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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11389801 No.11389801 [Reply] [Original]

Who is the most refined 2hu and why is it Sakuya?

>> No.11389808

It's obviously Patchi.

>> No.11389824
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Patchi is the smartest, but she can't be the classiest. Youkais can't be a as refined as perfect human head-maids.

>> No.11389837
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>> No.11389864
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>> No.11389888
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>serving human meat to Flandre as cakes
Pick one.

>> No.11389894

Ever notice how Sakuya fans are among the worst fanbase of any touhou?

>> No.11389900
File: 595 KB, 570x800, 8229054642818a8e3cc96cee4a795d8c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why exactly?

>> No.11389902

Who are you quoting?

>> No.11389905

Because you care about the answer to questions like that.

Get out of my /jp/ pls

>> No.11389906

My guess is they're all beaners.

>> No.11389915
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Rather impossible not to notice, especially if you're a fan of Sanae. No fans of any other character spit so much venom over their favorite character's supposed entitlement to hogging the spotlight.

Meiling fans propably don't think too high of her either. Canon's canon, but when you see so much abuse when just browsing danbooru for those two together...

>> No.11389931
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Is Sakuya the standard for beaners? I always thought it was Cirno or Remillia.

I guess you have to at least know why the fanbase for a certain 2hu is hated so you can stop feeding the fire, seriously, I've always thought its kind of a duty to the character. If you think that's blowing it out of proportion then the one that needs to get out is you.

>> No.11389942


typical sakuya lover. you should take out your frustration on some loose tea leaves lol

>> No.11389954
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Oh come on now.

>> No.11389970


admit it. you have some tea leaves in your possession. do you have a ritual when you crush and steep them? i bet you have a ritual routine

>> No.11389985

Required Watching: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm13822036
Required Watching Part 2: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm20858829

>> No.11389988
File: 148 KB, 796x1000, 09f0d34319e7158864f72a37ee0dfb84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

s-shut up! w-what kind of a loser would have rituals and shit...g-go back to

>> No.11390087

I must have the sense of humor of a 5 year old but that Mei dodging the screen but not the bed was pure, unadulterated comedy genius.

>> No.11390101

Look at this crossie. Disgusting!

>> No.11390122

That's okay, all of Japan has an undeveloped sense of humor anyway.

The cinematic music in the second video is pretty good too.

>> No.11390257
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Because she has all the time in the world to asses the situation an act as a perfect and elegant maid.

But beaners like Reimu the most.

>> No.11390839
File: 76 KB, 600x541, sakuslut78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

refined even in such situations

>> No.11391453
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>> No.11391789

I'd serve flan my meat, if you know what i mean.

>> No.11391802

Can't she stop time? If that's the case how come she's not ruler of Gensokyo by now

>> No.11391836

You are a vore fetishist?

>> No.11391837
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Must be embarrassing for all the ladies in Gensokyo to be outclassed by an animal...

>> No.11391892

Most of the animal 2hus are better than any of the humans.
