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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 66 KB, 800x600, suica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11317545 No.11317545 [Reply] [Original]

Suica stands for "Super Urban Intelligent Card", and the pronunciation is also a pun on the Japanese word for watermelon, "suika". In the logo, the "ic" is highlighted, standing for the initialism of integrated circuit in "IC card", which in turn is common Japanese vernacular for smart card. An additional meaning comes from the ideophone "sui sui" which means "to move smoothly", intended to highlight the smooth simplicity of using the card compared with traditional train tickets. Since penguins can also swim smoothly through water, a penguin is used as a motif.

>> No.11317547

So what you're telling me, is this thing doesn't run Linux?

>> No.11317549
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/jp/ - /g/

>> No.11317550
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Penguins love watermelon.

>> No.11317559
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>> No.11317563
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thug life

>> No.11317741

I just bought one of these today. Thank you for explaining the penguin part.

>> No.11317752
File: 62 KB, 519x596, josh4893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would rather die than use public transportation like some sort of poorfag

>> No.11317759

transport in japan is nice though since there are no niggers and very few immigrants.

>> No.11317762


Goddamn gate turned red when i tried using this so i just rammed through and no one cared. Turns out the train guys effed up on my transfers twice.

>> No.11317777
File: 42 KB, 640x480, N-ICOCA1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JR西日本 master race reporting in.

These are all pointless now anyway

>> No.11317781

where's the tl;dr version

>> No.11317824
File: 61 KB, 511x334, suika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get on my level guys.

>> No.11317841

Such things are apparently vulnerable to some kind of "hacking" though I've never had it explained to me exactly what kind of "hacking"

>> No.11317844
File: 430 KB, 960x1280, IMG_20130817_201229[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mine has a shark on it.
Explain that OP, you nerd.

>> No.11317869

you bought yours on the Rinkai Line through Tokyo WART, rather than through JR as most people would.

>> No.11317874


You found your master, plebs. Bow down and cry for mercy.

>> No.11317879

i want this one!

>> No.11317914

yeah, but why the shark?

>> No.11317918

>Tokyo WART
what are you not getting about this?

>> No.11317924

Are there this many japan residents? wow

>> No.11317967

sorry, I'm retarded it seems.
I just don't get the connection between WART and sharks.

>> No.11318004
File: 779 KB, 2048x1232, pasumo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my fellow negro

>> No.11318058

it's the rinKAI line. it's a waterside line run by a waterway transit authority.

>> No.11318068

how cute

>> No.11318097

I got a passmo, some old lady tried to help me operate the machines and was a bit surprised when a Passmo popped out since she assumed I was buying a ticket.

>> No.11318243

ah, thank you.

>> No.11318249

I've been here for a few days now and no one has ever tried to help me, even when I gave off the "lost foreigner" vibe. Kinda disappointed.

>> No.11318253

Are you the fabled SUICA otaku?

>> No.11318265
File: 15 KB, 150x150, 15606_1353213502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol is it just me or do i have a lot of fucking point cards?!

>> No.11318268

because Japanese hardly speak English and are extremely self-conscious, so they're afraid of embarrassing themselves. if you want to get help, walk up to a station worker and say "sumimasen" and he'll try his best English to help you out. be proactive, Japan is not a society of outgoing people.

>> No.11318272

one for your train
one for the train system on the other side of the country
one for your favorite grocery store
one for your at least three convenience stores
one for your favorite karaoke/amuse center
one for your favorite 100 yen shop
one for your favorite liquor store
one each for Sega and Bamco amusement centers
one for your hostess club or maid cafe
one for your call girl
one for any number of mandatory registration-only services
one for y

>> No.11318276
File: 122 KB, 288x258, 1374280121911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah that sounds about right...you too huh

>> No.11318312

I feel like I should really get a point card for Animate/Gamers, I've spent more than 10k at each of them in the past in one go.

>> No.11319092

>sumimasen, my name is ken-sama

>> No.11319105
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>> No.11319139

>no niggers and very few immigrants
Japan has its own lumpenproletariat, what are you talking about

Not to mention the odd surly balding drunken salaryman on the late night train, those are mixed bags

>> No.11319330

So this is the most intricate pun on a name in the history of ever, then? I need to step up my game if I want my puns to compare.

>> No.11319355

a man sent in ten puns for a joke competition in his local newspaper. As for which ones of his won, no pun in ten did.

>> No.11319364

Made me chuckle.

>> No.11319508
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>> No.11319853
File: 95 KB, 500x400, passmo suica.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Passmo Robot > Suica Penguin

(the only sad thing is Passmo doesn't let you take the monorail)

>> No.11319876


Haneda Tokyo Monorail no, not Chiba Urban Monorail yes

>> No.11320141
File: 54 KB, 474x475, face girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kept mine for 3-4 years rather than getting my 500 yen back, then shat bricks when I found out they even work in Kyushu now.

>> No.11320205
File: 46 KB, 640x427, 16583_561449773916197_818663856_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

super urban

>> No.11320215

You're terrible at this, aren't you?.

>> No.11320238

So how common are foreigners in japan? Is it as homogoneous as they say or are they going down the multicultural hole?

>> No.11320439

Extremely uncommon. Many of the ones who are here aren't here to stay (like me.) Rest your pretty head, /pol/.

>> No.11320833

it's beautiful, people leave their bikes unlocked all over the place, and compared to Toronto where I live there is little to no garbage on the ground (in tokyo so far). I did see a shitload of black guys in Harajuku but I think they were advertising for a store. I wish I could be a part of such community-centered nation.

>> No.11320837

You do see blacks at the US airforce base and Harajuku, but you're right, they're hired to work gangsta fashion stores.

>> No.11320929

I'd like to add those pesky Nigerians grabbing your hand and offering you an "invitation" to their club. Needless to say, I avoided those clowns as best I can.

>> No.11320947

Bikes get stolen all the time in Japan you dumb ni66er. They just have built in wheel locks rather than being tied to anything. Doesn't stop people from throwing the entire thing into a car and splitting.

>> No.11320976

have you ever live in a city where people will cut through u-locks with blow torches just to steal your shitty $100 bike? I gave up entirely using a bike in canada after having three stolen. Japan is comparatively much safer for bikes.

>> No.11320983

One of them shouted "hey white boy" to me in English. It was kind of scary.

>> No.11321573

I'd like to move to Japan at some point, how difficult is this? I've heard that you need to be a skilled worker to be able to move their with a degree and employeer in Japan before you can get a Visa to live there at best you can a holiday visa for 2 months if you don't have those.

I'd like to live in Japan however I don't have a degree.

>> No.11321587

I had a friend who didn't have a degree and and got a work visa for a year or so. He worked in a soap factory, cutting soap.

>> No.11321609

...they don't have machines for that?

>> No.11321615

He operated the machine I assume. I think the company name started with an L, Lush maybe? I dunno. But you don't need a degree for a work visa. To get citizenship, maybe?

>> No.11321927

Citizenship for Foreigners is pretty much unheard of.

>> No.11322128
File: 303 KB, 487x640, tsurunen_photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It does occasionally happen, but it's not easy and you have to adopt a Japanese name to do so.

>> No.11322189

It isn't that hard, and by "Japanese name" you just need some way of writing your name in Katakana.

>> No.11322213

Not katakana, kanji. And the subset of kanji that are accepted for use in names, at that.

>> No.11322247

You need to be adopted by a Japanese family, so that is the hardest part.

I don't think there is trouble in choosing a Japanese name.

>> No.11322256

you literally have no idea what you're talking about

>> No.11322433


>> No.11323460

Did I stutter, retard?

>> No.11323924

I only have a Konami E Amuse card and Sega Project Diva card.

I also have a 7-11 icash card that I don't use

>> No.11323961

I accidentally scanned my suica on a Konami arcade machine once and it worked, made me feel like a retard for buying the Konami card.

>> No.11323971

I just keep the Konami around for Jubeats, which I suck at, and occasional Magical Quiz Academy, which I also suck at.

I think I prefer Sega's Hatsune Miku Project Diva, and maimai.

I think my Sega card works with Bandai's Gundam, but those are so fucking expensive I've not tried them.
