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11389393 No.11389393 [Reply] [Original]

ITT youkai

have you ever seen something spooky /jp/? Like, super scary?

>> No.11389404

One time at 3am I looked at the window and there was a face looking from outside.

>> No.11389419 [DELETED] 

id b scard of ur reflecin 2 m8

>> No.11389423

I'm hoping that if I stay isolated from people long enough I'll eventually become a youkai

>> No.11390026

Nah, not really. Quite thankful because scary things are bad news!

>> No.11390065

I begin tucking him into bed and he tells me, “Daddy check for monsters under my bed.” I look underneath for his amusement and see him, another him, under the bed, staring back at me quivering and whispering, “Daddy there’s somebody on my bed.”

>> No.11390080

When I was in pre-school some of the kids were certain one of the darker, more remote rooms was haunted. We'd sit in there in the pitch darkness in the evening one time and it was kinda scary. For a moment then we all thought we saw something flicker in the dark and we were kinda spooked.

A few years later I had a Halloween party for some friends and classmates in the basement of the apartment building where I lived with my parents. There were these underground kinda tunnel-like corridors there, and when the lights went off (they were timed) it was spooky as shit. We went off to explore them, and at one time, some of the kids panicked and started exclaiming they had seen someone down there. Unlike the first example I was much more scared, but thinking back, it was most likely just a neighbor or my Dad playing a prank on us or whatever.

But yeah. Nothing really legit spooky. I have always been really bad with scary stuff so I have always avoided them, but honestly, nowadays I think humans are much scarier than youkai or ghosts.

>> No.11390340

Nope, nothing!

>> No.11390404

I've dined at a haunted place, after closing time chairs would move to strange places. It was Layla no doubt.

>> No.11390511

I've always been terrified of mirrors. I used to hallucinate often and it was almost always when I was looking at a mirror. I'd see bloody people standing behind me with knives. Thank you, doctor that gave me pills. I still have all my mirrors in my house covered though.

>> No.11390526

Why did you hallucinate?

>> No.11390539

Mild case of schizophrenia. Runs in my family.

>> No.11390951


>> No.11391285
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I dont like to be in the same room as a mirror when the lights are out.
I dont know why but it really makes me uneasy the only mirror in my house is in the bath room and I keep a night light in there, that way I dont freak out and I dont have to blind myself if I have to use the bathroom at night.

>> No.11391382 [SPOILER] 
File: 106 KB, 500x500, ellen!_mdshhmWrUa1qhc9ifo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i seen some shit....

>> No.11391390 [SPOILER] 
File: 120 KB, 900x1200, aya....35267411_big_p5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've seen some shit

>> No.11391471

I walked past a plant shop the other day, they had a big sign saying "WE CARRY FLESH-EATING PLANTS". Made me think of Yuuka.

>> No.11391474

One time, I saw a spooky skeleton.

>> No.11391495
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I saw a bucket once

It may have had a scary loli inside

>> No.11391497

Ah, I am not a big fan of mirrors either. My fear of them is just from the typical horror genre mirror scare, though. I'm worried that i'm going to see something horrifying behind me, or that my own reflection is going to gain a mind of its own and attack me.

>> No.11391505 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.11391673
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you guys arent very spooky

>> No.11391679

Does it have to be /jp/ related? One time when I looked out my window this cat was just sitting on the sidewalk staring back at me. By the time I got my camera it had turned to look down the street, but its body was still facing my window.

It was pretty spooky.

>> No.11391680
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Sorry forgot to attach the file.

>> No.11391706
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Hey, I'm actually pretty new to Touhou, so I've been asking myself a question: when a youkai eats a human, does she "eat" their soul or spiritual energy or something like that, or does she actually kill them and just take a bite like it's just a piece of meat? Cause for some reason, I have a hard time picturing super cute girls doing that.

>> No.11391734

Every /jp/sie I talk to over e-mail stops responding to me suddenly. Maybe I'm cursed.

>> No.11391736
File: 277 KB, 498x777, 1326864843452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Youkai eating humans is generally restricted to outsiders who happen to wander in somehow and it's typically of the flesh consuming variety.

>> No.11391739
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Fucking Gensokyo man. Next time I dream of living there, I'm bringing a dream shotgun.

>> No.11391747

That's not too weird at all. It's much worse when they suddenly stop talking to you on whatever chat client you're using to keep in touch.

>> No.11391752

Yukari brings fresh food every once in a while, that means she kidnaps outsider and feeds the Youkai with.

Your shotgun will do nothing, unless it's blessed or something. Youkai are invulnerable to physical damage apparently.

>> No.11391760

Oh crap. Well, Reimu and Marisa, they're human, right? But youkais don't fuck with em cause they learned magic and can defend themselves. In the Touhou universe, can any human learn magic? Or do you need to already have like some special powers inside you that you don't know about that needs to be awakened?

Man, I love this thread, I'm learning tons of neat new stuff

>> No.11391820

Ask you friendly local priest to bless your firearms.

>> No.11391821
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Shit, forgot pic

>> No.11391828

Speaking of this, what happened to the guy who was trying to make his bat effective against the greatest number of supernatural threats? I think it was made out of ash tree, dipped in holy water and blessed by a priest, and he was talking about putting silver in it.

>> No.11391825

ur mom

>> No.11391832

He needs to rub a variety of herbs on it too. Some garlic, wolfs bane, etc.

>> No.11391842

I did that to someone once. I liked him but I wasn't really interested in anything he wanted to talk about and I couldn't think of anything to talk about myself. I still feel bad about it.

>> No.11391856

What exactly are difference of regular ghost we know worldwide and youkai? Is it just the japanese way of saying ghost?

>> No.11391898

Ask Wikipedia.

>> No.11391907
File: 593 KB, 240x180, sadako (animated).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that "Yura" demonic hair comb critter in that Inuyasha episode with the skulls

>> No.11391917

There's two things protecting the humans of Gensokyo. You can count on neither.

Firstly, Gensokyo's human are considered as important for the local spiritual ecosystem by powerful youkai. Youkai could kill all the humans, but even before the Spellcards days it was never considered. Without humans there's no Youkai. The Human Village is, in fact, a nature reserve.

That doesn't apply to outsiders. Yukari kidnaps them exactly because they aren't part of Gensokyo's ecosystem and can be eaten without problems. Too bad for you.

Secondly, there's a pretty complex power struggle between powerful Youkai and powerful Humans, which is settled by the mean of a friendly competition between both. Gensokyo is an anarchic utopia. To prevent the destruction of it, powerful characters have recently decided to fight with the Spellcard Rules for duels. That makes them non-lethal by nature, pretty but not dangerous. Hence matters can be settled between powerful individuals without nuking half the valley or destroying the border.

Spellcard Rules is a code of dueling protecting every powerful individual of or incoming in Gensokyo. As a human outsider, you're powerless. Meat is not protected by Spellcard Rules. Too bad again.

>> No.11391937

youkai is more like "goblin" or "haunt"

they aren't necessarily dudes who died and came back

any sort of supernatural/unexplained thing that doesn't fall into a more well-established category is by default youkai

for example things like mothman and the flatwoods monster are "youkai"

>> No.11391959

Aw, damn. Well, how about being friendly with em? I mean, everybody in Gensokyo looks like they're living peaceful and carefree lives, they all enjoy getting together and partying, etc... So what if like, somehow you end up in Gensokyo, you build a little house somewhere, just enjoy life and everything... and then one day a youkai shows up to eat you up. But then you're like "Hey come on, please don't eat me, how bout we have a drink instead and just chill out?" And then they actually become friendly and don't wanna eat you anymore. Would that be possible?

>> No.11391968

see >>11390807

Not sure exactly what the guy you're replying to is on about, or why he skipped talking about Reimu's powers, but there are some genuinely predatory critters that are touhou youkai

>> No.11391998

live in west virginia all im ever asked by people is ive ever seen the mothman
as for spooky there's a bat that runs into my window about once every 2 weeks

>> No.11392020

Seeing things is most times fear's fault so if you see a Youkai you're either a coward or fucked up in the head.
Thing that would explain the high amount of mystics dwelling /jp/

>> No.11392031
File: 195 KB, 424x1024, dhuuuuuuuuuuuuurrp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>high amount of mystics dwelling

>> No.11392035

Actually I'm a prophet. Gabriel told me the future in dreams and visions. He said you're all fucked.

>> No.11392055

Or having metal with "mystical" qualities such as silver could work provided that the principles apply. Maybe they may be Aurophobic as well (Weak to gold), other supernatural creatures like the Dullahan are extremely adverse to gold for some reason.

>> No.11392059

/jp/ posters talk to each other?

>> No.11392066

Shhh no words only gay sex now

>> No.11392088

Alice in Wonderland when I was a kid

couldn't finish it, that shit was scary as HECK

>> No.11392098


Why do /jp/sies have to be so rude and ignorant? They could at least be nice enough to say that they don't want to speak to you anymore

>> No.11392128

One time I stayed up all night watching Lucky Star and the next day at school I thought my classmates were all talking in Japanese.

>> No.11392135

>>11392128 ~awful desu

>> No.11392139 [SPOILER] 
File: 24 KB, 519x596, 412768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11392144

Yeah I saw this


Prepare to be spooked

>> No.11394405

please dont misuse the josh feature
