting DNA, not a connection to computer instructions.

>> No.11396479

If they don't have sex and don't feel the desire to have sex, that just makes them good friends who trust each other a great deal.

>> No.11396480

Stop derailing this thread with homo propaganda, we're talking about the important things in life here! And by important, I mean motherfucking loli!

>> No.11396481

homosexual it says it right in the word

if there's no sexual attraction then it's not gay

>> No.11396482

Well, here's the post I was talking about:

I don't know how accurate this is, but it's interesting if there is a historical difference between "having sex with men" and "being gay".

>> No.11396484

it's the same thing they both have been demonized by abrahamic preachers

same with horsefuckers

>> No.11396487


Why would you make enemies of those who suffered a similar situation in the past?

>> No.11396495

it's not accurate at all there were plenty of ancient men who only banged other men and then died childlessly

>> No.11396490

There are African tribes to this day that practice male-on-male sex until they marry.

>> No.11396492

It's not teen angst, it's a legitimate suffering caused by an ignorant society. I can't even trust my family.

>Do you like little girls as most people do
Yes, I do. But that's mixed with romantic love for some reason, which can't exist without sexual attraction. I don't see anything interesting about flat chests, but I like them when they belong to little girls.

I love little girls BOTH ways.

>all the faults children have: being selfish, being inconsiderate, not being able to take care of thenselves, etc.
I find these faults cute rather than annoying, as long as they are girls. I've spent a lot of time around elementary school children, I know how it is.

>Or do you love children in an acquired, sexual, way?
The sexual part is only there because I love them romantically. One can't go without the other.

I understand their point, but they are wrong. Trust me, I know what I'm talking about.

>> No.11396498

What about platonic relationships?

Maybe two men are physically attracted to each other, but not in a sexual way. Perhaps there's no physiological difference, but what if they both had some disorder and they liked kissing and cuddling, but had no interest in lewder things?

Like I said, I think I'm still quite naive. As a child I made the distinction between Disney love and sexual attraction, and it's so ingrained into my brain that it's hard to accept the fuzzy overlap between the two.

>> No.11396506

that's called friendship

>> No.11396507

But wouldn't it be shameful if you were a monarch or a political leader, and you refused to sleep with a woman and sire an heir?

>> No.11396511

Are there friends who kiss and cuddle?

Is there something like sex friends but up to first base only?

>> No.11396513

yeah that doesn't make them less gay though

>> No.11396517 [DELETED] 
File: 544 KB, 1128x1600, kinku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He's not exactly making enemies but this thread is urely being derailed.

Kinku For greater justice!

Book: Sugoi Koto Shichau

>> No.11396518

I'm not any of those things. Sorry. I pity you and pray for your happiness, though.

>> No.11396519

You mean like… cuddle friends? How much more beta can you become anyway?

>> No.11396525

But wouldn't that create a rift between gay men and men who sleep with men?

"Antonius banged five men and three women last night, what a stud."

"Maximus won't get married because he only likes men, what a fag."

>> No.11396528

Maybe you have suffered some sort of trauma, there is something wrong with your body, or you simply don't want to have sex.

I would prefer a cuddle friend to a sex friend.

>> No.11396530



Please don't perpetuate this.

>> No.11396532

thats called bisexual its why we have more than one term

>> No.11396538

Things like marriage, penetration or actual "romantic relationships" shouldn't have anything to do with children.

At most, they should be adapted to them. You can't expect a little girl to do housework instead of playing outside, take a dick, or love you unconditionally. They are immature.

The world would never allow anything related to this, though.

>> No.11396542

There's no way I can believe that. Even if you might have told yourself so many times you're content without sex that you started to believe it yourself.


>> No.11396545

I sympathize with gays, but really fucking hate them when this happens >>11396017

>> No.11396547
File: 159 KB, 1036x1500, plum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You still haven't answered why you like little girls in the first place.

>> No.11396550

Homos disgust me, they usually only want sexual pleasure and switch partners very often. More homosexuals are criminals than any other group.

>> No.11396552


Gays do still get bullied.

But, yes, they don't have to worry about being arrested for anything related to their sexuality, anymore.

>> No.11396553

Because they don't care about us. Gays are the former bullied kid that joins the bullies when an even weaker kid appears.

>> No.11396554
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>> No.11396556

I'm not the person you're quoting, but the general consensus is that
• They're soft
• They're cute
• They're funny
• They smell good
• Oh yeah, and they're pure.

>> No.11396558


You sound like /pol/.

Generalising groups based on statistics is not a great thing to do.

You're probably white, are you going to shoot up schools? Statistically, you are the most likely race to do it.

>> No.11396563


Making as many enemies as possible never helps a cause.

>> No.11396565

everybody bullies

anti bullies bully bullies

bully bullies bully bullies

buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo

>> No.11396567

Are you black? Because statistically speaking, you're most likely to cause violent crime including theft, vandalism, rape and murder.

>> No.11396570

It's not really generalizing if they're connected by a third variable. People misunderstood "correlation does not equal causation" far too often. Black people commit more crimes than white people, this isn't just a bizarre coincidence, though there might be a connected reason (e.g. black people are poorer, but this still doesn't mean the racial connection is just a coincidence).

>> No.11396568

School shootings are frequent in the USA, which has a high population of whites and school shooting are rare.
If you look at American prisons, it's full of African Americans despite them being a minority in the country. Same applies for gays.

>> No.11396575

Biggest offender is 'literally'
Google it and you get:

"Used to acknowledge that something is not literally true but is used for emphasis or to express strong feeling."

>> No.11396576


>Generalising groups based on statistics is not a great thing to do.

Do you not understand?

Assuming an individual is going to do something because others have punishes innocents.

>> No.11396579

So when I tell you “you are literally retarded”, you're not really?

>> No.11396585
File: 19 KB, 600x206, Dilbert2006114659027.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>202 posts and 14 image replies omitted. Click here to view.
This the "debate" thread?

>> No.11396591

It makes sense how that evolved with the people using prefixing "like". "Like literally" fits that definition.

>> No.11396587
File: 233 KB, 857x800, Kanyapi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Please, stop it... you ae scaring the lolis.

Also, guys, don't fall for this guys who are trying to derail the thread

Artist: Kanyapi

>> No.11396588


>> No.11396589

People go full hypercorrect modo about "literally", though. Whenever I use it in its intended sense like, "It was literally raining cats and dogs. They were falling from the sky," I always get that one nerd who says, "UH, IF IT LITERALLY HAPPENED, YOU DON'T HAVE TO SAY SO."

I blame webcomics and infographics.

>> No.11396590

I think it's genetic. I've always liked them and didn't understand why most kids would rather fuck the 20 year old teacher.

What's not to like about them?

By the way, I want to clear some misunderstandings. When I fantasize about little girls in any way (sexually or romantically), I literally NEVER think of them as "weak". I stop being an adult. I don't care about being in a position of power. I want to be a kid like them.

It's not that I have a big case of Peter Pan's syndrome (everybody has it to some extent, including me), don't even try to suggest that as the cause of pedophilia. I feel it's genetic.

I guess I just find childhood to be the only time you can truly enjoy being around little girls. You even have a chance to kiss or befriend them. That's why I like to imagine myself as a boy. It's not the cause of my attraction.

I hope you understand my point. I'm not making shit up, this is how I really feel. I've been thinking about this for over a decade.I can hardly be mistaken.

>> No.11396596

Why is that dog using a computer?

>> No.11396598

I have fapped to this doujinshi before. You are a man of refined taste.

>> No.11396604

We have come to such a pass with this emphasizer that where the truth would require us to insert with a strong expression 'not literally, of course, but in a manner of speaking', we do not hesitate to insert the very word we ought to be at pains to repudiate; ... such false coin makes honest traffic in words impossible. [Fowler, 1924]

>> No.11396610

Also, people shouldn't confuse purity with goodness.

A little girl can be a complete, selfish bitch because she doesn't know any better. She may even do bad things and lie to get what she wants. She is still pure.

>> No.11396611

This thread once again shows that pedophiles are the only demographic on 4chan that can have a civilized discussion.

>> No.11396612

What if she sucks dick for pocket money?

>> No.11396613

Says the nerd who called his book "Modern English Usage" when it was written almost 90 years ago.

Grammarilists - 0
Discordians - 1

>> No.11396615
File: 16 KB, 300x217, woop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pure as compared to what

>> No.11396616

Lolis have no understanding, and hence, need of money.

>> No.11396620

Love this one.
Fapped to it many times.
This artist in general is godlike.
I just wish he made 2hu doujinshi.

>> No.11396621

You go to the candy store and trade money for candy.

>> No.11396623
File: 1.03 MB, 1108x1600, Kinku FOR GREATER JUSTICE!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i have to link this shit, I JUST HAVE TO!

Kinku for greater justice!


>> No.11396630

I do this and I'm a grown-up.

>> No.11396636

This would be "officially" true if:

-Gays were as furiously hated as pedos are.
-Everything related to homosexuality was criminalized.
-They were afraid to come out of the closet because it would ruin their lives.
-The only gays that would come out of the closet were those that get dragged out by the authorities after doing something gay and therefore illegal. Only a reckless retard would openly do something as heavily illegal.

Basically, this is what's happening to pedos right now.

Every research would "prove" that gays are more likely to commit crimes, they are more reckless than the average person only because they are gays, etc.

Since 99% of them would never admit that they are gay, society would think that the gays that get arrested are an accurate example of the average gay (or at least, a significant portion of them).

>> No.11396643

I prefer baked goods. I have a starch tooth.

>> No.11396648

>-Gays were as furiously hated as pedos are.
>-Everything related to homosexuality was criminalized.
>-They were afraid to come out of the closet because it would ruin their lives.
>-The only gays that would come out of the closet were those that get dragged out by the authorities after doing something gay and therefore illegal. Only a reckless retard would openly do something as heavily illegal.

I don't really see a problem with any of those things.
That is how it should be.

>> No.11396651

But you're okay with open displays of pedophilia, right?

>> No.11396655


Please don't fall for /pol/'s traps.

>> No.11396657

Are you possibly one of these creepy heterosexuals I hear so much about in the news? For your information, pretty much every crime in the history of mankind has been committed by a heterosexual person.

>> No.11396658

No, because children are dumb as fuck and don't know better.

>> No.11396663

Just checking.

>> No.11396670

What the heck. Lolis like videogames. When I was in fourth grade, I used to play Pokemon Gold with her.

If a loli had money, she'd buy lots of videogames. A 7 year old would buy toys, though. Speaking of toys, Barbie dolls and the like are fucking disgusting.

>> No.11396674

fuck im bleeding someone call an ambulance

>> No.11396681

What's wrong with Barbies?

>> No.11396683

You should move to America. You'd die of blood loss just watching the television.

>> No.11396686

Btw I'm a girl ;D

>> No.11396687

I'm hard.

>> No.11396688

Their hair feels pretty good when wrapped around your penis, you know.

>> No.11396689
File: 14 KB, 291x301, 51236414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11396690

Go back to /ota/.

>> No.11396691


They look like sluts and, the hair and clothes get all gross.

>> No.11396698

They don't have vaginas so its confusing to young boys.

>> No.11396694

Are you seven?

>> No.11396696

The look too mature and society make lolis believe that's what they should look like. As if they weren't pretty already.

They also look anorexic and shit, have you ever seen one?

>> No.11396700

Are you new?

>> No.11396704

Please answer, it's relevant to my interests.

>> No.11396703

They're just dolls. Calm down vanity smurf.

>> No.11396710

Ay girl, why don't you come here and play with my joy stick?

>> No.11396711
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>> No.11396707

Please post tits. It's relevant to my interests.

>> No.11396709

Anyone new to /jp/ is an honorary loli.

>> No.11396713

You post tits. You're the girl.

>> No.11396715
File: 695 KB, 532x1337, Katou Jun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I declare this thread oficially extinguished. Seems like the whole main theme has burnt out.

Have fun with the remains

Also, a good bye present, with good will toward gays: http://exhentai.org/g/625420/1000ad44fa/

>> No.11396716
File: 99 KB, 800x563, sega-more-you-play-with-it-harder-it-gets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go away with your lewdness, Sega. Lolis should be playing innocent Nintendo games.

>> No.11396722

Imagine a really cute seven year old playing with her Barbie. Her mom calls her for lunch and she plays with Barbie while eating. Barbie ends up getting greasy as fuck, chocolate dripping from her hair.

I genuinely admire my little cousin's toys because they are real proof of her innocence and carelessness. They make me feel all warm and fuzzy. I would never touch them, though.

>> No.11396727

Chocolate for lunch? That's not a healthy meal.

>> No.11396729

Anorexia delays puberty.

>> No.11396730

It is in America.

>> No.11396731

Boys can't be sure if girls have vaginas or not. They don't see anything wrong with Barbie.

Lolis, on the other hand...

>> No.11396732


how about hot chocolate to drink? It's not unusual in Europe

>> No.11396735

But then you start watching porn and they don't show the vaginas there either and before you know it, you're an adult and have no idea what vaginas are supposed to look like.

>> No.11396736

What the fuck. I never said I was a girl.

Stop this madness. Implying that I'm a girl would invalidate my post. But I never implied it! Everything I said is true! They like videogames!

>> No.11396739

They're complete fucking retards. You can't expect anything from them.

>> No.11396740

Wow, what a suspicious post... You really are a girl, aren't you? Please go out with me...?

>> No.11396741

What do girls call their vaginas? When you're a little boy you call your penis stuff like wee wee, pee pee, peter, thingy.

>> No.11396745

But Ken doesn't have any thing either.

>> No.11396743

I told you to post your tits, you fucking tease.

>> No.11396747

The void

>> No.11396749



>> No.11396752

It's the other way around.

Boys see a Barbie's crotch and figure out that girls look like that and vaginas don't really exist.

Little girls get confused because Barbie is supposed to be a girl yet she doesn't have a vagina. They start wondering if all girls are like that and there is something wrong with their bodies.

>> No.11396756

I remember that anime about the slut that thought she had a weird vagina.

>> No.11396757


I wondered that, too.

I've heard "front bottom".

>> No.11396766

Pee hole? There's bound to be a girl around here to answer it.

>> No.11396784

I'm more interested in how little girls call orgasms.

I gave them a really stupid name before finding out they were called orgasms.

I'm not sure if little girls can even experience one, though. I heard that girls/women take a lot longer to cum. Would a loli have to masturbate for an entire night for it to happen?

>> No.11396795

This is the most interesting loli thread I've read in a while; alot of normals as well.

>> No.11396796

She would probably fall asleep after a few minutes.

>> No.11396801

Is it illegal to film a little girl masturbating in her bed (with sound, so you can hear her occasional moans) even if she doesn't get naked? What if she does it under the sheets so you can't see anything?

Is it wrong?

>> No.11396807


I didn't have a word for it.

I actually thought I was doing it incorrectly, and that the climax was actually just an intermediate stage, and I wasn't skilled enough to attain the next level. When I started producing semen, I realised that I had actually already experienced it all, which was disappointing.

>> No.11396809

If she knew it'd trigger the "oh god I want to die response"..

>> No.11396816


It's voyeuristic, and yes, it is illegal, just as it's illegal to film an adult masturbating without their consent.

I don't think it's "wrong" if it's for personal use and she never knows it was filmed. Distributing it isn't right, as it will eventually fall into the wrong hands.

>> No.11396831

how many of these have you /v/ crossies made?

anyway, go back

>> No.11396836

If taking photos of your child having a bath is considered CP then taking a video of a child masturbating could probably net you some jail time too, even if you can't see anything.

>> No.11396841

I was fascinated with little girls when I was a boy.

They were equal to me in school, because I was also a kid. They had their own personality, tastes and friends. They had dignity and self-esteem. But I knew. They were kids just like me. They did everything I did, except things exclusive to boys.

Little girls were mysterious to me. I was fascinated by them. I wanted to see them taking a shower, eating, brushing their teeth, playing with toys, getting scolded by their parents, sleeping, everything.

When I see a little girl now, as an adult, I already know what her life is like. I know what she looks like naked. I know she gets mad sometimes. I know she cries when someone scolds her. I know so many wonderful and embarrassing things that they just wouldn't show to me when I was their own age.
I remember the curiosity I felt as a boy and it feels so damn good. It's even better now that I know the answers to the mystery that girls are.

It was a wonderful feeling. Why did so many people forget about it? Was I the only boy that liked little girls?

>> No.11396838

Depends on whether it looks like porn or like something with artistic value

>> No.11396842

That's an /a/ meme, dude.

>> No.11396847

Even if it falls into the wrong hands, it will be some pedo that visits shady websites unknown to normals. It's pretty unlikely that one of the girl's friends would find it.

>> No.11396849
File: 81 KB, 685x890, CP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if it's for educational purposes, like this book written by jaypee?

>> No.11396857

It's quality. If you want to take people to task over shitty foreign memes try the *tips fedora* or btwimagrill shit.

>> No.11396874

that's a book though

>> No.11396872

Btw I'm a girl has existed on the Internet for a long time, newbie.

>> No.11396881


I had a younger sister of a similar age, so I knew everything about girls, anyway. We bathed together, so I even knew what they looked like naked and thus never experienced the "girls must have penises/where have their penises gone?" thing.

I was attracted to a girl from about the age of 5, but hid it because everyone else made a huge deal about how liking girls is wrong. My parents used to tease me and say I had a girlfriend too. I never really broke out of the habit and still get flustered if anyone mentions anything sexual.

>> No.11396879

It's quality. What does that even mean?
Is that another meme I don't know about?

>> No.11396880

Yeah, because it's around for a long time it can't be a shitty meme. Flawless logic.

>> No.11396889

you only hate memes cause you want to be a special snowflake

>> No.11396893

Consider remedial English.

>> No.11396894

So basically, if you post something that someone doesn't like or agree with you just post this image and say "hurr hurr its bait u try troll me [insert 3 letter flavor of the month meme version of lol]

>> No.11396896

it's dumb. your pictures of fish are not interesting or funny, no matter how many variations you make. you have your own board for your video games where you can discuss who is based and who is baiting who and which layer of atmosphere your sides have reached, so don't bring it into /jp/.

>> No.11396900

Don't be so upset you're a newbie and no one cares about your crossie memes.

>> No.11396901

>you just post this image
That's the idea.

>and say
No, the entire point is that you don't say anything once you have the picture.

>> No.11396904

Pedophilia must be genetic.

It only needs to be cultivated through the fascination and extreme curiosity it provides before blooming during puberty.

>> No.11396906

Consider being straight.

>> No.11396910

>it's dumb. your pictures of fish are not interesting or funny
Neither are the vast majority of /jp/ memes and reposts.

>which layer of atmosphere
The stratosphere.

>> No.11396911

So just because someone says something you don't like they're trying to troll you?

>> No.11396914

You're just too stupid to understand /jp/ humor. Go back to your rage comic kiddo.

>> No.11396916

What if every single man in the girl's family is a pedo and has seen the video? They wouldn't tell anyone.

>> No.11396918

nobody on /jp/ does the *tipsfedora* thing because it's basically a variation of edgy that normies use to lay on conformation peer-pressure, and using that kind of normie pressure on /jp/ wouldn't make sense.

I'll start contesting it if and when it appears.

>> No.11396924

That's statistically improbable.

>> No.11396926

Please answer. I want to know if everyone else feels this way. Is this how the seed of pedophilia grows in a pedodestined child's heart?

>> No.11396928

People *tips fedora* all the time in /jp/.

You post it if you think someone is trying to troll you. You could easily be wrong.


>> No.11396931
File: 516 KB, 558x744, 1362951636048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for your enlightening post, good sir! I wish you euphoric days and many a victory in internet debates against normies and theists. *tips fedora*

>> No.11396938

Aww, someone's getting upset.

>> No.11396940


>> No.11396941



>> No.11396943

It's bad to be normal, but it's also bad to be hipster.

>> No.11396948

It's also statistically improbably to win the lottery with a number like "123456", but nothing prevents the balls marked with those numbers from falling together in that order.

Regardless of how special those six balls seem to us, they are still normal balls and they aren't less likely to be the winners. It's all in your mind.

>> No.11396949

That's cute.

>> No.11396956


>> No.11396951


>> No.11396953


Correct, only by neither can you achieve enlightenment

>> No.11396957

why are the fish images so bad? it's calling out what's bait. it's not even a mene its a warning.

they say bait cause trolling is passé but we all change that kind of thing to keep it fresh

>> No.11396958

Is he wearing a 3 piece suit but a leather jacket instead of a blazer/suit jacket?

>> No.11396960

in many contexts "hipster" is simply the word normies use for non-normies.

you don't conform = you are intentionally non-conformist for the sake of it = you are a hipster = please conform immediately or I will keep calling you one

>> No.11396962

It's adorable how you keep replying. Surely if you get the last reply you win the argument.

>> No.11396965

I was only going to post the original but they put it into the spam filter.

>> No.11396966

Stop it mutha fuckas. How can you kill such an interesting thread so casually? Go to a 2hu thread or something.

>> No.11396968

Is this really !bar? It seems like milk FUD to me. But I'm not aware of the relationship milk and !bar have (if any)

Someone said that !bar was fucking milk but I thought that was a joke and she actually fucks a guy called brad. Please clear this up for me.

>> No.11396972

You guys discuss fucking children every day.

>> No.11396973

This thread died like 2 hours ago. There's nothing left to talk about.

>> No.11396981

I care a lot. I think some others might too.

>> No.11396978

No one fucking cares.

>> No.11396994

Nice blog.

>> No.11396999

But I finally achieved enlightenment. I finally understand why I keep falling in love with little girls. I'm so happy.


>> No.11397006

I hated girls when I was little. It was a classic case of hating that which you don't understand.

>> No.11397013


I wish it was never used here.

>> No.11397016

Sounds like he's just saying "I liked little girls when I was a little boy and just never stopped". That's comes up in every pedo thread.

You guys never say anything new. At least we can be thankful you're too absorbed in your relentless discussion of what you'd do to children to actually do anything.

>> No.11397021


Did you actually hate them?

I only pretended to because everyone else did, and not doing so made you bullybait.

>> No.11397031


I do wish pedos would be a little less creepy.

The focus should be on unravelling pedohysteria, which is a detriment to everyone. The concept of being sexually attracted to anything should not be a moral sin worthy of imprisonment. Consumption of entirely fictional, or simulated, material should not be a crime in any sane society.

Topics like whether children can consent are far more difficult, and, at this stage, do nothing but damage any potential movement.

>> No.11397033

So this is how pedophilia usually develops? I'm not crazy?

Why did you hate them? Not understanding them only made me want to expose their embarrassing secrets. They actually need to use the bathroom, I'm sure of it!

>> No.11397034

This "we can't talk about it because it'll hurt the movement" might be valid when you're putting together your political platform, but nobody gives a shit in /jp/.

>> No.11397036

Did you stalk your female classmates with a video camera or something?

>> No.11397037

I don't know what it was, I just didn't like them. I would scribble out girl characters faces in coloring books.

>> No.11397044

If you want to hear something new, you should ask about it. Improvisation is not /jp/ie's forte.

>> No.11397061

I used to think vaginas were located in the lower abdomen area, where a boy's penis is.

It took me two years of exposure to porn to realize it's actually located under the crotch. I guess I never noticed it because I loved women's pubic hair and thought the vagina was underneath it.

>> No.11397062

do you still hate them?

>> No.11397063


I guess you're right. It is as dishonest as censoring and propagandising the media.

i was wrong to say that.

>> No.11397065


What's wrong with children watching porn?

If they fear that their child will spend his time masturbating instead of studying, why don't they say it more clearly? What about teenagers? Shouldn't they study too? What about little girls? Why can't they watch porn?

>> No.11397069

/jp/ will eventually become a pedo paradise and normals will come here to get educated..

>> No.11397072

Weren't you curious about their sweet sweat?

Sorry for being one big creepo.

>> No.11397078

Well some girls might think its cute,
but my advice try to be funny and make up cheesy pick up lines like...

Hey good lookin whats cooking? (haha)
Or hey are you wearing moon pants cause your butt is out of this world! (LMAO this is my favorite one)
or hey cutie patutie!

Girls like funny guys (:

>> No.11397075

I'm still no entirely sure about vaginas. Starting out with Asian porn as a kid and never moving past it doesn't help.

>> No.11397077


There's a belief that sexuality inherently damages the minds of children.

>> No.11397084
File: 100 KB, 237x205, 6faa6a0c81732c59c0c05653e9c51870.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone here want to be the little girl?

>> No.11397081

sorry wrong thread u_u

>> No.11397082

It's really weird how you have the emptiness of where the hair is, then the lips, then all that unused area underneath, then the actual vagina behind another set of lips.

>> No.11397090

because girls dont want to have sex with you. interaction and communication are the first steps to that and they want to shut you down cold so you know you have no chance and hopefully will leave them alone

>> No.11397088

It Christianity's fault. But I've seen loads of non-christians trying to prevent their kids from seeing anything sex-related. What the fuck.

>> No.11397093


Yes, but I'm long past the point where I care.

>> No.11397095

Please stop projecting

>> No.11397100

I want to exchange bodies with a little girl for two days so I can go to school again. She'll make me promise I won't try to see her naked body, but that's the first thing I'll do. She is probably curious about my penis too. I just hope she doesn't do any bad things in my name.

>> No.11397102

I love the pubic area and don't have any desire to go anywhere near the others. Asian pubic hair is great.

>> No.11397104

Have there been any new chapters in that manga about that lolicon that turns into a little girl?

>> No.11397108

What would an immature 9 year old girl do if she temporarily had the body and social status of a grown man?

What if you two meet up and she fucks you with your body? You would still be having sex with a kid but it wouldn't hurt her. She'd be the one with the penis. Pure pleasure for her.

>> No.11397113

Probably drive a car and drink coffee.

>> No.11397114

There was a chapter about this in the old version of Doraemon. Nobita has seen Shizuka naked many times, but he was still excited about it.

I don't really remember the details, but I think he fucked up somehow and didn't get to take his clothes off or something. It's been 10 years since I last saw it.

>> No.11397117

I would love for that to be true. That the only bad things they do would be that. So pure~

>> No.11397123

What if she dies in an accident? Would her soul return to me before the agreed time? Would I die in that moment?

What would happen to her after returning to her body? I just got naked in the middle of the classroom, enjoying the lustful stares of the boys, the shocked faces of the girls and the fact that I'm humiliating a little girl without her knowledge.

>> No.11397119


Would get in trouble very fast. Things that a child can do without attention, an adult cannot do. She would also be in control of a lot more power, but wouldn't have have experienced the development needed to know how to control it.

She probably wouldn't be very good at sex, and penetrative sex would probably be physically damaging to her real body, so she'd have to live with the damage later.

>> No.11397126

Get lost.

>> No.11397133

Don't delude yourselves. She'd play with her penis for over an hour and probably hurt herself by touching the glans. She would also find the pubic hair really cute and rub it at night.

What if you leave her a note explaining what she can and cannot do? And also the names of your family members.

>> No.11397137

How did you know? And why do you expect my English to be perfect?

>> No.11397139

>don't delude yourself
I don't think you know any more than he does on what a little girl would do. You're projecting your lewd desires onto them.

>> No.11397140

Would you do that to her, /jp/? Be honest.

I probably wouldn't, if only because I'd want to be her friend for a long time.

>> No.11397144

Everybody is curious about the opposite sex. 9 year old girls don't even know what a real penis look like, let alone an adult dick.

>> No.11397145

I did a body exchange with my imaginary cousin and she told me what she did.

>> No.11397147

>I just got naked in the middle of the classroom, enjoying the lustful stares of the boys, the shocked faces of the girls and the fact that I'm humiliating a little girl without her knowledge.

I'm pretty sure I read a doujin like that once.

>> No.11397148

>implying most kids don't have computers

>> No.11397149


Saw isn't incorrect, he's just being anal over some imagined rule.


I don't think it could be explained through just a note. A child in an adult's body is going to attract attention, as they don't have any idea how to exercise the self-control that adults have learnt to naturally use in every possible task.

I think the time perception thing could be interesting. An adult still experiencing time at the slow rate that a child experiences it would likely have consequences.

>> No.11397150

Implying meme

>> No.11397153

Please tell me about it.

>> No.11397154

She's 9. Think about when you were 9.

>> No.11397162


I was masturbating daily, and had been for a few years.

I would certainly have attempted sex, given an adult body.

>> No.11397167

What's wrong with you?

>> No.11397168

I don't remember exactly.

>> No.11397174

>A child in an adult's body is going to attract attention, as they don't have any idea how to exercise the self-control that adults have learnt to naturally use in every possible task.
This is cute.

>I think the time perception thing could be interesting. An adult still experiencing time at the slow rate that a child experiences it would likely have consequences.
Why do they even experience time differently? Is it because they are learning new things the whole time? Or is it because they have more exciting things to remember at the end of the day?

I don't think it's that. I remember spending entire afternoons completely bored, complaining about how hot it was outside. Time passed at a snail's pace even though nothing memorable was happening.

It probably has to do with the brain itself. Does magic swapping magic ignore brains or does it simply switch them?

>> No.11397176

>magic swapping magic
I meant body swapping magic.

>> No.11397177

Children have matrix powers.

>> No.11397187

I imagine the girl would end up crying alone in some park, unable to return to her real body, while people laugh at her. Why? Let's see:

She meets an stranger from far away on the internet. Through some stupid plot device, this stranger happens to be her soulmate and they can exchange bodies at will if they wish for it and recite the magic words at the exact same time.

After enjoying her new body for a while, the realizes that she turned off the nerd's computer and doesn't know the password. They can't synchronize anymore.

What would /jp/ do?

>> No.11397191

Alternatively, the nerd would refuse to return the body. He wants to be a little girl forever and doesn't care about his family or what happens to his identity.

>> No.11397194


The main theory is that it is the percentage of your life you are experiencing.

An hour is a greater percentage of a child's life than it is of an adult's life.

>> No.11397201

To make it even crueler, the stranger is from a country that sucks at English. He can speak and write it fluently, but the little girl doesn't know how to speak his language.

They realize it too late. The girl can no longer use the nerd's computer. Even if she is smart enough to talk with the guy's father and ask him to send the computer to repair, it would only make the situation worse. The nerd's computer is filled with cheese pizza.

>> No.11397203

Fuck, how would she communicate with his dad if he speaks a completely different language?

>> No.11397209

>What would /jp/ do?

If I switched bodies with a little girl, I'd go out and try to have as much sex as possible.

>> No.11397210


I guess I just got (un)lucky and happened upon a masturbatory technique by chance, did it until orgasm, and realised I could repeat it.

Kids often almost learn to masturbate. They'll jam something into their crotch and comment that it tickles, but they don't keep doing it, possibly because an adult stops them, or they get distracted. A developmental stage for young boys is holding the penis all the time, and the equivalent for girls is grinding on things, but it's seen as a bad habit, like biting nails, so parents stop them from doing it.

>> No.11397214

If the older you get, the faster time goes... What if we could achieve immortality somehow? Could it get to the point that an eternity would feel like less than 1 second? Wouldn't we lose our minds if that happened?

>> No.11397221

Same here. I masturbated at 9 thinking about little girls.

>> No.11397226

Brainwashed parents shouldn't be allowed to raise children.

>> No.11397239

Not letting your kid sit around and feverishly masturbate isn't brainwashing.

>> No.11397247

Why would a little girl do that? They should be allowed to masturbate the same way they play with toys. It's the same thing.

>> No.11397255

Because you're troll attempt isn't worth my time.

>> No.11397272


I only did it in bed. I would grind on my hand, or pillow.

I got pretty worried when my pillow started turning yellow, and later learnt it was just sweat stains. I don't know if my parents realised there was anything going on, but I dreaded being confronted about the pillow. My Mom once told me to lie on my front when I was playing video games as I "played better like that". I think she was checking to see if I was going to grind against the floor. At least, that's what I suspected, at the time.

>> No.11397281

I didn't start masturbating until I was 14. I feel left out.

>> No.11397287

Are you a girl?

>> No.11397295


That doesn't make a difference.

>> No.11397300

How does a girl even begin to suspect that?

Also, isn't semen what turns white cloth into yellow?

>> No.11397302

What do girls call their vaginas when they're little? Like how boys call their penis pee pee, wiener, thingy.

>> No.11397304

You are aware women secrete things from their inside parts too, right?

>> No.11397306

But it does.

If you're not.
That's pretty hot dude.

But if you are.
Get the fuck out of /jp/ you dirty slut.

>> No.11397312

They're afraid it will turn the children into sluts.

>> No.11397320

I used to play hobo with my loli cousin. We'd get a piece of bread from the kitchen and treat it as if it was the last thing we would ever eat.

Now when I eat bread I remember those times and eat it slowly. I miss my loli cousin so much. But I'm scared to meet her again because she must be 17 by now. It would just ruin my cute memories.

No, she wasn't fat. I was the one who invented that game.

>> No.11397319

And they're right.
Purge the unclean!

>> No.11397323

I really don't understand how people like you can exist. There seem to be a lot, what the fuck.

Where are you from? Some American hellhole?

>> No.11397324



>> No.11397329

I thought that said "I remember playing Habbo Hotel with my loli cousin".

>> No.11397332

Kids don't have the ability to turn their underwear yellow. Not even boys.

Were you some stupid 2D shota capable of ejaculation?

>> No.11397335

What's the correct age to start masturbating, then?

>> No.11397336

Are they aware that their normie culture is turning children into sluts before they even finish elementary school?

>> No.11397337

That's cute. I want to hear more stories about lolis playing hobo.

>> No.11397340

Are you fat?

>> No.11397341

>Are they aware that their normie culture is turning children into sluts before they even finish elementary school?
Children raised in "otaku culture" would be sluts long before that.

I'm sure some parents wish it could be 1950 again, but that's not happening.

>> No.11397345

>I used to play hobo with my loli cousin.

I imagined this a little different before reading your description.
You hide in a cardboad box and move around while she's not looking. (kinda like in MGS)
And when she gets close or you sneak up on her, you jump out and rape her.

>> No.11397347

Most boys in my class started masturbating at 10 or so. Every single dude was masturbating by the time they entered middle school.

>> No.11397351

Where are you from?

>> No.11397354

No, I'm fairly skinny and handsome. I look like shit because I'm always sad, though.

>> No.11397357
File: 163 KB, 1944x1296, pillow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Stains like this are sweat.

>> No.11397358

That's a long hair.

>> No.11397360


>> No.11397362

I read somewhere that the sweat of children is supposed to be less "nasty" than the sweat of adults because it doesn't contain some chemical.

>> No.11397363

Well you have all the free time when you're supposed to be taking a nap to masturbate.

>> No.11397368

Isn't that decoration?

>> No.11397369

Yes, like when you hit puberty and have to wear deodorant because of pheromones and hormones and shit.

>> No.11397367

This must have been deliberate.
How do you get hair inside your pillowcase and on top of that, not think to remove it before taking the picture?

>> No.11397372

I want to sniff it.

>> No.11397373

So maybe childrens' sweat doesn't stain.

>> No.11397374

Not that picture taker, but I always have hair on my pillow.

>> No.11397375

It's true, but he probably meant that he doesn't find it disgusting because he is a pedophile.

>> No.11397379

Did you steal that hair from a little girl? Did you order it from Japan?

>> No.11397398

I never take naps because I sleep and sleep until it's long past dinner.

>> No.11397401


Pillowcases only go on the top pillow.

>> No.11397410

There's a case on that pillow? If so it's rather shoddy and doesn't look very soft.
Don't you want to rest easily?

>> No.11397411

Ya goin' bald, bro. End your life.

>> No.11397417

Hair falls out brah. Have you seen that Pantene commercial about breakage?

>> No.11397423

I want to smell a little girl's socks.

>> No.11397429

I miss being a kid and getting to meet lolis everyday, even if they ignored the hell out of me.

What can I do /jp/?

>> No.11397435

Would a little girl find it funny? Would she realize you can get a boner from it?

>> No.11397436

You and meet girls your own age everyday and have them ignore you.

>> No.11397439



That pillow isn't the primary one.

Only the primary pillow receives a case so it can be changed often, rather than wasting cases on unused pillows.

The other pillows are inferior.

>> No.11397444

i like undeveloped pillows because I'm one big case of a nutcase hahahahahhahahah

>> No.11397452

I think Michael Jackson just wished to be the little boy. I don't get the impression that he wanted to have sex with kids. Remember, that the whole scandal started in the early 90s because some kid and his family wanted to make easy money. The kid actually had to describe Michael's penis and then law enforcement examined his penis to see if it matched (it didn't). The whole thing must have been pretty humiliating, no wonder he ended up a nutjob.

>> No.11397462
File: 254 KB, 800x850, 1369856839389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ jp!! I maed it!! i became the little girl!!!! Im so happy!!

>> No.11397469

We've all seen that South Park episode. He didnt have a childhood and just wanted to experience the joys of youth.

>> No.11397471

What if he just happened to be a pedophile and everybody blames it on his shitty childhood? It could have been a coincidence.

>> No.11397472

Those outfits are so cute. Why don't more girls continue to dress like that when they grow up?

>> No.11397474

He was cleared of all charges and the kid who initially accused him admitted that his father bullied him into it because he wanted money.

>> No.11397475

Maybe he's not a pedophile, just he has the mind of a little kid and never mentally matured. He's just a gay little boy in the body of a grown man.

>> No.11397480

Lolis typing like fucking retards make me horny.

>> No.11397484

there are surgerys where people have half their brains removed at a young age to avoid seizures, it actually doesn't affect their intelligence much; what will happen tho is a change in personality because of the hormones a loli body produces.. i think.

>> No.11397488

/jp/ knows a lot of random stuff.

>> No.11397489

Really damn cute not paedo.

>> No.11397491

He could still be a pedo. He was kind of obsessed with the world of children.

>> No.11397495

But he was driven mad by society. Society would never harm a little boy in any way, shape or form.
Therefore, he wasn't a little boy.

>> No.11397501

Slutty brats.

>> No.11397537

That thread is gold.

>> No.11398891

Everything can be explained with math. Everything.

>> No.11399866
File: 529 KB, 517x888, PEDOPHILE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funnier that way.

>> No.11400792

adaptation to curve population growth and maintain sustainable populations, maybe.

>> No.11400849

I remember saying hoohoo. my periods were "magical power week"

>> No.11401076
File: 74 KB, 320x247, url.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sex is when a man puts his hoo-hoo-dilly into a woman's cha-cha.

>> No.11403254

Pedophiles should die

>> No.11403349

Well, that's likely because the people that have sex with the children raise them to be living onaholes. The trauma associated with sexual experiences as a child isn't to do with the sex itself, it's the circumstances under which the sex happens, which is almost always a horrible horrible environment
