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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11346647 No.11346647[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do you wankers always say that /jp/ is shitty? What would the perfect /jp/ be like? Just non-stop 2hue discussions?

>> No.11346650
File: 240 KB, 603x708, 1376344339162.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the perfect /jp/ would be a deleted /jp/

>> No.11346655

My /jp/topia would be everybody taking it easy

>> No.11346659

1. Persistent upload thread that covers Comiket, Reitaisai, any other festival or major release.
2. healthy discussion of translated or untranslated VNs (no OELVNs)
3. no "w/2h/f" threads or things like that. Actual discussion of Gensokyo's setting or the games or fangames and the like are perfectly fine, no imagedumps either.

>> No.11346658

lel so edgy :D

10/10 simply epic

>> No.11346682

1.No retarded Janny
2.NEET threads

Just watch I will have a 3 day ban just for calling Janny retarded.

>> No.11346683

Yukkuri threads

>> No.11346681

Why don't you go back to Gaia Online

>> No.11346699

this for real

where my truNEETs at???

>> No.11346710
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>> No.11346709

I hate Kirino

>> No.11346742

I don't even know what taking it easy even means anymore ...

>> No.11346752

No dedicated janitor(s)
Literally the worst part of /jp/ as proven by everyone hating him outside of himself when he decides to post anonymously.

When there is material that really needs to be deleted it gets reported and could be dealt with in due time by some mod.

>> No.11346755

If all the retards who think, "hey, this thread is kind of shitty, I think I'll make it REALLY shitty" would all go explode /jp/ would be improved by a whole lot.

>> No.11346760
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>> No.11346768


So this is the fate of 4chan. Good job moot you fucking faggot

>> No.11346772


>> No.11346775

Rather than calling our lord and saviour mootles a faggot, care to offer some alternatives to this anon's post?

>> No.11346780

/s4s/, but weeb-themed.

>> No.11346785
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>> No.11346791

I always thought that was what /jp/ was supposed to be years ago.
In a way, we're right.

>> No.11346832

/jp/ - Moe/General.
Only moe/kawaii/anime styled things allowed. This means
>Light novels with anime stylings
>Visual novels
>Weeb MMOs (that is moe, looking Korean shit, no FF14 or Wizardry or Perfect World)
>Jap only games of any type (With the same rule of being fine on /vg/ once translated)
>Dolls and figs
It should go without saying, but moe doesn't exist in reality. No idolshit, kigshit, Dramas, or anything else involving real people. Make a /celeb/ and ship kigs off to /cgl/.

Anything that's related to, or appeals to, anime otaku that isn't anime, cosplay, or manga should go here, basically.

>> No.11346836


>> No.11346846
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If it was just like my 2D boards on futaba. NSFW and anything goes as long as it's 2D.

>> No.11346851
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>> No.11346855

/jp/ should be the unofficial new /l/.

>> No.11346856

The NSFW-part about /jp/ is ridiculous. Futaba does it right.

>> No.11346859


There's not enough content in that. The reason there's so many bullshit miscellaneous threads is because there isn't enough actual content to satisfy /jp/sies' appetite for posting.

>> No.11346860

Any of the supergenerals could easily be five threads if they weren't all rolled up.

>> No.11346865

>It's not shitposting so its boring

>> No.11346869
File: 930 KB, 541x747, weeb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>>/gaia/ for that kind of shit.

If it ain't funpostin' it ain't worth postin'

>> No.11346872

I wouldn't mind seeing a bare tit here and there but I really don't feel like the entire front page being plastered with lewd pics every time I load /jp/

>> No.11346873

no posts like this

>> No.11346876

That's not a weeb, it's an otacool normie.

>> No.11346878

What does gaia even mean to you people nowadays? /gaia/ is where lol so randomXD posters like you used to be told to gb2

>> No.11346888


Anyway, it is my personal belief that 4chan is not suited to serious discussions due to the very nature of the site. There are plenty other forums out there for that kind of discussions.

>> No.11346892

Okay you seriously need to gb2>>>/b/. Or bug moot to make an anime/random containment board.

>> No.11346897

Please provide a counter argument.

>> No.11346899

There is nothing inherent to an anonymous imageboard that contraindicates serious discussion.

>> No.11346905

There will always be people making jokes and people shitposting. Sure some good discussions can be had but for the most part why not discuss these things on a proper discussion forum with moderation?

>> No.11346914

>Sure some good discussions can be had but for the most part why not discuss these things on a proper discussion forum with moderation?
Because some people enjoy anonymous discussion.

>> No.11346915
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>proper discussion forum with moderation?

This is why.

They fucking suck. The people aren't by default Anonymous, so you have no choice in anonymity. They all turn into a hugbox where you have to be really 'polite', and there's no 'trolling' allowed, and you can't say whatever you want without it being on your permanent record, and you can't get away from the cliques of circle-jerking oldfags who've been there too long and are all friends with each other, and they all around suck compared to imageboards.

Don't like me? Oh well, enjoy dealing with much worse people in the forums.

>> No.11346917

/jp/ is just a banana republic formed to the whims of whoever sucks enough dicks to sit at the top for a year or so. These changing whims have done nothing to help the assimilation of new posters which was already a large problem long before it started, and as the userbase continues to grow things will only continue to grow exponentially worse.

You can really only start over for anything that isn't shitposting general at this point. And even then you have to overcome the stigma for the original board had, bun and other offsite answers need not apply.

>> No.11346917,1 [INTERNAL] 

These "I can do whatever the fuck I like because other people out there are worse" people are the worst posters in any forum, Anonymous or not.

>> No.11346917,2 [INTERNAL] 

banana thread post your favourite banana find out who is top banana
