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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11337361 No.11337361[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What do people with friends do together for fun?

>> No.11337366
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>> No.11337364

Sex, mostly.

>> No.11337369
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Go bowling!

>> No.11337376

Play video games.

>> No.11337380


>> No.11337379

We go to the movies often, parties, stay up till 5am talking. My social life has been on a rise since I got a job about 4 months ago. So many people bothering me to hangout all the time when I just want to watch anime and don't get me started on how much it cost to have friends. Gas money takes up half my check and food ect. take up the rest. The reason I got a job was so I could waste it on figures and such...

>> No.11337387
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we fight with tanks

>> No.11337389

you never knew you were a normie the whole time huh

>> No.11337393

Is having a job easy? I was thinking getting a small job to pay for figures and games that I want.
Will I die from overworking?

>> No.11337391

Sounds horrible

>> No.11337392

Nobody is forcing you to be friends with them.

>> No.11337395

In ninety percent of shut-ins, there's a normal just waiting to break free.

>> No.11337400

Go see movies together, talk and eat together.

Sometimes if you're a girl, you can have sleepovers!

>> No.11337402

Talk about random dumb shit all day.

It's like having /jp/ in real-time. Amazing!

>> No.11337403

He's one of those guys that complain about how people like them so much yet they continue to hang around them. Its an attention thing and to stroke his ego.

Happens a lot on the 'chan

>> No.11337406

I don't really enjoy it though... It's cool because I haven't made many new friends since high school, but its time consuming. There is benefits though.

It's quite easy actually, try applying at a theatre, you're more likely to meet people your age if you're young. overworking isn't really a problem just tell them the hours you can work.

Guys have sleep overs too, its called being wasted and passing out on the floor.

>> No.11337408

How do you see movies with other people? Do you talk? Do you laugh at the funny parts? Jump at the scary parts?

I think watching a movie with someone else would be a very awkward experience.

>> No.11337409

Talk and play video games together.

>> No.11337418

I was only ever able to befriend a special breed of borderline autist, I can't connect with anyone else.. I haven't seen one in 5 years so I just go it alone.

>> No.11337415

>Guys have sleep overs too, its called being wasted and passing out on the floor.

Why is that considered a good thing?

And then they draw on them, take photos, etc.?

"Haha this guy is ill and at risk, let's take advantage of him!"

Normals are so awful.

>> No.11337417

I wish I had a friend I could kiss.

>> No.11337419

Conversation, sharing things, talking about anything, laughing. This releases dopamine to the brain which makes you ''feel good'', so you could say there exists a biological imperative to be at least a bit social.

>> No.11337424

Now imagine if they were all lolis...

>> No.11337425

*People are so awful

>> No.11337422

I'm scared of young people. I like older people. But not too old. Like medium old.
I was thinking of doing those things in the hospital where you organize all the supplies and stuff, I think I'm ok at organizing.

>> No.11337427

>"Haha this guy is ill and at risk, let's take advantage of him!"
They're living dangerously, throwing caution to the wind, laughing in the face of death.

>> No.11337432

Dude if you don't shut up I'm going to bully the shit out of you.

>> No.11337434

I never said it was...
No, I feel like i'm more so being used as a extra when no one wants to go with them. People give me shit if I don't like "why are you bailing blah blah" and I work with a majority of these people, so I don't want to get on there bad side.

>> No.11337438

I'd never do something that terrible to my /jp/ friends in the Manor. If someone was drunk and passed out, I'd put them to bed on their back so they don't choke on their own vomit.

>> No.11337440

"Why didn't you let me die, Anonymous?"

>> No.11337441

>put them to bed on their back so they don't choke on their own vomit.

>> No.11337442


Yes. But girls do things at sleepovers.

My imouto used to have sleepovers all the time.

They looked like they were having fun.

They would eat pizza, watch horror movies and squeal at the scary parts, play with each others hair, play games and they laughed a lot.

>> No.11337443

Please respond.

>> No.11337446

> on their back

but then they would choke

>> No.11337450

Compare breast size and eat each other out while onii san secretly records it all.

>> No.11337455

I just want a jaypee pizza club monthly meetup

>> No.11337454

Suddenly it all makes sense.

>> No.11337456

Wait, is this wrong?

Damn, I think I might have killed several people.

>> No.11337457

You feel like you're being used because you're allowing yourself to be used. If you don't want to do things with them, tell them that. If they get upset, then fuck em. Why bend over backwards to please people you don't even like?

>> No.11337459

Little bit of talking like " Chloe is fucking cute bro", "I'd hit it". Definitely a lot of laughing. This is from kickass 2 recently

>> No.11337463

the angel of death

>> No.11337468
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I went bowling last week!
A friend I haven't spoken to in years called me out of the blue and asked if I wanted to hang out. I was really nervous but it was fun and I didn't embarrass myself once!
Well, I suppose it was a bit embarrassing to come last in bowling but I expected that.

>> No.11337469

As in, we all eat pizza at the same time?

You know what would be super cool? A /jp/ drinking game. Not like "drink every time there's a shitpost", but like a board game. Someone could make a Monopoly board type image with /jp/ stuff on it. We all select markers and tripcodes and make our way around the board post by post (with maybe a 2-5 minute time limit in case someone passes out or leaves).

>> No.11337476

No I mean where we meet up and eat pizza then go home.

"drinking games" are fucking stupid

>> No.11337470
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Don't be lewd!

>> No.11337472

I go with my friend a lot, it seems like he always wants to make little jokes during the movie but I ignore him and he stops after a while. For me it's more about after the movie, talking about what parts we liked and didn't like.

>> No.11337479
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I want to go bowling with /jp/ !!

>> No.11337480

>Chloe is fucking cute bro

Isn't she old now?

She was really cute in Kick-Ass 1, and totally made that movie. Normally I hate little girls who act grown-up and curse, but she was great.

>> No.11337482

Drinking games are cool. It's just that normals have ruined them, like drinking itself.

If there are real rules and controlled conditions, then there a fun source of merriment.

>> No.11337481
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>> No.11337485

I think she's 15 now, she's not as cute as she used to be, but she is still cute.

>> No.11337487

King's cup is a good example of a fun game.

>> No.11337490
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forgot pic, its me and my bros out @ the pub

>> No.11337508

any of you normies ever fugged before? how did you get a girl (or boy!) into that situation?

>> No.11337517
File: 197 KB, 1536x2048, ksrs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I get laid all the time dude

>> No.11337518

Blackmail them.

>> No.11337526
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jus b urself

>> No.11337533

if you act like a normie you can get all the dick and pussy in the world!

>> No.11337535

A friend is just someone who hasn't hurt you yet.

>> No.11337537

Stay up late & drink scotch while playing pool. Then wake up and drink scotch after breakfast. Then go play bball and drink more scotch. Then go swimming and drink more scotch.

>> No.11337541
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forgot pic

>> No.11337545


Yes, many times. I've never been the one to engage though, so I can't really help you.

Jus b urself

>> No.11337547
File: 1.09 MB, 1600x1220, gehrazlite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would you have sex with me

>> No.11337563

You look British

>> No.11337561

you look like a cute subby /jp/ :3

I think I have another of your photos

>> No.11337566
File: 164 KB, 482x354, r8 me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic, here it is

>> No.11337569

i don't fug 15 year olds

>> No.11337586


>> No.11337699

bump :D
