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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 301 KB, 400x230, Moe on my mind.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11394699 No.11394699[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>It's part of the moe subculture and basically refers to Japanese men who fall in love and form romantic relationships with body pillows, or video games, or whatever other inanimate object meets their fancy.

>This is more than a weird sex thing; it's a weird every thing. These guys take these pillows on dates, and picnics, and anywhere else you or I might take an awful smelly human woman. And they're not afraid of commitment either; here's a guy who married a character on his Nintendo DS.

>This is slightly distressing for a few reasons, only some of which have to do with the fact that most of the girls printed on these body pillows are supposed to be about 12 years old. The men who do this often speak of how tainted real world relationships are by money and capitalism. To a man they almost all say how much more "pure" loving a 2D figure is. And of course loving an inanimate object is pure! You're never going to offend a figurine's feelings, or have to spend Thanksgiving holding in farts at your Game Boy's parents' place, or get in an argument with your pillow about the fucking dishwasher.

>"No, I was not looking at that toaster oven's ass! And that's my personal catalog. STOP CONTROLLING ME."

>Everything's always perfect when the object of your ardor doesn't fucking speak back.

>> No.11394704

>Everything's always perfect when the object of your ardor doesn't fucking speak back.
That's actually the biggest flaw in the relationship.

>> No.11394710

Quoting large amounts of text without any commentary is pretty poor form. Link to the original instead if you must post it.

Think before you make new threads, ok?

>> No.11394712

>Everything's always perfect when the object of your ardor doesn't fucking speak back.
Reminder to everyone to disable their future robowife's vocal speakers asap.

>> No.11394713

Nobody follows links to dumb rants.

>> No.11394715 [DELETED] 

Who are you quoting?

>> No.11394717

I don't want to click a link

>> No.11394724


>> No.11394727

>Everything's always perfect when the object of your ardor doesn't fucking speak back.

Take notes 3DPD

>> No.11394728

Your link doesn't work

>> No.11394734

but what if my future robowife's voice sounds like Hanazawa Kana or Inoue Marina?

>> No.11394737

I demand source

>> No.11394737,1 [INTERNAL] 

nice shootin janny

>> No.11394747


>> No.11394747,1 [INTERNAL] 

That's always deleted if reported. It's a spammed catchphrase.

>> No.11394756

It's a cracked article. Nobody wants to read another shitty cracked article.

>> No.11394756,1 [INTERNAL] 

It's funny though because in this context it actually makes sense

>> No.11394763

You obviously read it. What does this say about you?

Reply carefully

>> No.11394769

It says http://www.iamafaggot.com

>> No.11394775

Women are slowly realizing they are replaceable

news at 11

>> No.11394778


That was bretty epic, dood! Not sure if you rekt him or yourself! but A+++++++++ would be linked again!

>> No.11394782

What is OP? some kind of fat single fem nazi who's mad that otaku's are above their controlling bullshit, that's what.

How pathetic they must feel to not even get attention from possibly the lowest desirable males on the planet

>> No.11394803

Try again, this time without the meme arrows.

>> No.11394800

Are you retarded?
I googled some of the text to see what the source was and the browser showed the cracked article about dating.
Do you think you're being clever?

>> No.11394826

I love watching /jp/ threads go from kinda shitty to really shitty.

>> No.11394838

>implying any /jp/ threads start out as only "kinda shitty"

>> No.11394842

*I love watching /jp/ threads go from quite shitty to absolute shitfests.

>> No.11394844

right... that's more like it, Anon.

>> No.11394856

le implying xD

>> No.11394867

Man, women are bitches.

>> No.11394868

otaku culture

>> No.11394868,1 [INTERNAL] 

You need permission from me to use my memes xD

>> No.11394948 [DELETED] 

>This is slightly distressing for a few reasons, only some of which have to do with the fact that most of the girls printed on these body pillows are supposed to be about 12 years old. The men who do this often speak of how tainted real world relationships are by money and capitalism.

Except this is true gold digging whore-chan.

>> No.11394954

>The men who do this often speak of how tainted real world relationships are by money and capitalism.

Except this is true gold digging whore-chan.

>> No.11394989

It is. OP is just an idiot who can't post properly

>> No.11395021

I can't believe this author managed to keep themselves from writing "problematic".

>> No.11395027

I don't understand why women make a big deal about this. You wouldn't even think about dating these guys, leave them alone with their 2D and stop being pissy just because not everyone wants to have sex with you. You don't do that about homosexuals.

>> No.11395030

Women are crazy and jealous.

>> No.11395040

These threads always make me think that /jp/ is made entirely of frustrated virgins.

>> No.11395061

Linking may lead to dead links, especially if posts are archived like in /jp/. Best form is to quote, link, and comment.

>> No.11395069

This has nothing to do with moe.

just hope the shit dies and we can return to the glorious cyberpunk /mecha era.

>> No.11395084
File: 5 KB, 516x406, 1286579002871.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew I would find an opportunity to post this again some day.
Also I really should organize my folders.

>> No.11395167

It's because they're not getting enough attention and loving fiction as reality is twisted into "objectifying women."

Ironically, they're guilty of the same thing, they simply categorize differently. Most of their qualms come from the fact that men do not conform to their image of what men should be. In this case, anyone who doesn't love this bitch is apparently a slovenly pig who's detached from reality because he loves an "object" that ironically possesses more substance and function than she does.

>> No.11395312

