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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 145 KB, 600x1100, neet_waifu_design_intro_guide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11321141 No.11321141[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

You're welcome.

>> No.11321148 [DELETED] 

Eh? Although it's easy to learn and use and all, isn't it supposed to be bad somehow?

>> No.11321155

Maybe tomorrow...

>> No.11321156
File: 86 KB, 498x508, 1374018019200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Object-orientated programming

>> No.11321161

>Eh? Although it's easy to learn and use and all, isn't it supposed to be bad somehow?
Why did this get deleted?

>> No.11321162

I imagine the poster deleted it.

>> No.11321163

>Maybe tomorrow...
How many times have you said that, Anon? How's that working out for you?

>implying writing Ruby without side effects is hard
Most of the methods return a new object, and the ones that don't are marked.

>Why did this get deleted?
No idea.
>Eh? Although it's easy to learn and use and all, isn't it supposed to be bad somehow?
Because it used to be hipster town, but now they're all jerking it to Node.js.

>> No.11321171

I absolutely LOVE objects and things that are shiny and or red.
Thank you very much for giving me the pleasure of looking at that beautiful ruby.

>> No.11321169

It's like a merger of those over the top LOOK AT THIS FUCKING SHIT, MOTHERFUCKER, CHRIST epic memes and that one facebook meme where they put the dog and it has dumb words around it because it's a dog.

And it's bad. So fuck your thread, loser.

>> No.11321173

Why not just use C++?

>> No.11321175

Someone managed to make one of these without filling it to the brim with curses and thinking that passes for humor?

>> No.11321177

If you're too much of a failure to do something that's fine, but lying to yourself might not be healthy.

You're welcome.

Why not just use C?

This is serious, Anon.

>> No.11321180

This one is better.


>> No.11321179
File: 37 KB, 401x430, 1371971111731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using ruby
Look at those baka gaijins being trolled by Japan again

>> No.11321182
File: 207 KB, 1280x1280, matz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11321183

Too bad that Ruby on Rails is SLOW AS FUCK.

>> No.11321185

>Zed Shaw
Oh boy, I always wanted a book where a quarter of the content was on print statements!

>> No.11321186

I can never learn to program. I'm not very good maths, not very intelligent in general, am depressed, and very lazy.

>> No.11321187

Ruby is that language invented for/used to customize RPG maker isn't it?

>> No.11321188


>> No.11321189

Who said anything about rails?

>> No.11321191


and even then it's still trying too hard.

impressive, really.

>> No.11321195

>not very good at maths
So? Making programs doesn't require heavy math.
>not very intelligent in general
Guess you better start reading.
>am depressed, and very lazy.
Stop being those things.
>Ruby is that language invented for/used to customize RPG maker isn't it?
Yes, it is.

>> No.11321196
File: 19 KB, 282x300, 1371971111732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11321199

y is rubby so shit

>> No.11321200

W-Will you help me? I need someone to encourage me and rate my code as I work!

>> No.11321206


>> No.11321207

Dirty westerners.

IRC #ruby-no-baka

>> No.11321208

Only if you are a cute girl

>> No.11321216

1. Slow
2. No static typing
3. No currying
4. No typeclasses
5. Not lazy*
6. Not a dead dog

* Non-strict

no thanks

>> No.11321214

>IRC #ruby-no-baka

>> No.11321218

Why not just use Python.

>> No.11321228

You're doing it wrong.
>No static typing
Not that kind of language.
>No currying
Method calls that return objects instead of mutating them are currying. You're just passing in messages instead of arguments.
>Not lazy*
Well thank god for that.
>Not a dead dog
It's alive.

Why not just use PHP?

>> No.11321231

>You're doing it wrong.

Also, fuck off.

>> No.11321234


Also, fuck off.

>> No.11321233

Please, stop trying so hard. Ruby is shit and everyone knows it. Just go learn something more useful like C++ or something.

>> No.11321235

>Why not just use PHP?
Becuase PHP is shit, like Ruby.

>> No.11321236

please go

>> No.11321240

I second this notion.

>> No.11321248

>>Not lazy*
>Well thank god for that.
You haven't made loops until you fully utilize the sheer genius of the language to not bother the compiler with a segment of code that wouldn't be needed in the first place.

though in that case, Perl does it 10x better than Ruby.
You could just run ruby out of town.
on a rail.

>> No.11321250

Sorry you can't refute any of my points. Keep jerking off to your hello worlds.

Python is shit. Gimped lambdas, no monkey patching built in classes, __ugly__, immutable closures, no tail call optimization by design, fucking awful non tail call recursion, nonlocal errors, statements are separate from expressions, assignment is a special case, len() -> __len__, super(ClassName, self).method(), warty standard libs (Queue.Queue),

The only people who willingly use Python are brain dead code monkeys.

>> No.11321253

>Keep jerking off to your hello worlds.
Says the web designer.

>> No.11321257

>what is stream based programming
Read your SICP, and stop laziness make you hard.

I am defeated. Your name calling had ended my reign of terror.

>> No.11321258

C > Ruby
C++ > Ruby
C# > Ruby
Even fucking JAVA > Ruby

I dare you to say that Ruby > something here.

>> No.11321264

Ruby > Perl > Python > PHP > You

>> No.11321270

>Read SICP
>Marketing Ruby

You are retarded.

>> No.11321275

"Ruby > shit languages so I win!"
Pfffff.. You're a faggot, but well done.

>> No.11321277

Perl > Python > Ruby > PHP

>> No.11321279

Ruby was heavily inspired by Lisp.

You're a shit language?

No. At least have it like this.
Perl > Ruby > Python > PHP
I can understand Perl, but Python is disgusting.

>> No.11321285

You probably spout FIOC whenever the opportunity presents itself.

>> No.11321286

Ruby was heavily inspired by Python too.

>> No.11321298

>You're doing it wrong.
Ruby is an interpreted language, it's slow.
>>No static typing
>Not that kind of language.
Then it's the wrong kind of language.
>>No currying
>Method calls that return objects instead of mutating them are currying. You're just passing in messages instead of arguments.
Not the same. You can curry in Ruby but the syntax is atrocious and you have to manually make the currying yourself instead of having every function only take one parameter and return a new function that takes the next until all parameters are given, returning the value.
>>Not lazy*
>Well thank god for that.
Enjoy having everything forcibly evaluated, making Ruby even slower.

>> No.11321300 [DELETED] 

Yeah I remember when I tried to program with ruby on RPG maker XP...

when I was 13!!
#rekt #ownt #programmer #nerd #ruby #bigbagtheory

>> No.11321318

Thanks for the boring post.

>> No.11321333

Except in this thread, I just mentioned all of this. >>11321250
Cool strawman though.

>Ruby was heavily inspired by Python too.
>Stewart: How about Python? What aspects of that language did you try to reuse in Ruby?
>Matz: Far less than Perl. But I stole a few things, like exception names. Plus I learned a lot from its code.

>Ruby is an interpreted language, it's slow.
I bet you think Java is slow too.
>Then it's the wrong kind of language.
Static typing is for people who would rather spend twice the effort to get what they want then spend twice the effort to ensure safety.
>Not the same. You can curry in Ruby but the syntax is atrocious and you have to manually make the currying yourself instead of having every function only take one parameter and return a new function that takes the next until all parameters are given, returning the value.
In Ruby an object can be seen as a curried function that will accept new methods.
Each state of the object is its own unique piece of data. This is why Ruby is OOP and Haskell is FP. Next you'll complain that it doesn't support records.
>Enjoy having everything forcibly evaluated, making Ruby even slower.
Enjoy your gimped TCO due to your shitty lazy evaluation.

>> No.11321371

if i learn ruby can i get a job at steam? or at least a job at a company that imports jp games

i want a job importing games to stop all the censorship, USA needs loli to loosen itself up

>> No.11321383

>puts "Hello World"
>Memory consumption: 80 Mib.

Ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha. Ah ah ha. Ha ha ha.

Sorry. I just need to...

Ha ha ha ha ha ha.

Look, I mean, I like the idea behind it. Coolish OOP with mega coolish FP. Returning new objects, no side-effects, lazy eval, all the good of the FP, the fun doesn't stop. Being this cool in 2013. A++.

But then, I will never use it. Because I'm programming for real, and sorry, but Ruby is not a real programming language, you see? I'm not saying you can't do anything with it. I'm not saying you shouldn't do anything with it. I'm saying that if you do anything with it, you're shameless, and should kill yourself so hard you wake up dead in Gensokyo and then alive in the real world.

Still cute. A++ would teach Ruby instead of Java in the 2 years shit disposable programmer course people take because they're retarded.

>> No.11321389

I don't understand how a programming language is /jp/ related.

>> No.11321390

>I bet you think Java is slow too.
Except it's compiled to bytecode first.
>Static typing is for people who would rather spend twice the effort to get what they want then spend twice the effort to ensure safety.
Except you'll have to spend ten times as much effort hunting simple bugs because you don't have the compiler tell you that something is wrong beforehand.
>In Ruby an object can be seen as a curried function that will accept new methods.
Are you confusing function composition with currying? An object is simply a value, and functions take that value and do something with it. It's not a function.
>Enjoy your gimped TCO due to your shitty lazy evaluation.
You can force evaluation where necessary with -XBangPatterns.

>> No.11321391

>/jp/ - Programming

>> No.11321392

>In Ruby an object can be seen as a curried function that will accept new methods
>Enjoy your gimped TCO due to your shitty lazy evaluation.
do you even know what you're saying

>> No.11321398

Hah, I thoroughly enjoyed that disgusting marketer getting told. Good job, /jp/.

>> No.11321407
File: 305 KB, 640x974, sicp_guide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Except it's compiled to bytecode first.
So is Ruby and Python you dumb fuck. How do you think an interpreter works? Hell, you can even compile them to JVM bytecode beforehand with JRuby and Jython.
>Except you'll have to spend ten times as much effort hunting simple bugs because you don't have the compiler tell you that something is wrong beforehand.
Semantic errors still happen, Anon. Static semantic checking is awesome, but it can become annoying and create unnecessary overhead.
>Are you confusing function composition with currying? An object is simply a value, and functions take that value and do something with it. It's not a function.
An object is a function that takes a message as its argument.
>You can force evaluation where necessary with -XBangPatterns.
You can force streams where necessary with generators.

This guy knows about the TCO lazy eval issues. >>11321390
Although to be fair it's not a big deal if you avoid explicit recursion.

>disgusting marketer getting told
Wow, so awesome. You sure showed me. Way to go not learning anything. Here's another image you can ignore.

>> No.11321419

ctrl+f mormon
Phrase not found

well i'll be

>> No.11321430


Why is object orientated programming bad?

>> No.11321434

lol why is this thread here

>> No.11321435

Because it's associated with Java enterprise bullshit. All good programs use the base principle of OOP. Separate implementation of data structures from operations on data structures.

>> No.11321438

>lol why is this thread here
To let you have the waifu you deserve.

>> No.11321445


I don't understand what this means. I tried getting into programming but I wasn't very good at it.

>> No.11321466

When I worked at a bigshot tech company I had to learn Ruby. Somehow maintaining shit in Ruby was even worse than in Java. Actually trying to make something was a pain in the ass. Also gimmicks for days what's with that? Go ahead and insult me but this programmer is done with Ruby would not touch with a stick.

OP please stop this thread is an eyesore.

>> No.11321497

Yeah, Ruby's OOP is quite well structured once you learn about the Eigenclasses and how 'em work, the metaprograming is quite nice but the scope rules are a pain in the ass for any not trivial program, also making said metaprograming a pain too, Rails is still better than Django or PHP, at least that has.

Anyway for making simple scripts Python is easier and more reliable and for longer ones Ruby is prone to fail.
