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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 73 KB, 480x278, A11_SkogsLandskap_PNG[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11366598 No.11366598[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If you have a cabin, go out there, /jp/. I study during weeks, but spend most my time out alone in the woods. It's really soothing. Plus you get to be alone all the time.

It'll do wonders for your depression just focusing on getting food in you, sleeping and being comfortable. Plus, fall forests are beautiful...

>> No.11366603

Thank you for reminding me of the book Kafka on the Shore.

>> No.11366611

>If you have a cabin

Well done at your post aim at less than 1% of /jp/.

>> No.11366633

I know that not everyone has one. I know many /jp/ers are poor. But you can even live in the forest in many places. I'm collecting stuff for a kit to do so in case I get kicked out or something.

I find comfort in being in the woods. Wild animals are the only thing you need to worry about, and we're built to outsmart them.

I think many of you /jp/sies would enjoy this kind of thing too. There is so much you can learn from the internet about living innawoods.

I read the WP page on it, and I'm none the wiser. How do I remind you of it?

>> No.11366637
File: 100 KB, 800x526, allotments.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have a cabin but I'm thinking about buying or renting an allotment. They're awfully cheap and I've seen people convert their sheds into small living spaces. If I buy some seeds and a generator, I need never leave my small patch of land ever again.

>> No.11366638

>being alone all the time helps with depression
The fuck was that? You obviously need to be alone for more years, then we'll talk about it.

>> No.11366644

I actually own 2 cabins, one in NC and one in GA if anyone wants to visit me ^_^

>> No.11366653

It's okay you can stay in a niche of a huge rock or behind the waterfall that's how hermits live.

>> No.11366660

I live in NC
Give me the key

>> No.11366672
File: 106 KB, 500x500, 1375120658070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ohh yeaah

>> No.11366667

i don't have a cabin but i live in a small house trailer and it's the same.

>> No.11366679

Hate to break it to you but a typical allotment isn't enough to sustain you. Well I mean if you actually planned on living off it.

>> No.11366683

Hey guys you know those moving waterfall pictures in Chinese restaurants where the waterfall moves?

>> No.11366689

>stay in a niche of a huge rock
ugh. Who is this troglodyte? >>11366653

>> No.11366696

Maybe if I keep animals, but I think I could grow enough food to keep myself alive.

I suppose I could also order things online, assuming they'll deliver to an allotment.

As for the money, I'll do surveys on the internet for a penny an hour.

>> No.11366708

Sadly, this. It's more efficient to keep a part time job and buy some of your food. Not that growing your own stuff isn't a bad idea.

No, I've been lonely. I'm less lonely now, even out here. I have internet friends. I don't have to bother with people I don't like and my family.

bad idea m8, they never pay you no matter what

just get some part time job as a dishwasher or do housework for people black (ie without filing taxes for it)

>> No.11366737

>just get some part time job as a dishwasher or do housework for people black

Why would there be a kitchen or black people in my shed?

>> No.11366740

Animals would increase the amount of land you need to stay alive.

>> No.11366755

The main character lives in an isolated cabin in the woods for some of the story.

>> No.11366758

>I have internet friends
This is not what "being alone" means.

>> No.11366760

If you want to sustain yourself, you'll need acres of land, not sq feet.
This would actually only require an investment of maybe $10,000, if you plan to live in america. In other places it could ratchet up to $30,000 or more, or if you choose czech republic or something like that you might only need $1000.
Something I think about now and then is teaming up with a bunch of other isolationists and buying some land in a country somewhere (preferably somewhere with some sort of legal system so we don't get raped by niggers) and becoming self sufficient- and also selling excess produce to pay taxes.

>> No.11366765

I've seen people raise hens on fairly small allotments. Maybe I could build upwards, make some sort of hen tower.

I once saw something about growing food upwards in tall tubes, but I think that was a comedy sketch. Searching the internet for "farm tubes" gives porn results and I don't know why.

>> No.11366767
File: 413 KB, 600x800, f0c98e84a91bc6b95315878f9c6cc8a9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait you have internet? and the goats don't chew through the cables?

>> No.11366776

You misunderstand completely. I'm suggesting how you'd fund your purchases.

>> No.11366779

Try looking for vertical farming.
food tubes was from 'The Day Today', a satirical news comedy from the 90s.
Trying to think of a hen related joke, like hen-tai-tower.

>> No.11366785

I can choose to shut my computer or not log on and they're gone.

Google WAN.

>> No.11366796

I get depressed when I'm alone but I get more depressed around people

I'm just not ready to become a mountain man

>> No.11366798

>Trying to think of a hen related joke, like hen-tai-tower.

Maybe I can build the Henpire State Building.

>> No.11366811

tower of hen-oi

>> No.11366844

>It'll do wonders for your depression
What makes you think anyone here has depression? Fucktard.

>> No.11366849


Even worse, he assumes we have the money for a fucking cabin.

Goddamnit I hate you, OP.

>> No.11366870

Yeah, what about them?

>> No.11366883

>a mountain man

>> No.11367113

Remember the "let's live together off-the-grid!" threads we had a while ago? Or how about that mansion? Any time now, right?

>> No.11367148

Well, I do. Many others from /jp/ are depressed. Maybe you guys haven't spoken that much to other /jp/sies?

>> No.11367154

I liked the warehouse idea. It sounded more productive. The mansion just sounds lewd.

>> No.11367180

Then you don't belong.

>> No.11367188

Aw, and I was really hoping for your approval too ;_;

>> No.11367235

I think depression should be the natural state for humans. Being around happy people is awful.

>> No.11367238

Me and mother nature have this treaty, I stay the fuck away from it and in return it stays away from me.

>> No.11367267

It's funny because I've been watching Survivorman and Man vs Wild for the past week.

>> No.11367283

Still waiting on that cabin guy
It can be my NEET cave for half the year

>> No.11367331

Okay, I'm cooking the measly quarter litre blueberries i picked today. Going to have the jam with some scones later.

The worst we have here are mooses and bears. I ran into a moose recently. Sure, it's spooky, but you feel alive, and if you're not stupid you won't get yourself trampled.

I always find that dealing with fauna is never really adressed in those shows...

I think apathy is the natural state. Being around nice, happy people makes things more bearable most of the time. I think you should try to find nice, happy people. Or just nice people in general.

Post your skype/email, maybe he'll get back to you if you're lucky.

>> No.11367338

>I always find that dealing with fauna is never really adressed in those shows...
What do you mean?

>> No.11367341

This is why I love being British. Everyone is paranoid and miserable and keeps to themselves. Occasionally you get some faggot student who sits next to you on the train and thinks they can talk to you like some happy-go-lucky American, but you just tell them you don't have any money or a mental disorder and they shut up and leave you alone.

>> No.11367348

They never particularly show how to deal with predators in an area.

>> No.11367351
File: 118 KB, 604x478, 28977945_p4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always lived in a big city and I hate it. I want to move somewhere with lots of nature and four real seasons, where the leaves turn orange in the fall, snow covers the ground in winter, and everything blooms in the spring. In my dream house I would live about 500 feet away from any other houses (but not too far away from the rest of civilization) and my backyard would be a forest I could wander in and see wildlife and flowers. I am very sheltered and have never traveled outside of my state. Does such a place exist outside my imagination?

>> No.11367362

You're the apex predator, anon.
Predators actually dangerous to humans aren't in the areas where they film because it'd be dangerous.
With a few exceptions like bears, crocs and maybe a tiger or two. Hippos too. Croc defense is just stay away from the river.
I remember an episode of survivorman where he scares off some lions using his hot air balloon flamer.
For shit like hippos and elephants and rhinos I remember stuff about them too. Basically it's stay out of their territory.

>> No.11367370

Sweden, Canada, Russia... loads of places are like that.

It's a real annoyance when you try to ask someone something. I mean shit, I'm just asking for directions and people look at me like I'm telling them to undress at gunpoint.

Mountain lions? Shit happens, and if you're unfamiliar with an environment you might happen upon a predator. Knowing how to deal with them is important...

>> No.11367380

No they were african lions.
Predators actually tend to stay away from humans, actually. Apart from bears.
Unless they're really hungry, or you piss them off.
More dangerous are shit like elephants that'll kill the shit out of you if you get too near.

>> No.11367407

I've looked into Canada but they apparently have a terrible surplus in my area of work. I'm also hesitant to immigrate to a country where English is not one of the national languages. There wouldn't happen to be anywhere in the US that's close enough to what I have in mind? I think that would be a more realistic goal.

>> No.11367408

I' not worried about bears, it's shit like insects that annoys the hell out of me.

>> No.11367422

I think there are, but I wouldn't know where exactly. The states near the canadian border might be a good idea?

Citronella and lots of it. Also, eat garlic like a motherfuck. If it's really bad, you just wear nets.

Otherwise bugs generally leave you alone if you're not in tropical areas. Not counting bees/wasps.

>> No.11367435

>There wouldn't happen to be anywhere in the US that's close enough to what I have in mind?
There’s a ton. The US has a lot of wild areas.

>> No.11367422,1 [INTERNAL] 

A janitor-approved blog thread?

You know what to do, NEETbros.

>> No.11367436

Why are you projecting your depression onto me?

You realize truNEETs do not get sad, right?

>> No.11367482


>> No.11367502

The tone of your post clearly indicates what a happy person you are.

You're so transparent it's actually kind of pathetic.

>> No.11367529

Any NEETs in the UK, we could rent a place together and play touhou and read VNs together and cuddle and stuff.

>> No.11367558

Where in the UK? I probably won't want to cuddle. I wouldn't mind a literal circlejerk as we play VNs though, mite b cool

>> No.11367569



>> No.11367621

>I don't have a cabin but I'm thinking about buying or renting an allotment.

There is not enough food energy in an allotment to sustain you. And there are up and down times in raising crops. It's the downturns that will cause a disaster for you. And clothes, items, daily personal upkeep, electricity all costs money. As soon as you go into debt, your property will be seized after a lawsuit is raised against you. Due to the republican law changes (for personal debts and bankruptcies) during the bush administration, they really can seize your home for UNrelated expenses and kick you out after the appropriate lawsuit is filed. It has to be a corporation vs you and not the other way around though since the laws were made to protect the companies against debts incurred by individuals.

>> No.11367641

You can sew your own clothes, elctricity can be gathered through a solar panel, as for daily personal upkeep, just a bath is ok no?

>> No.11367644

Hey homestead dude, have you checked https://www.youtube.com/user/solarcabin he offers pretty interesting advice for people aiming to live off the grid.

>> No.11367651

>There’s a ton. The US has a lot of wild areas.
If it is that remote where no one comes to kick you off the land, then that means it is public land. Eventually, the law will find you because they are always looking for marijuana growers. And if you are in an area that can grow marijuana, the growers will KILL YOU to get you out of the way. They've done that to other homeless people looking to squat on public land in California.

I wouldn't be surprised that mysterious wildfires occur near you if you try to live where others are disturbed by your presence. When the gov't comes to put out the fire, they will blame you for causing the fire and you could be jailed for it.

>> No.11367652

Here's his most important video.

>> No.11367648

I imagine OP wandering around aimlessly in the woods with his neckbeard and fedora.

Fucking disgusting.

>> No.11367653

Great book, don't you think?

>> No.11367662

Hilarious image, man. Nah, I'm just slightly unshaven from lazyness. I dress appropriately for innawoods.

Will be checking those out. It's about those renewable houses, right? The ones made from dirt and glass bottles and tires and stuff, right?

I see the appeal of living off the grid completely, but I don't have any real motivation for it. I just want to live almost off the grid because I like it. I still like being able to connect to the internet and talk to friends.

>> No.11367682 [DELETED] 

>Will be checking those out. It's about those renewable houses, right? The ones made from dirt and glass bottles and tires and stuff, right?
Nah, it's like the stuff you describe later in your post, how to get electricity, water etc.

>> No.11367689

My county has laws regulating homes that someone lives in. They require electrical connection or proven electrical solution that is installed by licensed, bonded person. You must also have a water solution that is legally approved. You must also have a waste disposal solution that is legally approved. And you must not reside in a watershed area. Etcetera. Basically, they have a zillion laws in order to prevent homeless people from camping out on farmland even if the farmer gives permission.

>> No.11367698

Your post made me imagine a brony meditating in a field of wildflowers smiling blissfully as the warm sunshine gently caresses his acne infested face and the gentle breeze wafts the cheetoh dust from his beard into the open air like a child blowing on a dandelion seed pod to make a wish.

>> No.11367699

Land of the free...

>> No.11367707
File: 254 KB, 404x392, americafuckyear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like your country needs some freedom.

>> No.11367787

Those laws aren't there to get at homeless people.

Those laws are there so when you move into a house you don't have to worry that your wiring or plumbing was done by someone who has no idea what they're doing. But if you'd rather live in fear of your house burning down after plugging in too many electronics or your sewer system to bubbling up out of your toilet during a rainstorm move to Europe.

>> No.11367802

Jokes on you, the UK has the safest electrical system in the world!

>> No.11367805 [DELETED] 
File: 326 KB, 1601x1275, lizYCar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have about 3 acres of land waiting for me. The problem is, I'm in debt and I can't flee.

>> No.11367894

I like staying inside.

>> No.11367931
File: 141 KB, 600x450, 1377746182223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not just build your own house and install only what you need and want rather than only what is legally required?

>> No.11367967

See there's your problem
Go to some place in Wyoming or the Dakotas, there's tiny ass villages where you can buy property for a few hundred
Be sure to go to church and act friendly towards people though, otherwise they'll exclude you

I live in such a house
My backyard is the Northern Pacific ocean
My neighbours are trees (they stay green though)
Enjoy having to drive about half an hour to reach civilization and paying through the nose for anything otaku related

Can we trade places?

>measly quarter litre blueberries
nigga pls
picking season was weeks ago
my grandma has gallons of blueburries stuffed in her freezer

>> No.11367978

I own a few acres of property in the middle of nowhere
Back taxes means that it's a hassle to build of doing anything

Who wants it? In return you need to be a 10/10 qt trap and let me use you as my sex slave punching bag to slap around and rape for a week, please provide own cute girl clothes and rainbow thigh highs

>> No.11367990

I would but i don't want you to beat me...

>> No.11368014

At most I'll just pull you around by the hair (must be long and straight, in twin braids) and smack you hard on the ass and tenderize your face a bit with the back of my hand. It'd be like a fatalpulse doujin but with all of the extreme mutilation and excessive violence and drugs airbrushed out!

>> No.11368022

you're silly anon

>> No.11368615
File: 213 KB, 394x458, 1364390253881.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can have access to the touge whenever you want...

>> No.11368697

Like I could ever afford land or a cabin.

>> No.11371670

A cabin, you say? Ever thought of reading Thoreau's book "Walden"? Literally he went out in the woods and wrote about transcendentalism. Watch ZUN bring in a character referencing some umbrella philosophist hatgirl.

>> No.11371825


This is why living in CO is great. You can still enjoy the cheap NEET urban life but be close enough to the mountains for the touge.

>> No.11371825,1 [INTERNAL] 

how did you like living in a ``cabin'' in colorado trevor?

I might be in a similar situation in the future and wouldn't mind hearing about your experiences.

>> No.11372223
File: 946 KB, 594x841, Touhou Fairy Trio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to live in a big tree in a fantasy forest as a fairy with all my fairy friends and the occasional kindly witch ;_;

>> No.11372376 [DELETED] 

Is this the blog thread?

>> No.11372384

Please respond.

>> No.11372464

In about 2 years, I'll be living in a cabin as a NEET. Hopefully long term!


>> No.11372464,1 [INTERNAL] 

He lived there with four other people so I'm guessing it was some large, two-story, McMansion type of '"cabin´´.

His master survival skills are probably limited to begging his step-mom to dump the leftover food into his room, which he never left.

>> No.11372464,2 [INTERNAL] 

I can't wait, My only living expenses will be the property taxes and electric/water and I will be alone in the woods.

When I get my disability payments it should cover that, but I am worried that internet and shipping costs for packages might be too high living in a remote area.

>> No.11373276

Hello then

>> No.11373276,1 [INTERNAL] 

Who are you talking to, kid?

>> No.11373276,2 [INTERNAL] 

What the hell kind of 66quotes99 are those?

>> No.11373276,3 [INTERNAL] 

Cool, alternative, ironic, great in bed guy quotes.

>> No.11373276,4 [INTERNAL] 

Oh come on those have been a /prog/ meme since 2005 and probably an elsewhere meme before that.

>> No.11373276,5 [INTERNAL] 

The ironic version of them?

Whatever, I'm being ironic, so you can't touch me.

>> No.11375995 [DELETED] 

awesome story

>> No.11376022

If you live alone in a forest for long enough, you'll probably start to see them (like tulpa). At first, they'll be wary of you, and only play little pranks on you, but eventually, they'll come to trust you and show themselves more often. Good luck!

>> No.11376267

Fuck you OP, making me long for something I can never have.
Seriously, fuck you.

>> No.11378331

Oh boy, ******'s favorite thread.

>> No.11378531

Actually there's a way to live off both animal and grown stuff, better yet it's /jp related.
Seach "Duck Rice Farming"

>> No.11378578

Thanks for this link, you've got me interested in homesteading. Do you know of any other good beginner resources?

>> No.11379999 [DELETED] 

best thread

>> No.11380007

I really want to do this. Where do you live OP?

>> No.11380137

Living 'innawoods' probably isn't for your regular /jp/sie.
You'll have to deal with a lot of stuff you take for granted now.

>> No.11381465
File: 1.43 MB, 1025x768, 1340039547757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not that same anon, but I highly suggest going over to /k/ and lurking/making a survival thread. There are tons of people there with absolutely incredible amounts of information for survival and it's not limited in just weapons.

You can also try /x/, I bullshit you not they have quality survival threads; or at least they did about seven months ago, I haven't really been there lately.

The /x/ threads will be more likely to have more info on things to make your conditions better, while the /k/ threads will be more on the making traps/important tools to have; but this isn't absolute, and both boards can easily give you knowledge on anything you ask.

Picture isn't mine but is related enough.

>> No.11384003

It makes you feel bad if you don't go outside. Trust me.

>my grandma has gallons of blueburries stuffed in her freezer
gibe beries plox

I guess rosehips, rowan and lingon are still ahead though.

I'll look into that book.

Hi. I'm suprised this thread is still alive.

Good luck. I hope you'll have lots of fun and easy.

It's not all easy. Play some STALKER, that should scratch your itch to some extent.

/k/ is a great place for learning about this stuff.


>> No.11384021

Can I come stay with you?

>> No.11384029

I don't know you.

>> No.11384083

Woah, asshole move.

>> No.11384086

I just stated a fact. You should try to read more between the lines and not be rude.

>> No.11384097

No, I'm not going to suck your cock.

>> No.11384102

You're wierd.

>> No.11384133

And you can't spell "weird".

>> No.11384973
File: 259 KB, 497x341, adventure_time.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fanbase aside, is Adventure Time actually good? How's the voice acting? I don't mind shoddy animation, but voice acting is usually my biggest turn-off with Western animes.

>> No.11384990

I think you posted this in the wrong place.

>> No.11385032

It has a lot of "nerd" references like D&D.

The voice acting is good, one of the main characters is a kid and the other is bender from Futurama.

>> No.11385043

They are often very subtle too. One example is where one character got a bunch of magic rings from a wizard and another character was jealous. The character with the rings tried to give one to him but he couldn't take it off and said "it must be cursed". It was very insignificant to the plot but I believe it was a reference to nethack?

>> No.11385210

Not to mention the "under the radar" stuff.

I think being unable to remove cursed items from oneself is a bit more universal than that.

Really though, this is offtopic and derailing.
