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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11393244 No.11393244[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm a cartoonist, and I have always been irrationally infuriated by Fred's artwork. He's a very mediocre cartoonist and a poster boy for artists who think that throwing cheap anime signifiers (shiny eyes, triangle nose, etc) into your artwork is all you need to make compelling work. The reason those breasts are so weird is because he's drawn the chest in a different perspective from the rest of the body (not to mention also being anatomically incorrect,) it happens when you don't use an underlying structure when placing characters in an environment or composition.

It's also clear he doesn't use linear perspective at all, which some artists can get away with, but Fred cannot. He makes the types of mistake developing artists make, and I think is excusable for someone starting out, but the fact that he has drawn 500+ pages in a professional capacity and has improved so marginally, floors me. The sad thing is that he's proved that he doesn't need to improve to have a dedicated following who worship your every shitty un-inked panel.

And don't even get me started on his backgrounds.

>> No.11393247

epic blogpost dude

>> No.11393249

Wanna go out with me, cute artist-kun?

>> No.11393255

A webcomic is not a "professional capacity."

>> No.11393261


He touched the Love Hina guy once. That's gotta mean something.

>> No.11393263

he still makes more money than you

>> No.11393273

Do people actually still read MegaTokyo? Last time I heard of him prior to the Kickstarter was like six or seven years ago.

>> No.11393293

You should see how much money he made from his shitstarter and make yourself even more frustrated

>> No.11393299


The world moved on, but he kept making comics, and initiate weeaboos kept on reading. Hell, even Dominic Deegan finally ended a year or two ago.

>> No.11393308
File: 69 KB, 647x649, post-1-1243494327.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do, ironically.

>> No.11393328

i'd go and check what's happened in the last half-decade but i hear the answer is "nothing"

>> No.11393329

on, like, every single level

>> No.11393356

How do you make 300,000$ from 5,000 people. That would mean each person donated 60$ for something with worse art then katawa shoujo.

>> No.11393379

So, I guess I'm what you would call a Fred fanboy. (I wouldn't consider myself one, but hey).

I like his art. The backgrounds are lush and detailed, and the characters are... an acquired taste. They look fine once you get used to them.

Yes, his art isn't perfect. But I don't dismiss an interesting looking doujin just because the art isn't perfect. There's more to a manga than art.

Most importantly, megatokyo has a really interesting set of overarching ideas about the world and the interaction between the differing perceptions of people. It's a very slow progression, mainly because the heart issues he's had have sapped his energy to do anything for several years now.

I think a lot of people donated to the KS in order to see things in a somewhat compelted state. The comic will take years to finish, but the VN should be much quicker due to the lower art density and greater number of people working on it.

I guess I'm not cynical enough for jaypee. His stuff ain't perfect, but it's still worth following. And worth throwing a bit of money at to see how far it can go.

>> No.11393378

>worse art then
Get back to school.

>> No.11393393

I was blown away when I realized this wasn't pasta.

>> No.11393396

Yeah, it's so rare for people to write any more than a witty one-liner on /jp/.

>> No.11393399

I'm not going to read all that crap dude, but Megatokyo is basically Fred-chan misadventures with hot chicks.


>> No.11393404

>I'm not going to read all that crap dude

Wow, you know when your ADD has gone too far when you can't be bothered reading that much text.

>> No.11393412

I'm not reading someone's turn paper.

>> No.11393415

He could read six typical /jp/ posts instead of that one.

Your posts aren't any more important than anyone else's.

Welcome to anonymous boards. Keep it simple or get out.

>> No.11393418

Because you write like a dumbass, that's why.

This is a paragraph.
This is another paragraph.
This is a third one.


>> No.11393421

so funy dude

Look at that fucker, trying to discuss shit! He's upsetting our circlejerk!

Cry me a river. It's perfectly readable. At least I can be bothered writing more than a line in response.

>> No.11393431

>Look at that fucker
>Cry me a river.
Oh, the irony.

>> No.11393443

I think Fred is a pretty cool guy. eh draws cheap signifiers and doesn't afraid of anything

>> No.11393455


Did you just learn the word signifier, and wanted to try it out?

It's fine if you did.

>> No.11393460

They've been bound and published in graphic novel format.

>> No.11393459

He's a pedophile, he draws himself with a little girl, I'll report him to the FBI for the lulz™.

>> No.11393471

It's pretty obvious English isn't his first language. Give him some slack.

>> No.11393473

The real problem is that you talk too much. Not that the sheer quantity of text is too large, but there's all this dumb filler. Let me rewrite your post in brevity-is-the-soul-of-wit, Orwell-worked prose.

I actually like MegaTokyo. The backgrounds are detailed, and the characters honestly look fine once you get used to them, even if the art isn't great. What I think appeals most to people about the comic, is his overarching ideas about the world, and the way different peoples' perceptions of it interact.

The comic is slow as fuck but that has more to do with his heart problems than anything else, and the VN will probably be faster since it has lower art density and more people working on it. People probably donated just because they wanted to see him get something done.

>> No.11393485

Fuck off retard

>> No.11393488

>There's more to a manga than art.
I'm getting tired of this. Manga isn't a style; manga are comics made in Japan. Megatokyo is a comic. I don't care what Fred calls it, it's a comic. This whole "Manga style" thing came about because weeaboo kids think all their manga looks like Naruto and Vampire Knight and whatever the hell else their into, and want to believe their superior to American comics. Ryoichi Ikegami's work looks about as Western as you can get, and it's still a manga because it was made first in Japan.

>> No.11393498

If I wanted to speak like that, I'd write it like that. I don't think that increasing information density necessarily improves readability, but thanks for the input, anyway.

Personally, I think an art style distinction is more useful than a country-of-origin distinction. There is a significant gulf between western and Japanese art styles, and calling Japanese style comics 'manga' is a useful shorthand.

We don't call Japanese books "hon", after all.

>> No.11393500

You know no one here cares, right?

>> No.11393505

I think you suck.

>> No.11393508

No, I don't know that. I know that the people who have replied are anti-MT, but I don't know about the ~90% of people who read but don't post.

Also, only stating your opinion when everyone else agrees with you is a circlejerk. Don't be proud of that.

>> No.11393509

>I don't think that increasing information density necessarily improves readability, but thanks for the input, anyway.
It's not that it was unreadable. It was 100% valid English text. The vast majority of people simply prefer it when you get to the point faster, unless you are actually an artist with words.

>> No.11393512

But there's not a singular art style that all manga have.

>> No.11393521

Please stop throwing that circlejerk word around. There's no circlejerking happening here.

>> No.11393530

Luckily this is an anonymous imageboard, and I can post shit even if it's unpopular! The way you rewrote my post sounds very awkward to me, and I won't be typing like that any time soon. Sorry!

True, but the vast majority of manga share a significant proportion of art style traits, enough to be immediately recognized as manga and distinctly not American comic. The ones which look more American than manga should perhaps be called Japanese comics.

You obviously don't know what a circlejerk is. This is a circlejerk because everyone is espousing the same opinion, and when someone with a different opinion comes along, you jump on him and tell him to "fuck off retard" and "I think you suck".

>> No.11393531

They don't call american comics "comics" either you dork.

Manga = Comics, Comics = Manga.

>> No.11393533

This thread is poor and should not be replied to anymore

>> No.11393535

You are gay.

>> No.11393541

I do hope I haven't upset you, poor thread monitor. That'd be awful. I'd really feel awful if your feelings were upset. Feel free to continue patting each other on the back about how you think that megatokyo is terrible.

>> No.11393545

god shut up

>> No.11393547

You first.

>> No.11393554

Fred please.

>> No.11393558

>Luckily this is an anonymous imageboard, and I can post shit even if it's unpopular! The way you rewrote my post sounds very awkward to me, and I won't be typing like that any time soon. Sorry!
The way you wrote your original post makes you sound like an insufferable faggot with an impossibly high opinion of himself, an initial assessment which is only further confirmed by every post you make.

>"fuck off retard" and "I think you suck".
You do suck. Your posting is awful. It reminds me of a middle schooler gushing about how great his favorite series is.

>> No.11393565

According to this chart he must be either american, mexican or canadian.


>> No.11393576

It's almost like I type the way I do because I think that's the best way to type. That gives me an insufferably high opinion of myself? Because I don't immediately change my typing style on the advice of some random clown on an anonymous image board, I have an insufferably high opinion of myself? Yeah. Okay.

>It reminds me of a middle schooler gushing about how great his favorite series is.

It's not my favourite series. You must be pretty awful at reading comprehension if that's what you took away from my first post.

It's an okay series which doesn't deserve the hate it gets. I only keep posting because you lot keep baiting me.

Sorry, I'm not on that list.

>> No.11393582

You obviously don't, this is your first time in this board.

>> No.11393592

I'm sorry, I obviously don't what?

>> No.11393600

>It's almost like I type the way I do because I think that's the best way to type.
I am advising you that your way of typing sucks. Objectively, it does not mesh well with the culture of /jp/, which is composed of cynical bastards suspicious of anything that sounds like window-dressing or excuse-making. Subjectively, it sucks ass because it just goes on and fucking on without saying very much.

>Because I don't immediately change my typing style on the advice of some random clown on an anonymous image board, I have an insufferably high opinion of myself? Yeah. Okay.
Pretty much. If I visited some place and people told me to stop typing like an autistic no-fun-allowed faggot I would stop typing like an autistic no-fun-allowed faggot because I'm not a pretentious asshole.

>You must be pretty awful at reading comprehension if that's what you took away from my first post.
I did not claim it was your favorite series. I said that you used the tone reminiscent of a middle schooler gushing about his favorite series.

>> No.11393603

You obviously don't know how to shut up.

>> No.11393631 [SPOILER] 
File: 272 KB, 650x1020, fredsloliporn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, people still care about this guy? That comic went to shit a fucking decade ago after he kicked out the other guy.

>> No.11393640

I do actually, but this autistic sperging is too fun to not reply to.

Wow, you are impressionable. I'm sorry to hear that. I'm all for meshing with board culture, but I don't think a slight difference in word count is going to bring /jp/ crashing down.

Since when am I a "no-fun-allowed" faggot? I'm here talking about how much *fun* I've had with megatokyo, and even facilitating you having your fun shitposting spree against me.

>I said that you used the tone reminiscent of a middle schooler gushing about his favorite series.

Oh, I forgot the cardinal rule of /jp/: If it isn't touhou or AKB48, it sucks. I will be sure to never praise something else ever again.

But the other guy simply added shitty, unfunny jokes! At least it has a plot now.

>> No.11393644

a lot of people in this thread need to get out of /jp/


>> No.11393649
File: 270 KB, 1173x1389, 1196612901523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we should all kill you are selves

especially the fred-otaku

>> No.11393652

kool story brah

>> No.11393651

You guys really have strong opinions on some of the most insignificant and pointless topics.

>> No.11393657

I don't even have a very strong opinion, I just kinda like megatokyo. Apparently this very much upset the shitposters of /jp/.

>> No.11393666



>> No.11393661

>I'm all for meshing with board culture, but I don't think a slight difference in word count is going to bring /jp/ crashing down.
Nothing will bring /jp/ crashing down short of a coordinated attack by several people using a large botnet. It doesn't have to be armageddon to be dislikable.

>Since when am I a "no-fun-allowed" faggot?
I was making an analogy, with me as the faggot. Not everything is a direct attack aginst you.

Suppose I were to venture into a forum where everybody was very positive. Emoticons, encouragement, emoticons, emotes, the whole shebang. If I were to make a post sounding like it had been written like a no-fun-allowed, autistic cynical bastard, people might advise me to lighten up.

The polite thing to do would be to lighten up. The impolite thing to do would be to flame them and call them circlejerking faggots because this is how I post and how dare you criticize the way I post.

>I will be sure to never praise something else ever again.
It's almost as if you are acting deliberately retarded. You can praise whatever the fuck you like, but try not to sound like a middle schooler then you do.

>> No.11393662

I haven't seen this much condensed nerdrage since I went to the midnight premier o Watchmen

>> No.11393675 [DELETED] 

>Apparently this very much upset the shitposters of /jp/.
What primarily "upsets" /jp/ is not that you happen to like MegaTokyo, but that get offended when people disapprove of your posting, accuse everybody of circlejerking and then try to play the martyr. People who like My Little Pony and furry pornography have been received better because they're not flamboyant attention whores like you are.

>> No.11393674


>nobody even claps

>> No.11393679

More like retardtokyo, only a weeaboo would like this kind of shit unironically.

>Apparently this very much upset the shitposters of /jp/.
Says the megaturd weeaboo fan go suck Fred's dick.

>> No.11393680

it's actually a lot having a early 2000s furfag dropping by

only there's just one cock

>> No.11393681

>Apparently this very much upset the shitposters of /jp/.
What primarily "upsets" /jp/ is not that you happen to like MegaTokyo, but that you get offended when people disapprove of your posting, accuse everybody in the thread of circlejerking and then try to play the martyr.

People express positive opinions of widely reviled subjects in /jp/ all the time, and are not always set upon because they weren't acting like tremendous faggots.

>> No.11393686 [DELETED] 



>> No.11393689

Please don't derail my nerd rage with your shitposting. I'm on a roll and it's a very long time since I've cut loose.

>> No.11393692



>> No.11393700

>The impolite thing to do would be to flame them and call them circlejerking faggots because this is how I post and how dare you criticize the way I post.

Your example is pretty extreme, and you basically just said that it is /jp/ culture to hate on everything, and I'm going against it if I don't. And I don't feel like I have to hate on everything just to fit in. Sorry.

Haha, nice job deleting your original post. I'm curious as to why you decided I wasn't a "flamboyant attention whore" but instead a "tremendous faggot". To be honest, the first seems to be a more appropriate response.

Excuse me, I'm the nerdrager here, not you. Please don't impersonate me.

I think there are plenty of cocks around, to be honest. It seems more like a sausage sizzle here.

Fred has a very tasty dick. I'm sorry you can't enjoy it!

>> No.11393714 [DELETED] 

>Your example is pretty extreme, and you basically just said that it is /jp/ culture to hate on everything, and I'm going against it if I don't.
No. That's not what I said. I said that it's /jp/ culture to post in a certain way, and that you will be if you insist on flouting convention, especially when it's appealed on something like "this is just who I am, deal with it."

>Haha, nice job deleting your original post.
I deleted my original post because "that get offended" was not grammatically appropriate. I subsequently revised my post.

You're a intellectually dishonest faggot, and that's really quite grating. The problem, again, as people have told you countless times, is not that you happen to have a positive opinion of something that many people have a negative opinion of. It's because you act like a tremendous faggot, throw around idiotic accusations, and pretend that you've done nothing irritating other than "like MegaTokyo" and that everybody is persecuting you for that alone - when it's just fucking obviously not the case.

>> No.11393717

>Your example is pretty extreme, and you basically just said that it is /jp/ culture to hate on everything, and I'm going against it if I don't.
No. That's not what I said. I said that it's /jp/ culture to post in a certain way, and that you will be received badly if you insist on flouting convention, especially when it's appealed on something like "this is just who I am, deal with it."

>Haha, nice job deleting your original post.
I deleted my original post because "that get offended" was not grammatically appropriate. I subsequently revised my post.

You're a intellectually dishonest faggot, and that's really quite grating. The problem, again, as people have told you countless times, is not that you happen to have a positive opinion of something that many people have a negative opinion of. It's because you act like a tremendous faggot, throw around idiotic accusations, and pretend that you've done nothing irritating other than "like MegaTokyo" and that everybody is persecuting you for that alone - when it's fucking obvious that that alone is not what has caused your bad reception.

>> No.11393741

Do tell me which convention I'm flouting. Writing more than one line? Adding some explanitory verbage to the points I make?

>It's because you act like a tremendous faggot

I responded like a faggot to people to replied to me like faggots. I didn't start this. Go look at the immediate replies to my first post. They're fucking awful. And they're focused on me either because I wrote too much or because I like MT.

>> No.11393759

>Do tell me which convention I'm flouting.
Your posting style is flowery and does not mesh well with /jp/. Whatever. People do that all the time. You do that, you collect potshots, you ignore the haters and you address the posts with substance. Everybody moves on with life. That would have been fine.

Instead, you chose to take the time to insult everybody who disagreed with you, in the thread, and in the board in general, and then trotted out garbage like "you shitposters are only mad at me because I dislike MegaTokyo" when that's a fucking obviously inaccurate description of events.

>I didn't start this.
This is an excuse that stopped being valid when you graduated kindergarten.

>> No.11393762

pee into my butt

>> No.11393773

b-but we're both boys!

>> No.11393778

watch my little dick flop around while you pee into my butt

>> No.11393783

okay but no homo

>> No.11393786

Oh, I get it, I'm supposed to ignore the haters. Erm, that's 100% of this thread, excluding my posts. So basically, you're telling me to fuck off out of /jp/.

There were no replies with substance. At least, until I replied to the haters. It seems the only way to get /jp/ to reply with even a second of thought, I have to reply to the haters. And then, the only worthwhile posts I get are about board culture. Thus, the only thing /jp/ can talk about is board culture?

Have you considered going after the shitposters, rather than the people baiting the shitposters? Because this could have been a worthwhile thread if not for >>11393393

>> No.11393794

>I'm supposed to ignore the haters.
You can reply to them but you shouldn't reply to them with inflammatory garbage like "your ADD has gone too far".

>Thus, the only thing /jp/ can talk about is board culture?
It's probably because nobody here has actually given a shit about MegaTokyo since they were in middle school ten years ago.

>Have you considered going after the shitposters, rather than the people baiting the shitposters?
How are they shitposting? They're expressing a negative opinion of your post because they think it sucks.

>> No.11393797

shut up

>> No.11393803

>How are they shitposting? They're expressing a negative opinion of your post because they think it sucks.

It's shitposting because they're posting insults with no substance.

>It's probably because nobody here has actually given a shit about MegaTokyo since they were in middle school ten years ago.

Then perhaps you should fuck off out of the megatokyo thread, if you have nothing to say. I came in here because I did have something to say.

>You can reply to them but you shouldn't reply to them with inflammatory garbage like "your ADD has gone too far".

It's okay for them to flame me, but I can't flame them in return. The only difference between them and me is that I don't agree with the board opinion on MT and I'm continuing to post, making me a bigger target. What other differences are there?

>> No.11393805

I will be deleting this thread at 9:30. Closing arguments.

>> No.11393810

ur a homo

That's a good post in /jp/-land, right?

>> No.11393826


/jp/ - 11393825
crossboarders - 0

>> No.11393822

>It's shitposting because they're posting insults with no substance.
They have substance. They think your post is too long. Except the last guy, who went into more detail, and said your post had too many lines.

>Then perhaps you should fuck off out of the megatokyo thread, if you have nothing to say. I came in here because I did have something to say.
Awesome. Now that we've both said our piece we can declare the thread over.

>It's okay for them to flame me, but I can't flame them in return
They criticized your post. You criticized their personage. Then you made shit up like "people only dislike me because I have a positive opinion of MegaTokyo." That makes you a faggot.

>> No.11393831
File: 182 KB, 996x832, 1375311922489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha assburger

>> No.11393831,1 [INTERNAL] 

i dont understand this janitor at all
