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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 67 KB, 2238x815, amazon-logo-AT-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11365283 No.11365283[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What /jp/ related things can I purchase on Amazon? I got a gift card but I've never even bothered with the website. Maybe a better question would be what would YOU buy?

>> No.11365295

buy groceries & don't have to leave house one less time

>> No.11365292

Onahole, or some keychains. Amazon has shitty cosplay and manga selections.

>> No.11365302

Kigurumi pajamas
Prostate massager
Hard candies
Suppliments to increase semen
Maybe some teas
Tea cups

>> No.11365327


>> No.11365332 [DELETED] 
File: 9 KB, 259x298, josh4893 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stage 2 turbo

>> No.11365351

I would buy a Earmaster 6 to improve my musical ability to play guitar by ear.

>> No.11365393

I just bought it from barnes and nobles instead, for some reason amazon says it will take 1-3 weeks just for the textbooks to ship, whereas most other things only say 1-2 days to ship, I didn't want to bother with that wait, especially on memorial day weekend.

>> No.11365394


>> No.11365421

Suehiro Maruo comics

>> No.11365500

3 words.
Ultimate Madoka.

>> No.11365508

Commercial advertisement is banned on 4chan!

>> No.11372083
File: 286 KB, 500x737, Aoi Haru - Noki(Huuhhaagh It_s over).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would we give you insight on the valuables we are out to get? You don't realize how limited the items are in Otaku Amazon.

>> No.11372097

Computer parts

>> No.11372102

groceries.. you can get food on amazon right?

Goddamn. if i had $20

>> No.11372117

Not much. I'm thinking overly expensive unhealthy snack foods at most.

>> No.11372131


I sold my books and got $90 store credit and they gave me another $90 credit after I called in that my transfer was late. I bought a desk and some artbooks.

coffee beans
a cute mug
mechanical keyboard
milky holmes t-shirt
ona hole

>> No.11372152

How did you sell? Can you mail things into them? That would make my life a lot easier in finding money. How do you end up labeling the product or know what they want? I see little things on the side of what they offer for certain products, but those are all the things I would like to buy.

Also you can find some small cheap mass produced figures, but they are hard to find outside of Japan, so that's why they're valuable.

>> No.11372172

Koji Morimoto ORANGE artbook
Tatsuyuki Tanaka CANNABIS WORKS artbook
Akira genga artbooks
artbooks of Western artists.

>> No.11372226



If you got any old school textbooks then you'll get quite a bit. I got $40 from an algebra 1 book. You have to make sure the ISBN number matches before shipping. They sent me back my books but gave me the money anyway by accident.

>> No.11372258

Earphones or headphones, if I needed to upgrade
Movies / Anime Blu-ray sets

>> No.11372268

I have onld high school books, but that's about it.

>> No.11372269

They have lots of $0.01 used books on amazon that you only have to pay shipping for. You might try your luck looking for some manga you're interested in.

>> No.11372285

things I commonly buy on amazon:

rare-ish manga that I can't find in bookstores and that isn't scanned
toy instruments that are easy to play and make fun sounds
fetish paraphernalia (rare diaper brands not sold locally, adult sized pacifiers, etc)

>> No.11372356

Manga is almost always guaranteed to be more expensive. Usually 3-4 bucks, maybe more depending on series.

>> No.11372527

You're right. Most of the time it's amazin taking $3.99 or $4.99 for their shipping prices. Those two prices are set by amazin for amazon profit.

DVD's use to be $2.99 for shippingvand handling, but now are $3.99 S&H. That one dollar goes a long way when buying in bulks for different movies. If OP or anyone else is going to be buying DVD's than I suggest you buy a $50 gift card (If buying through gift cards) because you'll only end up with about three niche interest dvds either way because of S&H cost. Limiting yourself with gift cards is good for the penny pinchers and budgeting.

>> No.11372987

That Cannabis Works book is pretty deranged. I really enjoyed paging through it.

>> No.11373416

Idol music group and Super Sentai blurays.
Compressed rip is not up to my standards especially for the former.

>> No.11374886
File: 686 KB, 2048x1536, 1351608551101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a cute mug
Post a picture

>> No.11375818 [DELETED] 

Janitor is a piece of shit fucking loser.

He's delusional. No one in real life, or online, can stand his autistic bullshit. No one likes it. Do you hear that janitor? Everyone fucking hates you, it is not a select few people, it is the majority of this board. There is a huge problem with that and guess whose fault is? It's yours you fucking dipshit, stop blaming everyone else.

The mods even hate you. You think they like dealing with your 70 stupid ass ban requests everyday? No, they don't. Why don't you just fucking leave already.


>> No.11377051
File: 32 KB, 500x500, taiko no tatsujin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Purchased the following and gonna get some cheap JP games for it.

>> No.11377090

Gust games :3

>> No.11377185

Reasons not to buy from Amazon

If you want to order a book (or something else), don't buy it from Amazon. If it's a book, order it directly from the publisher or through a local book store. And if you want to send a URL as a reference to a book, make sure it's not an Amazon page.

Here are the reasons — plenty of them.

Amazon publishes ebooks designed to attack your freedom (PDF or html).

Amazon wiped a user's Kindle and deleted her account, then offered her kafkaesque "explanations".

Amazon rents textbooks to students with a requirement not to take them across state lines.

Amazon's new service, that offers you an MP3 for CDs you bought there, respects your rights less than ripping the CDs yourself. Don't use it.

Amazon's on-line music "sales" have some of the same problems as the ebooks: users are required to identify themselves and sign a contract that denies them the freedoms they would have with a CD.

Amazon's shipping in the US is done in a sweatshop More info, including paramedics standing by for workers who pass out from the heat.

Workers in an Amazon warehouse and shipping center walk all day under the orders of a computer, and are forbidden even to speak to each other.

Amazon cut off service to Wikileaks, claiming that whistleblowing violates its terms of service. It had no need to go to court to prove this, because if you rent a server from Amazon, you have no rights.

Amazon's complex financial arrangements bypass UK credit card consumer protection.

Amazon squeezes small publishers. For instance, Amazon cut off Swindle sales for an independent book distributor in order to press for bigger discounts. (The article ends by promoting ebooks for another platform, the Shnook from Barnes and Noble. While that company is not as nasty to small publishers, its ebooks do violate your freedom in most of the same ways.)

>> No.11377187

Amazon charges publishers for 20% sales tax in the UK even though the tax it pays is 3%.

UK independent bookstores condemn Amazon for not paying taxes as they do.

Amazon doesn't just compete with independent book stores, it arrogantly seeks to destroy them. Independent book stores urge people not to buy from Amazon.

Amazon appears to treat self-published authors well, but it can unilaterally cut the price of their books. And when it does, the authors are the ones who lose.

Amazon censored an ebook that exposed how ebook bestseller lists can be manipulated (and therefore are meaningless).

Amazon was a member of ALEC. ALEC is the right-wing lobbying group that promotes voter-suppression laws and "shoot first" laws, as well as attacks against wages and working conditions in the US. Amazon quit ALEC after public pressure in May 2012, but I am sure it still seeks the same nasty policies that ALEC advocated and is waiting for a new tool to achieve them.

Amazon's tax avoidance means it sucks money out of your country's economy.

>> No.11377231

Do you have a drum to use with it?

>> No.11378346
File: 524 KB, 1200x1714, 1347562150413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

- old video games
- used novels
- used textbooks (programming, networking, linux CLI)
- cute teacups
- practical infusers for tea/tisane
- bento
- short bloomers (like in the picture)

>> No.11378400

this as though the UK didn't collectively have controlling interest in every dirty international scam for centuries now

but yeah, amazon is a big "global" business, and one primarily done on the web at that, I'm sure they're a scam at heart

>> No.11379283


comes with the controller.

>> No.11379291

Who gave you a gift card, anon-kun? Are you cheating on me?

>> No.11379306


Waffle Crisp

>> No.11379316
File: 10 KB, 320x292, 31Zyv5zjRqL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finger condoms!

>> No.11379327


What of it?

>> No.11379334

Just ignore the freetards. They can only exist if you believe they do.

>> No.11379360

You could try not being a selfish asshole. The ironic thing is, one would assume it would be NEETs and hikkis leaching off their families or governments that would be the selfish apathetic ones, but it's the complacent normies that are dicks to others mostly.

>> No.11379367

Yeah, but it's cheaper.

>> No.11379371

Please stop projecting.

>> No.11379380

Cold steel katanas and knifes
They can cut straight through ten tatami mats and slice two pigs in half. They're folded 1000 times over, and only cold steel has the guts to put their swords where their mouth is!

>> No.11379388

I had no idea American amazon sold lewd things.

>> No.11379393

Too expensive.

I want to get a nice katana, and find some dirty hobos to test it on.

>> No.11379390

If you like peanut butter, buy this:
Crunch time is also good.

>> No.11379425

That stuff tastes like peanut butter cups.

>> No.11379431

That's nice Alex.

>> No.11379437

That Patchouli figure is cute
I wish I had one

>> No.11379438 [DELETED] 

Project this.
-Whips out dick-

>> No.11379445 [DELETED] 

Umm back the fuck off?

>> No.11379450 [DELETED] 

So are you a girl or a dude pretendnig to be a girl to make me angry?

>> No.11381304 [DELETED] 


>> No.11381319 [DELETED] 

-stabs him in the balls-

>> No.11381347

what are good onaholes to buy off of amazon?

>> No.11381350 [DELETED] 

I see what you are doing, trying to call someone else a girl to hide that you are -infact- a grill yourself. You made one key slipup though b*ch.

>> No.11381394

>buying anything digital ever

>> No.11381527

None of that stuff matters as long as they keep selling stuff cheaper then shitty brick and mortar stores.

>buying ebooks
>buying music
>living in the uk

>> No.11386383

I would date you, anon-kun.

>> No.11386513

Oh yeah they sell lots of good stuff, just gotta know what your looking for.

On Amazon I usually keep my account balance up just enough to get some essential shit I need like headphones and stuff so I don't need to worry about it all getting taken directly out of my wallet which I mostly just get food and drinks with.

>> No.11386622
File: 101 KB, 655x720, pic not related.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Greetings from /ck/

If Amazon is out, then where would I go to buy manga and other things of interest?
I'm into... younger characters. And boys.
Is there any store online that would cater to my 'needs'?
Money is not an issue.

>> No.11387261

Someone help our guest out. I don't buy things so I can't.

>> No.11387313

CDJapan is a good place for books and music. Mandarake has doujinshi (secondhand...) and art books. If you don't mind paying for a proxy service there's Toranoana.

If you're looking for English localized/published work, maybe eBay or any other place that sells books. If you want really erotic stuff, you're largely out of luck on the Western front unless you don't mind paying outrageously inflated prices.
