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11296217 No.11296217 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else in love with her theme? It gets you pumped up as fuck, and there's how its melody is used in stage 6 and the ending theme as well. Sasuga, ZUN.

>> No.11296236

I find it kinda boring, personally. It's not as catchy as most of the other final boss themes and feels as if it's constantly building up without actually going anywhere.

I'm not sure if I like the direction ZUN's been going since TD. Everything has felt somewhat off. Or maybe I'm just burned out on Touhou.

>> No.11296336

ZUN's gone to shit since he got a wife. She's probably forcing him to make Touhou more "japanesy" and less unique. I mean. Fucking loli with a bowl? Fuck off ZUN's wife. FUCK OFF.

>> No.11296347

Touhou's been Japanese as HELL since, like, Perfect Cherry Blossom.

>> No.11296352

>demo characters are all western themed
>lel no, have your loli with a bowl
Le trickerman ZUN face

>> No.11296397

At least she is a loli. Too many nonloli characters lately.

>> No.11296438

All Touhou games were pure japanese, except EOSD and the entire PC-98 era.

>> No.11296469

>all touhou games were pure japanese, except the ones that weren't.

>> No.11296470
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And people wonder why the quality keeps declining.

>> No.11296471 [DELETED] 

>the entire PC-98 era.

Are you fucking kidding me? You don't remember the loli vampire, the Jewish angel, Alice motherfucking Margatroid? Not to mention two of the characters based on (presumably English/French) characters from SF stories.

I am fuming. 10/10.

>> No.11296477

you do realize she's been working with him since pcb, right? Fuck off with your misguided misogyny.

>> No.11296474

Scratch that, misunderstood.

*cools down*

>> No.11296475

*slaps you*

>> No.11296480 [DELETED] 

learn to read. He said 'EXCEPT"

>> No.11296492

Dear haters.

If don`t like eastern based Touhou, then go back and play EOSD again.

Or play ''The Last Comer'' because all characters were pure western

>> No.11296495

Yep, because those were based on glorious Europe, then the murrica weeaboos bugged ZUN for "muh true japanese folklore" and everything went wrong.
Thanks murribros.

>> No.11296501

Or play The Western Project AKA Seihou it's pretty good and you should play it (I don't get why we never discuss it maybe people just hate CURVY LASERS).

Still I think Touhou should be more of an East-meets-West kind of deal. ZUN said he chose "Team Shanghai Alice" because Shanghai is Eastern but also Western and ZUN supports race mixing which is why he is friends with an American man who may or may not sleep with his wife.

>> No.11296518

I love Seihou but too bad it is so underrated.

Touhou will stop declining if ZUN makes an Angel Touhou and Dragon Touhou that were based on Christian bible.

>> No.11296533

It's too fast paced. My reaction speed isn't that great.

>> No.11296551

As more and more words become epic /a/ memes, soon I'll be speaking japanese as I learn from all of the crossboaders, orz.

>> No.11296809

Yeah, her theme is pretty serious.
But Okuu's theme gets me pumped up more.

And with Milady's theme I feel more like I'm dancing with her~

Better than Miko's anyway.

>> No.11302437

Kimono looks too normal for a 2hu

>> No.11302478

Her theme is really good. Maybe not as good as earlier final bosses (except Miko's) but still very good. Best track in DDC. It reminds bit of Byakuren's cosmic mind.

>> No.11302501

I can't even start the game because I keep getting a "th14.exe has stopped working" error.

What in the name of ZUN is going on?

>> No.11302504

So now that some time has passed, are people finally realizing that DDC music is actually very good? I especially like stage 5, stage 6 and stage 6 boss.

Butthurt over the screen flip may take longer to fade away.

>> No.11302521
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You expect it to lead up to something big for the first 40 seconds, but you just get something that sounds somewhat like a much worse version of the early parts of the final boss music from Bowser's Inside Story for a few more seconds, before it switches to some trumpets again. Then after 1:30 it suddenly becomes more subdued again until after ~2:16 it finally builds up to a good part that stays until it ends at 3:40 and the song starts again.

Overall not that great, but at least it ends on a good note.

>> No.11302544
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Kill me now.

>> No.11302556


>> No.11302837

Bland kimono, stupid bowl hat, retarded items.
Worst 6 boss.

>> No.11302889

the ending theme sounds like true administrator to me, at parts

>> No.11303167

Seija should've been the final boss. She is pretty much the mastermind after all, and I would've loved to see the butthurt caused by a Psycho Mantis-style final boss.

>> No.11303195

Her design isn't fancy enough to be a last boss.

>> No.11303210

Give her the thingamajig floating around Sukuna and voila the magic library

>> No.11303223

I love it too, OP.

>> No.11303248

>there's how its melody is used in stage 6 and the ending theme as well
That was a nice touch indeed. Often stage 6 has the oddball track of the games (Ultimate Truth, Cemetery of Onbashira) but here it foreshadows the boss.

>> No.11304103

Ok what's been bothering me is that how tall is she excatly? Like your average toehoe, really short Gimli style or a smaller than squirrel like in some of the endings?

>> No.11304136

Stage 6 is too hard. Only stage 6 I remember being so hard before was Kaguya's in IN

>> No.11304137
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Superior theme. Really makes you feel like you're fighting some Big Bad.

>> No.11304263 [DELETED] 

reimu B ending has her shown about the size of a teapot

>> No.11304322

That's what makes me confused. Is she normally a very tiny being? People drawing her in a fanart usually depicts her being same size with Seija and so on.
