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11308468 No.11308468 [Reply] [Original]

When do the muv luv games get good? So far its been such a boring and generic harem.

>> No.11308473

When the credits roll

>> No.11308476

They don't

At some point aliens eat all the girls and gang rape sumika, but that's about it

>> No.11308487

What's with killing all the girls? Do any of the guys die?

Gang rape/nipple fuck/weird ass clit. "Most uplifting ero VN ever released".

>> No.11308492


>Do any of the guys die?

MC is the only guy?

>> No.11308493

Everybody dies.

Extra is just there to get you used to and to like some of the characters.
Unlimited sets the stage for Alternative.
Alternative rips out everything you thought you knew and loved.

However Alternative means absolutely nothing if you skip Extra/Unlimited.

>> No.11308498

If you don't like Sumika stop playing the game and never touch galge again

>> No.11308503

Typical insecure Sumika lover.

>> No.11308504

Alright now i guess i will continue it i was only 3/4 way done with sumire's route in extra and i was getting really bored.

>> No.11308505
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Let me tell you why this game is shit

1. It took fucking FOREVER. Even though it's a simple, uncomplicated storyline, they mange to drag this shit out for about 50 fucking hours. Only about 20 of those had anything significant happening, the rest was filled with loldeep moral faggotry and fucking lectures on stupid shit. Not to mention EXPLAINING character development. "This is what happened, this is how I felt before, this how it changed me, blah, blah, blah..." SHUT THE FUCK UP! Yeah, I saw what fucking happened, you don't have to explain it. You're literally undermining any actual character development this game had.

2. THE FUCKING MC! Has to be the most unlikeable retarded fuck in the history in VN history. Spends Extra being a stuck up, arrogant, dick. Spends Unlimited being a unless little bitch. Spends 1/3 of Alternative being an arrogant faggot thinking how better he is than the people who actually changed him from a useless little bitch to someone not utterly useless, giving them lectures, and generally talking about how he's right and they're wrong. THEN, at the first sign of trouble he instantly reverts back to whiny little useless bitch literally pissing in his pants. Then basically spends the rest of the game being pretty fucking useless and retarded. 1. MC: I'm so much more grown up now. That last event really changed me. 2. Other character: But that's wrong you fucking retard 3. Oh how foolish I was! I'm still a child 4. Rinse 5. Repeat. This cycle literally went on till the very last second of the game.

>> No.11308506
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3. The main heroines died in such stupid fucking ways. Meiya and Sumika were really the only ones who had meaningful deaths that weren't completely retarded. "I HAVE TO SACRIFICE MYSELF FOR THE MAN I LOVE! I'M TOO STUPID TO USE THAT THING IN MY HEAD CALLED A BRAIN AND THINK UP A LESS RETARDED WAY!" Not to mention they all died in a span of 20 minutes. It really all seemed like an after though. Like the writers we're thinking "Guys! Wtf!? The game is about to end! We need to kill these bitches off already!"

4. The tentacle rape. Firstly, is it just me or was this the longest sex scene in any of the games? Why was it even there? It was completely unnecessary. Being torn apart while you're alive is more than enough to cause mental trauma. You don't need to have sex with aliens. It made me lose A LOT of sympathy I had for Sumika. Being torn apart against your will and being torn apart because you enjoy being a fuck toy are pretty different was to go. Shock value? Fap material? I don't know, but it was just 3rd rate /d/ hentai.

How can anyone rate this game above mediocre? Is the VN community seriosuly full of 12 year olds? "OMG HOT GIRLS FIGHTING ALIENS!" "YEAH!" "OMG LOOK! SHE'S BEING RAPED BY ALIENS!" "FAPFAPFAP" In all honesty I thought Unlimited was much better, even though I only did Meiya's route. Not only did it take like 1/10 of the time, the endings were meaningful and had impact.

tl;dr It's shit. Saying it's the best thing ever has to be an elaborate troll to get people to waste their time.

>> No.11308509
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>> No.11308515

u snoo smoo fucking bird...how dare u say shot...like his. im ginna duck u up!!!?!!!

>> No.11308516

>4. The tentacle rape. Firstly, is it just me or was this the longest sex scene in any of the games?

well anon, you've sold me. downloading the games now.

>> No.11308512

gg shitty copypasta

Just play extra/unlimited and alternative. It's just preference.

I thought it was ok, not too great, but not bad either.

Just read them and find out yourself.

>> No.11308521

cool spoilers

>> No.11308522

It was pretty boring honestly. Yes, even Alternative.
Well, some parts were okay but I didn't put attention at all after knowing that Sumika was a monstrous slut, I think I CTRL'd the whole ending.

>> No.11308527

It's the best VN, don't trust /jp/ these faggots are too pretentious.

>> No.11308530

There are a lot better games if you just want tentacle rape.

>> No.11308535

Not him but do you have any recommendations? I thought the nipple fuck thing was hot but I haven't found that in any nukige I've tried.

>> No.11308539

Saya no uta

>> No.11308547

Amazing VN, it's really great, amazing story and if you get really into it, it can be pretty amazing but it has way too many flaws to be perfect, it's just a VN but they went for book quality with it and ended up with way too many flaws.

>> No.11308561


Doesn't help all the girls are just generic trash

>> No.11308562

>book quality

>> No.11309117
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>Alternative rips out everything you thought you knew and loved.

I didn't care about any of the girls other than Meiya, and they spent so much time pandering to each archetype that even the one you were most attached to had a weak emotional attachment.

In the words of Sun Tzu, "Reinforce your right flank, and your left will be weak. Reinforce your left flank, and your right will be weak. Reinforce both, and both will be weak."

I did cry in Kashgar though. However, I felt nothing about all of the other characters aside from Meiya dying.

By the way, is there a word for that thing where the writers destroy the protagonist's "home" right before the finale? Why do they do that? Just to give it a bit of a 'the world is ending' vibe and keep the viewer uncomfortable?

Examples from stuff I've seen recently:

The military base is destroyed by BETA attack in Muv-Luv Alternative (which is why I'm mentioning this)

The Nostromo is self-destructed before Ripley fights the Xenomorph in "Alien."

Batman's house is torched by Ra'as Al-Ghul in one of the Batman movies, before the final stretch.

I can't remember others but I remember seeing it in loads of stories.
