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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 153 KB, 800x924, akarin so cute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11316642 No.11316642[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

how am I supposed to use this? I have phimosis and it really hurts. I can move it up and down a little bit but anything more than that feels like someone is trying to circumcise me with a pair of pliers.

Picture chosen at random, please ignore

>> No.11316646

Maybe you should stretch out your penis first? Or just get a circumcision.

>> No.11316648

Practise pulling your skin back, it'll better in the long run.

>> No.11316653

I want to rip your gross phimosis dick.

>> No.11316661

You need lube.

>> No.11316662

You should get circumcised.

>> No.11316672

How can I do that?
Any videos I could watch?

>> No.11316689

>Or just get a circumcision.
Yes, good goyim...

>> No.11316698

My daddy taught me how not to rip the skin by using someone else's mouth instead of an onahole.

>> No.11316716

I can't ignore a cute girl bent over a desk.

>> No.11316748

The circumcision ban in Germany is the worst attack on Jews since the Holocaust.
- Jewish leaders

>> No.11316752

I wish I didn't, but I know how you feel. Well, I don't think I will ever get an onahole or have sex, so it's probably okay.

>> No.11316761 [DELETED] 

Piss in it first.

>> No.11316765 [DELETED] 
File: 368 KB, 704x1056, 1376708295856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11316767

Akarin will take care of it

>> No.11316791

No, she is a cartoon character.

>> No.11316794

You can stretch out your foreskin, and it'll gradually be able to stretch more and more. You can google foreskin stretching exercises if you want. If you want to use the method I used, get an erection and try pulling your foreskin as far back as possible without pain and holding it there for maybe 5 minutes, I don't remember. You can do this before you masturbate or whatever. Eventually you'll be able to retract your foreskin all the way, but it might take a few weeks.

>> No.11316816
File: 263 KB, 551x740, 1351724367742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember my female physician forced me to retract my foreskin as a child, supposedly to clean the smegma that accumulates in the cavity behind the head. It hurt a lot at first, but I'm glad I can retract my foreskin now; most of the pleasure I get from masturbation comes from pulling my foresking back and forth repeatedly.

>> No.11316821

It means you're a pussy. I had "phimosis" when I was like 9 years old. You just pull that shit back and you'll be normal after a few weeks. Stop being a pussy faggot.

>> No.11316825

Fuck you.

>> No.11316832

The things I would do to a bent over Akari!

>> No.11316839
File: 92 KB, 516x290, thumb_big_hd_7c6a9814bb0bbe8b40eefe4003751044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11316883

I want to shoot my warm semen into Akari's 13-year-old vagina.

>> No.11316922

The crusty white stuff glued my foreskin to the bottom edge of my dick head, but i stretched a lot and my mom told me to clean it well.
Eventually it could retract completely.

>> No.11316926

Only oldfags will remember this

>> No.11316949

I'm sorry..

I'm... just a little envious, is all...

*sighs abjectly*

>> No.11316962

I'm worried that if at some point I am able to retract my foreskin there will be a horribly encrusted collection of smegma accumulated there.

Supposedly there is some sort of steroidal cream that can ease the stretching process, but I think it's prescription and i don't want to go to the doctor's.

>> No.11316963

Time for a story /jp/. It's in greentext. Sorry

>Have minor phimosis
>Google foreskin stretching exercises to try to start to retract my foreskin
>Perform them, it kind of hurts
>I take it too far too fast one day
>Bring my foreskin down beneath my penis head and decide to try to get an erection to stretch it out some
>Can't control my erection, it gets larger than expected
>The pain of one trillion suns
>No seriously this must be what losing your male virginity feels like jesus christ
>Go limp, my penis is very slightly bleeding
>Go to sleep, wake up the next day with a skin bridge attaching my foreskin to the penis' head
>Can't retract it all anymore

Be careful /jp/! Your cute little penises may be fused to your foreskin forever if you take things too fast!

Actually one of these days I'm just going to boil some scissors, get some ice, get some cloth to soak the blood, and remove the skin bridge myself one of these days. Still though, what a pain

Btw I am quoting myself

>> No.11316968

Why do you need it to retract, not like you're going to sex girls.

>> No.11316971

Uh, can we have a picture?
Do you mean the skin bridge on the base?

>> No.11316970

tl;dr lol

>> No.11316981 [SPOILER] 
File: 87 KB, 498x599, 498px-Penis_with_Labels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It felt a lot better for masturbation, actually


I would never be so uncouth as to post my penis on 4chan! But yes I should've spoken in terms of anatomy

See picture, my skin bridge attaches my foreskin to my glans, right below my meatus

>> No.11316996

lol if you're describing what I think you are, that is supposed to be there. Its a regular part of a penis.
There is no way you're this much of an uninformed dweeb.


>> No.11317001

Pull the skin back, or use a shitload of lube.

Preferably both

>> No.11317015 [DELETED] 
File: 368 KB, 704x1056, Jews.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Good goy, abandon your God. We need those foreskins to make facial creams.

>> No.11317034

You will have lots of smegma. Just clean it. Smegma is natural.

Try stretching without the use of creams, and if you're unsuccessful, I think you can buy the creams at a pharmacy without a prescription, but I coudl be wrong about that.

>> No.11317058

This is one of the worse things I have ever read. Please leave with your misuse of the quote function and your surprise boxes.

>> No.11317061
File: 1.12 MB, 1280x720, aya looking grimly at test.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think the yuruyuris are very cute.

>> No.11317062

Go be gay somewhere else.

>> No.11317075


You're right, I'm not, because it isn't. The skin bridge was simply not there before I accidentallied my dick.
