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File: 169 KB, 368x460, Th14Raiko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11304926 No.11304926 [Reply] [Original]

These new touhous are shit.

>> No.11304934
File: 264 KB, 1024x768, 1372786242070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your opinion is shit.

>> No.11304948

You're shit.

>> No.11304956
File: 304 KB, 1440x1080, 36315353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sekibanki is cute. Don't care too much for the others, though.

>> No.11304960

WOAH! Marisa is fast!

>> No.11304986

These new touhous except seija are shit.

>> No.11304993

I really like Kagerou.

>> No.11304999

Marisa what are you doing?

>> No.11305002

I really love all of them except Benben.

>> No.11305003 [DELETED] 
File: 2.95 MB, 1920x1080, 3revealing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many new characters can there be when the only major variables are hair color, eye color, skin tone, and minor 'accessory' features/quirks like ribbons and hairpins?

I won't talk about their personalities, because all characters' personalities are hand-me-downs from previous characters. Especially in the East.

>> No.11305027

Seija Kijin (my future daughter)
Kagerou, Sekibanki, Wakasagahime
Benben, Shinmyoumaru

>> No.11305028

all touhous always was shit, but who cares? You will like them anyway.

>> No.11305035

Is there a thread talking about this full game release last 2 days ago?

Mind giving me the link?

>> No.11305039


>> No.11305042
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Everyone after stage 3 is really out of place. I like my wacksacky and my kagerou

>> No.11305058

Why doesn't Zun improve on his drawing? He has been drawing like shit for like 10 years. He's probably a hipster and thinks his artwork is unique.

>> No.11305061

The only ones that I barely can stand are the Tsukumo sisters, even worse than the Akis.

Smooth Criminal-chan is cool, though.

>> No.11305067

are you looking for a link to the thread or a link to download the game?

>> No.11305071
File: 27 KB, 469x373, Futo be grillin dem hoes all day erry day.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Tsukumos are pretty damn basic looking, ZUN should've just used the Prismrivers, Seija looks too humanish, like she's from Renko and Merry's world.
Sukuna is bowl on head retarded. Raiko looks like a cute smug bitch but she doesn't look youkai-ish at all, her outfit makes her come off as a scientist who just happens to be a percussionist as well. Nonetheless she's still pretty cute.

>> No.11305083

Is she a ginger because she is Irish? Dullahans are Irish.

>> No.11305086

Sukuna is Kaguya-tier in design if you think about it, but Kaguya has many interesting points like stories and relation.

>> No.11305092


Shinmyoumaru has a related legend too.

>> No.11305099

I love the fact she hits her drum with her heels.
that alone makes her a great touhou.

also all these newhous are sexy as hell. so many lewd legs

>> No.11305101

forget about it, I just found the thread.

>> No.11305107

You think she will make puns every time she drumrolls?

>> No.11305109

>futo sees your penis

>> No.11305110

ZUN actually did pretty good drawing hands and feet with some of them.

>> No.11305113
File: 73 KB, 226x168, She sees your cock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what I named this silly.

>> No.11305115

wait isn't she a scientist who play drums?

>> No.11305116

Wow, everyone after stage 3 seems so bland.

>> No.11305117

She's also a great dancer and dandy as fuck.
Gonna pair her with Iku.

>> No.11305118

ur bland and so your UFO!

>> No.11305122
File: 64 KB, 850x943, Smooth Criminal-chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic.

>> No.11305123

Correction: The extra boss seems decent.
Everyone between the first three stages and the extra stage is bland.

>> No.11305134

I don't understand what you mean, are you trying to say stage 4-6 characters are bland or stage 1-6 are bland?

>> No.11305139
File: 928 KB, 3126x2233, 36235324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did she end up being a flying mermaid?

>> No.11305141

>Sailor 2hu
>Fisting old-man cloud
>Tiger with curvy laser
>Youkai Jesus
>Alien 2hu

I try to get away with DDC's awkwardness but saying UFO is more bland than DDC? Nah, mate.

He must be talking about stage 4-6, most people agreed.

>> No.11305153

The first 3 stages made me expect more from the next ones. The extra stage boss managed to scrape by in my opinion.

>> No.11305155

>Youkai Jesus
Can you people stop with this shit?

And yes, UFO and ESPECIALLY TD were miles blander than DDC, the only thing that stands out from any of those was Unzan.

>> No.11305159

Okay, Youkai Ghandi, it makes more sense cuz Buddhism.

>> No.11305163

Guys is game. If not have fun don't play.

>> No.11305168

She's a jazz drummer.

Kaguya is one of the few Touhou whose ZUN drawing is already very cute without needing fanartists to cute her up. This is objective fact and not an opinion.

>> No.11305169

It's not the game. It's the slight disappointment that we expected more from the other characters.

>> No.11305173

The game is improved and fun, but we complain about the design and concept here, which is also one of the main appeal of this series and thus we are concerned.

>> No.11305177

Fuck that! we stay with Youkai Jesus whether you like it or not.


>> No.11305181

Does Ghandi died for the sins of his subject?

>> No.11305198

to be honest benben is actually really pretty, everyone else can fuck off.

>> No.11305199

Why are there faggots calling Shinmyoumaru with her last name? Nobody ever says Scarlet or Saigyouji or Houraisan when referring to the other bosses.

>> No.11305201

But Byakuren didn't died. She didn't fight either just like Ghandi-sensei

>> No.11305203

Shinmyoumaru is too long, Sukuna is faster and easier to remember and say.

>> No.11305204

How bout Minamitsu. Everyone calls her Murasa

>> No.11305213

Same happened with Minamitsu Murasa.

It was actually blew my mind when I found out her real name is Minamitsu and Murasa is her family name.

>> No.11305209

I know it's nitpicking, but let's be honest: Sukuna is easier to grasp than Shinmyoumaru.

>> No.11305210

Seija a shit
Raiko is amazing
Wakasagihime, Sekibanki, Kagerou, and Yatsuhashi are great
Benben and Sukuna are okay

>> No.11305219

you adress captains with family name

>> No.11305221

who actually though sukuna desing was a good idea

>> No.11305225


>> No.11305243

Kaguya almost has similiar design and concept.

>> No.11305251

>seija a shit

Fuck yoooouuuuuu!

No, really I mean fuck you to hell!

>> No.11305254


To be fair, people often refer to her as Captain Murasa, as that is her theme. It is also customary to refer to a captain (or any other official) by their surname.

>> No.11305258

kaguya doesn't have a bowl on her head and a toy hammer as her weapon.

>> No.11305260


Shinmyoumaru is such an awesome name, I can't possibly refer to her as anything else.

It makes her sound like a god.

>> No.11305262

No she doesn't, stop saying that, the only thing similar about them is that they both carry mystical artifacts.

>> No.11305263

>kaguya doesn't have a bowl on her head and a toy hammer as her weapon.
You knocking the shrinking hammer? That's a legendary artefact.

>> No.11305265

It's still improper. It's not even a hard name to remember, but I guess I'm expecting too much from retarded mouthbreathing faggots.

Doesn't count, since she's also referred to as Captain Murasa all the time.

>> No.11305266

>kaguya doesn't have a bowl on her head
no, she just has one orbiting her.
I'm sure she could put it on her head if she wanted.
>and a toy hammer as her weapon.
No, she just has a twig with candy stuck to it.

>> No.11305273

the difference here is that kaguya is beautiful while shin-chan a shit

>> No.11305275

Do explain.
Or don't, that's fine too. Because that's complete bullshit.

>> No.11305280

It's for real yo!

>> No.11305282

>kaguya is beautiful
>and the strongest 2hu
>also, eientei is the best house
>and mokou is a worthless insane bitch

Kaguya stop lurking

>> No.11305286


>character from japanese myth
>basic kimono design spiced up with (goofy looking) items of folklore

>> No.11305289

I want Lunarians to leave.

>> No.11305297

Both are based on Japanese legend and they wear simple Japanese traditional outfit and hold several items, If you like I'll say both are bland as shit.

The difference is Kaguya has great stories and the leader of a faction consist of cool-looking characters. Shinmyoumaru has almost nothing, maybe until the next print works or any other cameo appearance.

>> No.11305295
File: 145 KB, 640x480, 24291698_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did someone say Persona 2 thread?

>> No.11305296

t-that's not necessarily what I was about to say, y-you turbopleb

>> No.11305298
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>> No.11305299
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>> No.11305300

I like her design. She looks cute with that bowl on her head.

>> No.11305304
File: 77 KB, 253x300, 1367009054527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11305303


Nyarly what are you even doing here

>> No.11305306
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>> No.11305312

What's your purpose derailing this thread, Nyarly? Stop it.

>> No.11305316

Only Seija a shit.

>> No.11305317
File: 116 KB, 445x298, 1365533347476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11305319

NO fuck you!

>> No.11305340
File: 1.73 MB, 1000x1000, http%3A%2F%2Fimagescale.tumblr.com%2Fimage%2F1280%2F1f663fd93debb5818d8f2e038d506f64%2Ftumblr_mrfshpufHH1rypjv4o1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People had been saying they wanted a dwarf for a while now. How happy are you?

>> No.11305343

>He has been drawing like shit for like 10 years

How about you try drawing something just as good, fucking faggot

>> No.11305355


She's not a fucking dwarf (矮人/ドワーフ). She's a little person (小人).
Her 'default' size would be more like the size of your finger, not just childlike.

There's no default english word for it, but something like Lilliputian gets the idea across.

>> No.11305364

Ah, great, more /d/-level fetish. Fucking ZUN.

>> No.11305375

ZUN is as pure as the driven snow. It's everyone else who goes fucking nuts with the fetish stuff, whose first thoughts upon seeking Sekibanki are "WOW TWO NEW HOLES TO FUCK."

In before this and that with Reimu etc.

>> No.11305377


As if Suika didn't already cover every size fetish in the book.

>> No.11305381

I just want him to draw like he did in the '90s-2004. This recent shift in art style is terrible.

>> No.11305385

ZUN is Nipponese and therefore genetically a pervert and a deviant, no two ways about this.

>> No.11305387


>> No.11305388

What if Suika and Shinmyoumaru fugg?

>> No.11305395

I thought, wow she's cute. Why would you even think two new holes to fuck when that isn't even physically possible?

>> No.11305412


"Sprite" and "fairy" rival the word "youkai" in vagueness as to what it actually refers to.

>> No.11305419

You can't call her a fairy, that has already been taken.

>> No.11305458


Fairies are European magical creatures, sometimes even monsters. Youkai are Japanese spirits more related with the undead than just magic and forests(?)

>> No.11305490
File: 213 KB, 850x1020, f4eb5787ac89234eeb9a8456bdc95fcc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the new touhous are shit. Since PC-98.

Ah, PC-98. That was a good time. There was floating magitek battleships and multidimensional travels in each installment. People then were serious, and there was hate, blood, dangerousness, and eldritch abominations running abound. Reimoo only survived by the skin of her teeth each times, by determination and courage alone against grim events. Everyone was of a murky alignment, and what wasn't grey was a darker shade of grey.

But now? Post PC-98? Poof. Everyone is happy-go-lucky in this fantasy-land. The only bad people are misunderstood people, and they all want to be Reimoo's friend at the end. Enmities are few and far between, and generally played for laugh. The incidents are becoming increasingly a funny gimmick, to the point that it almost becomes a periodical attraction.

Admit it. Touhou went reclining after PC-98. Prove me wrong, but you know deep down you can't.

>> No.11305496

Fairy comes from the word fae which comes from the world fata which means the Fates. One of the Fates is death. So faires are also associated with death.

>> No.11305504

>Prove me wrong

Why do you want to engage on a debate? Avoid those just say things straight.

You don't need the prove me wrong to have anons reading your reply.

>> No.11305521
File: 157 KB, 850x539, 26288ecf3760efb401beebee5f792c9f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I like to be one the rightful side in a debate. You can't be on the rightful side of a debate if there is no debate, silly.

>> No.11305539


The fair folk are related to death, most famously the bean sidhe (banshee) and dullahan.
Faeries are everything supernatural, living in the earth and the skies.

The little winged girls you think are "fairies" are actually called brownies.

Youkai likewise are all supernatural beasties, from the kappa and tengu to the oni and magical beasts.

Youkai and the fair folk both are apparitions, and apparitions stalk the night.

>> No.11305540

Yeah, well
You're wrong

>> No.11305565

I'd say the danmaku rules itself is unnecessary and retarded.

Why just don't make it a real magic battle, but they were just went easy or don't want to kill each other? It's more sensible than they're playing some child-game with rules. None of them are evil, anyway.

SA would be much cooler if people were serious flinging magic on each other, but Reimu and Marisa just beat them up instead of killing them, but Utsuho is serious on killing them, but still ended up forgiven and repent for what she did. Same with UFO and TD.

I still believe that Shou fired her gamma laser for the sake of demolished them to ashes for real. Same with Utsuho.

>> No.11305577
File: 119 KB, 720x960, 7938_465334583550732_1607100703_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kokoro is still the best new touhou

>> No.11305592
File: 153 KB, 1024x837, 1376276978624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can you guys possibly hate Shinmyoumaru?
Best hat since Eiki's hands down everyone else leave.
The only character you're allowed to not like is Yatsuhashi because her design is unusually bland.

>> No.11305602

She's an emo-looking version of Alice

>> No.11305599

Danmaku is not a "battle." It's a sport.

>> No.11305603

>The little winged girls you think are "fairies" are actually called brownies.

So that's what flys out of my ass and onto the floor every morning.

>> No.11305608

So people solve things with sport? So It's kinda like Yu-Gi-Oh?

>> No.11305617

Sports are generally physical activities.

>> No.11305649

loli master race!

>> No.11305651

I play chess and my mum says it's a sport, nerd.

>> No.11305653

No, I want them to fight for real so maybe there'd be a 2hu that got killed.

>> No.11305655
File: 192 KB, 500x334, canon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, not okay. I'm right. That's the truth. End of the debate.

Spellcard rules are cannonically first used in Scarlet Mist Incident. That means PC-98 are free of that pesky ridicule sport. In PC-98, when they launch lasers and nuclear rockets to each other, they actually are launching lasers and nuclear rockets to each other.

That's a part of what made PC-98 gritter. With the style of the games, the ambiance, the characters, the interactions, and everything else really.

>> No.11305656

That is one ugly shirt.

>> No.11305659

Anyone disappointed that she's not Raijin or god of thunder but instead another Tsukumogami?

>> No.11305658

But even then, no one ever died.

>> No.11305661


>> No.11305677

People don't usually cry when they are dead. Or lead you to the next area.

>> No.11305713

And so what's the excuse for adding danmaku rules? He could just made it people beat each other with magic but no one are evil enough to kill each other, but they still could threat their lives for adding suspense.
in EoSD when Remilia said she will kill Reimu I thought they were fight for real, but nope, they were actually playing sport game and it killed the suspense. There weren't really any life-threatening danger as far as Reimu's adventure goes.

Like I said it'd be much thrilling if there were really characters that really want to kill Reimu for going in their way, but Reimu just beat them up without killing them and then they become friends, instead of just playing harmless sport.

>> No.11305731

Everybody has such bullshit hax powers that if there weren't rules, Gensokyo would be a crater.

I think its even mentioned its there to give the youkai a fair chance against Reimu because otherwise she could just obliterate them and she finds that boring.

>> No.11305732

I think you're not quite getting the main point of zun's setting.

>> No.11305742

Stage 5 to extra touhous are shit. First 4 stages touhous are best touhous of DDC

>> No.11305746

They could just use their magical power instead of their ability, I'm sure they have and like I said they shouldn't be evil enough to outright use their hax ability when they're enganging the opponent. So why just don't make them fight with real magic while actually holding back?

I do get it unless I'm missing something.
I'd say the whole Reimu being hax, Hakurei barrier or whatever the reasons for creating danmaku rules shouldn't be a thing in the first place.

>> No.11305748

No, every DDC except stage six is shit.

>> No.11305754

but Tsukumo sisters are shit.
It's good only until stage 3.

>> No.11305768 [DELETED] 

That's not it. IITC, basically, if Reimu dies, Gensokyo does too. Or something like that.

>> No.11305770

That's not it. IIRC, basically, if Reimu dies, Gensokyo does too. Or something like that

>> No.11305772

>That's a legendary artefact.

That's a legendary misspelling.

>> No.11305778

That's the archaic spelling of artifact.

>> No.11305791
File: 58 KB, 525x350, Miami_Vice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those clothes
>those drums
>so fucking 80's it hurts

>> No.11305801

Tsukumogamis look boring and generic.

Sukuna is cute I guess.

Seija is great.

>> No.11305809


DDC is WORST Touhou

touhou is most definitely declining, at this point he really SHOULD throw Mima and arkonoid in to save the series i'm not even fucking joking

>> No.11305814

Bitch, please, there is a bowl-hat 2hu, how's THAT not silly?

>> No.11305835

I like all of the new Touhous... except the Tsukumos. (Though I really like the stage 4 music) They lacked style compared to the others. Maybe ZUN should have put Sekibanki and the others later.

>> No.11305841

Why people complained about silly hats?
Yuuka, Kaguya, Komachi, Parsee doesn't wear silly hats and they're one of best Touhous.

>> No.11305842

If you flip Sekibanki's head upsidedown, the rest of her is the hat!

>> No.11305862
File: 2.44 MB, 1275x1413, Issun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could also call her a Yonkle.

>> No.11305962

Dude. An Arkanoid Touhou with Mima in it. That's ridiculous, and you should feel bad for having such stupid idea.

>> No.11306073

Fund it!

>> No.11306101
File: 62 KB, 200x353, 200px-Th14Seija.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sukuna a shit
Wakasagihime is meh
Kagerou is alright
Benben and Yatsuhashi are lovely
Raiko is awesome
Sekibanki and Seija are Mai Daughteru tier.

>> No.11306158

Kaguya have a fuckton of official literature to back her up. Like, a fuck ton, what other game got as much official non-game content?

>> No.11306175

Ugly breasts.

>> No.11306185

zun does that to encourage fanarts of them wearing better clothes and putting them in interesting stories

>> No.11306261

Lunarian is ZUN's original that's why he explained it a lot, I guess.

>> No.11306326

need patch that debug the shot type A in lunatic modo

>> No.11306388
File: 122 KB, 410x410, 1288396675568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For all of you crying about how DDC was a "disappointment", you'll go back to sucking ZUN's cock in a month.
This cycle has repeated itself several times already. It happened with TD, UFO, SA, etc. It will happen with DDC

>> No.11306396
File: 1.69 MB, 2170x700, 33055488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shinmyoumaru is the worst final boss so far if you exclude Fairy Wars... Even Sariel and Konngara are way better!
She felt more like an Ex-Boss like Suwako but even at there she'd be one of the worst. Tough new life for a bowlhead-loli...
The rest of the DDC-cast seems alright

>> No.11306412

And still that's not her real name.

>> No.11306427

Like some others, I was kind of hoping for the stage 4-6 and EX bosses to follow along the western monster theme of the mermaid, dullahan and werewolf. But nope. Got some of the most Japanese folklore based girls in the series. I'm not complaining that a game made by a Japenese man contains references to Japanese folklore. Just that I was hoping for a more western mythology theme for the whole game. Their designs are nothing to write home about either except maybe for Seija and Raiko.

>> No.11306441

I remember UFO being welcomed quite positively.

>> No.11306443

To the guys saying it's all his wife's fault:

After all, for this game I have been doing similar tasks repeatedly for a few months,
and it's now leaving my hands. Because I have not told anyone
about the content (not even to my wife),
I feel a bit lonely when it comes to releasing it.

And about the difficulty:
Well, how was the content?
While it looks difficult at first, if you chain patterns well enough, you will gain many lives,
so it's not that hard right?
For people who think "the second half is hard, it's too hard to gain extra lives,"
please use bombs. Use them generously.
The game this time is about collecting lives in stages and ruthlessly battling the bosses.
If you use bombs in places with lots of items, you can collect life pieces easily.
Once you get used to it, it's possible to reach MAX lives in stage 3.
Look, isn't it easy?
Hmm? You want to clear it no miss no bomb? That's quite hellish...

And even about that "shitty" gimmick!:

People who have played it should understand, but the stage 5 boss is a character who actively
does things that people dislike.
Getting irritated in that situation is probably what the boss had imagined.
I think that attack is quite a roadblock so I'll give a hint.
Do not panic or fluster, and instead of pressing all directional keys - up, down, left, right - try dodging with only left and right movement.
I dodge it like that.

>> No.11306446

Forgot to put the source, it's his afterword.

>> No.11306465


Killing Reimu would compromise the barrier. Youkai don't want that but they also want a fair chance of defeating her. So the spellcard duels were created.

Is not that complicated of an issue. I agree with you on part that I want more passion from Youkai and some serious stories would have been fun to play, but it doesn't need to be outside of the world ZUN created. I'm fine with the rules as they are. The actual characters and their weak attitudes is what annoys me. Which is why reading the manga series is getting more entertaining to me story-wise than the games since Kasen and some others actually have serious agendas.

>> No.11306513

You guys are all so full of shit it just ain't funny anymore.

>> No.11306514

Which is an excuse to why, exactly, post PC-98 is all sunshine and happiness.

You're confounding excuse and reason. Zun wanted to stop being 'grim' and wanted to become 'top lel' instead after PC-98. That's the reason for the spellcard rules.

Reimu can't die, so she set the spellcard rules to allow the continuing existence of the Youkai. That's the excuse for the spellcard rules.

>> No.11306535


Reimu didn't set the spellcard rules.

And I don't want the games to be 'grim', I just want things to matter to some youkai. To see some passion. The rules and the setting of the Windows games don't get on the way of that, in fact IN had a plot I was really satisfied with since Eirin and Kaguya had passion and reason for what they were doing and they are amongst one of the most serious characters of the series.

It's vastly different from, say, TD where there was no incident at all and the only thing that happened was a minor side affect to Miko's resurrection. There wasn't an attempt at something major like blocking the Moon or prolonging the Winter.

>> No.11306555

>People who have played it should understand, but the stage 5 boss is a character who actively does things that people dislike.
Oh wow. Is ZUN seriously stepping into the "IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE BAD!!!" territory? What is this, Dark Souls?

>> No.11306560


By your reaction it seems like he hit the spot.

>> No.11306565

But that's the passion behind spellcards, read the Grimoire of Marisa, afterword included, you'll understand the true nature of spellcards and even Gensokyo's iteself.

>> No.11306567

Saying a mechanic is supposed to be bad doesn't justify it being bad. Because it's still bad. Because it's, you know, supposed to be bad. That means it's bad. That means it shouldn't be in the game. Unless your goal was to make a bad game. In which case why the fuck would I play/buy it? It's Spec Ops all over again. Apparently that game was bad on purpose because the devs wanted to "convey a message". Well, I think they were just lazy.

>> No.11306569

You could call it damage control if he would have said that after releasing the game, but he actually made it with that intention, and it looks it worked.

>> No.11306570

You weren't going to buy it anyway.

>I think they were just lazy.
It would have been easier to not include the dumb gimmick, and just double down on the density or speed.

>> No.11306576

The lazy remark was pertaining to Spec Ops devs. Those guys released a bad, rushed game, then tried justifying it by saying it was bad on purpose.

>> No.11306580


You misinterpret him. It's not that the mechanic is bad, the point of including it was to make you feel annoyed/mad because that is the point of the character. To bother others. Fizzling with the players control is an easy way to cause frustration which is why it was chosen, but it isn't inherently bad.

>> No.11306584

But it's not supposed to be "bad", it's supposed to be "frustrating".
And by looking at reactions like yours, well, it does its job. Also other people liked it, and it fits the character reallly well, and what matters the most is that ZUN likes it.
It's not like you bought the game anyway.

>> No.11306586

But that's my point. The reason why it's bad doesn't matter. It might have been intentional or it might have been not. It's still bad. Even more so if it was purposefully made that way. If it's bad, it's bad, no matter why.

>> No.11306589

Yeah, that's just dumb. I'm kind of curious about how they tried to dress it up but don't care enough.

>> No.11306593

Bad =/= annoying/frustrating

It's like having a videogame character mocking the MC at the end.

>> No.11306594


But it's not bad, it's aimed to be frustrating but it isn't bad. Mechanics that messes with players controls have been around for ages in a vast variety of genres and devs are going to keep using it.

>> No.11306595
File: 233 KB, 1280x1024, 1375921291334.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah~, I just want to fuck her in the neck...

>> No.11306596

It's a "commentary on the state of modern video games". It's bad on purpose because most modern games are bad. The message is that modern games are bad and you should feel bad for buying and playing them, but please buy and play our game anyway because it's so deep with its commentary and message even though it's just another bad game.

>> No.11306609

Aside, of course, from the fact that it's not bad.

>> No.11306621

It's pretty bad as far as third person shooters go.

>> No.11306626

So you're saying the devs fucked up?

>> No.11306651
File: 102 KB, 275x430, Th14Benben.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cutest newhu.

>> No.11306672


I, I can see her feet..

>> No.11306697

There's nothing wrong with seeing her feet.

>> No.11306727
File: 76 KB, 278x327, Th14Yatsuhashi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But wait
There's more!

>> No.11307042

keep your sick fetishes condensed:

>> No.11307059

benben a shit

>> No.11307204

ZUN and his semi-transparent skirts

>> No.11307239


shit taste m7

>> No.11308452

Hello Inverted Yuuka with drums

>> No.11309910

Get back to not putting Mima in games, ZUN.

>> No.11309927
File: 1.58 MB, 600x337, 1376556969939.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So did ZUN really drop the beer with DDC or is it good?

>> No.11309940

If we compare it to the masterpieces of PCB and IN then it's shit but otherwise it's just average.

>> No.11309939

It's more exploitable than UFO. I was halfway through with something like six lives and max bombs.

>> No.11309942

It's like you'll either get tons of bombs and shit or you won't get anything based on how risky you play.

>> No.11309985


You EoSD and PCB. IN was shit.

>> No.11310017

EoSD was shit, a huge one, it's only justified because ZUN was starting all over again.

>> No.11310101

You're meant to use those bombs to raise point value. I don't know how well it balances out, but at least you have to capture spellcards this time.

>> No.11310534 [SPOILER] 
File: 957 KB, 831x1074, Image1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dunno, i kinda like the mermaid 2hu.

>> No.11310575
File: 115 KB, 769x478, 1327879087280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>on a mermaid

>> No.11310638

it's magic

>> No.11310701

stand back haters, i like all of the newhous
backwards loli is especially nice with her lewd face!

>> No.11310705
File: 94 KB, 534x389, kisinnjoubare2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Raiko could've been ZUN's chance to have a male (humanoid) boss character.

>> No.11310725

She might be Yumemi`s long lost sister

>> No.11310728
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>believing anyone wants this

>> No.11310732
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>> No.11310741
File: 114 KB, 800x800, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Raiko is great.
Sekibanki is great.
The rest are good, will warmly wait for fanworks as they pile in.

>> No.11310743

How hairy is her anus?

>> No.11310766
File: 567 KB, 513x1500, 37014362_big_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11310827
File: 368 KB, 627x820, 37216710_p4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11310841

I'd like a cute drummer shota to kiss all night long

>> No.11310957

everyone does

>> No.11310960

Kagerou > Sekibanki > Raiko > Wakasagihime > Seija > Shinmyoumaru > Benben > Yatsuhashi.

>> No.11310964

Come to think about it, Raiko's whole deal sounds kind of shady. If I were some abandoned musical instrument and this suspicious-looking businesswoman of a drum spirit approached me with an offer to cut my ties to the Lucky Mallet and gain a totally awesome modern body, I'd probably suspect ending up in some sort of tsukumogami botnet, or waking up in an abandoned hotel room with my strings and tuning keys missing.

Derek, what's the verdict on that bitch?

>> No.11310974

Zun making touhou is shit.
*User was banned for this post*

>> No.11310978

Shit, that's cute, and I don't even like Wacky-in-the-Sack princess.

>> No.11311009

But neither of those are nearwhere as good as MoF or SA

>> No.11311013

Oh my god, that is so adorable
best 2hu

>> No.11311059

Wakasagihime and Shinmyoumaru are my favorites.

>> No.11311097


> Yatsuhashi

Who the fuck? I honestly don't recognize that name.

>> No.11311347

I'll give you MoF, but both those games beat SA in almost every way, except for perhaps being too easy. Which actually doesn't work against them that much.
