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11319473 No.11319473[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>my mother just found out that I'm gay and I have a boyfriend
>shes slamming doors and windows
>saying she'd rather be dead and how ashamed she is

what to do

>> No.11319481

Quit being a retarded under aged nerd.

>> No.11319476

stick it up her butt

>> No.11319475

Kill her.

>> No.11319478

Stop caring about what your mother thinks of you. If she doesn't like you, fucking deal with it. You can only be yourself. All that matters is that you're okay with who you are.

>> No.11319480

Tell her you post on /jp/.

>> No.11319482

Hug your boyfriend.

>> No.11319483

Is this a copypasta? I could have sworn I saw it before.

>> No.11319491



>> No.11319490

Kill yourself, faggot.

>> No.11319487

just leave
leave and find somewhere else to live

hope this helped

>> No.11319486

Well, you could tell her you're bi, and if she shuts the fuck up, maybe one day you'll get a girlfriend.

That way, you'll still have a home. And your mom might stop flipping shit.

>> No.11319484

I am not saying that /jp/ is your personal blog but I never understood this kind of thinking.

How come living with your parents = underage?

I lived with my parents throughout uni.

>> No.11319492

Listen to this cool Anon here. Ignore the morons.

>> No.11319498

Do people actually get this mad about homosexuals? Why?

>> No.11319494

No mom, you don't understand, is not like I like cocks, more like I dislike vaginas because of all that mucus and alien look, although I really love cocks...
I'm sorry Oka-san, but that's how I'm.

>> No.11319495

Man, people still do that these days?
I thought we were already passed the whole "Being gay is bad" thing. Who gives a shit at this point?

Tell your mom to stop having stupid expectations of her son.

>> No.11319500

If you live with your parents and blog about them finding out you're a faggot you're either an incredibly insecure little bitch or under aged. Same shit shit really.

>> No.11319501
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>tfw no gf while autismlords brag about having bf

>> No.11319515

Look at all the retards replying seriously to the greentext blogging. Since when did /jp/ turn into a hugbox for homosexual normals?

>> No.11319521

>tfw no qt /jp/ bf

>> No.11319524

I still don't understand homophobia. Someone is gay, so...so what? Afraid of someone hitting on you, and having to tell them to knock it off? I mean, worse case scenario, they rape and/or murder you, but that a possibility with straight people too.

Don't get it at all.

>> No.11319529

It's unnatural etc

>> No.11319527

It's shitposting, I doubt most of the people who post on here about sucking dicks and boyfriends and shit are actually gay. If they are, there's an entire board for them. I don't really give a shit about gay people one way or the other.

>> No.11319534

Beat her up. If you intimidate her enough she wont' do anything. Even if she calls the cop, claim that she was being aggressive because you were homosexual and that you felt you needed to defend yourself. Also, it won't be that much jail time even if they try to prosecute, especially since you're gay and it may be your first offense.

tl;dr beat the shit out of your mother faggot

>> No.11319535


So true......... le good old days were truly.............. ~EpIc~.........

>> No.11319536
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>> No.11319538

Shouldn't she just wish you dead instead?

>> No.11319539

Homosexuals are degenerates.

>> No.11319546
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>> No.11319545

So are people who wake up on Monday with no recollection of the past 48 hours yet their parents actively give them money for alcohol.

Why are people such hypocrites? Children should be against the law.

>> No.11319547

1. It's not*, but even if that were true
B. Who gives a fuck? Houses, cars, computers, TVs, processed food, 8 hour work days, and so on, are all unnatural. Saying it's unnatural doesn't amount to much when pretty much everything we DO these days is unnatural.

*Plenty of animal species have been observed to engage in homosexual activity - necrophiliac homosexual activity, in ducks, the rapist-perverts of the animal kingdom.
Pointless name calling doesn't really tell me anything. Besides, there are plenty of degenerate straight people.

>> No.11319551

well pedophiles are pretty sympathetic to going through a lot of stress over their sexual orientation

>> No.11319549

why does that girl have a penis?

>> No.11319557
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>> No.11319554


>> No.11319557,1 [INTERNAL] 

holy shit look at these butthurt (LMAO) homos

>> No.11319557,2 [INTERNAL] 

Kill yourself back to reddit, subhuman freak.

>> No.11319557,3 [INTERNAL] 

Why do people call shemales "chicks with dicks" when "dudes with tits" is a much more accurate description?


>> No.11319557,4 [INTERNAL] 

They don't want to admit they're gay.
